Page I" THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, April 20, 1953 Capital Women. Edited by HABIAN LOWRI FISCHER L. 'Round-Up' For UO Alumni Set Notices are out for the first annual "Round-up" for Salem alumni of University of Ore ton. The event will be a dinner and . program on Wednesday, April 29, at Marion hotel, the no-host dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock, the program at 7:30 o'clock. All alumni, UO par ents and friends are invited. Five faculty members from UO will be here to give talks, the grqup Including Dean Wil liam C. Jones, dean of admin istration; Dean James H. Gil bert, emeritus professor of economics; George Hopkins of the school of .music faculty; Dr. . G. Ebbighausen, asso ciate professor of physics; Len Casanova, football coach. . William H. Hammond, alumni director for Marion county In the UO group, la In charge of the "Round-up." . Box Social to Be On Tuesday Evening A box social Is planned for Tuesday by the Esther Little and Margaret Mead Tri-Y groups, Misses Sharon Howe and Moreen Nelson in charge. Guests will be members of Ar thur Cotton, A. A. Stagg and Claude Kells HI-Y groups who will bid for the lunches, 1 The party will be at the home of Miss Janet Kirk, adviser for Margaret Mead Tri-Y, dancing to follow the social. Mrs. Ron ald Jones, Jr., Is adviser to the Esther Little group. Those at tending will meet in front of the Y for transportation to the ' Kirk home. Girl Scouts Day ' Camp Being Set Up Salem District Girl Scouts day camp is being planned. The camp will be at the same lite as last year Crestwood Acres. It will be June 8-19 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The camp committee, head ad by Mrs. Ivan Curl, is busy reviewing the needs of camp, both in physical aspects and the phase of staff. Applica tions for positions on the camp staff are now being received. All leaders, assistant lead ers, committee members or any interested adults are asked to contact Mrs. Curl at 8-9968. Day camp training will be given after the staff is filled. College Chorus To Sing Here Marylhurst college chorus, assisted by soloists of the Marylhurst music department, will be presented in concert in the . Parrlsh Junior high school auditorium in Salem on Tuesday evening, April 28. The program, scheduled to be gin at 8:15, is being sponsored by St. . Joseph's Catholic church. The Marylhurst chorus of 40 voices will open the pro gram - with choice choral works of the 17th and 18th centuries. Further offerings will Include a group of Ameri cana. Miss Grace Corey of Salem, a Marylhurst sophomore, will be soloist with the chorus, Songs in folk flavor will be sung by the Choralists, a group of nine selected voices, Miss Lou Stears, young composer-pianist, whose opera, "The Twilight Saint," will be sung in Portland during Na tional Music Week, will be the first soloist to appear. She will play Sonata No. 3 of Pro- kofieff. Vocal soloists will be Misses Phyllis : Corliss and Anna Cheng, sopranos. Miss Corliss will sing the popular "Gavotte" from "Manon." Miss Cheng has chosen "One Fine Day" from "Madam Butter fly" for her first Salem ap pearance. Other soloists will be Misses Betty Jean Weber, pianist, and Claire LeMay, vio linist. Tickets for the concert may be obtained at St Joseph's church. ' Party for Judds On Friday Evening Honoring Major and Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, members of Mrs. Judd's bridge club en tertained with a no-host dinner and card party Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd O. Scott. Major Judd recently returned home from Korea for a 30-day leave. In the group at the party were the Judds, Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Donkin, Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nichols, and the Scotts. VISITORS from, Portland over Sunday at the home of Otto 'and Miss Frieda Muell haupt were Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Olson. Miss Croisan, Mr. 