Monoay.prH 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8altm, Orcfoa 50th Birthday for Woodburn Club . . . 7';; v7 i I Mr;. A. G. Cowan, chairman Woodburn A golden Jub ilee banquet and program cel ebrating the 50th anniversary of the Woodburn Woman's club will be on Wednesday, April 22, at the library club rooms. The banquet will be served at 1 p.m. Mr. A. K. Austin of Wood burn, the only living charter Mrs. R, Anderson president member, will be introduced, and Mrs. Alvah G. Cowan, chairman of the golden jubilee committee, will give a resume of the club's SO-year history Past presidents of the club will be honored and Mrs. Molly MaxfieW Geer of Salem will sing numbers she sang during the club program in 1904. Mrs. A. E. Austin, honored The Invocation will be given by Mrs. J. B. Gay and Mrs. R. L. Anderson, club president, will give the address of wel come .Group singing will be led by Mrs. James Lamb with Mrs. J. W. Richards at the piano, and Mrs. Julius Granner will sing. A number of state and county officers have been Invited to attend. Anniversary Event For Silverton OES Silverton An annual event was the anniversary dinner ' which preceded the meeting of Ramona chapter, Order of East ern Star, last week. Children 01 tne members presented a program of musical numbers and readings. Participating were Gall and Bobby Ragon, Charles and Larry Peron, Janet Larsen, Ann Loe, Roberta Ep eneter, David Leonard and John Sanford. Gifts were presented to mem bers having birthdays in March and April by Mrs. Charles Leonard and E. A. Finley, worthy matron and patron. The chapter anniversary cake was cut by Mrs. George Hubbs, sen ior member. Dining room decorations were planned by Mrs. Ben Sprick, Mrs. Harry Ragon, Mrs. Wilbert Peron and Mrs. Wayne Lovre; Mrs. Lloyd Lar sen arranging the lobby deco rations. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Loe served on the hospitality committee. Received by , affiliation into Ramona chapter was Mrs. El win Hood of Eastgate chapter in Portland. Reports from grand assem bly of Order of Rainbow for Girls were given by Mrs. W. P. Scarth, mother adviser of Ra mona chapter, and E. A. Finley told about DeMolay activities. Mrs. . Lorena Sanders, Mrs. Wayne Lovre, Mrs. Wayne ' Weeks and Mrs. Harrison Fish er told of visits to other chap ters and a report of the worthy matrons and patrons meeting in Brownsville was delivered by Mrs. W. Dale LaMar. Mrs. Thomas Chidsey intro duced her daughter, Mrs. Rob ert McChord of Baker. Ramona club will meet Tues day, May 5, with Mrs. William Woodard, Jr., Mrs. George George Towe and Mrs. Wayne Weeks assisting. At the meet ing of Ramona chapter, April 28, members will be hostess to a group of Masons and their wives. Delegate Named to Pythian Meeting Silverton Mrs. Berger Feneide was named delegate to the district convention of Pythian Sisters at the meeting of Home temple last week. The conference will be in Corvallls on April 30. Thirty members of the temple will attend the meeting, the group to go by chartered bus. New members of Home tem ple are Mrs. Earl Meyer and Mrs. Jack Morton.. Mrs. Meyer and her mother, Mrs. Clarence ( Morley, are one of 12 sets of mother-daughter teams active in Home temple. Others are: Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman and Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr.; Mrs. Josle Hartman and Mrs. Ted Lorenz en; Mrs. Myrtle Stumpf and Mrs. R. E. Borland; Mrs. J. D. Drake and Mrs. T. T. Turner; Mrs. Albert Grinde and Mrs. Lloyd Rizzonelli; Mrs. Marie Hope and Miss Maxine Hope; Mrs. Icebela Scott and Mrs. Lena Hamilton; Mrs. Nettie Noren and Mrs. Richard Nel son; Mrs. Nels Langsev and her two daughters, Misses Bernicc and Wilma Langsev; Mrs. Ed ' Heald and two daughters, Mrs. Delbert Iverson and Mrs. Ber ger Feneide; Mrs. Elizabeth Nicol and Marion Nicol-Zahler. The social and refreshment committee named to serve