Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 20, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    f, do t
vw v t rv
Bouncing Beauty
the Norm Santiam over (lie week-end, as hundreds of
fishermen lined the banks tor the opening of the trout
season. Here one of the evasive fish leaps over some
rapids near Niagara. '
Portland Wins Wild 9-8
Nightcap After Losing 8-3
Portland U9 Portland's
Beavers emerged r-8 winner
over Ban Diego here In a wild
nightcap yesterday after dron
ing the opener to the Padres,
The Padres wont through five
pitchers in the nightcap and
the Beavers used four. Each
team used IS players and to
gether they got 28 hits and five
homeruns as 8277 fans looked
Lou Stringer and starting
Pitcher Jack Salveaon swatted
out fourbasers for San Diego,
and Beavers Eddie Basinskl,
Hank Arft and Don Eggert
went the base circuit for the
home team.
. Originally planned as a
seven . inning contest, the
game went nine as Portland
, came out of an 8-5 deficit by
, scoring three rnns In - the
seventh on two hits and four
walks. :
The Beavers won this way:
With one out in the ninth, Eg
gert walked and advanced to
third on Aaron Robinson's
single stretched to a double as
the Padres tried to catch Eg
gert Bob Moniz, batting for
Pitcher Fred Sanford, was in
tentially walked, filling the
bases. - Then Bight Fielder
Fletcher Robbe singled to cen
ter to score Eggert and the win
ning run.
Dave Dahle, the fifth Padre
sllnger, was credited with the
loss, and Sanford was listed as
In the opener Padre Pitch
er Theollc Smith batted and
hurled San Diego to an easy
win. . :'
Smith hit a two-run homer
In the fifth and a triple in the
ninth. It was his first win
against three losses.
Frank Murray started the
scoring off by singling in Dick
Faber, who singled, and Milt
Smith, who doubled, to give
the Padres two tallies.
A walk by Faber, a sacri
fice by Milt Smith, Theolic
Smith's home run, and a double
by Buddy Petterson, and Tom
Alston's single rang up three
more points m the fifth for
San Diego.
Portland scored in the
foarth on Eggert's triple and
a single by Robinson; and
they chalked another In the
fifth as Granny Gladstone
doubled home Jim Rassell
who singled.
Robinson's fourth home run
of the year gave the Beavers
their final score in the sixth.
Faber's homer in the eighth
scored Dain Clay after he got
to first on an error by Xggert.
Theolic Smith's ninth inning
triple sent Tom Alston home
and ended scoring for the
Padres. It also insured the third
straight loss for Red Adams,
who was replaced in1 the fifth
by Roy Welmaker.
Ban Francisco OJ.R) If the
St Louis Browns ean lead
the Amerlean League by a
fall game, the Los Angeles
' Angels might as well follow
wit In the PCL which is
what they are doing today.
Stan Hack's alleged second'
division club handed the Holly'
wood Stars a double lacing yes
terday, 8-4 and 6-0, which was
enough to snatch first place
Atom Seattle. The Suds split a
twin bill with Sacramento,
which dropped them a game
hahlnd the SerDhl.
San Francisco and Oakland
were rained out They try again
tonight with another twin bill
slated at the Emeryville ball
The Angel, who wrapped
p their series with the de
fending PCL champs t
games to t, broke loose for
a pair of runs in the ninth
Inning of the first game to
NoudWa ( 4tPMX) tjfi l I f TON-RON- I rirr I I 1 .1 ifaJ r4 ,
iy rci.uyei.1.
4 f
,.v -.1 i
There were a 1st of fish jump
In, bat only a few caught on
W L Pet. W L Pert
Lo Ant. .Tie FrUco I t .WO
Buttle 14 T .M7 Bae'to. W .400
Portland It I .179 Ban Dt0 14 JOO
Hollrwd. it 10 .He Oakland i jh
San tar's B tails
Loa Ancalaa t-S, Hollywood 4-0.
taattla 4-1, Sacramento i-t.
San Xlo f-t. Portland 14.
Ban Francisco at Oakland () pott-
Batartlay'f ftasalta
Ban Ptaaelaco t, Oakland 1.
Lot Anfclaa 0, Hollywood t.
