Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 20, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Monday, April 20, 195S
Pan 13
Tele -
k' All VgJm VwaItA Unaa - i f
w iiauco uiuns luuoo vtcgun ouvw college Saturday
night In the Gill Coliseum. The scene of the dramatic
doings was back stage of the platform constructed for
" the Oscar Levant concert.
It all started this way, early Saturday afternoon, James
C. Petrillo, president of the AFL, American Federation of
Musicians, announced that Pianist Oscar Levant could not
- be hired as a union musician pending disciplinary action.
In a telegram to Columbia Artists Management, Inc.,
booking agent for Levant, Petrillo said the pianist "is
not to be given any bookings until such time as the inter-
- national executive board of the federation decides his
- case."
What Petrillo didn't know was that Columbia Artists
has already stated that they would not represent Levant
any longer, In view of the fact that he cancelled five Cana
dian engagements and one in Seattle. .
. On these grounds Petrillo took his action Saturday.
Levant, not knowing of the ban, appeared before a large
crowd on the State campus.
. Following his concert, Irwin Harris, the gent who has
been sweating it out for over three weeks wondering if
Levant would show up at Oregon State for his concert,
had the task of giving Levant the bad news.
Harris was already disgusted In the matter of being
i the middle of a fight between Levant and Columbia.
Tinth Wanted the check for the evenincr'a nnnner f
Views doesn't know who got it but both wanted it and
there was only one. '
nearea woras were voicea oy .Levant m a room in
which only he and Harris were present. However, bits
; of the conversation could be heard through the door,
j "I'm shocked," were Levant's first words after Harris
J got through reading the notice to him. Levant then
'shook off newsmen from the AP, UP, INS and Tele-
Views to streak out of the building like a bolt of lightning
to go to Portland. He refused to answer the questions
'whicn .retriiio wanted answered immediately.
5 Harris then breathed a
was over. In a worried fashion prior to the concert.
Harris phoned Levant in his Beverly Hills home asking
Ihim if he would show up for sure and Levant Baid "I
;dont know."
i Despite the above action which took place after the
'concert, Levant put on a brilliant performance for the
audience at Corvallis. Once during the concert he appear
. ed to be collapsing but regained enregy to finish the con
cert. -
kiia KmiT.n Knnv i. Kinprr
musical comedy singers ; Senator WAYNE MORSE of Ore
gon and The Story Princess.
!: Matinee Theater 8:00. "Next of Kin;" spy story with
'' J. Edgar Hoover.
-, Wild Bill Hickok 5:00' "Ghost Breakers." Bill and
; Jingles run into Ghosts, fortune tellers and strange un
J explainable robberies.
Levant Hopes
To Get Back
Portland Concert Pi
anlit Oscar Levant, suspended
by the AFL Musicians Federa
tion, said here Sunday that he
would ask to be reinstated.
"I am a musician, I want to
practice my art." he told re
James C. Petrillo, federation
president, announced in New
York Saturday night that Le
vant eould not be hired as a
union musician pending dis
ciplinary action.
Levant was notified ol the
announcement following a con
cert at Corvallis. Before he
knew of Petrlollo's action he
had complained of feeling 111.
Later he said he would not
have played at Corvallis had
he been notified In advance of
the suspension.
Petrillo said that the action
. vvne "hAflno t'fllrpn hecause Le
vant had broken contracts to
appear at Winnipeg, Regina
SasVntnnn. Edmonton and Col
gary, Canada, between April
7 and April 13.
Tills cnused losses to em
ployers, victimized the public
and Jeopardized tne employ
ment of a larger number of
rftiisiplnna Pptrilln said.
, Levant said he had suffered
i heart attack last summer and
had cancelled the Canadian
tour because of poor health.
9 Milkliearings
On Prices Planned
Portland. m The State
Milk Marketing Administra
tlon Friday announced that
milk price hearings would be
held In nine Oregon communis
ties within the next month.
These matters will be under
consideration: Revision of the
resale price of milk and cream;
revision of the basis for
pricing milk and cream pur
chased by distributor on a
hundredweight basis.
The hearings are scheduled
lor: Tillamook and Newport,
April 27; McMlnnvllle and
Oregon City, April 28; K.ils
boro, April 29; Hood River and
The Dalles, April 30; Salem
and Albany. May o.
Factory Trained Berrlc
and IniUUatlon
ISM 8k.te 8U Phona I-7B77
- tH.l 11 M .
sigh of relief, that the concert
nnnifiorin h uai vn worn
Fire Hazards
Get Attention
of Klamath Falls, co-chairman
of-the joint ways and means
committee, took issue with a
statement in the Capital Jour
nal Saturday to the effect that
(Via uravs and means commit
tee had not given sufficient
consideration to tne lire Haz
ards surrounding the old hospi
tal building at Oregon State
"The committee," said Se
mon, "Issued specific instruc
tions to the board of control
that Ward 48 must be abandon
ed upon completion of the new
wing of the hospital building
and all patients now housed in
the old ward transferred to the
new wing."
