Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 17, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Saiem dliurck
rw liHIullil Womu'i Oik
kuuain 1:3 p.m. Bev. llulne Roberts.
Kalsal Meeserlel CHinnlbul
Louis M. Whlt, mlnliur. sunder school
to ass. Llord H. Arnold, nipt. elorn
' las vorthip 11. sermon br the mlnls
ttr. 'Tin Whole and (ht Port." FI1
tries Fellowship whim f :19 p.m.
Sc. Via al Paal oatkette Color.
1 and lirrUo streets. Mum at a,
1:4, 10 ud 11:11 a.m. Confes
sion, Seturder, 4:J to 1:30 and t to
1:30 pan. and boloro biiw.
first Koteist eervicee la loo
nore taaatro 11 a.m. Sermon. Dr. AIM
Miller, gueet mlnUUr, 'Thlnelns With
the Heart." Brooke H. Hoove, minister.
' Tko lalraUon irw-W Stat. Ik
leal. Che,. Bennett, officer la chares.
Bunder school 1:4a a.m. Bollneu meet
ing 11 e.m. xoune reosue 0 Miwa a
Central Lalaerea North Capitol tad
uainoe B)l. u. o. nunaeuuui,
. ....I. Tr vwiA . in n(.
LfDim UUUiHMl akww
11 y sunder school :. Morning worship
service At. awenwa iwiei iw
lint CeaeriiaUeeel 700 Marlon St.
Ctoureh school :M. Morning worship
speaker. PUirirn Fellowship 1:30. Young
Adulti will meet at tne oiaiuer w
home, U Eaaeea Ave. at I.
CBireh at Jew Christ af Utter D
acinic mormon, mui euu
ate., John B. Sellsburr, bishop. Priest
hood msetlns a.m. Bunder soliool 1I:M
a.m. sacrament service .'M p.m.
11 galea Tralh Center 341 Chemeseta.
Sunder school 10. Service 11. Topic: "The
Prodigal Son." Kev. OUv Stevens.
Ceert Street Ctrletlaa seventeenth
and court streets. W. Harold Lrraan and
O. PhUlp Hurd, ministers. Bible school
asssmblr 1:34) a.m. Morning worship
1:M o'clock. Ouert speaker. Newell
Moraan of HJJUbore. Touth hour, :
p.m. Bvenlng service T:34 o'clock. Film,
aiUljSia TVaiaiillHB M
.... I
1 Pint Chink of Cartel, gclenlite-ub-
axtr and chemekeu strset. sunder
k ei a.m. uornlna ssrvlee at 11.
Usson-ssrio; subject: "Doctrlna ot
!iTe,,i,. uniee at a. Lei-
... j""
tent.' .. . I
i-ssrmoa suojeci: -imwmm v. m
hrietla A MJsslenarT Alliance
h ani oaloee. Rev. Paul W.
Suntrar. pastor. Sundw school a.m.
Moraine worehlp, Dr. J. A. Pernandes,
aueit sneaker. 11 a.m. Alliance Youth
Pellowshlp : P-m. Kvenlni uest
speUer. Rev. Benrr Tnmldse, presl-
dent ol aslem Christian Academr, 7:M
Seventk-Dar AdveaUet Summer at
Hood. Sabbath school : am. Topic:
Noah, a Preacher of Bllhteousness'
Sermon at 11 a.m. br Pastor R. O.
Schallnsr. ,
' Si Jekal Utkeraa (Mo. Iraed) U
teenth and A skreets. H. W. Oross. pas
tor, services al t and II. Sunder school
and Bible classes 10. .
' Lsblsk Cossannltr In Ublsh VUlaeo.
a. M. Books, B.D., pastor. Sunday school
at 10. Pastor will five ftrpose on Acts
I" at 11. Junior hour at T..TPS 1:4.
Preecnlnf at l:. . -
' laklsh Bethel Asseasblr LabUh VU
lase. A. B. Brown, mlnUUr. aondap
ohool M a.m. Mornlni worship 11.
. Touns people's service 7 p.m. Xvaniel
Ittlo service S p.m. Wednesday service
S p.m.
