i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, April 20, 1953 JntfoeWaliey Edited by MIKE FORBES Sublimity , Sublimity The St. Boniface High Parents association has selected Wednesday, April 19, as the date lor the annual ath' letic banquet to be given in the parish gym. y Mrs. Emma Doerfltr 1 U spending, the week with her sister, Mrs. Josie Barr, at Mt Angel. '".. . ' V Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hasa ' ler visited relatives at Battle ground, Wash., Wednesday. A group of nine girls and ten boys received their first holy communion at 8 a.m. serv Ices Sunday. A, . ,..,;.! Members of the class were: Judy Fronk, Charlotte Welz, Susan Ingle, Deanna Bradley. ; Rosanna Butler, . Constance Llndeman, Margaret Itmmer- man, Beverly Mlnten, Marcla umbrecht, Donald Locke, Donald Heuberger, Jerry Kb ner, David Heuberger, Orvllle , Mioute, Raymond Toepfer, . James Neal, Gary Mackle, Don' aid woite and John peters. The Sublimity Womaa's dub held the last meeting of . tne season at the Home of Mrs, Katharine Toepfer. Mrs. Rose Rieaterer won first prize at cards and Mrs. Rose Becker .won the special gift. " ' Election of officers was held with Mrs. Rose .Rieiterer be ing selected as president; Mrs. Angellne Hauler, vice presi dent, and Mrs. Margaret Hilf- , man, secretary-treasurer. V A picnic la planned for the third Sunday In May. ; ; . Mr. and Mrs. Andy Klnti were bosts Tuesday evening to family birthday dinner hon oring their daughter, Mrs. Rob . ert (Maxlne) Borjt and son, Gilbert Klntz, Mr. and Mrs, John Klntz and daughter and Professional New York Comedy Robert Borst were other mam' bers present. i aiibert . Klntz. USN. left Wednesday for Seattle, thence to San Diego, where the next three months will bo spent on various cruises. Mr. and Mrs. B. cole and family of Mill City were Sun- day guests at the Carl Podrab- tky home. . . . A large claw of Junior Girl Foresters took part in lnltla tion and Installation cereratm les at the C.F. hall recently. The ritualistic work was un der the direction of Field Rep, resentativa Mrs. Angellne Han ler, Chief .Ranger Margaret Laux and Juvenile Director Aurallo Podrabsky, assisted by five girls recently advanced from juvenile to adult mem' bershlp in the court.' , The grade school Mother's club held a meeting Monday evening. An assignment of sewing for Stayton's Santiam Memorial hospital has been '.completed under the direction of Mrs, Clara Frank, assisted by Mrs, Louise Heuberger, Mrs. Grace Ditter, Mrs. Ted Peters and Mrs. Ollva Heuberger. Going from here for the In' itiation ceremonies and ban quet of the Catholic Order of Foresters at Verboort last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Minden, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf, ev. Robert O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rieiterer, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert J. Ditter, Mary jean Ditter, Jo. J. Min den. Hubert Meyerhoefer. A, J. Schrewe and Ed Hassler. ' Woodburn Jenny Kissed file" Coming to Salem Tonight SALEM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 8 P.M. Sponsored by 10-30 Club Tickets on sale " at tho Door , Woodbum Mr. end Mrs, Harvey Roberts. ' Duwyane. -nyins ana Marilyn, left Fri day in their car for Douglas. N, D., where they were called by tne serious illness of Mr. Rob erts' father. Miss Sandra Richards of Portland was a week end guest of her cousin. Miss Karen Mag- nuson, and returned to Port land Sunday with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richards, who were guests at tne Richards home in Portland at a birthday dinner for their son, Norman Richards. Airman 3c and Mrs. Merle Henn left recently by car for Wichita, Kan., where he is sta tioned with the air force. He spent a few days in Woodbum visiting Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Lester Henn, and other relatives before returning to duty. -. Major and Mrs. Edwin Nel son and daughter, Shirley Anne, lext last week lor Maine where Major Nelson will report for duty April 37. They have been visiting in Woodbum with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Herbert Nelson and other relatives fol lowing their return by boat to the United States from Ger many where he has been sta tioned for the past three and one-half years. Mrs. Charles Spear of Coos Bay was a guest during the week of her mother, Mrs. Blaine McCord. , . Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Byers of Woodbum are parents of a son Dora Monday, April 13, at the Salem Memorial hospital. Mrs. Mayme Clarke who has spent the past three months In Woodburn at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pickering, has returned to make her home In Salem. Lyons Lyons Mrs. Elmer Taylor was hostess for the meeting of the Home Economics club of the Santiam Valley Grange with the meeting held at her home Tuesday afternoon. ... . Plans were made and dis cussed for the annual harvest festival and bataar, which is held in the fall. , Present for the meeting were Mesdames Virgil Rogers, Wil son Stevens. Albert Bass, Floyd Bassett, Ed Taylor, Giles Wag ner, Leo Russell, Jerry Coff man, and the hostess, Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley West are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a daughter, born Sunday at the Santiam Memorial hospital in Stayton, The child has been named Judy Kathleen and has three sisters. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ethridge and family left Tuesday for Texas where they will visit with relatives. Ethridge is agent at the Southern Pacific depot and is replaced by Harold Fife, a relief man from Albany. Zona Slscho and Hazel Lew is, members of Faith Rebekah lodge, attended a meeting held in Sclo Tuesday afternoon to help make plans with other of ficers for the district conven tion, which will be held In Sclo. Alta Bodeker, who will be left supporter to vice chair man, was unable to attend. Zona will be inside guardian and Hasel left supporter to the chairman; Leatha Sommers of Sclo will be the chairman. The Wednesday afternoon card club met at the Rebekah hall with Mrs. Bob Free as hostess. A 1:30 dessert lunch eon preceded the playing of several tables of 500. Mrs. Herman Free held the high score; Mrs. Vern Nydegger, second high; Mrs. Orvllle Downing, low,' and Mrs. Oscar Naue won the traveling prize. Present were Mesdames Os car Naue, Orvllle Downing, Al bert Bass, Herman Free, An drew Seig, George Huffman, Kenneth Helemn, Sam Bridges, Vern Nydegger, Earl Allen, Henry Holzfuss, Pat Lyons, Bert Lyons, Joe Johnson, Ches ter Roy, Mrs. Inez Ring and the hostess, Mrs. Free. . . Mumps, measles, flu and chicken pox have hit the Man Linn school with epidemic force. Thursday, April 18, 23 per cent of the pupils were ab sent. It also has struck some of the teaching staff as well es the pupils. Some of the adults of the community have been suffering with mumps, taken from the children. . There will be no school Mon day, due to the spring county- wide work shop held in Al bany. Each teacher received a card telling when to be present. Prom Held by ? Dayton High ' DaytonOne of the high lights in any high school year is the junior-senior prom. The event took place Monday evening, April 13, at the Orien tal Gardens at McMinnvllle for the juniors, seniors and faculty of the Dayton union high school. Jean Crawley sang "China town." Ruby Clark gave the Invocation; Roy Rowland, jun ior class president, spoke a few words of welcome and the re sponse was given by Bill Mich ael, senior class president. The class adviser is Harold L. Lewis. The general chairman was Donna Walthers, assisted by Diane Flanlgan, LaVonne Fin nicum, Joyce Delbel and a very eager junior class. Music of the occasion was furnished by the Bruce Patton band of Linf ield college. Danc ing was also en enjoyable part of the prom. There were 02 present, in cluding the faculty, wives and husbands, for the banquet and evening. , Amity Woodburn Plant Wins Tax Write-off Woodbum A certificate of necessity has been granted to the Terminal Ice and Cold Storage company Of Woodbum by the Office of Defense Mo bilization, it was disclosed Sat urday. The certification allows a 85 per cent tax write-off for fa, duties which would cost an es tlmated $388,525. 