The building committee of
the ways and means committee
nwirieri si.soo.OOO for re
placement of one wing of the
old hospital DUiiaing, ih im
of the program aavocaiea Dy
v.a VinarH nf pnntrol. which
sought replacement of the cen
ter wing at a cost oi j,ouu,uuu
j.ini. 4ha npyt hiennium and
ULUHIfi .- '
xu. u..iMtntf i9 wn additional
wings In succeeding menniums.
Taylor Heads
Church Council
wrllnn w Tavlor of the
II mow..
c4.tAman h an been
elected president of the Salem
uouncii oi
lng W. W. McKInney, attorney.
lluei F1-1 ........
t..i..j. rii Tlonn Brooks.
lice uikiuuc " ,j'
vice president; Mark Hatfield,
treasurer; Mrs. Gus Moore,
secretary; Mrs. L. F. Handle
and Bill McKInney, vice presi
Mrs. Randle !s president of
the Salem Council of Church
... mil McKlnnev
serves in a similar capacity for
the Salem Christian Youth
It's the
Trader Louie
1870 Lono Avenue
Phone 3-8558
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
tonir protramt mudmia tn seaMt)
; and :
Salem's Most Complete
TcleTiilon Center
Phone Day or Nlfht
2-1611 or 2-4728
Motorola TV
p.b. Matlnet Tbeiur
p.m. Starch for Tomorrow
p.m hart of Ufa
p.m. Wild BUI Hickok
p.m. Hopalont Clkldr
p.m. Telentwi
p.m. Tim for Btanr
p.m. sportsman Clue
p.m. Short Drams
p.m. Newt Caravan
p.m. Chtvron ThttUr
p.m Volet of motions
p.m. 1 Lovt Lue?
p.m. Red Button
p.m. Robtrt Monteomtrr
P.m. Cindld Camara
p.m.-NHt owl Thaatw
CALL 4-2271
428 COUBT 1120 CDfTIR
11:00 t.m Frttdom Rlnu
H:00 p.m.-Tht Bl Ptyolt '
11:10 p.m. Welcomt Trtvtln
1:00 p.m. Kttt Smith
J:00 p.m. Bittr rurntu
3:15 p.m. Arthur Qodfrtr
1:10 p.m.-6trlkt It Rich
1:00 p.m. uitlnet Thttttr
4:15 p.m. 6arch for Tomorrow
4:10 p.m. Loie of Lift
:00 p.m. Howdr Doodr
6:10 p.m. Vtcatlonlud
:00 p.m. mrne'i the emt
:10 p.m. Douit Edwardt
6:40 p.m. Tlmt for Bttnr
1:00 p.m. Two lor tht Montr
7:30 p.m. Dinah Short
7:40 p.m. Nuwi caravan ,
6:00 p.m. Texaco Thtatar
6:00 p.m. rirtaldt Thtatar
9:10 p.m. Clrolt Theattr
10:00 p.m. Alan Yount Show
10:10 p.m ecott Mualo BaU
11:00 p.m. air Llttlt Martlt .
U:10 p.m Nlto Owl Theater
Television Serv. Co.
1410 8. 12th Phone 4-551S
Air Force
Trade Sought
Portland (UP) An hi.ui
ait rorce offer to trade the
800-acre Vanport for another
site for rocket storage was dis-
ciosea toaay.
Made in a letter from Mai.
Gen. Robert E. T. Fntnn hi.
rector of Air Force legislation
and liaison, to Ren. Walter
Norblad, the offer added the
provision that the site must be
available at no additional cost
to the government and would
entail no great delay.
Portland wants the Vanport
site for a proposed giant sports
Carvel Linden, president of
the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, had earlier asked the
Air Force to consider an alter
nate site in the vicinity of N.E.
158th avenue along the Colum
bia river, or a tract near Trout
Hollywood, (U.R) Shapely
film starlet Suzan Ball will
enter St. Vincent's hospital to
day for a bone operation above
her right knee.
Universal -International stu
dio said the ailment was a
"serious" one.
I Cm bt Mlvd If f 1
i A rw lOCAtiM U tl
I wd. cm ii - F H
: we'll to ir lMit h H
2C Ill'TI.'H!!
rJUlBL i
4tr fra Infsrmtl writs
! M
rvW ou. -
I I U .1 Iff W I .wry a
CKIWi As .
