Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 17, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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Kids Under 18 Angle
For Fish and Prizes
. I tW'T W"" T T r""t" 'i e nmwii i wiiwli' i'l.. iiiiiiim.'iiiiiih i -.u i, j mi, o m
ToiorasiEiiiKsiiDi Tofinemw
The annual Mill creek fiih
ing tournament for ancleri
under 18 yean of ace will be
reeled off on opening day of
trout season Saturday.
The Salem chapter of the
Izaac Walton League of Amer
- lea and the Salem Lloni club
are serving as co-sponsors of
the one-day fishing derby.
Mill creek ii doted to all
flihermen except those under
IB years of age, so the kids will
have the entire creek to them
selves Saturday and for the
remainder of the season, as far
as that goes.
Five checking stations will
be open from 6 a.m. to 6
p.m. Saturday to check in
fish caught by kida entered
. in the derby. The check sta
tions will be located on the
bridge between the forestry
department and the peniten
tiary, at the pen annex
bridge, on the downstream
bridge over Mill creek at
Turner, on the middle bridge
between Turner and Aamx
Tllle, and at the' highway
Junction at the west end of
All fish entered in the one
day tournament must be taken
from Mill creek. Angling time
is from 4:22 a.m. until S p.m.
Last - minute registrations to
enter the tournament may be
made Friday at any local
sporting goods stores.
Prizes for the biggest fish
will be entered In two divi
sions from 6 to 12 years
old and from It to M years
old. There will also be a
prize for the youngest boy
angler and youngest ; girl
angler to enter fish, and
, prizes for the first three
limit catches checked in at
cheeking station. '
'Youth entered in the
creek fishing tournament
reminded to ask the land-own
er lor permission to fish on
his property. Contestants be.
tween the ages of 14 and 18
must possess a Juvenile angl
ing license. , .
Plans Laid for
Woodburn City
Softball Loop
Woodburn Initial plana for
the softball program to be con
ducted in Woodburn this sum
mer have been announced by
the Woodburn municipal park
and recreation board. ' Charles
(Chuck) Addicott has been
hired by the board to organize
and oversee the program which
will be started the latter part
of May.
There will again be Junior
and senior leagues, according
to Walter Lawson, softball
chairman. The Junior league
will be made up of teams from
grade school and junior high
school students and the senior
league will include those of
high school age or older. Pres.
ent plans call for junior
leagues to be made up of
church teams or teams spon
sored by civic organizations.
Teams in the senior league
will be sponsored by local
civic organizations.
Teams in the senior league
will be sponsored by local
civic organizations, churches,
merchants or Independent
teams with responsible -man.
agement. 1
i emus EOfflTZ. IB. nawtaj Journal dooru mi lor
Mornintr mail ...
"Dear Kriss-Kros3: Just a note to Inquire how in the
devil did those people and possibly yourself make it to
Calistoga, Calif. Surely they weren't following your
directions for if they had they'd of still been driving and
innuirincr for hichwav 53. Possibly thev'd of found one
all right, but in Nevada, Utah or even further east then
there would be no Calistoga. I'd suggest that you inform
your readers to turn West on highway 20 from Williams
before they take that trip. Hoping this helps you. Sin
cerely yours, H. N. Kussell, 144 6th St., Lebanon."
Russell Is Right So Should the Turn Be
Russell is right and we were wrong. The turn of high
way 99W at Williams should be made to the west, a
right turn not east as we reported in this Korner last
week. We never have been able to get our directions
straight in that part of the country. We could swear
that all the TV aerials in Calistoga are pointed the wrong
way, but natives there insist the aerials are aimed toward
San Francisco. We tried for four days last week to check
directions with the sun, but there wasn't any sun, so we
are just as mixed up as ever. So confused, in fact, that
when we met the wife at the Martinez, Calif., train depot
Thursday night, we expected the train from Salem to
come from the opposite direction than it did.
Wrong Highway, Wrong State
Mr. Russell was probably only kidding when he said
aome wandering motorist might wind up in Utah. But
that's not too far-fetched. We've never confessed this
before, but six years ago, returning from the national
AAU basketball tournament at Denver, Colo., we got
lost late one night, finally found a highway marker, and
discovered we were in Utah. We weren't supposed to
even touch Utah on the trip. Had to backtrack 60 miles
into Wyoming.
Even at that, we don't think we're quite as bad as some
pitchers in spring training, who can't even find home
Camp Adair
Drag Races Set
For April 26
The Northwest Timing asso
elation will conduct its first
drag race program of the sea
son Sunday, April 26, at Camp
Adair, beginning at 12 noon.
Camp Adair is located on the
Monmouth-Corvallis highway
Competition will be broken
Into eight classes, with an en.
try fee of two dollars for each
car. Persons under 21 years of
age must have their parents'
consent to enter. .
There will also be a class
for motorcycles.
