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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1953)
May Formal at SHS Features Coronation Idea Elaborate plant are under way for the May day formal let tor Friday, May 1, at Salem senior high school, the final U-student dance for the school year. "Coronation Serenade" 1 the theme for the dance, to be staged in the school gymnasium. Miss Jackie Jones is gen eral chairman and heads the decorations flniimr. la in ' t)A fpfliliroH and Mho iannrntUn. ...Ill Include white pillars xnd bird baths to complete the formal garden setting, and . round the sides will be crowns, taking note of the coronation year. Blue Notes orchestra Is in nlnv. ThA Aanrm will h between 9 and 12 o'clock. Climax for the evening will be an nouncement of the identity of the May -Queen. Seven girls ire in the finals for the honor, including: Misses Vir ginia Lively, Betty Zahara, Nancy Rust, Jackie Jones, Nancy Osterman, Nancy Moorefield, Carol Svinth. Assisting Miss Jones on the direc torate for the party are the following ; committee; Miss Julie Miller, planning . committee; Miss Colleen Welsh, pro grams; Miss Karen Johnson, refresh ments; Misses Judy Burdette and Bar bara Swegart, patrons. ' Invited as patrons are Mrs. W. E. Dee , ney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Crothers. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barge, Miss Nell Guthrie, Mrs. Winona Wright, Mr. nd Mrs. Loren Mort, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carleton, Miss Mary Elizabeth Gilbert, Mr. and Mn. Ournee Flesher. . Honoring their son, Stephen H. Ben ion, and his fiancee, Miss Donna Ruth Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, L. V. Benson are to entertain at a dinner party at their borne next Friday evening. ' The dinner will follow the rehearsal tor the wedding of Mr. Benson and Miss Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Johnson, who are to be mar ried next Sunday, April 26, at a service in the First Presbyterian church. Members of the wedding party and families of the couple will be guests for the rehearsal dinner. The meeting for Kappa Kappa Gam ma alumnae has been postponed from the coming Monday until April 27. Arriving next Friday will be Mlsi Martha Pauline Proctor of Ottumwa, Iowa, who will be at the home of her cousin, Mr. W. C. Dyer, Jr., for a time. Miss Proctor is to be married on the afternoon of May 2 to Dr. Winfield H. Needham of Salem, the ceremony to be In the First Congregational church here. Delta Gamma alumnae are to meet en Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. . Joseph Matujec. ... - , Co-hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Louis Bonney and Mrs. Lloyd Ham mel, Plans will be made for the pro vince convention to be in Salem on May 13-17 with Willamette university chap ter members and Salem alumnae as the hostesses. , ex. Anne buuu, oi. raui a episcopal church, is to meet on Monday at the home of Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, des sert to be at 1:30 o'clock. Co-hoitesses are Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. N. W. Merrill, Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, Mr. Raymond Busick. - . . . - ! , J. Bl T- Vl Kappa Delta alumnae are meeting tor their postponed session on Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. George Bagnall. Salem alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi, national Journalism honory for women, rt meeting for their April program on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. struct x nc t w , Mut-n, Mrs. Edwin Butler, free lance writer, is to be the guest speaker. , Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meeting next Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. G. H. Vandebogart, 374 North 18th at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Evelyn Bleep la to be co-hostess. Wedding Dated The wedding of Mrs. Esther Belt of Salem and Kenneth Kraemer of Port land Is planned for Thursday noon, April 30, the ceremony to be solemnized at the home of Chief Justice Earl C. La tourette of the supreme court and Mrs. Latourette on Falrmount hill. The en gagement of the couple was announced earlier this month. Several parties are being given for the bride-elect preceding the wedding. Tonight, Dr. and Mrs. John Gold smith are entertaining at a buffet sup . ,t their home for Mrs. Belt and Mr. Kraemer. Last evening. Mrs. Belt and i. v....r were honored at a party Z' which William D. Campbell, law lu... ...nciate of Mr. Kraemer, and viv. Camobell entertained at their home In Portland. Miss Deborah BuHlngton i to entertain at a luncheon fiv'a for Mrs. Belt. In the group Next Tnursaay will be the honoree and Mrs. Harry H. Will De we Mp, p... Miss Barbara Belt, Ben, t.