' - . . . ! t-- r- " . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon K I jlonday, April 20, 1953 tot.,." foT B L I kww uunr. , vi r i ratal r I1IMJ I II." jf mtm ivfi arty !. . '-' .'': 3 Ticoming lomminee ? .. Igreet 26 competing- motorist in official economy run are -.w 'uui uicii ana 3,01s 1inman, Chris, the St. Bernard, is ready with refreshments. The autoa wi icairs uui Augcirs pru zu ana travel through Cali fornia. Nevada, Ores-nri inH thaIia Tk- m , jSun Valley April 22 after covering rugged 1206.1 mile cuuisv, vui acicjiuuluj t rift if Medford Easily Wins Big School Division at Relays Willamette Downs Pacific -2 in Conference Opener (Br Tlit Associated' Press) lllamette scored a single Wftory over Pacilio at Salem atjjturday while Lewis a ad JjOtrk split with Linfield In op ifng Northwest ' Conference jkyeball fames. S Barry Lust limited Lewis ItMd Clark to three hits in the fagfehlng game of the double hJfder at McMinnville, and JLiifield won, 4-2. ji, -JLewis and Clark managed to fjtTfc only one hit in the second - , . 1 . .U 11. s n : ynderson Noses ICJait Bowman in jS-Hole Playoff I' 'Phoenix, Ariz. UP) Edean tArmerson of Montana won like : a champion and Mrs. Lyle Bowman of California lost .Jikgone. - ; '.."". " b' That was the story of the 23rd annual Trans-Mississippi Gqlf .tournament, which the 23-year-old long hitter from Helena won, 2 up on .the 36th bole Sunday. 61x down at the end of 10 holes, Edean managed to sf. oke back into contention, square the match on the 31st hole and take the lead on the 32nd. From there on in she held on against the determin ed efforts of the losing titllst .from Richmond, Calif, p A trap and a poor shot out 'oet Mrs. Bowman the 31st, and a seven-foot putt for a jblrdie deuce her first break joa I the greensr-sent Edean ilntd the lead. I Both finalists Are products :f Oregon State college golf, although they attended the (HChool at different times. Ed lean, a semlfinallst in the (Trans-Miss, last year held fboth years at the Arizona fCointry Club had won nu 'tnerous sectional laurels "but was my biggest" victory. I Her next big tournament ap pearance will be the Women's jwestcrn. field bouncer and an error al lowed the Portlanders to win; 2-0. Del Coursey and Hal Rue cker shared pitching shores for Linfield In the second game. At Salem, Tex Kirkendall hit a three-run homer in the sixth inning to lead Willamette to a 6-2 win over Pacific. Pacific's two runs scored in the eighth inning on a double by Don Kumpula. Mickey Cohen, Wil lamette' pitcher, have up only four hits. Willamette Nelson,. Elasser.lt Lewls,ef .' Perlmn.1-9 Koepf.c HsueeQ.f KlrkndU,3 Shleld.rf Coen.p Reed.l Noone.cf Akeo.o () 1 Bckiwlc.ss 3 0 Prisiel.l 3 0 Rmsdl.xcS 4 1 KMpuU.lt 4 1 Olbbs.cf 4 0 rolquetrx 1 Adems.l 0 LaDBtn.o 1 Ross.p 0 Shraker.p 0 Groaten.S 0 Crck.xxpf Chr,xxxprj 1 Total! 301137 1 ToUls 31 4 3411 x caught lor Ionian In 3rd. xx struck out Pulquet In ttb. xxxStruck out Ross In Stn. Wlllamitto 104 010 001 S 11 1 Hits 323 031 00 Paelllo 000 000 0303 4 Hits oio ooi no- pitcher Ip Ab R HIrBoBb Coen 31 4 3 3 7 3 Ros 7 37 11 3 4 Bchumaker .... 