Thursday, April 16, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Pax t Butteville ButtevUle Mrs. Harold Smith was honored Friday af ternoon, April 10, at the regu lar meeting ol the Women's Fellowship of the Butteville Congregational church, with a baby shower for her .triplet daughters. The infan(s, Debra, Donna, and Denice, two weeks old Fri day, are still in Incubators in Doernbecher hospital waiting to tip the scales at five pounds each. Mrs. L. Glen Yergen and Mrs. Ray Yergen were host esses for the afternoon and re freshments were served in the basement of the church. Many visitors were present to meet and honor Mrs. Smith. At the end of a brief busi ness meeting, Mrs. Smith was asked to preside at the table and it was heaped with gift wrapped packages containing a large assortment of infant wearing apparel, bedding and other accessoriei and tome cash. Those present Including members and visitors were the Mesdamea Rav Yemen t. r.u. Yergen, Krnest Crook, Gene wiiuami, jay Williams, John Rasmussen, Fred Denel, J. L. CoatneV. Dsn Clark Tml. Miller, G. W. Leek, Carl Peat- erson, Hartwell White, Riley, Wm. Bittick. Em II Rn.xeft. A H. Quimby, Beryl Brelthaupt! Edwin Miller, Sidney Graham, noDert Mampel, Walter Al drldse. Wm. RumpII w n Lindquest, Alvln Price, Kari tngieman, Kay Martin, Cun ningham, Frank Welnert, Anna Palmer, Louise Austin, James uonnson, Homer Harrison, Phil Hathaway. Other donon eenrilna sift but not present were the fol lowing families: Donald Smith, Charles Martin, J. W. McClure, Harold Murrey, Walter Ra- ceue, mcnara itacette, Ralph Racette, Louise Racette, J. R. Langddn, Walter Schuler, George Johnson, Ella Levy, Fat Wllmes, Wm. Gooding, C. A. Westcott, Joe Chlmler, Harold Ott and Lena Wllhel mot Sher wood. The Butteville I.O.O.F. lodge sent a receipted bill showing $10 paid on the hospi tal bill. Eva Mclntyre of the Tiny Shop In Newberg sent six infant vests. Friday afternoon the lower room of Butteville school went to Broadacres to play baseball with the lower grades there. Broadacres won 73 to 18. Those playing for Butteville were Carol Murrey, George Ra cette, Lary Crook, Glenna Rle ly, Joyce Smith, Jimmy Sho ber, Timmy Johnson, Kennle Clark, Stanley Martin, Rose Kruplcka and Judy Rasmussen. The members of the Women's Fellowship of the Butteville Congregational church are in vited to attend a family night pot luck supper on Tuesday evening, April 14, at the Au rora church. The next meeting will be at the church May 8, with Mrs. Jay Williams and Mrs. Gene Williams as hostesses. Silverion Extension Unit Meets April 23 Sllverton Mrs. Mark Hun gate is announcing an all-day meeting, beginning at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, April 23, at the First Christian church social rooms, for the Sllverton Home Economic unit. Guests are to furnish sack lunch at noon. The project for the day will be demonstrated by Mrs. Glenn Brledwell and Mrs. Carl Specht, the topic: "Herbs for Variety Accent." The unit members are ask ed to remember the Salem Homemakers Festival being held at the Marlon and Cottage St. Christian church, all day, Saturday, April 25. For economy and conven ience buy the large family tlze can of apricot whole fruit nec tar. It's the best buy and you will always have a can chilling in the refrigerator. Turner Mrs. William Sample of Coachella, Calif., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brower, who celebrat ed their 58th wedding anniver sary April 10. Mrs. Sample expects to remain for another two week. Harold Squires, Sr., of Sum mit City, Calif., Is In the hos pital at Redding, Calif. He is reported to have rheumatic fever. He was a resident of Turner until August, 19U, with five children attending the grade and high schools. Mrs. Squires Is, the daugh ter of Mrs. John Ruler of this city. .. Friends have received word of the death of Minnie L. A. "Grandma" Bouchle, a long time resident. Mr. and Mrs. W. R." Hogsed spent the week-end in Aloha visiting their daughter, Pearl Gagnet. They left Friday eve ning and returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poltras and sons, Eugene, Donnle and Johnnie, spent the week-end in Portland visiting at the home of Tlr. Poltras' brother, Ed ward Poltras. The Turner Sunshine club sponsored a dance held at the IOOF ball Saturday night. The music was played by "Eddie and his Silver String Rangers." Prizes were donated by Miss Helen Feetz and Mrs. Louis Petersen. The proceeds are for the community building fund. Ronald Whitehead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman White head, is home with the mumps. Alan Chesley, second grade student who has been absent from school for several weeks due to a lung infection, is im proving and is expected to re turn to school In another two weeks. , Alan Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Chesley. Del Barber is home with the flu. ; . Lee Barber, who has been in the hospital for some time, is about the same. The Turner Sunshine club Is spossorlnf a card party to bo held at the home of Oscar Jensen April 24 in the evening. I as APPBTIZBRS SPA6HBTJI SAOCB 1 o. pirn l 1288 State St. RANDALL'S Phone 3-6489 HELD OVER FOR THE THIRD WEEK COLOSSAL BEEFSft At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. ' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Cuts Blade Culs Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford EioasE (yJQJ Steak rir$l Round T-Bone Rib Steaks mm mm Fresh Ground fjiEL 35 LEAN SHOBf BIBS , if 1JEAH BEEF'CUBES .49 BONELESS iRffll m AA NEW YORK CUT 6 TENDER LOIN SIRLOIN TIP IE fill FRESH BEEF alto IE ROAST or STEAK 3 Hearts and Tongues ... nillMh VAIIMsf: UEMC Fully Dressed rLunr iuuiiu iilmj and Drawn . lb. 49 BUY LOCKER BEEF TOW! Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter Pound Pound Pound 3TTC 2BV M12C U. S. GOOD BEEF HALF or WHOLE FRONT QUARTER HIND QUARTER POUND POUND POUND 3 J12C 3312C i M Eft'S m i i sew i ji it I SB I I. I BOATLOAD iAMAMA Banana Boat just docked at Eb ner's. All hands are on deck for you to review. SNOBOY CARROTS. 2 tata-K' RADISHES Green ONIONS M 5' ;Reg. 39c pkg. With 10c Coupon 22' 2 lbs Sunshine Kriipy CRACKERS 39 BISQUICK Large 4Qi Pkg. oai Campbell's Tomato Soup Can I IT Garden Halves PEACHES J No. 2'j can. . 25 Solid Pack TUNA f Light Meat 2 Can 25' MAKf CW Tastewell MARGARINE 19' Lb Gold Medal FLOUR 10L 95' Pillsbury CAKE MIX $oo Each 35c 3 for. . . Taitewell PEAS 2N 25' Zee Wax Paper 125-ft. Roll 2 45c AlORRELL'S IOWA DEEF Beef raised In all parts of the USA Is shipped to Iowa feed lots to be "fed." The meture corn and grains fed to these steers Imparts to the beef thot built-in quality and flavor, unexcelled anywhere. Try tome this week. See for yourself. Rib Steaks and Sirloin 69c TBone and Round 79c Swiss or Sirloin Tip n79c GROUND BEEF SHORT RIBS Braze or Boll 15' 2 lbs. for 79' CHICKENS - FRYERS CAPONS Fryers it. Capons 4 io 6 ibs Hens Oven-ready Gizzards mm Livers Chicken YOU'LL FINO THE BEST AT Each a LB. 2 S . I S U J ft v Zf- " 7 1 m nJi i i i u m 1 m t w n .haw s'.'pwm m m m ss BBS as ar a. mm so mm ib -7. LrtAlklvi UJ LJULIAKIOLSU 3 ,b 89c iiAVE YOUR , ISO STKOKIS USS IEA11NO AAEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKIRS) 3 L v-