Page z In the .... Edited by MIKE rOBBES Pringle Aurora In he game of baseball by the Aurora grade school team and Hubbard, the latter won by a icore ol 8 to 8. The lineup for Aurora wai: Pitcher, Bill Jaskey; catcher, Wayne Lowrle; first base, Ray Hoefling, 2d base, Bob Mat thieu; 3rd base, Kenneth Rose; shortstop, Niles Beiser; left field, Frank Netter; center, Wayne Wenzell; right field, . jerry McLaren, Airman 1c Jackie Miller: son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miller , of Aurora, now is stationed at : Tachikawa air force base near Tokyo. He recently met his brother, Sgt. Buford Miller of the U. S. marine in Yokahoma. .' . .The two brothers spent three . days together. Buford recently re-enlisted after finishing his xirst hitch in the marines, dur ing which he was in Korea for 13 months. . Marvin Keil, son of the Leo Keils of Aurora, is based in Newfoundland with the army, having gone . north from Ft, Eustis. Va. His brother, Elvln, ' is stationed at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif. ' Mrs. Ralph Oswald and chll dren motored down from Os - wego Tuesday to visit their mother, and grandmother, Mrs, Amy Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller and son, Craig of Beaverton, sur prised their uncle, George As. ' kin. Monday evening, with . decorated birthday cake in hon or of his approaching birthday. Mrs. Askin honored her hus band Wednesday, April 15, with a chicken dinner for members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wimer, Rt. 2, Aurora, are parents of their second daughter, corn Monday evening, April 13, in Portland Osteopathic hospital. Mrs. Wimer is the former Eve. lyn Reynolds. - The Aurora Rural Volunteer firemen will sponsor a benefit dance at the B. F. Morse barn .on the Barlow-Monitor road Saturday night, May 2, it was announced this week by the department secretary, E. C. Smith. , In charge of the dance will be Fire Chief Willis Matthieu, Hugh Evans and Leonard Fer guson. ' . " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wimer (Lorena Long) are now at home at Mr. Wimer's farm on Merid ian road, east of Aurora. The couple was married in Van couver, Wash., April 3. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Speake of For est Grove. . - Miss Ann Torgeson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Torgeson,- and an advanced piano student of Mrs. E. C. Dlller of Aurora, assisted by Rodney Bernklan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bernklan of Macksburg, will be presented in a two- FREE! DANCE LESSONS S7IL9UT.NITE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction by Mr. Ttip'.ett and staff of JON MARR STUDIO fylC Modern A t Old Time Dancing from 9 to 12 LOOK - LOOK DINE d SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC BY MASON MELODIES SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER POT ROAST WITH American Legion Post No. 9 1KM N. Commercial Yoa walking P r eaint store Valley piano recital at a p.m. Sunday, April 18, In the Evangelical united Brethren church. The engagement of Miss Dor is Jean Colvin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry w. B. Colvin of Union HiU district, Aurora, and Floyd R. Lenhardt, Jr, son oi Mr. ana Mrs. Floyd R Lenhardt of Meridian district. Aurora, has been announced for Sunday, June 7. A mid-afternoon ceremony In the First Methodist church Canby, Is being planned, with a reception to follow In the church social rooms. Woodburn Woodburn The regular meeting of the Firemen's auxiliary was Thursday night at the fire hall with Mrs. Sid Seime and her new officers in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Tom Cross was ap pointed . courtesy chairman and Mrs. Floyd Marlcle ai reporter. A committee lnclud in Mrs. Harold Schlel and Mrs. Marlcle was appointee contact prospective members before . the . next meeting when they will be . honored guest. . An all-day quilting party was Dlanned for Wednesday, April 22, at the country home of Mrs. Seime with, a pot-luck lunch as noon. . . Mrs. Dale Seaton and Mrs. Karl Kristner were honored with fif showers for their new babies. , Hostesses for the next meet ing will be Mrs. Smith French and Mrs. E. M. Forgard. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tom Cross and Mrs. Jack Bush. "A Day In Court," a traffic film, was shown by Charles Cornwell at the woodburn Rotary club meeting Thurs day noon. Killan Smith was program chairman. Dr. John M. Hanranan re ceived tab for six years per fect attendance. The story of Sat. Jake De- Sharer, one of the men who bombed Tokyo with General Doollttle's raiders,' was cap tured, mistreated, finally res cued and released and who returned to Japan as a mis sionary, will be the theme of the motion picture "DeShazer" which will be shown Monday, April 20, at 8 p.m. at the Free Methodist church in Wood- burn. The film is full length with sound and eolor. No ad mission will be charged. Aurora Pringle Twenty-two at tended the Pringle home exten sion unit meeting Wednesday afternoon at the Pringle club house. Mrs. George Crum conducted the business meeting, and new officers elected were chairman, Mrs. Kehne Wain; vice chair man, Mrs. Lyle Holmes; and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Oscar White. The group heard the report of the festival exhibit commit tee, Mrs. J. A. Gray and Mrs. Eloise Moyer, and program planning. Presenting the project, clean ing rugs and upholstry furni ture, was the home demonstra tor. Ermlna Fisher. Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Andel and Mrs. Claytoon Bunse. OLD TIME DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO '- Adm. 60c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch. 259 Court 8t - LOOK - LOOK DANCE $100 CHILDREN . 65c POTATO PANCAKES Hello Everybody: You like to have Special Ohlneae Dinner? Alright you come up to my place 162H N. Commercial, I tlx for you any number from i to 300. I am have special din In room tor hlg party or nice large booth lor S or 10 and nice ooay booth tor two or tour. You are not need to look at menu, you hut say to me "Yee Sing, you lux (or us special Chinese dinner" then I run back to kitchen fut like anything and make but Chi nees dinner you ever eat, I am not charge you anything extra tor this extra serrtce. same low price. YEE SING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me. this my cousin Frank Villamina " Willamina The past presi dents' parley of the Sheridan American Legion auxiliary met Wednesday at the Legion haU in Sheridan with Bessie Wirfs and Arm Denton hostesses. Mrs. Vivian Castro enter tained the Friendly Circle club at' her home this week when guests were Mrs. Delpha Paine, Mrs. Hilda Rabuck, Mrs. Edna Graham, Mrs. Augusta Hanson, Mrs. Ruby Toliver, Mrs. Grace Harrison, Mrs. Edna Chambers and Mrs. Nyleen Beck. The pinochle club met Tuei day at the home of Roseada Haenny in Sheridan. Mrs. Laura Holdgrafer von first, Mrs. Ann Denton second, Mrs. Clara Krauthoefer low and Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and Mrs. Helen Tharp pinochle. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Augusta James. Miss Ellen Weight, daughter of Carl Weight of Schlslin, and Vernon Rlsseeuw, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rlsseeuw of North Plains, formerly of Wil lamina, were married Sunday at the Zion Lutheran church in Schlslin at a 2 p.m. ceremony. The bride wore a traditional white wedding gown and car ried a bouquet centered with a white orchid. Her cousin was maid of honor, and George Norris of Willamina was best man. Following the ceremony, reception was given. The bride attends school in North Plains and the bridegroom is with the navy in Tacoma. Attending the wedding zrom Willamina were Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Rlsseeuw, Mr. and Mrs. John Buswell and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Risseeuw. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wallas of Otis are the parents of a son, Michael Roy, born April 13 at Dr. Barr's clinic. Mr. and Mrs. John Neusch- wanger of Sheridan are the parents of a son, born April 13 at Dr. Barr's Clinic. The auxiliary to the Willa mina fire department met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Blanche Yoast, with Mrs. AI Endres, Mrs. Carl John and Mrs. Frank Kauble assisting. The silver collection at the end of the meeting was given to the cancer fund. Following the meeting, a stork shower was given for Mrs. Laurice Fox. Mrs. Wayne Sampson was giv en a farewell gift. There were 24 members present and two guests, Mrs. Oscar Lee and Mrs. Carl Stroschine. The next meet ing will be May 12 at the home of Mrs. Martin Meyers. , Arvid Nyleen of Willamina raced his D runabout in Ash land Sunday and won first place in his class, receiving a trophy and prize money. He is rfom the Willamina racing team. Flying down to Ashland Sunday to see the races were other members of the team, in cluding Hap Parrett, Jr., Chuck S h af e r, DuWayne Grosser, George Churchill, Eldon Breed en and Billy Larson of Delake. The Willamina fire depart ment honored wives and past and honorary members at a turkey dinner when 49 were present. Past Chief A. D. New by and past assistant chief, Martin Myers, were honored at the dinner. V The Community Cheer or ganization will meet Tuesday, April 21, at the home of Mrs. Warren Nelson In Sheridan. This will be the last meeting until fall. Three girls have been select ed princesses of the Phil Sheri dan rodeo this year, and are Carol Schukar and Marlene Greenlaw of Willamina. and Joann Keck of Sheridan. Mrs. Carl Blackwell was given a. pink and blue shower this week by. Mrs. Donald Blackwell. Guests were Mrs. Clara Turnidge, Mrs. Doris Turnidge, Mrs. Manda McBee, Mrs. Harriet Schoppert, Mrs. Pat Buswell, Mrs. Lydia Car ter, Mrs. Hazel Blackwell, Mrs. Violet Blackwell, Mrs. Doris Blackwell, Mrs. Joyce Hadley, Mrs. Marilyn Johnson, Mrs. Inze Buswell, Mrs. Jane Bus well, Mrs. Veneta Buswell, Mrs. Maude Shoey and Misses Pat and Sharon Blackwell. Sending gifts were Mrs. Net- tie Wise. Mrs. Louise Black i well, Mrs. May Norris, Mrs. Winnie Turnidge, Mrs. Nancy Buswell, Mrs. Delia Isaak, Mrs. Maxlne T.vnph Mrs flntnf I Dunlgan, Mrs. Eva Benefiel and Mrs. Dorothy Turnidge. Mrs. O. K. Brock, Sr., is re covering from a recent heart attack. ! S. Hankla Is viaitlnv in Stockton, Calif., with his daughter. : The Cub Scout den mothers ; had a potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Bill Denton Wed- ' nesday. Mrs. Ray Barber and Johnny visited her father, Frank Smart, In a Santa Barbara, 1 aCllf., hospital where he Is suf fering from a light stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benefiel, UIMSV1LLE PAVILION DANCE Every 8aturda? Night II Ml. Southeast el Salem ! Musle by LYLE AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadcast KSLM 7:30-8:01 F. M. THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Jr., and family of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting here this week with the Oscar Benefeu, Sr., and William Lenta fam ilies. Benefiel has been attend ing naval school in Memphis, and will report to San Diego soon for further assignment. Independence Independence A special feature at the First Baptist church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. will be a musical group from Philomath, Oregon. This