'Allen To be Wed This Summer. Surprise news for group of friends attending an informal dinner party Saturday evening was announcement of the en. gagement of Miss Mariann Croisan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Croisan of Sa lem, to Edwin E. Allen, Eu gene, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Allen of Cottage Grove. The dinner was given at the Croisan home for a group of 14. Tiny nosegays were at each place with the announce ment concealed in them. A large nosegay arrangement centered the table. The wedding is planned for the late summer. Miss Croisan has been on the faculty of Salem senior high school for the past three years. She is a graduate of Oregon State college, is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and of Salem Spinsters club. Mr. Allen is a graduate of University of Oregon and its law school. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity and of Phi Beta Kap pa scholastic honorary and of Phi Alpha Delta legal fratern ity. While on the campus he was president of the Associated Students of University of Ore gon, also president of the UO law school student body. He Is now a member of the law firm of Reld, Bartle and Allen in Eugene. Shower for Mrs. Goode Republican Group Meets This Week Several Oregon women will be in Washington, D.C., to take in the conference for re publican women leaders from the 48 states on April 23-24. Miss Bertha E. Adkins, Salis bury, Md., assistant . to the chairman of the republican national committee, in charge of women's activities, heads the organization for the plan ning of the conference. President Dwlght D. Eisen hower and cabinet and con gressional spokesmen will be on the program. Delegates from Oregon in clude Mrs. Marshall Cornett, Klamath Falls, republican na tional commltteewoman from Oregon; Mrs. James W. Mott, Salem, vice-chairman of the republican state central com mittee '(who will be unable to attend), and 18 other women from all parts of the state. DANCING followed the no- host dinner for the Encamp ment and Ladies Encampment auxiliary Friday evening. A refreshment committee was named for the May 1 meeting and serving will be Mrs. Charley Neubauer, Mrs. Hazel Glbbs and Mrs. Laura Stockton. INVITATIONS are out for a May day coffee lor which Mrs. William H. Hammond and Mrs. Garlen Simpson are to entertain on Friday, May 1, at the Hammond residence on Falrmount Hill. 1 SAVE.. BUY s200 Tablets 79 Trinity Chapter Escorted to the east at Trln ity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Friday evening were Rex Hartley, past grand patron; Herman Johnston, grand senti nel; and Mrs. Rex Hartley, representative to the province of Ontario. Visiting matrons and pa irons present for friendship night activities included Mr. and Mrs. Karl.Wipper of Vic toria chapter, Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Gall Wegenroth of Ever green chapter, Woodburn; Mrs. Mildred Thurston and Er- wln Wright of Euclid chap ter, Jefferson; Mrs. Paul Grie- benow and Paul Bramble of Chadwlck chapter, Salem; Mrs. Eire Crowell of Willamette chapter, Shedd. - Mrs. H. D. Kortemeyer made arrangements for refresh ments, Mrs. Robert Pattison. Mrs. Norman Shaw, Mrs. N. Edward Shaw, , Mr. and Mr William Ensinger and Guy Newgent assisting. Social afternoon club of Trinity chapter will meet on Friday with Mrs. Harold Lamb, 885 Forest Hilli way, at 1 o clock. MAJOR WILLIAM M. SAN- FORD was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sanford, over the week-end. Major Sanford returned early in March from a tour duty of 31 months in Japan with the air force S14th T.C.G.M. He is now stationed at Moses Lake air base in Washington. A shower was given recent ly at the borne of Herbert Hansen, Jr., on Duncan avenue in honor of Mrs. Wayne Goode (Bonnie Stoller). Those as sisting Mrs. Hansen were Mrs. Jerry Archer, Mrs. Rob ert Gwynn and Mr. Will Han sen. . Guests present were Mes- dames Reese John, Elton Smith, Donald Jaquet, Robert Llerraan, Jesse Walter, Osee Burgess, William Hulst, Cecil Howe, Dale Howe, Herbert Hansen, Sr., Laddie Kurcea, Helen Emmert, Lois Peterson, Fred Ortman, Davis Williams, Alma Williams, James Goode, Emory Goode, Earl Page, Phil lip McHarness, Paul Barham, Russell Proudflt, Will Legg, Misses Mary Rich, Yvonne Goode, Joanne Walter, Maryln Herring, Genevlenne Smith, Nellie Howe, Jackie Bretz, Betty Batter, Elaine Black well. Student