Page 14 ON BEAUTIFUL GREENWOOD AVE. We otter Ton one I the loveliest homes available the Urine room U It' I 34' with lft Ilreplsee, the birch kitchen end larse nook ere quite unuiuel.' lerss bedrooms with lot! ot bullt-lnl, beautllul bath with, npirilt tile ahower, also Va bath off Diet knotty Pino dm or put room. II you ml a OUAUTT homt, don't bur UU Ton see this Lee Ohmart t ECONOMY BUYS UNDKR $8000 1-bedroom suburbsn homo. Kslser Diet. Just 4 ysere eld. 14304. Suburban Sollm Helshta DUt, 1 bedrooml, luit yesrs old lor 17740. ALL FOB $9500 A i-bodroom homo with fireplace tad basement. In the Iniltwood DUt. Very ood tromi, all tor eppolntment ThU kind of property In eucn n food location At bird to Ilnd. CLOSE IN ON COURT ST. FAMILY HOME Would job llko to hiTi loU ot room for everrthlnsT bedrooml plus don, 1 Mplumblns. bailment with economical wwduil heeL Here m homo with loU of inability tor Ill.tM. BEAUTIFUL WALNUT PARK l-bodroon homo on as eaey-to-oare-for lot. This location k ton. mcod At 113,504. ... ' NEAR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Modern 1-bedroom homo, generous lUo roomj .fireplace And lriO , tarage. Btn'i loU of homo for tho money. ONLY ill, wo. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors en court at. art.: Louts Lorens 14830 Ralph Meddr 33481 Ted MorrUon 36044 Grabenhorst Specials LOTB-CANDALAIUA es PAIRMOCXT HTIAV-Oood thole, tot! with rural or urban ilewi. Bettor bulldlni prices now sivs an oxcellent chance to select a lot for that future dream home. Prion from 41440. CALL BOY FERRIS. IHOLXWOOD fcPTOIAIfA-bdnn. homaepseloue llr. rm. for telerUlon. din. rm., kitchen, brkf. nook and utility room. Mice yard and Ideal tehool location. Price 49750. Term. CALL B. X. LAYMON , CHARM WITH ECONOMY- lie. family home with every modern convenience for fracloue llrlnt. I bdnni.. He. reception room. Mv. rm. Aj din. rmo., dream kitchen o nook, den, Iti bathi. auto, ooal forced atr best. A wonderful homo for antertalnlnc. CALL J. I. LAW LmUjb-DimHO ROOM-34 lVaNO-Dllhweaher. ''na'n' drrer, fireplace, oil heal, bdrma. Onlr 111,840. CALL rum H. OEJSER. ANNOUNCING: Roy S. Ferris has re-assoclated with , this office as salesman, specializing in residential sales. . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty at, ''. - . ' -J4n Kvenlnis Sunders cell Kor Perrli 1-40I8) J. 1. Law 1 i to AUCTIONS AUCTION TONITE - 7 O'CLOCK MIDWAY S583 Cherry Ave. Ph. 4-6652 (Mill FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY COW and heifer. A. M. Jen aen, Rt. 1, Box 33, phono 10X10, Dor ton. 04 GOOD family milk cow, gentle, good milker, luit Ireeb, I1M. 495 E. Mo OUchrUt 8t, Phono 33341 after p.m. M3 QUILTED DOUBLE rlf. aaddle, ataln lesi atcel mounted bridle and brcut collar. New .pom corona, aeo at 136 ' V. HUh St. ! rOR bale 3 rouna calvai. Phono 41111, Rt. , Box 43. Ml' PORD TRACTOB, harrow, dirt acoop, two 14 plowt 0 ft. John Deero dlac, new; 0 ft. John Deere drill, llko newi - 8 ft. E-Zee flow fertlUaer epreader: 4 wheel traUer with bed; S aectlon aprlni-tooth new harraka and mower; 18 mo. old Holitelno bull. Route (, Box 409. 314 mile east of 4 Corner. M4 CHINCHILLAS Proven breedara or youna mated palra. Easy lerma. Write or phone for free literature. Vlaltora welcome. Creek Chinchilla Ranch, OB0 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4069. B3 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEF White face Hartford, j 8c Locker pork, Soc Nothing down. 4) mofl. to pay. Custom kllllnr. TraUer loaned frae. flalem Meat Co., 1136 8. 35th. Ph. S-48BI. a PETS MATED CANARIES, 113.00 pair. Otorie Slack, H58 Hickory. Phone 3-0743. ecS'i ORANGE CANARIES, phone S-4389, 1340 Chemeketa. TO GIVE AWAY Fox Terrier, months. -. Good ciuwrin'a doe. looo m. neiieue, ec&3 parrakeets. 4581 Haielireen Road, Block East of Totem Pole. cf3 kOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1031 McCoy, one block east of N. Oapltol. iVa ' hinek north at Madison. Ph. S-6IBT. ecioa" MOORE TROPICAL FIBH, PlTlkllU, turtles, auppllea. 