gatm-dar, April 18, 1953 "DENNIS the MENACE: ... . . 1ook,dm! Here FOR RENT HOUSES ONE-BEDROOM COURT rental, till bath. $45. One-bedroom court rente!, completely furnlihed, tile bath, 150. Phone 4-1711. or Mill. Jm 0 ROOM ft BOARD WORKING LADY to Share mall house, garden. Bharo expense. Rear 4 Corn ers. 4-MOO evenings. JJ94' BOARD AND ROOM lor eldsrlr men. ISO e at. Mffrffrr OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or itort apace for wn.. Oil at Tttti Market. Jo DOCTOR. DENTISTS, ETC. Naw 3 room luttt, corner Bellevue and Win ter. Near Salem Memorial hospital. Phone Ifliai- Jofl MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVI MOVE YOURSELF 8AVB tt PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1991 PAOS STEVENSON And AL UETPORD nv SALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPANY Contract. Work Road clearing - Dltchtnl . Sewer and Baaement Equipment Rental ' Pitching or the Foot Phone Dan l-ttu rag. 1-4417 or 1-7411 Salem, Oregon m1 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. 'ftERVTCE IN HOST OASES DR. BARVIT 8EMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bide, State at Commercial Ste. 8ALSM PH. 1-3! 11 m BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Mo. It, 11 Inchee clear. IB; No. 1, S Inchee dear, 14. No eap wood or tulle. Come and tot them. Ted MuUer, Salem-Independenco Road. Pb. Salem 1-1 111. ma REDUCED -. : M.00 PER. DAT UNTIL .SOLD... 1 onlr Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 1-epeed thllt automatlo starter. Starting price AprU 14th, IJH.IO APRIL 20, $261.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Front Court St. Phone 1-1111 WE GIVE B. H. OREEN STAMPS NOW Make that homo aparkle with a new toot thia sprint, before the ruih be. tins. Call 4-1011 or 1-4111. caieade Roofing Co. ma5' KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Closeouts lit - r1 No. 4 common FOB yard lit - r1 I No. lit aldlnl 71.00 11. lit em caBtr. mi 100.00 M. Vaxl r1 cedar aldini tt.OO M. 1000 lln. il - r1 DAtBtr. oval case B no. iin iu A let lattice (alalned) M ft 9t0 lln. 1" moulded casing D&Btr .01 ft 1500 lln. 4xlH - r1 D&Btr. BNlE .01 ft. too lln. I" downspout 06 ft 1600 ft HI - r1 DABtr. T&O ven 150.00 le. II pee. ttxM - H" reject plr..l5o eg It X pes. 4lx4 V reject plr... 15c eg. ft CL06KOUTS t'xrark clothes, carpenter Jr. painter oreralle 5 off Plumelne At houeewarea 35 off See ua before too bur power tools. We hare on band electric drills, Stanley At Miller Fella power sews, 1 ehapers, 1 drill press, bench irlnders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, aaw At drill press, lawn mowera. Keith BrownLumber Yd. Front at Court Street Phone t-tlll WB OIVB 8 at H OREEN STAMPS ma BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum- or, ib per m. ana up, 3-30tf. mailt - Building? Hew weatheretrlpped wlndowa, com pletely aaaembled, hundred, fa atoek ready lo go, ill up. New picture window, 11.00 New doore ll'ill" 16.50 l-tab hexagon rooting 11.15 I-tab thlckbutt roofing HIS Unpalnted cedar abakea 15.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...125.50 New lO'llf weeh beam 117.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...161.50 New ahower cabinet, complete. 