BaatU 0, BMramtnto a.
Ban Ditto 4, Portland 3.
He she score -4. Then they
went to work on Larry
Shepard and Bill Osorlo in
the tenth to wrap her ap.
Los Angeles rolled up a 5
to 0 lead in the first three inn
ings of the second game and
held it behind tight pitching.
Sacramento, bolstered by
Bob Dillinger's five straight
singles, flattened the Suds S
to 8 in an extra inning finale
after Seattle won the . first
game, 6 to 8.
In the nightcap, Dillinger
drove in two runs and scored
another pair himself to pace
a 17 hit attack against Seattle
hurling. Even so, this game
wasn't decided until the eighth
one inning past the deadline.
ran oahsi '
iu dim () rtui
ISO! Robbt.r 4 111 I 1 S 1 Au.lln.n till
Ftnon,u I I I 1 111! 11111 01ditn,ef 4 1 I
B.pcrt I 1 Btoikl,Jb 1 I I
Pocek.e 111) 4 T I SIC Eggert, 3b 4- 1 S
rbt ItSS Robltuon 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 Adtmt, 1 t l 1
Tnllh,p 4 111 Welmkr.o 1 I 1
CliMI 110 A-Heara 0 0
B-ruuui l a
Total! M1S1T S Total! Mil tTM
A Ran for Jtoblntoe In 9Ui. .
B struck out for Walmakar In Mh.
San Dltio
002 030 031
HIU ....
001 131 11111
000 111 000 1
Ill 311 01111
It It I RXrSoBk
.4H II I 1 I 1 1
4V 14 SI 16!
Adama ....
Wlnntr T. Smith. Lour Adami. I.
Sunt, VI. Smith. R Pennon, rabar
M. smitn. T. smitn i, ciar, humui,
Cf atrt, ftobbuon. RBI Murray I. Rob
lnaon i, T. Smith 1, Aliton 1, Pabar 1,
Oladttona. 2b M. Smith, Pateraon.
Oladltotx. Jb Safari, T. Smith. HR
T. smith, Roblnaon, Pabar. Sao II.
Smith. CUT. DP T. smitn, ratareon ana
Alatom Aliton anauutadl If. Smith,
Murray and Aliton. LOB San Ditto 4,
Portland T, V stratton.
SaoODd sana!
M Obi (S) r Partlaat
Mumr.I 4 111 Robba.rf 4 110
PaUrrnja 4 114 4 11
AUton.l llll RuualMI 4 110
Rapp.rf 4 111 4 114
Strnir.lf.l 4 111 Banniti.1 4 1 I 1 ISIS Artt.1 S 1 1
MAnlUl.l Sill Bnart.1 4 s i a
uathu.e 4 t R.Bottir.a 10 0 0
saWaion.p 114 1 BlllotVp 1 S 1 0
Mallor.p 114 Robruon.4 1110
Rarlc.p 1 S HeaM.p 0
Pabar.el 1 4 a 0 a-RMteiu l s a o
b-Poaakar 114 WaMl.p t 6 0 0
LaBlano.u l 4 9 a-neicn i i a o
Btnton.p 4 0 0 0 San(or4,p II II
Dhla,p I S I I a-Monla 10 10
Total! to 11 II 11 Total! IS It 17 11
On. out whan vlnntna run acorad.
b eimiad lor M. Smith In 7th.
a Plied out for Heard In Ith.
d Doubled for Walnel In 1Ui.
a Walked for Saslord In tth.
San Dleio oil 111 500
Hit! Oil 31 310 II
Portland oil loo 101 B
HIU Ill 433 30314
Pitcher lp Ab R H Kr Bb So
Salreeon 1 11111
Mallor m
Rarle 1H
Benton .
Dahl 14
Elliott i
Heard I'a
Waibel 1
0 1111
4 7 110
I I 0 1 I
1114 1
Sanford 1
0 10 11
winner Sanford. Loaer Dahle.
Baalnakl. R Marrar. Petereon, Ale-
Ion 1. Ran. rvtrtnaer. M. Smith. Salve-
eon. S ob be, Oladitona, Baalnekl 1, Arft
l, na-eerl l, Bllott. RBI etrmier
Bailnekl, Belveeon, aladetone 1, Clay,
Arft. SMert I, AliUn, Ranp, Mathll,
ruicn i. kaodo. jb napp i, Bailnekl,
Reich, Peterson. MR Aril, Brarrt.
