Salem, Silverton Clash Su nday 7 r -1 ffcT. if - Dener Line nan never Dttyt by vvmvi bwiw iiiwii llblbl (olfiDJ, President . Ilsenhower finally throwi out the first ball (or the Wuh lngton tenators-New York Yankees' fame at Wuhlnrton. Left to right: Senator Style Brldfee, Chief J turtle Fred M. Vinson, Senator Lyndon Johnson, President Eisenhower, . Clark Griffith, Senators' Baeky Harris and Yankees' Casey - Stengel. (CP Telephoto) Salem Jayvees Nose Out Jefferson in Overfimer Jefferson Hie Salem hirhi Junior Tarsity basebsll team silled two mi In the elfhtbJ Inning to break a 4-4 tie and five Hank Jnran's aqnad a e-4 win over the Jefferson varsity at Jefferson. Ron McGee started off the eighth inning, which was an xtra inning, with ground ball which went for a fielder's choice. Then Dennis Olson singled to center field and went to second on the throw which failed to nip Magee at third. After San Luby fouled out, Neal Scheldel blooped a short single Into right field to score both base runners. Phil Bur land ended the Inning by lin lug out to the short stop. Jefferson had begun the game with three runs in the first inning and one in the second off Bon Anderson and then failed to score the rest of the way. The Vikings tied It np in the first half of the fifth Inning. The big blow in the fifth was a double by Scheldel while Magee came Sponsors and Managers for Pee wees Sought1 Woodburn Sponsors and managers are being sought fori the "Peewee" baseball pro gram planned for Woodburn this summer under the super vision of the local Rotary club. Homer wadsworth is ehair-t nan of ' the committee in charge and anyone interested: Is asked to contact Wadsworth or the other committee mem bers, H. M. Austin or N. F, Tyler. Present plans call for soon- ors to be local businessmen and sponsorship will princi pally involve the purchase of apa for the players. Managers) may be anyone interested in helping coach the boys who' will be of grade school age, Golf Writers Agree Ben's Game in Masters Greatest By GAYLE TALBOT New York ) We have talked In recent days with a amber of leading golf writ ers who were privileged to watch Ben Hogan shoot parts f . those superlative f onr rounds whtch won the Masters Tournament at Augusta, and they ' feel without exception that they witnessed the most brilliant exhibition In the his tory of the game. They do not think that any player living or dead ever mastered a tough course to the extent that the dead-panned little Texan did In registering his amailng 70-69-66-69274 and winning the event by five strokes over an all-star field. They seriously doubt they will ever fee anything quit like It again. Asked if they now are will Ing to come out boldly and proclaim Hogan the best of them all, superior to Bobby Jones, Walt Fagen, Gene Sara un and other greats of the past, they hedge only to the extent of saving ine compart' son it not entirely fair be cause of the improvement in eauinment. Aside from the nure mechanics of the game, there Is no question in their minds. FAN FARE same through with a single. Anderson pitched the first three innings and gave up one earned run and three hits and Garry Smith pitched the last five and allowed no runs and only two hits. He struck out eight betters. Lee Cameron went all the way for the Lions and struck out ten batters. Blackwell was the game's hitting star as he pounded out three hits in three