Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 17, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    SECTION II Page 2
Friday, April 17, 1958
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war -" - -
Love-Amonq-the-l rish
Shows No Decline Here
New York OJJDEugene Pat
rick McNulty, boy from the
Throgg Neck neighborhood
of the Bronx who grew tip to
be one of the world'! rooit
prominent Irishmen, if doing
hit manful best to fix whet
Shown here is a lovely room setting with the range of
delightful carpet colors adding to its desirability. The Il
lustration ia of a Gulistan Trianon all wool Wilton feature
a unique surface of varying levels of tightly looped pile
which gives it high texture interest.
Miller's Have
Nylon Is not a substitute, but
a special man-made fiber which
brings new standards of beauty,
serviceability, and' richness to
the lovely Chenille . carpet
weave. The nylon fibers used
were specifically developed by
Nye-Walt in cooperation with
the DuPont company to provide
the finest fiber possible for car
pets. Extensive testa and. re
search were carried out to meet
the service and appearance re
quirements of carpeting prior
to the introduction of the fabul
ous Nye-Walt nylon carpets
more than five years ago.
The special crimp of nylon
fibers makes possible a fullness
in the finished carpet surface
for unusual resilience. It pro
duces a soft pile of chenille with
a shagglness that Is breath-tak-ingly
rich. 1 : ; - .
Profiting from years of re
search with nylon, for use In
floor coverings, Nye-Wait is
making full use of the unusual
qualities of thia exceptional
fiber for Shagtone Chenille.
The additioon of nylon fibers
imparts a new surface texture
to the carpeting for superior
decorating in traditional and
modern decor. Nye-Wait carpet
is carried exclusively in Salem
by Miller's.
There are 42 recognized spe
cies of birds of paradise says
the National Geographic So
Industry to Gain If
Gov't Sells Butter
Coos Bay, VP) Butterfat
prices might go down for a few
months If the government dis
posed of all its surplus dairy
products, but dairymen "would
be better off in the end, E. L
Peterson, state agriculture di
rector, said here. .
He told the Coos Bay Mutual
Creamery association that the
industry "has fallen down on
Its sales job" and needs a
sound merchandising program.
Wool Price Support
Conference Subject
Portland, UPl Two Oregon
wool experts left Wednesday
for Washington, D. C, to take
part in a conference on the
possibility of setting up a pri
vate corporation to take over
the government's wool price
support program. ,
The corporation would con
tract with the department of
agriculture to conduct the sup
port program and dispose of
the wool.
The Oregon men are R. L.
Clark, president of Pacific
Wool Growers, and R. A. Ward,
manager. Clark also is repre
senting the Oregon Wool
Growers association, '
Portland () Funeral serv
ices will be held here Saturday
for George Black, 87, Portland
accountant who also served as
a labor arbitrator. He was a
member of the State Board of
I Accountancy 16 years. . .
Dallas Scouts Learn
About Devious Trails
Dallas Scouts is scouts;
but scouts need scouts some'
times, it seems. What began as
an ordinary overnight hike for
a group of Dallas senior scouts
and their leader, Norman Gue
don turned out more like a
game of hide and seek for a
The boys and Guedon left
Saturday noon to hike to the
rock house up the Rickreall
canyon to "rough it", and hail
the advent of spring. On the
return trip to Dallas Sunday
afternoon the group split into
two parts, one part returning
the way they had gone, and the
other planning to follow an
other trail. Unknowingly
crossing a ridge, the second
group emerged from the wil
derness on the Mill Creek road
and finally reached the high
way at Buell, some miles off
Despite the fact that it was
some little time before forces
could be consolidated, all the
"mountain men" finally
reached home safely. Guedon
plans some compass drill for
his scouts, he says. .
Benny Goodman Band
Makes Reappearance
New York U.R The Benny
Goodman swing band that
kept the nation jumping in the
1930's will make a reappear
ance tonight in Carnegie Hall.
The concert will turn back
the clock to the days when
Goodman, now 43, reigned as
"The King of Swing." He re
cruited as many mambers of
his original band as possible
for a cross-country tour.
Liberal Write off on
PGE Reservoir Job
Washington W) The Port
land General Electric Co., will
be allowed to write oft from
income taxes in the next five
years 65 per cent of a $4,294,-
000 cost of building reservoirs
on the upper Clackamas river
in Oregon.
The Office of Defense Mobil
ization authorized the deduc
tions Wednesday by certifying
the project as necessary in the
defense effort. i
The company plans to begin
construction this spring of a
reservoir at Timothy Meadows
and a forebay two miles above
a power plant at Oak Grove.
The stored water will increase
generating capacity of the firm!
ROTC Grads to Pick
Date of Service Call
Washington (U.PJ The Army
announced today that ROTC
officers commissioned this
spring may choose the month
during the year starting July
1 in which they desire to go
on active duty.
