Page 12 Monday, April 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVE ROPER q RADIO PROGRAMS The Voice of Love By WILLIAM HEUtAUER TUISDAYP. M, (AT Newifeeturei) I OA. BOTHEB 1 P FOR HEAVENS SAKE.! I II - " JA,. ,r I' PLUS IT IN, STEVE- (TS jAM. , fZ'M MUDBl fW COURSE, THE UJJ fJ CHAPTER 4 Spelling came in, tall and fu nereal in a black dress. She nod. ded pleasantly to the two ladles nd went briskly over to the bulletin board, aha said loudly: "I think progressive education la abominable, Johnny Smith broke the windows, and I most certainly wont forbear smoking while on the rjremlaes h in. dependence, she drew a cigarette from a package ol Camels and lighted up. "Slop staring, girls," she commanded. "I'm old enough to go to perdition in my own waji mown eve. met iwmi, vom two young heads tilted back. In muunu narmony uey sang: Good morning, dear Miss Vance, t uuo wiafc you ure weu. We promise dear Mm Vance, To try to learn to spelj Put "1" before your "e" Exoept alter "c" Or II it sounds like "av" Thev ducked, but nifc in tlma The expertly thrown sola cushion landed where Miss Vance had wanted It to land. Looking smugly triumphant, Miss Vance stepped to the door, "You never did learn to spell, either of you. Which makes me think my resignation m wuie. oureiy hi new meth od? wont be any worse than the old ones were." Her sister staff members shiv ered. The 1 changes next term wouia ds many, Ana without Miss Vance around to give them the benefit of her experience Uie prospect seemed horrible. Again brown eyes met purple ones. Grace nodded and drew a . oeep preaui. "Did we tell you ' we're resigning, too?" , The mouth of Miss Boise Vance clicked shut. "You're being ridiculous! And I wont thank you for your so called loyalty, either." The bell rang. A stampede of teachers came through the door and there, for the time, the dis cussion ended. Ruth scooted out side and across to Building Three. Arriving in time to catoh a cou ple of kids clowning at her desk, she ducked right in the corridor, coughed loudly, then estenatlously made her entrance. Sweet lnno-l cence met her gaze. Boys and girls rose and chorused: "Good morn ing. Miss Carlisle." "Good morning, everyone. Shall we pledge allegiance to our flag?" During lunch Miss Vanoe had important matters on her mind. Nancy, it seemed, had talked. De spite the fact that Mr. Carlisle had forbade publicity, Nancy had told several of the grade school kids that the Lena-ley Curtis was itaying at the hotel. Miss Vanoe Was properly thrilled, "You wouldn't be a dear, would you, and ask him to address our garden club? It would be quite a feather in our cap. We could charge people to bear him and the money oould be used to send some poor children to camp this summer." Back came the world to Ruth Carlisle. With start she grew aware of the tumult about her and Mr, Julnee bearing down on their table with long strides. "I could not. According to his nephew. Mr. Curtis wants no fuss. He doesn't feel well, And just wait until. I get my hands on nancyi" "May I Join you?" The lanky principal beamed upon Miss Blolse