Here's Information on
Age Limits for Derby
A letter from mother says
she follows the Soap Box
Derby newt stories with en'
thusiasm (which we are very
pleased to hear) but she is a
little mystified at to why we
don't run the age limits for tne
two classes and the deadline
for registration. . - '.
' Well, I'm little mystified
too. I guess it la as much for
getfulness as anything that the
age limits haven't been men
tioned since early In the pre
parations for the 1803 Percy,
so here goes with the Informa
tion she requested ana witn
some other pertinent dope for
you derbyists. .
First the age limits Class
A includes boys from 13 to IS
Inclusive; , Class B. includes
boys of 11 and 12. These ages
must be in effect on August 9,
the date of the Ail-American
Derby In Akron, Ohio. In other
words, it you are 11 or 13 on
August 9, you will be in Class
B or A, respectively, In the
Salem race even though your
birthday comes between the
two Derby dates. If you are 15
on August 9, you will not be
eligible for either race.
The deadline for entries has
not definitely been set yet, but
will probably be June 12, Just
one month before our, race.
However, there la no reason to
wait until that date to register.
The . sooner you register the
better as far as the Derby asso
ciation is concerned for that
gives them a better chance to
plan the timing of the race, the
number of prizes to get, the
gifts for each racer and so forth.
A lot of late registrations
may result in not enough prizes
and gifts being prepared for or
not enough time to set up the
race run-off the most efficient
ly. . ....
A few other rules: You can
only race in one official Soap
Box Derby besides the National
championship racb and you
cannot enter an unoniciai raco
and then race in an official
Derby. With the exception of
the wheels, axles and steering
system, you must build the
racer by yourself, from the
cutting and shaping of parta to
the nailing and fastening to-
nther rules in detail that
Vmiiiri answer all your dues
tioni are in the official rule
book which will be given you
when you register. ' , ,
If you plan to race in Salem s
biggest kids event, it's a good
irton tn start building now even
though there seems to be plenty
of time left. In another few
weeks, school will be out and
you may want to go swimming,
play ball, pick berries or some
thing else that will take up
most of your time so that you
may not get your racer iimsnea
In time. ' ,
Incidentally, that letter I
mentioned was from Mrs. Isa
bel Kenagy, 702 Hawthorne
..oot Tt urns the first letter we
have received about the Derby
although there have been lots
of phone calls. We'd like to
hear from more of you Derby
ists or your mothers or fathers,
either with questions or ideas.
Just drop a line here to me
Capital Journal ana u
that you find out wnai you
want tn know.
Here are some more my
racing in Oregon's biggest ama
teur event:
-lac a John Socolofsky,
1210 Market street, sponsored
by Charles Musser used car lot,
urn l , , SERVICE
365 N. Commercial
Phone 3-4163
Dale Suran, 2694 Fisher road,
sponsored by Salem police de
partment; David Bradshaw, 735
Madron avenue, sponsored by
aievens ana son jewelers; Dale
Karnes, 1020 Parkway drive,
sponsored by Karnes Electric
company; and Mike Sowa,
Woodburn, sponsored by his
Class B Raymond Murphy,
418S North River road, spon
sored by Home Fire Alarm sys
tem Curtis Andersen, 8418
Windsor Island road, sponsor
ed by Bunda Car Service;
Richard Baumann, 1015 Laurel
avenue, sponsored by his
father: Philip Hitchcock, 940 D
street, sponsored by the YMCA;
and Don M. Norrls, 8435 Norrls
Lane, sponsored by. Norrls-
Walker Paint company.
Hdnford Office
Strike Holds
Richland. Wash. ( A
strike of more than 600 AFL
office workers at the Hanford
atomic plant continued with
no early end in sight. .
The strike, called in support
of wage demands, has idled
4700 employes .of Kaiser Engi
ners working on the 110 mil
lion dollar expansion program
at the plutonlum plant.
Picket lines were removed
briefly Friday morning at one
DUiiaing so employes could
pick up weekly pay .checks
totaling 1500,000.
Federal mediators met with
both sides but said they could
see no way of a quick settle
ment. The strike was called
Wednesday in support of of
fice worker demands of a 12
cent minimum hourly wage in
crease and health and welfare
benefits amounting to 7tt
cents an hour.
Cons Plot- to Flee
Through Tunnel Fails
Chester, 111. ( Menard
state prison officials today gave
grudging praise to two con
victs' "Count of Monte Crista"
plot to escape through a tun'
nel they had spent a year and
a half digging. The convicts
were captured yesterday, but
not before one of them had
made full preparations to seal
himself in the 35-foot tunnel
and keep digging until he was
New International Trucks
Valu Only IH Can Give You
Economy begins the first mile you drive a New International
Truck. Operating costs start low, stay low. New International
Trucks give the biggest economy of all the extra years of serv
ice that New Internationals are built to deliver. Consider all
the costs and you'll want a New International
IH-Bullt, IH-Proved. Each of the 168 basic models In the New
International Truck line embodies engineering principles that
have kept International the heavy-duty sales leader for 21 yean.