The' Northwest Timing aseo
elation is made up of eight hot
rod clubs throughout northern
Oregon and southern Washing
ton. The Timing association
was organized for the purpose
of banding together individuals
of all ages for the purpose of
promoting safety on the high
ways and amateur automobile
Fights Last Night
(By Tht Auochtted Press)
Detroit Al Andrewi, 153, outpointed
Pat Mami, 148, Syrwuje, 8.
Fill ftlTer, Mats. Utf Vaecarl, 141,
Boston, out polo tad Marahall Clayton,
140, Waahlnston, 10. . ,
Naw York (Sannrside Cardan) Italo
Soortiohlnl, 151 Milan, Italy, out
pointed Harold "Xuy" Drucker, lflo,
Naw York,
Fish for Mill Creek
Fish from Soaring River Hatch
ery, Sclo, being put into Mill
Creek by Mrs. Willard Taylor, president ladles auxiliary
Iiaak Walton chapter of Salem on bridge between Stay
ton and Turner. Rainbow trout. Neighborhood kids. Wil
lard Taylor standing. State Fish Commission truck,
operated by Percy Southwick. (Photo by Wayne Doughton)
Salem YMCA
Girls Enter
NW Tournament
The Salem YMCA girls'
swimming team will defend
its Northwest area YMCA
championship at Vancouver,
B.C., Saturday. -
The Salem team has won the
title in the only two previous
Northwest YMCA girls' chanr
pionships. The meet was In.
augurated in Salem In 1951,
and was held in Portland last
Twelve Salem girls are
making the trip to Vancouver,
B.C., today. They are Sharon
Truax, Sidney Kromer, Susan
Wilson, Joy Brown, Elizabeth
O'Brien, Jean Hagen, Shirlee
Wilcox, Roberta Eyre, Doris
Hein, Joan Osko, Carol Stolk
and Sally Joseph.
Fifteen teams will be en
tered In the one-day tourna
ment. Preliminaries will be
conducted Saturday afternoon
and finals Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil
cox are chaperoning the Salem
girls on the Canadian trip. The
team s traveling in two station
wagons. ,
Stars Take Half-Game Lead
Over Angels; Bcvos Rained
San Francisco U. The
Hollywood Stars held a half.
game edge over Los Angeles
In the Paelflo Coast Learue to
day, as the result of a 6-1 vic
tory over their erosstown rivals
In Gllmore Field.
. All other clubs were rained
out. George O Donnell blank
ed the Seraphs with eight hits
while Churck Stevens rapped
in three runs for the Twinks,
one of them coming on a bases
empty homer in the fifth inning.
However, Stevens' blast
wasn't actually needed. The
Stars nailed down last night's
contest in the first when they
got to Randy Gumpert for
three runs. Gene Handley
reached first on an error, went
to third on Ted Beard's double
and both men scored on Stev
ens' single. Dale Long then
singled In Stevens, who had
advanced to second on the
throw in. Hollywood scored an
other run in the seventh when
Long walked, went to third on
a wild pitch and scored on Lee
Walls' blngle.
O'Donnel now has three wins
against no losses. Gumper is 1
and 1.
As a result of last night's
ralnouts, Sacramento will play
Seattle tonight in a double
header. The other clubs will
resume their series with single
w i rci. w l Pci.
HoUrwl 11 .W'Stn "a- J
Lot AngU 11 S .Ml Sici. T S .447
sum, w
portund t 0 -MO Oakland 4 II Jm
TkaraOar'e SMalUl
Hollraood I, Lot AnillM 0.
other ina tats out.
Minor League Scores
MlnnupoUi 11, &,tneu Cltir 0.
Indtuupolu I, Charleitoa I.
Toledo H, Columbui 0.
St. Pul at touurlin poitponad.
ChetteDOOie 11, Atlanta 0.
Mobile 13, IftmpliU 1.
Little Hoct I, New Orleanl I.
BlnnlniHam at NaihuUle poitpoaea.
Tulea I. Ctllae 1.
Oklahoma CHr 11, Forth Worth S.
Houaton I, Beaumont 0.
Sin Antonio I, Ehmeport S.
SenTtr I, Colorado aprlnia 4.
FueMo 17, Wichita I.
Other lamee poetponed.
Page 10 Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 17, 1953
Good Fishing Prospects
In Most of West Oregon
Portland Good fishing
conditions are In prospect in
most of western Oregon for
the opening of the trout sea
son Saturday.
Most streams are running
clear and it was believed that
it would take heavy rains to
disturb them. Only showers
were forecast for Friday and
In preparation for the open
ing the state game commis
sion planted 275,000 rainbow
and cutthroat trout in streams
Tom Sharkey Dies at
79 of Heart Ailment
San Francisco CP) Tom
Sharkey, 79, barrel - chested
battler who was the last of the
prise ring areata of the 1890s,
died Friday.
