THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefon Friday, April 17, 1953 -FROM- Peg in Washington -BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS - Washlngton, D. C, April IS Deir Marian: The mid-week brought Mrs. Douftaa McKay back to Wash ington, following a visit at her Salem home. much new home. . . . . .And there was boa. Commission on the Oregon lrfislative measure for the new retirement provUiont. He had tiro tor a visit to the Senate betor catching hia plane for to report trot Prior to huwMBjf a kxm last week with Jto. Warry Cheetham, trcretaxx vt Asmk ate Supreme CMu Jivntw Har old H. Burton. I ejui to privi lege of meeting the Justic and i hearing him talk of the Court 'and its function. With Mrs. Cheetham, I watched the Court assemble and then we had quick tour of the Justices' con ference room and dining room. The only one missing on the bench was Associate Justice William O. Douglas, from our Northwest, who has had a tooth . infection. There is a strict admonition for silence In the court room but on this particular morning, eyes were busy, if not tongues, as the word had gone round the building that Christine Jorgen son was in the court room. We spotted her, too, and then while , we were lunching, she came 'into the dining room with her press agent. One had not ex pected a side show at the Su preme Court of the United States, but with all the varied reactions, it was an amusing spectacle. Commander and Mrs. Wal lace Bug of Salem were Wash lngton visitors this week, driv ing down from New York City .for Fat's first look at the capl taL They visited friends in Maryland enroute and had a few minutes' look-in on Secre : tary McKay between scheduled : appointments. Max Manchester, 'Portland, executive secretary ' of the Public Employes Retire , ment Board, dropped in for a -greeting after closing up his jwork with the Social Security! Mr. and Mrs. Phli II. Schnell oi Pvftland, former Salem rest' deals, wer week-end visitors and were hoping for word wbil her of the expected grandchild at home. (The baby, Molly Clair Strebig, daughter of the Robert Streblgs, was born Saturday.) David B. Simpson, Portland, frequent Salem visitor, had lunch with the Secretary on Tuesday, enroute to Oregon from a business engagement in Florida. Sirs. Arthur M. Chance, Portland, is in Wash ington for several days after a three month visit in Florida and Havana. The late Dr. Chance was a member of the State Board of Health. She is driving to Oregon with her brother, Dr. Collie Cathey, of Portland, and his wife, who are with their son in Frederick, Maryland, this week. B. R. Wagner, Eugene, who was-at Oregon State with Sec retary McKay, called in this week, and Jess Gird has been here for the Republican Na tlonal Committee meeting. Secretary McKay will be the luncheon speaker Monday noon for the National Fisheries In stitute at the invitation of James H. Cellars and Tom San- dot, of Astoria. Mr. Sandoz will introduce the Secretary. The countryside is lovely with white dogwood just com ing into flower and naturally; we are reminded of home In addition, redbud, the bright double-petallod cherry blos soms, crap apple, and a great deal of pink dogwood are col oring up the landscape. "Wish you were here" to enjoy it with me. Peg. Mrs. Herron, Mr. Maden Are Wed Of interest to many friends is announcement of the marri age of Mrs. June Herron of Sa lem to Roy Maden of Blodgett and balem. The wedding was an event of Thursday afternoon, the service being solemnized at the home of the officiating pastor, the Rev. Paul Kunzman, Eng lish Lutheran minister in Van couver, Wash. The bride wore a white knit suit, a tweed coat with white tuxedo front, white hat, black and white accessories and a corsage of green orchids. Mrs. Ed. Lewis, Salem, was attendant for the bride. She wore a plum and gray plaid suit, gray hat, black accessor ies and a corsage of yellow roses. Mark Speer of Salem, brother of the bride, was best man. A luncheon for the wedding party was given at the Multno mah hotel. The couple left on a wedding trip to San Francisco. They plan to make their home at Blodgett Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWEI FISCHER Altrusa Observes Birthday Some Notations ... . A large group of friends had the first viewing of the home of Oregon s new First Family, Thursday, and found it, as was expected, much to their liking, i ... Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife "of the governor, entertained , yesterday at an informal tea ' for wives of all the legislators and other state officials. Governor and Mrs. Patterson only recently "settled" in their 1 Salem home since moving to , the capital from Hillsboro . They were in the Lee apart ments for a time, only this past month moving to the former Keen home on North Winter Street, now their permanent home while he is governor. . . . It has been a hectic month of "moving In," so many engage ments and legislative events crowding in between "fixing up" the house and redecorat ing, but the job Is pretty well completed now. . . . There is a warm, friendly, hospitable atmosphere about ' . the home, just the setting ex pected at the Patterson home, reflecting the warm and friend ly personalities of this popular couple who are known to many throughout the state during a long period of public service on the part of both. ... There were many comments Thursday on the attractive dec '. orating supervised by Mrs. Pat ', terson. . . . With so many win dows, the house is a cheerful ; one. . . , The living room has ' beautiful soft red walls, so ; nicely setting off the rose- pink carpeting. . . . The mantel 'and th woodwork are all In white . . . The drapes are in natural color. The hallways and other rooms are all done in cheerful papering. . . . Featured in the living room ' are rows of the many books so .treasured in the Patterson home. . . . 1 Setting off the all-white fire place front and mantel at Thursday's tea was an arrange ment of daffodils with Calla lilies. . . . Centering the tea table was a tiered arrangement of pink and whit carnations and sweet peas with Just a few lavender sweet peas for accent ... On the buffet, an arrange ment of the plnK ana w n 1 1 e blooms again, with a few of the lavender ones. . . . Guests were hospitably invit ed to tour the house. ... A nice garden extends in back with an outdoor fireplace. . . . In the garden was one of Mrs. Patterson's prize red rhodod endrons she brought over from Hillsboro. . . PM-Plvlne- with Mrs. Patter son were her older daughter, Mr. John Smlthson of Fort- Camp Fire Girls nniiB At a recent meeting, Nuwanka Camp Fire Girls nniin elected officers. Phyllis Miles was elected president Nancy Povey, vie president; Barbara Arney, secretary treasurer: and Connie Johnson, scribe. On April U the group visited the intak of the City rionartment Mrs. Neale Povev accompanied t h m. Their guide on this trip was By M. L. F. land; the governor's mother, Mrs. Ada Patterson of Hills boro; Mrs. Eugene Marsh of McMinnville, wife of the senate president; and Mrs. Rudie Wil helm, Jr., Portland, wife of the speaker of the house. . . . Greeting guests at the door were Mrs. Hugh Barzee of Port land, wife of the governor's legal adviser; and Mrs. Edwin H. Armstrong, whose husband is administrative assistant to the governor. ... Old friends of the hostess from Hillsboro assisted about the living room and in serving, Mrs. Jack Searcy, Mrs. C. D. Buchanan. Mrs. W. Verne Mc- Kinney and Mrs. Ernest Mus- ser. Pouring were Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Un ander, Mrs. Earl C. Latourette, Mrs. Robert T. Thornton, Mrs. William E. Kimsey, Mrs. Rex Putnam, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Earl Snell. . . Greeted among guests during the writer's call were the fol lowing wives of state senators: Mrs. Howard Belton, over from Canby for the tea; Mrs. Frede rick S. Lamport, Mrs. Douglas Yeater, both of Salem; Mrs. George A. Ulett of Coqullle; a group of wives of supreme court justices, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs, James T. Brand, Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Mrs. Wil liam C. Perry; the following wives of state representatives: Mrs. Russell Hudson of Hood River, Mrs. Donald R. Husband of Eugene; Mrs. II. H. Chind gren of Molalla, Mrs. Earl Hill of Cushman, Mrs. Robert E. Duniway of Portland, Mrs. F. M. Dammash of Portland, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom and Mrs. Lee Ohmart, both of Salem. Mrs. Francis Zlegler of Corval lis, Mrs. John Misko of Oregon City, Mrs. Kenneth Goodall of Oswego, Mrs. W. W. Chadwlck of Salem, Mrs. Alfred H. Cor belt of Portland. . . . . A hospitable gathering for Thursday was the Informal cof fee for which Mrs. Carl W. Em mons and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson were hostess at the Emmons home, a large group of friends being invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. . . . The home was attractive with many arrangements