Friday, April 17, 1953 1 !K1 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Ortfiu Army Band to P'av in June Coming to Salem In June to present a concert will be the U S. Army Field Band from Washington, D C. The band played In Salem about three years ago and drew such a crowd that some had to be turned away from the high school, where the concert was given. This time the concert, dated for the afternoon of Saturday June 13, will be from the west teps of the State House. Time for the concert is 3 o'clock. In event of bad weather the concert will ho Salem high school auditorium ana a loud speaker system set up to carry the music to per sons outside in their cars who cannot get into the auditorium. The musical group of 100 men Will arrive in Sal nm 4 Via afternoon of June 12 and will leave nere the morning of June is. Bia Event Set For Westside The annual West Salem In dustrial Night dinner, with program and exhibits, will be next Wednesday night at West Salem Junior High school. Clyde Everett, manager of Oregon Flax Textiles plant, is general cnairman. He reports that all westside industries are cooperating to show the im- portance of westside industries and payrolls. ; The evening will start with a dinner at 6:30. After the dinner will be an auditorium program and merchandise priz. es will be awarded. Indus tries will have their products on display: : Mayor Al Loucks will speak and conduct a question-answer session on civic and industrial affairs. Reservations for the dinner may be made at the Salem Chamber of Commerce or by calling Clyde Everett at Ore gon Flax Textiles. Africa May Leave Commonwealth Pretoria, South Africa u.B White South Africans have given Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan a strong mandate to maintain white supremacy by means of strict racial segrega tion. - ' Under this mandate, given him Wednesday's parliamen tary election, Malan is expect ed also to move steadily toward the eventual declaration of a South African Republic com pletely independent of the Brit ish Commonwealth. Immediate results of Malan's victory were expected to be: 1. Firm suppression of the native resistance movement to race segregation, ' with drastic penalties for violation of seg regation laws. 2. Renewal of the resistance campaign, suspended during the election compaign,' in de fiance of the government 3. An attempt by the Na tionalists to override the con stitution in order to force through legislation which the courts have held unconstitu tional. 4. Increased isolation from the British Commonwealth. Bulb Blast Explodes Gas, Kills Bend Man Bend Melvin H. Brown, 38, Bend, dropped an exten sion light Thursday, and it kill ed him. The light bulb exploded when it struck the pavement where he was draining gaso line from his car. Gas fumes were ignited. The flames burned him fatally. (top1 2 or More Babies Not Honest Error New York, U.B Unwed mothers with more than one child should be dropped from relief rolls, a woman eivle leader suggested today. "A girl Is entitled to an honest mistake," Mrs. Elisa beth Spisa told a hearing of the board of estimate. "But please, two or more children cannot be called an honest mistake.". .. ... Members Join S. Salem C of C Salem Heights The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce met Wednesday eve ning and the Joryvllle Park committee reported on the park and the possibilities of its development A work day will be set In May to start the plan. Arcnie McKillop, member ship chairman for the group, was appointed to take charge of the notification of the mem bers. - Mrs. Louis Kurth, car nival chairman, reported on the progress of the carnival which is scheduled for May 13, 16 and 17, at the Browning Brothers winter quarters on Browning avenue, at Liberty Rd. New members introduced were Vista Variety, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamstreet, Vista Market, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney, Salem Builders Sup ply, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bur ris, and . Salem Auto Parts, Frank Ward. The Salem Heights Woman's club served the refreshments. Servign were Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs. Jack Williams, Opal Gardner and Mrs. Lyle Bayne. . .. . Inventories Climb in Douglas Fir Mills Portland, (U.PJA West Coast Lumbermen's association spokesman said today a drop in unfilled order files had caused