Monday, April 20, 19S3 DENNIS the MENACE , 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Baltm. Ortgra By Kttcham AUTOMOSILES AUTOMOBILES CROWD VISITS MT. ANGEL PRIMROSE SHOW Mid Willamette Obituaries I WHSWqONNA DO ALL EVENIN'? if CANY READ! For Sol MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR LAMPS, Inc. bowl and shade, 93.98. Woodry. lew Wo. Bummer. n9f " SALBU DIESEL Roller ud bell bearings for trucks did tractors. ST7b Silverton Road n tlKI TO R1COVBR? Smell channel back winf chair, 813,50. Olenn Woodry'i, ' 1808 No. ftumtntr. n94 Gravel and Sand Anything tn travel, wholesale and rttfU. VALLEY SAND GRAVEL COt PH. 1-4008. D FLAT FEN, It.SO. Oil tin Woodrr. H9f rill Westlnghouse tewing machines on all floor samples, hti up to 40. TEATKH APPUANC1 CO., 378 Che- meketa. l it' BEAVT Plata mirror, V price, tit. ltt'xl' Plata, ape. trie. 4' door mir. tore, new 81.48. Thaie are real 17 worm trie money, oiens woodry'i, loos no. summer. nil1 rXASTI-KOTR rcQulrea no waxing. For your noon or linoleum. RATER AP. ' PLIANCS CO. lit Cfcemtkcta. n CEDAR TELEPHONE And electric poles, , fence potts, bean poata and atskes. , PhllUpa Brot., Rt S, Box tel. 1 mllea eaat 01 corners. Pn. 4-1011. n tJSED WEBER Vountalnette with com . preaior. Very food condition. 4 pumps. . syrup Jars, 1 draft armi. Phone 1-IM0. nt" BErRIGEKATORS, NEW and used. ' VEATKA APPLIANCE CO., 1TO Che. meEsin. t)F.ErritEEr.E home treeteri. YEATER - APPLIANCE CO., 376 cbemekete. n ftOBPITAL BED tor aale or rent B. L. . Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 1-tltS. n TOP SOIL River Bill and fill dirt, prompt delivery- Phone 1-1748. n Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANT! Flenot. Pbona 1-1110. na ELECTE1C RANOES. Woodry'i. Ph. 1-1110. na PIANOS WANTED , Vied planoe tn rood condition for Salem churoh and Sunday School. '. OUta of one or more will be accepted ' and recoinlaed. Call 10308. naot LOGS WANTED Stud Mill, tantthi r 4 or tr t. Diameter i" to 18". Sawmill Lfiigthi - 12' and looter. Diameter I" to 60". Top price paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore, Pbona 1125 na PERSONAL a. r rinnt tr-o a KIliMVMnill Clmim Na. r. i. 2088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-37. , PUT AUTOMOBILES BF.AL BUT, 1037 Packard . Very lood condition, tood tires, radio St heater, iltnal llthts. Phone 18085 Q98 7 DE SOTO coupe. Cletus Mlnten. Call 8teyton 3664. no late araiRER ..riin. Radio, heater. New : motor. 150'A Belmont. -79 ll CHEV. 4 door. Radio-heater. Good shape. 11460. H. E. Wldmer, Rt. 1, Bob 530 Salem, call Dayton ItXll. qfi7 tfiia rSTRV. a ilnor. 1600. Phone 2-7171 094 1H1 PONTIAC eedanette, 1150. Terms. Phone 1-4133 days. ' BEAUTIFUL HARD top 151 Packard, orlelnal owner, excellent condition, . low mlleaae. Price 13,000. Box 68. Capital Journal. w 1IM CHEV. DE I t XE 3-tone Poarerlllde . Sport Coupe. 35.000 miles, radio, heat er, back-up lllhts, sltnal llehls, and other extras. tl3,50. By ormnai own er. Cell 3-8840 on April 30th. q84' 1M9 MERCURY Club Coupe. Redlo, bealer dt overdrive. Low mlleeee. tlaa Tr. Tlfwtai,-.. Rt. 3. Box 108. Turner. Ore. 096 40 NASH 4-door, eood condition, food tires. 640 So. summer. 111 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. (30 eKInffwood Ave. $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC A3 sedan, hydro., 51 station waeon, .11 seden, hydro. 40 sedan, hydro., 40 sedan, RAH 48 sedan. RAH ,. 47 Kdsn. BAH ., R&H 11505 hydro.. loaded lies 1896 RAH 1395 1185 , I0PS a5 OLDSMOBILE 4 sedan, hydro., R.VH FORD ,U4 pickup, R1 4I sedsn l,'47 club coupe. Best for Less 41 Eulck. RAH 395 40 Packard 145 40 Chevrolet .. 15 34 Plymouth 1& 37 Chevrolet 75 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT ! KELLY lTTTrtxm " 1 1 H W I "a t t JL-0. i ay vwe 1 ! IbU N. LIbEKTY Ph. 2-4113 I ' 9t' AUTOMOBILES FOB MU OR MADE 81100.00 equity in clean in, ueas noctei M, .-de hvd. and all othee eztras. A-l ali.n. Win Uk, clean oMir or and cash lltt. or 11000 cash. Bal. 3IB.N mo. Pay neat pay. Mir 3s. Rea. oelUnt eolnt school OI bill. No. fist. ..lis. Itto Carl St., Albany. U ml. N. Wtv- erlr Lake on til at J E Market. eat MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1B81 ALLSTATE motor ecooter with Be. cessofles. Oood condition. 3-8011 alter 3388 Portland Road. qet7 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHEVftOLKT vkWa arlnd, complete la dot, mu hum AUto Reoair. 