-iHinu,. Mlu Ellse v, Miss Ellse "S; T wrGoebel, Mrs. Bar- :. Mrs. J. W. UOCDCl, mr. Dr- bi HarVdon, Mis. Dorothy Cornelius . J -Tpnterson is entertaining miss t Thursday l E2 .rtment In the Lee Z .Si Belt- In the group for Mrs. Be- jnti Bu wiU be BuHlngton, Jfiii Belt Ml- Barbara Belt. k. H Carson, Mrs. J. w. uoeoei, Mrs. John H. C""0"'., Mrs. Barbara Mis. Dorothy C'lIuw. Mis. Haradon, Mrs. Jme rf Benkar Silver Tea Thursday Larger social gathering calendared for the next week is the annual sliver tea for Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary on Thursday afternoon at the beautiful South High street home of Mrs. Louis Lachmund. . Hours for the tea are between 2:30 and 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry are co-chairmen for the event. A large group of the auxiliary membership is assisting in greeting and serving the guests. : . In the line will be Mrs. Lachmund, Mrs. Stephen Sherman, auxiliary president; and Mrs. Adam Lefor, superintendent of nurses at the hospital. Pouring will be Mrs. A. C. Haag, Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. James T. Brand,, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs, Robert L. Elfstrom. Invitation Is extended to all friends of the hospital to attend, the tea being one of the major projects of the auxiliary in securing funds to assist in buying equipment for the hospital. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER N event of interest to Willamette university students will be the annual Varsity Ball of the Let- termen's club, next Friday evening, April 24. ' The formal affair will be in the cam pus gymnasium . between 9 and 12 o'clock. Highlight of the evening will be an nouncement of the name of Varsity Queen. Five girls are in the finals court for the honor, including Misses Maxine Brown, Margaret Huson, Joyce Karn, Ann Laudig, Anita Tonnlng. Bill Wittenberg is general chairman for the ball, Invitations are In the mall this week end for a coffee for which Mrs. Glenn . Stevens and Mrs. Raymond Busick are to entertain at the home of the for mer on Tuesday, April 28. The party will honor Mrs. A. B. ' ' Davis, who recently moved to Salem -'. from Portland. Guests are invited to . call between 10 a.m. and noon. Sigma Kappa alumnae are sponsoring their annual dinner for members and husbands for next Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Walk er, the dinner to be a no-host event at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Leonard Wallace is chairman of the committee. Regular luncheon meeting for Salem Alumnae Panhellenic will be next Fri day noon at the Senator hotel. Regular day for Salem Women's Golf association will be next Wednesday, play starting at 9 o'clock. Luncheon will be -served at 1 o'clock and reservations or cancellations should be in by Monday. On Tuesday, several Salem women will be in Portland for Oregon Women's Golf association event at Waverly club. Etokta Woman's club is meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. M. McKee, route 4, dessert to be at 1:10 o'clock, a social afternoon follow ing. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Glenn M. Larklns, Mrs. Alice Fisher, Mrs. Her bert Winkler. Delta Zeta alumnae are meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. J. Fulton with Miss Mildred Detacher and Mrs. O. K. Beals s co-hostesses. Drama class Is to meet on Tuesday with Mrs. J. E. Law and Mrs. Clarence Byrd as hostesses to the group at the home of the former. Celebrating her second birthday on Monday will be Jennifer Anne Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan S. Han son. The little girl's mother has arranged a luncheon In her honor, the theme for the aniversary party to feature circus favors. The party is at the Hanson home, guests invited for 12:30 o'clock. Attending will be Jennifer's sister, Linda Louise, her grandmothers, Mrs. C. A. Page and Mrs. Ursula Hanson, Mrs. John Beckley, Mrs, C. E. Page and Deb bie, Mrs. Clifford Hanson and Tommy, Mrs. Russell Saylor and Krista, Mrs. Jay Schaefer and George, Nancy and Kathy; Mrs. Floyd Brodhagen, Randy and Alice; Mrs. Gerald Holslng, Stephen, Roger and Mary; Mrs. Donald Reitzer and Denny. ii . ii u .j. nil . i ..ii nan. n lay ,j aii aiiiiaai im.i nai i i m alWaskafc3BfaaasaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB . TM ih. ".'SS?1 ? 'J? ,todent W' ' 8,'m "nir uf rhool comes Lnn.n.i-?f r 2,y' ?,y ,l tttiTalum. lllhllht .