FOR SALE HOUSES ; OPEN HOUSE I 11 TO 5 SUNDAY' 9 . J5L?-i NEW BDM-. 12.80.Xrv. ROOM, 17x30, . STONE FIREPLACE, DOUBLE GARAGE, LARGE X VIEW LOT, MANY EXTRAS. ' y- t - . ' . ." i 1 . l.2-EW BDRM., FORCED AIR HEAT, 4. FIREPLACE, OVER SIZED GARAGE, 100x188 LOT t v, u.- ' op of hill, than Kit an strong Rd., to about on , Mock, then turn right a Prlntl. Road about 1 mile. Phone MM. 6600 DM. will meka ro owner a. .aie. wauuft JUSt Quisle OIIP limits. FrlOS 80.000. , 4 ACRES with older typo l-bdnt. bono w paved rd. Variety of fruit wa nuts. All fenced. X-Z tmu. 61.000 DM. os this S-rr.-old homo ll all that It takta, 3 Mrms, Inside ntility, attached ihiii, iimd yard. This Is a nil value, only 68,700. Trade, j ,.-...' , . SUBURBAN bono an ten, fir.pleee, LR, DR, 1 Mrmi. n. with un finished up, (tttlt trees. 110,100. . . . BOLLYWOOD 1-bdrm. Spanish stucco, fireplace, lull basement, oil .best. 110,500. ,, 77, , .. . ... . XNGUCWOOD modern 3-bdrm. with flreploce, Ut, DR, K, basement, attached garage. This bono Is m el.en m a pin. 313,800. KCzm DMT Vrr nice l-bdrm. heme on U m, LB. DR, II (with tint space), beautiful flreplsce with knotty Pino psncllng. Trade. - . XEIZER DIST. 1 bdrmo, hdwd. tin., very clean, all fenced, attached . , new point, ml value t only 110,100, t . Zeeb's Real Estate 1853 N. CAPITOL Br,. Hi. 1-NIi Open House by Owner SAT. & SUN. - 2 TO 5 P.M. 1060 N. 13TH Large living room, Large dining room. Large kitchen, lota of built- ins, 3 large bedrooms. Bath with built-in lav. Fireplace. William T. J. Foster HOME BUILDER .1540 OLIVE ST. FOR SALE HOUSES lo-ROOM HOME Purolshsd, oornsr lot, r . sarage. ooouv. teal ouyi owner leav lnt lor California. 3648 K.I. Everett, Portland. PI 8843. aJ Suburban j Xxtrurdlnarllr attrutlvt a-bedroom I house In Ctrlhivca Addition only .. , 4 biocki irom ntv luptr marktt. r Bciutlfullr JudKAped with back lawn ' and garden fenoed. Hai hardwood iiooh, on iuraaoe, inside uuiltx room, r attached aaraie. Priced at W00 with t 30 flown. - , EAST ENGLEWOOD , Mew ltt-atorr house with S bed f rooms down and room for 1 Una bed rooms In the unfinished upstairs, , Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, Inside utility room b . wired for drw, kitchen Is birch trim, formica counter tops, lartt ward- robe closets In bedrooms are birch. Built by Frank North. This home will be completed In about I weeks and Is priced at $11,000., Call and let us how you. - . Abrams, Bourland & Skinner : 411. ICasonio Building Beal Estate Iiuuranca Mortgage Loans F&one s-eai7 Branlngs: a-4109 0-BEDROOM Uvlng room, attractive kltohen, dining area, utility room, at tach, garage, forced air oil furnace, t Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Lot 00s ISO, S shade trees. 1715 Harvey An,, Bouth Village. Excellent buy at $10, 350. By Owner, Phone 32331, or drive out azter e p.m. or Sunday. a93 Br OWNER south, near Baker school. iaria fenced corner lot. pared streets, fruit, nut trees and a-arden. Older 1. '.. bedroom house. Meeds repairs. Corner Fir and zast Wilson. Phone 29901 i .. - a91 f Bi" OWNER, 355 V. Rural, Nob Hill. prewar built Xngllsh type home of j lasting architecture. Located near - schools, bus A shopping. 3 bedrooms or a and Den. Llrlnsroom with com' fortabla fireplace. Dining room with . : bull tins. Kitchen with nook. Full base ' men to with recreation room. Lovely f lanoscapea corner lot. immediate oc oupancy. Appraised at $14,500 for - quick sale will take $13,000. Mortgage i . vv.wio can remain, call 40943,. Bve. a 3B6, ask for Severln. a04 nt OWNER 4 bedroom house. Ideal lo cation, beautiful view, wall to wall carpeting, dishwasher, full basement, v well-built older house. Suitable for , remodeling. Comfortable and clean for immeoiate occupancy. Write Box 07, Capital Journal. ge s) BEDROOM house, lane lot. Ph. 43313. 1093 Cascade Dr. Reasonable. est BY OWNKR. 3 bedroom home. Insle wood Diet. TOO Thompson. Ph. 17341, afi? A' BRDROOM "houssi by owner, Xntle- wood District, twmrt m Ferry. a4' OOUTH VILLAGE, 1 bedroom, 13(17 ftq It. plus double oarage, forced air furnace, fireplace, aeperata dining room, utility with dryer, nleo lawn. shrubs, patio. 