1110 Barne Ave., near Colonial Houee. fnone . formerir wllix Chevro- let. Union ihop. ic BAVINO RADIATOR TEOUBLCP Valley Motor Co. experti will eolve jour prob icma ana eavt yoa money. Free et. matte, apeedr ervloa. Center at Lib ertr. c TRUCKS 46 CHEV. truck, larte bed for heavy oettiins. urea ana conation tood, terma. Phone 9-4133 dy. qdn BT OWNER, 46 Dodie 1-lOn. 10-ft. aluminum van. C.Hxit rubber. Xxcel lent nhape, ready to roll. Phone 4-3505 Of 4-1453. fltttG MODEL A truck 1100, 1842 4 by 4 CAV. trucK. Ht. a, boi i., sola Drive. t aiiaK HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATERPILLAR $10,500. 1,400 houn. wna arum ana aoier. ruiiy equipped for loBKlnc. nsw trick i, tood ihape. Cecil Mayes, phone Albany 2-76BJ4. BOATS MARINE plywood boat and trailer. ceiient condition. 2B0 No. Huth. 1 12-FT. PLYWOOD boat, S hortt out board. motor. 2490 Broadway. aato FINANCIAL 5 Interest If yon have Idle fund eeeklnt In vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of itrvlca. For over Twenty-five Teara we have been tielplnc people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durinc this period we have promptly paid U icml'annnal Interest payments totalling many Thousand! of Dollars. We are currently paying 6 INTEREST on funds from 9500 to 95000. General Finance Corporation 138 B. COMMERCIAL ST Salem, Oregon Phone 3-9181 r SEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAOR LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgages it contracts State Finance Co. 18? So. High St. Ph. 3-4131 LtO. B-133 and M-328. and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top T-ades" 12:05 Dally KSLM 1300 Kc. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loam Long and Short Time Payments ROV H. SIMMONS 138 Bo. Commerolal St. Ph. 3-8181 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "Ifs" out of your money problems, up to 1300 on small lAini iTn ia sftOO on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO, 6-518 Phone 34133 M-333 117 S. Hllh St. LOANS UP TO $1500 on eixisHiufc, eruiuibBBBBj, - AT PERSONAL its "yes" promptly to impioyea men or wuhibh. 1-viilt loan . . . phone tint. You select best payment date. 8) Between paylay loans. Phone, write or come in TODAY I Personal Finance Co. , 105 B. HIGH ST., SALEM State Licence Nos. 8-132, M-189 Loans over 1300 up to 61500 and up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Orenxn. rlW AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-3451 Lieu NO. M-159. 1054 MONET TO loan on real estate. Phone 2-0704. HIT HOUSE TRAILERS for ALE-EouitVTn Ittl Liberty home trailer, 11 ft. 4-lllt. UI03 LODER BROS. . . ... i : v MAKB A DATE WTTtl THB "ROCKET "l 52 OLDSMOBILE 98 HOLIDAY ; . . Very low mlletlt, immscuUte throughout, rdio and rear seat ipekr, Autronlc ey. Cuitom loung teats trimmei with . leather. Popular S-tone green and cream, electric window lifts $3295 51 HUDSON CLUB COUPE. Hydramatic, radio,' heat er, an exceptional car throughout and a very pop. ' ular model .,$2288 SEE, DRIVE AND BUT, TO APPRECIATE LODER BROS. : TOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER DIRECTORY ADDINO MACR174TJ AU mekes used machines eold, rented, repaired. Boca, 454 Court. Ph. 3-1773. O. W. KLANO Wrecktnt Co. Builders' cheap supplies. 3-7398 evenlnss. out' BULLDOZING BuUdoelnc rood, olearlnl teeth. Vlrsll Huskey, UK ralrvlew. Pn. 1-1 m CASH REOtSTEBS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reilstara. AU ttakea. add, rented, re palred. Roen. 454 Court. Fa. 1-6773. CUSTOM FABM WORK Plowlnt. dssclnc. seedlni. Ford equip ment. Uarihall. 4111 Market. Phone t1141. 0106 DBESSMAKINO Altcretlone, hemsutchlni, b u 1 1 o n a, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mra. H. M. Allender, 1-ttll. olo6 DRtVINQ INITBOCTION Lean to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call er aee Mr. Snelllnt, Valley Mo tor Co, Salem. Phone 8-1147 or 4-1071. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen as Bona. Exeavatlnc, arad tnt, land clearlna. Phone 1-3080. 113' FUBNITUBE BEF1NISHINO Furniture ratlnlahlnc, repaired Ed tar Brock, set Norway St. Phone 1-1)67. 099 INSULATION XniulaUon. weatherstrips, aluminum' ecreen. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Fb. 3-196!. " 0118 MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlnt, renovates. Full Una new mattresses. Ph. 1-4068. o OfTICE FURNITURE SUFFLlis Desk chairs, tiles, flllni suppllee, safes, dupllcatotra, supplies, deek lamph type writer stands. Roen, 464 Court. 