3 O"" V -K; I THROUGH THE silver tea on Thursday, the Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary expects to raise a substantial sum towards Its project of buyinr equipment for the hospital. Left to rirht: Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr, and Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, the latter co-chairman with Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Sr, for the tea. GN Monday evening, Mrs. Stanley A. Brown will be installed as worthy high priestess of Wil lamette shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem. The public ceremony will take place at the Masonic temple, at 8 'clock. ' Other officers to be installed are: W. P. Lessard, watchman of shepherds; : Mrs. Dorr M. Shreve, noble prophetess; . Jesse L. Hatch, associate watchman of shepherds; Mrs. Pearl J. Speer, worthy 1 scribe; Mrs. Myra Ward, worthy, trea surer; Mrs. Dan B. Roth, worthy chap lain; Mrs. Al Lightner, worthy shep herdess; Mrs. G. W. Howe, worthy L guide; Mrs. W. W. McKinney, worthy herald; Stanley A. Brown, first wise ' man; John Christensen, second wise ' man; Dorr M. Shreve, third wise man; Everett C. Holt, king; Mrs. Jack Stag ' ner, queen; Mrs. : Mildred Lamberty, " first hand maid; Mrs. Katherlne Dodds, second hand maid; Mrs. J. E. Van Wyn garden, third hand maid; Mrs. Ronald Craven, worthy organist; Mrs. Best Shelton, worthy guardian; C. P. Davjs, ' worthy guard. Installation wil be conducted by Mrs. Sam Bentley, worthy high priestess; John I. Jones, watchman of shepherds; Mrs. Byron B. Herrlck, chaplain; Mrs. Ben Boy, herald; Mrs. Abner Kline, scribe; Mrs. Clarence Conner, organist; Miss Constance Kantner, guardian; Mrs. Donald Caton, inviting herald; Mrs. W. W. McKinney, inviting organist. A reception and musical program will follow the installation. Members of Willamette shrine will meet for a business meeting at 4 o'clock, Monday afternoon, at the Masonic temple. . All nine guilds in St. Paul's Episcopal church are cooperating in plans for the annual luncheon to be given for all women of the church on Friday, May 1. The luncheon will be in the parish hall, serving starting at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. R. D. Barton and Mrs. J. E. Law are co-chairmen for the event. St. Anne's guild, Mrs. James Walton president, is to contribute salads and be in charge of decorations. St. Mary's guild, Mrs. S. D. Wiles as president, is to contribute salads. ' St. Agnes guild, Mrs. Hazel Johnson 'as the president, is to supply coffee and butter for the luncheon. St. Cecilia's guild, Mrs. H. B. Collins, president, will furnish coffee and butter. The Junior feUild, of which Mrs. John S. Tyler, Jr. is president, and SI. Eliza beth's guild, Mrs. Philip W. Allison as ' president, will furnish hot dishes, cream and sugar. St. .-.clena's guild, Mrs. M. E. Knick erjoeker, president, ar.d St. haul's guild, Mrs. R. D. Barton, president, will furn ish the cakes and cookies. Two rcprcsentat ves lrom each guild will assist about the room. Supervising the coffee urn will be Mrs. Wayne Gor don. In charge of hot dishes is Mrs. A. H. Gille; plates and silver, Mrs. Frank Snaier; salads. Mrt. Gordon Shattuck and Mrs. Fred Deckeoach; cake, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. Homer Egan. 1 Job's Daughters, bethel No. 43, will meet at 1:30 o'clock on Saturday at the Masonic temples A sock dance is set tor that evenin g, five bethels of Job's Daughters and five chapters of Order of DeMolay for Boys being invited to attend the party at the temple. Beginning in May, bethel No. 43 will meci at the Scottish Rite temple on the second and fourth Monday nights of each month. Jay Blair will be guest caller for Capitol O' Square Dance club Monday vening, the practice period to begin at 8:15 o'clock at the Catholic Center. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Miller will head the program committee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vavrick and Mr. and Mrs. Har lan Nelson, assisting. 