Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 17, 1953, Page 19, Image 19

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    Friday, April 17, 195S
'11 Ijl
- 1J5
f os Soem
East Salem .A numhp nf
East Salem women are visiting
their neighbors over coffee
CUDI once a wmW. Rovoral
who live on Fisher Rd. and
tne short streets off thii street,
and on Sunnyvlew Ave. have
been meeting on Tudv
morning for leveral weeki for
wese visit. . . . -
Tuesday morning hostess was
Mrs. Jerrv Horn Attnfln
for the first week were Mrs.
wiiuam Lock, with her house
ooaine 01 Vancouver, wash.
Other neiihbon una Mn J.
M. McCrea, Mrs. Don Maui,
mrs. narvey page, Mrs. Virgil
Miller, Mrs. Albert Suran, Mrs.
Lester Orton, Mrs. Tied Smal
ley and Mrs. Horn.
The April business meeting
of the Swegle Community
Builders was held Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Mel
vin La Due on Hollywood Dr.
Attending were Mrs. Conrad
Hofstedt, Mrs.' Earl Rowland,
Mrs. Leonard Odom, Mrs. Rich
ard Hlghberger, Mrs. George
Shell, Mrs. Arthur Masters,
Mrs. Verio Klampe, the host
ess and a new member, Mrs.
Daryel Donaldson. '
The social meeting will be
April 27 with Mrs. Odam.'
The welfare chairman of this
group reported food and cloth
ing given a family whose home
was burned.
Dr. Robert Anderson, pub
licity chairman for the school
carnival held at Hoover school
last Friday night reported ovea
$600 received, but the general
chairman,' George Golorth, has
some expense from this.
Committee chairmen were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills.
Mrs. J. W. Dransfeldt. Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Dumler, James Zlg-
ler, Mrs. Pete McCafferty, Mrs.
O. P. Wagner, Mrs. William
Weill, Mrs. G. Jackson and Ed
The first April broadcast at
Swegle school this week had
as the announcer, Johnny
Jones. Reporters were Bonny
Welty, Daryel Zwemke, De
anna Korb, Gary Allison, Mar
garet Gllman, Jerry Gotchall
and general school announce
ment by Daryel Donaldson.
The third grade now has 29
pupils. Jean Blankeroort came
from Haines and Beverly Jus
tus was transferred from High
land school. "
New officers for this grade
are president, Sharon Lock;
vice president, Margie Masters;
secretary, Gary Willis; and
treasurer, John Speers.
There are four new pupils In
the fourth grade, Carol Blanks
voort, Victor Allen, Harold
Ruby and Kay Riby.
The officers are: president,
Newton Alderman; vice presi
dent, Lonny Doctor and secre
tary, Nancy Stark.
Phillip Jones of this grade
has been out of school three
weeks because of illness.
Swegle school now has three
pupils out of school with
rheumatic fever. They are
Gary Hoffman, who la the lat
eit victim, Carolyn Martin and
Dale Beach.
Texture Plays lead
Role in Your Carpet
Texture and color go hand-ln-hand.
In fact, different tex
tures can make the same color
appear darker or lighter, duller
or brighter. And your carpet's
texture may give an air of for
mality or informality to your
Most carpet Is woven In loops
called pile. When these loops
are left intact, the carpet has
"uncut pile." But when these
loops are clipped, the carpet
has "cut pile." All the different
weaves except Axmlnster can
easily be made cut or uncut
pile. Quality depends on the
materials and the workman
ship, not on whether or sot the
pile is cut
Beildee carpets with cut pile
and carpet with uncut pile,
you'll find carpets with differ
ent mixtures. Sometimes one
carpet hat both cut and uncut
pile, sometimes a carpet mixes
cut or uncut piles of various
height. i
Generally speaking, the nub
by look of uncut pile it best for
informal rooms. And sculp
tured rugs or rugs with a cut
pile have a luxurious look
that's right for formal rooms.
But texturet vary to widely,
you can't make any hard and
fast rules. The texture that you
like best and that suit your
room best It the right one.
15 Names Added to ,
Jury List at Albany -;
Albany Addition of II.
name to the current jury Ut
was announced Thursday by
County Clerk R. M. Ruasell in
anticipation of the trial of
John Bob SturgUl on a first i
degree murder charge, which
1 scheduled to start in circuit
court her Tuesday at :M
am "." ' " '
Sturgtn Is charged with the
slaying of Lot Hughe Gllmoro
in a hobo jungle camp last
February. ' The accused man
wa returned to Oregon from
California and ha been in the
county 111 the past several
week. . .