0 SHARPENING AND BEPAIB SERVICE Oborl's Soarpenlns and Repair Serv , Ice. Lawnmowers, knives, shears, bl . eyelet and email motors. Ph, 34616 or 48161. 18th and "D" Stt. out SEPTIC TANKS Mike's septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleene sewers, drains. Phone 3-B4S8. oho Heme's septlo tanks cleaned. Tine service. Guaranteed work. Phone 8-7404. OM- sewer, senile tanka. drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter aewer service. Phone 1-8337. L. W. Caudle, epraylnf and prunlnt. Phone 4-1461. Q106' TYPEWRITERS ftmlth. Corona. Remlnctor. Royal. Un derwood nortablea. All makee used machines. Repairs s rent. Roen. 466 Court. TELEVISION Prompt television and repair service. Phone 4-6081. 173 kterket, day or nlilit , olid- Prompt television and redio repair service, ptione s-aeei. sis Men.,, day or nliht. Q116' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Cenfleld'e Laundry. Repairs. R.llnlih mi. 1410 s. 11th. Ph. 4-6403. Flck-up. Delivery. "I" WINDOW CLEANINO Acme window Cleanere. Industrial floor waxlna, houtecleanlnt. Jhone 1-3337. see rmirt. o LEGALS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NO. 1S001 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or UHKUUM rvm in - POOFiTY OP MARION tn the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR L. HARDINO, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that Tuesday, the 38th day Of April, 1953. at 8:30 A.M. In tha court room ot the above entitled Court, Is the time and place eet for hear ing of objections to the final account on file In the above entitled estate and for tha settlement thereor. Dated and first published Maroh 30, iaai Data of last publication April 37. 1953. LOTTIE S. HAKUIPIU, Administratrix PATRICK E. DOOLEY Attorney for Administratrix, starch 30, April 8. 13. 20, 27, 1653 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for furnishlna mater ial., and constructing three bridaea will be received at the office ot the city Manaser, City Hall, Salem. Ores on. until 1:45 p.m. on Friday. May 8, 1803, and will hs nublclv opened at 2:00 P.m. on the same date by the City Manager at his office. This nroiect includes the following ap proximate quantities of material, in place: Ford Street Bridie 70 Cu. Yds. Structural Excavation 10 Cu. Yds. Excavation Below El evations Bhown 195 Cu. Yds. Class "A" Concrete 43.000 Lbs. Metal Reinforcement 168 Lin. Ft. Metal Handrail Removal of Existing Bridge lth Street Bridie 70 Cu. Yde. Structural Excavation 19 Cu. Yds.' Excavation Below El evations Shown 110 Cu. Yds. Class "A" Concrete 53.000 Lbs. Metal Reinforcement 170 Lin. Ft. Metal Handrail Removal ot Existing Bridge Mission Street Bridie Purniih 559 Un. Ft. Precast Piles Drive 38 Piles 120 Ou. Yds. Class "A" Concrete 35,000 Lbs. Metal Reinforcement 131 Lin. Ft. Metal Handrail Removal of Existing Bridie Plait tlD4rt(liiatlona anti other di-icii. menu required for bidding may be In spected at the offce of the City Engineer and copies mar be obtained by tviallfied prospective bidders upon a deposit of 610.00, which amount will be refunded In case tha documents are returned, but otherwise will be retained. Attention of bidders is directed to flection 98-103, O. C. L. A., providins for pra(iuaifkitlon. All proposals must be upon regular blank forma furnished with tne snecifl cations, and muot be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equal to or exceeding five per cent of the total bid. A 100 corporate surety bond will be required to guarantee the faith ful performance of the contract, to- lether with Insurance In auch sum as may be necessary to protect the City against loss or damage by reason of injuries to person or property. The right Is reserved by the City to reject any or all bios, or to accept the proposal which appears most advan taa ecus. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder April 90. 1053 LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF &AM Wed., April 22 M. M. Degree, 7 p.m. 96' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Phecta 1T71 M A RK E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE UT Batlwfat Tentative, aubrset to tat. medial, chant.: Premium duality, mail, mum .38 of one per tent acidity da. nverea re Portland m-via ID. I mil uel lty 67-70cr second quality, I4-67C. Valley routes and country points. I casta less. Bolter wholesale r.e.a. bulk tmbaa to wnoleselet. trade AA. . S3 I cart. A trade, (3 score, S6c B, SO score. See; i-. ew score, aso. A Dove twieaa airri nominal. - Cbeeea Bellini price to Portland wholesalers, Oreeon slnsles, 43tt-46c; Oregon l lb. loaf. 481-61tte; triplets. mo jese man ainties. Ere. to Wholeeetera Caadted am eontalnins ne loss, caaaa tn eluded f.o.b. Portland. A trade larte, tlti-Mt4ci A araue meoium, eott-oiVM; b trade larte. 