143.00 100-eel. steel septic tana 163 50 4" soli pipe 70 New electric weter healer 173.50 New steel gerege doors 155.00 Asbeetoa aiding 1150 No. I cedar shingles 11.00 No. I cedar shingle 13 75 New plasterboard 4x1 11.40 Exterior whit, paint (sell ... IUI Mahogany As birch plywood. . .barceln Water proof well board, 4x1 ....11.75 New It -In. Plywood I live New bath r. seta, complete Hi to C. G. LONG te SON phone 4HI1 1 ml. north ot Reiser ma NURSERY STOCK APPLE TREES, half price, four varltlre. Boyd i Nursery. 1440 Slate. mbif By Ketcham she tsoEs NURSERY STOCK GLAD BULBS 1 doi. I1.X. Dahlias, named, 3 for 1.00. Tuberous beionlae 3 for 11.00. Delphiniums, 1 for ll.oo, calls Wlei, pink, white, 1 for 11.00 N. W. tr. B. plants, 3 dot. 11.00. Merrills Oreenhouse, Brooke mbll choice GLOXINIA! now blooming Visitors welcome at SeJem'a African Violet headquarters, .fuchsia, Petunia, tomato it bedding plants. Oppcn's Greenhouse, 4330 Auburn Rd. roblU AZALEA IUI Is here again, we Iiiii wide range of colore with prleei from 15o up. Sale, yard 1610 N. 6th. atrarera Aaalea Oardena, III Locust at. mbi3 HEDQE O WINDBREAK Privet, lsur- el, eameluej, conlfere, boxwood. Fn. 11113. 34(7 Hollywood Drive. mblOl For Sole MISCELLANEOUS t PIECE dining room set. Phone 4-1H4. M4 I TON OF bean writ lo pound. III! SUrerton Road. nil SET CLUB Aluminum cookwere. Electric coffee percolator. iro.oo. pnone X0005. nit EXCELLENT BARNYARD fertiliser. n' Phone 11470 or 41107. FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 1-0714 or 1-1071. niol CAR RADIO BARGAIN '51V53 Cher. 1. piece custom pueh-buton, ONLY eit.VB Installed. Par only ll.M a week. Ra dioe for' nearly all . can. NO money down) (on approved credit). Oreen Stemps. tool MASTER 8ERVI0E STATIONS, 319 N. Com'l. nil ROT POINT electric range. 111! model. Fully automatic 1330.00 cash. 1139 Lewie at. nil MAYTAG AUTOMATIC washer, 1 yeara old. 1111. 1415 N. lltn. Phono 1-1105 after 1. nil ALL-STEEL single garage door, with track, reuonable. Phone 35117. 411 Manbrln .Dr. nil FOR SALE Doc house, 135, delivered. 105 N. 33rd. nej- 1141 ZEPHER Evlnrude outboard motor, I H.P. 150.00. Call 1-4514 after 1:11 p.m. nil BRASS SALMON rod with Shakespeare service reel (Star drag) 130. call 3-4544 after :ll p.m. nil BOYS' "FORT CLOTHES, alee 13, 14 It -f. Ph. 31417 after I o'clock: -"nil' , SINGER Drophiad treadle sewin machine, A-l condition and guaranteed, $.9b full price. Sinter Sew ins center. 130 No. Commercial. nM MAHOGANY BUFFET 60", mail og any book case, Thor washing machine, all nearly new. Verr reasonable. Cell alter S p.m.. 2-3868. n' 4 GOOD TIRES and Ufa guard tubes, 600x16. 3530 Lancaster Dr. nua MISC. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. See at 3447 Fairgrounds Rd. Saturday and Sunder. n&3 Used Singer Electric Walnut Console Cabinet sewing ma chine. Looks like new. Special price 197.50. Free aewlog lessons, new ma chine guarantee. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial. nBJ1 USKD HOOVES CLEANER Excellent condition! walnuts, lOo pound. Phone 3-MBa. 083' Organic Fertilizer Fret of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 18127. nll8' MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS. 60S Bdge- water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing porch columns, furniture. 114 N. Liberty. nlll SOT'S BICTCLC Jr. 2-5600. stse. $10. Phone nfi-51 LADY'S BICYCLE, In good condition Reasonable. 