Pure 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcfoa In the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Monmouth Pleasantdale Pleaantdale Mr. and Mr. J. G. Penland spent the week end at Waldport, visiting a friend, Mn. Lena McDain, who will be remembered her as Lena Versteeg. Mrs. Penland if much Improved after her re cent illneii. Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mti. Scott Edwards were friend, Mr. and Mn. Frank Wright of Newberg, Mr. and Mn. Art Prestclhau of Lafayette, and Mr. and Mr. Harold Owen of McMlnnvllle. Miu Lola Coat of Portland apent Sunday afternoon with her litter and family, Mr. and Mri. Carl RuUchmsn and chil dren. Mr. and Mr. Ed Richard had Sunday dinner in Portland at the home of Mr, and Mr. Porter J. Rector. Other gueit were the Rector ton and fam ily, Mr, and Mrs. Dean Rector and Larry, alio of Portland. Mr. Dean Rector 1 the Rich ard daughter. Mr, and Mr. H. A. Murphy made a builnes trip to Fort land, recently. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Graben hort had a Sunday afternoon caller hi brother and wife, Mr. and Mr. Dick Grabenhorit of Nelseott. A houie gueit of Mr.' and Mr. C. W. Sloan for three day wa hi (ittcr-in-Iaw. Mr. W, A. Sloan of Oallai, During the vlilt Mr. and Mr. A. F. Wlllion and Mr. and Mr. J. L. Ftnley of Dayton were gueit at a dinner honoring Mr. W. A. Sloan. They and Mr. Sloan were formerly from Coqullle. Sunday afternoon caller at the home of Mr. and Mr. C.I W. Sloan were friend, Mr. and Mr. Jame Waico of Sherwood, and their daughter, Gay Lee. Mr. Bui Hadloy, who ha Margaret' Gift and Flower Shop, ha Installed a refriger ated flower cooler at her home. ' Mr. and Mri. Bua Hadley ob- terved their wedding annlver ary, Tuesday, April 7, having dinner at Nohlgren's In Salem and later visiting her aunt and uncle there, Mr. and Mr. Ira Lelchty. " Mr. Floyd McFarlane, Plea antdale, and her daughter, Mr. Don Car lion, McMlnnvllle, pent Friday In Portland and vlilUd friend, Mr. Larry Slemp, a bar new home. Mr. and Mr. George Webs ter and ion were dinner gueit of her brother and family. Mr. and Mr. Leland Hole and chil dren in Gmham, Sunday. Mr. Dean Spencer ef Fort- land and her baby daughter, Gwen Ellen, came Sunday eve- nine to visit her parent, Mr, and Mr. George Webster, and remained until Tuejday. Mr. Louea Hanvllla of Carl ton recently viilted her lUter- in-law here, Mr. Fred Helen- itein. Mr. and Mr. Marlon Warner became parent Monday morn Ing, April 13, with the birth of a daughter, rameua Jeanne, at the Portland General nuptial The baby weighed 6 pound. 1SV4 ounce. The grandparent are Mr. and Mri. Clarence War. ner and Mr. ana Mr. Hal Hendrlckton, of Webfoot. Stayton OSCAR LEVANT 0. S. C. Coliseum Sal., April 18, 8 P.M. Price: $2, $1.50, $1 Unci. Tax) Ticket Now on Sal at WILLS MUSIC STORE SALEM Stayton Mr. Margaret Fel ler ha resigned from the fac ulty of the Stayton grade ichool to accept a poaltion in Turner, which i nearer her home. The Union high ichool cart of the play, The Robe, preient ed a matinee to the student of the elementary ichool Wednes day afternoon. A great number of student in the Stayton grade ichool are making porter for the "For get Me Not," drive, iponiored by the American Legion. A first aid class will be held for the member of the Stay- ton Volunteer Fire Department Thuriday night, April 16. The clan will be taught by Ser geant Mundlnger, of the Salem city police. Boy Scout troop number 80, met in the basement of the Women' Community building at 7 p.m., on Monday. During the meeting, a religi ous film was shown. A Court of Honor Is being planned for the Scout members ome time In the near future, according to Mr. Robert Still well, Scoutmaster. Thia Is an advancement program, when the Scouts receive their earned advancements. The members present for the moetlng were: Dennis Deetz, Billy Angel, Clayton Emery, Roy Davi, Robert Anderson, George Burn. Harry Davli, Kenny Ware, Marvin Champ, Duane Champ, Jere Ward, Bob Kiene, BlUy Kergil. The Stayton Chamber of Commerce held Its meeting at the Bon Ton Cafe, at noon on Monday. Anthol Riney, of Salem, was the- speaker. His subject was 4-H work, dlsciuilng moitly the 4-H iprlng show of Marlon county which will be held In Stayton May 4-8. Gene Teague Is "setting up" for the soap box derby. Any merchant wishing to sponior a driver can get the necessary forms from him at the Chev rolet agency. . Monmouth Leonard Fet ters, sge 18, ion of Mr. and Mr. L. O. Fetter. 