Vance. Talcing silence for consent, he placed his tray on the table and sat down. "Quiet, lsnt It?" Miss Vanoe sniffed. "I can hear birds singing and the tinkle of brooks In the quiet afternoon I " Mr. Quince chuckled. "Oh, you're not angry with me. Miss Vance. You know perfectly well that the decision was made by the school board." . "A real principal would have defended the results of the past. A man who wasn't an oily poli tician at heart would have told Mr. Abraham O'Brien and all the others that our methods achieved good, clear, worthwhile results." His gray eyes twinkled. He was a man of Invincible amiability. Dishes might crash around him, rebellion might flare In his school, Orace might go out with Arith metic two evenings a week, but still he'd smile and return daggers hilt first. He returned Miss Vance's dagger now. j did oounsel mod' eratlon. Miss Vanoe. And I did manage to convince them you win b reauy resigned. Mr, O'Brien wre your letter up in my pres ence." "Reallyl" Down clattered his fork to his ilad Dlate. He claimed a hnnv hand melodramatically to his forehead. "My forgetful mind! Speaking of letters, Ruth, I have a note iur you. He handed it to her, and elabo rately drew Miss Vance Into con versation. Ruth scowled. She studied the writing and felt tempted to tear the envelope to shreds unopened. Aoanaomng neri Burning simply because she wasn't ready to marry him yetl But curiosity got the better of temptation. She opened the envelope with her forefinger ana ux out uie tetter. It was grim and very formal. "My dear Miss Carlisle," it be gan, and ended on the old-fash ioned note: "Your humble and obedient servant." In between were sentences thst fairly crack led with anger's electricity. Bob O'Brln was tired of being kept waiting, aoo O'wen was tired 01 waiting for voices Inside her to say when he could be married. boo O'Brien Knew other girls. Henceforth, unless she behaved like an adult, he would date these giris. "I am ttilnkliur of Sallv." the last paragraph ran. 1 find her lovely and eminently sensible. My father agrees with me thst Sally wouia mace some man s line, de voted wife. All of which brings me to this conclusion: either the merry-co-round Is stooped, or I'm jumping off." Lord love a duck, thought Ruth Carlisle. Mr. Quince ' smiled at her. "Good news," Then her temper flared. Imply ing that she was a child! Writing a silly note like that and then bragging that he was an adult! . ery good news, Mr. Quince. Bven before I'm engaged. I'm jilted I Isn't that simply grand?" do ne uonunoeaj BROOKS DELEGATES . Brooks The Marion County Council of PT-A was attended by Mn. Philip Belike, presi dent, and Mn. Orvlll Wymore. Alvln . Blogg Ji new 3rd grade student at Brooks school. Carol Curtis Pattern KKP MOUTH KAWYl Sweet Pea Transfers. In color royal purple and pink-lavender ano you wont need to embroider them as the colors are lmorte- ruUed right in the transfer 1 Just iron them off onto truest towels. pastel place mats and matching napkins, onto the pockets of light colored house dresses, onto party aprons, onto oresser scarves or dressing table skirts. Ten motifs; two of the 6tt inches, four of 4Vi ana jour 01 I inches in patera, Send 30c for he SWEET PEA iroior -iTniasiers (Pttern No. 626) transier and laundering lnstruC' tions, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capitol Journal. 