435 Jefferson. nV tail ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new U -gallon aatomaue eito trlo water beater. Teeter Appliance, 37ft Chemeketa. Ph. 9-4311. n FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compute, the game quality as last rear, for home and garden. Flagstones, red lava stone and other types for walls r gardens. Rus tic cedar fencing and trellis work. Phillips Bros.. Rt, I, Box 403, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. USED washing machines, 11.11 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1TI Che meketa. n WARDS t-ROOM oU circulator with fan. Excellent condtlon. 155. a-ax-re. nvs- 8ALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearings for truck, and tractoro. I77B SUverton Road Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND at ORAVEL co. pn. 1-4001. a CHICKEN FSRTILIZER 11.00 per sack or ee.oo per yam. .-j.jw. BABY GRAND piano. 1111. Frank Holoubek, Rt. 1, Box SI, nroois. m north. n!3 FREE Westtnghouse sewing machines on all floor samples, neve up w au. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Che meketa. a PLASTI-ROTB require, no wexlng. For your floore or linoleum, yeaibjs ar PUANCE CO., 175 Chemeketa. a CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posls. bean posts and staaea. Phliups Bros., RL I, Box til, 1 miles cut ot I Corners. Ph. 4-.l0llj a UIF.D WEBER Pountelnetta with com preuor. Very cood condition. 4 pumps, 4 syrup Jara, 1 drall arms. Pnone 1-1100. 4 REFRIGERATORS, NEW tod used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Che meketa. a DEEPFREEZE home frersero. YEATER APPUANCE CO, 371 Chemeketa. HOSPITAL BED for sale OT rent, H. L. atlff Furniture Co. Fhont l-liat. TOP SOIL River till and nil dirt, prompt de liven. Phone 1-1741. a Wonted MISCELLANEOUS woodii wm pianos, pnone 1-11 . PC BLECTRIO RANGES. Woodrr's. rn. s-sut. - PIANOS WANTED TJsod plenoe In good condition for Salem church and Sunder School. OUte of one or more wlU be accepted and recognised. Cell HIM. Rett wanted Outdoor tilde ior child. Phone l-ono. " LOGS WANTED etturf aim. t-anvtha r f w If . Diameter r to 11". SawmlU, Lniltna 11' and ionter. Diameter r' M to . Top prices paid. . Burkland Lumber Co. Tuner, Ore. . ' Fhont lilt na eea''e''eeiaee'e'i PERSONAL ALTfllinUCl ANONYMOUS. OntUD NO. 1. U N. Commuciu. rn. i-nii or J-4HT. AUTOMOBILES REAL BUT. 1U1 Packard I. Very cood eondltloo, looa liree, raoie as n.. alsnal llabu. Phone ItotS. alt 11 DE SOTO coupe, cletua Mlnten, Call Starton 1H4. " OfllAP transnortaUon. 1131 Dodie, with 11,000 miles on new motor, see at 1110 X. Capitol or pfcsst 4-SM3. 013 1N1 KAXBER aedan. Radio, heater. New motor. 150 a ncimoni. IMl FORD convertible, tood top, dual pipes, hood, trunk, and fendere leaded in. white well tires. Mill. oil 1M1 ALLSTATE motor scooter with ac cessories. Oood condition. 1-W11 after t oo p.m. lite Portland Road. gal7 U CREV. 4 door. Radlo-hoater. Oood shape, iisoo. n. . - Box IN aalem. Call Darton liXll. qB7 ltu CBEV. t door, HOO. Phone 1-1111. Ot4 WANTED To bur tood car radio ra aonablr priced. Phone 1-1015. on IMl FONTIAC eedanetu, . Phone 1-4131 daysj lltt. Terms. MM PLYMOUTH Sedan In top condi tion. Will trade as part oown on 'house in Bnilewood Dttt. Ph. 1-4141 eve. 1" 1MI BTUDE., excellent mechanical. Oood rubber, aolld body. Radio, .neater, over drive, till. Phone 1-5874. oil II OLD! IS HolldaT coupe. Excellent eonoition. wm ecu w offered. Mr egultr, balance due, 11,411.35. Cash price II. in. See set. Ill so. Lancaster Dr. Sunday 111 No. lima. o CHRYSLER ROYAL With epedftl equtp- new paint completely reconditioned, ttoo cash. C. F. Ward, 1111 Walker at. q lata INTERNATIONAL pickup. Ml ton Oood condition, Ittl. Jeyhawk Trailer selea, 1140 Portland no. qv 1151 FORD dump truck, new motor, lood rubber. 