THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, April 18, 195S Activities of New Week Listed . TIT ast meeting ol the year for Town Bin and Gown club la planned lor next Thursday afternoon, April S3. During the business aculon, nomi nation will be, reported and officers leeted. ; The program will be at 1 p.m. In the Muiic baill. Prof. Stanley Butler, planlit of Willamette university fac ulty, will preaent a lecture recital on Trench keyboard muiic of the 18th and 80th centuries, work of Couperi an, Rameau, Debussy and Ravel to be played. The tea will follow In Lausanne hall, the girla of the baU to be hostesses. Mrs . Melvin H. Geiit will introduce to the line. In the receiving line will be Mn. Robert D. Gregg, retiring presi dent of the club; Mn. Thomas Watson, Miu Jackie Meadows, president of Lausanne hall, and Mrs. Karl Kugel, tea chairman for the day. Assisting Mrs. Kugel on the tea committee are Mrs. Hall Uisk, Mrs. B. F. Williams and Mrs. Harry V. Collins. Mrs. Vera Shay and Mrs. George Hocking are to pour. Mrs. X. T. Carleton, Miss Brenda Glass, Miss Maxine Heringer, Mrs. A. W, Ullman and Mrs. Marlon Wooden will compete for speech honors at Sa lem Toastmlstress club Thursday eve ning. General evaluator of the talks will be Mrs. George Beane and time keeper Is Miss Alberta Shoemake. Hostess will be Miss Constance Wein man and Miss Ruth Jaynes will be in charge of table topics. Past president: 'or Hal Hibbard auxil iary, United Spanish War Veterans, will meet next Friday for dessert at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Fred Thomp son, 1573 South Commercial. Several members of the group were in Portland today to attend meetings honoring Mrs. James W. Nugent of Mon tana, national president of the auxiliary. The local auxiliary met this week and Mrs. Peter Thome of Yakima was a guest. ' Mothers club of bethel No. 35 enter tained the Mothers club of bethel No. 43 of the local Job's Daughters, at a luncheon on Thursday. Speakers were Mrs. Fred Snider, president of the bethel No. 43 group, and Mrs. Edward Perrin, guardian council member of bethel UD, who told of plans their groups have made for the year. For the program, Mrs. Elmer Amund- son gave a special reading. The group will invite the guardian council mem bers of bethel No. 83 as guests for the May meeting. . At their meeting Thursday evening, the Y Wives chose new officers to direct club activities beginning next fall. Mrs. H. R. Hutchinson la the new president; Mrs. Marvin Brown, vice-president and program director; Mrs. Francis Alba da, secretary-treasurer. . Talks on aspects of the YWCA pro gram In which the Y Wives can be of service were given by Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, president of the YWCA; Miss Gertrude Acheson, executive . director; Mrs. George Gregor, member of the board of directors; and Miss Elizabeth Beat, young adult program director. The Y Wives, a service organization, wiU welcome any new members, Inter ested women to contact Mrs. Wolf Von Otterstadt. , , Two Willamette university ' house mothers, Mrs. Ella C. Watson of Lau sanne hall and Miss Etta White from Chi Omega sorority, will be speakers at the Y-Teen, Trl-Y Mothers club on Thursday. They will tell about adjust ments which girls must make when they enter college and other sidelights of uni- . verslty life. . - Following a- report by Mrs. Arnold Coffel on recommendations of new of ficers, elections will take place. . The meeting is to be at 12:30 p.m. at the YWCA. Travel group of the American Asso elation of University Women is to meet on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John A. Dyke, Miss Jo anna Hlrtzel to be speaker on life In Mexico. East Salem Lions club auxiliary Is meeting with the Lions for a no-host dinner on Wednesday evening, April 32, in. Mayflower hall, at 8 o'clock. For the program, Mrs. Verne Relerson is to show elides and tell of her trip to Burma. On the hostess committee are Mrs. Don Barrlck, Mrs. Robert Dyer, Mrs.' Alfred Domo galls and Mrs. Joseph Tompkins. A joint Institute for Marion county. and Salem central Women's