682 Mission street, San Francisco 6, VHUI. Knjoy Wy spMrmint flavor. CcohyoBrroooth-ntiOsbrfttK. .UwP-kag.- -Mi It com jo little hsikm food! eVft"V BOARD By Ahren UW....I SAV. JUNIOR.... HOvDVOUUKE TO JOIN A :mrnn iicnu A citDCTutue.1 m, VENTUK6 WHICH WILLMAKt 7ie V. US ENORMOUSLY RICH 7.. I DON'T MEAN A PEW THOUSAND.. ..BUT AT LEAST A MILLION FOR EACH Or US SOUNDS INTERESTIN7.. A FUNNY THING, I DREAMED LAST NIGHT ABOUT SEEN' AN OSTRICH WITH HIS HEAD IN TH'SAND...MV DREAM BOOK SAYS ITS A SIGN OF A .BUSINESS DEAL BUT TO LOOK INTO IT FOIST At was CAUTIOUS OSTRICH, I JUNIOR. - II afB L . t-1 1 I 751 W'B sill - w aT "1 THV iVy-i Uai.s't-CS POGO ' , - ' " maammmmmis-l I 'count oc Hctiffpoa '.'u.AJMtie iC 4PZ 2-1 lit HAD BN0U6H Of THKT M0Lsl UltOBlYeJAV. WW fTJMY I SeAfwo AvrS'eIjs?' lP' MSJMa Ohf fii rr mi? MtturMAOtn tHBT MM' eVrytlteW T5 I HS'W. FlNP ANOTHBir 6CU6B-tB t tAYMlHM30N , I HM8 WN HIM OUT. C"l U WITH m WLltZ1 OZZA i- r ki-.xl i Lorn mz ORPHAN ANNIE - Hfe'iy '"'maml Wf BH? OH, B0RE-H BUT VOIJ REflUY WraH I HAoV ' WHOUETOWW QOr'rf ssxJeiJtUTJBBr W YOU WW8 POURED m SSSS B CSSri ewrsaa R coK 1 wmwrM rn w, BECAUee I YOUCOUUJBEA 1 ti HEWSkRMAH H VOOULREAUy I I C0NROENCE5 aB-VCflrVTLET W& WE HAVE I SUCCESSFUL PUBLISHER I W. FIGURES THHT- I MAKE A S9 OF IT-. J 1 H ffl.WT- J VOIR FRIENDS OOVW- ISM LIL ABNER .. . , , ll t rV-EFTHETWARN'T I W AH liiS5Si r-JT-AH'M AFRAIO "iffik3rid I AH DONE (T. SO SHE. " Ti V Llt.ABNER'iHOOSE.I V-WONT. JgasPT AH WILL? JrftfT WOULDN'T MISS ME WHEN ffj SVJJSnKf AH'DFieGERrr J c-crv- " m,rif7- she hear ah t daid. JfS, l MiLyiH) of a, hos&n, J W&vw Jmt mcTr w?Zri i 1 were, gonna- rxfflsxwi iWHOMPIN' H W A jrjLyPVTI EiypU'-r HOPALONGSSIDY ' iJU- , v 1 I ANPJ UNPeRSTOOP HbS FOoa WA5 ) I I NEXT WUU BE " ,t 1 "1 If. N. RUNNIN6 THI6 FEKKV s S TELLIK6 U6 THI6 1 alli J.r II' I UfSKSaKfSllS. AS A FREE 6EKVIE (PRERJoTEWltt 6I4M WASNT , J JflJ f BAR-20 HANCfJ HOVEP A HEW OF BATTLE .vl HERE BEMKE ' Z-k I AVER NI6S f06&'6 HEW FERRY, THEN ) TWT Z" U sT M"' ' fl IREFIMEP TO PAY THE THl HAR6E6. IXaJay )j ZrJS LJ MUTT & JEFF ' I V6AN6.' BANg) BANSIWN I r gBg ulun'l I SAV. TAA sQUg I niDM'T YfflJluuATMi .TiMuy cauj yur rAUm:" -Iiu.lvyATAPA33lNrl6ENT AT THE NEIGHBOR FROM B HfAR ME cK! WE (OXJLON'TUNDERSTAND ITlWrrE. ftSSeS J SSWJaJSSS wwnvWl SAYINC. WAIT UNTIL VOO DRV, CJEFFLi TtfM?i CEILINSP I Uffrff "AIMED JlMMV SEUEH jjp REX AIUKUANi M. U. ' y f& t rmm mm) .xSBSa KJIW K3BS bSS rW DONALD DUCK ' r-7v I KcOMFORTABLEryE3 tJRAT IT1 I. C.JHST AX POLLA., SIB.-H - CSlQNT IN THE 3U1 -v oITostY r-y 6hSwe f, con husks ava ii iiilsJgoo p g L r7TsJ ku.uf'i mart' worth 1 - .jlja asl ' I KGW I KOIN I KkX KSLM I KGAE KOCO It! riS rlmli latum ci timw nie s i'A.Vli" rrrg"g. t-SggS 'J?" .... Mn """ i" fST w3mw otSlnr Natto 0f Iwm llj Bsslr ' JJ "?,'.7JOT 5.r Mnw.f ''.''" i ? SSttr m Of. ri OMinr N,w' iw Dt Mnr S o' aVSwmmj M .r OW. M" TS tf.i. a..