63tt-834c. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to rotation! Qrada AA print, lie; A carton. 13c: A prints, 11c; carton, ?3cl B prints, etc. Rets To retallere. (trade AA'lerat. 63c; A lerae. 68-60c; AA medium. S0c; A medium. 69c; A small, nominal. Car tons, lo additional.. Cheeta Price to retallere, Portland. Oreeon slntles, 45K-50C; 6-lb. loaves, SH4-53t4c: ' triplets, me less than Un ties. Premium brands elnelea. 66Uet loaf, 60 '4c. Processed American cbeeea. 3-1D. loaves tn retell, tt-4lc lb. Poultry uve cniebana (No. l auallty. f.o.b. plants.) Fryers. Slt-S lbtu too: 1-4 lbs., 39c; roasters, 4H lbs. end ever. 39c; heavy hens, all weltht, 34-15c; Utht nens, ait weitnts, m-iio; eld routers. 16-18c. Dressed Chlekena Fryers. 8W-1 lbs- 43-460; roaiten. 43-440! lltht hent, 31. .c; neavy nens, 3I-37C! cut up frrara, u weienu, es-eee. etaoblta AVerete to rrowert: Live Whites, 4-5 lbs., 13-3101 6-6 lbs,, 13-lto lb., old does, 10-1401 few hither. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, Sl-S4ol cut up. ae-69c. - Ceeatry Killed Meets veal Top Quality, 31-430 lb. I rouah heavlee. 3S-33o. h ore Lean blockers, 30-Jlc: tows, lltht SB-BOC. Lambs Best. 40-430 lb.l sprlneers nominally 480 lb. Mutton Eett. 14-160 lb.: eull-utllltr. s-IJc; , ' Beef utility cowa, 81-300 lb.l cannar cuttere, xz-tec, tneue down to 31o, Freeh Dreeted MeaU WholHaiere to retailers: Donate per cwt.t .... , Beef Steers, choice 600-100 Ihi 31.00-40.00; tood, 16.00-30.00; commercial 33.00-37.00; utility. 31.00-34.00; cows, commercial, 38.00-33.00; utility, ' 37.00- 31.001 canners-cuttere, 38.O0-3fi.00,. Beet Cult (Choice steers) Bind quartere, 48.00-60.00; rounda, 45.00-51.00; full loins, trimmed. 61.00-71.00: trl ansles, 30.00-33.00: fore-quartere, 83.00 35.001 chucks, 31.00-41.00; ribs, 48.00 63.00. Veal Oood-cholce, 143-68; commer cial, 137-48. Cetves Good-choice, 843-63; com mercial; 837-48. Larabe Prima tprlntera, 40-60 ibs 143-45: BOOd. 140-44. Mutton Good choice, 117-30. Park Cute Loins, No. 1, 8-13 lbs., 153 51; shoulders, 16 lbs., 335-39; spererlbs, 145-49: fresh hams. 10-14 Ins.. 868-68. Smelted Ham. Skinned. 157-63.60. Re fined lard in drums, 111.60-1(1 tl.b bac on. 818-56.50. Portland Mltceilaneaua Celery Cal. Hat crate, 3-114 doe.. 13.35-4.35. Few to 14.50. Ore., II It 33.50. Onlene 50 lb. tacks West Oreton yet. loa's, medium, 3-fn. rnln., No. Is, 3.36 3.50; 3-Inch, 44.50; No. 3s, 13 50-1.75: boilers, 10 lb. sacks. 4S-47c: "Idaho yellows, lane. 84.50-5.00: No. 1, white, lane. 4.75-8.00. . Poutoee Ore.-Wesh. Russets No. 1, 14.50-5.35, name brands to 85.35; bakers. 6.00-so: 35 lbs. sue A. 1.40-85: 10 lb. mesh, 55-60c; peper, 60-55c; No. 3, 60 lbs.. 1.50-O5: Idaho Russets. No. 1A. 5.50-6.00: 5-10 lb. bale. 3.30-50. Hay-U. 8. No. 3 stern alfalfa, de livered car lots f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 835.00 ton: Seattle. 136-31, Wool Grease basis. Willamette Val ley medium, 50-53c lb.: Eastern Oreton fine and half-blood, 58-63C. Hldce Calvee, 16-110 lb, accordlni to welKhts: trecn kips, 17-1901 bulls. 4-6et treen butcher cow hldel. 19c. Filberts Wholesale telllne nrlct No. 1 larte Bercelonas. 34-36o lb.l erower prices, orchard run, 14-186 lb. Walnuts Wholesale selllnt price, first quality Isrte Franquettes, 33-330 lb.l arower price, orchard run, 16-lto lb few bast to 160. SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports f Salem dealers . .for the galdanre or capital jesraai readers. (Revised daily.) Retail Feed Prices t Rabbit Pellets 83.95 .80- lb. bag), I4.80-8.40 f 100. lb. bag). Egg Hash 86.30-6.70. Dairy Feed - S3.35-t.83 (90 lb. bag), 14.85-5. 15 MOO wl ). Fealtry Baying rrieet colored fryers. 30c i old roosters, 15c; colored fowl, 15c; leinorn iowi, jsc; roasters, soc. Emu Buvlng Frlecs Eiii. AA. 49c: large A. 47-l&c; medium AA, 48ei medium A, 44-50c; small, 4oc. wooiesaie rricfs Etg wnolesaia prices generally 6-7 hither than iha prices above. Large grade -h generally quoted at 8lc: medium, 6Cc. Bntlerfat Buying price: Premium. '70- 71c: No. 1, 87-89C; No. 2. 88c. Bitter Wholesale grade A parchment. 