m THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 16, 1953 to? 31 -f Vl r ; ( MAVI VU Nil Z Soap Box Derby Time! Boy Knife Wielder Arrested at Dallas Dallas Placed on probation by Judge Aril Walker April 14 tor injuring another Juven ile with a knife was an 11- year-old Dallas grade aehool student. Brought into cuitody by De puty Sheriff Dennis Earhart on complaint registered by neighbors, the boy was alleged to have 'thrown a knife at an acquaintance with the result that he wai Injured sufficiently that medical treatment wai required. The complaint stat ed, that the knife had been thrown from across a street. . Despite tiie fact that the in cident occurred on April 3, a complaint was not made until later when the neighbors be came concerned that the boy seemed unable to get along with his neighbors and ac quaintances. Investigation by the sheriffs office disclosed the fact that the boy and his mother live in a trailer in North Dallas. The father of the boy is working on the coast and for the time being is living away from his family. .Judge Walker, in placing the boy on probation to his par ents, has required that he re port weekly to Judg Ed Hayes, of the Folk county juvenile court ' ; e ; i Mrs. Davis Hurt Sllverton Mrs. Emma Davis, 80, widow of the late Tom Davis, is as urgery pa tient . at Sllverton hospital. Mrs. Davis fell on the steps of the Seventh Day Adventist church where she had attended Friday evening services, - and suffered a broken hip. George Washlntgon's estate totalled 8,000 acres. $190,000 Due In Polk Co. Tax Dallas Soon to be publish ed by the Folk county tax collector is a list of all persons delinquent in taxes on person al or real property. "A total of $190,995 1 personal prop erty taxes alone plus interest as owed the county," says Tax Collector Tony Neufelt. Upon a preliminary notice of such intention published two weeks ago it was noticed that some of those owing de linquent taxes rushed to the office of the collector to set tle their debt, Despite the fact that the rate of payment has slowed down since the first few days, to date $2,037 in personal taxes, and $5,047 in real taxes has been collect ed, according to Neufelt. . A complete list of all delin quents has been compiled, and as soon as all those who hav since diedor moved from the county have been removed from the list it will be pub lished. Neufelt reminds those who are on the list that they must pay promptly if they do not wish to have their names published as tax delinquents. It's Now Officially Oregon Slate College Gov. Paul L. Patterson put his stamp of approval Wednes day on a bill to. give Oregon State college its right name. The Corvallls institution has been called Oregon State since the time many years ago when the name was changed from Oregon Agricultural college. But the current legislature discovered that some laws still referred to OAC, so the bill signed by the governor fixes up those laws with .the right i PRICES. GOOD THRU SATURDAY . 14'Scoiiies Face Tissue 200 Ml' 2 ,,,211' - Toiletry . 10' Shinola Shoe Polish Limit can Six Variety . 49' Eaton Slick Cologne IB' $r Pearl Necklace . 29' riVindproof Lighter tr 97 T Electric Hair Clippers $533 3" S Mo Lipsticks A T 25c S-ox. Canvas Gloves Apparel $1.25 Keopsit or Wortholl Vacuum Bottle 79' PINT SUE Variety $2.98 Ctftifitd Multivitamins Wlfkronc Acki ud 112 $B98 Toiletry - Bottto 100 $7.95 Two-Piece Glass Spinning Rod Hade ot Best $F319 Qualify Glass Regular S5c Orange Cake W Two-Layer Serves 10 to 12 Bakery Reg. $2.49 Willow Fishing Creel 14-INCH SIZE L UO 0 It Flour Limil Two Toiletry 13' Campbell's Tomato Soup lor W H2rT Limit 12 Toiletry Fred Meyer Drugs open frl osTHtim Till O I ILL 7 140 N. Liberty We Reserve the Bight to Limit Quantities Manclaughter Charge Dropped at Roseburg Roseburg A manslaugh ter charge against Donald S. Partin, 35, was dismissed in Dis trict Court here Wednesday. He had been accused after a fist fight with William C. Kel ly, 39, Roseburg, over a traffic mishap. Kelly was knocked down, his head hitting pave ment. Kelly's fellow workers said he had suffered a head in jury earlier the same day at the plant where he worked. Dr. George Lend, who per formed the autopsy, testified a brain hemorrhage caused death. . Partin was freed. Home and $2100 to Pay Mortgage Burn Oregon City U.R) Eric John son, Oregon' City, had a mort gage, but no house or cash to day after his home and money burned to the ground. Mr. and . Mrs. Johnson and their eight children fled to safety yesterday when fire de stroyed his farm home and $2,100 he said he was going to use to pay on the mortgage. Johnson told sheriff's depu ties he had withdrawn $1,700 Albany Paper . Albany Announcement was made Wednesday by R. R. Cro nise, president, and Glenn L. Jackson, Medford, secretary ot the Democrat-Herald Publish ing company, that they will erect a new building this year at Sixth avenue and Ellsworth street. It is estimated that the cost of the construction will be in the neighborhood of $100,000. The structure will rise on a site 'that includes two residen tial properties, the one at the intersection of Sixth and Ells the residence of the late Dr. J. P. Wallace and the other ad joining on the south, purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Tripp and now , occupied by Mr, and Mrs. H. w. Garwood. The Democrat-Herald last year purchased the Wallac residence from Mr. and Mrs. Dell R. Al exanders, who had lived there for 13 years. The acquired land provides .ti11 a 17 iAK miiarA feet. The entire property will be utilised for tne new news paper plant. The work of building the new newspaper plant is. ex pected to be started soon. The move was made necessary by the overcrowded conditions of the present plant on West Sec ond avenue, between Broadal bin aud Ferry streets. A . n. from the bank the day before to put with $400 he had saved to pay on the mortgage. The money was hidden in an up stairs closet and went up in smoke,, he said. I -found the greatest whiskey value in(town...vvhen I discovered costly taste... tjatssb1latafrice lean afford... CARSTAIR2P PINT I P, IT W I Wm A 4 X f I i USTAIRS BROS. DISTIUIN0 CO, INC, NEW YORK, N.Y., BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF, 72? GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS M - , f ' - I. costs only a Penny-a- Might more than a cheap mattress i Gives extra comfort every night for 10 Years (AT LEAST) Now is the time to invest in the world's greatest sleep value. The 10-year guarantee on Beautyrest brings the price down to less than 2c a night. That's only 1c a night more than a cheap mattress! For good health and refreshed appearance, sleep on a Beautyrest. Available in two models: the regular Normal Firm ... or the new Extra-Firm for added support. Come and take your pick. matching box spring 69M BUY ON CONVENIENT TERMS! ' WE GIVE AND REDEEM PENNY SAVER STAMPS OPEN FRIDAY MIGHTS TILL 9 P. M. 450 COURT STREET PH. 39183 J