official times to the plate. Jerry Walling, Neal Scheldel, and Ron Magee each had two for the winners, Salem's next game is Mon day afternoon at 2:80 on din ger field. Salem MO MO 03-S I Mlimm 110 000 004 I 7 Andereon. smith 4 and fcubri Cam- won and wettenoerter. UO's Williams Signs With Chicago Cards Eugene U.B Emmet Wil liams, star . offensive guard and defensive linebacker on the University of Oregon foot ball team last fall, has signed a contract to play professional football next season for the Chicago Cardinals of the National league. Williams is the third web- foot to sign a pro contract for next fall. Monte Brethauer. an all-Coast end, will play for the Baltimore Colts aid Hal Dunham, quarterback, will be with the San Francisco 40'ers. Calgary Signs First Baseman Calgary ff The Calgary Stampeders of the Class A Western International league reported Friday the signing of James Mellinger, first base man owned by the St. Louis Browns. He previously was assigned by the Browns to Wichita of the Class A West- em league. "Ben Is much smarter than any of the old-timers was," declared one expert who has seen them all for aome 30 years. "1 mean, of course, that he Is smarter In the way he studies a course and decides exactly how to play eaeh hole before a tour nament begins. Ben said, himself, after winning this one he considered hitting the ball right only SO per cent of the game. "He didn't hit a bad shot In the four rounds, but that was only part of it. Following him you could see plainly that he always was planning a shot ahead. He knew precisely where he wanted his drive to go on each hole to aive him the most advantageous shot at the green, and he was good enough to put it there every time, varying by a matter of feet." Some of those who talked with the great little competi tor gained the impression, at 40, he la thinking of quitting serious golf. They believe he will announce his retirement if he wins his fourth Open championship at Oakmont in June. That would tie him with Jones in Open victories, a goal some had thought was beyond reach in these times. , V .ft- -7 r Two Big Innings Give Willamette Win Over Pacific Forest Grove (U.R Willam ette university swamped Pad fie university, 11-3, here yes terday in a Northwest confer ence baseball game. The Bearcats' victory was re. suit of two big innings when they scored four runs in the first and five in the eighth. Willamette scored once each in the second and third innings, and Pacific got two runs in the third and one in the ninth. aMa V. (11) (!) Pacific D. BHOA BHOA Haleon.1 sis Sill SIS PrtoUJ I 0 1 1 Lewle,et Ill anmad!!, I 0 1 S Prlmn.l-1 1 T 1 111 soapr.e 4 1 10 0 l o 1 Hauian,aa 4 111 Flo.uel.rf 4 0 10 Klrknau.1 4 10 0 Adama.l 1 0 S I Shlald.rf 1 I Lanian,o 3 0 1 J Oaorta,p S 0 0 4 Puiey.D 10 0 1 Rafld.l S 1 1 OWla.a.o 0 0 0 0 Halei,x,r 100 Chn.b.pb 0 0 0 0 Aito.o 10 1 110 Noona,d.ei 000 100 Gcrlvana,! I Maia.lf 0 0 0 0 Total! it 11 IT 10 Total! 