Strtnair, Salveaon, Raelnikl. SB Rua-
eell. Hal. Auettn. Uethle. DP Dtaert.
Baelnakl and Arft: Pateraon. Murray and
Aletoni Bseert and Arft. Xjcm San Die-
to 10. Portland 11. O Mulert, Anaka
ana aeration, t i:aa, a vm.
Pint tama:
Saeramanta 000 oil 10O4 S
Seattle 000 010 ooa 4 I
Johnaon. KArball Hi, Oeanbauth III
BWkeller III and RIKher: Del Duca,
iioyrien wmr rei and ortrii.
Second lame;
Sacramento no loo n I it
tattle ooo 003 oo l a
Baaea, PleretU (6). Johnnon 171. Bar.
ktlew II) and Rltohari Near. LoTrlcb
r), anl (71 and Chrkitle, Ortett l
Sacs Play Salem Here Tonight
Senators Down Silverton
8-2; Taylor Swats Homer
The Salem Senators, their
spring training exhibition rec
ord standing at 8 wins and Z
losses after an 8-8 victory over
the Silverton Red Sox at Sil
verton Sunday, tonight take
on Sacramento of the Pacific
Coast league In an 8:15 game
at Waters park.
Sacramento comes to Salem
on a fast switch. San Diego
was originally scheduled to
play here tonight, but the
Padres were forced to cancel
their engagement over the
week-end when It became nec
essary for San Diego and Port
land to make up a ralned-out
game at Portland tonight.
The Sacramento Senators,
who just completed a series
with the Seattle Rainiers at
Seattle, consented to play an
exhibition game at Salem to
night. Some influential tele
phone talking by Salem Man
ager Hugh Luby, with Sacra'
mento Manager Gene DeSou
tela on the other end of the
wire, did the trick.
Two former Salem Sena
tors, Rlohey Myers and Jim
Deyo, will be In the Sacra
mento lineup at Waters park
tonight Myers will play
shortstop and Deyo third
base. Myers was Salem's
shortstop In 1951; Deyo was
Salem's left-fielder m 1952.
Ken Kimball, who won 26
Honest-Sf. Louis Browns
Leading American League
Nsw York ). No, those
standings aren't apoidc down,
the Browns really are in first
And if somebody doesn't
shoot 'em down soon, a lot of
the experts better start fig
uring on whether they want
to eat their own words with
mustard, ketchup, or relish.
Of course, there is a trick to
that glittery 5 and 1 won-lost
record they compiled in the
first week. Four of their five
victories were at the expense
of the Tigers and from the
looks of things practically any
body can beat them. ;
In the process of crossing up
the folks who picked them to
finish last, Marlin Stuart, who
won his second victory yester
day in as many days, faced
just two batters yesterday and
retired them both, then started
the winning rally with a dou
ble in the llth nnlng as the
Browns scored three times to
win 8 to S.
The Tankses, just also
rans who can't keep ap the
blistering pace of the mighty
Browns, stayed In second by
dividing a double header
with the Athletics. They de
feated Bitsy Bobby Shants,
I to t, In the opener for the
second straight time, but
came to grief for the second
time in a row against lefty
Alex Kellner, who shut them
out on two hits In the sec
ond game, t to t.
'At Washington, Walt Mas-
terson had a successful after
noon against his old mates, the
Boston Red Sox, limiting them
to five hits in a 4 to 0 triumph
that featured a double and
triple by Jackie Jensen and
single and triple by Pete
Runnels all factors in the run
The Dodgers, who remained
on top in the National league,
belabored Pittsburgh 12 to 4
as Roy Campanella hit a three-
run homer to keep up his early
season run-making pace. He
now his driven in 12 runs to
top both circuits. Pete Castig
Hone and Ralph Klner hit hom
ers for two of the seven hits
yielded by Carl Erskine in his
first triumph.