3311 Portland Rd. q3 'II FORD, III. C. Arndt 1030 Electric Avenue. Phone 4-1759. l"i HAVE t CARS Mutt aell 11 Btudebaker Ctaamp. 3-door da luxe. Low mlleaee. Phone 1111, Silverton. O. W. Hell. ql! BEAUTIFUL HARD top 1111 Packard, original owner, excellent condition, low mlleaee. Price 11,000. Box II. Capital Journal oil FOB SALE OR TRADE 11 100.00 equity In clean I960 OkU Rocket 88, 4-dr., hrd. and all other extras. A-l thape. Will take clean older car and cash dlff. or 81000 cajh. Bl. 848.59 mo. Fay next par. May 35. Rea. selling going school Ot bill. No. Sat. calls. S460 Xarl St., Aft any. H ml. N. Wav erlr Lake on 091 at 3 A R Market. q4 1MB MERCURY Club Coupe. Radio. heater A overdrive. Low mileage. 61305. X. Hedges, Rt, 3, Box 105, Turner, Ore. q96 10 NASH 4-door, good condition, good tires. 640 so. summer. qua $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 11 sedan, hydro., II station wagon. II sedan, hydro. 41 aedan, hydro., 41 aedan, RAH 41 sedan. RAH ,. 47 aedan. RAH . . RAH 13515 hydro, loaded 1395 UK RAH UK 1315 1N5 115 OLDSMOBILE 4 aedan, hydro., RAH FORD 41 pickup, RAH 41 sedan - 47 club coupe, RAH Best for Less 41 Bulck. RAH 40 Packard 40 Chevrolet 14 Plymouth .....,,,, 17 Chevrolet ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT 115 115 l 115 145 145 KELLY OWENS Co. 60 N. LIBERTY Ph. 2-4113 014 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experta wfll solve your prob lems and eeve you money. Pre. estl metea, epeedr service. Center at Lib erty, cc TRUCKS '01 G.M.C. 3-ton, 11-foot, Insulated ven. 5230 Portland Rd. qd93 41 C1IEV. truck, large bed for heavy hauling, tires and condition cood. terms. Phone 1-4111 days. qdtv MODEL A truck IIOO. 1141 4 by 4 Cher truck. Rt. I, Box 35, Eola Drive. 0dH6' HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATERPILLAR 110,100. 1.100 hours. with drum and doxer. Fully equipped for lotllnc, new tracks, good shape. Cecil Maree, phone Albany l-7liJt. qui BOATS MARINE plywood boat and trailer. cetlect condition, lit No. High. It-FT. PLYWOOD boat. I horse out board motor. 1490 Broadway. qq94 FINANCIAL 5 Interest tf rou nave Idle funds seeking In vestment, then rou are the trpe of per ton to whom we can be of service. For over Twenlr-five Tears we have been helping people in this eotnmuoltr find profitable work for their moner Durlng this period we have prompt! r paid ft seml-anneat Interest payneote totalling manr Thousands of Dollars. We are current!? paring e INTEREST on funds from 1500 to 6ooo, General Finance Corporation 138 8 COMMERCIAL ST Salem, Oregoa Phone l-llll TKK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa AUTOMOBILES EYE OPENERS YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL. YOU TRY ... OR LOOK ! I ! SEE THESE SPRING VALUES THIS WEEKEND. BRING THE FAMILY AND CHOOSE THE USED CAR YOU'VE AYWAYS WANTED. 4B CADILLAC .$1795 Sxeeptlonal 4-door aedaa, ladle, Hitt er., nrdrometlc. '49 PACKARD .. Sharp 4-4 tor aedaa, very clean. 