Saturday, April 18, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pagt ! STEVE ROPER The Voice of Love RADIO PROGRAMS n I - I VJL TO VOU TORCH V IP BV THIS TIME, 1 KwUfi SCARF AROUND' BUT--I TELlJP COO BE-BUT. . I I M V 'v. rrrt rrZUr. J Ucme ei,riic ru rr Leo ucri aun wu IO I VOI I .. IT'S A I VOLL BOPEB - TO MAKE THE J I I y WILLIAM CHAPTER 3 Ruth ransacked her memory. but found nothing; perhaps be cause oi mai ringing in ner ears. Who was talking about her? Why were bells ringing In her ears? "Maggl.'is something boiling In the kettle? Is something whlsQlng or rlnalns?" "I knew you should have worn a hat! mat not sun nas scrambled vour brains! "I hate hats!" Ruth went out the back way to the cottage. She took denim trousers and a blouse from the bureau drawer and put mem on. one suirea ai ner re flection in the mirror. Beautiful? She wished Bob would grow up. When she fell In love she'd know. There'd be a voice to tell her, a bell-like voice thai would ring for happiness. Until then . . . Ephralm Carlisle grinned from ear to ear. He liked sunrises, and the present one was a beauty. He liked tne lat end oi a bargain, and he'd get one now. Better still, there was the open road before him. and for a few minutes he could forget that the Crescent Moon Bay Hotel even existed. "Life's good," he chuckled. "Life's perlect, you want to make a run for it? You want to go down to Mexico to see how all the Mexi cans are getting along?" "Mom would skin you alive, Dad. And aNancyl Nancy probably wouldn't ever look at vou as&in. Nape, you'll have to stick the old routine out. xou re a married man with lots of responsibility." From him Ruth had inherited her brown eves, her wide, whimsical mouth. From him, too, although It wasn't so obvious, sne d innerited tne fey quality that enraged Bob so at times. It might have been Ruth declaring: "Oh, well, next time I'll know better than to marry I" Then they came to their favorite spot' overlooking the ocean and Mr. Carlisle braked the car to a halt. "Let's have It," he said tersely. "Not about Gomez, but about Bob." "Dad, I'll be late! And you know very well that Mr. Quince doesn't like us to be late on blue Monday, He says It sets a bad example for the children." Personally. I like Bob. T think El he'd make a good husband for s i you." She Was hardly in the monri to f-. a appreciate Bob's good qualities. "ties a cnuai mere, uiaig au i say. And we won't drop the Man uel Gomez business, either. It's important. The man needs the chance to rehaoilitate himself. And If Doctor says his drinklng's over, then It is." He's been known to lie before, Ruth." She wished her father wouldn't keep bringing that up. Actually, Doctor had never told anything but white lies, and those only to help Deonle who needed hem. 3 ' I'll vouch for Mr. Gomez." r I Ephralm Carlisle wagged his I head, liking the day better and 3 better. Now pink was all over the isky and dripping down to the Water. The fat end of the bargain coming closer and closer. ' Besides." he added In musing i tones, "I'm not sure I