( Uie eenin will be SlSSSUir . .w '.k " J"'.1!' h,n.?Vf, b"n My UMn- Erh Bom Mum Wedding Plans A wedding for Saturday, May 2, will be that of Miss Marie Bosch and Daniel R. Madson. The ceremony will be sol emnized at 4 o'clock that afternoon in the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Paul N. Poling officiating. Soloist for the service is to be Homa -L. Vickers of Til lamook, Mrs. Ralph H. Dobbs to play . the organ. Candlelighters will be Miss Rosemary Richartz, Mllton-Freewater, and Mrs. Homa L. Vickers of Tillamook, Mrs. Howard B. Somers of Portland, cousin of the bride, is to be matron of honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss Bernlce - Lehrman and Mrs. Douglas Kleft. Young Miss Joanne Somers is to be the flower girl. R, B. Herstlne is to be the best man. Ushers will be Morris Bergman, Stan Johnson, Jack Bosch and Dennis Laven- -der. . .; The reception following will be at the church also. r The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Bosch of Brooks. Mr. Madson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. W. E, ' Madson of Ha warden, Iowa. Alpha' Chi Omega alumnae have planned their business session for Monday evening following dessert at 8 o'clock, the meeting to be at the home of Mrs. John Larwood. . Co-hostesses are Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths, Mrs. Ralph Smither, . Mrs. Vernon Bartsch. Regular monthly reciprocity luncheon for P.E.O. Sisterhood council will be Monday at 1:15 p.m. in the Golden Pheasant. All unaffiliated P.E.O. mem bers are Invited. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Lynn Switzer. ' An event for Sunday afternoon) April 26, will be the annual program and sil ver tea of Mu Phi Epsilon, national mu sic honorary at Willamette university. . The program will be at 3 p.m. in Wal ler hall auditorium on the campus, Miss Harriet Aller, violist, and Miss Jane Gray, pianist, as soloists. . The silver tea will be given In the Recital hall in the Music building imme diately following the program. Alumnae of Salem are assisting at the affair. Miss Gladys Blue is general chairman from the active chapter. The public is invited to both the pro gram and tea. Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs. A. A. Schramm are to pour at the tea. 1 At 8 o'clock, Monday evening, Mrs. Warren W. Cooley will entertain the Jaycee-Ettes at her home, 1385 North 23rd. Mrs. Maurice Cohn, Mrs. Ken neth Free and Mrs. Dean Allport will assist the hostess. For the program, a tewing machine demonstration will be given. Entertaining the West Salem Lions club auxiliary on Monday will be Mrs. Collett A. Rust, 1362 Elm. The group will meet at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Keith, Mrs. Keith's sister, Mrs. Byrd Miller of Sil verton, and Mrs. Alice Pohley left Sa lem Wednesday for southern California and Florida, where after short visits, they will go on to Bermuda. Following their return to the United States, they will tour the east coast and northern states before coming to Salem. They will be away two months. THESE ARE FINALISTS IN CONTEST FOR MAY QUEEN TITLE ANNUAL SILVER tea of Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary Is a major event for next week, the affair to be at the home of Mrs. Louis Lachmund en Thursday, April 23. Among committee members assisting are the trio above, left to right, Mrs. E. E. Batterman, Mrs. Virgil Sexton and Mrs. Wayne Hadley. PSI, organization for Delta Delta Delta mothers, University ! Oregon chapter, is to meet for a luncheon on Monday at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. About 30 mothers from Portland are expected to be here for the party. Ini tiation of new members who have daughters in the Oregon chapter will be conducted. - .. . . . " Assisting Mrs. Ohling in arranging the party are Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. Grant Fallin, Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. Mervin Fidler. Xi Lambda chapter plans its meeting for Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. L. Cummins with Mrs. Sam C. Campbell assisting. The meeting is at 8 o'clock. i Sculpture is the topic for the pro- gram at the meeting of Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on Wednes day evening, Mrs. Ralph Atwood and Mrs. Wilson Beckford in charge. The meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst. Sigmas are to meet on Monday eve ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Val D. Sloper. Mrs. Gerald Holland and Mrs. Dorsey C. Moore are co hostesses. A white elephant sale is planned. A dessert luncheon is planned for Sigma Kappa Mothers club on Tuesday at 1 :30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. H. Fish, Mrs. Glen L. Weaver as co-hostess. The arrrn finallsU are pictured abore on the tTonnds at the high school. The four In front, left to right, are: Mtm Virginia Lively, MU Betty Zahara, MIm Nancy Rust and Miss Jackie Jones. The three In back are, left to right: MIm Nancy Osterman, Mlsi Nancy Moorefield, Miss Carol Srinth. Theme for the big formal Is to be "Coronation Serenade.'' r- AMONG THOSE ASSISTING AT TEA Dance Parties Two dance clubs have parties arrang ed for next