4W..:e. ! ! I Page 14 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, 303 I. Rural, Dob Bin. prewar built Enillsh type boat ei i" lesttqt architecture. Located a a r ' schools, but oi shopplns. 3 bedrooms , or a ana Den. Llvlngroom with com fortable fireplace. Dlnlniroom with tiulltlns. Kitchen with Book, rail oase menta with recreation room. Lovely ' landscaped corner lot. Xmmedlata oe cupencr. Appraised at tie. boo for cuk-k eala will take lll.OOO. Mortiaie .out can remain, cell wu, Eve. 35696, ask for Severtn. a94a X OWNER i bedroom house. Ideal lo- eatlon. beautiful view, wall to wall carpeting-, dishwasher, full baaement. well-built older houee. Suitable for remodeling. Comfortable and clean for immediate occupancy, write Box 37, Capital Journal.' a95 ! I BEDROOM houu, larta lot. Fb. 4-3381 1003 Cascade Dr. Reasonable. aft Y OWNER. 9 bedroom home. Knele- wood Disk 110 Thompson. Ph. 1-1141. all Beautiful Fairmount Hill 3-bedrootn. din. rm., garbaie dlsp., cllshwaaher, oil heat, full baaement, landscaped M i in feet, pared alley. Phone 4-1734. aw Br OWNER Nearly new 1-bedroom home., 3240 Townjiend Way. a96 KJNOWOOD HEIGHTS - View, landscaped, I bedroom,, IIt-lns-d!ntni rooms, kitchen with aad- vets: attached earaae. fireplace, nook. basement, oil, comer lot. Ml Cascade nr. raone .34. ut BEDROOM house, by owner. Enile- wooo District, inquire 691 Jerry. a4 SACRIFICE HEART OP HOLLYWOOD Four room bun .low with full basement, nice fireplace, g erase, lot 46 z 100. Close to all ttorti b bus. A nice home for a couple, or a good lnveitment for rental or future btulne&i. iUnea forcei immediate ale. Price reduced to 65900. . will eoniider any reaionaoie oiler, , Center St. Realty : mi center Street Phone 4-M31 ' Kve. ph.: Oles 3-1113. BrUht 3-5863 , - aM (OUTU VILLAGE, I bedroom, 1311 Sc. ft. plus double isrese, forced air furnace, fireplace, seperata dlnlni room, utility with dryer, nice lawn. shrubs, patio. 35715. a94 RICHMOND district, 3-bedroom, felrly .,- new, rancn-etyie. oaraie. a-ooo. all- 'BEDROOMS '. plus basement, fully equipped With forced air heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, attach, carafe. 3400 down, bal ance P.U.A. . T . 1 ENGLEWOOD Well-located 3-bedroom home with living room, full basement, attractive rear yard with outdoor fireplace and covered patio. Fireplace Inside, too. Forced air oil heat. ; $500 DOWN , MK complete. I-bedrooin home, cub ttrban, 4 miles north of city, nearby but service. Pull price only 10500. ' $50 DOWN 1 Oarage house, water and tag piped to house. Lot 19 x 111, 11900. Ron Jones, Realtor 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 444S4, Eve. 31341, 36553 ats FAIRMOUNT HILL I bdrms., comb. L and D rm., K., util ity, all on one floor. Very clean. Bee. range and ref. Inc. In price, 11960. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 416 N, High Ph. 4-1411 Eve. 3-6319, 3-817J, 1-1401 set BEDROOM BOMB I rears old. Would , take pickup truck as part down pay ment. Phone 4-41B1. a9B BY OWNER, 0 room home, basement, sawdust furnace, $1915, 1110 Bood at. Ph. 31910. aloa FOR SALE LOTS LARGE HOME SITES In beautiful King wood Heights, 11000 up. Easy terms. Bee owner, phone 1-6413. aa9f ino Lot. 11x103, blocks south too Klnler school on South Rich street. 3-6053. aa96 WEST WALLET Tlew lot,, 331 down, 110 per month, city water, restricted. BEE COLBATH LAND CO, REAL TOR8. Dial 4-4494. aaUt lEW LOTS Sell or trade at Tslltcooe Lake. Could be commercial or private. 146 ft. by 300 ft. Utilities available. 3-1083. eaOl' LARGE HOME sites In beautiful Xing wood Height,, 11,000 up.- Easy terms. See owner, Phone 1-3413. aalOS LOT IN rinrwood Heights, price 1100. Oeneral Real Estate, SSI Center. aa94 N. WINTER Ea. front, bet. Jeflerson and Madison. 44x134. alley rear. X. MTII-Walnut Park, 3nd blk. 8. at Center, 60x100. WALTER SOCOLOFSKT Real Estate - Ph. 1-1196. aa94 . FOR SALE FARMS MIST SELL 39tt acres, 30 acres of wal nuts, rest sowed to grain. '30 Chev. truck, tractor and all farm Imple ments. 6-room older house, barn, good well. Price 17600. oeneral Real Hn- tntr. 355 Center. Ph. 3-3319. b94- FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN H acre on Boone Road, unfinished hoe., garden soil the best. $8060, Terms. 10 acres near Wallace Rd., older hue. Live stream, fenced, elderly cou ple will consider trade for Income property. Value $7000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-B3R3 REAL ESTATE JTEAB.