30 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE SEEN ICE FOLLIES! all-new 17th edition! DON'T MISS IT! Now an Amity The Amity grade school has announced the date of May day exercises for May 8. Members of the court are: Queen,' Arietta Gusa; prime minister, David . Dodge; prin cess, Frances Massey; escort, Gary Pederson; princess, Char 11a Reed; escort, Lowell Mur dock; princess, Sharon Coch ran; escort, Stanley Ellenber- ger. . - Mrs. Amber Wood hu been at the home of her parents for the past month. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Valet are announcing the arrival of a son, Robert Jeffrey, born April 12 at McMinnvllle hos pital. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. There are two older children, a boy and a 'girl. The Interior of the Amity post office is being redecorat ed. The building is owned by Mrs. H. J. Richter. The senior class play, "Pro fessor, How Could You?" is I scheduled for May 1. It will climax the annual May day j reie. . v . . Some 600,000 acres of U. S. Indian lands were under oil' and gas leases In 1952. Aumsville CD. Aumsville The Aumsville PTA elected officers at its last regular meeting. Elected were: President. Mrs. Ivan Elam; vice president, Mrs. Leonard Lee; secretary. Mrs. Ernest Pyell, and treasurer, Mrs. Girod. ' The sixth grade won the room ' count for having the. most par ents present. They have won the most times and they will receive a field trip picnic. On April 20 the 4-H clubs wilt hold achievement night in the grade school gym. There will be exhibits of the various projects and a style show. The Aumsville Home Exten sion unit met recently at the home of Mrs. Helen Wright In Salem. The project was "Be coming a 'Good Buyer." The group will sponsor sev eral kidnap breakfasts ss their fund-raising project. Officers elected were: Chslr- man, Mrs. Rita Tietze; vice chairman, Mrs. Sally Simpson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Helen Fowler. - On April 27 the unit will sponsor several reels of films. to be shown by Ruby Bunnell at the grade school gym. The public Is invited. , Pratum TMs Cwse etiMl Melt Today tree. !30 P.M. MUnei Sat. : P.M. Son. 1:M Sill pm Ne Sun. Ere. Show,. " ! roilles 1 Ml Mali Oreto Application I PORTLAND ARENA, N.W. 20th and MARSHALL ) tnchHed h check O Meeey eretf tor .1 M sviem urn Me.- $3.60 $3.00 J2.S0 $1.50, Tn loci. tr. Mai. O IH choke eate . . 7nd Hume Pratum The last meeting of Pratum Community club was held at the schoolhouse Friday night. The main business of the evening was election of offi cers. Ray Lilly was reelected president; vice-president. Hen ry Beutler; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Dave Ramseyer, Jr. Program committee mem bers were Mrs. Dave Ramsey er, Jr., Mrs. Albert Schurrer, and Willis Goebel. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Albert Gerlg, Mrs. Joe Slater and Henry Beutler. Graduation program will be Monday, May 25, at 8 p.nf SNEAK PREVUE TONITE 8:45 P.M.! , 1 AT THE ' ELSINORE ' (THIS IS A BKS ONE) 1 1 phoni a-srts Donald O'Connor Vera-Ellen In Technicolor "Coll Me Modem" ' SNEAK PREVUE AT 8:45 P.M. PHOM i Barbara Stanwyck . Barry Bulltran "JEOPARDY" Frances Lansford "I'LL REACH A STAR FOR PHONI S.S4ST Bine Cro.bjr Bob Hope In Technicolor . "ROAD TO BALI" Rock Hudion In Technicolor 'LAWLESS BREED" pnoNs s-sm Triiiie Treat! Bobby Breen "HAWAII CALLS" e Irene Dare "FROLICS ON ICE" Bobby Breen "Happened In New Orleans'' ir5CT- IaaJ--J , I AeVma. cay " Mocm enctaM stamped seH aaeVott ! mtoIooo. SCJ-4-ao Now Shewing Open 1:45 Clifton Webb Debra Fagot "Stars and Stripes Forever' and "FARGO" Bill Elliott DRIVEJNTHEATRf tUAvi 9.7A2QI i wsnn M1DINL NI6HW1T ff I GATES OPEN 7:00 SHOW AT 7:tS END 8 Tl'ESPAY! In Technicolor -STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER" Clillon Webb Plus In Technipolnr "HURRICANE SMITH" ironne Df Carlo Scoffs Mills Scotts Mills The regular PTA meeting was held at the school house Thursday eve ning. After the business meet big Mr. and Mrs. Alf O.Nelson, of Sllverton, entertained with a talk by Mr. Nelson about their trip and visit in Europe last September, and showed pictures made during their journey. 