1 J9 J , v r d CHAIRMAN MEETS WITH GROUP ON TEA Dinner Events . Four dinner groups are arranged for members of Marion-Polk Medical society auxiliary on Tuesday evening, each din ner to be a no-host affair at 6:30 o'clock. Each group is conducting a white ele phant sale to augment auxiliary funds. The four gatherings are arranged as follows: One, with Mrs. W. Wells Baum; Mrs. Hugh Dowd, Mrs. Vern W. Miller and Mrs. Douglas Thompson as co-hostesses. Another group, at the home of Mrs. William L. Lidbeck with Mrs. Roscoe Wilson and Mrs. Don Woodard as co hostesses. A third group, at the home of Mrs. Willard Thompson with Mrs. Harmon Harvey and Mrs. Joseph Moreland as sisting hostesses. The fourth group, with Mrs. Charles Mills; Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad and Mrs. Woodson Bennett as co-hostesses. Women from many Willamette valley cities will meet in Cottage Grove on Thursday and Friday, April 23 and 24, for the 62nd annual meeting of the Wil lamette Presbyterial society. General theme of the two-day meeting will be "Walk As He Walked," with sessions to take place in the Cottage Grove Pres byterian church. Principal speaker for the conference will be Miss Eleanor Ewlng of San Francisco, who is secretary for the board of missions for the western area. She will speak Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Miss Ewing also will conduct installation of officers and a dedication service at the meeting. Other speakers will be Mrs. A. B. Cut ler of Portland, president of the Sy nodical Society of Oregon, and the Rev. John Crothers, 'a former missionary to Korea. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague of Salem will give her impressions of the United Nations assembly on Friday afternoon when she speaks before the group. Events planned include a coffee at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, the Springfield society in charge, and a social hour Thursday evening to be directed by the Creswell group. Special music will be presented by a high school octette from Cottage Grove and the church choir. Attending the sessions from Salem will be Mrs. Robert Stutzman, president of the Women's association of the First Presbyterian church; Mrs. Harold A. Fosebraugh. Mrs. Paul N. .'olinp, Mrs. Tinkham G'lbert, Mrs. Charles A. SnraRue. Mrf. John Andrews and Mrs. Welt" F. Siebtr. Reoresenting the Sa lem P-esbyterial society will be Mrs. E. A. Collier, chairman of the nominat ing committee; Miss Elizabeth Hogg, stewarr'sMD secretary: Mrs. Curtis A. Hale, treasurer-elect; Mrs. "Valter Puph, srwinp secretary-elect; Mrs. Eugene R. Manock. children's secretary; Mrs. Glnn C. Sanders, vice-president. Mrs. Harry VnnArsdale of Wooriburn, world srrvicp secretary. Mrs. Robert H-rner of Oprvnte, recording secrftsr" elect; and Mrs. Lerter Hathaway of Mill City, literature secretary, will attend the meeting as official representatives of their societies. Bethel UD, Job's Daughters, will meet at Beaver hall at 7:30 p.m. ?- Monday, April 20. A pie social will feature the program for Garfield school Mothers and Dads club Tuesday evening Mrs. Thomas Roen, Jr., is In charge Nomination of officers Is on the business agenda, the meeting to begin at 7.30 p.m. A no-host luncheon is scheduled for the social meeting of the American War Mothers, Salem chapter, on Tuesday at noon. Mrs. George Pro will entertain the group at her home, 1915 Maple . avenue, Mrs. Martin Vlesko and Mrs. Ben Randall assisting. Each member is to take her own table service. i' 1 i (Jetton-Killer studio picture) DELEGATES attending the spring district conference in Seattle this week-end will give their reports as program features for the luncheon meeting of Salem club of Zonta Inter national, 'next Thursday noon, at the Golden Pheasant. . Miss Echo Yeater is delegate from the Salem club. Others attending are Miss Genevieve Morgan, Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Mary Thomas. The conference is for clubs in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. A program of songs will be presented by Jeannette McMillan, mezzo soprano, at the Salem Woman's club on. Friday afternoon. Her accompanist will be Mrs. Paul Hale. A book review will be given by Mrs. George Rossman. Chairman of the tea hour will be Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher, and assisting her will be Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, Mrs. C. L. Bowes, Mrs. Paul Griebenow, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs. L. H. McMahan Mrs. Ben F. Lambert and Mrs. Howard B. Jenks. There will be no board meeting pre ceding the 2 o'clock session. Salem Heights Mrs. O. E. Welling will entertain the Little Garden Club of Salem Heights on Thursday, April 23, at a 1 o'clock dessert at her home at 1333 Boone, road. Mrs. Francis Colgan will be the assisting hostess. The group will go on a tour of the Welling gardens. Circles of Woman's Society of Chris tian Service, Jason Lee Methodist church, will meet on Wednesday at the following places: January-July and February-August circles at 1:30 p.m. in the Klrby room at the church. May-November and March-September circles with Mrs. Oscar Lindquist, route 1, box 8, Brooks. Following de votions led by Mrs. Ernest P. Goulder, Mrs. H. J. Smith will conduct a study class on . Africa. Cars will leave the church at 12:45 p.m. April-October circle will not meet this month. June-December circle will meet at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Arthur E. Cum mlngs, 340 Cummings lane. Mr. and Mrs. Starley Dilatush are chairmen for a no-host dinner for Cherry court, Order of Amaranth, the event being set for 6:30 o'clock. Wed nesday, at the Scottish Rite temple. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gallaspy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Guen ther and Mrs. Datrid To lie will make up the committee. Following the dinner, officers will practice for public installation which will be at the Scottish Rite temple at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28.. Mrs. Owen Searcy will entertain the Dabblers club Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wilbur Tripp and Mrs. Paul Burger will assist the hostess at her home, 1535 Olive. A Mother's day program will be featured. General meeting of the Woman's So cio., t. Cl.ric'iicn I-.crvicc, .-'irst Mi th odist church, will be on Wednesday in the Carrier room of the church at 12:30 p.m., members to bring a sack lunch. Mrs. L. H. Randle will lead a wor ship service at 1:30 o'clock, which will be followed by installation of officers and special music. A film, "Widening Fellowships," will be shown after the meeting. -y ; aSVv - FOUR OTHERS assisting with Arthur Erlckton, Mrs. Adam Lefor, and Mrs. Stephen Sherman, who Is I At State Event : Several Salem women will be in Kla math Falls next week-end to attend the state conference for Oregon division, American Association of University Women. ' Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, now of Sa lem, as first vice-president of the state organization will be .among those at tending. She is in line to become the state president at this meeting. - Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Ore gon's governor, will be at the meeting as one of the speakers. She is on the state board as chairman of by-laws, ' Mrs. Floyd L. Utter, who has been . state fellowship chairman this term, also will be among those going from here. Mrs. Thomas W. Churchill, president of Salem branch, Mrs. Arthur Sprague, Miss Mildred Christenson, Miss Eloise Ebert, Mrs. Nora Thompson, Mrs. John . H. Hann are among others planning to attend from here. . . Social afternoon club of Alnsworth chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet for luncheon at noon on Thursday at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Leonard Howe will be hostess for the day and Mrs. Morse Stewart will show movies on a recent trip to Mexico. Mrs. Stanley Krueger will entertain past presidents of Capital unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, at her home in Independence, Thursday evening. A no-host dinner ia set for 6:30 o'clock, and guests are asked to bring their own ' table service. Hostesses for the party ' will be Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. James H. Turnbull and Mrs. Art Johnson. . Anyone wishing transportation to the Krueger home, 160 B street, may contact a member of the committee. 7 I. . ,t t J ' 1 ' ft.-" . - If' i " $ ' ' 1 - "V' v:v J! (Jdtra-Mtllir itwlls slclurs) MR. AND MRS. KEITH MOOTRY WED LAST Sunday In the First Presbyterian church were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mootrr (Clsudclte Smith). The bride Is the daushler of E. L. Smith of Salrm and Mrs. William Woelke of Olendale, Calif. Mr. Mootry Is the son ef Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mootrr ef Salem. 3 ANOTHER GROUP DISCUSSES PLANS FOR plans for the hospital tea next week are pictured above, left to right! Mrs, who Is superintendent of nurses at the Salem Memorial; Mrs. Urlln 8. Fag president of the auxiliary. ' A MOTHER'S day theme will be nfe featured at Salem unit, Ameri- can Legion auxiliary, Thursday' evening when guests will include the Junior auxiliary to Salem unit and their mothers, and members of Pioneer post, -American Legion, and their mothers. - This being Legion child welfare , month, : Mrs. Wilbur . Lytle. i welfare ' chairman, will be co-hostess for- the event along with Mrs. Charles Driver, adviser to the Junior auxiliary. The meeting is to be at 8 o'clock at the Wom an's club house, , The Juniors will take part in the ; opening