-iiVkh7 1- r.i uwu "'"' '! . l:7if Hula mwm math Aiklra Ssalrrtl Bmlaiwtr MmIs Mmt, will giSVS.r f.'.l"u, .wtl lj-gw ggSL Tit nIm IS Ultra. KwrU OlMll Sit Pml MmU rt Jb.weM. H.wi Sews , riikUr in. rtMtt. mm1 Mrt nnwa t;'E iKbii Ittm Ohi S 0rr.i lr Ktoi MI.M IhLIm, a aulu Hull Mm IWuUirmu lO.a BmIIm MmIi M.H C.d.IiM iRKii HuU D.U.r B... IS. KW N... Hul. M.rt m rikk a Mr ftu.t 0 Jf" MtUr Irmi Ulwili ! lim OH i-ee .! Skflan FmiI. An SIItw lull r.rt f.""!, IB Bnt SkrUM r.ur SUtw ! .S 10 Swsm Rrilr.Mt rrnl Saw W (Matt Mail. ,4J Hut Wthttt M.tlt !! Cttw ' D.n P.M I:e ku'i tall L. now Imrknalu HUk :1S W.rU Mm On imt srkra.ilt AStnlirt JO r.I In Mr. ml Mn M..I Tow Hmla BMcb.ll tJ! Ql Joe Warlb Nelihbor M.ala "'"b.!! 10 Marti, a DarU D.r Taw. Ola. ra B.aab.11 .TS lawia Oatl. D.r Mllllni rail.. Lawli B.iab.ll :S0 TraMam CSV Ja Staltart Taw. Meah Mula Buab.U ! fraaSars PS J.nlar MUi Ma.ll.r N. Be.llhwT. Baicball M Eararltr I Hit rin.l Fln.l Id. Bablni Starr B.iakall :S Saatla n.aj btanlawi D.oo. Tlraa Nawiraal Nlikl Nawa :1ft Iba Okaa. I.laa D.naa Tlraa Nawa Mfhl Bant t:45 Tka Cb.ia Narr Sfcaw Danca Tlaja H.mmar Ooi ammmmmmi Nliht Stng ;S0 Nawa Orra. Da.aa Tlma Hamner On Nlrht Sons 115 L. MaC .0 MalaStos Da.aa Tlaa MISaltkl Nlikt Sane tit Wax Tnaaarr D.nea Tina Malodlas Nlckt Sans Itf Maaaaa. Bast D.nca Tina Maladln Nlrht Soar Ultslsil. Otl Sis. Oft ffJaaea Tlma Weladr Man I 181m Oli 5 VT7JA (t. I ITnarTt tl aw ear rv Don't Blow Your Top Yon, hM tin own i bHuflfil Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Iim Ave. Ph. 38558 WEDNESDAY S A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 6:0" Mb. o Tlma Mawa Oreia. Far. NtV Nciaa Braaklaal Ualodlaa 6:15 Maalo Tlma BFD Oraia. Boar Tlmekearar Naok Mdodlaa 6:30 Maalo Tlma KOIN Klaek Oraia. Far. Nawa Farm Nawa 6:4.1 farm Tlma KOIN Klotk Hoar Marck Tlma Nook Not. Nawa 7:00 Caa.trr It. KOIN Klaok Naw. llemlniw.r Braakfaal Meditation. 7:15 ' I Wills Nawa M. Arraaakr Naok KOCO Bloat 7:30 Nawa Nawa Bob oarrat Oam ' Braaklaat KOCO Hlaat 7:45 Kno Ma.. H. Babbllt Bob Haaa. Bam H.T.a Nook KOCO Block g'00 Old Santa Can. Nawa Braakfaal Cacll Brown Jim Dandr Newt 8:15 Old Sanaa Nawa Clak F.mUr Altai Jim Dandr KOCO Klaat 8:30 Maalo Box Grant Slam Braakfait Haven al . Jim Dandr KOCO Klaok 8:45 Mnalc Boa Boaamarr Club Beat Jim Dandr New. 9:00 Nawa W. Warn. A.M. Salt. Dr. Sword Mr. Smrth W.mao'o F.' 9:15 M. ale Ba. Jennr Tolar'a Star Cut! Cmntrr Mr. Bmrtb Piano Palraa 9:30 Maalo Boa Halo. Trent mend L. Faetar'a Call Mr. Smrth Secant Look 9:45 V. Mntlakr Oal Snndar Need Ban. Coantei Mr. Smrth Swire K. 10:00 Hoataaa Boa. Boad Ufa D. Gardner Glen B.rdr Back Fence Rare 10:15 Heateee Baa. Ma Parklna chet Hn.lle: Tela Teal M.tlnea Becarta 10:3C strike It Dr. Malaae Mr Tr.e Anawer Man Back Fenca Bar. 10:45 Bleb O.ld. Uibl Starr Maale Matinee Bacorta 11:00 Double ar Mra. Barton Wblipartae Latlea Fair Back Fanca Bara 11:1' Nathlar Farrr Maaan Girl Marrlea Ladloa Fair Matlnea , Becarta 11:30 Fhraeerara Nora Drake V. Oneen Far Back Fence Bara 11:45 Bob Bare