At St. Louis, Stan Musial
hit a homer and the Cards
picked up two other runs the
hard way, scoring on dou
ble plsyi, to defeat the Mil
waukee Braves, 4 to I, an
a steady pitching Job by Ger
ry Staley. Staley, beaten on
opening day by the Bravei,
would have had a shutout
bat for a three-run homer
by Jack Dtttmer.
The Cleveland at Chicago
double-header In the American
league was frown out, while
y WoK Ditien
games In the pioneer league
last season, will be on the
mound for the Sactos tonight.
Bill Bevens, who won 20
games for Salem in 1951 and
was with San Francisco last
season, will hurl for Salem.
Jack Hemphill and Wayne
Rick teamed up to pitch
four-hitter for Salem at Sil
verton Sunday. Hemphill
pitched eight Innings, Rick
one. Rick retired the side in
order in the ninth.
Meanwhile, Salem was
hammering out six well
grouped hits off Silverton
chackers Jim Peterson and
Hal Bourbonnals. One of
Salem's hits was a two-run
homer over the left field
fence by Don Taylor in the
seventh inning.
Salem got off to a flying
start in the first inning, with
the first three batters scoring
runs. 'Dick Sabatlnl singled,
Luby walked, Gene Tanselli
tripled to score the first two
batters, and Tanselli later
scored on an outfield fly off
the bat of Lea Wltherspoon.
Salem chalked up another
run in the third when Wither
spoon and Bob Nelson drew
walks and Ray Stratton slap
ped a single to center.
Silverton dented thescor
ing eolnmn in the fourth
Inning with an anearned
run. Wally Flager gained
life when TanselU's throw
Major Leagues
(By The Aaaoclated Praia)
WLPct. - WLPet.
Brooklyn 4 1 .oo chleato 1 1 .loo
St. Loula 1 1 ,K7 Cincinnati 1 1 .113
Milwaukee 1 1 .400 PhUdlphla. 11 .133
New York 1 1 .too Pltuburrh , 1 1 .150
Satnrdar'a Reaalta
Brooklyn at New York postponed.
Philadelphia at Plttaburt poatponad,
Milwaukee at St. Loul! poatoponad.
Ohlcaao at Cincinnati rjbatponed.
Sanday'e Beealte
Brooklyn 13, Plttibureh 4.
St. Louli 4, Milwaukee 1.
Philadelphia at Hew York poitponed.
Ohlcaao at Cincinnati (I) poatponad.
WLPct. WLPct.
St. Louie I 1 .133 Cleveland 1 1 .MO
New York 4 1 ,M7 Boiton 1 I .331
Phlladlphla I 1 .500 Weeh'et'n. 1 1 .111
Chlcaao 1 1 .400 Detroit 1 I ,iit
Saiardarl Beealta
Chleato 7, Cleveland I.
St. Louli S-l, Detroit 7-1 Hint aama
it innintai.
New York at Philadelphia poalpoaad.
Boeton at Waehlafloa poatponad.
Sanday'e ReenJIa
New York 1-0, Philadelphia t-l.
Waablnfton a, Boeton I.
St. Loul! I. Detroit S (11 km lull.
Clivalend at Chleato (1) poatponad.
in the National the Chicago at
Cincinnati twin-bill was post
poned because of snow and the
Phils at New York single game
was rained out,
Oregon Frosh
Topple Rooks .
. .Eugene W) The Oregon
Frosh defeated the Oregon
State Rooks S-l In baseball
here Saturday.
Oregon Pitcher Lloyd Lewis
struck out six, walked five
and gave up seven hits.
The Rooks' lone run wss
scored in the ninth inning on
a triple by Ed Takashima.
Rook! 000 000 00 1 7 4
Proeh no no 00i-4 10 1
Kennedy, Wllion (1) and SloliU; Lew
ie and Montiomerr.
Oregon Plays
Idaho at Washington Today
iBr The Aisoclated Preail
- Northern division baseball
teams resume the 1953 pen
nant chase Monday with the
league-leading Oregon Ducks
opening .a .two-game .series
against Washington State at
Eugene, and Idaho's Vandals
Invading Seattle for a pair of
contests with the Washington
Other games this week will
match the Cougars from Pull
man against Oregon State's
Beavers at Corvallis Wednes
day snd Thursday and the
Huskies gainst the Ducks at
Eugene Friday and Saturday.
