Friday, April 1?, ma DIRECTORY ADDING MACHWIi Ail meksi ueed aaechlnea told, rented, gegeured. Boo, U4 court, Ph. 3-0111. BULLDOIINQ Bulldoslng ind. elearlaf teeth. TlnB Butler, 1011 Falnlew. Ph. 3-1 lit 09l BUILDING MATKE1AL X W. ELANO Wrecking Co, Builders cmip oupphcq. ,-t.w, wcninga. oil O. W, KLANQ Wrecking CO. Build...1 ehup auppllee. 3-733I trralnti. olll' CABS IIOllTUI Instant diltrery at new RCA ub geglctero. AU makeo. Mid. rented, re paired, iiocn, .ao uoun. rn, 3-.T73, CUSTOM PABM WOBK Plowing, discing, aeedtng. Pord oeulp . menl. llerihall, 4911 Market, Phone MMI. 0101 'DtEBSHAKIXa Alteratlona. hemstitching , buttons, ouostea covered. Buttonholes, Mrs. H. M. Aliendcr, i-wn. 01M- DKIVINQ INBTKDCTION Lean, to drtfe the "Buy Drrre war. Call at iH Mr. Basiling, Valley Mo tor Co, Salem. Phone 1-111 or 4-lon. EXCAVATING Ben Otjen A Bona. Eacavatlnr. nrad. Inf. land clearing. Pbono S-30eo. olia rUBNIXUBE BEFIN18HINO rurnltura retlnljhlng. repaired. Ed. ar Brock, Ml Norway Si. Phone a-assT. Insulation Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum ecreen. rre, .inmates. T Pullman. Ph. 3-M05. 011J BJATTBES8ES Capitol Bedding, renoretes. Pull Una now metireasea. rn. J-soes. OFFICE FURNITURE tUFTLIEB Desk chairs, fllec, tiling supplies, safee. nupiicatoirs. supplies, desk lemps, type writer atanda. Roen, efig Court. o IHAEPININO AND BEFA1B SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lewnmowers, knlres, aheara, bi cycle, and email motori, Pb, 34.011 or eeies. igtn and "D" fttc. olle SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleana aewere, dralna, Pbone a-vioB. olio1 Hamcl'a aeptle tanka cleaned, line aervlca. ,. Guaranteed . work. Pbone a-7,oe. 009 Sewer, eeptle tanka, dralni cleaned. Sa to-Hooter Eewer Service. Pbone 3-B33T. L. w. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. olOS TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remington, Royal, Un- machine. Repalre at rank- Roea, Ait ..ours, 0 TELEVISION TV Sales, service. Antenna, 1310 Lena Ave. Phone 4-6932. olll1 Prompt television and repair aervlce. Phone 4-8981. t73 lfarket, day or night. one VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY . Oanfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, Re finish ing. 1440 S. 12th. Pb. 4-6403, Pick-up, ueuvery. oil. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor , waxing, housecleanlng. Pbone 3-333T. 147 Court. o 9 4 FOR SALE HOUSES 10-BOOH ROME Furnished, corner lot, race. I8S00. Rati bujl Owner Inr for California. 3841 N.X. ffrerett, Portland. FI 8543. a91 OWNER RETIRINO 40 A. Chehalla eoll, fully coyered by Irritation, 3 veils and lakes. Very productive, ood ftahlnr, hunting, one I B. R. hoaw. one IB. R, house, two 10x30 sUost 2 sheds (28x100 and 34x80 ft.) 32 A. mint, 23 A. fUberte, 32 A. peaches, 150 A. pasture, IT A. hops, 114 A. peas, etc. Alfalfa does well. Good dairy or stock ranch. Price $100, 00, with 150,000 down. US ACHES .132.800, with V, down, trade "A delrr, now in operation, IT plus pounds quota, some Iriisatlon, 3 springs, year round stream, Ice. barn, 3 sheds, 101 A. crop, to A. permanent pasture, A ood view possible. 180 ACRES SB A. to crop, 30 more to clear, no bldis., tractor, some machinery, 2 ducks ponds, flshlnc, only 414, 1T, with V down. North. 32.35 ACRES Young orchard, good home, garage, machine shed, north, nice place. 16 TfiO with 88000 down. We have other farms. Bee our farm tnan DON WALL. Burt Picha 17, N. High St. Eves: 4-6467 Ott: 3-4047 all- SOUTH 21ST ST. 5,5003 bedrooms, older type, well built home. Concrete foundation. Oood lined kitchen and dining room. Lot U 48x116. This is the type of house you can easily make Into a real pice place. SEX OR CALL PRANK VLABlC S-B620 OR 4-2670 WITH McKillop REAL ESTATE 493 Center Bt., Salem an Suburban Extraordinarily attractive 3-bedroom - house In cerlnaven- Addition only - 4 block from new super market. Beautifully landscaped with back lawn and garden fenced. Has hardwood floora, oil furnace, Inside utility room, attached garage. Priced at $8000 with 20 down. EAST ENGLEWOOD New 1'A-story house with 3 bed Tootni down and room for 3 large bed room in the nnflntahed upstairs Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, lnilde utility room U wired for dryer, kitchen is birch trim, formica counter tops, large ward robe cloiet.8 in bedrooms are birch. Built by Prank North. This home will he completed In about 3 week and U priced at $13,000. Call and 1st us ahow you. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Masonic Building UealSstate Insurance Mortgage Loans Phone I-P317 rrenlngs: 347 a93 t-BKDROOM Uving room, attractive kitchen, dining area, utlllttee, attach garage, forced air oil furnace, In sulated and weathers tripped. Lot 10 x 130, shade trees. 3T31 Harvey Ave., South Village. Excellent buy at $10. 350. By Owner. Phone 33321, or drive out alter fl p.m. or Sunday, a9S BT OWVKB -South, near Baker school. Large fenced corner lot. Paved streets, fruit, nut trees and garden. Older 3 ' bedroom house. Needs repairs. Corner Plr and East WlUon. Phone 38901. a93 CLASSIFIED AnVTRTIIlNQ Per Word. tints l&e Per Ward e ' Per Ward, tj tlaee lee Per Ward, t Month COe No Refmds Mlilman 19 Wards. ftKADEBfl la Leeel Newa Oelaan Only Per Ward le Mlnlnia 19 Warde Tg) Place Ad fn Bame Dar1! Paper, Phone 2-24M Before 10 sun FOR SALE HOUSES i tseit) 'in1?1 1. ffJ.T'L-Ti"."' "ne' ol this 3-edrte. home isiwi with M large walnut tnu, lual ouuide eltv llmlu. Price MMoT , ndABf a5' u!S M US? h0,M m nni "' Trade. """ "". 'eneed gar. Thla U a real value. Onlg W,iw. stzrssr . heJtoToS00 ,b,i "UCM' ""I"',,. (UU ksuresnt, muaued aarue. Tlua borne u at clean aa a pin. 1 11. too. .eiZS,1'V! bom " J, OK. r. (with wing gpace), beautllul with knoltr pin. panelug. ee.ioe. Zeeb's Real Estate 1853 N, CAPITOL (ve. Ph. 3-0(14 . Open House by Owner SAT. & SUN. -2 TO 6 P.M. 1060 N. 13TH Large living room. Large dining room. Large kitchen, Iota ot bullt ins, 3 large bedrooms. Bath with built-in lav. Fireplace. ' William T HOME BUILDER 1540 OLIVE ST. le1MiAMiiiltA fff fff fJ-rjJJJJJJJj FOR SALE HOUSES BX OWNBB, 4 bedroom house with m,u. un. DiDoc to new nign school. AddlUonal lot available. Phone 3-6066. aa? OWNU 1 acre, modern 3-oodrooni, ""ww uouw, emeu oarn, spring water, on paved road. oo. Terms. 3-6305. .,2 VIIW BOMB-a bedrooms, plav room, voueu. garage ,wali-to-wall oarpetlng. Bplo and span. Reasonably priced. Phono 3-6013. 331 Potest KUlg War. al3 1070 N. 19TH Englewood School District t-bedroom borne, fireplace hard wood floora, (operate dining room, nice room? kitchen. Shake aiterlor and well-kept rerd. 3-car garage. Oood socauon near acnool and bus. 611,000. CO OR CALL RALPH BENT 3-8620 OR 4-6350 ' WITH McKillop REAL ESTATE : ' 493 Center St., Salem a93' BBAND NEW. over 1100 feet of floor space, wiin loads ox extras mat you only find la a home twice the price. Roman tut fireplace, separate llnlni room ana noog, oircn Kitchen, con venient utility rm.. plaetered Karaite. forced oil heat. This exceptionally well built home is almost ready Jor the finish coat of paint, why not select your eoiora now ana move into a new home. Call 43963 or eve. 30422. Bowes A Wood. 234 N. High. a SUBURBAN, AIMOST new I bedrooms on h acre, separate dining room and nook, forced oil heat, double larase, a lew iran trees, pua py oor, ex terior paint auaranteed for IS reare, Very reasonably priced for 13,500. FUA terms. Call 43353, ar. 10433. Bowes s wood, 3ii4 n. Him. n MANBBIN GARDENS. If yon want room and a large lot with all the cur con venlenees, yon will find It hero In this 3 bedroom and natural finish den. Also dining room and nice nook, lg. Jltlllty rm.i forced oil heat. Beautiful endacaplng. The prlco haa been re duced to ais.soo for quick ale on PHA terms. Must be seen to realise the value. Call 43353 or eve. 90423. Bowe & Wood. 324 N. High. aB2 BT OWNER. 383 K. Rural. Nob Hill, prewar built English type home ol lasting architecture. Located near schools, bus b shopping. 3 bedrooms or 2 and Den. Llvlngroom with com fortable fireplace. Dlningroom with bulltlna, Kitchen with nook. Full base ment with recreation room. Lovely landscaped corner lot. Immediate oc cupancy. Appraised at 14,&oo for quick sale will take $13,000. Mortgage can remain, call 45943, Eve. 89S, ask for Severln. a94 $3950 PULL PRICE A really cute on B-R. home, newly reaeeoratea, ige. uv. a ain. rm., ige. B. R- plea kit., eltc. water heater A range, Ige. lot in expensive home neighborhood with room to build Ige. house in front, paved si, Vk blk to boa. $1000 down and 140 mo. Ask for BOB CONKUN. 17800 Nice 3 B.R. house ln-CaDltola Dlst. Ige. fenced yard, paved at., city water 9j sower. A real value, set H now. Ask lor BOB CONKLIN. BURT PICHA 379 N. High St. Off.: 3-407 a92 $275 Down, $35 a Month Buys thla modest 3-bedroom home. Located north of Salem. Complete bath. $3750 only. B. A. McOlanflln, Realtor 444 Center 3-9611, Eva. 1-6013 a92 Need 3 or 4 Bedrooms? New 3 bedroom home. 3 B R. to finish. Large living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen with birch cupboards. Bathroom haa ahower and bulltln vanity. Well arranged view home. Large corner lot. Terms to suit you. Builders Homes REAL ESTATE 3T3I BO. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 4-1BT5 Eve. 3-5930, 3-1170 a93 I BEDROOM house, large lot. Ph. 32383. 1093 Cascade Dr. Reasonable. a04 BT OWNER. 3 bedroom home. Enile wood Disk 790 Thompson. Ph. 3-7241. a97" EEIEER WAT. 3 bedroom modern home, 1 acre. Oood location. Price 99,750. General Real Estate, 35$ Center, Ph. 3-3289. a93 I BEDROOM house, by owner. Entle wood District. Inquire 933 Perry. a94 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AT 399 DELMAR BT. OFP NORTH RIVER ROAD New S bedroom home. Coved celling. Largo living room, dining room. Na tural kitchen, ahower over tub. Hard wood floors, forced air heating sys tem, fireplace with heatolater, extra room In garaie, attic. Lot 70x7$, good oU. $10,900. r. H. A. terma available OFFICE DIAL k 44494,24552 A FOR SALE HOUSES qasDiig PH. 3-3031 3-6.63 U' 3-0139 . 3-S643 Hardwood floora. , Automatic Sandberg furnace Attached plastered garage Large lot Block to Hi & Jr. hi school. Close to bus. J. Foster PH. 23800 FOR SALE HOUSES ALMOST NEW 3-bedroom house, electric range, hardwood floora, automatic in. m mtapie Ave. asi IOUTH VILLAGE. bedroom, 1307 84. -. vuubi lorcea air TI1Pnaias) fl.anUa. a. ai.i shww, mmvwsm Jtning room. ntUity with dryer, nleo Uwn, amiiiua, y.gej. 1919, g04 BT OWNER, $ room home, basement, ' eaaaAaavB, aavag ia, A ABU nngn flt. Ph. 36980. 102 FOR SALE LOTS LABOR BOMB SITES In teatltltul King wood Helenta. 1000 op. tut terras. Bee owner, phone 38413. aate LOTS NORTH, no restrictions. ISM, tU down. It a month. 3-8,11. Bra. !-etll. Olflce rooms I3S up, beat .lltes, janitor me. n a, ... center at. aasa LOT'S. EAST. 110 down. 11, month with water, electricity. Close to good .tore ana eenooi. aeneral seal state, 358 Center, Phone 3-9319. aa,3 VIEW LOTS Bell or trede at Titlteooe Lake. Could be commercial or private. Its ft. tig 300 It. TJtllltlea eallable. 3-8083. aaOT LARQB LOTS, close In. email down div. ment. 1929 Center. aa,3. FOR SALE FARMS GRAIN AND stock farm. Surfaced high way. T.3D a. oarns, a bouses, I silos, vauej iano, no nuu. muea town. 395 A. stock ranch, 18 A. crop land, some grass and eutover. New barn. springs ana smell creek. 460 A. sheep ranch, largo barn, good nouse. i bo crop land, oood water. Several good smaller farms wall lo cated. Richardson Real Estate Dayton. Ore. bos MUST SELL 39 acres, 30 acre walnuts, reit aewea to grain, ae cnev. truca, tractor and all farm Implements; fl room older house, barn, aoed well. Priced 7000. Oenerat Real Estate, as3 center, pnone s-vaao. b03' Woodburn District 33 Acres of the finest Willamette silt son .excellent 3-bedroom home with basement, fine barn and other build ings, good Irrigation well with equip ment, also creek thru property. Has a good cherry orohard. 4acra berry patch and pasture. Thla lg a vary toed our as Terms. BEE OR CALL A. W. McKILLOP 38620 OR 37904 McKillop REAL ESTATE 4,3 Center St.. flalem b! TOR SALE ACREAGE Center St. REALTY IV. ACRES Northwest. A tin. build in, elta. Shade trees, orchard. Mew Of mountains. Price ,3000. a '4 acres south. ecru walnuts and cherries. Price 13500. TEN ACRES Southoeat. BlllhUj rolling land. Price 13100. TEN ACRES East. A beautiful piece of land. Willamette loam. On paved road, near echool. Price 3310. Center Street Realty 1711 Center St. Phone 4-8(31 Ire. Phones: Qle, 3-7113, Bright 1-1183 DO. SUBURBAN acre on Boon. Roed, unflntahed nse garden eoll the beet. tMN. Terms. 10 acres near Wallace Kd., older hte. Lire etreem. feneed, elderlr cou ple win consider trade (or Income property. Value 810O0. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1(10 Wallace Rd, Ph. 4-1183 bbtt la Approx. (00 aralted Pren- qu.tte English walnut io raert old, with drier, t mllel of Salem. Phone 37)11. bbJ REAL ESTATE Trade - Trade - Trade 4333 Neat, clean 3 rma. & bath. equity now. win sen or iraoe ror a bdrm. house to 18000. 