1 i ' Officers elected for the com ing school yeer were: Jack Taylor, president; MablcCulp, vice president; Sylvia Shllts, secretary; Stella Fink, treasur er. .. : , ' Refreshments were served after the meeting. Ivan Smith returned home from his trip to Detroit, Mich., where he purchased a new car, which he drove on the return trip. Edwin Smith, of Portland, nephew of Mrs. Margareath Fry, recently visited at the Fry home. Erma Lea Broyles, who at tends the Molalla high school, won the team reporter gold certificate and a ballpoint pen from the Sam Hayes broadcast. Mrs. Margareath Fry and Miss Doris Immonen were din ner guests et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson Wed. nesday evening. Relatives and , friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heine came to their home Sunday af ternoon during open house to celebrate the Helm 60th wed ding anniversary. Macleay Macleay Sharon and Ger ald Moore, who have been ill for several months with rheu matic fever, are being tutored at their home by Mrs. Tom Burton. Mrs. Burton, before her mar riage waa a Marlon county grade school teacher. Harry Martin, Sr., Is having his house reshlngled. Farmers are busy sowing spring grain. Stayton Stayton The Girl Scout of Stayton, and their leaders are looking forward to the "Fly Up" ceremony, to be held April 30. The "Fly Up" is the promotion from a Brownie to a Girl Scout. , Troops will be invited from Mill City, Lyons and Stayton. Camn pictures will be shown during the program. Mrs. Angue Ware invited tne mothers of the girls who will tow in th oeremonv. in for coffee on Wednesday to discuss refreshments ana entertain ment. Guests Included Mrs. Clif ford Likes, chairman of the re freshment committee; ; Mrs. Monty Morris, Mrs. Wallace Humphreys, Mrs. Harold Wod tly, Mrs. Carl Showers, Mrs. John McMahan, Mrs. Rex Kim sey. - Mrs. Marvin Reed held a special meeting on Wednesday for the leaders of the Scout" troops, to complete final plansj lor" the "Fly Up'! program.! Those present were Mrs. Rich-J rd Scheutx, Mrs. V. D. Bryj ant; Mrs. Arthur Corbett, Mrs. Harold Weaver, -and the hosM ess, Mrs. Marvin Reed. Talbot Talbot Mrs. Charles Meierj was taken to an Albany hos- pltal Monday morning follows ing a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freeman! had as week-end guests for the! opening of the trout season,) Mr. and Mrs. Kent Freeman of J Portland, and Mr. and Mrs.i Charles Freeman and daugh-j ter, Loletta, of Kelso, Wash. , A. R. Bllnston, who has been', seriously ill with a heart ail-i ment at the Memorial hospital in Salem, It slowly improving.: ; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bel.J knap spent several days salmon fishing lsst week near Port- land. Mr. Belknap caughti three salmon. ! 1288 State St Phone 3-6489 HELD OVER FOR THE THIRD WEEK V A COLOSSAL At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford 'oasft Arm CutsBlade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Steak JuS Round T-Bone Rib Steaks FRESH ONMJND 'LR 35' Fresh Ground . LEAN SM1T RIBS ; W MM BEEF CUiES W wmai NEW YORK CUT ROAST or STEAK . TENDER LOIN 89' fRESH KEF Hearts and Tongues u 2) M HMD VMlMft Wm Fully Dressed rLunr ivuiiv iiliij and Drawn - lb. 49' m mam ieef mw. Best selection of Poney Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don'r foil to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. Half or Whole Pound Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter Pound y. S. GOOB i HALF or WHOLE POUND 37 FRONT QUARTER POUND 3 312C HIND QUARTER POUND,