3 miles from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed Wedneadays. ecll FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up rour Preeto-Loia, Briquet, and Wood. 1M Bo. Com'L, phone 1.1711. Hiwav Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds ot wood. Phone 1-6444. ae ANDERSON'S hand picked elab wood, a cords, 414. Phono 37781 or 443HL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14" CLEAN ' IMUXDIATX DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1514 Edsewator Phono Salem 3-4011 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 14 DAYS Planer irlmmlnsa, 44 load. Phone 17711 ....w.if.i'ee FORSAWPOJjTRY. BROILERS FRYERS rrtTnnai RAISERS I. Would pott llko 4o extra profit per t would ron llko an ateraso welshl of 1.1 lbs. at weeks? I. would rou llko to bars 3.4 feed 4 WouTroTlko thefacta and prooff Bee or Call nro it PkTTEHSON HATCHERY ShSt. Ml un Ore. Ph. S-MtJ ioLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chlcka; hatched overr Mondar and -nmriar. Our ohlckl trow falter. x". H.Uberr. 1880 Bt, Ph. 3-4909, WANTED colored hens, utf Halch- nhMi. 8-3881. won SALB Twice weeklr, dar-old Whlto Rocka, White Wrandottea Par W. "wr wcSrola loo Hatcher,, phone ;;';;. PRODUCE HrtWANTtg ivai-k aiiM WANTEU for tralnlnt aa Motel "manaseS. ad n..u; ,wation. " i. wTnTsd-Youus mast lor bake shop. 448 Court. . To Place Classified Ads Phone Z-Z4U0 Rudy Caleb Phons Mill - 14111 Binrr Torrtnd 11833 - S11S H. X, Lennoti 1-8458 HELP WANTED IP YOU LIKE TO DRAW, aketch or paint, see Talent Teit ad in Inatruc tlon column. tvt WISH EXTERIOR TBOIMnra painted areen and white on ltorr ' houae, atartlnr about Kar It or 30. Look It over and make bid at 3144 Maple Avenue. D. a. JlccMlen, J71I7. Call morninta. c96 HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNQ WOMAK, fiDtrkl hounwork, help cut 2 ehlldrttt, int in. $75. 1-4704. CbB2" WOMIN WANTED tor trlnln i Uotil minairat. mtt m nwier cuuiuickuon Education. ibH BEGISTEHED and fraduat nurtu: Gen eral Duty and Surcarr; forty hour week, I2S0.0O basepay, or $16.00 above praaent tanura of aryict monthly aal aryj out msal par day: vacation, ten ure of aerrlea raliea. ayenlnt and nithi duty premium i ana otner per ionnel benefits. Write or phone eol leet, Admin Utrator, Pioneer Memorial Hotpltal, Heppner, Orecon. bB4 RESIDENT AGENT Protective territory open In laltm for experienced aalea lady as reeldent aaent for Parent Mat aalna. Oar ntcee eery. Full lima pleasant work with rapid advancement if qualified. Apply Senator Hotel. 4-0 p.m. Aak for Mr. rolbo. tb93 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED induitrloua man with Mr to aupply 1500 famlllea near flUverton and Mt. Ansel with Rawleiih Products. If you Ilka outside work and a profit able bualneaa of your own, write me at once for Information and Interview. Will be In Salem for thla purpose. Please five complete address and phone number If possible. Ed Walker,. PO Box IMS, Portland I. ft' HOW WOULD you Ilka to let into the hither income lax brackets? If you like aaleswork. are 18-15 years of ase, nave a car, i eiean ana your hair combed, Call 3-6783 for appoint- men.. ft92 MAN WANTED 23-35, for Salem ter ritory ana must reside nere, to eeii electric appliances on permanent oaau. No prior experience necessary, but must be a dependable worker. Sal ary to start, with car and expenses furnished. Apply mornlnia only. 130 No. Commercial. 03 WANTED POSITIONS HOT ART TILLING New 34" Roward Hotovetor. IS per hr. Ph. 3-1937. hit CARFENTEaVCablnet work, home re modellni. tree oatunatee. Call 3-8411. 4-1913. hlOS BOTOT1LUNO orenlnia, aa turd arc, Guoare, Keller area. Phone 1-5385. MOT PLOW1NQ ot DISCING IMUXDIATX 8ERVICX. Phone 1-1300. h7 TILLING with now U.S. Rotarr tiller. Phone evenlnse. 3-8333. hlol MARV'S PLOWING and dliclnl, prompt eervice. -D4. nn1 CURTAINS waihed and atretched, table- ciotns ana tine uneni. S-344S. hV3 KKM-TONE PAINTING verr reasonable What have rou? Ph. 38333. h9I CARPENTER WORK Not union, reas onable waies. Phone 34480. h93 DRESSMAKING and alterations, prices reasonable. Phone 37004. h93 TREE WORK. Topplm, Irlmmlns. re moving Insured operator. John Fame. Ph. 3-0385. h!13 NEW lawna, Rotarr hoelns. Free eitl- maiei. uuane wolcott, Phono 1-8137. hill ROOM AND care lor mother and Infant, or invauu lanr. mono 4-3580. h94 PLOWINO AND duclns with Formal A. rranc w. Hens. Phons 31184. h83 NEW LAWNS prepared. Put In after mar urst. in tn. meantime plowlni, dtselni, sardens. Acreaie welcome. O. R. Smllh. Phone 1-3100 ovenlni: 1-7373 daytime. h3 YOU NEED rour kitchen, bethronm celllne, walla and window, washed made like new. 4-8134. h93 BOTOTILLER WORK wanted. CaU alter w wyrwa, 44IUDP slCDIfl, I93 sET ME risACE your portable aewlne machine