15741, a4 OWNEB must tell new f bedroom at 0070 Faiton St. oto. Terms, l-oui. ' , afS Open House BUNDAT fM. 1770 DAVIDSON New S oodroom. Oak floor., .noloaad ' ntlllir, oil baat. Attached saraie. FHA appralaed ttTOO. nU, THM moat roH sttoo, noa. i-iom. aM " aJOHMOND diatrlot. todraoBi. talrlr new, ranehtrli. Oaraie. i-w. ., at,. OWN1B. B mom home, baeement. aawduat furnaeo. motb. tin Booa at. Ph. MOM. .101 FOR SALE LOTS LAROK ROME SITM In MaUUtnl Klnt ood nelthta, 11000 op. Saep term.. See owner, phono! aatt IlftoLot. iiiioi, t iloeka Muth Ke . KlnlpT aehool on south 8Kb itrt. l-eosi. aapo Wtr VALLET Tlew tou, t down, i iio per month. Oltr wattr, raitrloted. SEX COLBATH LAND CO., BSAL . TORS. Dial 4-4194. aa'll CLASSIFIED ADVEBTlSDia Per Word, tlam Ue Per W.rd 4. Per Wirl, ( Mm 10. Per Ward, t men! OO. N. Reraad-Miaiaiaai M Woa. UADPHS In LMal Mow. Oolama Oalr, Per Ward .. to Mlalaaa 1 Wars. To Place M la 8am. btvrw Paper, Pbona 1-MM Before M bjb. FOR SALE HOUSES ( thli 3-bdrm. homo on U ten with' PH. 3-8031 I-01M 3-5043 f-WU Hardwood floor. Automatic Sandberg furnace! Attached plastered garage Large lot Block to Hi & Jr. hi school. Close to bus. - PH. 23800 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOTS fleU or trad, at Tilltcooa Lake, could be commercial or prlrata. 1145 It. or J00 It. UtUltlea arallabl.. 1-WS3. aa7 N. WINTEB la. front, bet. Mlwion ana Maaiion. uu, auer rear. N. ttTB-Walnot Park, 2nd hlk. a. M center, ooxioo. . : WAUrxa SOOOLOffBKT ' Real ElUta Ph. a-ana. e.ei FOR SALE FARMS GRAIN AND stock farm. Surfaced high way. Mo A, 4 barns, 1 houses, 3 olios, Tailor land, bo bills. 4 miles town. ms a. stock ranch, is a. crop land. Sprints and small creek. 480 A. abeep ranch, lars. barn, soodl house, ito crop land, oood water. Several good entailer farms well lo cated. Richardson Real Estate , Dayton, Ore. ' ' ' ' Ml FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN te acre on Boone Road, unfinished hs. garden SOU the best. S5850. Te.ns. ' 10 acres near Wallaoo Rd, older bee. Live stream, fenced, elderly cou ple will oonelder trade for Income property. Value 87800. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1810 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-8388 , bb9 St ACRES Appro, too orafted Pran- tuetta English Walnut trees, 30 years old, with dryer, B miles of Salem. Phone 37315. bbQ.l REAL ESTATE COFFEE SHOP Near atata buildings. Illness forces! aaie. no teiepnoen inrormation. Tavern and Restaurant Priced tor quick sale, oood lease at reasonaoio rent, osooo. Six Choice Lots Juat ontslde city limlu as x 100 ea. Priced at only 1805 each. Farm - 31 Acres Plus l-rm. house, barn, chicken house. 11 head of stock. 1 ml. 8.1. of 4 Corners. 113,100. SMALL HOTEL 0 rooms and 3-rm. apartment. In log ging community. 15500. Terms, 3041 H. Capitol St. Ph. 4-4001 . Evs. 3-3851 003' $150 DOWN 3-bedroom home, needs some com pletion work. Only 13010. easr monthly payments. Oood atsed lot. Oood garden gpot, isow taxea. WANTA BASEMENT? Hera la a good one with a fireplace and an axtra fun room. Oround level haa two lovely bedrooms. Beautiful nrepiace in a iignt and eheery living room. A dream kitchen and dinette. All hardwood floors. Attached garage. IfliMt city limits on paved street. Close to school and bus. Only 111,130 ana f.h.a. terms. $850 DOWN Only $4000 for ft roomy 0-bedreom home. One of the best garden apots In the valley. Lot of fruit, nuts and barrios. Pared at,, bus by door, olose to achooi and shopping center. Low taxes, balanco like rent, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Blth Stmt Phone 3-0303 Phono ermines and Sunday: 4-1071. 8-3858, 4-1388, S-4S78, 4-8810, 3.3304 CO)' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 J REALTOR RIAL ESTATE I WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEXD LlaTINaa. Particularly btther prlcMl bomea and all type. with low down payment,. RENTAL Older typo home Inilde lty. Oa raie. Corner lot. Blacktop at. out of town owner ya eell It at a nice that It eery attracure. only aura. HERE'S YOUR GOOD FORTUNE extremely nice home In 0 new Hili dUstrlot is Just opening. All homes. are of the best. 1 bedrooms, on one floor. Fireplace, rorceo eir-on 4iirn4e. ; iniulatojd. Weather-stripped. 1 ear garage. TouH be proud to live here. Built by one of Salem'x best builders. Full price 918,000. FHA terms. SEE AND COMPARE Thi, 4 bedroom home. Palraount dial, mil baeement. OH furnace. Bu, by door. Approi. 