7lo lb.; retail. 76c. Portland Kaatslde Market Portland U.n Radishes sold for 80-70 cents a down bunches today on tha Portland Eaiuide Parmer a' Wholesale Produce market. Oreen onions weri IS -80 cents a doten bunche. Parkrnse asparagus brought IS. 76 a 30-lb. pyramid. Willamette valley cau f over was 81 a crate with some from Roseburg going at 1.1.25. Cancan, Quoted Portland of) Dealers have quoted an opening market price of IS cents a pound for dry cancara bark. That Is 2 cents below last year's open ing but 8 cent above the close. oreen cascara bark la a cent a pound higher than last year's close of I to f cents a pound. Portland Livestock Portland im Cattle 2100; market slow, early sales and bids on fed steers weak to 80c lower; other classes open ing steady to weak; bulta strong around 3 loads mostly choice 880-1000 lb. fed steers 23, some held higher; load good choice around 1025 lb. 32.50; utility commercial steers 18-31; utility-commercial heifers 15-18; good heifers held ahnve 20; canner-cutter cows 10,60 12 AO: utility cows 13.50-15.50: Utility and commercial bulla 18.50-18: heavv commercial to 19. Calves 300. market ilowi few sales steady; good-choice vealers 26-30: me dium and good MO-lb. stock heifers 16. Hove 660; market active, 50-75o hith er; choice 164-33S lb. 24.75-3&.S5; 370 30O lb. 22.50-33; choice 3VM50 lb. sows 30 Mt-32. Sheep 809; market not fully estab lished: early sales steady; few utility lambs 17-18.50: mostly choice fed wooled lamba above 31.80, few spring lambs un sold, good litht yearlings 11; cull-utlll ty ernes atrong at 3-5.50: good-choice awes held around 1 and above. Eb o WINNER W 1 Miss Juliana M, whose many near Dehler, perfect specimens won her the sweepstakes prize at the Mt. Angel primrose show Sun day. ...... STOCKS (Br Tha Associated Fraaai Admiral Corporation . Allied Chemical , Allle Chalmers American Airlines .,, .t..., American Power & Llgb ..... American Tel A Tel . ..(t, ... American Tobacco ....,lt.t,,in. Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad ....tit.t.t Bethlehem Steel ,,. ..i.,,,.,,. Boeing Airplane Co. ,, ,,.,,, Bort Warner . 1914 . 78 ' . 52H . 19 -. a .155 U 1 73' 'a 16 .. M 1. 83 St .. 7V Burrows Adding Maohlit., .,.., California tracking .... Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celaneee Corporation ,,,,,,, Chrysler Corporation .. 18 ... 58 cities service Consolidated Edison a,, Consolidated Vultet Crown Zrellerbooh Curtlas Wrliht a. 864 .. 38 18 .. 60 .. 6 Douglas Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours , t Eastman Kodak , Emerson Radio ,. General Eiectrio Oeneral Poods . . , General Motors , Oeorila Pac. Plywood Ooodyear Tire ..... Homestaka Mining Co, International riarvestet International Paper . Johns Manrille Kennecott Copper Lib by McNeil , Lockheed Aircraft , Loewes Incorporated , Long Bell Montgomery Ward .t. .. 63 94 .. 48 .. 114 .. 69 .. 13 .. 1 M, ... .16 ... 39 ... 30 ... 50 .. 67H .. 67 .. 9(4 ..21 13 4 .. 31 .. 64 .. 22 .. 21 Nash Kelvlnator ...i.,,,, New York Central Northern Pacific Paclfio American Pish Pacific Oaa b Eleclrlo ........... PaclfM lei ft Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C ..,,... Pennsylvania R. It. . Pepsi Cola Co. Pbllco Radio Radio Corporation Raronler Incorp. .'. Rayonler Incorp. Pfd Republto Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield OU .. 70 .. 11 .. 37 ..116 .. 5 .. 69 .. 20 ...14 .. 32 .. 26 .. 23 .. 49 .. 4R .. 56 a. 3S Mfeway stores Inc .. Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck At Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil ... ........... Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J Btudobaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift ft Company Trans a merle a Corp Twentieth Century Poa , . 50 .. 67 .. 33 45 .. 63 71 .. 35 . 37 . 37 .. 17 .. 38 A 39 union on company Union Paclfio United Airlines 38 .. 33 United Aircraft United Corporation 8 ,. 30 united States Plywood United states Steel ... Warner Pictures 38 ,. 17 Western Union Tel Westlnghouse Air Brak Westlnihouse Electric 41 .. 36 .. 45 Wool worth . 