In a Rollemte tea table C4.U1U4J., on fiction's, nth Si WILL DO 1HO.MNO In my horn. 131S vmamn. rnone aans. j,9J PAINTING, Paperhsnilni. free eitt. mate. Don Luceto. Phone hi 08 " bos mainunance. orunins mmmine, puntlni, ffrtlltitni. serv- rnone wJ-jstj. M05 NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. Ucenied and non-ltrenied practical nuriei. or domain., call 3-8813. h8 BOTO-TILLBB WORK-1 Hour mini- mum. rnon. ..sioi. v... OARnrN, rLOwirt bed and lawn nre- paranon. riowinf, Ollrlnf, lerellnr, roloUUlns. Benlee Center. Phone 43813. hl03 UUHT CRAWLKB, doilni, dirt lerel Ins, iradlm. Phone 1-3338. MM CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlns, dUcrne, eeedlns. Phone 1-304L hlf TILL1NO WITH Rotarr - hoe. Garden Uwns. Phone luit, 1138 Xrerireen. t 14t ., WANTED POSITIONS MOWERS sbabpened nt door. Make It ran easy. Phone 3-nis. nee- EOTOYATOS work wanted. Vlnunt Kromsr, 31W Lansing Ave. mono suae. MIS' BOXO-TILUS WORK done by hour or lob. Phone 11741. MM II. Church. h94 OTOVATINO work win tod. Phone 1.1044. HS3 RADIO TV SERVICE 17" TILJt KINO, llko now, eontertor with 3 ft. antenna. 8ell (or 43M 00 oaah. 1130 Uwla Bt. ha XV ANTENNA Bonded and llunieo apeclallat. Inatallod. ,14 plua Material. Call anr tine. Fro, eetlmatee. Phone 4-3343. haiol EDUCATION IP TOU LIKE TO DRAW, aketch or paint writ. lor Talent Taat (No fee). oito ate ana ccupawon. w ' 1";. Ital Journal. a"" utrmn ABcrmrrT PRAOTICAI. ITDRBEa tntOUlTLT KXEDED. Train at home. Area 18-88. Salarlu np to 1304 per month. Write United School Box 44, Capital Journal. hh93 UEN AND WOMEN Wanted to train aa motel maaaaorl. Prrparatorr tralnlnv br homo etudr under our guidance, prior to entrance for realdenco tralnlni la Modern Mo tel. Muet bo mature, ate 39 to 40. Placement service maintained for benellt of traduetca. For poraonal In terrlew, write etatlnt telephone nnm x. tn Ro .8. Capital Journal. hhBS' FOR RENT LARGS warshouse apace for rent or lease. Cement noors, ones DuiKune. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 8-185. J CONVXNIENTLT located parkins in downtown Balers, sow mown, s-ooo-. 18' t-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with olectrlo slerator, aller on. trance, back of Hotel Salem, a sood dlatrlbutor's headouartora. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. '' WANTED TO RENT TRAILER BOUSE that can be moved to Myrtle creeit, oreion or win w terms. '37 Bulck Spaclal Sedan as down payment or will trade. Phone MSl. Ja94 FOR RENT ROOMS FOB ONE. or two. Phono 34338! 780 N. Church. NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Ladr. 488 No. Churcru - ATTRACTIVE room, private home. Oen- tleman. 888 no. summer. 4-ojso. Jk84 BLEEPING BOOM, 170 Bellevue, phone 3-1477. NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot and cold water. 481 No. Hllh. 1M4- FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED APTrjnuauaUr attrao- tlre, roomr two oearooma. neat ana hot water furnUhed. Automatic waah er cloie In. Box 44, capital Journal. MODERN COURT, ltr0 and retrlsera- tor furnUhed. Plenar or ournjoF.. Adulti. 1438 Trade. )P4' ONE AND TWO room apartment, pri vate batn. rumianwx. qj. rysj. 4 BOOM and 3 room nlcelr turnlihed asartments. call jaooo. I BOOM turnlihed, fuU bath, heat and water xurnutnea. near aacuiou wmi 438. 3-3887 or 4-M04. 1P87' BOOM furnUhed apt., 838. 1 room furnished apt., 834. Llihto and water furnished, laundrr faculties. 1830 Perrr at. J-3101. 1p4' FURNISHED bachelor apartment. One or two men. utuuioe. leu aaa. wii lnston. Jf"; WEST SALEM furnished apartment, 858. Juet redecorated, l oeoroom, Kiwnen, Uvlns room, bath, olectrlo heat, olec trlo clothe drrer. All ntUltlee paid. 1311 Bdsevater. 39109, srenlng 38939. lp4 niKNISHED 1 and I room apartments. srlTata entrance, utilities inuuneo. Phone J7310. 1P941 fRONT FIRST FLOOR furnlihed 3-roorh apartment. Bendlx. mvsto entrance. 158 N. Liberty. Phons 1-7134 appoint ment. iP9t' TWO PARTLY FURNISHED apartments. 445 per month each, box u, capital Journal. )P93 LEE APTS. Salem's Most Dlstlnsulshed Address Beautiful bachelor apartments with Pullman kitchens, at moderate rates. 1-bedroom apts. from 877 3-bedroom units when available. Call 4-1011. win. ter at Union ate. Jp' NICE APT. for 3, one block east ol Memorial Hospital, eos so. summer. Jp5 FURNISHED 1 room apartment. Private entrance and bath. Utilities furnished. 