Recital This Monday Evening Oregon Music Teachers assoc iation of Salem will present the April recital Monday at 7:45 p.m. at the Stone Piano com pany. Pupils to be presented are Linda Bates, Susan Bennett, Douglas Simmons, Sharon Carr, Ann Haworth, Jean Haworth, Loree King, Shirley Plerpont, Carolyn Adams, Celeste Hen nies, Deanna Parsons, Julette Sather, Nancy Teague, Judy Deacon, Mary Ellen McClery, Judy Barry, Kay Bergland. Teachers presenting pupils are Lois Plummer Schmidt, Gladys Blue, Mrs. Mary Ktely, Mrs. Margaret Rawlins, Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Miss Margaret Hogg, Mrs. Leila Lee, Mrs. Ber- niece M. East, Mrs. P. F. Thom as, Mrs. Jack Morrison, Mrs. E. Donald Jessop, Miss Ruth Bedford, Mrs. David Eason, Charles Hargrave, Mrs. Fern Craven, Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich. MEETING Wednesday eve ning will be the newly organ ized chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority, at the home of Mrs. Neil Boehmer, the meet ing to be at 8 o'clock. irin)S Dr. Scholl'i Zino- Sada not only ra v Dain in a ,iffy...rjmov corns on of the faateat wava knows to mad teal aciancd but alao atm mm befor they can darelopl Gat bos todayt Miss I vie Party Feted Honoring Miss Darlene Ivie, bride-elect of Ivan Wells, a party and shower were given Thursday evening by Mrs. Zeta Knlttle at her home. A group of 40 friends attend ed the shower and party. Miss Ivle and Mr. Wells are to be married on June 28, the ceremony to be solemnized In the 1 F i r s t Congregational church. The bride-elect is the daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Ivie and Mr. Wells is the son of Mr. and' Mrs. Vern Wells. Amaranth Event Prizes were awarded for the most unusual costumes at the hard times party given by Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth, Saturday evening. Cummings Reld won first place, runners-up being Mrs. Frank Bishop, Mrs. Ed Owen and Miss Shirley Reid. 7 ' K -' - ! L h As t cram 13, , W, 15. . 'J . As liquid 5, CVCHCf CCHCC Because It helps compensate for the moisture time has taken away, Reveneacencc has been chosen by whoae akin 1 now soft, smooth and dewy-fresh as the one essential preparation In their beauty routine. How flatteringly make-up glows over it all the day long. (All prices plus tax) nJiuJi ) yosrVs ofl-(n tod tint 9V4 to II A A RARE TREAT ONLY ONCE THIS YEAR owr fiitail world-famous, Parts fashion nylons 1 so fattosicoMy 4aer, yat amazingly wall wearing.., ARE SPECIALLY REDUCED IN PRICE One Week Only! for your wider acquaintance with the mosf glamorous and beacrfiruf stockings found oaywhwt $180 1 Ml 10 ' $1 r i 'iiiv v si. mrnmn I iV r I more I than a girdle MR IOX Of THRU 60 THE PAIR RfGUlARtr SOID AT 12.00 TNI MIR FOR MRFCCT FIT AND COMFORT CHOOSE YOUR EXACT LEO LENOTH OfOOSo'rWul (-) you'n Unf-ia foot sins 8 to 0 CfcooM M I yVe fypkol-ln foot tins 8H to H Cfcoos fJ yoaiV (oil -in foot tint 9V, to II 33 YEARS IN SALEM MILLER'S CELEBRATE WITH FAMOUS BRAND BARGAINS! STORE WIDE! FAMOUS FOR FASHION THIS . . . 15 Denier ... 60 Gauge Schiaparelli Nylon Stocking Comes in New Shades: . . . HONEY BLOSSOM . . . DEFINITELY NEUTRAL . . . SUGAR 'N' SPICE . . . GREY FINESSE All Mall and Telephone Orders Filled Promptly Play Magic-Controller With new non-roll top and hidden power panels, it slims and supports you as Nature intended! r . I, .it, it 1 l mm n IfflVQ A rainforcad adjustable garters Extra-large size, $8.95 TwMiy-tattMhig latM "Rngtr" f jmir own body nutcltt. i . J ft i 1 V If f , - X Sm Kew lh bonaltu non-roll lop M ffc lotM irflrM pt nv(eftly ml(JoJ n WmI tosrlvrod lotM fsjrfoce) rtM. Mogk-CantrslUr Is as CMitortoblt fti yewr own iktn. Here at last Is natural figure control, resilient control without a seam, stitch, bone or stay A waist-controlling non-roll top, that siaya up . . , tummy-flattening latex ' "finger" panels that assist the gentle Mft of your own body muscles. It's figure-moulded of fabric-lined latex, with hidden power control panels that echo Nature's own slimming action . . . revitalises your proportions, your posture, your pride Wait till you put it on-you'll think you've lost a fuU size (and more than a Yew years)