1000 M. ft- floor apace. Price la only laaoO. Liberal """attention 4-BEDROOM Homo In Enylewood diet. Spotleuly clean. Only I yra, old. Hat had the very beat of care. Oil heat. Insulated. Weather-itrlpped. Very well built. Roomy lot. Roman brick trim In front. Pull prloe 119,000. LET ONE PAY FOR THE OTHER S nle. extra dean home. In at. Vincent dlat. Separata Iota. Both have araaee. In the very out or eonouion. Bach hava S bedroome. Several fruit tree,. Tou would b. proud to own this property. Pull price for both .10,100. Or can be bought separata. On. for IU00, one for 07000. BUSINESS BLDG, In good area. Low overhead. Taxes emir tioo Mr vr. Income on present lease 1300 per mo. Full price Terms. RENTAL BARGAIN 10 units completely furnished. In an area where vaeaneles are almost nil. Rents are extremely reasonable. Walking distance from state house and down town. Income cross $403 per mo. Pull price onlr 133,000. Very liberal terms. CALL FOR MR. KIOOIN8, TVE. PH. 4-64S4 OR DAN 28AAIT EVE. PH. 4-3533 OR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-8030. If no answer call 4-3341. 30 ACRE BARGAIN Approx, 17 under cultivation. Very good modern home built In 1941, 30 by 40 barn, chicken house, machine shed, l acres caneberrles. Several fruit trees, several walnuts. Oood 08 ft, well. The price has been reduced to 00990. Terms. CLOSE IN 2 ACRES With a modern 4 bedroom home, 30 by 40 barn, chicken house. A goodly numoer or rruit trees. Best or soli. Located north, Owner will exchange for 30 to 30 acre farm. Pull price fVaTOV,... 136 ACRES with K under cultivation. 1 A. oaneb.rrlei. Modern a room home. Very clean. 40 by 40 machine ahed. new to by 36 barn, 30 by 30 ranie barn. 3 wella plua city water. Tractor, disc, plows, mower, Xvcrythlna ton lor iib.uoo. CALL POR ta. LBAVENS. BVE. PH. 3-4738. If no answer call 4.3348. MORTOAO LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 8-7830 JOJ0 PORTLAND ROAD Xrs. Phonos: 3-4785, 4-5404 4-3533, 4-8030 or 3-3558 If no answer, phono 4-334S VERY NICE 3-BDRM. Xnglewood Dlst.. like new inside A out fireplace, earaetad llv. diin rm. Lots of closets and large utility rm. Immediate oossesslon. Tha viri iiw m para, fneeo rignt. LIKE A GARDEN? Very attractive large 3-bdrm. home. Prult and nut trees. Northeast loca tion right on bus line. Can be bought for 31O.5O0. 2 DUPLEXES wen planned 3-bdrm. units, always rn.ra, duu. A.arge lot, car ports and utility. Might take your home or small acreage in trade, nun nn Olearv. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS ' nil Xdtewater - asioo Eve. 3Mso . COJ' Iftlss Hftt, lltlllll MIIMII IIIIIIIMIt UllMMtl SMUMM8 Otlllltlll BUY """iiitiHtiiM LIST itliiittiiiiitiitttii 88UUIU8 31 lllltlllll llltltll II ,1111111 NIM8 88 SIMM 01 SULLIVAN ECONOMY PLUS Brand new home In Simpson's Addi tion. Lge. lot, oil furnace, city water and sewer; plastered. Oaraie. This a attractive new home Is being sold 'for only tisoo. 4 BEDROOMS ' And den, Just 4 yrs. old, near Leslie and the new high school. Here is a modern home with that extra spire you don't find very often. Owner wants smaller home. Just 115,000. DOWNTOWN. DUPLEX Only 4 blocks from state house, ach side has 3 bdrms., lee. dr., lr kit. and bsmt. with utility. Excellent Investment property in a prlxo loca tion. When calling, ask for Bob iavis. arve. rn. 1-V7M. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Lusury typs houi. on a view lot. I bdrms, den, flrsplace, baml, dr. and extra lge. lr, with a beautiful view. Inspect other housing by thes, builders. Buy now and they will do mi. itni.auis wore, io suit your ideas. PATIO & FIREPLACE Nice, roomy I bdrm. house with rumpua room. Indoor and 1 outdoor iirp.eKojB, ni9 ptnio is iaeai for out aide aummer lltlng. WMher, dryer, and AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER go with this home for only 115,750. 665 ACRE CATTLE RANCH 130 acres under cultivation and 100 more have been tilled In the past. 35 acres in permanent grass. Two ysar round creeks. Fish and deer at the door of comfortable 7 room home. Lge. barn. Over 3 million feet of market able timber. This is an exceptions! bargain at 115,000. Juit 310.000 will handle. Owner will trade for smell acreage with modern house. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN RKAt.Tnn lilt Portland Road Mr rvfi.a ... u Ph. 4-153 Ph. 4-1433 Bve. pm, S-STI4, 4-3345, 4-44(1 4-lloi ..... . (81' .1700 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials MANBRIN OARDENS-3 bdnna., lull burnt. Spacious llv. rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lie. keauMful yard. Price 113,100. CALL a. at LATMON. ..."JIL TiA?? SELL-owner must cell this month beauU. ful new home ( bdima. with foU baamt, hdwd. flra., auto-oU heat, . f T"'. d " " 0" need a Ura er home, owner Is ready . to listen to your proposition. CALL ROT PBRRIS, CO-OP. BROKER. v.,i,SS,?,.1;iUa ?-."' " HUhway. 400 It. Irontaae. me. i room home with basmt. Oarata and lte. chicken house. Let aaet show yon this place. CALL o. H. orabenhokst, jr. TOtm DRBAM noUE-B.autllu! view, loe. lot, dole. nlbf.. fuU burnt., dble. aaraoe, t kdrms. with dbie. cKaeta, bullt-to drawers tae. llv. rm. wllhralsl flr.plM.. i... din rm!. kl Shin, f " of kuUt-lns, lovely nook. Auto-aU forced air furnace. In faot thu home , haa overythlnt for convenience and araclous Uvlno. CALL J. E law" W SS??Jm'Ur- " '" "replace, din. rm, brtk. K!k h' "i1., Jrat. and nice yard. No. Busbuss Zone. Oood Terms. CALL B. X. LAYUON. 8ALMJAN. 'JSSriSFti ba, b-ement. fU GRARENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty , ra ,.,. , Bvenlnis Sunday call H. X. Laymon 3-0400 j. x. Law l-tlis pater X. OeUer S-r00l Roy S. Ferris 3-0010 c A. A. LARSEN, Realtor ,: VOOUt, LOVB THIBLandcaped V, acre. Lovely 3 bdrir.. and knotty pine den. Dblel plumb. Dble. (araoe, splendid srran.-int downlPrice l5 5oo" "n '"K "'"o , ONB BLOCK TO LESLIE SCaoOL-Oli.100 lovsly corner, paved .oSlwrn4 ;if "ous with 4 bdrms, ...dust fu SpacloS ' rooms, poulnlltlaa saloro. Needs , acme work. Terms. Price 87,800. saj. Juij-o isv.i acres, e rm. modem house. Poultry bouse. . SWw3W Tractor d a.hmtsV.X ?.'1r?Ii.?,ViCI-, I0' b'- W8 per mo. Neat and dean. . 1 taSWiftf """"'"a- ar Ool. Pao.- and town A reasonably priced homo or good Income rental. 181 S. Xloh Wells-Ph. 3-3788 Andy Xalvorsen BUDGET MINDED ? See this KINOWOOD XHOHTS borne, will take lata car mm oart - , ZL H-- t4 rent You will bo proud to be the owner of thi. J Br. Rm. horn, with auto P A beat, mahogany panellnt about fireplace. SEE rr-BUY IT. ' ; A STEAL I2fSJSL.!!ut'ai B,"t, 4 oedrooms. 3 baths. H. W. floors ' urS. 'n'? tm,t ' t. Total pne, ez terms. Don't bo sorry, call now, 812 JUDSON . 8760 down, move In today. 1 br 3 lots. See this garden spot now. FOR RENT ' 1 br. rm, M A. partially fur. Chick house, M block to bua .. too 00 1 br. Richmond dlst. Mice cottage S br. apt. w. salsm ""T mooo Ibr. fur. Apt. w. salem '..'.'.46,oo Joe Hutchison, Realtor 015 Edgewater IRRIGATED TRUCK FARM 74 AC. BEST BOTTOM AND UPLAND LOAMS , Eilfi'ilSiJLlSjS!1 2t Woodburn, on yr. stream. VALUABLE CAN ?Sn,S"S?. available. Lte. lot -of pole, and wire. MoSrSteed VT?; JtSSw.' Ji'i'ii "ko. maob. shed. Pine Ice. barn. CHANCE avanablef PBICEI Reduced-835,000. Big, long-term loan HIGGINBOTHAM REAL ESTATE . 1S-. ' ta.walr BT..JL REAL ESTATE Nice small home on highway closa to cannery and atorei. WlU trade for flalem property. Priced low at 17100.00. GLEN CREEK ROAD Lovely 3 bdrm. home, view, dbl. ga rage, basement, extra lot, patio. A bargain at 113,900. COUNTRY HOME On 30 A. with creek and spring. ''Irri gation equipment and bldgs. House haa full basement, w to w carpeting, 1 bdrms. and den, extra piling. Priced below value. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Several good Income producing busi nesses. Couple can handle. Grocery store, bakery, food mfg. and Ice cream ftora. CALL DON HEINZ With Walter Musgrave Real tore WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KTLOORE Needs a few listings on homes and farms for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-0003. 1483 N. CAPITOL. ca GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreages. List yours with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Parm Agent. Phone 4-4404. Eve. 4-3114. ce" NOTICE: If your property le for aale, rent or exchange, list It with ue. We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 153 8. Blah St. ca WE ARE badly In naod of S and 3-bed- room nomee, in Leslie Dlst. Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have you? AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41J11 If no answer, ph. 4-3348 es WE NEED LISTINGS BADLY on smell acreage and tood 2 Jt 3-bedroom homes, L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Fortlsnd Rd. v Ph. 3-7043 ' ... WE ABE In need ot tood home, to mi, in or neer fieiem. II you with to list your property for sate, see GRABENHORST BROS, RBALTORS. 134 8. Liberty Ph 9-oiti EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE os aibes under cultivation 0 miles aouth of Salem, for modern 1 bed- ruum nouia in aim. box 05 Capital ""urn.,. aM-( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hiwav Frontaee SOE North. Approi. 78 ft, frontege. 1 acre plus. Older S BR home. Lovely trees and grounds. 010,000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1810 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-5383 . Cd04' LAKE BESOBT In Waehlngton. lodge with dining room. 10 cabin,. Income around 816.000 yearly. Priced with terms. KASHPINOXn, Wichita, Kane COO LOCAL WHOLESALE CORPORATION wMiies aaouionai capital for aspen alon purposea. Active or non-active Olockhotdsrs tonsldered. Bos 83, (:,. Hal Journal. cd04B CIXAMNO plant In Oreeon doing "any. aareu.nt Price 336,000, KASIiriNDER, Wichita .r"a eIM M,IL,,-,ODTES for asle. Haul le tu. "',"'"" timeas rorcing eele. Reason able. Phone 4037 Woodburn, enet. PLANINO MILL and cabinet chop In vvm vume ..oW yeerir. rrleed to SOU. KASIiriNDER, Wichita, Kana. TAVERN AND 7 CABINS Doinr tine bualneit. See Tom HIU at Port HU Tavern Frl. or set. svs. on Hiway 18, 1 Biles west at WUIamlna, Or adM REAL ESTATE '1-8838 A. X. BscksttPh. l.SMi 8-7103 Xvas. and Sunday Pb, 4-5743 or Ph. 3-4710 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO WRECKING business In Montane doing 140,000 ysarly. One of the north west's lareeat and cleanest. Priced to du. juuuu-inubs, wicnits, Kans. cd03 FOB SALE OR TRADE Variety store, location new, but trowing every dey. Price 813,600, Contact Nu Way Variety, 814 Highway 08 N, Eugene, Oregon. cd03 56 ROOM HOTEL doings 133,000 yearly. Idaho city of 35,000. Price 830,000, terms. KA8HFTNDEH, Wichita, Ken. HOME AND auto supply store In Idaho In 3 story building with 3330 monthly i.u.a, income. SXD.UOO. IUSHFXNDKR, Wichita. Kane. n. .eee,w,.,ee.,es,seeeee BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICE CORNER 1075 N. CAPITOL b luruunen apartments, 5 bathrooms, Phono Eaten, 3-8708. 830,000, terms. FURNITURE FOR SALE ELECTRIC KITCHEN appliances, living uuui ac, pnone ,-1013. dB4" WANTED FURNITURE mm tDCQE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY COW and heifer. A. M. Jsn m. Rt. S, Box 33, phono 10X10, Day ton est- FORD TBACTOB, harrow, dirt scoop, two 14 plow: 8 ft. John Deere disc, new: 8 ft. John Deere drill, like new: 8 ft. E-Zee flow fertiliser spreader; 4 wheel trailer with bed! 3 eeetlon spring tooth new hayrake and mower; 16 mo. old Holitelne bull. Route 0, Bos 485. 31b miles tsst ot 4 Corners. elt CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or yount meted pairs. Eaay terms. Write ar phono for free literature. Vinton welcome. Creet Chinchilla Ranch, 8000 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4008. a03 JOE PALOOKA ill ct ' ' LIVESTOCK WANTED lockkk beep White face aororord. 30c Locker pork. 3K. Xothlna down, I mos. to pay. Custom klllln,. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1331 S. 36th. Ph. 3-weo. ea PETS ORANGE CAN AMIES, phono I-4JII, 1340 Chemeketa. sctl PABBAKEETI, t Hessltreen Block East of Totem Pole. Road. ec03 BOLLTWOOD ADDABITJIO-UM IscCoy, one block cast .1 N. Capitol. 1M block, north of Madison. Ph. 3-0007. OC103 f OB SALE or olve away miniature shep herd puppies. Phone 3-1177. ec03 MOOBE TROPICAL PISH, Parakeets, turuee, auppiiae. a aula, rrora Lancast er on Msolsay road. 4-3773. Cloeed Wednesdays. ecllO' FUEL .Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. rick up your Preste-Losa, Brloueu ana wooa. us so. com't, 3-7731. , Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tub. service, all kinds at wood. Phone 8-0444. ae ANDERSON'S hand picked alab wood, 3, cords. 111. Phono 37781 or 443U. aeioa West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 10" CLEAN .' DUSEDIATB DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1935 Idoewator ' . Phone Salem t-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. erroiAi. roti so days Planer trimmings, 88 load, phone S7731 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS PRYXRS ' . RAISERS L Would fou like SosMtra profit per bird? S. Would you like an average weight of 3.1 lbs. at 8 to 8 weeke? S. Would you like to have 3.S feed eonverelon? 