Thursday, 'April 16, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa Salem Man in Post Arti Keizer Mentioned In an article on the world's first atomic-powered lubmarine in the Saturday Evening Post ot April 18 is Salem man, James H. Smith. , The article, entitled "The Daredevil of the Nautilus" and written by Jack Alexander, notes that Smith is one of the Nnw men selected to man the submarine. The group is now taking advance training at trie Atomic Energy Commission's reactor testing station in south eastern Idaho, ... 1 Smith Is the son of finv O. Smith, formerly of Salem and now of Delake, Oregon, and the brother of Robert O. Smith of Salem and Lawrence Smith now of Albuquerque, N.M. A graduate ot Salem high school with the class of 1942, Smith, now a chief electronics technician mate, first entered the Naw in 1943 and scent most of his time on submarine duty in the South Pacific until released from the service in 104R: . ' " The Salem man after leaving the service returned to Pomona College, where he had been a tudent before entering the servioe. He left college in the spring of 1948 ana re-enterea 4 Via . Mum ' db an AlafttpAnlps 'technician mate, first class, and was again given submarine duty. Smith remained on sub murine dutv until shortly be fore he was sent to Pittsburgh for about a year and a nan oi training in preparation for his mmrk in the atomic field. Ap proximately a year ago he was tent from there to the Idaho testing station. Four Corners ? Four Corners With the normal increase In enrollment T.lnnnln school for the 1953 B4 school year necessitates an addition to the faculty of one ; lira member. ! Kenneth Mohney. whose i 1515 Bellevue drive Salem, is at present attending the Southern Oregon uouege i f TMnrntion at Ashland. He will be awarded a bachelor of ' arts degree in education in June. Mr. Mohney 's name has been aded to the Lincoln school taf The marble tournament, sponsored by the Veterans oi Foreign wars, is me cniei wpic nt conversation in the elemen tary grades. Winners ol tne ji...:.!. ...Ill tin in tho. state ,i; m-ot in: Portland May 23 and 4h ton shooters there will get i a chance at the National meet V In Portland June 17. ' .' Mrs. Cecil Snook was host , i9 ton Tuesday afternoon to the Missionary group oi tne 1 Baptist church. Conducting tne i meeting was the president, S Mrs. Oliver Rickman and glv- tntf the devotional was Mrs. r.porirn Van Leeuwen. Others nro.ant were Mrs. Ella Car sten, Mrs. Wendell Miller, Mrs. Freye, Mrs. E. R. Corning, Mrs. w p r.nnld. Mrs. Minard Her- mansen, Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mrs. f. E. F. Hausfeld, Mrs. Roy i Thayer. Mrs. Paul France, I Mrs. Eldon France. i On Saturday evening Mr, fi and Mrs. Stanley Braden were & hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub. " Pinochle was the diversion and ' playing were Mr. and Mrs. Ross h Chrlsman, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. i! Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. William R Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mc- rj Ilnay, Mr. and Mrs. Homer h Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jetf- ries, S. H. Cdble and Miss p Jeanle Chrisman. ty Kathy Snook, daughter of II Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook, M ...j.nint n tonsllectomv at the Salem General hospital on Wednesday. FFA DELEGATES Woodburn Bob Dryden and Howard Seaton of Wood burn high school were elected delpeatcs to the FFA conven tion to be held at Corvallis next week. Stanley Johnson and pnv,rt Pav will also attend and they will be accompanied by their advisor, Albert Scmock Keizer