45 New York Wv Strong resistance to selling developed Monday in the slock market and pulled prices well up from their lows. The market was lower on balance and at one time sank to a level rliht around the lowest of the year. Prices ranged from around a point lower to a point higher with the down aide more crowded. Volume was moderate at an estimated million and -a half shares for the day. Friday's total oama to 1,430,000 shares. AIR MEDAL 7 - J 1 MaJ. Virgil D. Olson, (right), Salem, U.S. Marine Corps is congratulated by his commanding officer Lt. Col. John F. Carey, following presentation of the Gold Star to Olson in lieu of the sixth Air Medsl. The Air Medsl was for aerial flights in action against the Chinese Communist forces in Korea. Olson, operations officer of a Marine heli copter squadron 161, is a resident of 5545 Auburn road, where his wife and two children are now residing. (De fense Department photo) . - Amateur gardtntrt from Kugens to Portland gathered at Mt, Angel Sunday to see the sixth annual primrose show held In St. Mary's Khool. Table of golden polyanthus In , foreground was on ot most attractive In show, . . , .: Mt. Angel Primrose Show Gets Throng from Valley : Mt. Akift 1 Miss Julian M. Dthter of Mt. Angel Sunday wi iw9piUki winner at the sixth annual primroat show, with 65 point tor her many tntriei of near perfect speci mens. The show, held In the dining room of St. Mary'i tchool, at tracted vliitora from at far louth as Eugene and ai far north as Portland. I Runner-up ' wai Mra. Joe Henny of Brook! with 61; points. Junior iweeoctakei winner was Charlei Henny, 10, a ion of Mrs. Joe' Henny. Judsea of the show were Mra. John . Karnopp. Mra. Ben Smith and Mra. Carroll Higgins, all of .Portland. Chairman of the show was Mr. Roy Palmer of Mt. AnseL Mrs. Paul Sliffe ii president of the Mt. Angel Garden club which 8pon sored the show. Llit of Winners -, : First prlie winner, were. Rarities and oddities exhibit: Miss Dehltr. while lnvolucrata. PolyanthWK Mrs. John Ramus, Mlfek Dehler. Mils Jean Bernini, Mrs. A. Ha- bet, Mrs. Joe Henny. Miss Norma Schmidt, Mies Paulina Bwartout, Anna Duda. . Auriculas: Mrs. Paul BUtte, Mitt Deh- itr. Jimmy asmer. Atauus, asm Denisr, Mrs. Joe Henny. Arrangements: Urge arrangement, Chleat. Onlana Chlcato (UPI auopUM lUhl, demut moderate, market about stsady, dus Track islet a0 lbs,: U.S. l unleat otfc erwlss tteterliTeiaa Yallew BerrauSat S to 3-Inch I ears, TJ. a. ecmnarclal 1.88s Orane 1-lnch .nil tarter, eer, oar 1.10, ear 3.001 Orane 3-lncri sod laraar eat street talet 80 lbs.: Mahe end Oreeon Spanish 3-lneh end larger raw 3.00; mid west medium Yellow .781 Tvxee Bermudas 3lnch and larter I.8.-1.T8 1 la 3-lneh 1.76-1.00. few 3.10. U. S. commerolal 1.31-1. BOi area. 1-lneh end laraar molt v 3.38. few 1.11. S to 1' Inch few 1.781 Crystal Was S I. J-lnch Ckleate Orel. ', Chloeto on Oralns tloeed with k firm tone on the board Of trade Hon. day after eeendint the session rlsins and lauint without muoh dlreetloa. Deaiints were Hew. Mey and July wheat ssnk to new seasonsi lows early and did not anew any strentth until the eloslnt mlnutaa. At that lime some thort-ceverint by loetl traders lifted the market above the previolue cloee. Wheal elated tt-tt hiener. May t3.18M.-W, eorn -lt hither. Hay, oau it-7t nitner, teay T5.-S. rye H to 1 cent hither. May t1.834.-V.. eoyblans H lower to IV. hliher. May 88.0SH-t.O8. and lard 3 cents lower to 8 eenta a hundred pounds hither, May 110.11. Portland Grain Poriiand IP) Coarse srains n quoted. Wheel: No bids. Monday's tar receipts: wheat lit bar ley ii flour 7: eorn 14: oau 1: mill feed 18. Ckleate Liveliest Chloato (sreweat hoes for a Mon day in nearly two montha ttnt that market 80 to 78 cents hither, touchlnt price pesks tolnt back to laat Aututt 11. cattle arrivals dldn t come up to tne record level of a week aco but atlll were fourth In slat for tha yetr to dele. Values held at mostly steedy levels. Sheep were stsady to 33 cents hither. Most butcher wtltht host told from 131. SO to 888.00, the top, while towt broutht 111.00 to SM.n. Clearance wee obtained eerlr. Oood to prlmt iteari broutht I It 10 to 138.80 end tood to low-prime helfera Irom 8)8.00 to 81100. Oowe topped et 818.00. Bull at 118.80, and vstlers at 138.00. oood and choice fed wooled lamea sold from tlt.x to mostly In ear ly tradlnt while .wee lood and below broutht 80.80 downward. Estlmslsd arrivals lneluded 1.000 hoes on public tale. 31,000 ealtle, 100 calves, and 4.300 sheep. TO OLSON fid Mrs. Joe Manly; lsb garden, Rosalie Harpoiei Early American. Miss nerpote; BAvIca srteuuramanL Miss Haroole. Jabiar snow: Arrangements, saarr Wliliajavs, Janice Schmidt and Charles Benny; noruoutiuro. saue rranser. Flowering sprint nuios: uuicn iris. airs, fngvold Mlund: daffodils, Mra. Joo Henny; an4 