1 11111 Grounded out for Kliaaiar In 1th. r mad out for Waeki In flth. a Pltchad for Fuiar In tth. 1 Walkad for Adama In 9th. a Hit for Lanian In OUi. d Ran for Koepf In ath. WUIamatta 411 000 MO 11 11 J Hlta 311110131 Paclflo ooa 000 001 3 5 4 Hlta 001000113 Winning Ditcher Oeom. loalna nltehar Puaar. Pltchar IP B H It Bl BOBB Oaoraa .....I 11 S I 1 10 Finer Itt 34 10 11 S T S Week! IV, 110 01 HBPAkao by Puaer. Wt Puier I. PB Lantaa 1. LOB WUIamatta III Pa clflo I. Nalaon. Ramadell, Lanaan, Buektawlea 1. IB Haiuan. IB Kliaaiar, Porlman. RBI LawU, Oeorga, Hauaen 1, Parlmanl. BB Porlman 1. DP Buck to PrlaaU to Adama to Lancam Hauaan to Parlman to Road. TUnai 1:10. Umpire tioamn, Blanoonal. Oregon State . Defeats Idaho; WSC Wins, Too nosthibn nmsioN (Mr Tha Aaioolatad Freti) WL Pel. WLPet. Oreton ' 1 1.000 Wnehlnatn 1 MO Wuhitta. l Idaho S .000 ontaw 1 1.000 The baseball race in the Pa cific Coast Conference North ern Division got into full swing Friday as the Washington State Cougars bombed the Washing ton Huskies, 11-3, at Seattle and the Oregon State Beavers defeated the Idaho Vandals, 4-1, at corvaws. The Cougars collected six unearned runs in the first in nlng and continued their bar rage against four Washington pitchers in the season's opener for each team. Both clubs had a porous de fense, the Huskies committing seven errors and WSC five. Lee Frank went all the way on the mound for the Cougars. Oregon State spotted Idaho one run in the top of the sixth, then broke loose with three of Its own in the bottom of the same inning to win its opener. The Beavers were given a gift run in the eighth inning on a balk by Vandal pitcher Tom Flynn. Idaho outhlt OSC 7 to 4, but made three costly errors while the Beavers played flawless ball. Washington and Oregon State are defending co-cham pions. Macleay Downs Fruit-land, 4-2 Macleay Macleay school ball team played the first gsme of the season Friday at Fruit- land. The score was 4-1 in favor of Fruitlsnd. The team will play at Prat- um next Friday. Because of the shortage of boys, one girl, Sadonla Burton, is a member of the team. The youngest one on the team Friday was t-year-old Alan Prebllsky. By Wok Ditxtn J Hemphill to Pitch for Solons, Peterson for Sox By CHRIS KOWITZ, Jr. (Capital Journal porta Bdltorl Salem and Silverton ball fans get their first chance of the season to see their re spective favorite baseball team la action Sunday after noon, when the Salem Sena' tors of the Western Interna' tional Ieagne and the independ ent Silverton Red Sox clash head-on at McGinnls field at I o'clock. The Senators arrived home late Thursday night after three weeks spring training in Callstoga, Calif. They have record of seven wins and two losses in exhibition play. Sll' verton has practiced only about a half dozen times this spring, and Sunday's game against the Senators will be their first game of the season. Jack Hemphill, a former Silverton resident, will be on the mound for the Sena' tors. Jim Peterson, a 20- year-old Fortlander, will toss for Silverton. Peterson was one of the mainstays of 811' High School Scores (Br Tha Aaiociatad Praia) BASEBAIA Caaeade Locke 3, afaupln . Beeverton 1, Orel on City 1, Saaelde 1, Boappooa 0. Banka 1, Amur 0. Caecade T. seared Heart laUtem) . Wr-Baet T, Concordia (Portland) I, Ullwaiikle It, Sandr Yamhill 1, DaTton 1. Rainier 4, Kalama (Waeh.) 1. Philomath i, Salem Aoademr 1. ' Blleta 0. Toledo 4. Columbia Prep (Portland) 11, Bood Rlrer 0. St. Helem 6, Warrenton 0. Pertlaad Leasae Orant 1. Franklin 0. Waihlnaton 1, Benson . Jefferaon 7, Rooievelt 6. Lincoln 4, Cleveland I. TRACK Park Rota 03. Bcappooae 10. Orant 70. Lincoln 11. Waihlnaton IT. Cleveland 69ft, Benion 30 14, Frank lin 18. Vancouver (waih.) S7 81. Jefferaon 14, Rooievelt lott. GOLF MUwaukle I, Salem 7. TENNIS Central Catholic (Portland) 4, Van couver (Waih.) 1. Fights Last Night (Br The Aisoclated Preai) New York Oerrr Oreyer. 