97900-euslneM building wMh I- bdrm. ntdn. living qtra. Uv, rm. kitchen St bath, fipace for grocery store, cafe, etc One acre acroas from ach. Will trade for what have you I TWINTT-POUR-ACRS beauty, nice 3-bdrm. house with fire pi., nice setting among the oaki, good outbuildings, ir r list ion equipment, fruit nuts, an unusually good setup for someone, be sure w see this one, will take In good Salem home la trade. eflQHT ACRES, nice view getting, all- rr. ereck. Ige, barn, good soli, gadn, 3-bdrm. home, basmt., firepl. fur nace, paved rd. Really a good clean well-built home, value $10,300. will trade for eity or amaller acreage. PH 3-seao. Ed Lukinbeal Realtor 431 N.. High St. XVI. call 3 Ull 4-U1T 4-ITLI m , THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8akm, Orezoa REAL ESTATE MOVING TO WOODBURN t Nice aaall home on highway aloao to tannery and atorea. wui trade rot Salem property. Priced low at 1110.00. QUM CRUX ROAD Lovely 3 bdrsa. homo. view. dbL fa rage, baaemant, extra Jot, paUo, A bargain at COUNTRY fTOafll On 30 A. with ereck and spring. Irri gation toalpment and bldgs. House haa full baaemant, w to w carpeting, 1 bdraae. and daa. extra lOaing. Priced below value, BUSINESS OPPORTOTtmEB BeTsral good ineoaaa producing busl neaaee. Covple can handle. Oroeerr aura, aaktrr, loeri mfg. awl Ice cream Mora. CALL DON RUNE With Waller lluegrare Realtor I-IIC Bee. 3-44U CJ $150 DOWN t-bedroom home, needs aome com pletion work. Only I3M0, easy monthly payments. Oood aad lot. Oood garden apoL Low taxes. ; . WANTA BASEMENT? i Hire la a good one with a fireplace and an extra fun room, around level haa two lovely bedrocks. Beautiful fireplace in a light and cheery living room. A dream kitchen and dinette. All hardwood floors. Attached garaie. Inside city limits on paved street. Close to school and bus. Only 111,860 and P.H.A. Unas. $850 DOWN Only $4i for a roomy t-bedrconi home. One of the best garden opots la the valley. Lota of fruit, nuts and berries. Paved at, bug by door, alose to school and shopping center. Low taxes, balance like rent, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Sooth High Btreel Phone 1-0303 Phone evenlngg and Bunder: 4-1871, I-lUt, 4-13(9, 1-4(78, 4-8111, 1-33(4 1 CB3" COFFEE SHOP . ; Near atate buildings, force. aaia. ho teiepnoen Information. Tavern and Restaurant Priced for quick dale. Oood l.ese At reaaonaoi, rent, ggsoo. , Six Choice Lots Just outside cltr limit, 81 s 100 ea. Priced at onlr 8881 each. Farm - 31 Acres Plus V ' fi-rm. house, barn, chicken houae. 11 head ot stock. I ml. B E. ot 4 Corner,. (13,(00. SMALL HOTEL rooma and 3-rm. apartment.' In lor ting community. 5S00. Terms. 9041 M. Capitol Bt. Ph. 4-4101 Eta. 1-MS1 c91" $14,500 One of the best of the many beautiful bomea In Inglewood Diet. Located on corner lot with bua stopping at door. L.R. with fireplace, that is warm and bright In winter, cool and airy for aummer comfort. D.R. that la spacious. 3 large B.Ra, kitchen haa Iota ot butlt-lni. Tile dratnboard, beautiful nook or in corny breauasta a year. Basement, auto. heat, garage. Beauti ful lawn, shrubs, sprinkling aystem, $9,950 One of the cleanest, most attractive homea eaat. Large LR. carpeted with beautiful carpet over hardwood floors. Fireplace. Very workable kitchen. Large lot. Close to etorea and bug line, This le a good value, , $8,200 Late-built, neat, attractive home In Kelser Dlst. Has 3 large B-Rs. Hard wood floora. Auto, ell heat. Large 1 car garage. Insulated. Cn oe bought on easy terms. $8,000 Large 8-B.R. home northeut Double plumbing. New oil furnace, piped to each room. This is a cooa, clean home. 3-car garage. Lot 14x189, $1,000 down win nanoie. $5,750 Located on N. Church St. l-room home with basement, Equipped for either electric or gas cooking. Xlectrle water heater. Oarage, Very good location. $3,750 A dandy home south In JJcKlnley school district. Hu 3 bdrms., nice bath, attached garage. One of the beat buys, and can cell with low down pay ment. CaU O. V. HUM or eTTANLKT BROWN With STATE FINANCE CO. Realtor, 1(7 I. High St. Etas. ( Phon, 1-4131 1-81(1 e3 NELSON Welcome Wagon Sponsor SOUTH 15TH STREET OWNER MOVINO TO COUNTRY 3-bdrm. plastered home, hwd. firs., Inside utllltr rm., lot (0 x 100, 1 blk. to bus. Price 87000. call Mrs. Wootten. $4800 FULL PRICE 3-bdrm. home, fplace., new wiring, new plumbing, good location, conven ient to gtete cap.. Oen. hospital. En glewood achool. Call lire. Wootten. WANTED IN KEIZER 9-ear garaie with 3-bdrm. hom. In oooo to 310,000 bracket. Call Al. Well,, 1-73H. DUPLEX Beautiful 3-bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. View location, hlihlr re trieted neighborhood. Price PI, WO, CaU Mr. Schmidt. UNUSUAL DESIGN KINOWOOD NHOHTi House et apart by Its charm even In this section of lovely homes. This 3-bdrm. (St den home is situated with an east and west view, built by