1 reported Improved by the Albany Gen eral hospital where he 1 eon. fined. Fetters was seriously in lured Friday when he was crushed between two logs and is tutler'n trora s badly crush ed chest and leg. He was era ployed in logging by the Clay ton Lumber Co. and wa work ing near Jefferson when hurt. Don Curry, ion of Mr. and Mr. Clarence Curry, left Sat urday to return to his base In Mew York City after spending a 17 day furlough with his parents. Curry, a storekeeper 2c In the U. S. Coast Guard made the trip both ways by plane. Mrs. Anna Mathany accom panied her son. Virgil Mathany, to Myrtle Point Tuesday, to attend the funeral services Wednesday for her brother. Tom Hall, 89, who died from heart attack Sunday, Mr. Mathany recently returned home from a Corvalll hospital where he wa treated for a back Injury received In a fall at her home. She also received broken arm and is wearing cast Mrs. W. Conrow has been caring for Mrs. Mathany in the Mathany home. Newly installed officer of the Neighbor of Woodcraft Circle are: Mr. Ruth Alslp, guardian neighbor: Mr. Guy Thornbrue, banker; Mr. Ivy Ha mar, clerk; Mr. Bernlce Cody, flag bearer; Mrs. Ruth Ebbert, past guardian neighbor. Other officers are: Mrs. Fran ces Kester, Mrs. Ethel More land, and Wyatt Elliott. A baked ham dinner preced ed the Installation at the home of Mr. and Mr. Guy Thorn brue. Mr. Cordia Morrison. Amity', a grand circle officer, wa guest tpeaker. Mr. P. O. Burbank was guest of honor at a birthday dinner at her home, south of town Sunday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. AI Jenkins and family, Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs. Al Jackson and family, independence; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Daniels, and baby, To ledo, Earl Burbank and P. O. Burbank, Monmouth. Mrs. A. W. Stock of Dumont, Iowa spent the week end at the home of her cousin, Rev. W. F. Rademacher and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Layton are visiting their children in Astoria for the next few weeks. L. V. "Vic" Wlthrow. Salem, will speak at the regular meet ing of the Mt. Plsgah Farmers Union. A 7 p.m. covered dish dinner will precede the meet ing. Joan golberg. Music director Hal Beyer presented the band and chorus in a varied program of selec tions including one by the com bined beginner of North Ma rlon, Aurora and Hubbard, trio number and the finale by the combined band chorus. North Marion's trackmen snared a 84-27 cinder victory over Cbemawa Indiana Fri day in dual meet. North Maiion captured 10 first and high point man was the Huskies' Kenneth Hooley with 18 V4 off a number of sec onds and thirds. Lewis Rich ter of North Marlon won the shot and javelin, the Huskies' Merlin Kliewer wss first in the high hurdle and 880 and tied for flnt In the low itlck and Owen Stockard of the winner took the discus and high jump. Unionvale Willamina North Marion In the Middle Ages the Bal tl. Sea 1 said to have frozen Over frequently. ATTENTION LOGGERS 2-MILUON DOLLAR EQUIPMENT DISPLAY WILLAMETTE VALLEY LOGGING CONFERENCE APRIL 23, 24 & 25, 1953 Lane County Fair Grounds, Eugene, Oregon Hubbard The North Ma rion Huskies will tangle with Sheridan in league baseball on their own field here Friday, April 17 at 2:30 p.m. The junior-senior prom will be held at North Marlon Fri day evening, April 17. Amity will come to North Marlon for baseball Tuesday afternoon, April 21 at 2:30 p.m. North Marion track squad will compete In a league track meet at Llnfield college, Mc Mlnnvllle, Thursday afternoon, April 23, at 1 p.m. First awards of large letters were presented to Gene Hastle, Bob Beal and Robert Jeskey by Pinclpal Pat Beal at the third annual spring concert at North Marlon Friday evening. Also presented were second award of small letters to Ken Hooley, Keith McNary and Dale Callaway. Large chorus letters were awarded Maxlne Hill, Betty Jo Rose and Nancy Schuler and master musician key were re ceived by Judy Albers and SWIFT'S SKINNED mm Half or Whole LB. fin Lrll GROUND BEEF ... . STEER BEEF STEAKS . Sirloin, Rib, T-Bone, Round lb. 29' ,..49' Pol Roast ib 39 U.S. No. 2 Potatoes 50 V FREE DELIVERY On Orders Over $4.00 ED'S MARKET Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1120 lth St. Ph. 26403 Willamina Mr. Bernice Miller of Portland (pent the weekend here wltji her father, Ernest Connlck. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myers were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boundy, In celebration of Mrs. Myers' birthday, Mrs. Effie Atkey and Mr. I. J. Green visited Mrs. Sophie Sandberg and Mr. Vesta Glass at the McMlnnvllle Convales cent home one day this week. Fanny and Mike O'Dell of Tacoma, were weekend guests at the Jerry Wade home. Jerry O'Dell, who visited hers the past week, returned home with them. Mrs. S. Durant of Klamath Falls Is spending this week with Mrs. Ethel Read. Mrs. George Crone gave birthday supper for Mr. Crone Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spangler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Crone, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Spangler. L. L. Land of Auburn, Wash, visited his daughter. Mrs. Or vllle Harper last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee visited in Seattle over the weekend with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Plnnick and family of Florence visited friends here during the week end. . N. W. Smith is improving In the McMlnnvllle Convalescent home from a recent stroke. , Mrs. Gordon Mendenhall is suffering from the mumps this week. Mr. and Mrs. V. C Neal visit ed his brother, W. W. Neal, in Silverton one day this week. Jan Forsman is recovering from a case of the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burgess and son of Tillamook spent Sunday at the Earl Dickey home. j Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hel lend of Salem were Sunday guests of Mrs. Augusta Jensen. Unionvale Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Dollar of the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren ehurch will be the speakers at tha last meeting of the season of the Dayton Parent-Teaehers association to be held at the Dayton grade school building Monday, Aprl zo, at a p.m. Tha ubict will be "Good Cltiaensblp Begin in tha Fam- "y" . ... Installation ol onicers sor the ensuing year will take place at that time a follow: Howard Bteingruoe or. un ionvale rural district, presi dent Mrs. John Lltscber, Pleasantdale, vice president; Mr. Dale Massey, Dayton, sec retary; Mrs. W. J. Jones, Pleas antdale, treasurer. Program chairmen, for school band it Woodburn wlU enter tha all-day omwi music contest at Sweet Home Saturday, April 18, th about 45 boy and girls attanring nnifer the leadership of Don Jtssop. The group will ltsve Woodburn early Saturday morning most of them going by bus Macleay Webfoot Webfoot Subordinate rant No. 71 B ana juvvaiw grange met in regular monthly session at the grange nau w urdiv evening. A miscellaneous program os local talent foUowed the busi ness. Helen McManlmla accom panied by her mother on the piano, gave a group or vioun t, i numbers and their mother, evening will 'be Mr. and Mrs. John Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe. Going from the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethern WSWS Tuesday to attend a district meeting held at Taft were Mr. Clyde Dollar and Richard, Mr. Leona Dawson, Mr. Art Launer, Mr. Clark Noble, Mr. Raymond Palmer, Miss Lola Mae Palmer, Mrs. William Taylor, Mr. Harvery Turner, Mr. Marion. Sisco, Mr. Howard Steingrube, Mrs. Roy Stoutenburg, Mrs. Raleigh Worthington, Mrs. E. J. Wild er. Mrs. Vernon Wright. Furnishing transporta 1 1 o n were Mrs. Steingrube, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Noble. A sack lunch was served in the base ment at non with the Taft or ganization furnishing coffee. Rev. Fogg of Jennings Lodge was one of the speakers. ffir. McManlmie accompanied on the piano. Thuriday evening, April 22 a taffy puU will ie held at the ball. The Pomona grange will be held Saturday. April 29, at Cove Orchard, - Mill City Woodburn Unionvale Unionvale The last one of the Red Cross First Aid meet ings in the series of nine les sons, in charge of Mrs. Orick Busick of Unionvale, was held at the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church Mon day evening. . The lessons are two hours long. Certificates will be Issued to each one taking the full 18 hours