. -.1, ....J.. ., -uV'iiV' . FOOD SECTION Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcgoa Thursday, April 16, 1953 j f m& kvvokfc weekend -fay 3 Cut from lUS. CHOICE" and "U.S. GOOD" grades only Tender, Meaty Blade Cuttt V4 In one bite you'll discover that here is chuck roast at its very best. That's because it comes, from top government grades of United States grain-fed beef the only kind we offer for sale in our stores. Check trim, too. Note the generous portions of good, lean meat oo a Safeway chuck roast. USDA CHOICE! 7A ? And just look how you save on this popular beef pot roast this weekend 1 Here is a main dish fit for a king at a price you wouldn't believe was possible for tender, top grade beef. It's a value combination you can't beat top quality, superior trim that gives you more meat for your money, less waste and prices that will fit the skimpiest budget Try it tonight I Look For the Federal Grade Stamp It Is Your Guarantee Of Quality Judging beef quality by looking at retail cut takes more experience than most consumers possess. Federal grading gives consumers the benefit of experienced, unprejudiced judge ' ment. It tells you, unquestionably, if you are getting the grade of meat you want. At Safeway you will find this newly designed U.S.D.A. grade stamp on every cut of beef. Snfeway sells only top government grades of beef, veal and lamb ' . ' because our customer prefer the more consistent quality found m - these top grades. This consistent quality permits us to offer our money-back guarantee of complete satisfaction. sMks m Oregon Plums ...... .No. 2 eon 15e Apple Sauce, Hood River 303 can 17e Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray, can 23 C Fancy Peat, Sugar Belle, 303 can 17e : Green Beans, Sanliam, fey., 303s 20c Sauerkraut, Steinf eld's, 1 1 -as. can 1 Oc Chunk Tuna, Bumble Bee, Vi can 29c Nu Vita Popped Wheat, 6-ox. pkg. 1 c Borene Soap, granulated . ,22-ox. 29 c Nubcra Soap, gran., 46-ox. pkg. 57c Nob Hill Coffee, lb. 86 C 2-lb. $1.71 Airway Coffee, lb. 84 C 2 lbs. $167 Smith Spaghetti ... . . .No. 1 can 10c Heinx Honey, (trained, 5-lb. can 98 C Strawberry Jam, Alice Love, 20-ox, 45 c Blackberry Jam, O'Connels, 12-ox. 29c Columbia Dills, Kosher, 32-ox. jar 39 c Zee Tissue, toilet tissue, 4 rolls 35 c Ruth Ashbrook Pastries pkg.. 30 C Porter Macaroni, elbow . . ,24-ox. 33 C White Satin Sugar. . .10-lb. sk. $1.05 Tillamook Cheese, American, lb. 79 C Blue Bell Potato Chips, 4-ox. pkg. 25 c Oregon Walnuts, in shells ... .lb. 43 C Hoody Peanuts, roasted .. . 12-ox. 29 C Dried Prunes, 40-50't, 2-lb. pkg. 55 C Ritx Crackers ......... 1-H. pkg. 37c Snowflake Crackers. . . .2-lb. pkg. 49 C Mrs. Wright's Bread, IVi-lb. loaf 23 C MORE MEAT VALUES! Cross Rib Roast, boneless beef, lb. 59c Boneless Beef Stew, top quality, lb. 59c Sirloin Beef Steaks, U.S. Choice, lb. 79 C T-Bone Beef Steaks, U.S. Choice, lb. 95 c Beef Short Ribs, from top grade, lb. 29c' Pure Ground Beef, fresh daily, lb. 45 c Pork Spare Ribs, thick meated, lb. 55 c ' Pork Sausage Rolls, Swift & Co., lb. 49 c Bacon, by the piece, 8 to 10 lb., lb. 59c Wilson Canned Hams, cooked, 6-lb. $6.29 Cooked Salami, piece or sliced, lb. 49 c Fresh Oysters, selected sixes, pint 59 e Fresh Chinook Salmon, steaks, lb. 69 C X kl f v -Sw " 5 1 ii Lb. Round Bone Chuck Roasts... & YOU WILL WANT TO BUY SEVERAL AT THESE PRICES FOR STORING IN YOUR LOCKER OR HOME FREEZERI Busy Bakers or Snowflakes cracker lover, you'll want to stock up on these crispy favorites. l ib. box 23 CORNED BEEF Llbby brand 12-ox. can 45 COFFEE MUGS liy Green or White, Reg. 225c, Each I W MAYDAY OIL Finest quality Quart 63' IVORY FLAKES OO Quick, gentle, safe 12W-ox. pkg. JmW Iff if H Enriched Flour sBt a liraft:Msu-:;S379 VM V iDirC UffTU FAIIfiAU AuJ rnivs niiii vvrvn ssy Diced Carrots tr 3"f2.5e Peaclies29c Cling Peaches - - 25e Ice Cream (Sn 59 Freestone Calirose or Exposition C Snow Star yn C Quart Rhubarb 3 k 25' iMil Field Crop Fresh, long, Full Pedi lb. New Peas 19' Fresh Strawb'ries 35' ir (up Shatter White Rose ' Smooth Skins Uniform Size 5 lbs. 33 Green Onions 3 14 Asparagus 2 29' ORANGES All-You-Can-Bag-Sale Luscious Navels As Many As You Can Get in Toter Bag at Display 59 PEANUT BUTTER Regular or Chunk Grind -oz. Jar a SPECIAL POTATO CHIPS Rex. 39c Nailer's 20 IO- With 7C Coupon ORANGEADE Hi-C Brond Is Grond i II mm lanianzing 46-oz. 5C Flavor can 25 m Taste Tells TOMATO CATSUP For Real Flavor Miscellaneous Values Fleet Mix F0r biscu.s m.n. 34c Cake Flour sorm .,. 44c Pancake Flour Sperry 10,b.$l.i9 Pancake Mix Sniann. 21j.lb. 33c ClflareHeste Oron$1.73 Salad Dressing Duchess qt 57c 2 25 Fresh Milk Fresh Eggs Crade.AA. Butter shady Lsne Butter Sprlnr House Coffee Rich Edwards 2 i 45c Doren 66C Pound 73C Pound 75C Mb. 91c Tide Oxydol Cheer Ivory Duz Joy Detergent Detergent Detergent Snow Soap Liquid 47-w. fb. 73c 73c suns!, 73c tS-t, pv.29c wS29t S 30c Dreft Detergent is.i. pf. oUC Prices Effectire through Sunday, April 19 No Sales to Dealers c I.