-OLD. 3-bdrm. bom,, north. llv. as din. w-to-w earpet. nice kit. with eating space. Lge. garage with nl.ntv work space, selling for ap praised value of 17,600. Bva. call Perk 3-9413. TATE ST. SPECIAL 3-bdrm., room rnr more. le. llv. as din. rm.. flre- ni.c. full drr basement, eawduat heat. corner loU 110,100. Cve. call Peck S.K4I3. HXrsti TO school, stores and bus 3-bdrm. on one floor, nice llv. a, din. rm., lge. kitchen. Close in. stay take newer house up to aie.ow in vaae. Oood value at 19,600. Eve, cell Heta- .r . 4-S716 or 3-M40. EE THIS extra nice 3-bdrm. home, just suburban. In new district. Llv, rm. with ftrepl., din. rm., breakfast area In kit., Ineldo utu. xare. weu-land-acaped lot, all for 111,800. Call Utu r. 4.3713 or 14,13. . Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 No. men Ph. 1-MM C94 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 CI.AASIt'lFD ADVE1TISINO Per Word. ( tlrocc Per Word fee Word, t tlmea lite 4a lee Na Befaade Minimise Wards. READERS) In Local New, Calaaw Only, Per Word 7. Mlnlmaea II Ward, I PUc Ad In 8m4 Daj'i Pht, Thone t-40 Bcfora 10 a.m. REAL ESTATE stimtutt WMSSttl 14MIIHII BUY MiiMiwuwMsu Ltcfi IllUlllltlllllllllll MHintn is tuiuuii llatMII II isssssw Mill M , Willi SULLIVAN ECONOMY PLUS Brand new home In Simpson' Addi tion. Lee. lot. oil furnace, city water and aewer; plastered, oaraie. This attractlva new home Is being sold for only moo. 4 BEDROOMS And den. Just 4 rrs. old, sear Leslie and the new nisn senooi. nero is modem home with that extra spare you don't find very often. Owner wants amalr home. Just 111,009. DOWNTOWN DUPLEX Only 4 blocks from state house a.eh aide has a bdrms.. las. dr.. lr., kit., and bams, with utility. Excellent lnveetment property in a prise loca tion. When calling, ask for Bob Davis. Eve. Ph. 1-9791. . UNDER CONSTRUCTION Luxury type houee on a view lot. 1 bdrms.. dan. flraolace. bant., dr. and extra lie. lr. with a beautiful view. Insuect other nomine by these builders. Buy now and they will do the finishing work to suit your Ideas. PATIO & FIREPLACE Nice, roomy S bdrm. house with rumpus room, t Indoor and 1 outdoor fireplaces. The patio Is Ideal for out aide summer Uvlni. Washer, dryer. and AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER I with this home for only lis.no. 565 ACRE CATTLE RANCH 130 acres under cultivation and 100 more have been tilled in the past. 36 acres In permanent grass. Two year- round creeks, run and deer at me door of comfortable 7 room home. Lcs. barn, Over S million feet or market able timber. This Is an exceptional bargain at 135,000. Just $10,000 will handle. Owner will trade for small acreage with modern houee. ROBERT B. ' SULLIVAN REALTOR ISIS Portland Road Ph. 4-1633 Br. Office, 111 N. Bigh Ph. 4-5433 Eve. Phi. 1-9194, 4-3345, 1-0441, 4-1119 e95' Honeymoon COTTAGE $750 down, a oulet and attractive neighborhood.' Small home In i n eluded spot In South Salem. Have off-the-strcet living with all the conven ience of the city. Bus by door. Pay ment like rent. BUSINESS BUILDING in Hollywood district. Good corner lot. Stucco construction. Same tenant for year. A good buy at only 116,000, or will trade for a farm. " $2500 burs an 11x12 greenhouse in operation and also makes your down payment on a swell a-bedroom home only 4 years odd .Hardwood floors. Dinette and breakfast nook. Large lot Paved atreet. Payments only $70 for all of It, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South High Street Phone 3-9303 Phone evening, and Sunder: 4-1171, 3-3858, 4-1311, 1-4171, 4-6319, 3-3384 C91 WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDI KTLOORE Need, a few lutings on homes and farms for N. Capitol St. olllce. Ph. 4-0013. 1413 N. CAPITOL. ca GREAT BUriNQ DEMAND for farms and acreages. List yours with Oolbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Farm Aient. Phone 4-4494. Kve. 4-3714. ca" NOTICE) If your property Is for aale, rent or eichanie, list It with ua. We have all kinds of oash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 8. Bllh St. ca WE ABE badly In need of 3 and 3-bed room homes. In Leslie Dlst, Alio need nome anywhere with small down pay- menta. What have youf AL I8AAK, REALTOR, PH. 41311 If no gnawer, ph. 4-3341 ca WE NEED LISTINGS BADLY on small acreaae and good a at 1-bedroom nomes. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR lost Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7141 ca WE ARB in need of good houses to sen, in or near aaiem. if you wish to list your property for sale, see ORABKNHORfiT BROS., REALTORS, 134 S. Llbtrtv Ph. 3-3171 . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SSOOM modern house and garage, in good location. North. Price 13800. For same North or East outside of city limits, oeneral Real Estate, 2S1 Cen ter. Pii. 1-3289. cb94 APARTMENT HOI' RE, completely fur nisnw. no. i Business zone, close in, Income 1414 month. Always rented. Priced $34,000. Will take In S-bedroom home. General Real Eatate, 365 Cen ter. rhOei BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hiway Frontage 99E North. Approi. 71 ft. front. ... 1 acre plus. Older BR home. Lovelr treee ana grounas. aio.ooo. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-6363 cd94' LOCAL WHOLESALE CORPORATION withe, additional capital for aspen- -elon purposes. Active or non-aetlve stockholders considered. Bog 13, cep Ital Journal. ed94' t MILK ROUTES for aale. Haul to Me Uinnrllle. lllniM forcing aale. Reason able. Phone 4R37 Wood burn. d9S FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY It MONDAY eTVINrNO d94' ELECTRIO KITCHEN appliances, room eet, phone 41113. living d9 WANTED FURNITURE EMM REAL ESTATE vlcOVNTRY MAN'S HOME This Is a terp nice older home that Is In the peak of eondltlon. There'a LOIS of room 3 bedrooms down. f .rarery up. The kantv LJ3 gorgeous. There a ivcr an acre, all fenced In. nice white corral xenee with a etable for a horse or two. You'll want to see this place for Just $ll,ew. Lee Ohmsrt - $800 DOWN Btlanee like rent. Close to new Washington school, tola Is a S-bcd-room home ready to more Into and start Wing. . IS YOUR HOME TOO LARGE We hare a swell t-bedroom nome located In West Salem, near Salem Stole acedemr. Priced at $$000, Owner will trade for bedroom home i flalem. ENGLEWOOD Here's a dandy 3-bedroom home with dining room, Inside utility, large UTtng room with fireplace and oil beat. It's priced at $11, 000, aad located oa North 24tn St, It's a home In OOOD location. SOUTH - SUBURBAN Main floor has beautiful living room and dining room with wall-to-wall carpeting, a bedrooms, natural wood party room la daylight basement, barn and extra bedroom, double gar as e and large lot. . A VERY desirable country home for $17,600. LOW AND BEAUTIFUL - NORTH 24th STREET One of the lovelier homes of the district, spacious well kept yard. This fine 1-bedroom home has many added features such as sprinkling system, extra plumbing, ate. AU carpeting Included. .. , ;,."y . Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court t. Phone 14111 - Mill vs.: Henrr Torvend J1631 Ted Iforrlson 1604I Louis Loreng IMM Ralph ataddr U4M IRRIGATED TRUCK FARM 74 AC. BEST BOTTOM AND UPLAND LOAMS Irrlg. right, on alii East Woodburn, on Tr. etreem. VALUABLE OAM NERT CONTRACTS available. Lge. lot of poles and wires. Modernised a-bdrrn. home, 1-car garage, lie. mach. shad. Pine are. barn. CRANCB OP A LrrrnigE pniCEl Reduced 116,900. Big, long-term loan - available. . f , HIGGINBOTHAM KEA, ESTATE let Natl Bank Bids., Woodburn Ph. 7711 - xve. lilt c94 Grabenhorst Specials LOTS - CANDALARIA or PAIRMODNT HILL Oood choice loU with rural, or urban vlewa. Better building price, now live an esxellent ohanca to select a lot for that future dream home. Prices from 11600. CALL ROT PERRD3, CO-OP. BROKER CHOICE HOME in choice LOCATION Quality, charm, convenience In this 3-bdrm. home, partally floored attlo that could be finished Into 2 more bdrms. as bath. Lovelr llv. rm. with Roman brick fireplace, kitchen with din. area, full bath with ahower, utility room, lg,. single garage. Auto, oil forced air furnace. CALL J. . LAW MR. INVESTOR Income $105 per mo., good lease, eicellant location. Modern restsurant building In splendid oondtlon, completely equipped, i-bdrm. living quarters, off-street parking, main arterial location. Price 111,600. Will consider trade on large commercial bulldlni. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L, ORAZ-ENHOR8T BUILT POR TV New three-bdrm. home, llv. rm. as activity room, II feel long, dole, lavatory, fireplace, oil heat, dishwasher, alotttee washer It dryer Included In purchase price of 111,600. Bus by door. Better hurryl CALL PETER H. OXISER CHARM WITH ECONOMY 3370 Willa Lane. This 2-rr-old, 3-bdrm. home is situated where realty values are Increasing ateadily. Drive by this charming home and then call for appointment to Inspect It further. -Price 19960. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 8. Liberty St, Ph. 3-3471 Kvenlngs St Sundays call Hoy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Qelser 3-990$ J. I. Law J-M13 H. K. Laymon 3-849 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor YOU'LL LOVE THIS-Landscaped V, acre. Lovely 3 bdrms. and knotty pine den. Dble. plumb. Dbl,. garage, eplendld arrangement and location for your family. North aub., but highly restricted. 