141. Pre toria, South Africa, atopped Phil Bur ton, 243, fit. Louu, o. Tokyo Toehlo Bhlral, 111V.. Japan, outpointed Baby "Moe" Uaro, 110U, Reno, 10. Non-title. Mauler Heavy weight champion Rocky Marclano peers through specially designed headgear which will protect his tender beak during future sparring sessions. Marclano's reported nose Injury caused postpone ment of his title boat with former champion Joe Wal cott. The Brockton, Mass., title holder has returned to Chicago and a resumption at Holland, Mich., of training for the title encounter now set for May 15. (AP Wire-photo) Central Distance Medley Teams Sets Hayvard Mark Eugene to Competition In the Class A division of the 16th annual Hayward Relays got underway here Saturday at the Unlversityof Oregon campus after Ashland and Henley won lower division championships. In Friday's opening events, Ashland, competing in the Class B division for high schools with 150 to 800 stu dents, collected 39 points to win its title. Henley, a South ern Oregon school with a stu dent body of 149, won the Class C title for schools with 150 or less. ' Estacada, which had been highly regarded for Class B, did not compete because of the highway accident Fri day In which two of Its team members were killed. Three Clais B records were set, none of them by the win ning school. They include: The Dalles, 440-yard relay, 45.6 seconds, bettering the old mark of 45.2 seconds set by Cottage Grove in 1949. Central of Monmouth-Independence, distance med ley, 11 minutes, 36.3 sec onds. .The Central relay team was composed of Tom Alslts, Larry Johnson, Mir lin Relmer and Dave Stump. The old mark of 11 minutes, 3S.1 seconds was set by Mo lalla In 1950. Crater of Central Point, shot put relay, 133 feet, 2 Hi last The Silverton team is man' aged by Willy Flager, former Salem Senator shortstop. An other ex-Senator, Ted Kerr, is also In the Silverton lineup. Flager Saturday tentative ly announced the Bed Bex starting lineup in this batting order: Red Oster, cf; Flager, as; Roger Dasch, 3b; Dick Gentskow, If; Chris Chris tiansen, lb; Don Hatterber, lb; Kerr, rf; Jack Bande, e; Peterson, p. ' If Connie Perez gets here from Cuba in time for the game, he will probably play center field for Salem. That would give the Senators this lineup; Dick Sabatini or Ray Stratton, rf: Manager Hugh Luby, 3b; Gene Tanselli, Sir, Don Taylor, If; Les Wither- spoon, lb; Perez, el; Bob Nel son or Don Masterson, e; Fred' die Haller, ss; Hemphill, 6. Bearcat Thinclads Score Easy Win Over Linfield Willamette nnlverslty over powered Linfield college, 101' 31, here yesterday In a North west conference dual track and field meet Layton Gllson of Willamette broke the McCulloch stadium record in the discus throw with heave of 138 feet, S Inches. Willamette won 13 first pla ces and tied for first in the pole vault. LInfleld'i lone win was in the broad Jump with Al Tarpennlng taking the event with a leap of 20 feet, 10 Vi Inches. Mile Ralph atephenaon, W.I Bmper, '.; Oauthler, L. Time, 4:11.. 40 Jun Benrmann, W.i Miliar, W.I Orlfflth, W. Tune, :NJ. 100-yard daeh BUI Van Horn, W.i Cockini, w.; Tarpanlnr, U Time, :10.1. 120-yard nicn nurdiea man senaon, '.; etandlfar, W.i Huff, W. Time, .-It .7. ISO Mike Hovli, w-; maraha, L.I Beremann, W. Ttoe, 1:0. 