Par 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Friday, April 17, 1953 Quiet Meeting Zoning Of the five tectional hearing! uiai nave oeen neut by tbe com mittee on Salem rezoning the one held at City Hall Thursday night for the people in the cen ter of tbe city waa about tbe anortesi ana quietest. The Usual nieeMtlnni fnv re vision of the tentative zoning map relative to areas designat ed for residential, business and Industrial were heard, and Robert Stanley, chairman of the committee, said all would be given consideration. South Salem men, Clayton Jones, Roy Adsitt and Moody Benner, had pertinent ques tion at the start They wanted to know whether, once the new plan has been established by the city council, it could still be changed according to the need and desire of the people. Chairman Stanley said changes would still be possible, in about the same way that is permitted by the present code. Jones said be had heard changes must be petitioned within five years. That wasn't true, be was told. The same group of men though South Commercial street should have more busi ness zoning than the committee has so far Indicated, particular' ly south of Wilson street. Walter Snyder, city school superintendent, thought that the main residential zone, R-l, should permit schools as well as playgrounds, gardens, librar ies and fire stations, explaining that in location of schools the residential situation is import ant H. P. Sentman represented the First Congregational Church with an objection to a C-3. or general business zone classification in the blocks in close proximity to the church, and said he thought the First Christian Church would have the same objection. E. R. Derry, owner of a four- unit apartment house at 1040 Bellevue, submitted a property owners petition objecting to a General Joins Film Company New York 0M9 Stockholders of Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation will vote at their meeting May S on the nomin ation of Gen. James A. Van Fleet former Eighth - Army commander in Korea, to be a commercial zone on the south side of Mill street between Winter and 12th and a light manufacturing zone on the north side. Marvin Stuhr, operator of Mar's Lunch on State between Liberty and Commercial, bad a suggestion about car parking In the downtown . area. He thought that parts of business blocks could be set apart for parking and the cost of then- development assessed against benefitted property in the same manner that assessments are made for street improvements. member of the board of direc tors. Spyroi P. Skouras, president of the company; announced yesterday that Van Fleet had accepted an invitation to Join the board. He said he asked the general some time ago to take the position. Van Fleet in a message ac cepting the post, said he felt the motion picture industry "is a great instrument for por traying the goodness and dec ency of America to an ever growing audience of people who are yearning to know more about freedom and to serve freedom and maintain it everywhere." DETROIT MOVIES Detroit The Deanha PTA will sponsor a movie. "The Ad ventures of Gallant Bess," to be shown Friday evening at 7:45 in the school gymnasium, pro ceeds from the film will con stitute the year's fund raising by the organization. The Bureau of Indian Affairs maintains 62 hospitals and 10 dispensaries. COMMUNIST POWS ON THEIR WAY ' i , . .11,., ,1, 1,,..,, hi -m- :iikY2v - V (41 1 lift 72 y JU' V3V? jgjW .'"I i . w Woilhmore l-Cup Aluminum Percolators Bakes Cakes, Roasts Meats Werthraere Pans Regularly , , 1,39 Baiy-to-deon seamless a comlntdlonl Wide, fort- 5 . I u TI-lU. flnfof cover. Uneondl HanaOy guaranteed. , u Begalarly 1.01. . 341.1 pan saves space, X saves fflomyl Quality ) lurmmm) wim aiy-io-. da an rounded camera. 14V, x lOVi x 2' ilia. See-Thru Mastic Styron Bread Freshener Regularly . . 1.14 Crystal dear lets you x check bread supply at 3 m nianbv. I), cover keeps air out. UKaSKxJKV Salel Gay "Blossom Time! Cake Carrier Regularly . . 1.11 Keeps cake fresh for JL " days, makes attradive storing tray. Baktd-on enamel finish wont wash off. loy novrl iMtee - ' ' tti rl rsr tfanley Defiance 16 Ox; Claw Hammers Regularly . . 1.25 forged from treated high gra steel. Has herd striking, siSsnsd face end faugh daw, grada 4 I Wkhg. T I I (head. II Imported, Diagonal Cutting 6 In. Pliers Regularly . . 