1 ,....'.$1195 radle, better, ..$B5 '46 HUDSON .., Super 4-door aodai, radle, heater, new paint, iicellent metor . . . and A real buy. . ARROW USED CARS in . situ ; YOU WON'T GET STUNG WITH THESE HORNETS '52 Texas Tan '52 Southern Blue . '51 French Gray All 4-door aedane; hrdromatlci loaded ... and alcal SHROCK'S Wbtrt ChemtktU Ooat to Church BUY V FROM A FINANCIAL EE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOI LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgagol et contracts State Finance Co. - in so. High st Ph. iiii . Uc S-133 and M-1M and ROY R. alMMONS ' ' INSURANCE AND LOANS Rear "Top Tradee" 13:01 Dally KSLM UN Kt. OENRRAL FINANCE CO LOANS 111 So. Commercial St. , Tel. l-llll PRIVATE MONEY apeclal Ratee and Tereaa On Larger Loana Long and abort Time -pa ym ante ROY H. 8IMMON8 111 So. Commercial St. Ph. l-llll MONEY PROBLEMS? Let ui take the "llY out of rour moner problems, up to $100 en small Inana. Un to SftOO on auto lOUU. STATE FINANCE CO. Bill ' Phone 34111 117 S. Wlb St. rtt LOANS 'UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Or AT PERSONAL it'a "ree" prempUy la employed men or women. 1-vlilt loan . . , phona first. You select beat payment date a) Between payday loana. Phone, write or come la TODAY 1 Personal Finance Co. 101 S. HIGH IT, SALEM State License Hoc. 8-111, MV1SI Loana over 1100 up to HIM and UP to 10 months to reper made by Pergonal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Lean Companies Act of oregen. rid AUTO LOAMS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Church : Parking a-Plentr . 1-1417 Lie. NO. M-1H, S-114 MONEY TO loan on real estate. Phone 1-0714. rill TRAILERS NEW BOAT trailer, win handle II foot boat, tooxll tires, only lit, aalem Boat House, IN Chemeketa at til HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . ... Bargatna . . . Sell LANA LANE TRAHJER FLAXA Trade . 1140 Lancaster Ave. . Rental tall FOB SALE Equity la 1N1 Liberty hone. trailer. 31 ft. 4-1111. taioi 17 FT. BOUBB Trailer. Bxecellent con dition. Sleeps four. J. H. Blum, traine by Rd. Phone 10006. tan TRANSPORTATION AIR FORCE man wants ride to oast coast. Leave on 14th. Drive and snare expenses. References exchanged. Phone Don, 3 -Ml 9. 73ft Thompeon. X93 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines aeld, rented, repaired. Roan, 4M Court, Pa. 1-1711. O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Builders' cheep supplies. 1-7294 tvonrnga. out BULLDOZINO Bulldoslng road, clearing teeth. Virgil Busker, lilt raimew. m. a-itee. ctl' CASH RBOIKTEBB Instant delivery at new RCA eeaa realeure. All makee, cold, rented, ra- naired. Boca, cat ceorv rn, wra CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowing, dreeing, aeedlng. Ford aqulp ment. UarsbaU, 4171 Market. Phone 1-1141. oltt DREHBMAKING Alteretlone, henulluhlng, but ten a. bueklea covered, buttonholes, Mra. H. M. Al lender. I-Mll. oIN' DRIVINO INSTRUCTION A Call er tee Mr. spelling, Valley Me- service. Pnone 4-1111. 171 Market, tor Co, Salem. Phone 1-3117 or 1-3071. der or night. ollf VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY EXCAVATING Canfleld's Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlah- Ben Otlen at Bone. Execrating, crad- Inc. 1440 8. 