want the , extra expense. I'll have tp hire , someone to write my campaign f speeches you know. After all, In i come can be stretched only lust !, so far." , She eyed him suspiciously. But Sprint; Tonic! Welcome and won' derful In any season are these smart sew-easy hats. You will want to mnke both the ouen and closed crown ideas with the scarf to match your best-loved en semble. No. 2454 Is cut In one size. The closed crown hat takes a mere yd. of 35 or 39-ln. ROOM BOARD 'BUNNY' GOT TOO SWELL - SO I QUIT BEING HIS RASSLIN MANAGER.'.. ..AFTER. WINNING A I 'i FEW MATCHES WITH GUYS WHOP ONLY BE SAFE IN A PHONE BOOTH BEING PUT ON THEIR. BACKS, THOUGHT HE WAS BIG TIME SO I DROPPED TH TOMATO A NEUBAUER 1AP N.ailutur.i) his face was too Innocent for de scripUon.'Tm supposed to ol unteer my services?" He was quite astonished. "Do thing like that?" "I do." "Ruth, you wrong your poor father. I'm as sympathetic as the next fellow. I'd give Gomes chance If I could just afford to." She heaved a long sigh. "All right. I'll write your speeches.! Thats to say, of course, U your pledge support to the hospital! lan. Dad, you'll have to declare More the nomination's made. And a lot of the delegates will back you. This thing's growing. Doctor's campaigning for it al ready, and you know how effec tive and persuasive Doctor can be." "A heap of money, Ruth." "Suppose Mom and I had been killed on that foggy road the night I was born? Would your money have made- you happy then? His blood ran cold. He'd never forgotten that wild, frightened night; he never would. "Shucks. Ruth, I've already made up my mind. Is It a deal?" "A deal." Father and daughter solemnly shook hands; then Ephralm Car lisle started the car again and fin ished the loni drive tn Union County Elementary School. Grace Taylor grinning, dropped a little curtesy. "Welcome to the Jute mill. Miss Carlisle. Aren't you Just thrilled to be back?" The two teachers fell Into stride and walked slowly up the path under the pepper-trees to ward the bisr redwood nuilritnu. Grace chuckled as they went down the hall of the main build ing to the faculty room. "Nice week-end? Mine was a pip. Drove to San Francisco and spent it with my aunt. We sailed on San Fran cisco Bav. We had Saturday din ner in Chinatown. Sundav dinner on Fisherman's Wharf. That was a traitorous thing to do, but we did it, and I'm glad!" They found the faculty room empty. There were several new notices on the bulletin board, but nothing of major importance. Mr. Quince would appreciate the I views or his staff on the subject of progressive education. He would appreciate any Information re garding the breakage of several of the windowpanes of his office win dow. Lastly, he would appreciate It If the staff would forbear smoking while on the school grounds. ' Grace sighed, laxes, does he?" "He never re- "It's an Important lob. Of course. If you were to marry nun - But Grace was blushing. Her purple eyes went everywhere but m itutng i ace. Ruth envied her. At least, she thought. Grace knew. In the mind of, Grace there was