13600 down. Price 116,600. , ONI BLOCK TO LESLIE SCHOOL 16x103 lovely corner, paved streets, trees. Solid old house with 4 bdrm,., aawduit turn. Spacious , rooms,, possibilities galore. Needs some work. Terms. Price $7,900. 1 ( MI. OUT s level acres, t rm. modem house. Poultry house, mall barn. Prults, nuts and berries. Tractor and attchmto. Included for 11,060. $3000 will handle. W.760 PULL PRICE. $1600 down, bal. $3S per mo. Neat and clean. 1 I br. home with fireplace to be sacrificed. Nsar col. Pac. and town. A reasonably priced home or a good Income rental. Ill I. Blih Welle Ph. 3-3711 A. Andy Halvorsen 3-7113 AUCTIONS ANTIQUES AUCTION Imported direct from British Isles Selected from various Estates to be held at V.F.W. HALL HOOD AND CHURCH ST., SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY APRIL 22ND & 23RD, 1953 SELLING AT 7 P.M. SHARP EACH EVENING Catalogue aale 400 lot 1n part: i Copper and brass kettles, fire Irons, fenders, rests, screens. Jelly pane, candlesticks, lamps, pots silver dish covers, plaquCs, decentere, claret Jugs,1 Jardlneevas, cruets, Venetian vases, Venetian flower epergnes, biscuit bar rels, asheta, entree dish, hock glasses, ellvcr tea tray, pilar lamp, 6-plece toilet set, ellrer cake basket, egg epergne, wedgewood cheese dish and plaque, silver tureens, breakfast dish revolving cover, gerandoles, 10-plece china coftee eet, brass gallery fender, oal helmet, etc. Superior aets of carved dining and occasional chairs and tables, ladles' and gents' eaay ehalt. piano and foot atools, mantel, wall, carriage and grandfather clocks, dressing and wall LYNN WALTERS-Auctioneer CLACKAMAS, OREGON PHONE PORTLAND EV 13000 Seattle Sale, May J -4-611.. Spokane, Kverett. Tacoma, Vancouver. peruana, sniiene, Beriteiiy, cram AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Ol'CRMIT COW and lulf.r. A. M. Jen sen. Rt. I, Bog 13, ptiene 10X10, Dst lon. Journal Want Ads THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTAfl GENTLE- pine kitchen is Ph. 9-eseo . Beckett Ph. 3-4691 Eves, and Sunday AUCTIONS mirrors, barometers, side tables, tip top loo tables, chests of drawers, 3 tier puslc canterberrr, auperlor rose wood double end settee, dressing ta bles, dumb waiter, marble top cabi nets, tan ales and cigar cabinet, dav enport desk. Victorian sideboard, breakfast table, games top table, tea eaddy, work tables, drop leaf Pem broke table, fender stooL marauen tog cabinet, oommode, dtchess dress ing table. Sutherland tea table, burr walnut bookcases, cabinets,' etc. Dres den vases, Royal Worcester. Royal Vienna and Royal Crown derby china, beak figures, oil paintings, prints and pasieis oy xamoue art late. Oood on view Tuesday, April lt, 1 p.m. tU p.m. en to, Redwood City to follow. M4 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK roRO TRACTOR, harrow, dirt stoop, two 14 plow: I ft. John Deere dtec, new: ft. John Deere drill, like n,w; 3 ft, I-Zee flow ferMUier spreeder; 4 wheel trailer Willi bed: 3 eectlon aprlni-tooth new harrake and mower; II no. oM HolKtelne bull. Route 3, Box 413. 1H miles east of 4 Corners. eat 3 tlKXTLC work horeae, one sprinter heller. ! c Edwards, 4143 emerlon Rd. eM ''ee'al.....a...,.., LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEST While ten Hereford, lie. Locker pork. SSc. Nothlni down. I moe. to per. Cuatom kllllm. Treller loaned free. Rai(ia utii Co 1131 8 3Uk TtL l-Mtl. ea Kadr Calaba PETS ORANGE CANABIEI, phone 1-tlSt, 1340 cuemoaota. eels' BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1963 McCoy. on, block east ol N. Capitol, 1 blocks north of Madison. Ph. 3-H97. aclll KM IALS 3 part Pekingese poodles. 4173 Market. Phone 3-3333. cell MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets, turtles, supplies. 3 mile, from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-1771. Closed Wedneaders. ecus- FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Go. Pick np your Presto-Logs, Brtaueta ad wood, ill so. com'l pnons 1.7711. ee' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kind, of wood. Phone 3-1444. , ee ANDERaON'l hand picked slab wood. 3 cords, 114. Phone 37711 or 44361. Mld- WeSt Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, II CLEAN IMMSOIATI DELIVERY - Pickup Wood 1636 XdiewaUr Phone Salem 3-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. . SPECIAL POR K DAYS Plsnrr trimmings, $1 load. Phone 17731 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS PltYXRS RAISERS 1. Would yon like eo extia profli par bird. f. Would yon ilk, an average weight of 3.1 lbs. at to 9 weexsr t. Would you like to have 3.4 feed eonverelonf 4 Would you