of spring blooms and flowering branches. , . , The tea table was covered with a lace cloth. . . . The center piece was an arrangement of pink and white snapdragons and white allium with maiden hair fern. . . . Among the guests greeted during our call, Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, here from Portland for the dny; Mrs. Roscoe Wil son, Mrs. James Haworth, Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. Russcl E. Pratt Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. Ralph Wlrth, Mrs. A. D. Wood mansre, Mrs. Herman Jochlm sen, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, Mrs, Abner K. Kline, Mrs. E. II. Kennedy, Mrs. Rich ard A. Meyer, Mrs, John M Ramage, Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mrs. Woleott E. Buren, Mrs. William Hugh Adams, Mrs. Wil Ham Newmyer, Mrs. Harry 8. Dorman, Mrs. Robert L. Elf strom, Mrs. Robert Sprasue, Mrs. Harris Llets, Mrs. Robert E. Shlnn, Mrs. Wayne Gordon. Unit Initiates At Thursday Meet New members initiated Into Kingwood unit American Le gion auxiliary, Thursday eve ning were Mrs. Dean Daven port M". Elmer Thompson, Mrs. Collen Nisbet and Mrs. Victor Martin. The installing team included Mrs. Karl Mobley, director, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. Irl Folsom, Mrs. Gene Dietz, Mrs. Lillian Wil liams, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Emmet Dickson and Mrs. Ray Biggins. The annual Mothers day luncheon is set for Saturday, May 0, at the Kingwood Le gion hall, ladies from the Methodist old people's home to be honored guests. Mrs. Irl Folsom is in charge of the luncheon committee with Mrs. Jack Noteboom and Mrs. George Combs assisting; dec orations, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. Elmer Thompson; program, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Dean Davenport; trans portation, Mrs. Ray Higgins and Mrs. Verne Axelson. Other business completed included a contribution to the cancer research fund and ap proval of the revised by-laws. Roeser-Berti Sublimity Of interest to friends is the wedding of Edward C. Roeser of North Hollywood, Calif., and Miss Pamala Bertl of North Holly' wood. . The ceremony was per formed at a Nuptial mass at St Raphael's Catholic church in Los Angeles, the Rev. Joseph Larsen officiating. Mrs. Rudolf Juchem, cousin of the bridegroom, was mat ron of honor while Mr. Juchem served as best man. The groom is employed in the office of the state highway commission, and Mrs. Roeser has been employed at Pennys. Mr. Roeser is a grand- nephew of Philip Wagner of Sublimity, with whom he made his horn prior to leav ing for Calif. Salem Altrusa club celebrat ed the 36th anniversary of the organization in the United States at a dinner meeting in the Marion hotel Marine room, Thursday night. Altrusa. the oldest service club for executive and profes sional women, was founded in Nashville, Tenn., in 1917. It is now International, having clubs in several foreign coun tries. Through the grants-in-aid fund the clubs assist wom en of Latin American coun tries in pursuing graduate studies in the United States. Forty-eight women were thus assisted in the last five years. During the dinner hsur Mrs. Frank Parcher entertained with Spanish songs. She was accompanied by Mrs. William Schrieber. Mrs. Helen Cosper. Altrusa information chairman, present ed Miss Bernice Gardner of Portland who is . extension chairman for District 10. Miss Gardner presented her dis cussion built on the seven keys or Altrusa: Amity, Loyalty. Tal ent, Reciprocity, Unity, Service anq Achievement Mrs. Lois Keeney introduced the following women, former members of Salem Altrusa, who were repledged at the meeting: Miss Minnie Just. Miss Etta Sutter, Mrs.' Hazel Goodman, Mrs. Alexander Tueskl, Mrs. Effie King, Mrs, Verne Robb, Miss Cora Payn- ter, Miss Peggy Peterson and Mrs. Marguerite Kirk. Today's Menu FAMILY LUNCH Poached Eggs and Cheese Sauce on Toast Buttered Asparagus Cookies Beverage Poached Eggs and Cheese Sauce on Toast Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 table spoons flour, Vt teaspoon dry mustard, Vt teaspoon Worces tershire sauce. 1 cud milk. 1 cup firmly packed grated ched- aar cheese, salt, eggs, toast. paprika. Method: Melt butter in heavy saucepan; blend In flour, mus tard and Worcestershire. Add milk all at one time and cook and stir over low heat until thickened and bubblv. Add cheese and continue to stir un til melted. Add salt to taste. Re move from heat but keep warm. Makes H4 cuds sauce. Poach eggs until yolks are firm; arrange one egg on each slice of toast; pour VI cud of the cheese sauce over each egg; sprinkle with paprika. Put any remaining cheese sauce In covered container and store In refrigerator for later use. Miss And r us to Be Presented in Recital Miss Evelyn Andrus, a stu dent of Mrs. James N. Francis, will be presented in a piano recital on Sunday. April 19 at 3 o'clock in the UDDer Fireplace Room at Calvary Baptist church. Miss Andrus will be attending Linfield college in the fall. The in terested public is invited. Her program is as follows: Sonata X ;. Mozart Nocturne Schumann Solfeggietto Bach Miss Andrus A Spring Morning. .Wilson Miss Marca Lee Bryant ' Preludes, Op. 28, No. 7 ' and 20 .Chopin The Butterfly. . . . .Lavallee The Maid with the Flaxen Hair Debussy Miss Andrus Sorry Her Lot (H. M. S. Pinafore) Sullivan Love's A Merchant. .Carew Miss Bryant Russian Dance. .Englemann Drifting Clouds. .Torjussen Two Guitars. . .Piano Duet Miss Andrus and Miss Na- dine Gilman Miss Bryant Is accompanied by Miss PaJ Fagg. LEAVING this week for a trip east were Mrs. John Ahl bin and son, Rickie. They went to Washington D.C., to visit Mrs. Ahlbin's father, H. G. Bennett, and coming west they will stop In Youngstown, Ohio, to visit Dr. Ahlbin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ahlbin. The travelers are making their trip by plane. Golfers to Go to Portland on Tuesday A number of Salem mem bers will be taking in Oregon Women's Golf association event at WaVerly club in Port land next Tuesday. Among those going from her are Mrs. Frank Fisk, Mrs. Fred Bernard!, Mrs. Russell Kanz, Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. Charles Musser, Mrs. Hubert Ivy, Mrs, Fred Anunsen, Mrs. Kenneth Potts; Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Chester Loe, Mrs. T. W. Low- ry, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Bruce Williams. At the meeting this week, guests and new members in cluded Mrs. Lawrence Barn ard, Mrs. Clyde ' Frail, Mrs. Carl Burklund,- Mrs. Joe Stei ger, Mrs. H. E. Gilbert, Mrs. R, C. Nelson, Mrs. Lynn Woods. Johnson's gift for best golf er of the day included reserva tions for the style show lunch- eon on Monday at the Marion hotel. . . At Installation Mrs. George Mn;on, depart ment Americanism chairman, was the Installing officer for Champoeg auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Woodburn Wednesday evening. She was assisted by the District No. 20 color bearers, Mrs. Charley Hunt, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Dale Brooks,' Mrs. Gordon Bressler, Mrs. Billy Kelso, Mrs, Virgil Bolton, Mrs. LeRoy Simpson, all of Marion auxil iary, and Mrs. Clarence Quar tier of Silverton auxiliary. Others attending from Sa lem were Mrs. Clarence Forbis, Mrs. Edna Prince, Mrs. Joe Benoit, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Don Stupka, Mrs. Al Aeschlimann, Mrs. Mel Clem ens, Mrs. Charles Hagemann. Motoring to Albany to at tend Linn auxiliary installation Tuesday evening was Mrs. George Mason, Mrs: Charles Hunt, Mrs. Leon Hansen of Marion auxiliary, and Mrs. Jes sie Lytle. ... i Card Social Mt. Angel Thirty tables of cards were in play at the St. Ann's Altar society spon sored card social Wednesday evening in the St. Mary's school auditorium. Honors were . awarded to Mrs. Emil Bochsler and Gerald Zollner for bridge; Joseph Sla- by and Edward Holier, pino chle; Joseph Faulhaber- and Mrs. M. N. Wampach, 500, and Henry Moll, Slfverton, for ca nasta. Others receiving awards were Andrew Dummer, Mrs. Tony Hauth, Miss Anne Erwert, Mrs. W. A. Verboort, Andrew Schmidt, Gerald Zollner, Mrs. Henry Moll, Mrs. Joseph Otter, Mrs. J. L. Wachter, Mrs. R. T. Bisenius and Joseph Slaby. Refreshments were served In the school dining hall by the hostess committee, with Mrs. Joseph Selfer as general chair man. . Garden Group Liberty Mrs. Ella Langc- worthy will entertain the Wee Weeders Garden club on Tues day, April 21, at a dessert at her home on Sunnyside Road 2 Salem Girls in Queen Race University of Oregon, Eu gene (Special) Two women from Salem are among the 12 semi-finalists for Junior Week end Queen, the reigning mon arch for the University s tradi tional Junior Week-end May 8, 9, and 10. The court will be selected from the 12 junior women. The semi-finalists include Miss Joan Marie Miller, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, . 