work. In the class were Mrs. George Asher, Mrs. Edwin Clow, Mrs. George Diebel, Mrs. Susie Douglas, Mrs. Vic tor Geiger, Mrs. Carrie Kidd, Mrs. Arl Launer, Mrs. Orval McCandless, Mrs. Louis Magee, Mrs. Steven Nevil, Mrs. Clark Noble, Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Sr., Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Jr., Mrs. Cecil Will. Mrs. Orlck Busick is taking a course in home nursing at Mc Mlnnvllle. The regular Lions club meet ing was held at the U. S. Al derman cafe Monday evening. The dinner was prepared and served at 7:30 by Mrs. John Todd and Mrs. Charles Papala. Woodburn A silver tea was held Tuesday by the Ladies Aid of the Immanuel Lutheran church at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. William Carlson. About 43 persons signed the guest book which was in charge of Rev. Carlson and approximately $33 was realized from the tea. The program included vocal solos by Mrs. E. W. Lawson, piano solos by Tamara Majors, a reading by Miss Jane Mc Grath and a quartet number by Misses Inez Nelson, Blanche Chrlstensen, Joyce Eckwortzel and Marjorie Hall. Mrs. Glen Ahre accompanied the vocal numbers. Mrs. Julius Granned was hostess and pouring were Mrs. J. William Carlson, Mrs. L. M. Erickson, and Mrs. Albert Barstad. Co-chairman for the event were Mrs. Reuben Phil lips and Mrs. Howard Nelson. Mill City John Anderson was taken to the Santiatn Me morial hospital in Stayton last week suffering from a heart condition. Anderson is report edly getting along satisfactor ily. The Roger Nelsons have pur chased the former Jim Reed property in east Mill City. Nel sons own and operate the Mill City rooming house. Mr. and Mrs. Verlne Moberg of Mill City are parents of a son born April 8 in the Santlam Memorial hospital In Stayton. The baby weighed 9 lbs. and was named Larry Verle. It is their first child. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers are moving into their new home in east Mill City near the city limits. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reuters new home is nearing comple tion. It is being constructed on property near their grocery store in east Mill City. Macleay Mrs. Celia Perry and Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., were hostesses to members ef Du Grange Home Economic club, at the grange ball Tues day afternoon. The iiud iudjccx w wi den Planning and Planting with lira. Albert Mader as leader. - The hostesses for May will be Mrs. Elmer McKee and Mrs. Edwin Powers. ' The study subject will be "Pest Control and Care of Shrubs," with Mrs. Robert Hansen as leader. Present were Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., Mrs. I. H. White Mn.'W. Welch, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mr. Ron Wingard, Mr. Richard McKee, Mrs. M. M. Magee and the hostesses, Mrs. Celia Perry and Mrs. Martin. Fruitland Union Hill Election . of officer will be held at the regular meeting of the Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church Tuesday, April 21, at the home of Mrs, P. L. La Barr, The meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. and a sack lunch will be served at noon wnth dessert and coffee furnished by Mrs. LaBarr and Mrs. N. F. Tyler, hostesses. Plans will be completed for a food and miscellaneous auc tion sale by the group as the church Friday, April 24, at 8 p.m. C. H. Buchanan will act as auctioneer and refresh ments will be served by the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Mrs. H. A. Lohse, Mrs. Harold Livesay and Mrs. N. F. Tyler are planning the program for the evening. Union HU1 Mrs. Ralph Mol- let, Sr., will entertain the members of the Union Hill Woman's club at her home Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. There will be special music with Mrs. Henry Tate and Mrs. Donald Peters in charge of the program for the afternoon. Master Richard Krenz will preside during the business meeting of the Union Hill grange when it meets Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ffox, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox, Jr., and Mrs. Carrie Townsend will serve on the lunch commit tee, v The annual party for the Un ion Hill Woman's club mem bers, that was formerly sched uled for April 11, will be held at the Union Hill grange hall Saturday night, April 18, with a 6 