3110 Lanalni Ave. JP93 NICE 1 ROOM turnlihed court apart tnent, clean, close In, 3-0548. )p93 CLEAN 1 ROOM furnished apartment. adults, 1935 Center. JP931 FURNISHED kitchenette, llvlnt room, share bath. Call aller 1. 1370 cneme. keta. p93' NICKLT FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Aptt, &&o No. summer. Jp' PRIVATE THKEE-ROOM Mrnlahed court apartment, clean. Adults. I&Q. 9590 Portland Road. Jp103' NICELY FIRN1SHED J-roora around floor. Electric rente, refrigerator. Private bath and entrance. Phone 41677. 1779 N. Front. )P93' NICELY FURNISHED J -room apt., elose in. ms no. cotiate. jpw FURNISHED aide duplei. Hollywood. Clean, basement, aduiu. 1-8M3, 1990 McCoy. JpatV CLEAN. COMFORTABLE email apart men.. Reasonable rent. Close in. Lady preferred. Perry. JpM' WO, ROOM furnUhed apartments. Prlrate btth, 10. 1JS0 N. Winter at. rnone awns. jpsi' IN TURNER Uodern, turnlshe!, J bed- room apt. rnone ttaiem -j7. jpsj1 I NICE APTS. fumUhed. eloee to nnl verslty, state eapltol. 30714. Jp6 SEVERAL furnUhed apartments, food locauon. inquire u. u sun rurniture, Phone l-o 185. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES 1 BEDROOM, .lectrle apollances, oil heat, sarase. Adults. Phone 1.41V4. )mt4 CLEAN, ITBM4BID 1 bedroom apart tnent. Phone 4.5378. JmS4 4 BEDBOOX home, no sarase. Walklni distance Irora state houae. 34B. Phone 3-8183. Im94' I BEDROOM hcuie on Bouth 48 I. Bee- end houie south from rabrr Boad. lmS3 I BEDROOMS, bailment, auto. heat. 80S. Inoulro H. L. entt Purnllure Phone 3-1185. ImM FAIRMONT HILL, 4 bedroom.. 418 per month. Baker McKlnlrr dlitrlcL Aral! able liar 1. Phone 4-4144. Imiv 4-BEDROOM furnished house, automat to oil furnace, dose to eapltol ahop ptns center, sultaoio ror roomiri. I-488T alter p.m. Adults onlr. no lm9r" 1-BEDROOM unfurntshM cottase. hard. wood lioora no. 1800 block No. ith 1-8411. jmtl SMALL ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom cot Use, uturnuhed. Call 1-8441. JmlJ" . THE CAriTAIs JOUBMAlii Balem, unw.i FOR RENT HOUSES 4 BEDROOM houae. clean, partlr furn lahed. Phone 3-4348. 1118 Rule. ImM (BEDROOM HOME. J bathe, 449 month, Coll J-4114. Jm33' NICE CLEAN ooo-bedroem unlurnlahMl houae. Attached farace. In aw frlendlr nrthhortwod. 1611. No peti. Illlo eait of 4 Comm. Ker at " State, phono 41871. )m,Ia 4-BEDROOM, full kaaem.nt, oawdual furnaco. 844. Phora 4-1781 or J-4M4. Jnf SMALL BOCK. lurnlahod, all eleetrle. oultablo for ono or two. 1034 8rd lml BOOM neatlr furnlah duplei. Prl. rate bath, adnlta. 818. Phono 4-w ownlnae. ImH' l-BEDROOM auburban, (SLta. 4-1781 or 3-4444. Phone ' Im" ONOBEDROOM COVBT rental. Ule bath. 844. One-bedroom oourt rental, eompletelr turnlahod. ule bath. 4. Phono 4-1T01. or j-oe. Jm- CLEAN 1 BED BOOM ufumlahad coi tal, olectrlo heat, no 4oce. itioa. ImM1 ROOM t BOARD WOBKINO LAOT .to aharo omall houae, arden. aharo eipenaea. Rear 4 corn ora 4-3M4 ortnmia. JIM board AND BOOM for olderlr man. (so b at. im' OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND IXOOB oflico or etore apace for rent. Call at Pitts Market. ;o DOCTORS. DKNTIBTB, RTCs Mew I- room suite, comer Baiievue ano win ter. Near Salem Memorial hospital. Phono 35138. JoM BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Mo. Is. 11 Inches clear. 48; No. 1, I Inches elear. 84. No aap wood or nulls. Come and let them. Ted isuller. aalem-Independenee Boad, Ph. (alem 1-1184. ma- LUMBER Complete mill stock eommon lumber. 104.000 (t. ahlplap sheetlns, 3x4 and wider. Mo. 1 and 4 trades. Price 438 per II dellrered and up. Tad lluller. Phono Balem 1-1184. maw Reduced 44.44 PER DAT UNTIL BOLD 1 onlr Scott Attwtter 14-HJP. Outboard Motor, j-speed snui automauo narwr. Startlrw price AprU 14th, 1188.80 APRIL -18, $266.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Pront o Court Bt. Phone 1-1111 WX cm B. At B. GREKN STAltTB 4at GARAGE complete on your lot to your specifications, as low aa US per month, no down payment. BORKMAN LBR. A HDWE. CO. 1M0 State Bt. PH. may. NOW Uake that borne sparkle with a new root this ipTlni, before the rush be t-In. CaU 4-8011 er S-4WI. Caseade Rooflni Co.. LOOK AT THIS! Pickets, clear, dry cedar ...Itte ta. Waldtex squares IBe It. Doors all kinds. ' Floorlnt Fir 19. V), Oak U4.Q0 - stored 1 In heated room. Hardboard 1.90 sheet, Wallboard 1.40 Whether cash, credit or monthly pay ment we are seared to handle your needs cheerxuuy ana economicsaiy. Free delivery. Open all day Saturday. Portland Koad Lumber Yard IS4S Portland Road Phone vu3l Salem. Oregon ma- SHAKES No. 1 painted shakes 4e undercoursa 1 11.00. V reject fir plywood, per ft. 10c. 3 piece bath set, complete $110.00. CAMPBELL BUILDINO SUPPLY X. Center Near Frultland. Ph. 3-833 ma93 KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Closeouts 3i4 - r1 No. 4 eommon POB .811.80 II. rara H8 . r1 B No. 110 sldlni.. ...18.00 14. 