Size Vital in
Living Rooms
The new trend in home ar
chitecture is to sacrifice space
in kitchens, baths and bed
v rooms in order to have a large
living room or living-dining
room. This means that many
houses In the "small home"
class, may have living rooms
from 20 to 25 feet long, or
longer, and proportionately
The problem in decorating a
large room, particularly if it
is furnished so that one end
serves as a dining room, is to
make it one decorative unit.
The one best solution is to tie
' the room together with the
floor, covering.
Many Karastans are woven
in larger sizes to meet this de
mand. So, regardless of how
large your customer's room Is,
she can almost always find a
Katastan that fits it and allows
the correct amount of floor
apace as a border.
' For "problem" rooms certain
Karastan rugs can also be made
in custom sizes on special or
ders through a unique method
of hand weaving. I'.- is a simple
matter. Merely select the stand
ard sizes that can be cut and
hand-woven to meet her re
quired size.
Many new homes of ranch
house design have a large "L-
v shaped" living area instead of
living room and dining room
In such a layout two matching
rugs are very often more at
tractive and practical than
either one large rug or car-
' peting.
Carpet Bazaar On in
Furnishings Stores
New 1953 carpet styles from
the mills of the nation's lead
ing carpet manufacturers will
be unveiled to the public dur
ing the Carpet Fashion Bazaar,
April 13 to 23 in furniture and
home furnishings stores across
the country. A special showing
for the public of the latest floor
covering fashions will be held
during the two week period at
H. L. Stiff Furniture company.
Revolutionary advances in
carpet making techniques and
the development of new and
improved raw materials have
made possible a vast array of
'. luxurious, long-wearing tex
tures and patterns in popular
and medium price ranges.
Many of the carved and sculp
tured effects long associated
with the most expensive car
pet are now within reach of
every budget. Modern textures,
casual provincial designs and
new Interpretations ot tradi
tional floral patterns have been j
styled for every decorating !
taste. '
The new floor coverings com- j
blne style and beauty with
such practical advantages as
greater quiet in the home,
warmth, less upkeep of floors,
making small rooms appear
larger and a long term invest
ment in home improvement,
according to William Kaufman.
Lebanon Engineer
Stricken on Street
T U r T T ! 1
ijcuauun vM'tir njuimcr j
155-year-old yarder engineer
for the Gilbert-Eaton Log
ging company, collapsed ear
ly Wednesday morning
while standing at a Main street
Intersection waiting for trans
portation to work. Taken to
the community hospital, he
died Wednesday evening.
Kangas was born at Unpen
ning, Mich., August 9, 1897,
and had lived in Oregon for
the past 20 years, coming from
Portland to Lebanon In 1941.
He lived alone at 128 East
Maple street, Lebanon.
Surviving are three sisters,
Mrs. Ellen Johnson and Mrs.
Jean Adee, both ot Lyons, and
Vera Holbrook, Portland.
Funeral services will be
held from the' Huston chapel
' Saturday at 11 a.m.
fdKT&iJZC 'Witt
W tit M. Jwy).
No other broadloom so modestly priced equal Birch
brook' exquisite styling, rich texture and durability.
Birchbrook'a thick, all-wool yarn have been densely
woven to achieve cushion-like softness underfoot and
lasting wearabillty. .
Woven on Axmlnster looms, almost all the yarn is on
the surface with every tuft securely locked into a super
durable backing. -
Birchbrook'a all-over designs and
aeepiv scuipturea texture minim
izes footprints, erushln and toll
112 so. yd.
to see . . . to compare . . io buy NEW CARPETS for NEW home beauty . . .
H1UMTTI nuii j UUIII lmiuci I 111! f JIIIIIIII I
115 South Commercial
It's show time at Hogg Bros.! And the curtain
going up on the most exciting collection of car;
fashions in Salem. Come in and see the dramc
lush new colors and textures the debut of ft
new designs, many on display for the first t
ever. You'll applaud their practical ways!
weaves and new miracle fibers give longer
need less everyday care. Come in and let us r
you through rows of new carpet fashions now.
see why this is the time to compare and b: