Ptfl It Bridge Game IT oiled Cinch ' Contract brides is cinch I ICCOrdlnff to Sam Gordon. th kibitzer, who will be here for series 01 contract bridge lesson-lectures Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday ot this week. He will appear in Columbus hall, North Cottage and Ship Dins and it inonaorcd hv tha Knights of Columbui and the vainoue ureter of Forresters. He aays the only aim of the partners in a brldsa nmi la to tell each other how many tricks they expect to take; and what is their best trump suit, U any; and that's all. And - to give . that Information, I player need not be a civil engi neer, a statistician and clairvoyant. All they need is to learn the lew oasic rules to play an ae eetpable bridge same. His method of counting tricks Is the natural way any player would use if he were not confujed hv ton mirv aua- gestions. You merely total up your aces, Kings, queens, ana the tricks you expect to trump. All other departments of the game are treated in tne same rem or simplicity. Recognition of Jersey Herd Three' registered Jersey Cows in the Westwood Jersey Tarm herd, owned by H. Mlk- aeison ana son, - Koute i, Woodburn, have received spe cial recognition lor tneir out standing . production records made on Herd Improvement Registry test. ', The cows and their official records are as follows: West wood . Lad Empress, 9,805 pounds milk with 652 pounds , butterfat at the age of 3 years and 8 months: Westwood Lad Cleo, 8,434 pounds milk con taining 484 pounds butterfat at the age of 8 years; and Westwood Lad Poppy, 8,487 pounds milk containing 540 pounds butterfat at the age of a years. '" In terms of nrndueiinn rmo ords made at a mature age of 6 years on a twice-daiiy-miik-ing, 305-day basis, these rec ords all exceed 550 pounds, butterfat. The official tests rwere made under the inner. vision of Oreffnn State rnlletfe for The American Jersey Cat tle club, Columbui, Ohio. Snow and Cold Pay Return Visit fo East Liberty Libertv Hawaii h. theme for tha Cub Pacv is Liberty Wednesday evening at tun vub racjt meeting at tne hall. ,. . Den S, with Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh den mother, led in tne nag salute. Skits on Hawaii with costume were pre sented bv den 7. with Un rA Holden den mother, and den 10. With Mrs. Howard Nlrhnli den mother. - - Cubmaster Walter Schendel presented tne awards, with the bobcat pin to Douglas Bennett, wolf awards to Terrv Nlhn1 George Morrison, Daniel Bon- ugoiiai ana uary Miner, wolf gold and silver arrow to Terry Nichols, bear badge and bear goia arrow to Duncan Clark, uon goia arrow to Donald KnePDer. Dennis Risen r. celved his two-year service pin. ui. wis war snowed mov leg on Africa. The BTOun ia workinff nn the ticket sales for the Boy Scout circus to be neid on May 8 at Waters Field. Assisting the cubmaster were Mervin See- ser and Jack Miachke. imlil. ani ' scoutmasters. Libartv-Salem H.lnht. in coming a good buyer was the moitct nreaented m tne erty-Salem Heights home ex tension unit , xnursaay after noon at the Salem Height community hall. : Mrs. Orvllla Savmond MA. ducted the business meeting! ana jars, jonn Douglas report- ea on Azalea House. New officers elected ware- Mrs. Harvev Willnrri .hair. man; Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, vice chairman, and Mn. Hum ounaeriana, secretary-treasurer. Pauline Schanlnwsirv Mor ion county demonstatlon agent, presented tne project. Mrs. Harvev WUlarri rennrt. ea on ine nomemaiceri feiHvni April 21. when the project will dc luncuonu nouse dresses. uuests were Mrs. A. r. a. ham, Mrs. Walter Klotz, Mrs. Ray Barker. Ms. Oscar PhllHn and Mrs. W. B. Keeney of flob- " S Dallas Prut) ' Winter made a strong come' back today as special snow and told wave warnings were is sued for parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and New York and high winds awept tha Southwest. Snow started falling ' in Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio and weattfer forecasters said It would continue to pile up during tha day and Into tonight , ' The unseasonable oold snap was caused by a mass of cold Canadian air moving south eastward out of the Dakotas. It was also expected to force down temperatures in the Mid west, where the weather was already chilly. Hazel Green Hazel Green The Hazel Green Boy Scouts and the Cub Scouts met at the Hazel Green schoolhouse Monday night. The special occasion for both groups to meet was an inspec tion of uniforms. Following this there were refreshments. The Labish Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Ruby Gar ner to hold the April meeting. They presented one of their members, Mrs. C. F. Doane, with a gift, as she is leaving this community and moving to - Salem. The next meeting will be in May at Mrs. H. Olm holt's home. . Roy Vlbbert has purchased the C. F. Doane residence and plans to move in a short time. The C. F. Doanes have found residence In Salem. In the deep south of the United States, the presence of robins shows that winter has arrived. ' PATIENTS IMPROVE ' Silverton Official nn.i. Friday from two surgery pa tients at the Silverton Wnit-1 are that Mrs. Victor Howard is making satisfactory improve ment, and that Mrs. Emma Da vis, 87 years of ass. ia "hnlrilno her own." Mrs. DavL is under treatment for a fractured hip. APPLIANCE REPAIR Call ae for prompt and expert - ' work en all appliance Mayas Appliance Repair Phone 4-M11 MB Slate ft Fir UNITEDS MAINLINE AIRWAY St55A.M.;l:15P.NL and 7:30 P.M. PORTLAND . . aomln. MATTU .... is4hrs. IwHikMnd Malnllnm Uav at 10:10 A.M.; 4:35 P. M, d 8:00 P.M. MIDFORD . . : . 1hrs. IAN ntANCIKO 44 hrs. IOS ANOIUS . 7V hrs Airport Taralnal. Coll 1-235 ar on evthoriiod travel egnr. QJJnifcd CSQ. UN OS COMPASS IMS Af AND rouu oo ir ai no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Prcc-to-loco THE CLEAN FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONI 3-8862 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, April 20, 1958 sv gag ANNIVERSARY FREE PARKING S. Com't. and Ferry or S. High and Ferry. Streets in Downtown . Solent ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY! NO SECONDS EVER- 160 N. LIBERTY, SALEM, ORE. MYLOM81 a. mm jPENNEY'S OWNl " 7'- NO IRONING! 4Ck IS Hi 1 Airy, bubbly sheeh-mede for Penney' Anniversary 1 Slightly more opaque than, usual it comes in 11 glorious I colors perfect for blouses, curtains, formal and kiddie ' clothe. Hurry 1 363? inches. MEZZANINE ANNIVERSARY BUY! RAYON FAILLE DUSTERS Beautifully simple an occasion coat of ray on faille . . . eonnt on it as your wardrobe mainstay, t h r o n h sprinr and summer! Choose yours from our wide selection in black, navy, er pas tels. 81ies8-20. : Second Floor ij 'p MYLON 'A TRICOT SLIPS i r. 'fTremendoos Penney value! Shadow proof, these slipV Iteanties are of 40-denier nylon tricot knit, frosted with 1 rayon embroidered nylon sheer and nylon and , acetate chantilly-like lace.1 Fink or white, 32 to 40. MAIN FLOOR TERRIFIC SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! SHOP NOW AND SAVE! Anniversary Feature Ironing Board Pad and Cover E88 Fits all standard 54" iron ing boards! Pad of heavy, waffle knit cotton. Two drawstring covers for snug fit! Sanforized for perfect fit. MEZZANINE ANNIVERSARY FEATURE! (MINED RAYON SHORTIES Beautiful rayon sheen gab ardine shorties you'll be proud to wear anywhere! Choose yours from red, pink, navy, black, grey, white, gold, aqua, tan. Sizes 10 18. Outstanding value ... SECOND FLOOR W7 COWHIDE LEATHER MEN'S MATCHED SETS Two for the rood! Fine qualify from cowhide leather. Steel frames. doI- ished brass. Steel hardware. Cotton check lining. Two-suiter has two hangers, coat fold, center portion. Two pockets. 24" 2-Suker MAIN FLOOR 20.00 ' 11" Companion SMART STREAMLINED LUGGAGE BUYS Fashionable luggage of plastic leather cloth. Luxuriously lined, has dust rim for snug closing. Set-in locks, metal frame handles. Distinctive stripe de sign. MAIN FLOOR $ 1 iV Weekend Anniversary Feature Crinkle Crepe Pajamas . H88 Solid saving! No-iron, cotton butcher boy pa jamas with exciting neck line treatments.: Pink, blue, maize, 32 to 40. Hurry in, stock up! " -v MAIN FLOOR ANNIVERSARY BUY! NYLON PUSSE y UNIFORMS Mr I 11 I They launder easily, need little or no Iron ing! Styled with octlon back, detachable but tons. White, in sizes 10 - 20.. Outstanding Penney value! Downstairs Store ORG AN ID IES J)jm 42"x81" or 80"x81" . Permanent Finish White or Pastels IO"xU" ...6.00 AZ"xtl" Invitation to a breeze to spend the summer in your home! Airy frills to transform a room Into o garden! 6" ruffles. White, green, rose, maize, blue. DOWNSTAIRS STORE ANNIVERSARY BUY! CRISP COTTON DRESSES Sizes II Ul Crisp, embossed cotton, oh so cool for spring ond sum mer! Hurry In for this out standing Pennev Anniver. sary buy. Mony pastel col ors to choose from, 1-3. SECOND FLOOR STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT Tilt 9 P.M. 0