1825 Fairmount avenue, Salem, and Miss Doro thy Jane Pederson, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pederson, 4953 No. River Road, Salem. Miss Miller, a junior in lib eral arts at the University, is the candidate of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Sigma, national social fraternities. The candidate of Carson hall, Miss Pederson, is a junior in music at the University. Both wom en are graduates of Salem high school. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC For functional disturb ancei, nervous headaches, nervous, irritability, excita bility, sleeplessness. $1.00-1.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:J ajo. I pjn. Sundays, I a.m. pm. 135 N. Commercial This Week's Special AT BRYDON'S Rhododendron Betty Wormald: $00 Azalea Mollis $11 00 Deep pink, husky budded plants, from . . . each Shades of orange and yellow, well budded. From . . each Gold Band Lilies Growing in containers and ready fo plant. Only . . . each Perennials Bedding Plants - Roses - Shrubs BRYDON'S Nursery & Seed Store High & Mill Streets t Down Town Free Parking at 1 p.m. The group will make plans for the Garden council's spring show to be in May. Each member is asked to bring sug gestions for arrangements for parties on special occasions. L,rnlf.m -wter member of There will be an election o of-'the Chemeketa club, was a ficers. guest. Engagement Told Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs, David Garcia of Alamosa, Col orado, announce the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Linda Garcia, to Sfc. HUarion 'Larry" Geek, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Geek of Mount Bel. Sfc. Geek is with the U.S. army stationed at Camp Car son, Colorado. The wedding will be solemn ized at a nuptial mass, May 11, in the catholic church at La Jara, Colorado. Square Dance Club Salem Heights Mrs. Har old Bowman will be the guest caller at the Bells and Beaus Square Dance club on Tuesday, April 21. at 8 p.m.. at the Sa lem Heightii Community hall. On the refreshment commit tee are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. James Darby. LEAVING this week-end to spend a month in California will be Miss Mary Larson. She is to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen at Madera. , . . WINNING the oscar at Chemeketa Toastmistress club Thursday evening was Mrs. Joseph Johnston. Mrs. Ruth Miss Diehl Bride-Elect Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diehl announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Donna Helen Diehl to Pfc. Norbert H. Aicher, son of Mrs. Sebastian Aicher and the late Mr. Aicher, when they en tertained at a dinner In their home Thursday evening. Donna Helen attended the lo cal schools, and since her grad uation from Mount Angel aca demy in 19S0, has been with the Oregon Farm Bureau Fed eration in Salem. Pfc. Aicher graduated from Mount Angel Preparatory school In 1990, and was em ployed in Salem until Decem ber when he joined the Mar ines. He is stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. No date has been set for the wedding. Covers were placed for the honored guests, Miss Donna Helen Diehl and Pfc. Norbert Aicher, Mrs. Sebastian Aicher, Miss Marlene Diehl, Joal Diehl and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Diehl. MRS. ROY COMSTOCK was hostess at a dinner on Wed nesday at her home near Rob erts Station, guests including Mrs. George Schultz, Mrs. Charles Schmerber, Mrs. Sus an Wruble, Miss Mary Wruble, Mrs. Eva Hemann, Mrs. L. C Cooney. THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI., MT., SUN., IN 541EM STORES CORN Del Monte No. 303 i cant 29c Highway No. 303 25c Soap Powder i?" 50c Whit Magic Giant 45c FLOUR Gold Medal, Pillsbury or Kitchen Craft .10 lbs. PILLSBURY or KITCHEN CRAFT. . . .25 Ibt. GOLD MEDAL . . ..... . .. . .25 lb. Margarine Blue Bonnert or Sunnybank Lb. 89c $1.89 $1.99 25c Hershey's Cocoa u,. 39c CatSUp Denn ison'torRed Hill. 14-ox. both. 27c Beef Chuck Beef Chuck Roast Roast Blad Cut Round Bon Lb 39c u 43c Scott Towels 150-shetroll 2 for 29c White Napkins Chiffon. 40 count 10c SyrUp Lumber Jack or Pack" Train. 24-ox. bottl 31C SUGAR ST ,. . 99c t, . 2l47 CAKE FLOUR MIX Betty Crocker, pkg 33c P,Ll5BURY 3Phg.. 89c PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD pkg- 49e Prem sw. 12,0I-can 39c Nestle's Morsels pk9. 19c Mayonnaise n Mad. Qf. 49c Soap Powder Td Reg pkfl 15c ORANGES All you can bag In fottr Bag. . 59c 2120 Fairgrounds Rd. 245 Court St. 1265 Center St. 935 S. Commercail Fata Friesen. - ,... 4 . , " 1 .....J.J II I, -if;