inventories in Douglas fir taw mills to climb substantially this spring. . Harold E. Smith, association secretary, said lack of new or ders had caused the file of un filled orders to drop from the 1952 spring level of 954.357.000 feet to the present 924,857,000 feet. . . . ,.: JANE WITHERS SUES Hollywood FvwViilrt star Jane Withers filed suit fnr separate maintenance yester day against Texas oil man Wil liam Moss, to whom she has been married for nearly six years. Hearing was set for April 24. APRIL 18th SATURDAY AT YE ATE ITS A factory representative day to demonstrate these products for you. Come wonderful these new labor Let us serve you a free cup of delicious cof fee made in the new Sunbeam Coffeemaster! (Sunbeam Sunbeam (SSmm MIXMASTtt COFFKMASTH Sunbeam Sihbeam (Sunbeam I66C00KEI SHAM stDRT IRON JHAVEMASTfl OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 Yea ter's Television And Appliance Co. "Salem's Oldest Electrical Appliance Store" 375 Chemeketa Phone 3-4311 Joryville Park ; Plans Advance South Salem Being stud' led by the park board of the South Salem Suburban Cham ber of Commerce is Joryville Park, for the best possibilities in developments. Chairman of the park board is Chauncey Del .French. Joryville Park is situated five miles south of Salem off Liberty Rd., on the Prospect School road, and three-quarters mile west. The park proper Is 1700 feet from the road. It is a 30-acre tract with natural tint ber, Battle Creek, over which is a wooden bridge, and a rec reation area. The park is 1764 feet wide and 804 feet long, ' It has all of the characteris tics of Oregon. The hilly ter rain makes ideal for hiking. bridle trails and camping. A portion of the park in . the southwest area has been set aside for camping of Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Brownies, Camplire Girls and Bluebirds. To the south east section is a high plateau, where one can view the country for many miles and would make a won derful spot for a lodge. The northern part of the park is the area' that is being planned for immediate use. A recreation area, picnic grounds anc park ing. Grottos, fireplaces with a number of tables and benches each is under consideration. The creek runs along the pic nic area. . ' The Salem Spinning club has asked for a section in which they might put in a wading pool. This could be used for the smaller children, and the club would use it a few times each summer for their spinning tournament, to which the pub lic is always invited. Actual work on the park Is planned to begin in May. The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce is spon soring a carnival, to be held on May 15, 16 and 17, at the Browning Brothers Winter quarters, at Browning Ave., at Liberty Road. Other organiza tions in the South Salem Sub urban area are also participat ing, and many in and around Salem are being asked for their support. All of the proceeds will go to the development of the park. Slated for May 2, is a cake baking sale, sponsored by the Liberty Womans club at Dick sons Market, at 12th St. and U. S. 99E. All the women in the South area are asked to participate. The proceeds will go to the park fund. Cherry City Electric 339 Chemeketa Phone 2-6762 IS... will be in our store ell sensational new Sunbeam in, let us show you how taring devices are. Mmmm.&.mmft X . ir n y v n v v V i f ' U'' V 'Iff, . , ,'0, Mi 1 ' 'jk ; , Arson Suspected in Forest Grove Blaze Forest Grove W A fire that destroyed a building here was investigated by a state police arson squad Thursday. Results were not announced. , . The building owner. J. A. Hudson, said he suspected the fire had been set., He has been in dispute with the city over the building,, which the city said did not -conform to the building code. . The city ordered the build ing torn down. Hudson refus ed, saying he would improve it. Then fire broke out, and the building was destroyed Wednesday night . : . ; . . This Dark will be omm In th public. It was deeded to the South Salem Suburban Cham ber of Commerce bv Mr. anil Mrs. Ed Jory. If BROWN SAYS: ENJOY YOUR I My FISHING WHILE MING THIS Pill VW mmem 7lPfiTl(rPJl Ii rrwn . I v'?7ntf I -7 .,-5fflHfi2Sh-aa 7 l III ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION ! TO GET THIS WATERPROOF PONCHO AT NO COST, HERE'S WHAT YOU DO! Come in, phone or mail the handy coupon. The 1 7 jewel Ruff & Tuff watch is yours for 1 0 days without