1 3 0 0 IOS Hit by by pitcher: FolQuet by Coen. Wild pitches: Ross. Left on bases, Wir lamette 7, Pacific 6. Errors: Bucklewlx, Nelson, Haueen. Home runs: Kirkendall, Tbree-base-hlt: Perlman. Two-base-hits: Nelson, Kumpula. Runs batted In: Koepr, Kirkendall 3, Kumpula 3. Stolen bases: Shield, Neleon. Double plays: Prlxsel to Bueklewlei to Adams. Time: 1:43. Umpires: owe, Barnes. Xwls-CIark 001 100 OJ 3 Llnfield 300 Oil -4 Hyde, Banando (9) and Allen: Lust and Olson. Llnfield 000 000 00 9 : Lewis-Clark 000 030 x 3 1 I Coursey, Ruecker (o) and Olson; Rob' ertson and Alien. Paclfle 000 000 080 t 4 Willamette 100 004 Wi t 11 Roes. Weeks (S and Lftnalln. Rams- den (0); coan and Keopf, Akeo (3) CAR & TRUCK . RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 With the power and traction of 4-wheel drive and the inaaeuverabili of the Universal 'Jeep', you can travel cross-exmntry . . making your way through mod, sand , or snow that would stop ordinary vehicles. Now the Universal 'Jeep' is powered by the famous Hurricane F-Head Engine ... has 20 greater horse- power , e e iDauked increase in operating economy with oirwtandlng reiormDce.See the geepHoday s ELSNER MOTOR CO. 332 NO. HIGH ST., SALEM Eugene () Medford Birh school, scoring 69 points, eas ily won the metropolitan di vision championship in the Hayward Relays here Satur- Marshfield high, which col lected 80 points, won the class A division title ' for schools with SOO to 1,000 students. Medford's victory was its 12th in th el6-year history of the relays, although in a new division this time. All the winning times and distances In the metropoli tan division went on the of ficial record books as this was the flsrt time the 14 schools have competed in the new classification. One of the major marks of the meet was the 55-foot. 8- lnch shotput toss of Medford's Jack Moad. Medford also won the javelin, pole vault, high Jump relay and shuttel hurdle relay events. Marshfield had six firsts, one second, two thirds and three fifths to win the class A title. Winners Included: Metropolitan dlrtslon Discuss, Oerald Falls, Vaneourer, lu feet Inches: shot put relay, Medford. 143 feet 4t Inches: Broad Jump relay. Orants Pass, 38 feet. Inches; Two-mile relay, Seles.. 8:33.3: Javelin, Bd Blnibam, Medford, 178 feet, 8 lnohee; Pole vault, Dave Newland, Medford 13 feet, SV Inches: 440-yard relay, Klamath Palls, 41.3 seconds: 380 yard relay. Orant, Portland, 1:33.7! Ditl lanee medley, Hoseburt, 11:14.1; Hlih lump relay. Medford, 17 feet s Inches; hutUe hurdle relay, Medford, 38.1 sec onds: MUe relay, Orant, 3:31.8. Clase A division Discus, Vera Bau son, corvallls, 138 feet 7 Inches; Broad Jump relay, Bend, 38 feet 8 Inches; Shot put relay, Marshfield, 138 feet 3. Inch es: Distance medley, Marahfleld, 11:30; 880- yard relay, Bend, I:js; Javelin, Ken Sloan, Cottaie Orove, 183 feet IV, Inches; Pole vault, Jay Wilson, Cottate Orove, 11 feet 8 Inches; Two-mlla - relay, Al bany, 8:45.4; 440-yard relay, Marshfield, 48.8 seconds; Hlsh tump relay, Mareh- lieio, ! reel 18 Inches: Shuttle hurdle relay, Marahfleld, 37.8 seconds; Mile re lay, asarsnnera, 3:43. Team totals: Metropolitan eUvtalon Medford Orants Pass 41. Vancouver. Wash. 33. Klamath Palls 33, Saleea , Jefferson. pormnd. lesi. orant, Portland 