exercises and will serve refresh menU. A musical program is planned. ' Capital unit, American Legion auxil iary, will meet for a social evening on Monday, Mrs. J. D. White in charge. Entertainment will follow a short busi ness meeting and members are asked to bring sweaters for a package the group is sending to Korea. The meeting will be at the Woman's elub house at 8 p.m. ' - Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet at 8 p.m. for a business session at the Masonic temple, Tuesday. . Hostess to the Happy Go Lucky club on Wednesday will be Mrs. Roy Pence, 985 Fairview. . The group will meet for , a no-host luncheon at .12:30 o'clock. , April 19 will be "church Sunday" for bethel No. 35 of Job's Daughters, the group to meet in front of the First Presbyterian church at 10:40 o'clock Sun day morning before attending the serv ice. ... - '- Junior officers will participate in the official duties at the Monday evening meeting of the bethel, to be at 7:30 at the Scottish Rite temple. There will be practice at 6:45 o'clock. -4 i ' If 1 '1 . (Jutn-lfUlir studio sUton) TEA Doll Show and Silver Tea On Wednesday - Calendared for next - Wednesday if the silver tea and doll show of Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, th event to be in the parish hall between 1 and 8 o'clock. More than 300 dolls will be on dis play from the collection of Mrs. John . Rolller of Scio, formerly of Chicago. Pouring at the tea will be Mrt. Homer Goulet, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. Custer Ross, Mrs, William H. Lytle, Mrs. Paul GemmelL Mrs. Cat Patton, Miss Virginia Nowlen, Mrs. Rue Drager. -' - i- Mrs. W. C. Gabriel and Mrs. X T. ;" Causey are co-chairmen for ' the bene fit. On the reception committee are Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. Louise Mul ler, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. William . H. Lytle. On the hospitality commit tee are Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, Mrf. Rue Drager, Mrs. - George H. Swift. Serving on the kitchen committee art) Mrs. H. R. Walters, Mrs. Carl A. Dorf fler. Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Mrs. John ' E. Wood, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. A. D. Brown and Mrs. John S. Tyler, Jr. are the publicity committee. Mem bers of the refreshments committee are Mrs. Frank D. Bligh, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. W. H. Damery, Mrs. John D. Graham, Mrs. Alvln Hartley, Silverton, Mrs. Dale Young, Mrt. George L. Moses, Mrs. Lawrence Oster man, Mrs. Perry P. Whltmore. ' Officers for the coming year are an nounced for the Insurance Women's as sociation. . Mrs. Sid Rising, past president, corf ducted the Installation of new executive board member at this week's meeting as follows: Miss Leona Teske, president; Mrs. Amy Seidler, vice-president; Mrs. Bernard Nanneman, recording secre tary, Mrs. George B. Gadeholt, treasur- , -er, and Mrs. H. A. Pontius of Albany, corresponding secretary. Miss Nila Cluett, outgoing president, . was presented with a national associa tion club pin, and Mrs. Opal Lewis re ceived the member-of-the-year award. Gifts for outstanding service during the , past year were given to Mrs. Sidney Rising, Mrs, Amy Seidler, Mrs. Bernard Nanneman, and to the Albany members, Mrs. Elaine Klttleson, Miss Catherine Bain, Mrs. Nellie Grove, Mrs. Francis Zleglcr, Mrs. Ruby Muller, Mrs, H. A. Pontius and Mrs. Kenneth Smart. ' ' interesting scenery slides of the Ba varian Alps and Austrian countryside and interior closeups of the famous cas tles built by "Mad King .Ludwig" of Bavaria were shown by Mrs. Else Allen, who toured that sector of Europe In 1951. Following the business and entertain ment, there was an informal reception welcoming the new officers. Visitors were Mrs. Rose Pavlov, Mrs, W. L. Woclk, Mrs. Maxine King, Mrt. Dorothy Hodges ana rars. Peery Burenj and from Albany, Mrs. H. O. Griffith. Mrs. Marguerite Kirk, a past president, has Invited the members to her home on Fir street for a Sunday evening fare well gathering In honor of Mrs. Sue ' Pooch who will leave on Tuesday for Anchorage, Alaska, where she has ac cepted a position in an insurance agency. .1. .; International relations group of the Amerclan Association nf lir,i...ik. women is meeting at 8 p.m. Mondsv t the home of Mrs. Dennis Patch. ' Mri, A. F. deLesplnasse is to be the hostcts. , Mrs. Henry Kayser will direct n educational program at the meeting cf Credit Women't Breakfast club at No i gren's restaurant, Tuesday morning T OCIOCK. .'. ... - -