owner, beautllul lot 10 I 330, call for appt. Price llt.SOO. 3 Bdrms. - One Floor RANCH 8TYLI DI LUX! Achievement In new home design lt arrangement. If you appreciate a dls tinguiahed home, good neighborhood, flout construction, this 3-bdrm. ranch style home with all Us beauty and charm will pie tie the most xaitidioua. Beautiful burl maple kitchen bullt-lns, white oak floors, Arlsona sandstone fplace, dble. gar. Ak for appt. to see more or these ouutanoina leaturea Price 133,000. NELSON & NELSON aptciALizma realtor 701 M. High St. Ph. I-3(M REALTOR ' ' REAL ESTATE 9(Uee4H(8 (eMHtsseeee (eMWMts MMIeetM BUY WiiMiuetuwsM LIST (stllleoUSlMI IttllUUt (l IlltUttU , ntutii w SULLIVAN GREENHOUSE l hack aard. t-bdrm. horn, with 1(0' troatage on Lancaster. Pile. Includes email rental house and tM .wner will trade for acreage. COUNTRY LIVING at ita hait cm thla IH eer.a which will grow the keel garden la the vellaj; aUt Joan at Spooa'a Landing. The convenient 3-bdrm. home on the property haa oil heat an a enuaie garage. If rou are looting tor acre as, rou'U want to at. thla. M. INVESTMENT Five-bedroom older home with base ment. Only Ve block from fleers (Shop ping Center. At .reseat, a of the bdrms. are rented to students. Income can be greatly Increased. .Pull price only 113,700. . . DUPLEX - FHA- : constructed. Thla fine duplex located on paved at., near chopping center, 3 Ige. bdrms. in each. Ton get an extra lot and a very substantial loan may be gecured. e IT, 000. Will take a home In trade. BEAN GROUND 40 acres near Merlon, l-room house built In ItSO. 30i30 barn. 0,800. Eves. Ph. 4-33,8 NORTH HOWELL If rou hate 114,000 rou can bur 10 acres of the best aoll In th. valler. Term, on the balance, Pullr equipped. 438.000, or will keep the equipment and sell for (33,000. , , T,S. Ph. 4-3341 Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR IMS Portland Road Ph. 4-4S33 Br. office 187 N. High Ph. 4-1433 Ire. phs. 1-8(14, 1-4M, 4-8(37, 4-17(1 Ct3 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LlSTmas, partlcularlr high er priced nomea and au trpea witn low down parmenta. Absolutely Unique Juet Ilka new and It's reeltr alee. Bpaclou, rooms, Plreplace. Ineuleted. Weatherstrlpped. ' Aluminum window frames. Owner leafing cltr. Die. Tlcw. Price 813,330. Don't Miss This Buy In Bntlewood Dlst. Only yra. old. very well uuiit. Automatic ou neat. Near bua and school. Llvini room has wall to wall carpet. Insulated. Price la only woo. Exceptionally Nice S bedroom on 1 floor. Basement. Fireplace. Montar oil furnace. Nicely landscaoed. Only 1 its. old. nice view, secluded location. All draw drapes Included In the economical price of $14,000. Terma. VALUE HERE Spacious suburban. Near eotaoo!. Bus tv door, several iruit trees, oreen- house, cnlcken houae. Oood cased well. Nice yard and enrobe. Acre lot. May consider smell noma as part pay ment. Full price 811,000. ; SHOE REPAIR SHOP Established 20 yrs. In a fine loca tion. Xsonr list ol equipment. Rent only $50 per mo. 4-year lease. Water and heat furnisneo oy owner or dkw, Thla la good, priced at $27H. 10.000 So. Ft .Bldtr. in a rerr food area. Excellent loca tion tor manr types of buatnee, such aa dance hall, akatlng rink, howling oi ler, email manufacturer or what have rou. For aale at onlf 130,000. Term,. Verr large lot with lota ot parking apace. APARTMENT Almost adJolnlnr Capitol shopping Center .Hardwood rioora. All unite xur n lined. Private bath lb each unit. Separate meters Monthly income irons $434. Monthly expenses Incl. taiai lees than $80. This unit always has been very desirable for rentals. No debt will be business location In abort time. Owner leavlntt state la the onlr reason It Is offered for aale. Price is onlr I27.B00. CALL FOR DAN IBAAK, XVI. PH. 4-3633, or MR. KIQQINS, JtVE. PH, 4-5404, or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH, 4-6030. If no answer, call 4-294$. 5 ACRES With food modern 4-bedroora borne Located east onlr i mllea from fla lem. Chicken home, i arete. Beat of eoll. Location la fine. The property la priced rleht. Only $13,700. Terms arranied. 50 ACRES 48 under cultlTatlon and Irritation, s A. atrawberrlee, 12 A. caneberrlei. Oood aoll. Modem S-bedroom home In veir food condition. 30 by 40 barn, onion home 20 by B0, machine abed Over 2000 ft, lrrlf atlon pipe, .full price only $34,000, , 2 610 ACRES Very close In cut. Very apaeloui roomy 4-bedroom home. Fireplace. 20 by 60 barn. AU under Irritation. Beit of aoll. 30 by 10 chicken home. Moitlr In cherries and walnute. May oonatder exchange for city property. luU price 0950. CALL FOR MR. LEAVKNB, tVX. PH. M735. u no anawer, can eau, MORTQAOK LOAM 20-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office ptionee: 4-33U or i-7o 303& PORTLAND ROAD etve. Phonaa: 14734. 4-404, 4-K31, 4-6020 or 2-3&SI If no answer, phone 4-2241 LIVE HIGH on Palrmount Hill, tenloy apaclons yard with oek treea, modern 4-yr.-old home, I bdrma., fireplace, dlnlna rm.. paved t.. bus, achool. fine nelshbor hood, forced aale, price cut, F.H A. terms. Olfered first time today. See thla for only $11,800. TREMENDOUS Atupendoua, Colonel, Matntttcent, 10-room Brick Beauty in choice hilltop aetiiar. i bathe, 4 nuie n a rooma, full baaement, 3-car farate. Pine nelehborhood. Thla home has claas and should be owned by someone de alrlnv a raoloua llrlni. Wonderful trees and ahruba. F.H. A, terms, $24,000. BELOW FHA PRICE First come, tint aerred on thla l-br, home offered today for leu t-han FHA, appraisal. Oood paved St., lnalde utility, lane brk. nook, oil neat, loveiy lawn, plenty of aaroen space, neat and very clean. Will sell tbU week lor 11250. TUB ABOVR LI8TIN04I ARK HEW ON TUB MARKET AND WB BKLIFVE OOOD NCWB FOR BUYERS WHO EX- PeSCT VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, Itle Falrfrounda Road Ph. 4-2306. Eve. 3-8061, 4.1704, 4-7J iman rai REAL ESTATE LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT l(.1(--hdrak, watts, uretalra, Ur. niclvn. Mm yard ah rube. Claa, W schools, BhaKda bua. Terms. INGLEWOOD DISTRICT '," Nk. t-btfna. Ur. Bhutt Pua haeaaent AuM. edl ton. ' a atere as ratrlg. so with deal. Bswlr daooreUd tivslde ent Ternu. Mckinley district ..Vl-,-Mn- "ew modern atria. Ur, Din. Kitchen. Inside utllltr. . Attached garage. Aul cu (urs. Plreplaca. Lam lot. PJI.A. lerau. NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOL t '"-' l-bdrm. Ur. Din. Um kitchen. 3-car garage. Auto, en keak Plr.placa. conn lot. tJLA. lerau. . , . WALNUT PARK Un " Kitchen with nook. tJUlltr. t ii. - "feplaca. The, boue, la exceptional and should ' Maecn, Wonderful district. NEW ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT N J4, -'" modern gtrle. Urge llr. Din, Kitchen and Book. Otiutjr m. Large garaae.wlth big tor see apace. Beautiful comer , , termed ' c"n!t Mo. Call us tor as appointment. Oood ; SOUTH VILLAGE ! Sf- ."' "" Walk-to mulnt rm. Til. bath. Double J "1"'. ," -w eraae. 1 flrephwea. Patio. ludecaplni la cut ot thla world. Ltug, owner lot. Trees, . A. A. LARSEN, Realtor m . aigit ph. ua . Andr KalrorHn. ph. mil A. B. Becarlt, nh. ilstl, A. Walla, pb, tnu ' ; " sTrea. and Bunder es Call Colbath . LISTEN TO THIS . OWMXH LXAVTHO eTTATB-UUBT BEUi thla l-bdrm. home tea fu"T;. Telle na to tale (sot down and reduce prloe to (ITM. Horn. Is heauutullr rttlnlshed Inside, CaU David. Ira, ph. 4-1703 , : ', FISHING TIME" : ' ;.. ' ' '( V!.SK5ov n4 opportunltr tlm, at thla wonderfulrr equipped P18. ' ' : INO RBSORT. Ut me teU rou how to earn Independence here. Price . -right at (19.J00. soma terms, or will take aloe home la Salem as part down. Call Darld, Xva. ph. 4-1103. , GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE - A large COLONIAL TYPE 3-bedroom homo on 3 acre,. 301 to hobbr r workahop. Dandr beautiful aoll and eerr choice picturesque location, alas. la. aim cute. Boat, little red bam lor ehetlend poinea, TBIB (11.000. TERUB. Call David, Xva. ph. 4-1703. ; POSSIBLE $650 DOWN ' v CCODI BOMB with I bdrms, separate dining ra., oil heat, basement aingla garage. Near achool and ahopplng area. PTJU. pnics (TOM, Be. ' Aire. Ogleabee, Xva. ph. JS373. T - FLASH-FLASH -FLASH TOTAI. P1UCB is ONLY IJ1S0. Nice corner lot with l-bdrm. home, ' haa acme turnlshlnge. Large living rm. 4, kitchen coratjlnetloa, Oa- . : rag, and troll houae. Sm Mis. oelubi,. Eve. ph. 33173. YOU WILL BE SORRY PJOU DO HOT an THIS VALUE ron $1$0 down. Zut suburban ' ; t-bto. home with Una IMnr rm.. nice kitchen, dinette, bay win dow, ndwd. Urs., oil heat. Roomy saraae. Fenced yard. nntSDlATI . Awwaowun. unidi S'OUO. OU MRS. OCMJSBEX, VB. PH, 15.7, OWNER SELLING AT A LOSS eTTATElT-aUOT' OLDER ROUE 1M OOOD OONDrnOM. Ptlture. .. , large living rm. 13iM, alee dining rm., cheerful kitchen, unflntahed up- . , , (talra, large baemt. with partr rm. Sawdust turnaoe. Corner lot nlcelr ' "..''J VSSP" 001B TOn 1s'- ( Per mo. Bv,, pa, 3(033. : TAKE TIME OUT TO SEE TOB ATTRACTIVE THREE-BEDROOM ranch-BTTLB HOME. Uvlnt ' ra dining rm, lovelr kitchen, nice hath, bdwd. fir,., utllltr rm., oil ' Ji!JJ - J ".'"rag, to all rma. Exclusive location. THIS IB WORTH , (310. Take, ll down, and (S7 p,r mmltx mciudea taiea. Int. BROOKY NOOK ya ACRE ' : . f,?K'trm!,'l,i ,bw' on ereek, close la. Hew gal , VUt ''. ew (-ft. tteel cabinet e sink. Kew dinette gas. JJ"xVX5pb! M down. HIRE a A STEAL. BTS T. T. AN- . ' - PRICE $570(M700DN. BUYS IT lea 3-bdrm. horn, oouH oullr b. made Into I bdrms. Uvtng m $13,000 ON GOOD TERMS 1J ACRES, it a. in cult, big dairy barn, nice l-bdrm. home, Urge hlekca houee. II miles S.X.). sex t. T. AUDBRSOH, EVE. 5" -31. REDUCED PRICE $2000 POH Quick BALE. ,o ACRES. 