' TOOD SECTION Pago 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursdar, April 16, 195S Detroit Detroit Seventeen eighth grade students will receive di plomas the latter part of May. according to an announcement made Friday by Mrs. John Ray, eighth grade instructor at the Detroit elementary school.. Mothers of the students as- ambled to discuss plans for the graduation, approving the vote 01 uie class to have the Cherry CIfy Electric Ml Chemeketa tkm 2-676 annual dinner for graduates and their parents, followed by the graduation program and informal dance. - The eighth grade class in eludes the following students: Danny Bowers, Rosalia Bow ers, Danny Gescher, Bruce Gordon, Judy Haseman, Mich' ael Howland, Bradford Humphrey, Roger Fleming, Phyllis Ketchum, Donald Jack son, Michael Moore, Melodle Palmer, Leonard Snyder. James staniman, lanny vickers, John Wallace and Donald Watkins. Following the discussion the students' mothers were served punch and cupcakes by tne elgmn grade girls at card tables decorated with yellow forsythla and candles. Mrs. Doris Haseman, room mother, assisted with the refreshments, Mrs. Irving Steers entertain. ed recently with party cele brating the first birthday her little daughter Nancy. Seated with Nancy at the table were Douglas Reed, Fen- ny Lou and Terry Dean, Fran kie Moore. Michael, Susanna, Mary Lou, Bobby, Patrick and Peggy Moore. A decorated cake centered the table and each guest had cupcake with one lighted can dle. Balloons and candy bas kets completed the table dec orations. Sharing refreshments with the baby's mother were Mrs, Howard Dean, Mrs. Starr Reed and Mrs. Spencer Moore. JUST TRY OUR BEEF? VI AND PORI LAMB AND VDIAL KEEP 1 BUSY WITH 1 THAT FORK I m m Semi-boneless, Lean PORK ROAST The Best Buys of the Week . .S5' Here Is a Special that can't be beatl nuiicu rnme nin nnnsr Grade "A" Guaranteed Tender .Lb. 69c Gates Gates Mrs. Walter Brisbln was hostess at her home Satur day afternoon to members of the Gates Birthday club and guests. Following a luncheon served at 1 o'clock, euchre was in play at three tables. High score was held by Mrs, Gerald Heath, second bv Mn. Gwen Schaer, consolation was given Mrs. Mary ChamD. of sajem, and Mrs. Oscar Oster hout was presented the ruest prize. Others attending were Mm. Martha Bowea. Mrs. Edmund uavis, urs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Robert Levon. Special guests were Mrs. Mable Knut son, JUTS. PhilliD Hsu. Mix &uzaDetb Thompson and Mrs ueorge Arthurs. . Mrs. T. V. Graunds ! h. last oi tne week for Rtti. where she will visit for a w.v at me nome ox her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Voiirai returned home the first of the week from c, 10-day vacation trip through California unit nevaaa. For a Truly Tender Steak, try Our T BONE STEAK Cut any thickness -U, 79c lOur Famous HAM LOAF SMtrsSr . u. 59e Picnic Shoulders Morrellt Pride Smoked Ready to Eat Lb. 49c Short Ribs of Beef Wonderful for Braising. Lb. 39c -i, ........... , Guest at the home of m. and Mrs. William Pennick last weeKend were Mr. and iw Glen Cochran and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ciausia Ammnn and children, all from Jeffer son; ana Mrs. Pennick's moth er, Mrs. Ray Colgan of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Dan MnrrUnn left this week for a combined vacation and business trip to uorinera uauiornla. Mr. and Mrs. Green Osborne have returned to Gates and are located at La Vista court. Oa Dome is an employs of the Bonneville Power Co.. and will be employed here for the sum mer. Edmund Davis. Jr... who has Deen at the home of his par ents, Mr. ana Mrs. E. L. Davis, since his return from JaDan where he served with the armed forces, left Thursday zor oeatue. He will visit his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Overlock and two chll dren and friends. Cecil Haun, who Is emdoved I at Redding, Calif., was home for several days the last of the week with his family. He. ac companied by his son, Mervin ana Jerry Lawson. left Sun. day morning for Redding. The two noys drove back Monday. Both boys are student of the uates high school. Mrs. Robert Levon is homl- lauzea in saiera at the Memor iai Hospital following mator surgery Monday