The game little slugger, who
had won $250,000 fighting
John L. Sulli
van, Jim Cor
bett, Bob Fitz
simmons and
Jim Jeffries
and others, died ih.
broke but not ?4
forgotten. He'
had been in
San Franciscol
City and Coun
ty hospital
! 1 " f August, Tort sharke,
a v u x
friends fighters, pro moters,
old-time newsmen and follow
ers chipped in to pay his
Doctors at San Francisco hos
pital said Sharkey "died easily
ftieh mellowness married to perfect lightness - that's the flavor
secret of Hiram Walker's fine straight rye. That's why any drink
that whiskey makes, MEADOW tJKUUtv makes betterl
Hiram WalherU
Straight rye whUkey 4 years old 86 proof
jn his sleep" at 3:15 a.m.
He was admitted January
31 for the 10th time for treat
ment of a heart ailment.
His death rang down the
curtain on a long-gone era of
puglism. It followed closely
Jeffries' Sharkey's greatest
rival who died in Los An
geles March 3.
Sharkey never won a title,
but he slugged it out with the
best in 11 years In the ring,
starting in 1893. He used to
boast that he was "afraid of
no man none ever made me
take a backward step."
of western Oregon.
Despite this, not all fish
ermen are expected to go
after trout this week-end.
Spring salmon fishing is
new at its peak, and a num
ber of fishermen are expect
ed to delay their trout expe
ditions and go after salmon.
The game commission's
weekly bulletin, first of the
season, pointed out that while
coastal and lowland lakes in
Zones 1 and 2 are included In
the trout season opening, na
tional forest area lakes of the
Cascades are not. May 30 Is
their opening. .'; ,
The dally bag limit is. the
same as last year, 10 fish a day
but not more than five of them
over 12 inches in length. Mini
mum length in Zone 1 is 8
Inches and in Zone 2, 6 inches.
Yesterday's Stars
(Br The Aliocleted Preu)
nidiim Billy Fiereee, White eox.
toued a one-hitter In hie first effort ot
tha eeaion aa Chleaio defeated tha at.
Louie Browne 1-0.
Battlnt Connie Rran, Phllllii. equall
ed" major leaane one-aame record br
collectlni six straliht hlta aa I'lluburtl
deleated Philadelphia, 14-11.
The description of pros
pects: On the north eoast,
streams fairly low and clear
with prospects good for
both cutthroat and aalmon.
McKenile river and Dor
ena reservoir, prospects
good in the river, excellent
in the reservoir.
Willamette valley, gener
ally good although a few
streams are muddy. Streams
on the west side of the val
ley probably have better
Mt. Hood area, streams
clear but very cold; ' bait
fishing should be best. .
South coastal area,
streams low and clear and
conditions excellent
Lob Anielea 000 aoo 000 a 1
RoUrwood loo Old 10 s o
Oumnart. watkina (51 stania (l) and
Ivans; O'Oonnell and Halone.
Tldaa far Xefl, Oreaan April, 11
(Compiled br V. S. Ceaet and Ooedella
Sareer, roftland. Ore.)
mat, Watora Low Wawra
April ' Time Beliht Time Belihl
U 1:M a.m. 1. till a.m. -1.1
1:M p.m. a.' f t! p.m. 34
' IS 1:43 a.m. 10:11 a.m. -0.7
9:00 p.m. 4.1 t:47 p.m. 1.0
, II 1:30 a.m. S.t 11:01 a.m. -0.1
1:01 p.m. 4.1 10:11 p.m. 1.1
K 4:11 a.m. (.1 13:01 p.m. 0.1
1:13 p.m. 4.1
SI 1:41 a.m. .! 11:31 a.m. 1.1
8:01 P.m. 4.0 1:08 p.m. 0.4
Si 1:01 a.m. 4.1 1:41 a.m. 3.0
1:53 p.m. t.l 3.04 p.m. 0.0
IS 1:14 a.m. 4.1 9:M a.m. 1.4
1:31 p.m. 1.4 3:55 p.m. 0.0
14 0:11 a.m. 4.7 1:48 a.m. 1.1
10:00 p.m. 8.0 1:35 p.m. 1.1
It 10:17 a.m. 4,1 . 4:11 a.m. 14
10:37 p.m. 8.0 ' 4:11 P.m. 14
$69.95 Motor
Recondition Job
For Chevrolet Con and Truck
We will replace the piston rings and pins, grind valves,
clean rocker arms and oil line, adjust the main bearings,
adjust the connecting rod bearings, adjust fan belt, clean
and set spark plugs, clean oil pan, clean oil lines In pan
and adjust, burn out and clean oil breather.
Parts included In this job are: 1 Set Genuine Chevrolet
Chromeflex Piston Rings, Pins, 5 Quarts Oil, pins neces
sary Valves, Seals, Caps and Gaskets.
(C.O.E. Trucks Slight Additional Charge)
G.M.A.C. Budget Terms!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
Hits then roomings warm it font
PHONE t-7431
Fishing BOOTS
The Famous
"Rod and Reel" boot.
Hip length, with knee
harness, anti-slip treed
95 wM flV
Reg, price 13.95
Coronet V-Eight
4-Door Sedan
mi iiiiniJiJii
YOURS for as $
little as
Come in tomorrow-
for a better deal all ways
Chemekela and High SALEM Phone:2-2468