Ilka thefaeto and proof? - see or Cell OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Blmlra Road - Eugene, Ore, Ph. 3-1413 . fll3 GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire ahlcks, aatcned every Monday and Thursday. Our ehleka grow fester. Fox's Batehery, 3130 Stat St. Ph. 3-4919. f WANTED Colored bens. LM'a Batch f err, phone 3-3M1. POR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampehlre, parmenters, Red, White Leghorns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wrandottee, Par menter cockerels. Lea Hatchery, phone 3-3111. P PRODUCE NETTED GEM, Burbank aeed potatoes, local, eastern Oregon, $3.76 100 lbs. Al Ped, 6330 Portland Rd. 4-4071. fill ntE8H VEGriABLES, apples, onions, pot. toss, oood burs on all. Open 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day. Phillip, Broe Jarm Market, 0690 Portland Road. ftM NICE DROP seed potatoes. Phone 3-3070. E. J. Ooode. fI96' HELP WANTED WISH EXTERIOR TRIMMING painted green and white on 3-story house, etartlng about May IS or 30. Look it over and make bid at 3104 Maple Avenue. D. 8. McClellan, 37117. Call mornings. aOl HELP WANTED FEMALE BABY SITTER wanted, dayi, my home. Call 3-0492 after fl. ibtH CAB HOP. Woodrotfe'a Ban Bhop, 3400 Portland Rd. no pnone cam. go WAITRESS. Woodrolfe's San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calli. go REGISTERED and graduate nurece; Gen eral Doty and Surgery; forty hour week, 1350.00 baiepay, or 119.00 abore preeent tenure of eerrlce monthly eal ary; one meal per day; vacation, ten ure of .ierv.ee raises, evening and night duty premiums and other per sonnel benefits. Write or phone col lect, Administrator, Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner, Oregon. gb9i WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE feint and automotive accessory galeeman to oover territory adjacent to Salem. Steady employment. Oil Ward, 460 Center. ggB' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jobs Just a few sample lutlnis below: F Typist 1170 r General ofllca 3116 r Payroll clerk 1316 pi cashier, recept., 30-30 1110 P Comntometer oper 1190 w Dictaphone oper ;.,..!200 P Recept., asst. bkkpr 1110 w Gen. ofc, lite shorthand ....1200 P Medical ceeretery 1325 P Secretary, 6-day 1230 F Cashier, lite shorthand 1216 F Bkkpr. FC lmbr 1226 P Bkkpr.-Recept to 1275 F Bkkpr. FC Injur. , to 1250 F-Clerk. ateno 1215 M Multlllth oper. (exp.) 1250 M Jr. acct 1250 M On. olc. 1250 M Salesman 31-36 open M Salea exp. olc. equip open . The East Way to the Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENOY 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.V 4-3361 PORTLAND OFC., 109 CORBETT BLDO. 1194 WANTED POSITIONS OOOD CHILD care. One to alx. Lancai ter vicinity. 3740 Thomdale or 3-3508 after p.m. WILL GIVE kind home, care to bed Pa tient In Christian home. 2-7080. hss CHILD CARE, reasonable. North. Phone 4-4690. h9B ROTARY TILLING New 24" Howard Rotovator. 15 per nr. Ph. 2-3S37. h94 CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call 3-8411 4-1823. hl09 BOTOTILLINO evenings, Saturdays, fludara, Keizer area. Phone 2-5383. h!07 n.OKlNG A DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-S300, h7' Til LINO wlm new II I, Phone evenlnts. 3-3333. Rotarr tiller. hioi MARV'S PLOWIVO and dlsclni, prompt arrlee. 4-54. nm1 TREK WORK. Toppini, trlmmlm, re- morlni. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 1-0315. ' hllS- 74EW lawn,, Rotarr hoelnt. Free estr mates. Duane Wolcott, Phon, 3-8137. hill ROOM AND ears for mother and Infant. or Invalid ladr. Phone -3S. . hot LET MB PLACE your portable aewlni machine In a Roilerette tea table esbinet. Bee It at Dlckaon's, 13th A WE. It's IT. hM PAINTINO, Peper-henilni, tree estl mste, Don Lueero. Phone 3-3633. hioi LANDSCAPE melntenence, p r n n 1 n i. trlmmlm, planum, ferttllilnf. 8erT lee Center. Phone 4-3373. hlOB' NEW LAWNS, complete, fre, ,stlmate,. Fbona 4-3341. hlOJ JOE PALOOKA MEN ARE BOKING yVARILV... THfHS'S A LEFT TOTHf CHAMPS HfAO rVNOU. WANTED POSITIONS Licensed and non-licensed """"J a. Xomestle. Call I-M71. nil BOTO-TILUB WOR 14 heur aalnl mum. Phone 4-6401. . . hl QARDkN, HOWII bed and Uwn pra peratlon. Plowing, discing, leveling, gototuilnl. Bervica Center. Phone 41671. bioi UQBT CSAWLSB. dosing. dirt lev.l bios lng, grading, pnone g-sw. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, aeedlnl. Fbona 3-3041. W TiixiNO WITS RoUry - hoe. Oarden lawns. Phone 1-3139, 3311 stnrireen. hl04 WILL DO CIILINa, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of painting, brush and eprar, furnish references, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3944. his' CUSTOM gardening, 30-ln. Rotary hoe, It an hour. 3-7331 alter 3 p.m. hll MOWIRS SHABPINKD at door. Make It run easy. Phone 3-1314. h34 ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent IXremer, 3160 Lansing Ave. Phone 331M. hill' CLEANI.VO, WASHING, booing, ky day. Phon, 3-4310. hll OARDEN WORK Rototllllng. Call 1-9436 after 6:00 p.m. h OTOTILUNO Ph. 44133. Mlddla Orova Nursery, 4930 Sllverton Rood. h94 BOTO-TILLEB WORK dona by hour or lob. Phone 31741. 3090 It. Church. h94 e'ea'e RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and licenced specialist. Installed, 110 plus materiel. Call any time. Free eetlmatea. Phone 4-3213. halOl FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or leaae. Cement floore, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 9-9115. J OONVKNIENTLT located parking In downtown Aslem. 3650 month. 3-1003. I-STORY ; CONCRETE WAREHOUSE, BUILDING with electric elevator, alley en trance, back of Hotel Salem, a food distributor's headquarters. . STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE young couple. Non-drink- era, non-amokere. Desire a-bedroom home. Phone 3-3731. Ji9t TRAILER BOUSE that can be moved to Urrtlo Creek. Oregon or will buy on terms. '37 Bulck Special Sedan ae down payment or will trade. Phone 30520. I.e." FOR RENT ROOMS FOB ONE or two. Phone 34331: 710 N. Church. )k94 NICE LIGHT houaekeeplni room. Lady. 015 No. Churoh. Jk9l' ATTRACTIVE room, private home. Gen tleman. 916 no. Summer. 3-0311. Jk94 SLEEPING BOOM, 370 Bellevue, Phone 3-1477. 94 NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot and cold water, eel No. Hlin. JIM- FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED APT. Unusually attrac tive, roomy two bedrooms. Heat and hot water furnished. Automatlo wash er close In. Bog 60, Capital Journal. )P97 MODERN COURT, stove and refrigera tor furnished. Plenty of cupboards. Adults. 1429 Trade. Jp94 LEE APTS. flalem Moat Distinguished Addrsu Beautiful bachelor apart menu with pullman kitchens, at moderate rates. 1-bedroom apts. from (77; 3-bedroom unite when available. Call 4-1441. Win ter at Union Bis, ' Jp94' ONE AND TWO room apartment, pri vate bath, furnished. 633 Ferry. JpBf S BOOM and 2 room nicely furnished apartments. Call 38556. jp94 BOOM furnished, full bath, heat and water iurnuned. near Medical center. $35. a-asei or 4-6604. jpot t BOOM furnished apt., S2S. 1 room furnished apt., 130. Ughto and water furnlehed, laundry facilities, 1020 Perry 8t. 3-3101. Jp64 8-ROO.H furnished apartment, 494 So. Winter. jpm FfJBMSBED bachelor apartment. One or two men. Utilities. 340 East Waeh lng ton. Jp97' FURNISHED 1 and 2 room apartments, private entrance, utilities included. Phone 37310. Jp4 FRONT FIRST FLOOR furnished 3-room apartment. Bendlx. Private entrance. 358 N. Liberty. Phone 1-7124 appoint ment. " 1p94 8 OR 4-BOOM furnlihed court apart ments, close In. 3 -0546. Jp99 FURNISHED 3-room and den. private. Utilities. 4-M31. 330 Mission. VERY NICK, eloee-ln, 6-room apartment. Furnished or uniurnisnea. J-ssaj. JpM FOR GENTLEMAN, large 1-room fur nisneo apt. witn reirmerator. 255 cen ter. Jp95 EXQUISITE, 3-room, bath, larse, good view, ground noor. pnone aiU7, jp99 NICE APT. for 3, one block tait of Memorial Hospital. 605 ao. Bummer. JP95 NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am. bassador Apts. 650 No. Summer. Jp FB1VATE THREE-BOOM furnlehed court apartment, clean. Adult. $50. 3560 Portland Road. Jpl03 N1CELV FURNISHED l-room apt.. Close in. otv no. uouage. jpbs FURNISHED side duplex, Hollywood. Clean, basement, aduiu. 3-8642, 1990 Mccor. jp96' COLUMBU APTS., furnished or unfur- nisned, modern 3 room, electric beat, sarage. ous cioae. no pets. u Fair ground Rd. H. C. Huranel. Jpas- NICELT FUBN1HHED small apt,, bath, uiuiue. waiaiDg autance. goo Capitol. jpus 3 MCE APT 8. urn Uhed, close to unt- ycrauy, itate capltol. 20714. Jp6' SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H. X Stiff Furniture. Phone 1-9185. in FOR RENT HOUSES 1 BEDROOM, electric appliances, oil heat, laraie. Adult,. Phon, 1-4319 lm4' D166ER. RUSHED M WITH A FURIOUS FLURRY Of RIGHTS A NO LEFTS TO THE STOMACH... FOR "MTHOUSIS mem. rnone store ana resriaw... ,5. aMDBOOM hou no garage. Walki dlstenc, irum ,., ...1.9 J I BEDROOMS, awmant, Inquire s ., ..... a.eias. 'mv4 rBEDROOM h.u. clean P..W Uhed. j-uj. S-BEDROOM euburban, asi.w. Phons lm- 4-1711 or l-eee.. ruRNira an'"i" at,' 1130 Brown nvmv. ia9t tvTKAE-OLD, .