The Army said such requests
"will be honored Insofar as
practicable." All ROTC off!
cers eligible for active duty
are required, however, to start
serving their tour of duty by
June 30, 1954.
Klamath Barbers Cut
Hair at Three Prices
Klamath Falls (U.R) A price
war among barbers was shap
ing up here today as three sub
urban shops shaved their prices
for a haircut to $1.
Union shops were still charg
ing $1.50, a price established
March 31. - h
Last week, one shop broke
away and set it prices at $1.25
for adults and $1 for children.
On Saturday three more sub
urban shops announced these
prices, and yesterday the same
three dropped their rate to $1.
Springfield, Ore. (ff) Traffic
congestion has been blamed for
117 accidents that have occur
red on the Willamette river
bridge between Eugene and
Springfield in the past five
years. The city council has
asked the State Highway Com
mission to build a second span.
An average of eight hours a
day of sunshine indicates the
dry climate of Perth, capital of
Western Australia.
some folk feel It a frightful
decline of love, among the
He's been married five
years, and has four children,
and wants to have at least 10.
What's more, he's responsi
ble for transplanting a size
able chunk of Irish population
from the Bronx to Hollywood,
where he hopes the race will
take root and spread at
happy rate.
The transplanted ones are
his ' mother and father and
their six children and 14
grandchildren. The whole
brood live within a five-minute
drive of Eugene Patrick,
who in 14 years in Hollywood
has risen to world prominence
via radio, movies and tele
vision as a brash Irish tenor
whose stage name is Dennis
"We all get together at
mom's for a family dinner on
holidays," he said, "and
there's so many of us we have
to eat in shifts. On St Pat
rick' Day w have our own
little parade.' Sometimes mom
plays the accordion and the
rest of us go into a jig, all but
pop, that ia. He's got a tin
Army Wants Draft Act
Extended Beyond 1955
Washington u.n The De
fense Department served no
tice today it wants the draft
law extended beyond its 1855
expiration even if peace comes
in Korea.
The Department's position
was outlined by John A. Han
nah, assistant secretary of de
fense for manpower and per
sonnel, in a talk before the
American Society of Newspa
per Editors. .
Notice U hftTftbV liven that J. frtnlr.
lin Willlim, hu bun iDDolnted by or
der ol tht circuit Court of Marion
County idmlnistrittor ol the stte of
lone Hepp, formtrlr loot Mauiey, de
ceased. Air poraoni hln elilmi
lnt Mid estate are reoueited to
present them with nroner voucher! to
Mid administrator within lx months
from the dat ol thla notice at 1101
Publlo Samoa Bulldlcj, Portland, Ore
Data of tint publication: Meroh .
J. Franklin Williams, Administra
tor ol the Estate of lona Hepp,
formerly Zona Mauzer. Deceased.
William H. Boland .
Attorney at Law
1X17 Publlo Service Bide. ' -
Portland. Oreton
March 37, April I, II, 17, M, ltJl
7 jv --
v" .
Arirx T.nno- itewardeu of the chartered DC-3 which
crashed in the Cascade mountains near Selleck, Wash.,
is pictured as she fell, weeping, into the arms of her res
cuer, Don Fuckett. Despite a serious leg injury Mrs. Long,
of Berkeley, Calif., had struggled eight miles through
rugged country before she was spotted from a helicopter.
(AP Wirephoto.) -
" if
Notlei li hereby ilTn that the under
Blsned hu been, br ui order of tht
Cireuit Court of tht &tat of Or won
for Marlon CouDtr. been sppolnted Ad-
mtntxtrttor of the Kitate of Drcie O.
Weaver, deoeaeed.
au peraona naviut ciaunt tfainn ine
state of oycie o. weaver, decewd,
are hereby notified to present the aame,
verified a required by law. to the
underjlgned, Adlmlnitrator of tht
Estate, at tht law office of Wlniton &
Dlmlck, 408 Pacific Bldt., Roieburi,
Oreion, within tlx (0) .nontha from
the date of tbU notice.
DATKD and flrat publlihod ttili 10th
day of April, 1053.
WUbert D. weaver, Administrator
of the Estate of Drcit a. Weaver,
deceased. .
April 10, 17, 24, May 1. 1053.
Bush Street, from Commercial Street to
satina street
oommon council of tht elty of Salem,
Oreion, deems It ntcutory and expedient
and hereby declares its purpoat and In
tention to Improve BUSH STREET, from
the weat line of Commercial Street to
tht east lint of Saalnaw Street, In tht
city of Balem, Marlon County, Oreion,
at tht expense of the abutting and ad
jacent property, except tht atrttt and
alley Intersections, the expense of which
will bt assumed by tht city of Salem,
by brlnflni aald portion of laid street
to tht tstabllshed trade, proTtdlni
dralnaft, constructing cement conorttt
curbs, and paving said portion of said
street with a 2tt Inch esyhaltlc concrete
pavement 30 feet wide, In accordance
with tht plana and specifications there
for which wert adopted by tht common
council April 13, 1853, which art now on
flit In tht offlct of tht city recorder
and which by thla referenet thereto are
made a part hereof. These plans and
specifications may be tiamined by any
Interested party. The common- council
hereby doclares its purpose and Intention
to make tht abovt described Improve
ment by and through tht street Improve
ment department.