Week-end action left Wash
ington, Washington State and
Oregon State knotted in sec
ond place in the standings with
a win and a loss apiece, and
Idaho In the cellar with a win
snd two losses. The Ducks,
who took over first place with
a single victory over Idaho
last week, were idle.
got past Wltherspoon at first
base. It eauld have been
scored either way, but H
went Into the books offi
cially as an error on Tan
selli not Wltherspoon. At
any rate, Flager got as far as
second on the play, and
scored a munlte later when
Roger Dasch hit a ground
single over second base.
Taylor's home run, with
Luby aboard, walks to Wlth
erspoon and Stratton. and a
single by Freddie Haller gave
Salem three runs in the sev
enth. Silverton got a single mark
er in the eighth ss catcher
Jack Hande singled, went to
third on Bourbonnais' bloop
single, and scored on a field
er's choice.
Salem added its final run
Page 10
Now I Lay Me Down to
sprawls on the canvas in New York after taking bar
rage of blows from Gerald Dreyer, British Empire welter
weight champ. The end eame in the sixth round and
Dreyer was awarded a TKO. Referee is George Walsh.
(BP Telephoto)
New Leaders Take Over in
Six Divisions at Tacoma
Tacoma W) New leaders
took over In six divisions Sun
day In tbe second dray firing
in the SSth annual Northwest
ern International Bowling
. The 20th annual Northwest
ern Women's Bowling Asso
clstion, held in conjunction
with the Congress, slso listed
changes in leadership with
new Individual and team
front-runners Installed in four
Some 285 teams from Wssh
ington, Idaho, Montana, Ore
gon, California and British
Columbia are entered in the
Congress which runs through
May 9 with a sweepstakes
scheduled May 10. Another
at WSC,
Narthern DlelelMl Baaaball
By The Auw.ltjl ap...
Oreaon i o
Waahlnrton l l .soo
Wathlneton HLete i u.
Oreaon Slate 1 l .100
"no : 1 1 .hi
Satnrder'e Reintli: ,
Wathlniton 4. Waahlniton State I '
Idaho 3, Oreaon state 3
Thle Week'a Schedale
teuton; Waahlniton Stat at Oreaon.
Wedneeday and Thunder Waehlni
Lftei ntate at nMim a..,.
Prlday and Saturday waahlniton at
Sophomore Bill Reams
pitched four-hit ball as Wish-
ington shut out Wsshington
sute B-o Saturday for an even
split In the series at Seattle
At Corvallls, the Vsndals
came bsck from Friday's 4-1
loss 10 cage use 3-2.
wunmiton state... 000 OOO OOO I 4 I
Waahlniton loo 001 30i a 4 a
Janeo and Oopperls Aeami and Mitch-
Uaho too ooo ooi-j i t
Oreaon State ooo 003 ooo I
Dodel and Pale; Brim and Thopiea.
MAIV ...vKVl
Eric Pederaon vi, Al Siaai
Henry lni vs.
Dannv O'Rourke
PRELIM Billy Hlckson ri.
Ralph Alesander
SPECIAL Cheatr WsUk vs.
Tommj Murtlndsle
TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M.
Spsmtftd by Am. tsjlw Ni.
in the ninth. Walks to Bob
Nelson end Stratton, a passed
ball, and a squeeze bunt by
Hemphill fashioned the tally.
. . Walks plagusd Silverton
pitchers all day. Peterson
gave' up nine free passes In
seven Innings, and Bour
bonnals walked three men
In the two Innings he
pitched. (
Sabatlnl was the only play
er in the game to get more
than one hit. He had two sin
gles in five times at bet.
Tanselli, Salem third base
man, performed the fielding
gem of the day when he went
far to his right to scoop up
a ground ball, finally traight-
enea up several ieei in ioui
territory, and whistled a per
fect throw to first base to nail
Rod Oster by a whisker.
Salem. Oregon. Monday,
Veteran Phil Bur
ton of St. Louis
260 teams are entered in the
women's tourney. It will end
May 10. ,
Harry Mekus of Long
view, Wash., posted a (32
series .to grab the lead in
the open singles event of the
Congress Sunday.