11th. Ph. 4-5403. Pick-up, Ing, land clearrne. Phone l-IOIO. olll Oe'jtfij QUI Ft'RNITt'REr7FfNIHINO WINDOW CI.EANINQ Furniture reflnishlng, repaired Ed- Acme Window Cleanere. Industrial floor gar Brock, III Morwty 8t, Phone waxing, housedeanlnt. Pbont 1-3337. i I-UI7. etc III Court. AUTOMOBILES 51 FORD ,,.....$1795 Victoria. 1-dr. aedan. fully equipped. Fordomatle, . two-tone ' brown and belae, low, atlleaie.. This waa lim. 49 MERCURY .$1245 Club coupe, beautiful Jet black finish, new white aklowalls. RtsH. cuetom aeat. ecvera. Thla waa tint. 48 DESOTO .......... $1095 Club coupe, R4H, reconditioned throuihout ... a buy you ean't. pass up. Thla waa 11141. WESTERN MOTORS IMl Broadway oHrnuavr Tin thtnoi '51 CHEVROLET .???? 44oor ledan, powerillde, RAH. rear aai iptaker, dark sraen, 1 owner, Terr clean, tow mUeaie. 50 CHEVROLET ...???? 4-door tydan, fully equipped, valves recently c round, only SS.000 mi 1m, R.SIH, 1 owner, eeat coveri, S-lone. '49 CHEVROLET ??T? Two-tone black and trar. aeat cov ers, nlceljr aqutpped, excellent rubber and motor, verr clean. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Ill X. Commercial St Phone 3-1111 WITH CONFIDENCE REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought . to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later y-t 04 0 NOT a SIMPLE I u . rx.v i m fT i ' - AT ,:Vf .. a i II I AFJripV J , 1 r House Bill 7, now before Governor Patterson, is to simplify Oregon election bal lots. But getting it through House and Senate wasn't so simple. The picture shows Rep Ed Mann of Medford standing on a seat and hold ing a string of amendments that were made to the bill. It was introduced by Reps. Mark Hatfield and Earl Hill and Senators Warren GUI and John Hounsell, DIRECTORY INSULATION Insulation, wsatherstrlps, aluminum screen. Free estlmatea. T. Pullmen. Ph. S-titl. 0113 MATTREKSES Cepltol Bedding, renovetes. new mattresses. Pb. 3-4011. Pull line o OFFICE FURNITURE at SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safee, dupltcelotre. supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roerr, III Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE I Obert'i Sharpening end Repelr Serv ice. Lewnmowers, knives, aheare, bl erelea and srneU motors. Pb. 34111 or 45115. 11th and "D" Ma. 04 SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Septle Service. Tenks deened. D'rooter cleene eewers, drains. Phone Mill. C110 Hamel'a aeptle tanka aervlce. Ouaranteed 1-7414. Cleaned, line work. Phone sswer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Re-to-Rooter Sewer Servlee. Phone 3-1117. o L. W. Caudle, aprarlng and pruning. Phone l-llll. elOf TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Rorai, Un derwood portablee. All mekee tted machlnaa. Repelra at rent, Roen. 451 Court. e TELEVISION Prompt television and rrpelr eerrtce. I phone 4-ttll. 171 Market, dar or nltht I one1 AUTOMOBILES 52 DODGE ...$2595 Sierra Coreact RAtlt. trromalta trsnj aaUaloa. lew aslleeac, a keeutyl '51 PLYMOUTH ....,.$1595 l-tone paint. aharp . . . tad alcal t 47 CHEVROLET . . . . . . . $795 4-door tedaa, RAH. Jet black flnlah, recently overhauled metor . . . clean I ; ' ' ' t Loeatlona 1 ' ' TO Service You Easllyl m North Hiih m OhemekeU lilt Portland Rd. Stan '"Baker Motors BUY ONE OF, THESE FOR THOSE FISHING TRIPS! 41 STUDEBAKER ,....$245 l-pair. coupe, OO, healer, aeat covert. 41 NASH .......,......