Mrs. Dae. McOulrs of Oer- vu: lsiiioeum. Mrs. r. iTamecri iu- llpa, Mrs. Renoy; white atlliaa, Mtsa Dehler I hyacinths. Boss Sliffe and Mrs. Albert locblsrt anemone, Mrs. Wanda BdlukYd. Mora tnaa. too Mhiblts vara an eUi- Play. . Victim of Accident Can't Be Traced Here VanceyvlUe. N. C. (U.R Pfo, Donald Olenn Miae, 18, Salem, Ore., was killed Saturday in a highway accident 10, miles north of here. .. . .. ' , Mite was a member of the 80th airborne division stationed at Ft. Bragg, N. C. . , Families named Miie live in Salem, but inquiry indicated today that Donald Glenn Mize, reported killed in an accident at Yanceyville, N. C was not related to them. He could not be traced here. DEATHS WUIIaaa BtMi. William Benona Powell, at tha resi dence, 880 Bast Kwald Ave., April IT, at Me of 99. Survive by dau9bter, Mrs. Mtrta Chladelc Leteaitt.. Ota.: Mri. Ova Fe.cb.ln, Drain, Ora.t Mrs, Marsal BlDhards. AumsTll el Mn. Hacel Johns. ton. Mrs. Uvrtla KeDDlnaar. sirs. Fl0t enea Butler, ah ot Balem; kona, Wlliard U. Fowftll. Braretl Is. PowalL John H. Powell, ail at salami larl r. Powell, oil won r. poweu. ootn oi Drain, ore. Member ot Baptist churoh. Berrleed-wllt be held Tuesday, April 31, bt 1:30 p.m. In the Province church, solo, under direction of Howeli-Bd wards company, Ootsflludina nrviCRi In Provldttnoa Mm etery with the Rev. Henry Turnlgo offi ciating. Lena Ann Bagarl Coliaa. Lena Ann Botert Cotton. In tha cltv April 18. bate resident of 48ft Bat cliff Dr.. at the aie or oi. Mother ar na. jhii i sjusn vuttvu, ucviiarus, rr sttsii, , liter at Mra. Kate tlnterman, Tacome, wash.t sue three grandchildren and one greai-granocmia. Member of fceslle Methodist church. Funeral aarvlees will ba held at 1:10 p.m. Wednesday, April at W. T. RltdOn ennitiinv hnat with tha Bar, Collis c Blair officiating. interment as seicraai Memorial park.. Tha Rav. Collis Blair will officiate. Beataa Steffen Roe na Bteffen. In tha c ly A or 11 rt. Lata resident of Itt. I, Salem. Mother of Una B. Clark, Dan A. Steffen. Oliver B. Bteffen. Bllen F. Bteffen. all of Sil. vertont sister of Crist Ltlchty, Albert Leichty. Mrs. Leah Dlcfc, and Mrs. Dlna Dick, aU of Alverton, and Mrs, Xms WUllama, Portland. Also surviving are n:io grandchildren and 10 great'grand chlldren. Services will baiheld Tuesday, April II. at t p.m. tn the xmmanuel i Mennonlte church of Prat urn with con cluding services at Fratum cemetery un der direction or w. t. nuraon comnanr. The Rev. Wllbert A. Reiler wlU offi ciate. Al Wrlsht Al Wrtght. at a SllVeTtrm hosDital. April 19; Late resident of Brooks. Bur vived by wife, Mrs. Hettia Wright, Brooks; daughter, Mrs. Willis M. Bart lett, Brooks; son. Curtis L. Wright, Am Itr; brother. L. H. WriihL ytuinv. Calif.; three grandoblldren, Sally and Tom Wright, both of Amity, and Janet name.., rooas, servicea will be held In tha VlrsU T. OoMea chapel Wednes day. April , at 4 p.m. with private interment at smcrest HemoriM park. Donald Glenn Mlie Donald Olenn Mlie, lata resident of hi. 8, box hb, at rort Bragg, N. C, April 18, at tha age or 36 years, Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Low en a Mlae. two sons, Roy Donald M4 and Ronald Lee Mlie, all of Balem t mother,, Dora Brit Ion, sister, Mra. Violet Rye, two broth er!, Orval W. Mlae, carl, Mlie, all of Antloch. calif. Announcement of serv ices later by tbe Howeil-Bdwaroa com panr. Irwin Farter Irwin Porter, late resident of 1498 Marlon, al a local hospital, April 30, at tne aie or 78 years, survived by wife, Mrs. A. Oils Porter, Balem; daughter, Mrs. Jean Porter west of Cleveland. Ohio. Announcement of services later try tne ho wen-mw ami company. Mary Ktb Stewart s Mary we Stewart, . former resident or lieo Oak St., at a local hospital, April 19. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Anna pearl Brae, Bettlegmnd, Wash. Announcement of services later bv the Howeii-an warns company. Blrey W. Carlson Biroy w. Oarlsoo. Is a loci) hosniUi April IS st the aee ot 38 years. Late resident of 370 Oalne Bt. Survived by wife, wri. oraoe caraton. Salem. An nouncements later by Clouih-Barrlck company. Fiery, Smarting Itch of Cmnwn Skin Rashes - Don't stand auch torment another bourl iuat emooth Realnol Ointment on your tltatrd akin at once. See how quickly itt medically proven Intredlentt in lare lln bring ciiitlui. lon-iaaiinf ruin, "Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!" says Mr. M. W l$ AnpUt, Calif toeed imsslne relief from mleery of