Other leaders were Walter
Larson and Fred Hughes, both
Portland, open doubles, 1,236;
Hughie Moore, Missoula,
Ken Staats, Seattle, commer
cial doubles, 1,151. Schoen-
Mont,. Commercial singles, 623,
snd Charles Schoenlaub and
laub fired a. 1,720 Sunday to
replace Fred Ruiz of Van
couver, B.C., as commercial
all-events leader. Ruis total
ed 1,686 In Saturday's compe
tition. Standard Construction Co.,
of Tacoma, took first place in
the commercial team event
with 2,823, ousting Webster's
urcnards of Hood River, Ore.,
which dropped to second with
2,812 racked up Saturday.
The Navy Base team from
Bremerton led the Booster
Division with 2,615.
In the women's tourney,
Charles E. Sullivan Florists of
Seattle was installed as Class
a team leader replacing Main
Bowl, also of Seattle. Their to
(tals were 2,810 and 2,495.
Other results Included:
Claea B team Kitsap Radio, Bremer,
ton,, replaclnt the Hood Rlrer
Ore., Dki Ladlea. 3.321.
Claea A alnlee-Kate Plemoni, Kent.
Waeh.. 116. repleelni LouUa Hewaton.
Pendleton, Ore.. 110. '
Clan B elnilea-Mlna HarUe. Pendle-
B.oh."wriph'r,,rth4 ,,bbi"'
Suadky'i firlD. Th Coairwi will Pi.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
S"?" '," Chine.,
ramedlea. Amaalni aueeeea tar iom
"lm:'B. ??. " ' ' '". iz
I " " "". dliorderi,
llnuillla. heart. !,, llv t '
iu. fonatlpatlon. ulcer., dlabetw i.ll and Medlar Inn
ln. (enale complaint!. ' '
rHINtlE HtlBCa.
Otflea Hear, ttel
Taa. and Sat. anlr
H4 N. Caeaaseretal
ruaaa linn
lALf.M. 0E.
To Place Classified Adi
Phone 2-2406
f - s. i r' "
(I) lllverle.
Saleea (I)
Bbtnl.a 111! Oater.m
a v a a f.M..
llll Daioh.t
4 111 Cmtkw.l
1 1 14 4 Crtnan.l
I S 1 I Hatbn.l
1114 Kerr.r
a 1 A Uanlle a
4 411 I
llll Peteraon.p I H I
i-Neleon.1 4 S I 4 Jhniln,; I S S s
Rick, . I Pornlr.l 1 J J J
0rone,p - -
Total! lJinIl Total! 91 41711
x Walked for Taylor In lib.
Salem 101 OOO 301-1 I 1
silverton .... 100 loo 010-1 4 1
Wlnnlnt pitcher: Hcmphll. Loalnl
nt toiler: Piteraoo.
Pitcher Ip Ab R H Br So Bb
Hemphill I II 4 I 1 1
Rick i ;.!
Petereon 1 17 I I 1 I
Bourbonnlai .... ill I I '
Wild pitch: Peterion. reeieu ou-.
Hande I. Left on baiaa: Salem 11, sil
verton 4. Brrora: Haller, TanielH. Pla
ter. Home rune: Taylor. Tnree-oaw-ui..
Teneelll. Rune batted In: Tame ill J,
Wttherapoon, 8tratton.Daech, Taylor 1,
Haller, Qatar, Hempnui. naoruice; neuii.-
hlll. Double plan: Haller to tuoy to
wither epoon 1. Omplrei: Hardy and Rel
ate. ,
April 20
Minor League Scores
(Br Th AMOcUtcd rmt,
AmtrkkB AiiMUIlen
St. P&ul 4-1. Kmiu CltT 3-1
LoulsrlUt MltutMpoUs 4-T
ohtrliiton at Toltrdo 1, pottpoDtd
Otfuinbu t IndlAnapolli t. PoitDoaed
TlIU IstaVffM
DallM . OUhomt City 1.
n Antonio t, Houiton 4, VI InnlDit
Shrtreport 13, BMumont I
TulM T, Tort Worth I ,
Woittra Loon
Ollorswlo Sprlnfi I, WlehtU
Futblo f. DtnTtr I
Onoh , Uncoln I"
loux Oltj H, Dos Molau 1-T .