The Keizer school board reports that all the teachem for the 1053.54 arhnnl year have been rehired except ing one, Mrs. Kennedy, wno has resigned. .. Those, hired will Include teachers for both the old and new school. Teacher, (nchirta Prlnelnal. Mrs. Carmallte Weddlej teach ers. Tina Anderson. Althea Bereman. Klris BrnriflplH A1. vlra Brown, Gladys Burch, Lil lian uan, una May uanwrigm, Willow Evans, Marguerite Gilles. Ira ftoddard. Loretta Gooding. Rdns Goodman. Marv HammacK, Vivian Hoenlg, Jo hana Kortzeborn, W. Krause, Pearl Langeland, Barbara Lov cik . lone MapNamara Zanana Means, Christine Mehner, Ethel Murphy, Mildred Odgers, Mary Priessler, Hazel Patterson, Lois Sauer. Robert Wood. Nellie Yang, Dorothy Quinn, Thomas Summers, Edwin ritzalmons and Dorothy Mohr. The board exDects to adver tise for bids for the new school during the last week of April. Construction will start soon after, find it is hoted to have the school ready for the fall term of school. Eugene Host Loggers The 13th annual Willamette Valley Logging Conference and Machinery Show will be held in Eugene at the Lane County Fairgrounds, April 23, 24 and 25. This will be a two-million dollar display of logging ma chinery, the largest in the vt ...Af anil (inn of the lorg in th world. These giant machines ot the woods wlU be handling logs for demonstra tion during the tnree oay mcei ln as announced by President Welfred Laird of GIffry Sc Laird Logging company, wc- Kenlle, Oregon. This year's program Is based on forest products utilization and will be ot special Interest to the small loggers ot western Oregon, according , to John Ruhl of Cops Bay Lumber Company, vice president and nrosram chairman ol tnis vHf'i rnnference. Some ot the noted, specialists on this program are William Welch of Crown Zellerbach Corp., San Francisco, Calif.; W. F. McCulloch, School of Forestry, Oregon State college, Corvallis; Bert Thomas, Val setz Lumber Company Valsetz; and the Southern Oregon Con servation -"ree Farm Associa tion will bave a panel. The entire meeting, displays, and banquet will be held at the Lane County Fairgrounds, with the exception of the style show for the, ladies Friday afternoon. .. , , .. Saturday's program is de voted to power saw bucking contests and the entire display will be open to the public. Unander to Talk Lebanon Slguard, Unander, state official and member of the board of control, will ad dress the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce at its -dinner meet ing In the CIO hall next Mon day evening Cherrians fo Enter Float in Rose fdrode a float raDresentlnk Salem will be entered in the Rose parade at Portland wis year, according to Hunt Clark, King Bing ot the Salem Cher- nans. . ' Business and Industrial con cerns of the city are being ask ed by the Cherrians for assist ance in raising the almost $2,- ; 000 necessary lor tne aaiem j ntrv'-; Clark said the Cher runs in th. fntu will ooerate a con cession at the State Fair, and that no solicitation will be made. Earnings from the con. miM nliia mcmhenhia reve nues, should make it possible for the Cherrians to carry the burden alone, he aald. ' qwt- which was still im porting grain in' 1950 baa be - th. ith irMt min ex porter in the world aayf tb National Geographic SorielT- A three-act comedy will be riven at the Keizer Granite hall by the Clear Lake players Friday, April 17, starting at e Dm A free will offering will be taken and refreshments will be served.' '. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ridpath and familv moved Fridav to Salem. They formerly lived at 885 Janet avenue, and are now at 1551 Market street. Five Qualify for Safe Driver Awards ITlve emnlnveei of the Union Oil Company have qualified for unfa driver awards. The recognition is given em ployees who have driven com pany vehicles a minimum of three years without accident, according to W. I. Martin, northwest territory manager. Those qualified are; u. v. Alexander. M. L. Crowe. S. L. Jackson, H. G. Johnson, W. S. f!tiritnnher. TTnlnn established the award in cnponraffe its driven to nrac- tice "defensive driving," and mafia it available, under rules comparable to those of the Na- ( tional Safety council. "The Defensive Driver," says i James E. Hill, supervisor of safety and training, "expects and makes allowance for reck less and careless action of others. He adjusts his driving to meet all hazards oi weatner, roads, traffic and other conai tions." nnTTT, OWNER DIES UPi Funeral serv ices will be held here Friday for Joseph E. Early, 68, owner and operator of the Osburn Hotel, who died Wednesday. an rnviiauon You Are Invited to 'a;-:.' FASHION LUNCHEON In the Mirror Room at the Marion Hotel, Mon day, April 20. Whether you are a "career girl" on her lunch hour or a "home gal" on a shop ping day, you can view this tpaHiTTi latest fash ions while you are eating a leisurely luncn. nave you and your friends made reservations yet? can Marion n o v e i, 3-4123. Lunch served 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Fash ion show 1:05 to 1:50 p.m. ' HEAR... THE MOODY CHORALE 4S.Voice Choir of MoodBiM. .n.titut. SINGING:.. Negro Spirituals Hymns Classics Featuring ... a dramatic sketch "ALL IN A LIFETIME" (The life of D. L. Moody) Nylon Curtain Material 48" WIDE. WHITE ONLY. SLIGHT IRREGULARS YD. Ladies' Nylon Ankle's Sizes fl7$T00 Assorted colors. O DISH TOWELS Approx. 28x33'' Sujor Socki Good jy ttft Qualify 1 for OO Plastic Tablecloths Solid and Print Patterns Reg. $i:i9 54"x54" rur am w ft a s.. "srr chx 's .tK'y Reg. 49c Big, Turkish BATtl 9 warn a nMITMM. ml ttoallf h.K-pri.. for thl. Mn ' tlfnl FIRST QUA1.HT, SSM , rEOCELMN. Slunmn Mil Think .1 It . . ' 11. Mch. (tin im , Kim linlf Alt thMII lfl thirsty bath towels! advertised brands in olid colors. Limit 8 i mer. Training Pants White cotton. jm t Irregulars "JJ Broken sizes. II 100 Flashlight USES 6iurinlMd FRIDAY, APRIL 17 FIRST BaKsHHICH Ladies' Denim Skirls Auf. Colors .OT4Nt , ej. 98c JgJR Small Only. WW Close Out Child's Anklets Values fo 39c Cotton Print SKIRTS Sls 2232 $-j00 Asst. Colors , I Family Comb Assf. 10 Asst. Combs In Cello Pkg. 19c Cosmetic Asst. TOILET WATER POLISH REMOVER ROSE WATER LOTION 39c China Pig Banks SAVEI Water Tumblers 10c Colored Assorted Colors. FLUFFY CLEANSING TISSUE 300 SHEETS 3-Pc. Plailk Reg. 59c LADIES BLOUSES IRREGULAR R R. VALUE TO $1.29 Zflo Hollow St. BEER MUG 29c HOLLOW 2 SIZES CRYSTAL Undershirts 23' Wrap Around LoieTNyion BRIEFS Asst. Colors A $1 5 HI I Plalonite Dinnerware CUM, 0 flE SAUCERS, r H HI BOWLS 10c YoYo Pops A YOYO AND A SUCKER FOR China Novelty Figures TO 98c IXH Ware 1 Regular to V98 . W 1 2 L LoveW NYlon I fmm 1 I t 1 fm Mt rust M 1 l Ich hler . U White Cotton If Handkerchiefs Jfl lUg. lOe Voluei J I .OO J) Toilet Tissue 850 Sheets $100 Res;.10c 1 ' 1 , Ladies' Rayon Panties Sizes Small, Med., ' Large ' Reg. 29c 4 - 1.00 1 Group Ladies' 59c Bros 2$l Reg. to 1.98 VALUES TO $1.49 25c Assorted Kitchen Gadgets YELLOW WITH WEEN HANDLE 136 N. Commercial Salem, Ore. Tailor VcuCtf k Trimmed i moo for Cotton Half Slips S-M-L, White Only Lac Trim o $1 nn nr ,VV 49c Boys' Polo Shirrs Short Sleeve Assorted Colore AV Ladies- Rayon Panties Reg. 29c S-M-L Asstd. Colon ' 3$1.00 ST WRIGLEY 5c SUM Box ef 200 for Limit Om Box 59c