for the May 7 meeting includes Mrs. Orlo Thompson, Mrs. Ir ene Roubal, Mrs. Ralph Adams and Mrs. Palma Anderson. Camp Fires Elect Salem Heights Mrs. John Dyke was hostess at her home last week to the Otakuye Camp Fire Girls of the sixth grade of the Salem Heights school. New officers elected were: President, Betty Jean Dyke; vice president. Sue Bartlett; secretary, Carolyn Howells; treasurer, Joan Haskins. The group viewed a film sponsored by the Marion county tubercu losis association, Mrs. Ruby Bunnell discussing the film. Attending were Bonnie Jean Xurth, Claudia Weaver, Sue Bartlett, Judy McClellan, Char lotte Ponsford, Joan Haskins, Carolyn Howells, Betty Jean Dyke, Nancy Baker and Sue Zwicker. Guests were Mrs, Kenneth Zwicker, Mrs. John Dyke, Mrs. Rollin Baker, Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Mrsa Lewis Bartlett and Mrs. Louis Kurth. i Hostess to Club Salem Heights Mrs. Wil liam Hall was hostess to the Friendly Neighbors Garden club last week, Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs. Letty Genre and Mrs. William Thomas as sisting. Mrs. Genre was the program chairman. A report on the garden coun cil and spring flower show, to be at the Izaak. Walton club house on May 9 and 10, was given by Mrs. Darlene Coons. Named on the entry committee were Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. Letty Genre, Mrs. Carl Gustaf son and Mrs. Donald Dawson. Appointed on the nominating committee were Mrs. W. J. Hall, Mrs. Letty Genre and Mrs. A. A. Larsen, Plans were made for the Friendly Neigh' bors flower show to be May 7 at the Donald Dawson resi dence. Job's Daughters Visitors escorted to the East at bethel No. 43, Order of Job's Daughters, on Saturday were Miss Patsy Snider, honored queen of bethel No. 35, Miss Barbara Cone, senior princess of bethel No. 35; Mrs. Fred Snider, president of the Moth ers club of bethel No. 43; Mrs. Francis Graham, past guardian treasurer of bethel No. 143, and John Fenix of Richmond, Calif. Philip Yoder, associate guar dian, was selected to be a mem ber of the board of rules and regulations efor the drills to bo given at supreme session to be in Portland in August. It was announced that bethel No. 43 received a third place award instead of honorable mention at the grand session drills' In Portland. Sixty-five attended a kidnap breakfast recently at the home of the senior princess, Nancy Owens. Mr. Robinson is to be the new grandfather of the bethel. He is in the Masonic home at Forest Grove. Jaycee-Ettes Entertained Silverton ' The Silverton Jaycee-Ettes entertained at party Friday evening with In- vited guests from tour other Jaycee-Ette groups, at the American Legion hall. The decorative and program theme was "The Gay Nineties. Mrs. Jim Jones, president, as official hostesses, was as sisted by Mrs. Bob Edgerton and Mrs. Harlan Roth. Serving the 8 o'clock 'dessert supper were Mrs. William Duncan and Mrs. Phil elites. Following the showing of sound "Gay 90 s" pictures by E. R. Elsman, with group sing ing of old-time tunes, the guests played games. , From Dallas Jaycee-Ettes were ib guests; from wood burn, 13, and nine each from Albany and Salem auxiliaries. Sisterhood Event Temple Beth Sholom Sister hood meeting will be Wednes day, April 22, at 8 p.m. in the Temple yestry room. The program chairman, Mrs. Jules Jacobson, has planned a sisterhood forum with mem bership participation. Mrs. Philip Steinbock will be the moderator. At the close of the meeting the song Hatikvoh (Israel's National anthem) will be sung to commemorate the fifth birthday of Israel on April 20. Mrs. Leonard Goldblatt will accompany on the piano. DAR Chapter ' Woodburn -Belle Passi chap ter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, met last week for luncheon at the I home of Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy at Pe- dee, Mrs. Claude Brown assist ing. Guests present were Mrs. Lance White of Oak Lawn, Mrs. Ethel Dodge of Pedee and Mrs,- Kerber of Monmouth. Plans were completed , for the Colonial silver tea to be at the Memorial cabin at Cham- poeg park on May 1 as a bene fit for the Champoeg building program. Members will be in colonial costumes. . 