no doubts. Arm wasn't that half the battle, just to know? (To Be Continued) Carol Curtis Pattern "Push-Up" Sleeve Summer Sweater. Designed to fit In with the new vogue of having a sum mer topper-sweater match one or more summer dresses, this knitted boucle sweater In navy has powder blue, coral, pale aqua, elec tric Diue, grey .ana suver-twist stripes to give It real distinction! A coral grosgraln ribbon is run through silts at neckline for an added touch of prettiness. Knit tt In this color scheme; In white with black, crimson and silver stripes or in any pastel combina tion which suits your summer wardrobe. Send 30c lor the "Push-Up" Sleeved Summer Sweater (Pat tern No. 591) complete knitting instructions for sizes small, med ium and large Included, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. By Ahren HEADER I nni wwwt..yjgs;: v ur m TuiNf T VkS (JYtKLUUr-SU' ikc FROM ' EARL. ..WITH ALL THE MONEY HE INHERITED WITH HIS TITLE, HE'S i OUR MAN TO BUY THE LEASE ON THAT . OIL PROPERTY HE "1 rTS AN U6LY5T0Ry, CUFF"- CAWU5! -Tf" Plfc',- T '"I CafyT ll AND l- I CAN UNDERSTAND HOW Si. -3S2 7 , "m0r S. ,IC5a:'ir''i. a "k "j " iiin. tt i . fi j i a ra i bi l ar m m Md a la ,y v i nd -iia ,Nt-i'YliiF , .' . a w n ' 1 I ' I "i i nil i aa I 'iiini i m ai w . m Arm mm aw i m i r-- n oy;- jt'AW at wmw.mBa -ar WrWmlWF FREE TV THEATRE Elfaf YhtM h 'L&J4r Hl fffl ll IST J OPEN FROM A.M. to 9 rM. WIDNISDAY-WIDAY $MwUMmM (8 Cs32i i Wf Jt li YEATER APPUAKCE & TELEVISION (0. SW l SgSiq KGW KOIN r KEX KSLM I KGAE IKOCO 4L0UTn THB V. llLv MOLB If GOTTA OA , AR'JM'H Jrf&iD iHS!i w 1""c im T -f"7 mJffBl (WA -(7' (Avi I Vrr'J gig - r"' J" ' " V Try ll WL.7n I ll'X'lO . ." X " 53 nm W. nuil IM r Wm KlrtwW HH MaJ Uhm Ml' Al i ik J yfiir I K'aSV k a XX-JN -iT63 lis "iu dm.' Xc" i i-a ; mj. fMmm fitis. y . J Lj Ay(fj 7jiL?u m tr MfW tifiBigjsggjr w ... w Y,UM Mi'Axi . ' WVt ' yS CB' WjJ' rma&im B MiS A it num Bin muU nm.ct bim tVn 'ifiW 'in w W ... .. tSSftr Tviil :uljm aitiAr lu ! M.u mWtW TOcjyii -fe. JSSr : flk km ;c L ww , lM 2nMw I l!'l JlSf m Sf" ?Zr wal alr. . ! ? Ovlm llm Muu Hal. Vi 't L r 1 VJmC SCS" -4 JT,J. irnn o.r. aiu aiu du w hii mi. 6 ' HJ . 1 w I l JSK'0 i Am.imtllimilMi :JjDr.r."l o"fw '"'" " Jt Du4r M..I. M.u ., lm . , ; S:jj . Otrtww M.m r "" Q'H "' MQI "' Mrlc M.I. UKrtlAlN ANHIE . - . uiTiirtT-ESiT ' ' F"Hrj"lH myil I - ' I vmSKHimMhthhrJ y v I J-.W a.t aihti'irt cwIimib ma Hut wi - ; --I IPLMi. A THAT WILL ( SURE. BUT IT'LL V V - i'-M ' f" MM ""J " t jW-THE PAPER "SUM IS T CANT NOU MeSTwEWd ITLLALLIW W mSaN WINq f WE GOT T 1:.15 Tjlj MUMt V ADVEKTISIr,THflNWE PAPER I EQUIPMENT- WOHT IT. 1 I THOUSANDS NOW I WENO IT? !:U ruHm. w5im" S"i. 5SS SI JXTkI. HAVE ROOM TO PRWTi BKSQER? i V .JMOjRE HELP- fW. ,rlfi Ps -w ' ;llrilt r O.m lip O.rrrf Mull 'M.ik M.rt Mid. PS , Jfci I . t,mr YTSit, I i ISiSiWliSf! I ((I II :M Balu Mill. ! Waatkamaa O. Baalat inula Mart CaaaUUtkl . . Ul ljt-5t' f :i?.3?S. U? -J3 VTC'afflljKn! I V)r I'M Baku a Baa Oaa atxwat Maa Huia . M Nai-a JL tWC MifS I JF- . . lS luVaWljV'Sy'l ft- I Ol tt j'.G ' "" Ll.laaUn 8 Haraa lira Off M Ban A V rlB5tF IWffiSSle VsJRl fe Br!!!n g tJL J U anl uutuit Ba Ta. mar. Blur ii V fir -atfs': Ql A. Ili-3aBJ A h VIK" f7 Ci4 a..,T TarU Otian Maila I J ijL, 1 lSw IAJtV Baaja1aaaaaa1aa1 1 7i l:N hall U Ik..u 8rkattta Ul Cat.a 1W7r I I V I . : I OWIT'1 VV 1 , (T I Ballcaaa Talaat itm ilrtul "! 