4 Would you Ilka thefacta and proof? See or Cell OXO. M.' PETERSON HATCHERY Xlmlra Road Eugene, Ore. Ph. 0-3483 1113' GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire cuwki, atcnea every asonaay ana TnurMay. our chicks grow faster, Fox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. S-tVflV, WANTID Colored hens, . Lee'a Hatch ery, pnone a-auoi. FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old cmcca in new Hampshire. Parmenters. Red, White Leghorns. Auitr&.Whit Whit Rocks, Whit Wrandottes, Par- menier cocxereu. ue Hatchery, phone 3-3811. t PRODUCE NETTED OEM, Burbank aeed potatoes, ivzmi, fjeuicrn uregon, as.TO loo lbs. ai Fed, 5230 Portland Rd. 4-4071. f8 NICE DROP seed potatoes. Phone 3-3070. ni, .7. oooae. fraft HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED for training as Motel managers. Se ad under classification Education. sTa03 HELP WANTED IP YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch pslnt, see Tslent Test ad In Instruc tion column. g93' WISH Exterior TRIMMING painted green and White on a-storv house. startinr about May IS or 30. Look It over and make bid st 3104 Maple Avenue. D. 8. McClellan, 37117. Call mornings. ess HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WANTED for training as Motel managers. ae aa unaer classification Education. gbOl EEOISTERED and graduate nuraes: Gen era, uuty ana surgery: rortr hour week, 1350.00 basepay, or $15.00 above present tenure of tervlce monthly sal ary; on meal per day; vacation, ten ure of service raises, evening and night duty premiums and other 'per sonnel oenenu. write or pnone col lect, Administrator, Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner, Oregon. gb04 RESIDENT AGENT Protective territory open In Salem for xperiencea sales lady as resident agent for Parents Magazine. Car neces sary. Pull time pleasant work with rapid advancement If qualified. Apply cwnsuor noiei, -o p.m. ask xor Mr FOlbO. r.Oa WANTED POSITIONS ROTARY TILLING New 34" Howard Rotovetor. 15 per hr. Ph. 3-3637. h4 CARPENTER cabinet work, home re- moaenng, tree estimates. Call 3-6411 4-16J3. hl0 BOTOTILLING evenings, Saturdays, ouaays, Aeiser area, rnone 3-5385. hl07 PLOWING a DISCING IMMEDIATE SKHVICE. Phone 3-9300. hB7" TILLING with new M.E. Rotsry tiller. pnone evenings. 3-8333. hloi MARV'S PLOWING snd discing, prompt service. 4-5440. hK' CURTAINS waned and etretched, table- ciouis ana line linens. 3-3446. nos' DRESSMAKING and alterations, prices reasonaoie. Fnone 37004. h93 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. . hll3 NEW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Duane Wolcott, Phone 3-8127. hill BOOM AND care for mother and Infant. or invalia I&dr. Phone 4-3580. h94' PLOWING AND discing with Formal A FrenK w. Hens. Phone 31114. h03 NEW LAWNS prepared. Put In after ssay nrst, in the meantime plowing, discing, garoens. Acreege welcome. O. R. Smith. Phone 3-3100 evening: 3-7373 daytime. h93 YOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom. celling, walls and windows washed made like new. 4-8134. h83 ROTOT1LLER WORK wanted. Call alter hSS 5 o'clock. Phone 30601. LET ME PLACE your portable sewing macnine in a Kouerette tea table cabinet. See It at Dickson's, 13th t 9E. it's IT. hes WILL DO ironing in my home. 1315 has I'laggeit. rnone 38378. PAINTING, Peper-hanglng. free eitl hl08 mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-6533, LANDSCAPE maintenance, p rn n 1 n l. trimming, plentlng, fertilising. Serv Ice Center. Phone 4-3373. h!08" NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. mono S-3V41. hl05 Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic Call 8-5073. hos BOTO-TILLEB WORK It hour mini hOI mum. Phone 4-5401. GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration, riowing, aisclng, leveling, rotollllint. service Center. Phono 43673. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level hlOl Int. tradlnt. Phone 3-3330, AUCTIONS ANTIQUES AUCTION Imported direct from British Isles Selected from various Estates to be held at V.F.W. HALL HOOD AND CHURCH ST., SALEM. OREGON . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ' APRIL J22ND & 2S3RD, 1953 SELLING AT 7 P.M. SHARP EACH EVENINQ catalogue sate w Iota In part: Copper and brass kettles fir irons, fenders, rests, screena. Jelly pane, candlesticks, lamps, pots silver dish covers, plaques, decanters, claret jugs, Jardineeves. cruets, Venetian vases. Venetian flower epergnes, biscuit bar rels, whets, antra dish, hock glaseea, silver tea tray, pilar lamp, 8-pleoe toilet set, silver cake basket, egg tpergne, wedgewood cheese dish and plaque, silver tureens, breakfast dish revolving cover, gerandoles, 10-plece nnina conee set, mass gallery render, , cosl helmet, etc. Superior sets of carved dining and occasional chairs and tables, ladles' and gents' eeay chairs, piano and foot stools, mantel, wall, carriage and grandfather docks, dresilng and wall LYNN WALTERS - Auctioneer CLACKAMAS, OREGON V PHONE PORTLAND EV 13000 Seattle Sale, May S-4-0th. Spokane, Everett, Tacoma, Vancouver, Portland, Eugene, Berkeley, Sacramento. Redwood City to follow. dd!4 0t8SS-wP8ptt WANTED POSITIONS CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, dlselns, . aeedlnt. Phone TILLING WITH Rotary -boo. Garden lawns. Phono S-8638, 3366 Evergreen. hl04' WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of pointing, brush and sprsy, furnish refereneee, by hour or oontrsct. Fh. 4-3844. hos CUSTOM gsrdenlng, 30-tn. Rotary hoe, 84 sn nour. 8-7336 alter o p.m. hos1 MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run easy. Phono 3-8814. h.941 BOTOVATOB work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave; Phono 35180. hiw BOTO-TILLEB WOBK dona by hour or job. Phono S1740. 1080 N. Church. hit' BOTOVATLNQ work wanted. Phone 3-3044. h93 RADIO TV SERVICE 17" TELE KING, like new, convenor with 35 ft. antenna. Sell for 8350.00 caan. 1130 Lewis St. ba3 TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed. 810 plus materiel. Call any time. Proa estimates. Phone 4-3263. hslOl1 EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE TO DBAW. sketch or pslnt write for Talent Test (No feel Olve age and occupation. Bon 38. Co ital journal. hh93' HEN AND WOMEN Wanted to train aa motel managers. Preparatory tralnlnt br home study nndsr our outdance, prior to entrance zor residence tralnlnt In Modern Mo rel. Must OS mature, ate 35 to 00. Placement service maintained for benefit of graduates. For personal In terview, write atatlnt telephone num. ber, to Bos 48, capital Journal. hhP1 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent .lease, Csment floors, brick building, uown town, mouire H. L. stiff Fur nlture Co. Phone 3-9185. j1 CONVENIENTLY located parking In downtown Salem. 8650 month. 3-8063, 6' WE FURNISH land, material for email caom, you build, free rent, Bay prop. orty. Write L. B Bol 177, WaMport. 193 2-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electric elevator, alley en trance, back of Hotel Salem, a good distributor's headquarters. STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S. HIGH ST. '1' WANTED TO RENT TRAILER HOUSE that can be moved to Myrtle Creek, Oregon or will bur on terms. '37 Bulck Special Sedan down payment or will trade. Phone 38526. 1.04 FOR RENT ROOMS POR ONE or two. Phone 34338, 780 N. JkB4 Cnurch. NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady, eot no, unurcn. Jk96 ATTRACTIVE room, private home. Gen tleman. Boa no. summer. 3-6368. JkS4 BLEEf INQ BOOM, 370 Bellevue, Phone 3-1477. Jk94 NICE BLEEPING rooms, hot and cold water, ioi no. men. no FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED APT. Unusually attrac tive, roomy two bedrooms. Heat and hot water furnished. Automatic wash er close In. Box 66. Capital Journal. 1P97" MODERN COURT, stove and refrigera tor furnished. Plenty of cupboards. Adults. 1439 Trade. jn94- ONE AND TWO room apartment, prl- ,.t pain, lurnisneq. .3S jerry. jp94 ROOM and 3 room nicely furnished apartmcnu. call 31656. jpot ROOM furnished, full bath, heat and water furnished. Near Medical Center, 633. 3-3067 or 4-6604. Jp97" BOOM furnished apt, 136. 1 room furnished apt, 130. Ughta and water furnished, laundry facilities. 