1 The next meeting of the group will be the annual tea for the "good citizenship" girls on May 21 at the home of Mrs. Karl Engelman at Buttevllle. jr- 1 tear wmam tomy You've Never Seen Anything Like It! wen w meaner CUTS OVEN GREASE LIKE MAGIC! If mlmt Just spread oo this noo gsfnmibto, clata-snitUlng "miracle" Mr 'run wlpt off with warm wsttrl One application rnnores ertn black, bvd-craited, "bakad-on" grnnl Works on any kind of even porctlaio-eniniel. Iron, steel. Get Easy -Oft todt?. In. CAs VMSaMSafMUwIltleMmny-tlMJar H CDCC I Handy, Time-Saving U rilLt! Applicator Brush UU Ha nttl mt tm m boy Nt tmwmy-SIlt tt of tny-OS A BJBBS PRODUCT TNI WOLCOTT CO., II WOODLAND II 1 fii Imagine, indelibility in fragrance 1 Helena Rubinstein's creamy-liquid SILKEN PERFUME i in Apple Blossom Time Silken Perfume is a creamy liquid you smooth on to your skin... everywhere. And thanks to a new formula that "locks" ihe fragrance in longer despite contact with air, it remains fresh as new for more hours than you ever dreamed possible! Have it in Apple Blossom Time, Helena Rubinstein's new, lovelier version of America's all-time great fragrance classic. 1.85. Apple Blossom Time also in: Perfume-Cologne, 2.65, 3.85 j Cologne, 1.25, 2.00; Jewelled Purse Perfumctte, 2.00; Swivel Cologne Stick, 1.25; Dusting Powder 1.50, .75; Foam Bath 2.50. All plus tax. Sim allied Capital Drug Store 405 Stoto St. Corner of Liberty Wa Give H,-fC Green Stomps Cut mealtime Costs with thrifty J Ib. (L 'I. Tndr, juicy, full-flovortd Short Rlbt cut from the soma atdM of boaf art our fines ttoakt. Sofoway brings you just tht top grodoi of Botff Voal and Lamb ... carefully aged to ooting perfection. Every cut it guaranteed perfect eating or money back. ' Veal Steaks Shoulder Veal Chops W Veal Breast a lD.69c i: 95c lb. 39c Breast of Lamb Sirloin Steaks Pork Liver ... 29i ,o. 79c . 39c Picnics a. Bologna By the piece Salmon $3-59 ib. 39c Fresh Chinook I teak 69c VALUES IN OUR PRODUCE SECTION WHITE SHAfTER Potatoes Shallow eyes oaT fbt. m0 New Potatoes FLORIDA AH you can bag. Oranges AO Tatar YELLOW DRY Onions 10-lb. sack 35 EVERYDAY VALUES IN OUR GROCERY SECTION Steinfeld's Sauerkraut - -10c Dill Pickles Jttlirltld 12-41. Jsf 22c Lunch Meat - 12 m. im 46c Ham UnaVwiod l'A-i. sin 20c Wesson Oil k. cut 63c Snowdrift Shortening 93c Spry Shortening . .. 93c Breakfast Sausages 41c Chicken Spread Smmm S-U. tM 25c Chicken Fricassee Swiium; 14-11. cm 55c v I I Ika (iml ueroerA.ereai hr mi l-ti. pkf. 17c Gerber Oatmeal Ctful In. 17c Kremel Pie Filling 4;g 8c an . t i. WhH water wiener m 10-11. 25c Karo Syrup Mm: . m t 24c Cheer it Crackers Suiuhlm 4:. kg. 19c Hi-Ho Crackers Jtinihlnt 1-K. ptg. 33c Pie Crust Mix 17-01. pkg. 34c Puss n' Boots (it food S-OLttl 9c Lux Toilet Soap 3"" 35c Lux Toilet Soap 3lto25c Dial Soap 2 25c Deodorml Dial Soap 2" 37c tadorinl Lifebuoy Soap 3' 35c Rinso Soap 29c White King Soap 57c Lux Flakes Mild 12'A-oi. p. 29c Surf Detergent 19-ol pkg. 30c Scotch Cleanser 2 -25c Modess Napkins 2 V 77c CL0R0X CLOTHES BLEACH Quart bottle I KETCHUP HEINZ FAMOUS 27' 14-oi. bottle SHAMPOO DIAL DEODORANT 4-4-0.. Saueeie bottle 0m 3 in 1 Oil, machine, 3-oz. can 23 C WiiardWick 6-01. bottle 39c Aerowax, self polishing, qt. 59c Delrich Margarine, colored to. 27c Zee Toilet Tissue. . . .4 rolls 35 C Comfort Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls 39 c Silk Toilet Tliue. . . .2 rolls 5C Chrffon Toilet Titiue. .2 rolls 27c Zee Facial Tiiua, 400 count 25 C Zee Paper Towels roll 18c Chiffon Paper Napkins, . .40 19c Zee Wax Paper, 125-ft. roll 25 C Prices effective through Wednesday, April 22 No Salai to Deolen