Christian Temperance Union will take place in the chapel at, Salem Memorial hospital, Tuesday, beginning at 10 a.m. Devo tions will be led by Mrs. Milton E. Coe and there will be group singing di rected by Mrs. E. A. Tibbetts, state director for music. Reports will be given by Mrs. H. R. Mitchell, state con vention; Mrs. C. W. Stacey, religious education; and Mrs. Jennie D. Nunn, literature. A noontide prayer by Mrs. Necia Buck will be followed by a no-bost luncheon, members to bring a special dish snd their own table service. At 1:15 p.m., Mrs. William Hargis, president of the Multnomah county group will report on institute work, after which Mrs. Ruth Tooze, president of the Oregon WCTU, will speak. Mrs. G. H. Templeton and Mrs. V. E. Burson will provide special music throughout the day. . ; , A prayer at 8 o'clock will close the conference. All friends of the organ isation are invited to attend. Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMEE On Television KPTV (Channel 27) Two literature groups of the Amerl can Association of University Women meet next Wednesday. The afternoon group will be at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Adolf Lie tuvietis. The evening one will be at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Mildred Christenson. FAST WORK Silverton Girl Sets High Mark Silverton Silverton High School senior class scholastic honors were announced today by Howard W. George, prin cipal Miss Nola Whittaker will be the 1953 class valedictorian, with one of the highest grade averages in recent years. Nola has received only one grade of less than a "One" in J her entire high school career. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Whittaker of 802 North First St. Salutatorlan is Richard Klop fensteln, son of Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Klopfensteln of Route 8, Silverton. Richard also has an outstanding record, having received only three grades of less than a "one" during his four years in high school. Other students ranking among the first five in the class of 87 include May Wesson, who is third in the class, Nadine Small, who places fourth, and Howard Poppleton, fifth. Commencement exercises for the das are scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, and the Baccalaureate services are to be held on Sunday evening, May 81. Buena Vista Buena Vista Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Millhouser this week were his sister, Mrs. Lets LaVerne of Portland, a niece, Mrs. Ben Sheets of Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brown, Pam and Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bride attended the wedding of Miss Barbara Wagner and Glenn MacQueen in McMlnnvUle re cently. Charles, small son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Simon had a se vare accident at school when he was hit by a bicycle cutting a deep gash in his cheeck, knock ed a tooth out and broke his Jaw. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck of Oakland arrived here Sunday to take their children home aft- a 10 day stay with their irandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Short. The Becks had been to Oklahoma, called there by i An Air Force helicopter .pulls Capt. Joseph McConnell of Apple Valley, Calif., out of ley Yellow Sea waters off North Korean coast two minutes after he had balled out of bis arippled F-88 Sabrejet. Capt. McConnell had just shot down his eighth MIG when his plane was hit by a second MIQ. (UP Telephoto) his brother's death. Miss Nina Moon and Gordon Wells spent Sunday at coastal points. Jack Wells has started home from South America by boat. He left April 8 and is expected in a month. He has to report in Washington, D. C, as he has been an exchange 4-H agricul tural student from Oregon State college since last October. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ward of Blodgett were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Ward, also Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sweringen of Salem. Fairview Falrvicw Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Andrews and niece, Linda Burchett, of the Fair view district were recent din ner gu"ts of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Appleberry at Salem, The dinner honored Mrs. And rews on her birthday. H. J. Andrews of Portland after four weeks spent with hit brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. And rews, of Fairview district re turned to his home Friday. Mrs Mildred Paetel of Port uand was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. And- draws in Fairview district Tuesday. Mothers at Brooks Study School Health Brooks Mothers of pros pective first graders met at the school Thursday with the health nurse, Miss Edith Haul man, to assist the mothers in filUng out child health cards and to familiarize them with the many services available to them through the health de partment. A film was shown by Edward Olson of social development. Mrs. Philip Belike, president of the Brooks PTA gave the welcome, as prospective mem bers for next year. Guests were Mrs. Bernice Yeary, director of nurses of the health department, and Mrs. Betty Sanders, Marion county supervisor of schools, who spoke on the many things the mothers could do to assist the teacher before the child enters school. Refreshments were served by th hostesses, Mrs. William Pfau, health chairman for that area, and Mrs. India Reavis first grade teacher, who were assisted by Mrs. C. E. Hicks. The U. 8. Bureau of Land Management say the red har vester ant had denuded 90, 000 acres of public land in Wyoming. Get Camp Site For Girl Scouts Stayton The leaders of the Girl Scouts In the Santiam area are working toward establish ing a day camp for the Scouts In Stayton and the entire can yon area. There are six Scout troops In Stayton, alone. A camp site has been do nated by G. Paul Johnston. It consists of 66 acres near Lyons and is easily accessable. When completed it would be used as a day camp, picnic area and for over night trips. There Is a log cabin on the site. Leaders from Mill City, Lyons, and Stayton traveled to YOUR FOR TRE TELE-VIEWING SUNDAY Omnibus l:S0."The Abacadaba Kid" by Wm. Saroyan; "Paul Bevere's Ride" with Ramond Massey; and Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury," Martyn Green. t Jack Benny Show at 4:80 will have as guest Jack s old feuding friend Fred Allen. , Comedy Hour 5:00. Bob Hope and Phil Hams vie for affections of Marilyn Maxwell, while together they pre sent a musical salute to baseball. Fred Waring 6:00, Premiere of musical entitled 'Israel, in hnnnt nf that rniintrv'a fifth anniversary. Mr. Peepers, in supervising entire work of the student j editors on the school paper has to decide wnemer io up hold the freedom of the press or "kill" a student-written editorial. rh skeitnn 7:nn Red nresenta "This Is Your Strife, his version of 'This Is Your Life." Boy Foy, trick cyclist is to appear as guest. Kinriin Oiw 8-nn Mercedes McCambridee and James Dunn star in "Shadow of the Devil," tale of a girl left penniless in Rome when her young artist husband is killed in an auto accident. Desperate, she allows herself to become influenced by an evil woman. . Television Playhouse 9:00 starring Lloyd Bridges. Tale 'of a German-born artist living in America who returns to his homeland only to find that he is an American at heart. ' . . Meet the Press. 11 p.m. A panel of newsmen will inter view Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING MONDAY Kate Smith Show 1. Robert hackleton, Everlyn Ward, musical comedy singers; Senator WAYNE MORSE of Ore gon and The Story Princess. Matinee Theater 8:00. "Next of Kin;" spy story with J. Edgar Hoover. Wild Bill Hickok 6:00 "Ghost Breakers." Bill and Jingles run into Ghosts, fortune tellers and strange un- explainable robberies. UTUBDAV 1!:M Kldi and Ca. 1:00 Horu nunc 1:30 THnt Filrol I:0-Dau with Judr 1:30 Victor? at Bu 3:lfe-Lou Suitf 1:10 Arthur Oodfr.r 4:0ft TV TftD Club 4:J0 BUbop ahMn 1:00 All SIX Hnw S;00 Show of Show 1:10 Hit raradt l:0 Jacklt OIUMB :00 Dantatoiu Aulfnmanl 10:10 Bolton Blocklt Up anil U,l. Narth 11:10 Hub ThMtw MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete Television Center ,' 2140 S. Com'l Phone Day or Nlfht 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV UNDAT 10:10 .m. Frontltri ! Filth 11:00 t.m. Candy Ctrnlvtri 13:00 p.m. ThU U tha Lift 12:30 p.m. Life Besltu at 10 1:1ft Hour of Deoliloa 1:30 Omnlbu? 3:00 Thraa Ouaiita 3:15 Art Link let tr ' ' 3:30-flea It Now 4:00 Kukla, Fran and Ollla 4:30 Jack Benny v 8:00 Comady Hour 1:00 Fred Warlnc 1:30 Mr. Petpen Mrs. Gardner to Go To National Council . uriii.m.ta Aiwa council at Camp Fire Girls will be repre sented at a business meeung or the National Council of Camp vi.. ir-.i. Anrl" 28-2S In Oma- rue ij j . , . ha, Nebr., it is announced by Arthur B. Woods, council pres ident. . , The local delegate who will .tt.r, i. Mn. W. X. Gardner. of Salem. More than 100 vol- . .nn Cam i Fire coun- uiim' . ells throughout the country, as wel as several merauen oi vint'i national headquar ters staff, will attend the two- day session at tne noiei ron- tenelle. Mrs. Richard W. Blalock of Marshall, -Tex., president of the youth organization, will preside. Highlights of the t: ...lit ImmIuH. 4h. nnmi. umuii nui m.wwu. 'nation and election of new National Council officers ana a special seslon for the re-evaluation of Camp Tire's basic ob jectives. ' ' 1:00 Ri4 SkoHos 1:10 Whtt'o Mr Unir 1:00 Studio Ont 0:00 TV riKhouM 10:00 Tin Doctor 10:30 Tho Web 11:30 Bob comldlni 11:41 Nm Rtrlc MONDAY 11:00 p.m. Bit F.Toff 12:10 p.m. Wlcom Trmlin .;. 1:00 p.m. Kott Smith 3:00 p.m. Doubli or Notklat 1:10 pm Strlk. It Rich 1:00 pm SlittBH ThttUr .4:10 pm atarch Tomorrow ' Lyons Thursday to inspect the ."J Come 11" Costs 3 OrJ May 17, a picnic, consist ing of a pot luck meal, will be held for adults who are inter ested in taking part in this pro ject in leadership, helping to clean and repair the cabin, and various other jobs. Those making the trip to the site were: Mrs. Howard Means, Mill City; Mrs. Nesbeth, Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Mrs. Jack Christensen, Lyons; Mrs. Adam Moore, Mrs. Robert Norton, chairman for the day camp, Mrs. Gene Teague, Mrs. Angus Ware, Mrs. Harold Wodtly and Mrs. Marvin Reed. THIS'LL FIX 'EM Sacramento, Calif. W.R) Speeding California motor ists who keep their eyes peeled for patrol cars and motorcycles may get pinched anyhow. A bill before the state legis lature would authorize some highway patrolmen to drive in plain, black automobiles. Policemen, Their Jobs Memphis, Tenn. (UJS Three police department employes in the police motor pool were out of jobs today. They failed to answer the telephone when the police phoned for a vehicle. When the cops investigated, the first thing they heard com inf from the garage was "Seven come eleven." A game . of chance, frowned upon by the police, was in progress. Bus Stop Changed Lebanon A change in depot location effective at once has been announced by Trail ways Bus line. The coaches will now arrive and depart from Sharon's Sweet shop at 553 Main St. Mrs. Louis Beach will be commission agent, and will be assisted by Sharon Beach and Margaret Surrey. Busses formerly were stopping on Park St. Kaye-Halbert SALES i i SERVICE STATIONS, INC. 365 N. Commercial Phone 3-4163 TTItoUBtES? 11 I ) On u Mint a If I j roar UeallpB tt nl I) m'll So NrkMl III !f pJojr a " I CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1120CEKTEt SUNDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. DREW PEARSON MDAOJL SMI Hear America's Most Controversiol Commenrotor Presented fcy Dr. Harry Semler, Dentist FREE 10-FOOT MAST AND ANTENNA ' COMfim WITH HUT-tv DAT Mm WHKT ON ALL CROSLEY 21" CONSOLES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Also Ont Year GirarantM m All Parti and Picture Tube H0CKER HARDWARE Open Sundays 990 S. Commercial JSwnXrir w 5THwmii.cHrWi myr tow jrr STr V ' sSSjkj: .fSSSrS --My- IU Fg, jT ""lwn"","'-"T ' T " 3ffZf"7 Whatever You Have to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find someone who is looking hr just that my thing through tho Capital iournal classified columns. Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" Capital i Journal PH. 22406