simple pile. wun snxnint ri 'aee. Arte to relieve Dain. Itchini IBufanify. Lubri loatea drve hardened parts. Help. prevent crackioc. reduce owelling- Don't eulfei rmdleat texture of tlnrple piles. Get Peao to. eonilorttnl mtoi. Aak yew doctor about It Ssjppotitory form er tubes with perforated pipe fees Ontmtml and SitPAerawrrsrS) Alfred M. Ryan Albany Alfred Milton Ryan, 60, steward at the Amer ican Leclon club, died at his tiomo her thursdajr. Serviees will be held Monday at S am., at St Mary's Catholic church. He had been a resident of Albany since ItHS tomtng here from Massachusetts, his native state. -... v.v ..i-' . He married Genevieve Ger main in Haverhill, Mass., May 17, 1918. She survives as do two brothers, Charles and Har old Ryan and a sister, Gene vieve Ryan in Massachusetts, Louis W. Anthony Albany Louis William An thony, 69, Rt. 4, died at a local hospital Saturday following a brief illness. He was born at New Ulm, Minn., and came to . Oregon in 168Z, locating near Albany.--; " ::- Besides his brother, Albert, at the family home, he is sur vived by another brother, Hugo, ' California; two sisters, Matltilda Ebenhoh, Minn., and Susie Atkeson, Albany, - Services will be held at th Fortmiller-Fredericksen chspsl Monday, at i p.m. Burial will be in the Willamette Memorial park cemetery. , Joseph C. Drury j ,l Silverton Funeral services for Joseph C Crury, 76, are announced for .Tuesday,- April 21, at 10:30 from the Memorial Chapel of the Ekman Funeral Home, Rev, Arthur Charles Bates . officiating. Concluding rites wlU be at Valley View .,. cemetery. ; Mr. . Drury died at Silver ton hospital Sunday morning following a few hours' Illness. He was born August IS, 1878, in Unlonville, Mo. ' ... :: Survivors are three Children, a son, J. X. Drury of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Frank Pfeitfer of Cretan, Neb., andtMri. Car roll. M. Bold ot Silverton. Joseph H. Smith -V Woodburn Joseph Henry Smith, 88, died Saturday at the Brooks Nursing Home. where he had lived for four years. .,- Mr. Smith was born ilk Adams, county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 18, 1864, and came to Ore gon from Iowa in 1905. He operated farms in the Broad acres district from 1915 untU 1940 when he retired. ' Mr. ' Smith was a charter member' of the Donald Lodae No. 186, AF & AM, and past I master. Surviving ts one ' daughter. Mrs." Myrtle Plumb, Van Kuys, ' Calif.' -, - Funeral services Will be at 1:80 p.m. Tuesday, April 21, at the Rlngo Funeral Chapel with the Rev. D. Lester Fields officiating. Burial will be in the Belli Passi cemetery, with the Donald Masonic lode in charge. .. Mrs. Lola Gates ' woodburn Mrs. Lola Pearl Gates, 61, died in a PorUand hospital Sunday after a short illness. She Was born at Ham burg. Iowa, Sept. 18. 1881. and came to Woodburn IVi years ago from Centralis. Wash.. making her home at 1010 N. 2nd St. ' . Mrs. Gates was a member of the Foursquare Gospel church. surviving are two sons, Wal ter Theodore Gates, Fremont, Neb.; and Kenneth Gates, Woodburn; six daughters, Mrs. Lola Pearl Alexander, Wood burn; Mrs. Audrey Knudsen. Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Alta Beck- with, woodburn; Mrs. Helen Stovall, Vancouver, . Wash.; Mrs. Jeanne Tacke, Vide, Ore.; and Mrs, Ardlth Gates, Wood burn; a sister, Mrs. Leta Wil liams, . Omaha, Neb.; seven grandchildren and one great grandchild, Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 22, at the . Ringo Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Arthur Goble of ficiating. Burial will be in the family plot at Belle Passi ceme tery. Mrs. Gates husband, James W. , Gates, preceded her in death in 1950. .,. Edward B. Albright Silverton Edward B. Al bright died at the Silverton hospital Sunday afternoon. His wife, Nettie, preceded him in death in 1950. Survivors include four chil dren, Mrs. J. H. Carson, Salem; Mr William Rhelnhart, Ar lington, Va.; George, Spring field, Ore.; Rex Albright, Sil verton; and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be in Memorial Chapel, Ekman Fu neral Home, Silverton, at S p.m. Wednesday, April 22. In terment will be in Miller'a Or. r. T. Lam. N.D. Dr, O. Chan nj drh. chan . lam chinese naturopaths Upstairs, 41 North Liberty Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. lo I pre., I It 1 tn. Consultation, blood preteure end tirlne teats are free of eharae. Praetleed lino. 1,13. Write (or ettreetlve alft Me obll-telion. in