14 A. In eau O Teton, loitl bant, 1-ar "'"J eta 10 rra old. Rae 1 bdrma., flrepl.w. kitehei batE . . ..,rss?:?rs,, S52 prop "i .; BIG SET-UP ' . , : - J I0 ACRXSwIth 130 K la cult, nice 3-bdrm. home, large barn 1 grin,.. PRICE IS (35,000. M down. SIB T. TTaWERSOM X?i t GARDEN ROAD 2 ACRES - v KI?E ""J1 Atl. modern l-bedroom Some, gsrag,. am all barn. OOLTSBEE . XVI. PH. 3J3I3 DAVID - XVX. 41703 AUDKRaOK . 43711 OFFICK D1AI 44494,24552 K 44494,24552 A W I & vat -i I I mtm a TEN PER CENT DOWN PAYMENT ONE PER CENT MONTHLY PAYMENT ON THESE SusWfcVr'ic. HTOO? WlUl b,tt "'" Lr" It? watJS" PricM.!11 b"b- "'" 'nd ,H hMU: ,,,,rt- 3 ACRES. I large rooma. bath, small bara. Partly wooded, large gay' ' den area, fruit trees, it tekes a handy man to (ll tip tut thlg "at Hear achool, neighborhood grocery. Price ROW. E, J. ZWASCHKA Phon. l-MSt DRIVE BY! 333 KANeRf Thla 4-bedroom home with basement and flrepleee la located on i ,100.71 lot. Idsal for the large leSly. VoJa anjo, th" gpeclou, kltchra with aatlng area. Beparat. dining room. 11,7,0. 51 west MADRONA-A lorely l-bedroom ranch atrl. only three i1"""!! f"1" ' HelghU echool. Urge kitchen and ; dining room. Dandy lot with Ireea. Don't oh, mi, on, at 13,7I0. ,.!f1?1'1?, TOMnciAJrBu,l",u with about M0 acuara lUSi'SUl f.C.,i'""lr'"B,?omf ""h b""nient. AU thla for 110,600, and good terms. Mar cconaldw long-time leese. .i,.iil'7fS2''rS11" .""? m llh " thai could use cm. flung up. But tha price la only 10,300, with the but of terma. th?r "b.'oi? UU""' "" '" """ ",M " Brt (Courtesy to broker.) ' RAMSEY REAL ESTATE iqm if. com'i. rhone 4ll keai. mi Alt ( BUDOrr MINDED? Bee IhU riNOWOOD HEiaHTS home. Will take late car aa part down pay ment. Bal. K Z. F, H, A. terma at leaa than rent, rou will be proud te be the owner ol thla I Br, Rm. home with auto. F. A. heat, mahotanr pan nellnf about fireplace. BEB XT BUT IT. A STEAL CtfOfiC IN, Juit off state Bt 4 bed rooms, 9 batha, H. W, lioon clown, flreplaee, ell forced air Fur. in baae ment. Total price M00. Mt terma. Don't be eorrr call now. 12 JUDftON TI down nova In todar. 1 br., I loU. Bee thla tardea epot now. FOR RENT 1 br. rat., H A. partially fur. Chick houie, Vt, block to bua. , Mo.oo 1 br. Richmond dut. Mice eottaae 3K.oo I br. apt. W. Salem 140.00 1 br. fur. Apt. W. flalem I.00 JOE HUTCHIBOK Realtor til Ediewater. Pho. 474S Or Pho. J18t eS OFFOIITB Intlewood ichool. II4SI bnya thla quite new 1 bedroom home In thla dealrable location. Auto, oil heat. Make aa offer. E. A. McGlauflin, Rltr. t Center 31,11, Bee. l-lltl REAL ESTATE Dial 4-4494 orricx DIAL 44494,2-4552 ITU Oranl at Bvex. Jim Rinuiir a.iaoe ai "i REAL ESTATE Englewood D'strict Modtrn l.ree bungalow with nice eloeets, large Urine room with fire place, aeparata dining room, full basement with automello heat to all rooma, Bttra finished room In baae ment, Insulated, weetheralripped, de teched garage, beautiful fenced-in beck rerd. gll.ioo. Property wlU quel. Ur for P.B.A. or O.I. ragulremenls. Immediate Possession An gtnillah trpe home of 4 betf rooma. llfina room, fireplace, aeparata dinlnf room, kitchen with larae nook, 4 baiement with forced air oil heat to all rooma, lane aaraae, located tn top-notch realdentlal area. 1J,4M. Buy terma, and poiiexilon rlfht bow. BUILDING LOT Pared atrcet, water, food district, 31000. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1110 X. Capita Ph. Mil .a Paf II WANTED REAL ESTATE . CLAUDE KCLOOIU 7T Meed, a faw Ustlnaa smu amd forms tor H. Capital SH. atUaa, Pa. leoa n. uarrrou . m OBEAT BtlTlNO BIHAHD far ferM ana aarawaa, uat roar, with Olbsvth Land Co. sm T. T, Aadeneo. Pane Agent Phon 4-4404. Bra 4-3114. aa WOTicii it rour proper tr te lor aae. . v- t,,uHu sh. 1. wis. aw, w. . w, a- - k BTATB PINANCB CO, kBALTCM IIS a. Blah Bt, aaye WE ABB badlf la swed t t ud 3-M- loom homes, ra Dirt. Ale. how menu. What hare rout All IBAAK, BBALTOR, PB. 41111 ' u a. taawar. an. 4-utg a WB HESH UBIiuas BADLT on anas wk aooa a . aa . s-Morooaa homes. Is. E. KLUMPP. TlHAT.TnT lot Portland ltd. , ph. J-78U , ABB la need et good fcaaee, t. eeu, in ex aaar Beuegg. ii rou wtaB to list rour nrnnertv tor saI.. sm. OaUBEHHOBBT BBOBh BBALTOBB. is. a. uoertr pb. 1-3471 .ci... .....ew EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE O ACEES under oultlratlon ( mile. acuta or oeicm, ror modern I hed loom nous u eteuta. jsos a. capital Journal. sm . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITH5 Hiway Frontage . MB North. Appro. It ft Irate, 1 acre slue. Older BR home. Lovely tree and grounds. 410,000. B. Isherwood, Realtor MM Wallace M. . Ph. 4-Mtt ' edM WANT TO RrriRX IN - ' THE REDWOOD COUNTRY! (Wllh Oroaa Income et M3M.) With tlm. to enjoy ateelahoed tlshlngi Ideal retlrment . Income property la Blue Lake, Calif. (near I u rake). Shamrock Apt.-Botel haa 10 complete ly remodeled and turnlahed unite: rooma and 4 email apta, (3 4k 3 rmg.) wlth modem tub ee slower baths, kit chen, with O.X. refr. A, rangea. Youngatowa Steel etnka ek eablnata. Blec. heat, Laundrr with automatl. drrer. Meeds nothing. Keep It neat and lk will keep rou. in a lumber town with housing ehojttag. aaap to keep rented. Price M,OM about half down. BaL AIM. per mo. Writ. Bernard Klrsch, Box all, Areata, Calif, or Ph. Areata 110, . cd3 LOCAL WHOLESALE COBPOBATIOM wieheg AddlUonal capital for axpan alon purpose. Aetlv. ar non-aetlva atockhoidere conaldared. Box 13, Cap ital Journal. edM MILK BOOTES lor aa!.. Haul to lie Mlnnvllle. Ulneaa forcing gale. Ileaaon able. Phone 4117 Woodburn. cd TAVERN AND 7 CABINS ' Doing tin. business. Be. Torn BIS at Port Bill Tavern PrL or Bat. eve. ea Klwar 11, 1 muea west ot WlUamlna, Or.. ,. cdtt WANT TO RETIRE IN thb sxmroaa nrMiwmve (With Oroaa Income of l30o.) With tlm, to enjoy eteelhhead ftahtntl Ideal retlrment Income property la Blue Lake, Calif, (near Bur.ka). Shamrock Apt.-Hotel hu 10 complete ly remodeled and turnlahed units; ' rooma and 4 email apta. (3 eh 3 rm..) with modem tub As ghowar hatha, kit chena with OA refr. 4 range,, Youngatowa steel elnej As oahlnekt, Xlec beat. Laundry with automatl. dryer. ' Meeds nothing. Xeep It neat and It will keep you. In a lumber town with homing ahortag. ... easy to keep rented. Price (30,000 about halt down. BaL (350. per mo. Writ Bernard Klrsch. Box 439, areata, Calif, or Ph. Areata (30. ed93 POB SALE OB TRADE (tore, location new, but growing every day. Price 113,(00. Contact Ru Way Variety. : tit Highway N, Xugana, Oregon. '.e................l BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICB CORNZB 1071 N. CAPITOIi I rurnlshed apertmento, t bathrooma. Phone Estep, 3-1700. 130,000, terms. GC93 tWCOME PROPERTIES . TUB REDWOOD GOONTRYf . (With Oroaa Income of 16300.) With elm. to .njoy eteelhhead luhtngt Ideel retlrment Income property la Blue Lake, Call, (near Bur ok a). Shamrock Apt.-Hotel hu 10 complete ly remodeled and turnlahed unite: rooma and 4 smell apts, (3 As 3 rma.) with modern tub St ihowar hatha, kit chen, with O.E. refr, ee rengea, . Youngatown Bteel slnka at eablnata. llao. heet. Laundry wllh automatlo dryer. Needs nothing. Keep It neat and It will keep you. In a lumber town with housing ehortere ... eear to keep rented. Price 130,000 about half down. Bel. also, per mo. Writ. Bernard Klrsch. Bog tn, Areata, Calif, or Ph. Areata ase. - M4 ........ a. ..., FURNITURE FOR SALE BtECTHIO KITCHEN appUancea, llYtni room im, paqpt i.ioii, d4 TRintn TrimM Oftlf FRIDAY 4b MONDAY XVBNXNOS. owa- WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Scotty's Auction House 4840 CENTER ST. " Sat., April 18 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. HURRY. HtTRRY. LA ITT t BIO BALES TO CUXn OUT TUB PURN1TURB STORK, MOW ON HBW Al 08 KD tVM MTVHB TO OO AT AUCTIOK, , I ft. Coldepot refrigerator A-B Apt. electric range. -. . Norca eleotrla wuher Whit, rotery eewlng tnaohtno 4-po, single bedroom eat g Wine darenport and chair Cheot drawere, l-pc dlnetu aet. l-pc, oak llaht dining aet. S-pe, breaklut get 3-po. chroma jet new (yellow, Lamp tables, and tahlea, ejoffH tablae, mlrrora, floor lampa. Electrolux rac cleaner A, att. tieny tml. misc. Items, garden oca, a new r-ora tractor frees, wheel, urea. Livestock Sale at 2 p.m, Chiekerse, rabbit,, bantlaa, gesM, ducka, oalvas, real., aowa, weaaer plea, Coma bring aomethlni to ML take home oashl , , Col. Ernest E. Scott PH. 46433 AUCTIONEER 4fM