1x4 em cBtr. ms ... Hit r1 cedar slams .. ..100.00 11. ...88.00 11. 01 ft. SOW lin. HUH r1 D&Btr. oval eais 1000 tin. m a) 1 lattice . f.talnedt .03 ft. ISO lln. 1" moulded casins DATBtr .03 ft. lna in. .4x1 s ri ustuir. Brtia .ui i.. 800 lln. 3" dowmpout 08 It. tana ft- zxs - ri uezBir. leu KD IM.OO M. is nu. 49x90 i" reject plr..lM m .ft. 3 pel. 48x84 V reject pl... ISo iq. ft. CLOSEOUTS worx domes, carpenter as painter overall. 35'i off Plumslns Si houLwerea 35 off fu. ui before rou our power tools, we have on hand eieetrlo drills, Btanier 4, Miller Palls power saws, 1 shapere, 1 drill press, bench trlnders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, saw As drill preia. lawn mowers. Keith BrWn Lumber Yd. Front Court Street Phone 1-1111 WB OIVB I 4 H OREEN STAMPS ma1 BlllLDEB'S SPECIAL New planed lum- ber. 814 per Al. and IP. dellrered. 1-3043. mails Building? New weatheratrlpped windows, com- pletelr assembled, hundreds tn stock readj to so. 111 up. New picture windows 18.00 New doore i'l'IS'B" 85. M 1-tab heiacon roofln .,..84.93 1-tak thleabull roollnt 18.94 Unpalnted cedar shakes ...... .83.75 Reveres trap toilets, complete ...333.80 New 30"13" wash basin 817.80 cait Iron bath tubs, complete ...188.80 New shower csblnets, complete.. 843.00 ooo-sal. ateel aeptls tanks 843.50 4" coll pipe .10 New eleetrle wster hosier .113.80 New steel sarase doors 155.00 Aibestoa sldlns 49.50 No. 1 cedar ahtnslea , 85.00 No. 1 cedar ahlnale .43.75 New plasterboard 4x1 ......... 41.44 Exterior white paint (sal.) ....31.85 Mahoeen!' As birch plrwood...aarcaln widr proof well board, sal ....41.75 New S-ln. Plrwood 13tic New bath r. aets, complete ......848.40 C. G. LONG & SON Phono 41081 I psl. north of Kslser I Ft SIb MISCELLANEOUS New & Used Appliances FLOOR SAMPLES, TRADE-INS SAVB 414.44. GENERAL ELECTRIC Automstlo Cothea Drrer. Time 4t temp, control, ultra rlolet llsht, Wai 148.83. . ONLY 118.84 No Down Parment SAVB 844. BPBZD QUZXN ADTOHATIO CLOTHEB DRYER. Beautiful whlto finish, door ssmpio. Waa iu.84. ONLY 114.85 - No Down Parment SAVB 4184 - NEW FLOOR BAIIPLI. 11 u. ft. Home Preeser. Oeneral ' Blectrlo sealed unit, S-rr. suaranue. Was 548.85. ONLY 448.84 - Mo Down Parment SAVB 110. aa. FT. BOTPOINT PRBEZEB. Like new. used 1 moe. Pullr suareateed. Was 1885. ONLY 148.88 - No Down Parment ' SAVB 454. DE LUXE 11 a. M. RANOE. Push-button, all calrod unlti. warmlu oras, reliable unit. Ploor Bample, waa 448.85. ONLY 158.84 SAVB 444. a. B. PUSHBUTTON DOUBLE OVEN RANOE. Now floor .. sample, Calrod units. Was 148.88. Onlr 188.84 No Down Parment DB LUZB '51 MODEL ADMIRAL DOUBLE OVEN RANGE. Completed . . automatic. A real bur. Bate 8104. Was 48.85. ONLY 148.84 O.B. UtONBRS, Q l REPRlaERATORS, G.E. WASHERS All re dueed 10-30 - '41 models - floor ssmples - sots up to 8100. ATTENTION BUILDERS APT. OWNERS Special prices On apt. Iiouae ranses, relrlserators and dishwashers. Don't pass these deals up. Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC 260 N. LIBERTY, SALEM " PHONE 20312 NURSERY STOCK COME IN and see our line of garden auoollee. shrubs and beddlns plants. Fiototlller work. Ulddle Orove NuraerrJ 4814 SUrsrtoa Rd. Phone 4-4433. mbSl' GLAD BULBS 3 dos. 31.00. Dahlias, namsd, 1 lor 1.00. Tuberous besonlas 1 for, 41.00. Delphiniums, 3 for 11.00. sella Hllea, pink, white, 1 for 4100. M. W. Str. B. plsnta. 3 dos. 11.00. lierrllls Greenhouse, Brooks 8M4e TREES, half price, four rarities Bord's Nurierr. 1440 State. mb8' CHOICE dlOXINEAS now bloomlns. Vliltora welcome at Salem'a African violet headouartera. Puchala. Petunia. tomatoo At beddlns plants. Oppen'a Oreenhowe, 4380 Anbum Rd. mniie' AZALEA TIME Is here asaln. We hare a wide ranie of colore with prices from 14e up. Soles rard 3830 M. 4th. Strsrers Asslea Gardens, (58 Locust St. mb93" HEDGE OB WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 33188. 