' Jaeen Lee Memerlal Methodist-Corner
al Jeflerton and WlnUr streets. Bev.
Brneet Preeton Ooulder, rotaliUr. Divine
worship service at 11 sum. Sermon sub
Ject, "AWOl Christians." Church school
at : am. Intermediate MTP. Meet at
f .M pjn. Senior MTP at S:3t p.m.
' First IvaoselleM Halted Brethren
Corner of Marlon an aummer. A. O.
aTamleson, U. A. minister, aundar sohool,
S:e6. Worship ssrvles. lo.-SO. Msttass
The Book That luduros." Touth Pel
lowshlp,. S:I0. Ths oospel hour. J:!,
aeuafs: Hanaomed Br His Blood.
: It. Mark's latheraa 141 M. Church
a. Rot. John L. Cauble. pastor. Bunder
aohool convenes at :to a.m. Classes
and Bible Instruction for an members
af the faaDT. Worship service 11 a.m.
Sermon br the pastor. Adult lnetrue-
turn class 4 p.m. In the church, tvotner
kerne 6:10 p.m.
. Bias-weed Blble-dlM Bra street. Alex
ander B. Ssuerwoln, pastor. : ajn.,
aundar aohool for an ecu. 10:4t am.,
Mominf worship service. Putor preach
lns. Subject: "1 tUvc Been Crucified
,1:00 A.M. SUNDAY
t . . "
at the
Dr. Alexander Millers
Guest Minister
Brooks H. Moore, Minister
First Presbyterian
; Church
CbamekeU at Whiter .
Salem, Oregon
Or. KavriaVB Csviwr tAmwm
lTiNHr l HUtorv fatmaUnai
BUtiu--irt ark CMvn
tntMONt CA1f tov TEXHM.
Identioal B-anrloM 9:45-11 ajn.
KOOO (U90) lft to 10:
The gripping eeory tnot shocked
rhe world. Feature length sound
color moyle.
Winter and Market Sts.
SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 7:30 P.M.
Tonnr and Gatch Sts.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 8:00 P. M.
Falls City
Admission Free - Offering Taken
jjll, t,..l,.,piWl.,,l,''WWij
; f,
'4 iff "'
- ' seat-
i -i'-"---', s.
Dr. J. A. Fernandez, who
Joined the Presbyterian
church In 1045 after having
been ordained Roman
Catholic priest In 1928 will
speak during the Sunday
morning services of the
Christian and Missionary Al
liance church.
Calvary Lutheran
To Attend Session
fi1unn Rev. Arvid L.
Hokonson of Calvary Lutheran
pastorate Is announcing the
Friday, April 24, opening ses
sions of the Oregon circuit of
the Lutheran Free church, at
Bethany church In Astoria at
1:30 and 8 p.m.
Ttelsantlnna from Sllverton
are planning to attend.
'Snepnera or une xoia win
D me Knuon wicuiv u w.
Hokonwm'a Sunday, April 19,
e . t 1 1 A H.AK I
n. all. . .1 Oa
ilOKOnSOni DUIlUay, Jlla a,
. . . H.JI
morning worsnip noux. a 1 .to
, , k evening service will
r . . . . . .1 !
foUOW tile B:3U 0 C10CK isumer
!-,. nu,tinI I
ague meeting. I
rnl..nn1, Mnni
Calvary waomi society meet-
. t m !
mg IS BanOUnceu ur jlucourj
i ir.on n'MnoIr Mrs.
'"" . '7"L
Andrew Moore Will De nosiess
for the Ladles Aid of Calvary
.. t
neuncouojr .
.! '
a.m., confirm-1
. 1 1 at. j.h.inh
ation classes
atlon classes meet In the church
parlor. : -
Church Council
eel All,
tleClS UlHCerS
. .
Salem Council of Churches
will elect officers sunaay ai
4 p.m. at a meeting Jn Fi"t
Christian church, according to
w w. MnKlnnev. oresldent.
The session will be open to
Interested persons from all
churches, as well as regular
Nominating committee for
the slate of officers Includes
Vbwm flare? rhnlrmfin. Win
ston H. Taylor and the Bev.