$195 Ambassador aedan, very lood motor and tires, clean. 40 PLYMOUTH . ... ..... $150 seden delivery with '41 motor, runs ood and la a lood buy. MARION MOTORS Corner Commercial and Center DEALER , LEGALS , , . SUMMONS No. 11151 IN TH CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOOH FOR THE COUN TY OF MARION. WILDA PATE DAY. PLAINTIFF VI ROBERT DAT. DEPENDANT. To Robert Day, defendant above named. In the name ot the Stale ot Oregon, yon arc hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint, riled in the above cult, on or oeiore May a. 1013: and if you fall to appear and answer, for tht want thereof, plaintiff will applr to the oourt for a decree granting absolute cMvorce from you and the relief prayed for. This eummons la published by order of the Honorable Joseph Pelton. a Judge of the above named court, which order waa made and entered on March ag, 1003. The first day of publication AprU 4, 1011 and the last la far 3, 1951 C. Wit. DOBSON Attorney for Plelntlff P.O. Addreas, Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon . " Apr.4.11,ll,15,Msyl X ' Wrr7la.11lPl Efficient effective and really economical ' Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 ' ' for ' Mid Willamette Obituaries James S. Treshom . Amity . James S. Treiham, farmer near Wbiteson lor a number ot year, died in Mt Minnvllle Sunday, AprU 13. Funeral services were held Thursday, AprU 16, at the Nar arene church in McMlnnvlUe. Interment was In Evergreen Memorial park. . ' Survivors are the :. widow, Jennie, McMinnville Rt. 1; children, Lloyd t, Amity; By ron, McMlnnvlUe; Melvi D., York, Pa.; J. Emory, Prosier, Wash.; . Mrs. Amber Wood, Ottawa, Canada; brotner, Ivan L. Hornick, Iowa; altten, Mrs. Alice Wight. Almena, - Kan.; Mrs. Eva Wight, Texas. 0 . '. irsesi- ' Frank Hartman I ; Amity Frank Hartman, 73, died at Faith House conval escent home April 1. . He was born , in Lewiston, Idaho, February 1880. Funeral lervlces were .held at the Chapel of Memories Sheridan Funeral Home, April 14. , V. . -V..V...V- Internment was in Wlllamlne cemetery. - .M' ' Survivors are brother, Lou Hartman, Valley Junction; one sister, Mra. Otto Hatten, Port land; four nieces, Mrs. Dale Masey, Dayton; Mrs. Ben Back, Mrs. Al Gustofson, Portland; Mrs. Helen Battles, Salem; three nephews, Earl Hatton, Portlad; Boyd Hartman, Tilla mook; Ellery Tharp, California, Mrs; Mary Wetzel Mr. Angel Mn. Mary Wet zel. 34, wife of Henry Wetzel, died suddenly Friday afternoon -at their home near Rocky Four Corners. ' Mrs. Wetzel was born Mary Berhorst, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berhorst, at St. Paul, ore.- .;... .-; .'-v ' Besides her husband Mrs. Wetzel leaves a number of brothers and sisters in the St. Paul district. ; -i The rosary will be recited ot 8 p.m. Sunday, April 19, in St Mary's Catholic church. Funeral services will be at 8:15 a.m. Monday, April 20, in St. Mary s church with burial fol lowing in Calvary cemetery under direction of the Unger Funeral Home. . Mrs. Louise Paulsen Hubbard Mrs. Louise Paul sen died at her home in Hub bard Wednesday, April 15, af ter a long illness. Mrs. Paulsen was born. Aug, 4, 1873, the! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clark at Mill City, She moved to Salem with her parents two years later where she was reap ed and educated. - v ' Mrs.' Paulsen was 8 lifelong member of St. Paul's Episcopal church in Salem. ' wttf PERSONM do a VHALE cf a job! CapitalAjouraal She nt rriarrled to David Hutcbesoa in 1010. Be preced ed her lo death few years later. In October, 1932, she married J. N. Paulsen, who survive. ; Funeral aervieaa will be Mon day, April 20, at t p.m. in the VlrgU T. uoiaen cnapei, utcra. Other iurvrvors are, sitters and brothers, Mrs. May C. Ir win, Salem; Mrs. L. T. Brode, Cloverdale; Miss Laura Clark, Colton, Calif.; Albert Clexk, Thomas H. Clark, Salem; and Herbert W. C. Clark, Portland, DEATHS Lantaa rawlaen ' . LouUr Paulaea, at FttMriBlt, t U Hubbard, Ore, AprU tt. Sarvlvad ar husband. JuUnt N. PeuUra, Hakaardi Ihn alatara. Mra. L. P. STO, tTlaW- n i aire. May Irwin. Salem! Was uura Clark, Col torn, Calll.i IJuaj tnui. ere, Thcmae H. Clark and Albert Qarx. Selem: Herbert Olarr, Portland. An nouncement, later ar wiriis i. Co. i . .; - ' lilnaua . nakwead ' ' '. ' ' ui.,1. te. wiahatood. ' at the residence, S44 N. 10 lb St.. AprU H at u,. . at ai rears, aurvrved by cat niece, Mra. Lola HeetUea, Juneau. Alas ka: aephewe, Lynn Flathcr. Newport, Fred Fleeter, LAkerltw, Ftayel Lack- wood, atmmet uootwim mom Lockwood, all tn Michigan.. .Charter , member of Pythian AUstars. BUverton. service. wlO bt held Monday, April JO, at 1 P.m. In Bowal.Bdwarda .he pel with the Rer. W. Haroie Lroan .If I elatlnt. Vault cntombeneeit la ML Oreet Abbey mausoleum, rrieaoa WW iwmm. not to aenel nowcrr,. ,...... ..- weinlB. . b . 1 William Ban one powcu, a. uw rssi- dence, HO Rait Ewald Avs, AprU 17. at axe OX 11. urvivaa vw ewwenvare, at. Veila chladek,- LetMaan, Ore.; Mr,. Ova petcnln, Oram, uve.t aaia. aaeraw . Richards, AumavlUei Mra. aaad iohna ton, Mrs. MyrtU Keppmger, Mra. Floe- ' enca Butler, all of Saletnl eon, WUlard M. poweu. arvcreii a ro.. own Powell, all tt aalaia; Ban p.Powell, Port AHtlaa, Weeh.; Wallace W. row. . ell. sldon R. Fowea, Bout ei xxrain, viva. Member of Baptist church. Announce ment of service, leter n Boweu-aej. warda educed. , ... . - .. Beataa Btcffeet - ' Roelna auffen. la Mi city AprU IV. Lata resident of Rt. 1, aalem. Mother ai Lena X. Clark, Dan A. Staffan. Oliver S. Btetfen, BUen P. Stetfen. all cf SU verton: alitor of Crist Lelohty, Alberl Ulchlr, Mn. Lean Dtck. and Mrs. Dina Dick. aU of Slverton. and Mra. Bma Williams, Portland. Alas aurvtvlmr art -nine grandchildren and 1 great-gvand-chlldren. Services wUl be held Tueeday, AprU 11, at 1 p.m. In tht Immaauol - Mannonlte church with concluding serv ices at Pratum cemetery under direc tion ot W. T. Rlgdea Co. Hat. WUberl A. Ragler wlU officiate. , Lena Ana Bagerl Ottea Lena Ann Botert Cotton, la the elty AprU II. Late resident of 4ot luuiuta Dr, at the aia ot SL Mother at Rev. Earl Bocert cotton, Orchards, Weeh.l alster of Mra. Kate Ltngerman, Twaoena. . Wash.: also three grandchildren and one reat-grandehUd. Member of Leslie ' Methodlal chqrch. Funeral eerrleaa will be Held at 1:10 p.m. Wednesday, AprU as, as w. -x, rtnroon cnapei, tnterment ' et Bclcrcst Memorial perk. jot. t. T. Lam. Rj. Or, a. Chen. no. DBS. CBAN . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS CpaUirm, Ml North LibcrtJ Office' open Saturday only to a.m. to 1 pjn, to 1 a.m. consultation. blood preesure and urine testa are free ot charge. PTectloed ttoee HIT. Write for attractive gift. He U. eatloB. sr.'.- i I