38. Roeeburi IS, luseoe ISte. Pranklln, Portland 13. Roosevelt. Portland lift, Benson. Portland 7, Lincoln, Portland 1M. Cleveland, Portland: 0. Class A division tianhfleld 80, Cot taie drove 88, Albany 83tt. Bend 41, Contains 33ti, North Bend S3, Sweel Home 8. Native Dancer Wins Again New York () Unbeaten Native Dancer, outstanding fa vorite for the Kentucky Derby, won his 10th straight race Sat urday as he made his three-year-old debut with an easy victory In the first division of the $30,000 added Gotham Stakes at Jamaica. Fights Last Wight By The Associated Press HAVANA Jimmy Colper,133tt Wash lnaton, D. C, stopped Puppy Oarcla, 137, Cuba, 4. SINGAPORE Hector Constance. 143. Weet Indies, Hopped Mai Usman, 143, Thailand, 4. . COLLEGE BASEBALL (By The Assocleted Prresl Washington 8, Washington' State t. Idaho 3, Oregon State 3. Trl-Cltr (WTL) 3. Whitman 8 (exhi bition). Seattle Pacific 8-14. Western Waih. lncton 8-13. Eastern Waahlntton 8-11. Central Waahlniton 4-7. Unfleld. 4-8, Lewis and Olark 8-8. Willamette 8, Pacific 3. Orecon Froah s, oreton State Rookj'l. COLLEGE TRACK (By The Associated Press) Waahlniton state 88, Ores on state 34. Eastern Waahlniton SOU. OentraI waaniniton n. wniteman 13, wmtworth 18M, Eastern Oregon It. Lewis arid Clark 83, Pacific rj 43. viifm' y-e.a.WKA.ik. weir i 1 . -v f J ; . " - , it a -. ra! i '"v - 1 :,-' ksaaxeio Jaw1 i -ttWWjil What a Walloo! )!J!j ; ball he walloped for a 865-foot homer over let tfleld bleach er wall in Washington's Griffith Stadium. The club sec retary retrieved the ball, baying it back from a small boy j to give to Mantle. It is believed to be the longest home run hit at Griffith. Martin also hit for the circuit though not quite as lusty as Mantle's. (UP Telephoto) Victoria Gets Bill Bottler From Beavers Portland U.R The Portland Beaver of the Pacific Coast league today optioned right- handed pitcher Bill Bottler to Victoria of the Western In ternational league. TIDE TABLE TMee fer Tafl, Oreton April, 18U (Compiled by V. 8. Coast and Geodetic Sarver, Portland, Ore.) ' High Watera Low Watere 90 4:31 a.m. 8.8 H:0S p.m. 8.1 7:13 p.m. 4.7 91 9:43 a.m. 8.1 13:38 a.m. 3.9 8:09 p.m. 4.9 1:08 p.m. 8.4 1:01 a.m. 8:83 p.m. 8:14 a.m. 3:38 P.m. 9:31 a.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:17 a.m. 10:37 p.m. 11:07 a.m. 10:63 p.m. 1:84 a.m. 31:18 p.m. 1:43 a.m. I S 3.04 p.m. 0.8 3:t a.m. 3.4 3:85 p.m. S.3 3:8 a.m. 1.3 3:33 D.m. 1.1 4:31 a.m. 4:18 p.m. 1:01 a.m. 4:48 p.m. 3:41 a.m. 8:31 p.m. Ford Wilis By Two Strokes at Virginia Beach ' Virginia Beach, Va. VM Doug Ford's two-stroke vic tory in the Virglnio Beach open is the latest proof that he didn't make ,a mistake by dropping . baseball , to stick with the family trade golf. Ford, a 52-year-old Harri son, N.Y., player whose father and four uncles are golf pro fessionals, beat off a brilliant last round by darkhorse An sel Snow to win the tourna ment yesterday with a 72-hole total of 262. He shot a two-under-par 67 on -the final 16. Snow was an unheralded pro from High Point, N.C., who trailed Ford by seven strokes after 04 holes, tsole the final round show and al most the first money with a seven-under-par 62. ' . That