1630 Perry St. i-3101. Jpoc V mm CStCLEP EACH OTHER. VvARHV TRYING JABS 70 FIND f BREAK 17 ""lir Saturday, April 18, 1953 AUCTIONS mirrors, barometers, side tables, tip top loo tables, chests of drawers, l tler music canterberry, superior rose wood double end settee, dressing ta bles, , dumb waiter, marble top cabl nets, tanales and clrar cabinet, dav enport desk, Victorian aldeboard, breakfast table, games top table, tea caddy, work tables, drop leaf Pem broke table, fender stool, marquen tog cabinet, commode, duchess dress ing table, Sutherland tea table, burr walnut bookcases, cabinets, etc., Dres den vases. Royal Worcester. Roral Vienna and Royal Crown derby chins, besk figures, oil paintings, prints and pastels by famous artist. . , Ooods on view Tuesday, April 31st, 1 p.m. til 0 p.m. . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED bachelor apartment. One or two men. Utilities. 340 East Wash ington. Jp97 WEST SALEM furnkihsd apartment, 656. Just redecorated. 1 bedroom, kitchen. Using room, bath, electric heat, elec trlo dotho dryer. All ntllltlee paid. 1311 Edsewatev. 36109, evening 39939. . JP9t FURNISHED I and S room apartments, private entrance, utilities Induded. Phone 3731.0. JP94 FBONT FIOST PLOOB furnished 3-room apartment. Bendls. Private entrance. 369 N, Liberty. Phono 3-7134 appoint ment. Jp94 LEEAPTS. Ssiem's Most Distinguished Address Beautiful bachelor apartments with. Pullman kitchens, at moderate rate,. 1-bedroom apta. from 877; 3-bedroont units when available. Call 4-1641. win tor at Union 8ts. Jp NICE APT. for 3, one block east of Hospital. 605 So, Summer. Jp95 Memorial NICELY FURNISHED apartments: Am- Dassador Apts. 6S0 No. Summer. Jp PBIVATE THBEE-BOOM fumlabed court apartment, clean. Adults. 860. 3560 Portland Road. 3pl03 NICELY FURNISHED 3-room ground floor. Electrlo rente, refrigerator. Private bath and entrance. to. Phono 41677. 1776 N. Front. Jp9S- NICELY FURNISHED 8-room apt, close m; o.y no. voltage. jpva" FURNISHED side duples, Hollywood. Clean, basement, adults, s-8643, 1090 McCoy. Jp86. CLEAN, COMFORTABLE amall apart ment. Reasonable rent. Close In. Lady preferred. 645 Perry. JpB3 TWO, s ROOM furnished apartments. Private bath, 80. 1350 N. Winter St. Phone 38876. JP93 NICELY FURNISHED apartment, for adults. Utilities paid. 168 N. 13th. Jp93 WANT THE FINEST? One bedroom new court apartment, private utility, ga rage, colored bath fixtures, stove and refrigerator. 75. Available soon. 3-3728. jp63. FURNISHED, private bath, utilities paid. sw. oingie person. 7C6 Ferry St. Jp93 IN TURNER Modem, furnished, 3 bed- room apt. Phone Salem 4-3497. Jp93 COLUMBIA APTS., furnished or unfur- msneu, modem s room, electrlo heat, garage, bus close. No pets. 3311 Pstr ground Rd. H. C. Humncl. Jp95 NICELY FURNISHED small apt, bath, utilities. WBlKing instance. 450 so. Capitol. jpgg NICE APT8. turnlshsd, dose to uni versity, state capltol. 30714. Jp96 SEVERAL furnished apartments, aood location. Inquire B. L. stilt Furniture. Phone -3-9185. in. --------'r rrr, rrrrr ttt$t&$ ttt FOR RENT HOUSES BEDROOM, electric appliances, oil heat, garage. Adults. Phone 3-4215. ' Jm64 CLEAN, FURNISHED 1 bedroom aparl- ment. Phone 4-6378. jm94 NEAT 3-BEDROOM modem house near ot. Vincent ecnool, 105 month. Phone 6-4921. Jm98V UNFURNISHED, 1 - bedroom duplex. stove , and refrigerator, phono 3-4708. , Jm95' MODERN, 3 BEDROOM, large living room, unfurnished, garage, oil fur nace. 375. 185 N. 13. Phone 3-3066. . Jm3. 4 BEDROOM house, no garage. Walking (lUt.nP frnm a, a, a hn.u- aaa n, " aow. j-uune "" lm04- BEDROOM house on South 89 E. Sec whu nouse soutn irom psbry Road. Im83 BEDROOMS, basement, auto. heat. 3637 Inquire H. L. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9165. Jm64 FURNISHED email one bedroom house. fiquita onir. rnone 3-0853. Jm93 BEDROOM unfurnished cottage, hard wood floors, too. isoo block No. 4th. 3-8471. Jmoj. SMALL ATTRACTIVE ons-bedroom col- tasB, uniurnianeq. cau 3-6953. Jm93. BEDROOM house, dean, partly furn Ished. Phone 3-0368. 1116 Ruse. )m96. BEDROOM HOME, 3 baths, 685 month. 8-BF.DROOM. lull basement, aawdu.a lurnace. 360. Phono 4-1161 or 3-4664. 1m SMALL HOUSE, furnished, all electric, fn. . - . vun u, .van era. BOOM neatly furnished duplet. Pri vate bath, adults. 35. Phone 4-3568 evenings. BEDROOM suburban. 4-1781 or 9-4084. Phon Jm By Ham Fisher sOlO3ER tWOKE THRU WITH A HARD LEFT TO THE RIBS AND A RRSHT TO THE STOMACH.- AND PALOOKA TIED HIM vp.Tt .... . - - '. a-S' CtaVa .V-I WW?