5M n Hlf - - J I Jk: , , I 13 1 JPbBI I I!" aawaaw ahawllaM nlni Barar , v. "!! rVaaaaJlii J I .XLI X I T1 I f' ' I :1B "aar ) Taw'rtoli ralla. lawla . - BaukaU I r. 00" I rVrSTp tS I hi 1 : Ala. law. J. nularl N.I. Haala Baaaull hamaiuajal laTBBuaaaaaaaaaa II III UaaaM.I Ml ri I auauaaa n 1 :illa u,aa iaalar Mlai M,rta ' Haila Bauaau LIL ABNER ' ' !tKiafiar liar Final nl BJItlai Behlal Uri Ja. Caa . -i r 1 r"- "" Mill Saarta Final IUrltw Daaaa TtaM Milaal Mawa NUkt laa ,, II ""sS. ifa4.'(-EF-lO'MENSHUNSTHET I I AM OJNERSTAN'S.U'L fS (-'n-&0HTWOMt--AU. V' l :MHntall.l Caaaf Sala! W-a Nawa " ji lt) f OOVI iciuu'LLUunMDVH'nr I lei icuECTAWT VTIjBlBav I I AIEAH DONE. 70MO GAtJaF rTTrfcrrr .. - . h; .... 1 I - 1 lC y?7- : fathers is7 tf&l iNAU.mHunv2f J5!!!B:. KSSSKK.u 5S iS" XT 7 .Ili 'f nrA- BE-CRANKlUr M" ICZisf MlM. iMSIciS CaaaaU Baal Daau tlaaa ' ' Nl" ' . -dkX ht 1 mfeffl I m Don'l Blow Your Top I HOPALONG CASSIDY . I f I " T,.rf tl will ' Tlc. I-" ' f - I tteivwuuF tTTHfFFrrv UHnui OLrrMWtAftFirXX vU avw 6Wf THAT DtMT N0W. I 1 I , I . most anvthine-in trade. I s II 1 uoau i iuci I I ui a iuiciAur miru Tuf xoiT umux UAfVV I I lv,IDValF'irF JMIUA UJUSO r 1 ' II 1 I WISH HOPPY HAPNT 6EEM RW. HflLE UP W L05I HIOS FtfES TM FfXKY AS AH AffKACfUMi WR THE RETURN TOT I fcrirt " Trader LOUIC I vt Jrr s5fi . --i 7tAfi i .nra aMT J tnjT-'g'T---i l X TUESDAY A.M. T0 11 :45 A.M. ' BjJSiBrtlf mT f gTl T ''i i t3"- H liW f .IJaL I:M Mula Tlaia iCH Bawl Fuai Ban aa iBraakfart IWaal. MaMa , SSufSS I ' f gy-l c3flaWjVi. ii .H.UMW "I V tlW BtlS Maala Tlaia in Oraa a. Farai lava Tlai.ka.aat Kaak Waal Mala N lAtl,IC.'kS1Pi- m Af - '- TTgaV- V4 J ifajf&t Vl1: i:M Tlaa BO Blaak Far- law Nawa Braaklul ram Mm JmCPS ) Si -TTB - -gfSLTlV V Cg j5?ljir jiC raa Baa BOW Blua ram B.tai'arBai Naak Wawa ' irjtCjT''Xti ''r SjP JllS a.aa Oil I .nr. Cam. Nawa Braakfaat CaaB Brawa Ha Daaa. Km Bkak "HSSjWrLil laawt,Tr'r WSftJPl itT v PI,,VSJX af 7?Va. WaffiWSIK" 'lit bbT Lij Oil btl Baa. falla Braaklul TtrnUt u Jla Daair Bua Blaak SallV iJMfil7laLll'rl Maa'nra5yk!iJ l akauaaJtSS-- '- WaaBayaM la."SaKT1 II" I :y Maala Bai Oraa llaaj Bnaafaal Baaaa af JlatDanta Baaa Blaak i w " " ' " YM Maila Baa Baaaajua Cl.k Bart llm Daaar Nawa J MUTT k JEFF ' . -jj Newi W. Wanaw I Balk Nawa "r. taink Baaaktaai I -aWBBBlimB BjJ H P 1 VMtt,l''iK:l 'J!M - . . , , W pagrr,,1BaHaigfaagawBa f;lS Maila Bai AaaW.nn. aura Iaar Milalr alk Taaa IlaM .' faa;tegggyT-f-ll P lFV- yf DOWN THERE H WMMfkMr 60SM, THANKS.' 11 rl:'ll'i!UZ? Jlril I i:H m Bai nalaa Iraal BraakBaak raalara Can Mr. Iaik riua rat K T 1 , - , . . 