morning. She win oe were lor at least five days. Mrs. Burrel Cole vlslt .d the past week in Klamath, Calif., at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Cole and three children. A program of sacred music was presented Sunday after noon at the Gates Community Church of Christ by a newly organized Vesper Band, under the direction of Mrs. Priscilla Wiltsey of Salem. . The band, a group of guitar and accordion students of Mrs. Wiltsey, were accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Phyllis Hal- loway. Three special numbers were dedicated by George and Ter ry Meisinger. sons of Mrs, Wiltsey, to their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Henness, of Gates, who were in the audi ence. Members oi the band were Mrs. Harriet Spies, Mrs. Mur iel Warner, Mrs. Aleen Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams. Mrs. Jane Plonski, Miss Irma San- ford and Miss Aileen Haner. Scio Scio - Jim Lamb has been appointed on the Union High school board to fill the unex pired term of Ralph Goller, who has moved to New Mexico, Evangelistic services will begin Tuesday night, conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Wat- kins and family of Ixng Beach. cam. Next Sunday, Rev. Elvin Fast will preach his last ser mon here at the Baptist church. He has resigned the pastorate here, and will open a new con servative Baptist church in West Salem April 28. . Mr. and Mrs. Hal Pierce and children left Monday .for their new home in Ord, Neb., where Mr. Fierce will be in business with his father-in-law. John HaskeU. The Pierce have lived bere for nearly five years and have been active in many commun ity affairs. They have leased their farm to G. L. Thurston. The following have been elected on the pulpit commit tee to secure a new pastor for the local Baptist church: How ard Shelton, Roy Thurston, Harold Pynch. John Hatfield and Mrs. Laddy Elliott. me ceaarette club will hold rummage and cooked food sale Saturday, April 25, in the aartu building. Mrs. Robert Peshall of Hood River and daughter. Mrs. N. Guderian of Prosser. Wash., re cently visited relatives here. A bridal shower was given Friday for Mrs. Ralph Goller, ur., at tne uouer home. Hostesses were Joyce Lon- beck and Pearl Lonbeck. Mrs. Earl Hoover has been caring for her sick parents, Mr. Whatever You Have to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find someone who is looking for lust that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" Capital jljfournal PH. 22406 and Mr. Newt Crabtree In Halsey. Mrs. Crabtree is now In the Lebanon hospital and Mrs. Hoover ha returned to her home here. . a. v.JS Jf why didn't ho a second treat him to Hills n eve r-chq n g I ng goodness J 5 tBJ'xm&mm show ) raNNrn tnnn Kdii ice Com ffl your shopping bttket. .. . to awny wrfetlw . .'. .to mch good ittbg for all Nalley'i Potato Chip SPECIAL Large 39c Pkg. With Coupon NPkg, 29' COFFEE a,, 93' Hill Bro.,rolaers,MJ.. Golden West, Chose ft Sanborn, Maxwell House PAN-READY FRYERS 65' ib. Fresh Daily JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER FRESH SHIPMENT Of JONES SAUSAGES The superb sausage of America... Try. it! SWISS STEAK 85' ib. Same more of those nice Smoked Beef Tongues 49' .b. CHOICE VEAL STEAK 39' ib. FEtJITS Can 6 I 12 I 24 P.M. Pears 8 1.52 2.95 5.61 P.M. Pears 2.25 4.35 8.45 Peaches ?Ztw , 1.42 2.69 5.35 Peaches "m 3.85 7.45 Sliced Pineapple" M 2.20 4.25 8.20 Fruit Cocktail m 1-49 2.90 55 Fruit Cocktail 2.20 4.25 820 Fruit for Salad ,M 3.15 5.98 Grapefruit m US 2.45 4.75 Purple Plums m 1.25 2.40 Slewed Prunes m 1.39 2.75 Pineapple kq. 1-55 2.95 5.75 Pineapple wh t-83 3-55 6.95 VEGETABLES Sliced Beels olM 803 85c 1.55 - Diced BeelsOUM ,03 85c 1.55 Whole Beels Glass S03 95c 1.85 Tomatoes I0.',1; Ne.z 1.38 2.69 520 Stewed Tomatoes No,z 1.38 2.69 5.2C Spinach Wo,2 1.05 1.95 370 Green Cut Beans 3o3 1-27 2.45 4.65 Green Lima Beans U3 1.63 3-25 6.15 Early Garden Peas 1.29 2.55 4.85 Cream Style Corn 1.10 2.10 4.10 Whole Kernel Corn 1.25 2.25 4.28 Tomato Juice 83c 1.55 2.90 Tomato Juice B, 1.65 Tomato Catsup 1t, 2.10 4.10 Chi Sauce jj iso Prune Juice 2.05 3.9S " ' Santiam Cut Beans ,0l 1.19. 2.35 4.65 U4 --" I j-T, Model Food Market D.y AeeoMtj-Th. Store .( Fr,noly 8erTl,'