1.25 tore sturdy side cut- X Hng pliers forged from S plated finish. Sharp cut tint. Gives lengjsenrlce. 1 lb. Spool, Acid Core 3070 Solder iMiguiariy .. . , I You sovel Top quality I ill Flux, add core solder. 5 I I II Just the thing ter ewi- T I I II oral repair work and I I U asendlng. Handy. U S Piece, Open End Style Wrench Sets Regularly . . 1.29 Mode of high quality X drop forged carbon S VI. 1 1 u iw wpwimiy, from A to H In. be dvslve. Natural black. u Par Complng-long Trip Water Baas Beguiany . . 2 gallon bag made of Imported Scotch flax J tleth. Double w,M r"- . iHtched seoms, metal oiile,rope.hondle. HIAWATHA "Black Swan'! Casting Line Regularly . , . 1.11 Thinner, stronger line X than ever before. Coits former las Comes In 30 yd.spooli 20 lbs, test. ffl HIAWATHA Camouflaged Casting Line '11 Regularly . . 1.19 Bin cant see It. Small X In diameter for Its S . i m -1 . 1 braided. Nylon. 50yd. spools. 20 lbs. test. Maximum Accuracy, Power .22 Cartridges Regularly . . 1.11 g- lead lubricated bullets In brass shells, loaded with smokeless powder. For .22 calibre long "Save New! Handy Aute Side KUrrors Regularly . . i. f- PMshed chrome plate x"k I for longer ws and I I Hon to any car. Jutl Right for Washing Cart Wash Mitt Regularly . . 1.19 axiro neory umbiwool x mitt with ribbed cuff. S WethM and ivJi.k.. Ixtra fnlckneiilol wool glvet (Ult longer Nfe. u Handy fe Have In Any Cat Ash Receivers Regularly . . 1.19 FHs under the dash with "snuffer" for extinguish ing dgors or dgareltes. Comes In neutral color. Removes to empty. Safest Mora Economical G.E. Headlamps Regularly . . 1.40 C.t quolity for all cars using Sealed Seam tern. Fits right side. Never grows dim. Always stays bright. n all cars X I amsys- S I I or left T I I wsdlm. II bright. U lAirfAYS C5TTSn BUYS AT s. 201 N. Commercial Salem THE WEST'S OLDEST AND LARGEST RETAILER OF AUTO SUPPLIES , 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 ID ",. .. M 1 Crippled Communist prisoners of war disembark from , a United Nations LST at Pusan, Korea, as they complete the first leg of their trip to repatriation at Panmunjom. They were brought from Chejudo. Some of the POWs on this LST staged a sitdown strike and refused to move until soldiers wearing gas masks and carrying bayoneted rifles came aboard. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Tokyo.) Rowan Heads Control Group Oregon's hotel men at Joint meeting of the uregon and Washington State Hotel associations in SpoKane oun day through Wednesday named five-man standing committee for the control of liquor. The committee, to be known as the Oregon Hotel Temper ance atd Control Committee, ia headed by Leonard Rowan, Chadwick hotels of Salem. Other members of the comanii . Mnrrla Temnle. Temole Hotel, Pendleton; Gordon Bass, Multnomah hotel, Portland; Alfred Gantner, Mallory and Imperial hotels, Portland; and Paul Ltndsdown, Eugene hotel, Eugene. PiirnAc i9 ihm committee. patterned along the same line as the Washington State Hotel and Restaurant Licensees Inc., will be to work with the state liquor commission and other organizations In Oregon In es tablishing temperate Isws and -i In Hlitrlhlltion of liquor. The committee wui i ik. knlni-KA. also empnasue iuo ment of liquor laws. CHILD'S BODY FOUND Kelso, Wash. UJ9 Search for a two-year-old girl ended when her body was found in a drainage ditch here Wednesday night The body of Joyce Gut gesell was found In about four feet of water to the southern part of Kelso after her family had launched a search for hir. CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 . 1288 State St, 'MND ALL'S Phone 3-6489 HELD OVER FOR THE THIRD WEEK COLOSSAL At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Cuts Blade Culs Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford fast Steak j3 Round T-Bone Rib Steaks Fresh mm mm Ground mmm EEF'CUB lb. lb. lb. MNOBS NEW YORK CUT ROAST or STEAK .IB. 69' 59' TENDER LOIN .s 89' FRESH BEEF Hearts and Tongues DIIIMD VniinR mm Fully Dressed and Drawn lb. 49' iiv mam i m mm est selection of Fancy Eosrern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may ba arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. Half or Whole Pound 311 Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter s Pound U. S. GOOD HALF or WHOLE POUND 27 FRONT QUARTER POUND 3 3 c HIND QUARTER POUND 0 . , i. s) ' r I. L IT