obligation. And the Poncho is included FREEI Wear the watch ... treat it as your own. You'll agree it's the best watch for accuracy, style, and utility that you've ever owned. If not, juit bring it back in. Either way keep the Poncho Free! It's our way of saying thanks for making this FREE trial. Our supply of these handy Ponchos it definitely limited, o you must takt advantag of this offer at oncol LAY-AWAY FOR GRADUATION FATHER'S DAY GIFT LIMITED QUANTITY! MOBILE DOCK-BARGE TESTED .41- V " '-.IV' , A huge mobile dock-barge is shown above undergoing tests at Orange, Tex., before delivery to the U. S. Army. It h the first of six of the structures each of which Is 300 feet long, 90 feet wide and 13 feet deep. They can be towed with cargo and on arrival at destination the 12 legs or caissons are lowered to raise the barge to the desired height by air jacks which circle each leg. (AF Wirephoto.) . Two-for-One Split in Stock Gets Approval Vancouver, B. C, ' W) The Canadian Western Lumber Co. Lt, announced Wednesday its directors have approved a share exchange offer made by Crown Zellerbach Corp. of San Francisco. . Henry J. . Mackln, Western Lumber president, said the di rectors will recommend the company's 8,000' shareholders accept the Crown Zellerbach offer of a two-for-one split of its present shares and to ex change one of its new shares for three Canadian Western. r-,r-,r- WON'T ACCUSE KILLER , Vancouver,, Wash. (U.R) R. Dewitt Jones, Clark county prosecutor, said today his of fice will - not file charges against George R. Carlson, 27, Portland steel workers who shot his wife last Sunday. ' Carlson told sheriff's . offi cers he thought the revolver was unloaded. His wife died from wounds In the stomach. APPLIANCE REPAIR Call as for prompt and expert work on all stppIUneea . Mayes Appliance Repair , . Phone 4-59H UB Btata bt OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT JEWELERS i in ts oiw-'-',:!. .l ,i.skjsssr: . y . iMtim ill ill 11 m - "sz.' n . sa-jv rw;f-i vmimft is Rsltm's Leading Credit Jewelers and Purple Heart Military Order of the Purple Heart, Quesseth post 305, auxil iary met at the home of Mrs. George Quesseth Wednesday night.. Visitors from Portland were Mrs. ' Viola Carlson, national secretary; Mrs. Ellen Allen, na tional treasurer; Irene M. Car ter, president of the Portland unit; Mrs. Hula Lanqwell, his torian. ! Election of officers for the years resulted as follows: Mrs. Neva Levinson, president; Mrs. Clifford. Stevens, senior vice presidents Mrs. Art King, Jun ior vice president; Mrs. Stan ley Hoehmer, secretary-treas urer; Mrs. George Quessethm, chaplain; Mrs. Verne Ostran der, parliamentarian; Mrs. Fred Konkle, historian; Mrs. Wil liard Boehmer, patriotic in structor; Mrs. Elmer Byer, trustee.- :. ' - , Mrs. Ostrander appointed Mrs. Neva Levinson chairman of the state department con vention and Mrs. Clifford Ste vens chairman of the televi sion show booth in Portland. It is the effort of the Purple Heart chapter to place a tele vision set in every ward in the Veterans' hospitals. v Hospital day, May 8, is in never used such fine fuel. PrcO;tO'lono.w6ftcgewol CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 'TIL 9 -m 1 1 1 t 1 1 r i ltlilfimwil Opticians charge of Mrs. Art Bing. A ward will be taken over at the Veterans' hospital. It was voted to assist the YMCA on the summer camp youth program. ;. . Body of Killer's Sen Found Near River Lawrence, Mass. un Auth orities added a final, tragie postscript today to the mad killing spree of Peter Akulonis. The body of his son, Petes Jr., 10, was found yesterday en . a bank of the Merrimae river. He was the ninth victim of hia father's maniacal urge to wipe out his family, ; Akulonis killed himscll Wednesday after murdering his) wife, another sen, his mother, two brothers and two nephews. Young Peter was missing after the slaylngs, but police held hope he was alive when they found a note on Akulonis say ing ::I love Peter best." "Rock-dusting" coal mine with ground limestone reduces the chance of explosion by neutralizing the coast dust Dangerous Trees A SPECIALTY Topping, Trimming and , Removing Insured' , . . Ph.2-0383 3-8862 opiircirTi' limit Ont to Cwtwwr is w 33 i Xtf Vn ... 1 StmJ mt Hi Rff k Tirfl W.IcK Iw Ira lo-fay tmi Bll I Ilk lh nkk, I ! pvf 0 mtUf iM Hi M ewtkiw fri f UM h fU. hihi.1 fREEhMtetmMlftlM . . I Zill. tcts n f liming , i hi 1 r 4 1 i