130 Bill Van Born. W.: Ctifltn, W.I Lofland, W. Tine, :34. Two-mile Don Bmper, W.i OMthloT, L.I Wedert, U Time, 10:l.e. 310-yard low hurdlee Benton, W.I Coekuu, w.i Huff, w. Time, do.!. tao-rerd relay Willamette (BUI Co vard, Rollle Cocaine, Wei Blotter and Merlin Bchulta). No time available. Javelln-otan Neperud, w.i Boneoa, W.i OUaon, W. Diatanee, 103 feet 11 bichei. shot-put Jim Hltchman, W.i Otlton, W.i Alfred, W. DUunee, 44 feat H Inch. Dleeua Layton Olios, W.i Cabal, L.1 Porter. W. Dlatenoe, 111 feet 1 lnchii. Broad lump Al Tarpenntnt. L.I Bhan- ale, W.i Bchulta. W. DUtence, 10 feat lOtt lncbea. Blah Jump Merlin Schulte, W.t Co rard. W.: Hltohman. w.. and Terpen tine, L. He KM, I feet 10 Inchei. Polo vault Tie between Wei Malcolm, W., sad Morrli, XV; Swift, W. Haltht, It feet Inohee. 307,491 Saw Trotter Series Boston (JP) The Harlem Globe Trotters and College All Stars, who close their cross-country basketball tour before a capacity 13,909 throng in Boston Garden Thursday night, have smashed by more than 91,000 the previ ous record attendance for this annual series. A total of 307,491 watched the 21-game series in which the Trotters won 14 and lost seven. They had to come from behind Thursday night to whip the collegians 87-83. The best previous attend ance for this five-year-old tour was 216,270 in 19S1 for 18 games. Inches, topping the previous record of 129 feet 11 Inches set bv North Betnd in 1951. One record fell In Class C competition. Canyonvllle ran the distance medley in 11 min utes 51.7 seconds to shatter the 1952 mark of 11 minutes 84.8 seconds set by Pleasant Hill. Team scores: Olaae B Aabland M, Orate.- a, Prlne vllla UK. St. Helena 104. Slarton II. Myrtle Point, Oairkiae and Tha Oallei IT, Fleaeant am central u, uni vanity and Willamette (ooth Buteae) l. Redmond , Sutherlln 1, Drain and Weat Linn 4, Molalla I. cmwell and Canbr 3. saaakto 1, Dallaa. Bmir. Dlt nola Valley, Junction City. Worth Mar lon. Sandy, Sheridan and Belle Point . Claia o Henley II, Oervale 31, Can yonvllle M, Lowell II, Trlantle Lake 17, Mapleton 11. Monro 7H, Sclo 7, Chemewa 4. coourt and Jackionvme o. TIDE TABLE TI4ee ter Tafl. Oraaew AnU. (Compiled ay U. S. Caeel aa OoaeMIe Sarver, Pertlaad, Ore. I Hleh Wotere Lew Watera AprO 1 Time Htleht t il a.m. 1 4 1:00 F JB. 4.7 1:11 a.m. 1.1 t oe p.m. 4 4 4:11 a.m. It Time Heleht 10:11 a.m. 4.7 1:47 p.m. 1.0 11 M a.m. -0.1 10:11 p.m. 1.1 11:41 p.m. 1.1 7:11 p.m. 1:41 a.m. 4.7 1.1 4 11:11 a.m. 1 ea p ee. l:tl a.m. 1.04 p.m. 1 a.m. 1:15 p ea. 1:41 a-m. 1:11 p.m. 4:11 a.m. 4:11 pm. 1:04 p m. 7:01 a.m. 41 II I:t3 p.m. t:i a.m. II p m. t ll a.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:17 a.m. 10:17 p.m. 1107 a.m. 01 am. 7 1041 p.m. 4 41 II 4 41 pjn. 1.1 l:l 41 1:11 p.m. 1.1 4 I.I. -01 1:11 P.m. 1.1 I II p.m. 1.1 1 11 p.m. 1.1 7:10 a.m. -44 1 tt a m. 11:11 P.m. 11:11 p.m. 4.1 U 4 p.m. 4 4 1:11 p.m. 4.1 verton's pitching staff year. li:ll a.m. 14 pm. is 47 :U pm. Ml LOCAL UNITED MISS ASSOCIATED MESS Pago 12 Angels, Suds Tie For Top; Bevos One Game Behind Bv SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco U.RBtan Hack's Los Angeles. Angels, who have been orphaned from tha Chlcaso Cnbs by the PCL's "no ontion" rnle. were Bat tling it ont for first place with the rongh, tough Seattle Hun ters. Hack's homeless ones In sured themselves a tie for top spot by dimming the Holly wood Stars 4 to 3 last night while the