Tiim ljoorm
Houston 4, Sn Antonio I
Booumont 3, BhrtTtport t
Dollki 10, OkUhoraa City 0
Fort Worth at Tulsa postponed
Amerlean Association
Toledo I, Charleston S
Other tames postponed
Western Learae
Lincoln 7, Omaha 12 lnnlnat
Colorado Vprlnis i, Wichita 1
Other lames poitponed
Yesterday's Stars
Br The Associated Press
BATTING Stan MuBlal. Cardinals
Hli homo run In she fifth lnnlnc snap
ped a 3-1 tie and tare the Cardinals a
4-3 triumph over the Milwaukee Brave.
rTrCHINO Alix Kellner, Athletics
His 3-0 two-hitter aialnat the Yankees,
his second shutout over the world champ
ions In six days, save the Athletics a
split In their doubleheader with New
York. The Yanks whipped Bobby Shants,
B-l In the opener.
385 N. Com'l Ph. I-416S
569.95 Motor
Recondition Job
Far Chavrolsr Cars and Truck
We will replace the piston rings and pins, grind valves,
clean rocker arms snd oil line, adjust the main bearings,
adjust the connecting rod bearings, adjust fan belt, clean
and set spark plugs, clean oil pan, elean oil lines in pan
snd adjust, bnrn out and clean oil breather.
Parts included in this job are: 1 Set Genuine Chevrolet
Chromeflex Piston Rings, Pins, I Quarts Oil, plus neces
sary Valves, Seals, Caps and Gaskets.
(C.O.E. Trucks Slight Additional Charge)
G.M.A.C. Budget Terms!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
Eyerk's Little Red
Wagon Makes Fine
Showing in Race i
Petlble Beseh, Calif
(Special to the Capital
Journal) A broken Ignli
tlon wire forced ' Harry
Eyerly of Salem to drop out I
at the halfway point of the
Cypress point handicap road "
race here Saturday alter he'
had made a remarkable t
showing in his T75-pound f
hand-built Crosley special. (
Eyerly, driving his first?
rosd race, started from 42nd J.
position. After five lapsy
(1I.S miles), Eyerly was
running In 14th place, Ey--:
erly passed car after ear of
double or more horsepower i
than his little Crosley., . v
The crowd lining the xig
sag Pebble Beach course ;
took a fancy to Crosley's '
bright red car, and broke V
.Into cheers every time his "
little red wagon overtook.
one of the big, 'high-powered '
cars. J.
The way he was running,
Eyerly almost unquestion-.
ably would have been among
the first few finishers in the ' '
race. But the broken igni-'
tlon wire forced him to stop'
early in tiie sixth lap of the
2.1 mile course. tj ,'
Eyerly was en route home
to Salem Monday. .
Cougars, Ducks r.:
Easily Win ' -Track
(Br The Aaaoclated Praia) t
Wsshington State and Oregon
rolled up easy victories In ses-son-opening
Northern Division
track meets Saturday. .
The Cougars from Pullman -won
13 events snd set two
meet records In outpointing '
Oregon State 96-84 at Corvallis.
Six meet records fell at Eugene "
as uregon Humbled Idaho 8.
Howard McCants and Al.x
Fisher established the new.
standards' in the Corvallis meet.
McCants' 6-foot, 6V4 high jump :
went into the books as a rec
ord, and Fisher topped his own
mark for the two-mile, cover- :
ing the distance In 9:28.5 min- '
utes. .
Idaho, while losing to Orcc ' '
gon, set four of the six records :
marked up at Eugene. The-'
Vandals' Bruce Sweeney won; i
MIC W1VBU JUUil WllU m itA LWl, 1
9 H inch leap, and was timed at ;
24.1 seconds in the 220-yard , I
low hurdles. Emerson Clark . 1
was clocked at 4:25.9 minutes in ,,
the mile, and Lou Gourley ran , ,
the two-mile event at 9:37,5 " ;
seconds. -
Oregon's Doug Clement was '
credited with the other meet
records. He ran the 440 In 49.1, ,
seconds and the 880 In 1:58.3
minutes.' i-
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