3487 Hollywood Drive. mbl08 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS 1 PIECE dining room set. Phone 4-1484. S84 HOTPOINT Elee. Bans.. Oood condition. Only 138.88. Used Merchandise Mart, 370 So. Liberty St. Phone 4-8371. nsa TON OP bean wrlo 3o pound. 4848 Sllrerton Boad. n84 BET CLUB aluminum eookware. VJectrle coffee percolator, 110.00. Phone 38085. nSS SLEEPING bssa. Nsw Hopalonx Caasldr. Wool filled with mattress pouch, sin ner and compasi. Special 110.89. Trad er Louie. 1870 Lena Are. n83 EXCELLENT BARNYARD , fertilizer. n86 Phone 43478 or 43807. DOLL CLOTHES for t to 13" doUl. 3t to 81.00. Ph. 4-4808. IB' FnTlXJZEst Pulverized, rotted manure, tfleiiverea anywnere, a-trn or 3-5073. ni03 CAR RADIO BARGAIN 61-'B2 Chev. 1- piece custom pueh-buton. ONLY o9.n Installed. Pay only $1.95 a week. Ra dios tor nearly all cars. NO money down! (on approved credit). Oreen Stamps, tool MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, 1H N. Com'l. n94 MANDRILL, NUT drier, some used cup boards, baby bed. other surplus art!' oles, cheap. Also plants, bulbs. Fred Stelner. 3100 Market. n2 FOR TOUR convenience. Trader Louie on Lena Ave., open till 0 p.m. Friday evenlnis. ' - 1 92 HOT POINT electric ranee, 1953 model. Fully automatic. 1336.00 cam. 1130 Lewis St. n&3 U DAVENOS as low aa $15.00. Nice shape, Used Merchandise Mart, 370 So. Lib erty. Phone 4-6371. B83" MAYTAG AUTOMATIC wuher, 3 yean Old. 1199. 1455 a, 10th. Fnono 3-5305 after S. . n93 ALL-STEEL alnile farage door, with track, reasonable. Phone. 38997. - 411 Manbrln Dr. n.93 FOR SALE Doe house, $35, delivered. 303 . asm. n3a G.E. BLONDE RADIO AM-PM, $189. used Merchandise mart. 370 so. Liberty St. Phone 48371, Salem, Ore- eon. D93' USED drawer chest. Excellent quality. 13.95 and $14.95. Trader Louie, 1870 Lena Ave. n92 104S ZEPBER Bvlnrude outboard motor, 5 H.P. $50.00. Call 3-4504 alter 8:1( p.m. n93 BRASS SALMON rod with Shakespeare service reel IStar drasl 830. call 1-4844 after 4:14 p.m. n3 BOYS' SPOBT CLOTHES, also 13, 14 t 14. Ph. 38487 alter 8 o'clock. nS3' PC. DINING set, 389.99. Verr nice shape. Uaed Mercbsndlse Mart, 370 So. Liberty St. Phone 4-4371. n83' SINGER Drophead treadle sewing machine, A-l condition and tua ran teed, $9.9, full price. Sinter Sewlni Center, 13 No, Commercial. n93 MAHOGANY BUFFET 00", mahocany book case. Thor vasblnc machine, all nearly new. Very reasonable. Call after V p.m., 3-3858. n93( Used Sinirer Electric Walnut Console cabinet sewlni ma chine. Looks like new. Special price 997.30. Free aewlni lessons. New ma chine guarantee. Slneer Sewlni Center, 130 n. commercial. nfl3' CREIl HOOVER CLEANER Excellent condition; walnuts, 10c pound. Phone 3-M98. n93 BUNK BEDS, I19.9S. Used Merchandise Mart, 370 so. Liberty. Phone 4-8371 n92 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS. 60S Edfe- waur. west Balem. Salem Logglne Sup- Ply. Ph. 4-1541. BTEEL elothtsllne posts, planters, rail- lot porch columns, furniture. 1145 N. Liberty. nlll M ALLOWED for your old water heater on lb la nsw 43-caUon automatic eiee trlo water heater, Ttater Appliance, 378 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the aame aualltr es last year, for home and garden, Plaastones, red lava atone and other types for walls er cardens. Rus tle cedar fenclni and trellis work. Phillips Bros, Bt. a. Bos 493, Balero. Ph. 4-3081. n USED washing machines, IMS and up. YEATER , APPLIANCE CO.. J7I Che meketa, n SALE VI DIESEL Roller and ball beartnis for trucks and tractors, 3771 AllTertoa Road JOE PALOOKA r weie 0oM HOVLE. THE REFEREE, IS THE SOLE JUDGE, BUT TWO POLICE INSPECTORS SIT AT RINGSIDE IN CASE OF AN UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE. "llNTHtSCORr!r?i WEI&MINO 14 Cl 6T0NE, Uv VEARING WHITE TRUNKS. DIGGER 4SCFARLANE, i - BRITISH EMPIRE rZrO Va f CHAMPION tjff &i j3 For sai. miscellaneous For Sole MISCELLANEOUS Gravel and Sand , 1 Anything In gravel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY BAND GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. n CHICKEN fertilizer n.oo per aack or $8.00 per yard. 3-3334. n93 AABY GBANO piano, 4385. Prank Holoubek, RL 1, Box 41, Brooks. 19E north. n93 IREE Weitinchouse aewlna machinal on all floor Baronies. Save up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 311 Che meketa. n PLASTI-KOTB requires no waxlnf. Por rour floora or linoleum. YKATEB ap pliance CO, 915 Chemeketa. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles. xence posts, bean posts and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt, 1, Box 493, 3 mllei east of 4 Cornera. Ph. 4-3081, n USED WEBER PoanUlnette with com- preesor. Very food condition. 4 pumpa, 4 eyrup Jan, 3 draft anna. Phone 3-BBOO. nfll BEFBIQEBATOB8, NEW end used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 374 Che meketa. ' n DEEPFREEZE home freesere. YEATER appliance CO., 378 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED for sals or rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phono 3-8188. n TOP SOIL River allt and fill dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 3-1740. n Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODEY WANTS pianos. Phone 3-8110. na ELECTRIC RANGES, Woodry'e. 3-8110. PIANOS WANTED TJieti planoa In sood condition for flalem -church and Sunday School. Glite of one or more will be accepted and recognized. Call 3-0308. na94 LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. eLentrtha 8 4" or 16 Diameter 6" to 16". Sawmill. Lfnttha 13 and lontrer. Diameter t" to 80". Top priced paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner Ore. Phono 1138 na PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Oroup No. 1. 3083 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-8418 or 3-4837. PlU' WANT AUOBESS lor hearlns aid agmcy, on 4th atreeL Orant Bale. uen. De livery. Albany. P93 BOATS 1 13-FT. PLYWOOD boat, 6 horss out- hosrd motor, 3190 Broadway. iqi- PBICED FOB Immediate sale; '43 Chris craft Crulier. w beam. " dralt. Powered by 333 HP. a. IS. dleael ermine. Coat over 818.000 to convert. Will sell for half or make offer. See at Salem Boat House or phone saiem 3-9303. 0093 si''te'. MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE W PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION (19 COURT ST. PHONS 3-1931 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD m' SALEM SAND Ar QRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Dltehlnff Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltehlns by the -Foot Phone Daya 3-9408 Eves. 1-4417 or 3-7413 Salem. Oreson DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST . Adolph Bids.. State & Commercial Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will solve your prob lems and aars you money. Free eitl matespeedy eervice. Center at Lib erty. Q0 TRUCKS '48 G.M.C. 3-ton, 13-foot, lnaulated van. 8330 Portland Rd. ud93 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATERPILLAR 810,500. 3.800 noun, with drum and dozer. Fully equipped for losslnr, new track!, sood ahape. Cecil Mares, phone Albany 3-789J4. oe94 FINANCIAL MONET TO loan on real eitate. Phone 1-4784. till ANNOUNCW GIVES THE WEIGHTS ...THE EQUIVALENT M POUNOS WOULD BE MC FARLANE ZOJ. PALOOKA w S2ts5' r8J' FINANCIAL. 5 Interest If ron Bare Idle lands asotlns ta eestmsnt. then tou are the pereoa to wheal we eea be at eervvse. Por over Twentr-llre laare we hay. keen helping people In this ommunlt find profltsble work for their mon. Purine thU period wo have promptlr paid 84 ifn ... minmuirii of Dollars. Wo are eurrentlf paring 8 INTEREST an funds from asoe so eawv. General Finance Corporation 134 S. COMMERCIAL ST. ... . Phone 1-8111 ol.(U, vinn SEE CS POR PARM, C1T OB ACREAGE LOANS DEVI- ur " - WE b m Real ssteto mortsases ontrscts State Finance Co. 141 So. Hlsh Sfc Ph. 1-4111 Lis. S-133 and M-331 and ROT B- SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradee" 13:04 Dally KSLM 1380 Us. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 134 So. Commercial St. Tel. 1-1141 PRIVATE MONEY . special Rates and Terms On Larier Loani Loni and Short Time Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 134 Bo. Commercial St, Ph. 1-8181 MONEY PROBLEMS? w .a ... t.b. fcha "tfM" Bub OI IVUr money problems, up to 8380 on small STATE FINANCE CO. l3.1' ..... in sl Hlsh St. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 181 South Church Parkins a-Plenty Ph. 1-1487 Lie He. M-180. S-144 LOANS UP TO $1500 ' ...-a Wuralture. Car All PERSONAL It's "res" promptl! to employed men or women. 1-vlilt losn . . . Phons fir". Tou select best parment date. Between payday loan. Phone, srite or come In TODATI Personal Finance Co. 108 8. HIGH ST, BALEM ' .. T.1i..n.. Noa. fl-133. 