Owners of property liable for tht cost
of making such improvement may file
written remonstrance ccalnst tht same
with the city recorder at any time within
ten days after the final publication of
this notice.
By order of the common council April
13, 1953.
ALFRED MTJNDT, City Recorder.
Date of first publication April 17, 1863.
Date of final publication May 1. 1053.
April 17, 34, May 1
Notice i hereby given that staled bids
will be received at the office of Kelaer
School Dlstrlot No. 8, Marlon County,
Oregon, 6008 N. River Road, Balem until
Monday, May 4, 1953 at eight p.m. for
two new school buses, specifications for
which may be secured at the school
office. Right Is reserved to accept or
reject any or all bids.
School District No. M.
Battery Moves
To Bivouac
Moving out of Salem early
Saturday morning will be a
small convoy of trucks and
jeeps, taking men of Battery
D, 722nd AAA, AW battalion,
Oregon National Guard, Salem,
to a week-end bivouac at Camp
Witbycombe, Clackamas. Ore.
Members of the outfit, which
Is commanded by Capt. Walter
A. Haskins and has five offi
cers and 47 enlisted men, will
spend their time on the firing
range at Camp Wlthycombe
qualifying In small arms. They
will fire the F-381- machine
gun, 80-caliber carbint, and 48
callber submachine guns.
. Approximately SO of the men
of the battery will be In the
group leaving Saturday morn
ing. Those who have to work
on Saturday will ' join them
Sunday. The convoy returns to
Salem Sunday night. The bat
tery will have two more week
end bivouacs before going to
summer camp, one in May and
one in early June.
Salem's two other National
Guard units, Company B and
Company D of the 162nd in
fantry regiment, will bivouac
at Camp Adair the week-end
of April 28-26 and be on the
firing range there.
noiio or intention to mpnovc
Uarnrati street, Irom anil. Anaue to
the West city Limits Line
oommon council of the oltr of fialem,
Oreion, deema It ntcesiarr and expedient
and Hereby declares Its purpoaa and In
tention to ImproTa MAROARKTT
STREET, from the vest lino of Inn.
Avenue to the west cltr llmlta Una, la
the cltr of Balem, Oregon, at tha ex
pense of tha abuttlns and adjacent
propertr. oxoept ttte atraat and aller
intersections, tba expense of vbieh will
be assumed br the cltr of Salem, br
bringing aaid portion of aald atraat to
the established grade, providing drain
age, constructing cement ooncrato curbs,
and paving aald portion of aald (treet
with a JV4 Inch esphaltlo concrete pave
ment 3D feet wide, In accordance with
the plana and apaclflcatlona therefor
which were adopted by tha oommon
council April 13, 1153, which an now on
tile in the office of the city recorder
and which by this reference thereto are
made a part hereof. These plana and
specifications may be oxamined by any
Interested party. The common council
hereby deolarei Its purpose and Inten
tion to make the nbovo described Im
provement by and through the gtreet
Improvement department. - - -
Owners of property liable tor the eott
of making such Improvement mar file
written remonstrance against the stuno
with the city recorder at any time with
in ten dsya after the final publication
of thla notice.
By order of the oommon eouncD April
II, 1M3.
ALFRED IIUNDT, Cltr Recorder.
Date of first publication April 17, MM.
Date of final publication Uar L leu.
Apr. IT, 14, liar 1
1 urnm! i
j3 - ItiaJIMUiWIliijyj'
to Choose
With Aldon Guarantee
Cameo Oval Rugs
With Aldon Guarantee
22x34 425 3.95
36x60... ..11.50...,
46x68 .18 50
Now I
27x48 ii.5o ; 9.95
36x60 lew .14.95
48x72 29.50 ...24.95
Manhattan Oblong Rugs
With Aldon Guarantee
Reg. Now
24x36 4.25..... 2.95
27x48 . . ..98 .5.95
36x60 mo.. 9.95
3rd Floor
FOR YOU . . .
e "Wl
. . . To See. . . To Compare . . . To Buy
wFr WsPspejOeTilSBsleei
Choose from famous Carpet names
at Shaw Furniture in the -Capitol
Shopping Center or MKN Furniture
in West Salem. Alexander Smith,
Gulistan, Firth, Magee, Hardwick
Magee, Hightstown, Artloom, etc.
For the best values and lowest prices
be sure to visit one of. these two
leading Salem Stores.