Dudley Strain.
with ChrHt." p.m., Touth mtftlnf.
1:46, Vrinlnc Qotpel Mrrtet. Pw
tor' menu: 'Th wUi Fool."
CBS tr.u.lalea aTlaia Kaall ssfTrl eMI aVsrtam Mil
tor. loBdar bimmi ft, T:1B. :. t:4S, 11
mi 1-i'iH. confMolont Sttiirdavr 3:30-
1:30 ud T:0-.
vnrtn avnraiis u
Tho tur. T. W. Otbhftrd. putor. Btn47
worship ftrrlcM, md 1 J.m. TTw
. a a-aa aas.ta. .ecaAl ckA IBttl
linnua sweea..
I Albort Dlllemutb. Lathern stadmt pm
tor, UnlTtnltr at WajhlMton. M ub.,
Biblt elauei.
Ttllail a.a(ar M mnmtmrnf satlfl XOO&
8te. Jtunu X. Froit, putor. sowUr
MiTteM: I wft .mH Bundr ohool for
all MM. U st.Xu.i wnuni wwaWK,
putor ftrmoii: Thrlillnf Truth, for
Troubled Tlmu :So p.m., Trainlnt
..I.. i.p .it mm. t:Al d tn.. KranlBK
wonhlp, putofe ttrinoat "The Flru of
Cbnittu iiirniiii P-m., iou.d rw
lowihlp at putoT't none, mi mooo.
nmmA Chmrak off J Christ
of Lotttr Dr Balnt--4T.h ut4 Chme-
kot.. BU, Otono w. BPteo, putor.
Church uhool, :. lfornlns wontilp
enrlee, u. Ry nwnn oi rwr wd,
most ipeaker. Kronlnr worship atrrlcf,
I. Dolt Wtu-d, taut fpttker.
niM LiliewsVii--Qnnrrltir Bd ton-
ilni atioum. 9M tvm Stiiidor ehool
and Bible oiaii. 11 m-m uiTiot wotiqip.
7;10 pjn.. FUm torrk. Taeaday. April
31t p.m., ao-hoat fellowihlp oupper
and tuaneri? dnuoi ji wm wnunww
Pint ChrUOaM-MaTloa and Cottwe.
Mlnlater, XTudler Btraln. Minuter of
Chrlitian odueaUOB, Dob aid Pane.
Church tohool, a.m. ldornlnt wor-
tiiD and communion. io:u a.m, bot
it KxatnDio or ran.- uuqiit Btrain.
Youth Fellowihlp period, 3:10 p.m. Snack
time, :10 Jp.m. Touth dlicuMloa troupi,
3:30 p.m. Ireolnc worehlp eervlee. 7:30
p.m. ouuv apeuer, juage Maiinew w.
Hill, Justlea of the Buprento Court of
Bethel Baptlit Horth Cottato and D
treeta. Rev. Rudolph worke. putor.
Sunday aohool at 3:4ft a.nv, with a lui
for over rue. wonhlp at 11 a.m. ser
mon toplo, "TUTntnr Back to Sea Tuua."
ooapel hour. 1:30 p.m. with a Child-
ren'a etorr and a meeiuo by the putor.
Missionary to
China Speaker
nnllfia On Tueeriav Arjrll
1 A eh Hflaalnnarv Af
the First Presbyterian church
hawl Tr T?nlnh C Twlat dia
cuu his work In Red China.
The Lewis's were the last mis
sionaries to be released from
China returning to this
country late last year.
Ai.iniHlntf in T)r. Twla the
reason for keeping him so long
was tnai ceing a meuicai oocior
they needed his services. The
chief point in Dr. Lewis's dis
cussion was his belief that the
church and Christian way still
lives in tne nearts ox ine uni-
neu inH will atfnln snm in the
fore perhaps stronger than
Tn lila nnfnlnn the nerla hnrl
weakened the country and cut
production ty runner aiviaing
4V.B lBnr1 In an etffnrt tn tweak
up the strong family unit which
has always cnaracterizea tne
Chinese way or lire.
rtf Tisria la nnw tmirirttf un.
der the auspices of National
MlHlnm anrl will nrnhnhlv he
reassigned to the missionary
That TSinerlov vneettrtST Wfll
held at the home of Mrs. John
Cerny with Mrs. Cora McBee
as assistant hostess.
pevotions were led by Mrs.
Roy Donahue.
Pouring at the tea table,
which was appropriately ar
nnffil mttpl sTh.nsU linAtl Tn
mltlt. PhtnBM 1 KM IB
. . "
blecloth, were Mrs. Al Burl-
, . j 11 t ni
dcb na avuu
A new member. Mrs. Mildred
new nusiuuv, iio. juuuavu
i. .... ayr.a ertMH
wrigm, wn wcitumcu
.1 1 -.,.,. i-ainrfAji
uio ruuf euii sunip aui.wuu
jr. Mrlt Tlsnraff anil Miu
The m
The next meeting will be
ineia trie uutuw va ime.
Charles Greenwood.
1 j.
Grace Lutherans
Plan Work Party
Speelal activities taking
place at Grace Lutheran church
thi( k taclude . volunteer
nrV rtB , llm .v,Pe .nd
quarterly meeting. Men of the
con Uon wm meet t 1;00
pjn. Saturday so worK on tne
church grounds, landscaping,
ana parsung area, eunaay eve
ning the film "I Beheld His
Glory" will be shown start
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday,
Anvll 1 Via mmrtema vi H
friends of the congregation
win. gainer xor a no-nosi xei-
lnnrsriln Biinner af ' R'ftfi n m.
.. r ... . .
Fnllnwln'r ihm annnpr tha aM-
ona quarterly meeung oi xne
eoneresatlon will convene. Dis
cussion will center on a long
range program of landscaping,
building, and parking devel
Sermons on Home
Life by Pastor
James K. Frost, pastor of
Capital Baptist church, will
preach the first of a series of
four sermons concerning the
home at 7:45 Sunday night.
Title of the first sermon Is "The
Fires of Christian Marriage."
Others will be: April 26, "The
Fires of Home Responsibility";
May X, "The Fires of Home Dis
cipline"; May 10, "When Home
Is Like Heaven."
The closing message of the
series will climax Christian
home week to be observed by
the church, May 8-10. Special
efforts will be made to enlist
additional homes in the mem
bership and community to set
up the family altar and the
daily practice of reading the
Bible In a devotional way,
The largest diamond in the
crown of King George HI of
England fell out during his
Mill City Churches
rtrat rreekrterlaB Rot. Noble Street,
r, minuter. Sunday achool 3:43 a.m
Touth fellowihlp 4 p.m. Church aenrlcee
ii a.m. and ?;J0 p.m. ,
sTirii Chrietlaa Her. Huth TutL paa
tor. BundaT ehool t:4l am. CK :M
Mb, Church aerTieea U a-m. and I p.m.
t- Oatkertaa Catkella Father Robert
crHara, pastor, uornlnt mast t a
Confeealona heard baton naia.
Wrm Meihedtot-Atr. C. H. Braver,
putor. Sunday aohool : a.m. Churcb
errieea li a.m. and T:M p.m.
Cmmulty--IUT, Lea Joiner, pastor.
Sunday aohool 10 a.m. Cburoh aarrleai
U and t jb.
Aaeematr af Oed Sunday achool IB
a.m. Chureh aervleea 11 ia, and f :N
P-m. Touni peopla p.m.
C&rtrtlea aUaoa--Sundar U ia. 4th
Wednesday p.m.
11:00 A.M.
Dr. J. A. Fernandez
Ix-Roman Catholic Priest
giving his life story:
7:30 P.M.
Rev. Henry Turnidge
President ot Salem Academy
assisted by Academy
wmm -MStal-
" X1 IXJ4
ISAIAH 26:3 - "Tho wilt keep hi. ia perfect
eeace, whose mind U taed m Thee: becaost
he tresteth ia Thee."
i Throagh the weari this inspiring verie ol Holj
Scripture- hat want much to ne. It it both
proinise and power in ny life and it haa stood
at a tall tower of strength whet other ehiagt
failed. ,
The veree lodicatet the Source of peace, we
are bo longer left ia doubt at to where to find
peace. We know that peace it act torae"iecret
forever beyond the reach of mat. Peace is a
possession of God. He it itt source, and He
alone can give us that peace. Jeeut proaiserj
His disciplee on the night before tbe crucifixioa
that "peace I leave with yot, y peace I give
unto you: not at the world givetb, give I unto
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let
it be afraid." it it Hit peace and He aione caa
impart it. When we eeek peace from any other
tource we are alwayt disappointed.