Suds were handing the Sacramento Senators a double defeat, 8 to 4 and 3 to 1. In other PCL contests, the Oakland Oaks snapped a five game losina streak as they beat the San Francisco Seals 8-0 and the Portland Beavers toppled i Picked Off Philadelphia the ball to first ter Gene Woodllng (14) of third inning of game in New c-. ,.' !; ,t,f.,i a ' ,gfX tfeC;. i; dfay Salem Vikings Chalk Up Seventh Straight Victory Salem high school's baseball Vikings .racked .np .their seventh straight victory at Ol Inger field Friday, nosing out Albany 5-4. Lowell Fearce pitched the win for the Vikings, giving up six hits. Salem also had six hits, off a pair of Albany chuckers. Salem scored all five of its runs before Albany scored any. The Vikings got two runs in the first as Rice and Phil Jantze walked, Curt Jantze singled, Burford of Albany committed an error, and Os born flew out to center field. Salem picked up two more tallies In the third. Twink Pederson singled and Rice walked. Phil Jantse singled Pederson home. Osborn walked to fill the bases, then Jerry Gregg forced Rice at home, Phil Jantze scored from third later on an error on Albany shortstop Derrah. The final Viking run in the fourth came when Rice hit a Wenatchee Sells 2 Hurlers To Calgary Wenatchee VP) The We natchee Chiefs have sold two rlghthanded pitchers to Cal gary, one of the Western In ternational Baseball League's! new lanaman entries. Chiefs Gereral Manager Frank Dasso said Bill Stites, who had a 13-20 record with Yakima and Wenatchee last year, and Ed Kenn, who post ed a 2-B record with the Chiefs, were sold to Calgary during an exhibition series in California. The Baltic Sea 1 less salty than the ocean. GENERAL ELECTRIC uiBi 1 jnvia gTATIONS.lNC. 345 N. Commercial Phone 3-4163 ii Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 18, 1953 PCL STANDINGS Pot OB Loe Anielea 1 Seattle H Hollywood u Portland 10 Ban Prancteeo Sacramento ..,..7 Oakland San Dleio ....4 .407 : .441 .411 t .415 1 .471 Itt .413 4tt J71 7 J35 7tt rridar'e Beeillei Seattle 1, Sacramento 4 (let eame 1 Innlnti). Seattle 3, Sacramento 1 (Ind tame),. 'Portland 1, San Dleao 1 (10 Innlnti). Oakland 1. Ban Pranelno 0. Loe Anttlea 4, Hollywood . Haw the Serlee Stan: San Prancueo 1, Oakland I, Portland 1, San Dleio 0. Loe Anielea 3, Hollywood 1. Saonunento S, Seattl S. the groggy San Diego Padres, 2 to 1 in the tenth inning. Lefty O'Doul's youngsters now are in the cellar, with an average that 1? rt v it- mmmmmm A'a shortstop Eddie Joost pecs to complete double play af the Yankees is forced in the lork. The Yankees won 4-1. long fly to center field, scoring Pearce from third. Pearce had gotten on base via a walk, mov ed to second when Pederson walked and stole third. Albany scored two runs in each the fifth and sixth innings, getting two hits in each of those frames. Pearce had al lowed only one hit up until then. But Pearce got Albany out with only one hit in the seventh to protect Salem's one run margin. Salem (1) (,) Albany BHOA BHOA Pederin.3 111 Derrah. u 4 1 o 1 101 4110 P.Jantie,l 11 Welu.l 4 0 10 C.Jentae,lt4 1 I 0Drfler,rf 4 10 0 Onborn.c 140 Rldner.lf 4 areat.rf 10 1 o Brtord n I 0 1 S Sprinter,! 