group will Include a trumpet trio, led by E. E. Patterson, which will present several numbers. There will be a panel discus sion at the Central High School PTA meeting Monday evening, April 20, at 8 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. The subjeot for discussion will be "Getting Ready for the Right Job." Ted Pierson, distributive edu cator coordinator, Salem high school, will be the panel mod erator. Those participating as panel members will be: Miss Jessie Blackburn, John Cham berlain, Miss Nina Moon from the class of 19S2, and Gary Reld from the class of 1953. Mrs. William Sherwood un derwent major surgery at the Salem Memorial hospital Mon day. Her family reports that she is getting along very well. ' The pre-school study group will meet on Monday night, April 20, at 8 p.m. in the fac ulty lounge of the Oregon Col lege of Education library, The subject "Fathers Are Parents" will be discussed by a panel of fathers, and coordi nator will be Dr. William Wag ner, principal of the Monmouth elementary schools. Vernon Jr. and Chester Gow- en were honored on their birth days at the home of Mr. Ren. nle Knowles on Sunday, where the family gathered for dinner. Mrs. Clara Lewis, grandmoth er of the boys, prepared the dinner, and served a birthday cake which- she baked in the form of a lamb. Birthday gifts were opened following the din ner. West Stayton West Stayton Postmaster ad Mrs. Paul McClellan receiv ed word from Oregon State col lege that their son, Truman, made the honor roll for the winter term, receiving a point ! gmuc u o.oi, wiiiie currying 21 hours. Truman also made the honor roll for the fall term, carrying 18 hours. Truman, with his wife, the former Valerie Walker of Ly ons, and small son, Jimmy, are making their home in Corvallis. The West Stayton Cub Scouts were treated with a show Saturday evening as the result of a recent ticket selling campaign. They were trans ported by their den mother, Mrs. Robert Shepherd. Mrs. Rosalie Young has left California to meet her husband Bob, who is returning to the states for discharge, having served his two years with the army In Korea. A housewarming card party was held in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dowe, Sat urday evening, April 11, with 14 friends present The Dowes' former home and belongings were destroyed by fire before Christmas. A handkerchief shower was also given to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Comstock at the same time, as the couple have sold their home and now own a motel In Al bany. Present were Mrs. Fred Dickman, Mrs. Ada Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buggies, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nienko, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denham, and the honored guests, the Dowes and Comstocks. Winning "500" prizes for high Mrs. Ada Clark and Fred Den ham, for low, Mr. and Mrs. P. Nienke. Webfoot Webfoot Mrs. Marion War ner and infant daughter, Pam elia Jeanne of Portland, came to the home of her parents. Mr. ant' Mrs' HaIe Hendrlckson, in the Webfoot district Wednes day evening. She "will remain with her parents for a time. In the Middle Ages the Bal ti. Sea is said to have frozen over frequently. HELD OVER! CONT. PLUS! ERROL FLYNN SI? 1?S!S& lltL 1 ! IS III SANDERS Pedee At the regular monthly meeting of the PTA Carl Morrison, principal of the Dallas high school, spoke to the dudUs of the eigntn graae, telling them of the curriculum and other things of interest. Mrs. Murphy received the book for the month lor having the most parents present for the meeting. Mrs. C. R. Cormack and Mrs. Glen Rhoadea were hostess for lunch during the social hour At the recent executive com mittee meeting of the WSWS the following chairmen were appointed: Inter-racial rela tions , Mrs. C. L. Burbank; missionary education. Miss Nola Womer: prayer partners Mrs. Rufus Dodge; local prayer nartners. Mrs. Troy Turner; mission band leader, Mrs. Fritz Dyer; little heralds leader, Mrs. Robert John; youth fellowship leader, Mrs. Delbert Dow. A surprise party was given recently at the P. O. Burbank home uear Monmouth, honor ing Mrs. Burbank's birthday after no host dinner. Those attending from Pedee were Mrs. O. M. Burbank, Mrs. Wayne Blankenbaker, Gerg, Pamela and Stanley. Mrs. C. L. Burbank, Mrs. Paul Ronco and Bradley; Mrs. Fritz Dyer, Mrs. Maud Burbank, Mr. ana Mrs. Gus Burbank. From Philomath were Mrs Robert Sninney. Bobbie and Kirk; Falls City, Mrs. C. L, Burbank. from Monmouth, Mrs. Dora Bingham, J. T.Wil let aind from Portland, Warren Yost, Mrs. John Yost, Mrs. ir nest Kublick and Barbara; Mrs. Dale Boyd, Phyliss and Raymond, Mrs. William Chest nut and Cindy; Mrs. Herbert Pankeatz, Mrs. Milton Pan keatz and Cherlyn, Mrs. Nell Crupper, David, Ronny and Audrey from Sandy, Mrs. Adolph Dahrens: Independence Mrs. Al Jackson and Tommy. Rev. and Mrs. Speece, and Mrs. Opal Bowers of Urban, Ohio, (sister of Mrs. Speece) and Mrs. Susan Grazen of Monmouth, were recent guests of Mrs. Thera Womer and daughter, Miss Nola Womer. Mrs. Lena Turner ana Mrs. Gus John were hostessess at the woman's club Wednesday Mrs. Gus Burbank was honor with a birthday cake. Mrs. E. M. Cates received the attendance prize after the business meeting conducted by the president, Mrs. Herman Amos, Mrs. Cates who is a member of the Airlie Siver ex tension unit, gave a demon stration on retouching furni ture. The club had change of the lunch at the S. P. Yates sale. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCor mack were week-end guests of his brother,' Mr. and' Mill. George McCormack at Salem Gervais Sacred Heart Mother's club elected officers at their meet ing Monday evening. The April meeting of the Ends Tonight Open 6:00 "BECAUSE OF YOU" Alio .. "CLEOPATRA" Starts Sunday ClIFTOK WEBB is.i nsnrT " ; Robert WAGNER' Ruth HUSSEY Aim "FARGO" BUI Elliott SHOWS 8 AT. ft SUN. "CRUtSE OF THE ZACA" Cont. 1:45 JI. Mi club was postponed from the r.oniir second Tuesday of the month because of the ham sup per the evening before. Mrs. George Hauptman was MA4Hntffnr the com- ing year; Mrs. Robert Zelinskl, vice president; Mrs. nay Cormlck, secretary; Mrs. Al bert Praull. treasurer. Dayton Dayton (Special) The Day inn r.irHrn club met with Mrs. J. A. McFarlane on Monday, April 13. Mrs. ineue uoourn and Mrs. Frank Foster were co-hostesses. Mrs. Roy Edwards presiaea over the business meeting. Mn Fred Rader and Mrs. Electa Demaray became new members. Mrs. Coburn gave a talk on rinunti-lnff Shrubs. The tame prize went to Mrs. Cora Wirfs. Mr, and Mrs. Clete Gell took . wmIt, trflfailnn and visited friends at Eureka, Calif., and returned by way oi eastern Oregon. They returned home Tuesday evening, April 14. Diane Launer was an over night guest of Stella Paris. Miss Pat Huffman spent the week end visiting friends in Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Roy isawaras, Anita and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cary and children attended the housewarming given by friends and relatives, to Mr. and Mrs. F.lmer Edwards. Portland, on Sunday. The Edwards have Just completed and nave movea into their new home located on 82nd and Foster. .Tnhn Mcintosh who worked last week with a construction rnmnnnv at Gold Hill, came home for the week end here with his family. He is now lo cated at Eugene, and with the Stevenson Construction Co., now working near Drain. Mr nnrl Mrs Harmon Repripr ulslrori ihplr rianffhter. Mrs. Ed Wlldfong and baby in Portland last week. Mr snri Mm. Ralnh Strang and daughter of Sherwood vis ited her sister, Mrs. Elsie Kirk endall recently. Unionvale Unionvale Mrs. Andrew Goulart and daughter of Oak land, Calif., came for a few days visit with her grand mother, Mrs. Charles Clow, and other relatives in this dis trict and left Saturday by rail from Portland for her home accompanied by her grand mother who will be a guest In the Goulart home two weeks. Mrs. Goulart was Miss Eve lyn Allen before her marriage and her home was in Union vale. The Unionvale Home Ex tension unit will meet at the Unionvale church Thursday April 23. Mrs. Fred C. Stock off of Bing Crosby Bob Rope In Technicolor "ROAD TO BALI" Reck Hudson 1 In Technicolor II "T.AWLES8 BRFn II Cont. Sat. ti Sun. : ENDS TODAY i lex Harrison I "THE FOUR pomr j TOMORROW! AT REGULAR PRICES! BIG TRIFLE TREAT! StmHtMl Skater Irene Dare "FROLICS ON ICE" Bobby tVon Eddie "Roclmlff'' Anderson "II Happened In New lobb, Broon Ward loud "HAWAII $L T Mg' Ma IA l'IM" III V Kofcorh III III at mm CARTOON NEWS Mill City Mill City Santiam Rebekah Lodge members attending the Moniar meeting of Faith Re bekah Lodge in Lyons last week were: Antonla Thomas, tva Duffy, Jennie Davis, Ada Ply male, Gladys Podrabsky, Hattle Fencl, Rachel Olmstead, Ruby Brlsbin, Clara Morris, Mabel vtln Marv Garrison. Anna Crook, Ida Fleetwood, Ruth Hess, Mattle Root, Blanche oy veraon, Dorothy Vail. Fnllnwlnff lodee. a reception was held for Hazel Lewis, who has been appointed chaplain lor the graad assembly which con venes next month in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Her man and family left Friday af t arnnnn for Richland. Wash., where they spent the week end with friends. Sunday visitors at the Her hert Schroeder home were their son and family from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Schroeder and daughter. Mill City grade school soft ball team with coach Jim Hale, were in Aumsvllle Friday after noon to play the grade school there. Mill City Boys won ine game 8-3. Officers elected at the last Parent Teacher's Association meeting were: President, Alfred Nesbltt; vice president, Mrs. Howard Means; secretary, Elaine Kiersey; treasurer, Rob ert Thorpe. . . Relatively fresh water flow: out of the Baltic in a stream and can be traced along the coasts of Norway as far as 1 North Cape. the Unlonvale unit and Miss Virginia Magness, chairman of Hopewell unit, will be the pro ject leaders on India. MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 STARTS TOMORROW! SUSPENSE SUCH AS YOU HAVE j B&il&ia Bewuj, Ralph STANWYCK CO - Frances Phil lit! I'LL REACH STARTING THURS.f APRIL 30! ONOURSTAGE ROY GORDON "SS TALENT Cash Prizes Each Week! Grand Prize FREE Trip to Hollywood! IF YOU CAN SING, DANCE OR ENTERTAIN. REGISTER NOW AT THE CAPITOL BOX OFFICE! A NO! YOU WONT HAVE TO TUNE 'EM IN . . . SEE THEM PERFORM IN PERSON! Saturday, April 18, 1953 parent visitors at the home . u.. VrH Grimes were her Ol ill. - - daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs Robert Sommer and three children of Sclo and Dick and Carroll Morris of Salem. The Mill City Pharmacy opened for business In the new building on Broadway Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, owners and operators of the business, formerly had their store In the Dawes bulld- ing. v. "unM Z-029 UIISH8AIDINi.HI8HW.ftl GATES OPEN 6:4 SHOW AT 7:20 ENDS TON1TB 8t.) In Technicolor "THE PATHFINDER ' ' Oeort Montgomery . Plus In Technicolor ' "AARON SUCk FROM PUNKIN CRICK" Alan Young STARTS SUNDAY -In Technicolor The March Kinf -John Philip Soma's -STARS STRIPES FOREVER" . ' Clifton Webb Plus In Technicolor Action on the High Seu "HURRICANE SMITH" Yvonne DeCarlo ' ENDS TODAY! (Sat.) "THUNDEDIIRDS" "LAST Of THE. COMANCHES" P.M. NEVER KNOWN! HER ONLY HOPE WAS THIS ESCAPING CONVICT! ...and Time Was Running HIT! Langford Regan FOR A STAR QUEST" MEEKER