o'clock supper. This is for the club members and their families. Halls Ferry A cake walk and miscel laneous auction sale will be held following the regular meeting or Home Rebhkah lodge at the Woodburn I.O.O.F. hall Tuesday evening, April 21. Mrs. J. Weber is chairman of the auction and ' charge of the cake walk. The program will be in charge of Mrs. J. B. Gay and Miss Laura Bonney and refresh ments will be served by Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Thomas Engle and Mrs. Myrtle Hall. The Washington grade Halls Ferry The Pine Top pers, 4-H forestry club, par ticipated in a tree planting trip to Mehama at the 4-H forestry planting grounds donated by the state forestry department Saturday, April 11, with ten members making the trip. Friday evening, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. is the Pine Toppers meeting date at Halls Ferry school. Friday evening, May 1, the Pine Topper will participate in a program at the Robert grange. Gary Barker ha been chos en by the forestry club to rep resent them at the 4-H sum mer school at Corvallls, June 18 to June 26. Fruitland Fruitland Home Extension unit met at the borne of Mrs. Martin Langan, Tues day at 12:30 for a smorgasbord dinner, : Mrs. Lucy Brown, Mrs. An- thel Riney, Mrs. Lela Fagg helped Mrs. Langan In the kitchen. The chairman, Mrs. Selma' Dalke, was in charge of the business meeting. Mrs. Lela! Fagg was chairman of planning committee, and passed out leaf-1 lets with different projects to be voted on by all units, to be used in meetings next year. New officers for next year elected were: Chairman, Mrs. Ada Karr; vice chairman, Mrs. Olive Langan; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Clara Fischer, Plana were made for their part in the annual Spring Fes tival, to be at the First Chris tian church, April 25. Mrs. Bess Riney and Mrs. Olive Langan volunteered to work on cleanup after the Spring Festival. Mrs. Dalke introduced the speaker for the afternoon, Pauline Schaplowsky of the county extension office. Her subject was "Becoming a Good Buyer." Fruitland district is adding on two new rooms to the school. The third teacher has been hired and lives in the Fruitland district, Dorothy Rickman. The two other teachers have been rehired, Mrs. R. C. Genre and Mrs. Mary South. The May meeting will be at the home of the new chairman, Mrs. Ada Karr, the project subject . being "Care of Rugs and Upholstered Furniture.'.' Friday, April 17, 1953 Mkuil at tha beach. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Frink and family of Dallas spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. rayt Frlnk. Bftw Anun snd son of Salpm visited his mother, Mrs. Anna Sorenson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Georae Kitchen and Leon made a business trip w &au. Bethel Park Bethel Park . Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson returned home from Westport, Ore., Sunday. Mrs. Nelson arranged the church decorations for the Saturday evening wedding of her grand daughter, Lo Vanne Hudson. - Miss Hudson was wed to Da vid Humphrey in the Westport Assembly of God church, Rev. R. Bullock officiating. Rev. and Mrs. Atwood Fos ter and son David, were Sun day dinner guests at the Rev. Robert Swope home. Rev. Foster was morning guest speaker in the Brooks Assembly of God church. Detours are prevalent In the park while ditches are being dug for a : modern irrigation system. ... Amitv Falls City Grand Island I mm) StmJlCBCOLD! So smooth it leaves you brtatbUss mi 10 mmoff v VODKA td twrf M Ann 100 trim mini irin fc rmitSmiinoF1. Inc.. Hinfcrd.toa ACORNS FROM THE V WITH DEL MILNE 8om of the ladies "about town" hare been kidding me about my apparent over enthusiasm in the Sty is Show Luncheon next Mon day. One lady said "Del. you're fickle, for awhile all you talked about was your new Oak Room and its marvelous charcoal-barbe-qued steaks. Now you're all for the Fashion Luncheon." Well, I'm still proud of the Oak Room and I "Just love" the Chef (hell like that and maybe it will stall off a raise) but this column Is so very Uny I Just can not get everything in that I would like to you know. I have so very much to talk about around the Marion and so little space In which to do It. But I do want to remind the ladles that Monday In the day. Talk your bos into glvinc you an extra half hour for lunch or if you're a housewife, let the dusting go, farm out the children to Grandma and get down here. Ii hit Hi Km RtM Merit UU Grand Island Mrs. James Worthin g t o n and daughter, Sheryl of Graton, Calif.