Brighter D Barner Keep Par Matinee Reeorts FM Mas.: KOIN IS 1.1, S a.m. ta M p.m. KIX M.t, S la t .m. vinu aiiasiniu, AUAU, a0 , trCkr Tuatar P.M. 11:00, Nawai rVWAVV !Ui p.,, 'ceaalr Aranti 1:M, Bide 1m Cewkeri liM, BaMelallr lor Woman i e:M, Warld Baelawi tits, Chllfres't Tbaateri t;N, Nawa and Waathan t:4t, Orara. Larltlatarai till. KOAC Wadnaadar A.M. ll:tt, rvrrtai ,, BnH .!,-, ia-ik lapaalallr far Wamea; 11:00, Orara. School af Aln 11:11, Naa. Farm Boar. Erenlnr Term Honri S:4fi, Madltatieat 11:00, Eltn Off. Woodburn Cow Gives 9897 Lbs. Butterfat I. F. Buyserie and Son, Woodburn, have a registered Jersey cow that recently com pleted a 308-day herd improve ment registry production rec ord of 9,887 pounds milk con taining 845 pounds butterfat at the age of seven years and fi e months. The official record wit made by Tip's Oregon Vol King Spotty and her tests were su pervised by Oregon State col lege for the American Jertey Cattle club, Jersey breed reg istry organization located at Columbus, Ohio. The mature age of a Jersey cow it reckoned to be-sl yean, This c o w't production on a twice -daily-milking, 308-day mature equivalent basil would be 9,988 pounds milk contain ing 830 pounds butterfat. Big Bucket Used for McNary Dam Fish Walla Walla. (P)Th his bucket method it being uted again mis year to get steel head and salmon over McNary Dam in the Columbia River. Fishway entrances have been completed on both shores of the dam, but the fish can not yet use the fishwayi to get past the dam. The fish are attracted by moving water to the entrances. There a 1,800-gallon bucket, handled by a crane at the Washington fishway, lifts the fish over the dam, A similar bis bucket is used on thrt Orp- gon shore fishway. "IT"1 ' i tHwdtfO ACROSS 1, Mournful 4. Knock 7. Lilt 13. Tropical bird 13. Self 14. Zeal 15. rieur-d.-lll 16. Drinks 16. Snakel W.Unknit 31. Detract 23. Broad flat bottome1 bost 37, Room in a bsrtm 26. Sphere 30. Dsnleh money of eceount 31, Reconstruct 34. Bondmen 36. Edged tool 37, Seat in church 19. Two halves 40. Marries 42. Act of beginning to grow 44. Understood but not expressed M.Modarateiy hot 41. Meteorolog ical in strument S3. Br birth 84. Living 66, Silkworm ft. Thrice: prefix . IT. Mature M. Vermilion 19. Watch saeratly POWN 1. Dinner courts 1 Aromatic seed TtiysnLAnaR & OVf RllPO gilAP 0 0 R E 5 TJHEnTlEIN 0 N 5 n 1 etTD d! sTr iF StTTP1--! m5.Ki!iWia?mdiAi.i Solution of Saturday's Puute I. Refuted 4. Corded cloth I. Oreek market place 6. Edible tuber 7. Rank 8. Seed caver' . ArUflclsl language 10. Male child a r$ Httt 73 ff 3 T i51" mm 7, W pirsp s u u jga tt isi...ia 'i.Kijk , 'FY aFf 5 5T v 11. Plant of the watch family IT. States with conviction 19. Soft drink 22. Nurse In "Martin 14. Solemn agree ments 25. Native metal. bearing compound 26. Existed 21. Political group 31. Uncooked 12. English river 23. Copper coins 15. Afreih 18.Reitaursnt attendant 41. Heating device 41. Cubic meter 44. Crawl 46. Abrailve material 47. Word of solemn afftrmatloei 49. Submerged bank of tend 0, Title of Mohammed 91, Tear on a seam 62. Dlseraeumbet