week-end. Tuxedo Party Tuxedo club's April party la to be on Friday evening at the American, Legion club. The social hour is to be at 7:30 o'clock, the dinner at 8:30 o'clock. For Intermission Club Intermission club's April dance is planned for next Saturday evening, April 25, in the Knights of Columbus hall. Dancing will be between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock, Urs Wolfer's orchestra playing. . On the committee are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gooley as chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Waser, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Grim, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epping, Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Koehler. Theatre Arts group is meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham, dessert to be at 12:45 o'clock. Miss Alice Crary Brown is to present a brief synopsis and comment on the play, "Lost in the Stars,'' adapted by Maxwell Anderson from "Cry the Be loved Country" by Alan Paton. She also will present a recording featuring Todd Duncan in the leading role. Alpha Psl chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Is to meet next Wednesday evening at the home' of Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker. Returning home yesterday from a month's trip east were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wiesendanger. (Jcitra-WUler ituolo pietnn) JA17-V '" .. .v (Jeiten-MMer itudlo sletuit) REGULAR semi-monthly dessert and card party for members of Sojourners club will be next Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at Sa lem Woman's club house. Mrs. Charles McColloch is chairman and on her committee are Mrs. Eugene Olson, Mrs. Jordan Johnson, Mrs. Max Bauer, Mrs. Charles Marshall, Mrs. Let Thomas. v .( ,.rV -.x tM ; The board of ihe club is meeting on Monday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. C. V. Fletcher, at 7:80 o'clock. Being planned for Sunday, April 26 li an open house to honor Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Simpson who will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on April 29. The event will be from 2 until 5 o'clock at their home, 1550 Norway, and friends of the couple are invited through the press to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Garlen Simpson and Mr, and Mrs. Garold Simpson, sons and daughters-in-law of the couple, are making arrangements for the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were married In Maple Valley, Wise, and came to Sa lem in 1907. ' A tour of primrose gardens in Port land is planned by Gaiety Hill Garden club for Monday. Members will gath er for luncheon at the University club as guests of Mrs. Robert E. Shinn. An event interesting to a large group on Monday afternoon will be the first of a series of style show luncheons plan ned at the Marion hotel by the manage ment. The luncheon will be at 12:30 o'clock, the style show to be between 1 and 2 o'clock, although luncheon will be serv ed throughout the show for those who take their lunch hour at that time. Fashions from Johnson's will be shown. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., is to be commen tator. Among those making 'reservations for the show e-e TTrs. Cnrl J. Wendt, Mrs. Glenn Woodry, Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Miss Margaret Lovell, Mrs. W. G. Stacey, Mrs. Wade Ellis, Mrs.. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. R. C. Holman, Mrs. Ernest Madsen, Mrs. Jamrs Dniry, Mrs. ,T. J. Foster, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. Harry Jack son. Mrs. H. C. Saalfcld, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr., Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Mrs. Kenneth Potts. The engagement of Miss Barbara June Culbertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Culbertson, to Roger Norman Busch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Busch of Burlingame, Calif., was an nounced last evening at a party given by Miss Judie Burdette at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Burdette. A group of 12 school friends ot the bride-elect were invited for dessert. Min iature engagement rings with ribbon streamers were presented guests, names of the couple being written on little bells at the end of the ribbons. No date is set for the wedding. Miss Culbertson is a senior in high school this year. Mr. Busch is a freshman at Wil lamette university. Bidden to the announcement party were Miss Culbertson and her mother, Mrs. E. M. Culbertson; Mrs. L. R. Bur dette, Miss Nancy Rust, Miss Janice Cof fel. Miss Beth Proepstel, Miss Anna Mae Lockenour, Miss Jody Boyer, Miss Shar on Campbell, Miss Barbara Seeber, Miss Beverly Johns, Miss Shirley Crothers, Miss Frances Gholson, and the hostess.