10 10 Bradley.c 3 0 3 3 31 osrnion.3 3111 Pearce.p 30 4 Ludlow.l 1070 Pox.p 10 10 X-Hulwd 110 a-Shrtrte o o Shebby,l 01 Totale 1) ll Total! ll "s II x Burned for Ludlow In oth. t Ban for Haaelwood In Oth. " 000 033 04 Btltm 103 1O0 0 Pitcher IP B I 1 1R ion Pearce 7 31 t 4 1 4 3 Burford 4 17 B a i i P 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 HP Borenaon. Winner, Pearce: Loeer. Burford, LOB Salem 1. Alh.n. 1 Hlce, Sprinter (Si i Derrah, Burlord, So remon (Al. IB Doerfler. RBI (Al Der rah. oatlln, Haeelwood ll (8) c. Jantie, Bice, P. Jantie, Oiborn, orett. SH Blee. BB Pearce (si ; Sorenion (A). Urn pirn: Vandervort, Batei. $69.95 Motor Recondition Job For Chevrolet Cars and Trucks GOOD DURING MONTH OF APRIl. k v.,2Sa)Pii5 M0T0R US,N5 OIL? IS YOUR MOTOR LOSING ITS HORSEPOWER? Iff-L" enIace he piston rings and pins, grind valves. 2d t snnrk Hf .'od bttin djut fan belt, clean and Inin? klnwl eIen,011 Pn. e'esn oil lines In pan Krt? 0JL. and cle"n 011 breather. P rSJr.ndmd. in "L1? lob ,re: 1 s Genuine Chevrolet iarv V. l 51"'' Pin?; 5 rts Oil, pin. neces- sary Valves, Seals, Caps and Gaskets. (C.O.E. Trucks Slight Additlonsl Chsrge) G.M.A.C. Budget Terms! Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 511 NORTH COMMERCIAL 8T. ' NEWS AND FEATURU sounds more like a pitcher's batting mark .233. Seattle scored four times la the third inning to cinch ' the seven-frame opener against the Sacs. Al Evans won his fourth straight game of the campaign in the nightcap as he bested Marino Pieretti In a 3-1 pitch ers' duel, . San Diego battled resurgent Portland for 10 Innings before losing its thirteenth game in 17 played so far. After Memo Luna had gone eight infflngs against the Bevos, O'Doul dev cided to spell him with Al Ben ton. Al got through the ninth all right but didn't have it in the t e n t h . Granny Gladstone got to hira for a single, went to second on a sacrifice and mov ed on to third after Hank Arft was intentionally passed. Pinch hitter Jim Russell then filed out to left and Gladstone came home with the deciding run. fan Dieted! (I) Portland BHOA BHOA Murrar.l Peteran,at Aleton.l Rapp,rf 1 1 1 1 1 Auitln, 4 0 11 3 4 Monu.rf 1 1 Beetelll.lf I 4 CMditne.ot 4 1 1 Xttert,! 4 4 0 Reich. 1 4 1 4 BainakU 1 0 Olay.ef LeBlanc,lf Smith,! MatbU. Lnna.p Benton, 1 1 oladd.e I 1 Heard, S 0 a-Arft . b-KuaieU 1 Total! 13 4 31 14 Totale 33 1 30 13 a Walked for Reich In 10th. b Piled out for Oladd In loth. San Dleto ....,,.,.001 ooo 000 01 Hltl 001 001 100 14 Portland , 100 000 000 013 Hit! 100 110 110 16 Pitcher IP Ah R H Br Bb So Luna lit II 1 i 4 Benton lYt 4 1111 Heard 10 .13 1 4 1 I 1 winner Heard. Loaer Benton. R Smith, Monla, Gladstone. B Muray, Pa- terion. Mathli. RBI Oladltone. Feter- aon, Ruuell. IB Oleditone, Murray. SB Monla. S Luna, Xttert. DP Smith and. Aleton: Auitin, Baalnakl and Retch; Murray and Aleton. LOB Ban Dleto 11. Portland 11. HBP Ala ton by Heard. Bailnikl by Benton. TJ Mutart, Anekt and Stratton. T 3:40. A toil. Tint tame: Bacremento ,..101 000 34 10 SeatU ...014 301 x 1 I Oeenbauth. Llerman (1) and Rltehey: Wldmar and Ortelt. second tame: Sacramento 000 001 0001 1 1 Seattle loo 000 0003 Pieretti and Rltchey: Zvana and Chrlatle. Loe Antelot.. 010 000 0114 10 0 Hollywood 000 101 0001 S 1 Fadtet. Ramadell 181. Hammw (Qt Oetrowekl (0) and Bvane. t,dm fait Bchulta, Walih (11, Bheperd () and Bratan. San Pranclaoo 000 000 too S t ueuaro ooo 001 0x 1 1 S l.J,U,IUi.inifl!fv.,,,Ji LARMER VAN LIN tt tt. At Your Service! IFOR YOUR... Storage Hauling Fuel ...NEEDS DIAL 33131 OR SEE USAT... 889 N. Liberty "OUR REPUTATION IS sour SEccRnr"