-bedroom, piped iurnace. sa- a snawsse vawi -J ea,aalhar. Venetian oimoa, uu.neu, , " J stripped, carpeted, automatlo clothes washerTclothes dryer, dlshwaiher, ar- . jt..A..t a,nML Block tO hOS- Pltaj. arade achool. bua stop. AeaU .1,1. Aoril 17th. one block aouth Ue- morlal Hospital. Celt 3-7003 (I to 11, 4-M13 erenlPM. )m" . BBnafWla. .Ml, Mt BBS Ufl. flUb- ,,rh.n naena. aao per Jm4" 3-7007. COXT, CLEAN, small, furnished eottaae. ONE-BEDROOM tXHJRT rental, til, bath. 149. On,-bedroom aourt rental, completely furnished. tUe bath, 130. b. ..i.si np e.leM. jm ROOM & BOARD WORKING LADY to ehar, amaU house, arden. Bhara aipensss. near ere.- 4-3BOS erenlnis. board AND BOOM for elderly men. 130 m hi. ' - - - OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or stors specs for rent, call as rim searaek - DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ETC. N.w 3. room suite, corner Belieruo ana Ur. Near Balem Memorial hospital Phone sum. LOST S FOUND LGT rvenlns 18th, at the Al Kader Kaperj.xt. new Brown tweea topcoat, leather buttons, railan sleeres. Ur bmlneu card In the Jnilde pocket. Phone 1-6313, Tom Tatman. MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS n-DRrVB MOVE YOURSELF , , ' .' SAVE Vi PIC3TOPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1331 PAOB STEVENSON and AL MEPPORD . m" 8ALI1S SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract work , Road Clearlnl - Dltchlnl Sewer and Basement ' Equipment Rental Ditchlni by the Foot . . Phone Daya 3-3403 res, 3-4417 or 1-7411 Salem, Oreion - m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR , l-HH. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY 8EMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bid,., State ft Commercial Sts, SALEM PH. 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain ' Cedar Shingles ; No. 3s, 13 Inehsi clear, 13; No. 3, I Inchee dear, 14. No sap wood or eulle. Coma and let them. TM afuller, Salem-Independenca Road. Ph. Salem 3-1133. ma NOW Make that home sparkle with a new roof this sprint, before the rush be Ins. Call 4-0013 or 3-4833. Cascade Roofing Co, maW KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Gloseouts 2x4 - r1 No. 4 common FOB vftrd , M. lx3 . r1 S No. 116 Sldlni 7B.00 M. 1x4 - em c&Btr. ms ... Vixt r1 eadar siding .. 6000 lln. Sxl - r1 D&Btr, oval cast 1000 lln. I'k & 1H lattice fiitiiined, .100.00 M. ..65.00 M. ..03 ft. .02 ft. 350 lln. 3" moulded casing D&Btr .03 ft. 1500 Hn. Hll - r1 DttcBtr. BK2E .02 ft. 500 lln. 3" downspout us 1500 ft. 2x6 - r1 D&Btr. TAG KD 150.00 M. is sei. 49x06 - reject ply.. 16o sq .ft. 3 pes. 48x84 V reject ply... 15o eq. ft. CLOGEOUTS wort clothes.- carpenter s painter overalls 25 off Plums Ins is housewares 25 off See us before you buy power tools. We have cn hand electric drills, Stanley Miller Falls power saws, 3 shapers, 1 drill preis. bench grinders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, saw A drill pren, lawn mowers. Keith Brown Lumber Yd, Pront at Court Street phone 3-3111 WX OrVI I a R ORKEN STAMPS ms' BUILDER'S BPECIAIj New Planed lum ber. SIS per M. and up, delivered 3-3043. melll Building? New weatberitrlpped windows, com- pletely assembled, hundreds rn stock ready to 10, 614 up. New picture windows 38.00 New doors 3'8"x6'8" .83.50 3-tab hexagon roofing 35.95 3-tab thlckbutt roofing 86.95 TJnpalnted cedar shakes ...,,..$5.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...835.50 New 20"xi8" wash basin in. Jo Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ,,.169.50 New shower cabinets, complete. .443.00 SOO-sal. steel septic tanks $62.50 4" soil pipe 70 New electric water heater 672.50 New steel garage doors .....153.00 Asbestos siding $9 60 no. 2 cedar shingles 36.00 No. 3 eedar shingles $3.75 New plasterboard 4x8 $1.40 Exterior white paint (gal.) .,..$2.95 aeanogany ditch plywood... bargain water proof wall board, 4x8 ,,.$1.75 New S-ln. Plywood Hc New bath r. aets, complete $86.00 C. G, LONG & SON Phone 43061 1 ml. north of Keller ma Monday, April 20, 1953 BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE . complete on your lot to lour specifications, aa low a. 111 war month, no down payment, BOWMAN LBR. ea HDWE. CO. IftO Btata t. Ph. 3-3701 malts REDUCED M.00 m DAY UNTIL SOLD t only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 3-speed shut automatic atert.r. Startlm price April 14th. 1311.30 APRIL 21, $256.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Frost ft Court St.' Phqna t-llll WZ MVE 8. ft H. ORTEN STAMPS a ,lf,i,irrrrrr i NURSERY STOCK APPLE TEEE8, half price, four varltlei. Bovd's wuraery. atiir omw, uiuhu- GLAD BULBS 3 dos. n.w. uanuae, named, 3 lOr .W UWrUtl a7egBUUIKaa 3 lor 11.00. Delphiniums, 3 for si.OO, ealla lilies, pink, white, 3 for 91.00. If, w. Btr. B. plants, 3 dos. $1.00. Merrills OreenhouM, Brooks COMB IK and see our line of ararden ...7 -v,...V. .nit HeaslHtn tllinta SUPP11CS) elMIHWB " Middle Orove Nuraerr, 4820 Bllrerton Rd. Phone 44W3. mb4- CHOICE OLOXINEAB DOW Dioomittf. Visitors WeiCOmo at omma m Airioaa Violet headquarters. Fuchala, Petunia, tomatoe A beddlnt plants. Oppen's Oreenhouee, 4330 Auburn Rd. mblH' BE DOE OB WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conuers, dozwooo. rn. im 94BT HollTwood Drive, mbldl For Sale MISCELLANEOUS USED BINDER ELECTRIC PORTABLE aewlni machine. Looks Ilka new. A-l eondltlon. New machine fuarantee. Only I3J.30. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Commercial nH I PIECE dlntni room let. Phone 4-1184. USED ELECTRIC CONSOLE Cabinet sewlni machine. Oood eondl tlon and fuarant.d. Baraaln. 334.50. SINOER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Contmerclal , n94 3 TON OF bean writ 30 pound. 4141 Bllrerton Road. n94 TV SET, electric inner, refrlierator, and rollaway beds, all practically new, and priced rliht. Jayhawk Trailer Sales, 3840 Portland Rd. nflfl BED, DRESSER, library table, Schick raior, miscellaneous clothes. 1-3844. n9e KELVINATOB refrtieratora, reuonable. 330 IJIsslon. n9S LE U POWER SAW tor sale, lood con dition, reasonable. Phone 3-3734 or 3-8338. . no. PIANO for sale, sood condition. Franklin. Phone 3-3744. .1483 DOB- SET CLUB aluminum cookware. Xlectrlo . coffee percolator, $15.00. Phone 28065. CASH DRAWER and adding machine, $35 takes both. Also office desits and ohalrs. Cheap. Olenn Woodry's. 1605 No. Summer. n94 HARDWOOD Chest Desk, 829.96. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 270 SO. LlDerty St. Phone 46371. n94 TWIN SIZE box springs, $6. Olenn woodry's, 1605 No. Summer. n94 EXCELLENT BARNYARD fertiliser. nl Phone 42470 or 43907. LAWNMOWER, $4.30. Olenn Woodry. n94 FERTILIZER Pulverized, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 2-077 or j-5072. nios OOOD THOR washer, 15.30. Olenn n94 Woodry, 1605 No. summer. WE, BUT AND SELL uswl merchandise) or ail types, voeu m ntvun anuidb -MART, 370 60. Liberty St., phone 48371, Balem, Oregon. n94 SCHWINN BIKE, $18.50. Hand brakes. double lights, others (men's and wom en's) $10. Olaflin Woodry's, 1600 No. Summer. n94 CAR RADIO BABGAIN '51-'62 Chev. 1- piece custom push-baton, ONLY $69.99 Installed. Pay only $1.65 ft week. Ra-, dlos for nearly all cars. NO money dowal (on approved credit). Green Stamps, toot MASTER - 8KRVICB FTATIONS, 365 N. Com'l. n94 CANVAS and metal patio and porch chairs, $3.95 up. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 No. Summer, n94" B-PC. CHBOME SET, only $26.95. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liber ty St., phone 46371. n94 Y HORSE elect, motor, good. Woodry, 1605 No. Summer. 86.50. n94 4 GOOD TIRES and life guard tubes, 600x16. 3530 Lancaster Dr. n9& ELECTRIC RANGES, new and used, also refrigerators. Sale priced. Olenn Woodry's. 1603 No. Summer. n94 Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seed,, and odorleRS. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. nils' NEW LAMP table, 14.33. Olenn Woodry. 1603 No. Summer. n94s Mcculloch chain saws, ioi Edae weter. West Selem. Salem Loiilm Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n USED ROLLAWAY bed. A-l. Woodrr. 1605 No. Summer. 17.50. nS4 STEEL clothesline posts, planter,, ratl ine porch columns, furniture, 1146 N. Liberty. nlll 3-WHEEL TRAILER, ball hitch, Woodry, 1605 No. Summer. 135. LADY'S BICYCLE, In lood condition. Reasonable. 435 Jefferson. nBf." MODERN bleach oak dlnln, set. 7-pc. Extends to seat 10 people. Nice eondl tlon. Strictly a barealn. 113.50. Olenn Woodry. 1605 No. Summer. n94" ISO ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 43-lalIon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance. 373 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n EARLY AMERICAN corner china cup board. 128.75. Olenn Woodry's, 160.1 No. Summer. nlM" FARM HOME GARDEN . Rotted manure composts, the same quality as Isst rear, tor home and l.rden. Plaistones, red lata stone and other types tor walls r lardens. Rus. tie cedar tenclni and trellis work, Phillips Bros, Rt. I. Box 49, Salem, Ph. 4-3081. n USED wsshlni machines, 11.95 and np, YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n TWIN reds, inc. coll iprm, and lood msttress. Finest of yslues, I24.V). Olenn Woodry's, 1105 No. Bummer. n94. By Ham Fisher , ii- HOLD IT, W66ER,.. JOE wa3feir THE BELL RANG. T BACKS AriAV yVVakawsr ' WARD OFF ftftHfi L THEIRST.. -JJl KtL i