9 PVV Jji' no VOL) MIMD IF ll tVSt3SMxM' I v- llailakr Oar Oal BraakBaak Bra. Caaalti Mr. Batrlk Mia. Caraaa rT'W?.? rS-l H1.Y0U. JlrUSEV I iilNBTn t. B. par..., C. ...4, raau Bar. , A fooLv ' jA PERFECT! lSE&$&SS. wMldL1 wonV be hme!j -jmi m"h '"- "'" , V jfn ir; SmJTS' iSUm rrtmi I ! uaaiSiS K'JSrJ 11 :M laakla u , Mra. Barlaa WW.aarlaa Lail.. Fair Ba.k raa Bara awl I I IIA'Ct'TPUWPEMItMW II IBcJaJfRr MaVjiX. - KWWffitDfnl'yP JlBI IWUil PMaqt U:li Nalklac r.rrrH.i.o OlrlMarriaa Laalaa ralr laraaaaa Buaraw II lAlJmwr3&rM ll I BtSGQuU IT" It' rWaWat'OrflHfSlI! SnVJ H:M Bak aa Bar Narak Draka Uaai.k. . QaMa tar Buk Faaaa Bara I jmWlmYyj fb&Ujful lftC rrIaJIBirPr !alr "b B" '''"r """ " W.raa.a. Baaaria fmtfale inffjf 1 fClSav, ifdffPw wTte J L-iwU' rO AC ' ?i..lfWM"' S " awauarai 111! MarJai fl T Gk?3-r -IIS If Ji!jwV5''.fc &l :! I IrfTr l ti I Wj r -aT AUAV ,.ttMt U.U Baaaalallr Im ,.M ckllaraa'a Tkaalaei Baaka ul JLI ttlMi f-F&iA WSiySfl f l-f lj 'a' J- Li?tel.'jr FT Tl 2 MIDDIES TO FINISH I had 1,048 member, wai larger. , . . . . . . . .1 jiuijauuua. i'iv,. " , An.! i nr,A mumjan, i'i- ir. i , - , r 1 rxrmw . v . vi ta- aa-uu-aa- i .. f .vtmmmmmwmmmmA Naval Academy announced AS sheila r less or aws, J i...I'll'tak6 I the ambulance NO, Ag.l"ii aaja I nj&Wl Q.I tHTw second largest clasa n the I tjbmeb bpsaih PR. MORSAN VeOOO CAKE Of J immediATBLV, DOCTOR BARNES WEU. ' 1aSlN k achool'i 108-year history, are! omhuiihi 1 I'M AFRAIP.' ir-v YOU.' j wJ5J r5Siilr1 exoected to graduate June B. gas and RXLONe A tto ZI J TO THE DAVENPORT f A MBUL ANCE T U KIY r-1)?. Only the Cl.SS Of 1946, Which 1952. fall while nmrm riK, I . I II TI I fl.W A I I lw-31 l:i tnrr ' II X It IVISSlI BMaaajajaaaaawaaawaaawaaaaamaaaawaaf SHE IS OanCALLY 1 1 tfT-aCL- i S t-SrhJU aSi I Jf f'A-- ACROSS injured 5iAi?pgL 1 Vr k7 I CrJvr ,-,n thU w, vn nrmk'im airs I xlB) zf r"Cn O J.I 1 J i -JWr 'Vi, - . 9 trnfws iSTtST4 . jVratL I VfT' ;l V r?' property v3as rV-l I -A I I 1. ' rfj-J Ml l I v VJJS-' I 1 ri ihii r- ir-i; MARY WORTH I liC3Bk- . I I &j!!V"'k Ik 3PSk ( CWEN! ) TT" XJ LL,'S.K" lr.SSK'iSk.r, l-kadW-kka I vrd.v BOB mid.hlDmen. the 28. Surgical thread SI. Loud noise 32. Outer oart ot bread S4. Sheep 35. Mediter ranean nllnl Teel 37. Drove tart 39. Be in error 40. Sea bird 41.F10I 44. Beast 48. Cultivates 4. Reauest Sl.Hlsh wind 52. Otherwise; S5. Seinea 88. Remote 67. Word of lamenta tion -a , Jl. ' '1 a' a it, m f W if w T, 5 ft 5T St if iy sa" S "7 3T ?S "S 4"" I5"" s ar p $7 IT. 8. Indiana received more than 15 million . dollars In - bonuses, royalties and rentals from Indian lands leased for oil development' In Solution of Yesterday's Puule DOWN l.None goi 2 Own t. Rubber trees 4. Bar of con- trailing color I. Monarch (.Old card game T.lntUglt I. FleeUng look I. Put Into another flower container 10. Soon . II. Couches It. Thou who move to icuiie 21. Oriental ' 23, Have confi dence In 25. Paid publla notices 28. Be situated . 27. Charge for the use el money 21. Have debts 3U. Masculine nickname) 13, One who makes aa address 38. Rube out 38. Puule 41. In that I 42. Cavity tJ.Oneoftw . equal parts 43. Postal lervio ' 48. Title of Athena 7. optical 50. Oceaa , BIS PIGEON-