The 307 new features are laboratory-proved, road-proved.
Now features you want In America's most complst truck Una Nsw
International styling Identified by the IH emblem. ..First truck builder
to offer choice of gasoline or LP gas with Underwriters' Laboratories
listing in IVi-ton aises and other models . , . Comfo-Vlilon cab with
one-piece Sweepsight windshield; new comfort and interior styling
, . . Sts.l-f l.x f rarnos ... 296 Whsslbaws . . . lasy starling, grsaltr fusl
economy . . , Wlds rang, of axle ratios . . . (sol steering comfort and
control . .'. Sizes from '4-ton to 90,000 lbs. GVW rating.
West Coast Gas
Holding Lead
Washington M West Coast
Transmission company appar
ently naa become front-runner
in the race for licenses to
pipe natural gas to the Pacific
Prospects of the firm, which
for several yean has sought
to bring Canadian gas to Wash
ington and Oregon, brightened
during a two-month Power
Commission hearing on pipe
line construction permit appli
cations. The hearing was re
cessed Thursday until May 25.
The first big break came
Tuesday when Portland Gas
St Cofie company swung its
support from Northwest Na
tural Gaa company to West
Coast. The Oregon distributor
pointed out that Northwest Na
tural has been unable to get
a license to export Canadian
gas and declared the, West
Coast project Is superior to
one offered by Pacific North
west Plpepllne company.
26 Autos Start
Mobilgas Run
Lbs Angeles, (U.R) Twenty-
six new passenger cars, repre
senting nearly every auto man
ufacturer in the nation, left
early today on. a 1,200-mile,
three-day road test from Los
Angeles to Sun Valley; Ida., in
I ,J . NUT I f
It's fun to go to San Francisco on the "Shasta Daylight.". You
relax. The engineer does the dsiving. Travel through the high
Cascade mountains; around 14,161-foot Mt. Shasta. - Coffee
shop and dining cars; colorful Timberline Tavern car. Giant
picture windows. Seats are foam rubber and recline easily.
Leave Salem any morning 8:00; arrive San Francisco 11:15
same nieht. Convenient connections from oolnta north and
east. Phone Southern Pacific
reservations. ....
...Lower Cost
Each Mile, Each Year!
If The Mew
2255 Silverton Road Phone 2-4123
the annual Mobil-gas economy
run. - ' .- ,
. Entrants in the fourth an
nual run, sponsored by the
General Petroleum Cor., began
leaving the starting line in
downtown Los Angeles at one
minute after midnight at two
minute intervals.
The first leg of their trip
will be a 548-mile drive to
Reno, Nev., for which a time
limit of 13 hours was set by
the American Automobile As
sociation. They will drive by
way of the Ridge . Route to
Fresno, Calif., and cross the
high Sierra mountains into
Nine hours and 15 minutes
will be allowed for the 431.5
miles between Reno and Boise,
Ida., tomorrow, and the final
leg of 228.3 miles to Sun Val
ley Wednesday must be com
pleted within five hours. , 1
Hong Kong, UJD . Informa
tion reaching here from a high-
Free Book on Arthritis
And Rheumatism ,
An amazing' newly enlarged 44-
page book entitled "Rheumatism"
wlu be sent free to anyone who
win write lor u, ,
It reveals why drugs ana medi
cines give only temporary relief
and fall to remove the causes of
the trouble; explains a specialized
non-surslcal, non-medical treat
ment which has proven suooesis
ful for the put 83 years.
You Incur no obligation In send
in .for tola instructive book. It
may be the means of saving you
years of untold misery. Write to
day to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 2611,
Excelsior Springs, Missouri. -
or your local railroad agent for .
' , '
Nw MM R-tN pMnr wHti Meat body. Otwr
pickup nKxMs aralkibU wHk M and -foot bod Its.
New Modal M60 wllh 12-foot orolo
Mew Model 1-120 plcavp wt AaVA-tob atladw.
Inrerswtroaolt of
ly reliable source today said
three Americans captured by
Chinese Communists last
month were being held in a
Canton jail. . . .
Before buying
any hearing aid;,
v you owe it to v
yourself to try the ;
under our 10-day
i By nuksrsof world.
Batteries for All Makes
and Models of Hearing Aide
444 SUTE ST.
HON! 3-5528
In i rturvid siit on the struMitf
Try this shy, dependant wiv en the "
. ' ,.r,iin ,... ... ji. i
wtryoM em sflofi
America's Most Modsra Tralm .
ii Son
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