1J-14B Loana over 8384 up to 4180O and up to 30 months to repay made br Personal Finance Co. of Merlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of i.,.. rlOS TRAILERS NEW BOAT traUer. will handle IS foot boat. 600x18 tlrei. oniy eiee. oaiem Rmm. loo chemeketa St. t t83 HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . . ' . Barsalns . . . Ssll LANA LANK TRAILER PLAZA Trail. . 1040 Lancaster Ave. . Rental ta93' rns 8BAI.R ir.nitltv In 10S1 IJbertV hOUBC treller. 31 ft. 4-6118. miyj- SI 1 BVUM i 1 B.l.i . " dltlon. Sleeps lour. d. a. siuui. h nA. Phone 30008. taSS TRANSPORTATION AIB FORCE man wants ride to east T mmwm Atw. oajai. T-Hsa fanBirBi ..n.nise,..rjs ,TithABkTed. PhOnO Tinn 9.KR10. 73ft ThomDSOU. X93 AUTOMOBILES BEAL BUY, 1937 Packard 1. Vary sood snrewfittAn srivwi urn. rnxilD am Aiayaaecs . Unal lurhta. Phone 38088. 096 87 DE SOTO coupe, Cletua Mlnten. Call Stayton 3484. nee CHEAP transportation. 1938 Dodse, with 41,000 miles' on new moior, aei ii in v. Ranltol er nhone 4-4083. ' 083 1947 FOBD convertible, sood top, dual plpea, hood, trunk, and fenders leaded In. white wall tires. 3-3881. U93 IBM AI.1.RTATE motor SCOOtCr With SO' (-.nriM- nood condition. 3-8011 after 4:00 p.m. 3343 Portland Boad. qa97 si CHEV. 4 door. Radio-heater. Oood S1S40. H. B. wldmer, Rt. kox HSO Salem. Call Dayton 38X11 I OB7 lus chev. 4 door. 4800. Phone 3-7171 Q94 1BA1 PLYMOUTH Sedan In top condl Hon. WIU trade as part down payment on hous4 In Xnslewood Plat. Ph. 3-4443 eve. 093 D.-D. (Distinguished Driving) 1952 HORNET ACTUAL 8000 EASY MILES FACTORY GUARANTBE $2995.00 SHROCK MOTOR CO. OPEN 1 TO I q93' CHRYSLER ROYAL with epeclal equip ment, new '80 online, tires ana luoes, new paint, completely reconditioned. 8800 cesh. C. T. Ward, 3488 walker St. o3' 1849 INTERNATIONAL plcaUP, ?i ton. Oood condition, 1898. Jayhawk Trailer Sales. 2840 Portland Rd. 093' '41 BL'ICK Special Sedenette, eitrai. top ehape. 3-5914. 093" '81 CHEV. S-pauenscr Coupe. Ivenlnsi. 35339. 779 Brers. 093' 1941 POBD dump truck, new motor, sood rubber. 3233 Portlsnd Rd. c.93 '44 FORD, 395. C. Arndt, 1030 Electric Avenue. Phone 4-1769. 093 B.-O. (BARGAINS ONLY) 1948 DODGE SEDAN 'Looks and smells soodl $695.00 SHROCK MOTOR CO. OPEN 4 TO 4 -AMD WEARBSS BLACK TRUNKS,J0E MLOOHA. FROM THE U.S.. THE WRLCrS KEAWrVEIGHT CHAMPION. wr 3 27 Friday, April 17, 1953 AUTOMOBILES RON'S 1245 BBDWY. - PH. 2-6808 Bargains for the ' Week-end 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Club ?pe. Radiant neater, clean $893 1947 Chev. Club Cpe. Radio, heater, white wall tires, sharp ..' $795 1948 hev. Fltmstr. Sdn. Radio It heater, clean In and out one owner, low mile age car ...$858 1947 Olds. 76 Sedan. Radi6, heater, Hydramatic, new paint, in ' top condition, yours for only . $795 We have large stock of cheap late model can. Drop In soon! RON'S 1981 MODEL A Ford. Oood condition. Phono 31797 after p.m. pes F.-D. (Fisherman's Delight) 1952 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN , STEAL THIS FOB . $1995.00 SHROCK MOTOR CO. OPEN I TO S SEE THEM NOW! MG Rover r Humber ' Jaguar Sunbeam Talbot Hillman-Minx Brown -Fox BRITISH CAR SALES ' BROADWAY A MARKET Phone 4-8011 WESTERN MOTORS 'BANK USED CARS ' TERMS Tel. 18431 - 1341 Broadway w '81 Plym. Cambrldie Sdn. Heater, de froeters, undercosted .tubeleu tlrei, 4,300 actual miles E '80 Word Custom 141 Sdn. RA-H, over drive, white wall tlree, 13,000 actual miles 4 '49 Chev. Stylellns Dll. 4-dr. Hester, custom sest covers, new tlrei, 3-tono reen 8 1196 49 Merc. Club Cpe. RetH, Jet black with white wall tires and custom sest covers 11298 E 61 Ford Victoria. RAH, Fordomatlo drive, seat covers, 3-tone brawn, premium Urea, waa $188, our week end special tim R '51 Here. Sedan with overdrive, nearly new Urea, everilada green, low mile ease .....11890 N 48 DeSoto Custom Club Cpe. R&H, automatic trans., recondition and verr clean (ion 'S '41 Bulck Special Sdn. Motor recently overhauled. 15" wheels, very sound. drives exceptionally well $350 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 80 Plrm. Dir. Club Cpe. covers, very clesn .... R&H. in I i 11285 '40 Oldi. 14 Sedsn. Low mllesie, one owner, nicely equipped, very clean, this week only 11884 R 14 Chev. u-ton Pickup. Hester, 4-ipeed ' 41183 81 Jeep. 4-wheel drive, full top, healer, leei than 10,000 miles, like new. 81870 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE PRO 18 q93. By Ham Fisher n-.'iW.TWJ IADS.. REMEMBER 1 WHAT I TaD VOU...SHARP MAune I AND COME OUT RGHTT....