This verse also indicates the- Substance of
peace. It is a "perfect" peace. Nothing is left
to chance- or guess and certainly no area of
life it left untouched when we allow God to
keep ut in perfect peace. Thie peace means the
absence of fear. The two cannot live in the
same heart; if fear it present peace must go, if
peace is present fear does go!
Finally, this verse indicatet the Surrender we
must make to peace. We have the promise of
perfect peace if we keep our minds stayed on
Him and trust in Hira. How little we think about
God! How much of our thought is upon ourselves
and our desires. At long at we will keep our
mind oa God we keep it off ourselves and there
fore we give God a chance to open the channel
between Him and us.. Yet, it it Hit peace and
He offers it willingly to those-who will keep
their mind, on Him and trust in Him. It never
fails. It it more tbaa peace of mind, it it peace .
of soul, perfect peace from God. -
Kenneth W. Copeland, D.D. -'
Travis Park Methodist Church
San 'Antonio, Tex. , ,
Machine-Made Man
Subject of Sermon
"Machine-Made Men" will
be the topic of the sermon by
Ralph S. Barber, assistant to
the minister and director of
education of the First Unitar
ian Church of Portland, at the
Sunday services of the Salem
Unitarian Fellowship,
Mr. Barber, a graduate of the
Starr King School for the Min
istry, will be ordained a Uni
tarian minister in the Portland
church May 17, and will then
become associate minister to
Dr. Richard Stelner, pastor. Mr.
Barber graduated from Wil
lamette University Law School
In 1936.
Presbyterians to
Hear Rev. Rhodes
Rev. Harry A. Rhodes, mis
sionary and teacher in Korea
since 1908, will speak at the
mid-week service on Wednes
day, April 22, 7:30 p.m., at the
First Presbyterian church.
Rev. Rhodes is an authority
on Korea and is the author of
numerous books and articles In
English and Korean.
May Fellowship Day
Scheduled for May 1
The Salem Council of Church
Women will observe "May Fel
lowship day," Friday, May 1 at
St. Mark's Lutheran church.
The theme will be "Citizen
ship, Our Christian Concern,"
and the meeting will convene
at 10 a.m., with luncheon serv
ed at noon. .
Start Clothing Drive
Silverton Calvary, Imman-
uel and Trinity Lutheran con
gregations in Silverton are
joining 10,000 other congrega
tions of the National Liutneran
Council in sponsoring a spring
clothing appeal from April 19
to May 3. Clothing and shoes
in usable condition may De
brought to either of the chur
ches from which they will be
forwarded to temporary re
ceiving centers for further dis
Amity Churches
Beetlee WUUam P. Brer, paster. Bun
tar School IS am. Mornln. worship 11
am. eTralas service s P ra.
Ctrarck ef Ckrtce-nebert FovraU. pas
tor. Bltle oehool 1 am. Moraine wor
ehlp 11 am. TottM people, meeunc
p.m. Adult dees I X p.m. Bream serv
ice 1:39 .m.
afteteaiae David Pomdeitsr, mlnlater.
Soaday Swhool 1. aA. Moraine worship
11 am. Team nueweaia p..
Oak Gren Ctaael-D.vld PolndesW.
minuter. Mornlni worship l:4o am. Sun
der School i.:u a.m.
SeMeaUr ef Oed Prank St. Wapes,
pastor. Sander School S:tt am. Mora
ine worship 11 are. sTvsnlnt mtvIm
1:M p.m.
195 S. Commercial
Yrtwa7kaX W
aMsBeVeV eSi
Wood burn
SI. Lake's CatholleT. I Uoffenbeler,
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
Phono 0011. 8 under services 1
s a.m 10:30 a.m. Weekday mast S:16
Cmristlanv!. Lincoln and Do ad Sts.