- ac companied a neighbor who was making the motor trip and are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley, and her hus band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worthington, both resi dents of the Grand Island dis trict. Rev. Clyde Dollar, Marlon Sisco, Howard Steingrube and Roy Stoutenburg, minister, and members of the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church, went to Portland Tues day to investigate the feaslbll Ity of purchasing a sawdust burner to Install for heating the Unionvale church. Falls City Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Mills attended the North west Ministers conference at Seattle from Monday until Thursday. Leslie Grlppin, his mother, ' Mrs. Louie Grlppin, and his son, Wayne, were in Dallas and Rickreall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dodge and family of Valsetz were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Teresa smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bowman of Portland were Sunday call er at his sister s home. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Strauss. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamprecht made a trip to Woodburn Wed nesday. The film on the life of Sgt. Jacob Shazer, the Doolittle raider who returned to Japan as a Free Methodist mission ary, will be shown at the Free Methodist church Wednesday, April 22, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Nellie Mack returned home Friday from a three week vacation. She visited Mrs. Maude Conklin of Port land, Mr. Florence Lindsay, Mr. Pearle Wilson and Mr. Vena Hansen, all of Belling ham, Wash. Mr. Virgil Davi spent Monday in Salem. ' Martin Henthorne and fam ily of Oregon City enjoyed Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Henthorne. Mae Alexander Lee and fam ily of Harrisburg have moved to Fall City. Carl Pedersen ha opened a hoe hop on Main St Mr. and Mr. George Peter son and family accompanied by Violet Lamorecht FREE! DANCE LESSONS 111 JUT. HIT! (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr. Triplet! and staff of JOHhAU STUDIO 7 At Modern "J At ' Old Time tH Dancing from I to 12 now Hhowln - n.. "J Yminr . jeff Chandler "BECAUSE OF YOU" Also Clandette Colbert "CLEOPATRA" BOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Teraorrew 1:M to 4:00 p.m. ( CARTOONS - SERIAL 8peclal Matinee Feature "UNDER NEVADA 8KIE8 Hoy Rogers A Trigger Ate BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE Mfte Thompson, nary Koehler, Si,".1 tP.?."' Jndr SlK;k, "ell WHUrd Vincent, Frank Miner, John O all a her, il,d.LJ',b,B McAl fine, Dick Kuykendall, Daryl Pare, Nancy Shutter, David Ernst, Jerry Henne, Jlmmle F!mtan' 2ntT Ktht. Cry Church, Richard Overman, El.a Donaldson, Ruth 8cheideter, Bob French, Billy Laird. Georre Psdrtc, Stephen Smlther, Mary Sullivan, Joaa SehneU, Alexan dria Bredfleld. Amity Myrtle Circle No. 68, Neighbors of Woodcraft, were hosts to the grand team from Portland Monday evening also a number of grand and district officers. Delegates to the district meeting to be held in Newberg May 11-12 were elected. Ralph Wood, Opal Lahley, Rose Wood and Pete Mekkers will repre sent Myrtle Circle. Alternates are Elma Nason, Russell Law son, Elona .Wood and Pearl Manning. . - . , E ilRIVCIN THEATR1 )Hi 2-782? UIISH MRDINL HWHWAYttl GATES OPEN 6:15 8HOW AT 7:20 ENDS SATURDAY In Technicolor "THE PATHFINDER" George Montgomery Plus In Technicolor "A A RON' SUCK FROM FUNKIN CRICK" Tonite (Frl.) Our Big f Cartoon-Carnival J SNEAK PREVUE TONIGHT 8:45 P.M. ELSINORE IKONE .7M Don-Id O'Connor Vera Ellen In Technicolor "CALL ME MADAM" a SNEAK . PREVUE 8:45 P.M. FHONI S-SOM John Derek ' Mona Freeman "THUNDERBIRDS" Brod. Crawford 11 In Technicolor 1 l "LAST OF THE MOMi s-sxar ::-.-: i . Bob D: ; ' In Technicolor "ROAD TO BALI" . a . Rock Hudson In Technicolor . "LAV7.ri nRr"" rnoNi a.S72i Rex Rarrhon Lllll Palmer "FOUR POSTER a Also! "MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" 3 II ILdOssUIJ HEY KIDS! TOMORROW! AT NOON PRIZES! CARTOONS! SERIAL! 2 BIG FEATURES In Technicolor!