spree, Just a stroke off the course record act by Dick Metz of Maple City, Kan., in the first round, gave Snow a 264 and second place. Jimmy Demaret of OJal, Calif., matched Ford's final round 67 and was third with a 267. Metz fired, a one-over-: par 70 and finished fourth with 270. - Bo Winlrtger cf Oklahoma City was next with a 271, while Dava Douglas, of New- . ark, Del., and Lew Worsham of Oakmont, Pa., tied with' 272s. . Worsham had the sec- ' ond best final round, a live. under-par 64. .v'S": Find Lost Pilot's Body Strapped in His Seat : ', Las' Vegas,' Nev., 0JJD The body of a Norman, Okla., pilot, missing in the crash of his F-86 Sabre Jet, has been found strapped in the plane's ejection seat beside a partially opened parachute. A Marine helicopter spotted : the body of 1st Lt. James D. Lynn, 28, yesterday on a rocky ledge, two miles from where his airplane crashed, 80 miles . southwest of here Wednesday. 8EEES TO SAVE HOGS ' ' Washington, UJ9 Rep R. D. Harrison (R., Neb.) urged to day that the appropriation for research in hog diseases be doubled to $008,132 in sn ef fort to , halt the "great losses suffered by hog raisers." is 8.1 1,9 01 1.8 CALL CADWELL CIL'CO. FUEL OIL Kskt ttat Bornlng wini u totti PRONE t-74Jl . GE3B Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial apWJaM S VHIM in mm ftrhll Wei). Jf tieK-:i taw H : I I'atotl font svariY Lily bt can i XI cut DADIII ADITV CTAMmKinC HC TUIT A I rAmNI2vniftAntrrs;iCtT, -,r,;i. as, shown by; the latest published ,figurestlf4fl PLACE BRAND CAMEL 2nd 3rd 4th PLACE BRAND r - V PUCE BRAND I 388,0,104 yfTK-f' ftrff-'-fir-, JJ.v.v-..-J,. x.' .saif l-Ynr'-r-TMriiMfei - rs-.- I8r mm , im im CWlaMaSMlllleeissitt " J i rid tf mmawmixippw$'sjiwgj ir-T fjryr ycrt sVa eataxflw j m w war w. .1 jj- i" ' ' T ' 'r - srY7 "'aaiiaf alia 'Tifsl I"' 1 sasats "I f- aawaf- axfti ' it x j'sawMwxaeartoi s'' jver 3rd place brandW&gpZ , 4 - - . Camel's lead over 4th place brand l& Fee friolert' lelc. IM9 utv4 itterneue luccesso ileaaeni ftreewta leare i J : irn Oeurf ... ;taele'l kene ef I !i mil Iwielll 4 4eW lueT a waj M0.S pusr. 1 lyiatea let yea ,opq,eor w'SttSmrj II Tin illirssaasaa-' n mm JalMJiasJs5gLI mm s ski m f ItoowyouceitfbeQf-thml ) ri' l;py NowohderJheyhio J v AU ( fir ahead fopopuhrify. I ms s si .!. fc i "ttuZi fv'- Mil! - i Never before has any brand of cigarettes been so overwhelmingly the first choice of America's smokers! WHAT DOES CAMEL'S GREAT POPULARITY MEAN TO YOU? wffkh MITlQls agree with more people than any other brand ! Just this: you want to unjoy smoking mor than tver, you want to try Camtht In the face of the broad claims of others and of all the new-fangled smokes, Camel't had in popularity bat been growing and growing! To be to popular, Camels must give smokers what they want! They must be better than the rest! Camel't mildness and flavor agree with more smokers than any other cigarette! So make the 30-day Camel test that hat proved to so many smokers that Camels hava just what they want. Smoke only Camels for 30 days. You'll know how mild and flavorful, how friendly and enjoyable Camels are, pack after pack! i, lest CAMELS lea whet yeuVe been mrssfngf , . -a. ... .,..4 -