Geo. Srlniar. pastor. Sunday School 10
a.m. 8erlce 11 a.m. C. X. 1 p.m. Kre
ntni atnrlea p.m.
Peaxsuare 119T I. Lincoln St. Arthur
Ooble, pastor. Phono 0016. Sunday
School :4a a.m. Worship It a.m. and
7:4a P.m. T. P. 1:44 p.m.
B.bbsrd Qeepsl Sunder School 10
a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Toung people's
meetlni 7 IV en Ins service, at 7:30
Trlallr l..therea--'rwo mtlee south of
Monitor (Missouri Smod). John H.
Worth, paetor. Sunder School 0:30 am.
Worship 10:3. a.m. , .
Issmaaus! Lathsran Doud and Oswald
Sts. J. W. Carleon, pastor. 417 9nd St.
Phone I-31S1. sunder School 10 a.m.
Sermon II a.m.
Free Motaodlst Yount and Catch BU.
Oeorte Norewortbr, pastor. Phone .163.
Sunder School :. am. Freachlnr 11
am. aad 7:tl p.m.
Asoemely ef 0.4 Second and Lincoln
Ste. BTnest niom, paetor. Phone 7030.
Sunder school (:4s aj.. Preaohm 11
am. ana i:w p.m. t. r. e: p.m.
Bible BapUes-Old Weehlniton School.
Oatch St. between Lincoln and Tonne
Bt. Rer. nelnhold Broodier, peetor. Sun-
aar fMnooi .:. a.m. worship ssrvlee
11 am. and 1M pjn. T. P. Cie p.m.
Belkel PreeSyierUa 3 mllee .ut on
Union School Road. Karl K. Penton, pee
tor. Phone S-0436. Worship 10 am. Sun
der achool 10:41 am.
G errata Preebrterlea Ernest Trem
bler, peetor. Phone Oervels 3071. Sunder
School 10 am. Worship II a.m. c. s.
7:30 p.m.
Mealier Ceranealtr Pen OocmI
vBereaeeonitor. rtev. a. a. Mrers, pee
tor. Snndar School 10 am. Moraine wor
ship 11 am. Toon. People's V p.m.
Xvsngellstlo S p.m.
mitrlm HeUaeee Chareh Aurora Her.
Bruce Chamberlain. Aurora paetor. Bun
oar School 10 am. Mornlni service 1L
evening service! T.30 p.m.
Chareh ef Jeeae Chrlit ef t.D.8.
Belle Peesl School House. Sunder School
i. a.m. sacrament meeting 7:30 P.m,
The Beersenrsed Chareh ef laaa
Ckrlal al Latter Der Serate Second and
Oarfleld. Oeorge I. Omens, pastor.
Phone 3031. Chunh echool 10 am.
Preechlng u a.m. and s p.m. zion
mmii i p.m.
micro. Lalhsrea Monitor. Sunder
ocaaoi e:w a.m. woranip service ii a.m.
th. first Bunder af eech month.
SI. Mevr'e Bpleeepel B. Lincoln at
vuma . vourt. ncv. x. sa. Baxter, vicar.
The and Bunder after Baster, April 10.
Vfalv CnmmnnlMi .-M - n. -kuk --.. .
0:40 am. Eohv Bucharist and sermon 11
MeUedere Toast and a S Phone
wi.. vamau . xnea, pastor, ejnurch
echool 10 am. Worship 11 am.
Chareh et Oa. Third and Orant Sts.
Church school 10:03 am. Worship 11 a.m.
S p.m. T. P. 7 p.m. Her, Bdward B.
St, Sena. Caeaeae-Rnbbard. AttencV
ec br Woodbttra parleh prieeta Sunday
anaeeee am.
Plret Preebrkrlaa OarflaM ana
Third Ste. Barl K. Pentoa. paetor. Phone
S-043S. sunder School : am. Divine
See C. B. Van Nes, Blooming This Week-End
Mrs. Leak (pink with a dark blotch) and
Butterfuly (yellow) are opening
SELECTION? Over 1000 plants, 10 varieties.
8EASONT From now to tnld-Jnne.
PRICES? From 0c on asaleas, St.tS on fine rhododen
drons such as Cynthia, Betty Worm and, Quantity dls
eeantatotSft. PAUL GRIEBENOW
805 Fairvlew Ave. Phone 3-6S8t
Torn East from S. Com'l., Opposite Erlckson's Market
Immanuel Lutherans
Will Hear Chorus
Silverton Morning services
in Immanuel Lutheran church
n KnnHav Anrll is. will in
clude the singing of an anthem
by the Silverton nign ncuuui
riinru. under the direction of
Justin L. Dyrud. The pastor
will preacn on we auujan;.,
"The Lord Is My Shepherd."
The Luther league will meet
at 7:30 pjn., "Family Night"
being postponed until April 28, jitfn1ns tha nurses
via n ...k. o
chorus of Emanuel hospital In
Portland will present a sacrea
concert. '
At the Men's club meeting
Tuesday evening at 8 pjn., El
mer Johnson will speak on the
sublect. "The Christian Fam
ily." Refreshments will be
provided by Stanley swanson,
Mai. TWrserlial i!laild Bran-
denburg and George Anderson.
The Young Married coupies
club will meet at the pastor's
residence Thursday evening,
April 23, with Mrs. A. W. Nel
son as hostess. Guest speaker
fni thia meetins will be the
Rev. William Gentz of Our Sav
ior's Lutheran church ol Os
wego. Immanuel congregation will
participate in the spring cloth
ing drive for Lutheran World
Relief, members being asked to
bring articles of clothing to the
church between April 19 and
May 8.
Fellowship Club
Hosts Dillemufh
The, Fellowship club of
Christ Lutheran church will
hear the Rev. Albert Dillemuth,
student pastor at the Universi
ty of Washington, at its meet
ing Friday at 8 p.m. He will
address the group and show
colored slides on his recent trip
to Europe where he attended
the Lutheran World federation
In Hannover, Germany, and the
Olympic Games.
Hosts for the meeting are Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Schultz, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Gronke and Mr.
and Mrs. A. Battalion.
The Rev. Dillemuth will also
speak at the early service at
Christ Lutheran church Sunday
morning at 8:45 a.m. when the
parish will have its. emphasis
on Christian higher education.
Turnidge to Fill
Alliance Pulpit
The pulpit of the Christian &
Missionary Alliance church
will be filled Sunday night by
Rev Henry Turnidge, president
of Salem Christian Academy.
He will be assisted in the serv
ice by the students of the
church Who attend the acad
emy.' Rev. Paul W. Gunther,
pastor, will be absent one Sun
day on business in the East
where he will also attend the
national convention of the Na
tional Association of Evangeli
cals in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Extension Club In
West Salem Meeting
West Salem Mrs. Herman
Boese and Mrs. W. A. McCorm
ack were the leaders for the
demonstration of "Re a d y
Mixes" when the West Salem
Home Extension club met at
the home of Mrs. Boese this
Those present were Mrs. Irl
Folsom, Mrs. Ross Damrell,
Mrs. L. H. Phillips, Mrs. Ed
Underwood, Mrs. John Carr
and her house guest, Mrs. Rob
ert Swensen of Illinois, Mrs.
Don Kuhn, Mrs. N. E. Shaw,
Mrs. Irene Parsons, Mrs. A. A.
Withers, Mrs. John Boening,
Mrs. Robert Gannon and two
children, Linda and Karen,
Mrs. Harry Thomas, Mrs. Mc
Cormack, Mrs. Boese and Mrs.
David Williams, Sr., a guest for
the day.
Church of Prophecy
Hosts Convention
The Church of God of Pro
phecy will host a number of
delegates during a district con
vention which will begin at
7:30 Friday night and continue
through Sunday noon. W. H.
Hardin, state overseer, will be
the 'principal spesker. P. G.
Shroyer is pastor of the local
worehlp 11 a.m. and S p.m. T. P. T
Bobberi Ceacregetleael Roe. Ted
Heettnge aad Rev. alilo Raecter alter
acting the eervlcee. Sunder School 10
am. Church service 11:14 am.
J :'.t'-4i
fairs, avnlnrinrf is routine
work for staff members of
Moody Institute of Science.
A motion picture of their ac
tivities will be shown at the
Court street Christian church
at 7:30 Sunday night.
Saint Paul's Junior
Choir to Portland
im.. 4,i.!na vrinlr nf Saint
aiic j ........ - -
Paul's Episcopal church wlu
go to Portland ounaay auuuw
ing the morning church serv
ice. The choir has been as
signed a place in the chancel or.
Trinity Episcopal church In
Portland lor participation in
the annual rally.
Wesleyan Methodists
To Hear About School
TOnnrri member of the Sa
lem Academy will present the
work of the school oeiore xne
congregation of Wesleyan
Methodist church, 15th and
Mill streets Sunday night Ac
companying the board will be
a group of students who will
provide vocal and Instru
mental music.
Boeing Strato Bomber
Outflies Sound Waves
Seattle W -The Boeing Alr
r. 1 a n a Pn.'s B-17 Stratoiet
bomber his flown 130 miles an
hour faster than the speed of
The world's fastest known
bomber reached a speed of 794
miles an hour, with the aid of
high winds.
Mm lbs Ugh cost of .Bring prtvantd you from getting j
j thing you wnt and od? A cash loan will proricVt rb. j
I Boner to sake eovamagt of cash fjursluits and yon on j
SIS to I15QQ In 1-TRIP
I Vboo tret. cjrr,-prycTrcmr ant.
"W Coerrpise. efa. loett arbeeV
. ! ama Bret coma in.
! tm. 100, 117 ear) tt (ejaae
I eD.WufaMan
Does Smell Tell?
Your sense of smell is often
deceiving. As for instance in the
matter of cheeses, some with the
most obnoxious odor actually
taste very good. While the most
poisonous gases have very pleas
ant odors or none at all.
Body odors are seldom noticed
by the Individual affected. Bru
nettes are said to be more odor
ous than blondes, women more
than men. Certain illnesses can
often be detected by odor.
With a bottle of medicine the
smell tells you nothing about it,
and doesn't even fortell its
taste. Most drugs basically strong
are made palatable by the sym
pathetic and conscientious drug
gist This Is the 770th of a series ot
Editorial advertisements appear
ing in wis paper eacn rnaay.
i in
-5s O B
f Capital Drug Store
M Stota I, Liberty Phone 1-3111 V
T We give Wf Green Stamps every day 1 1
" ?sV on all cash sales of prescrlptlont -
Fritter. April 17. 1953
Bonneville Geis Bids
On Transmission Line
VA.1otirl SIR Bonnv411a
Power Administration said to
day bids have been opened on
one of the largest orders lor
high voltage power transmis
sion lines it ever isued.
Two lowest bids on about
i c-ao milea of aluminum steel
reinforced 345,000-volt con
ductors and accessories were
submitted by luuminum com
pany of America, Portland, and
npvnnlrfs Metals Co.. Louis.
ville, Ky. Alcoa bid $4,078,384
fob bidders shipping point and
Reynolds bid $4,339,066 fob
destination. There were three
other bidders.
The material will be used for
nnnnavtlin hish Voltaire erlrl
lines Including McNary-Ross;
Chief josepn-snonomisn lines
3 and 4, and the Snohomish
Richmond Beach section of the
Snohomish-Kitsap line.
Policeman Reports
WheelsTires Stolen
'San Francisco (UJD Anthony
Cummings parked his car and
$200 worth of new tires and
tubes outside his home.
Next morning when he got
up to go to work he found the
car Jacked up with all four
tires and the wheels missing.
Cummings had to walk to
his Job on the police force.
For simple headache and
simple neuralgia caused by
a common cold, haadache,
nasal congestion, fever,
muscular achat and paint,
temporary conttipa i e n
Only af
Open Dally, 7:30 sun. - t tun.
Sundays, 8 ajn. 4 pjn,
; 135 N. Commercial
4 - SfH
I' r.i I ut, I
r.1 in1 iir. ,niuaia