FOOD SECTION-Pw 6 Garnishes Arid Bit to Meat Dishes Gay garnishes can set off your dinner roast, A bit of col or addi the flnithing touch to your dinner table, the tuna at accessories io Basic drew, Hot garnlihti are luggeited for hot meat dlihei; cold gar nishee for cold meat dlahei. Of courie, there are exception! to mis ruie. arignt tpiced crab applet, aplced peachei or apri cots, orange slices, fruit-filled orange cupa are all fine for garnishing route. Occasionally, let your dinner vegetable aerve ai a garnish. Glazed carrot are an Ideal ad dition. Baked potatoes topped with butter, asparagus, trench ed or cut green beam, all may be used successfully. For cold servings such at allccd nnrk loin, ham, or chilled lamb, salad molds make an attractive gar- nlsh. However, let your meat de termine the garnish fruits for pork, ham or lamb; vegetables ior Deei and veal. Remember, never over garnish the platter. They may get In your carver'a way, leading to garnishes scat tered over your dinner table, friT! Yl . y-1d -A .rT j pt,n-' hk. . 0 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgoa Macaroni Is 'Natural' For Casserole Cookery Creamed Ham, Celery and Walnuts is a leftover dish you'll want to terve again, when you see how it suits the king's taste. ' .' ' . ' Leftover Ham Vienna Type Sausaae Good Among the most popular of .canned meata la Vienna sau sage which Is delicious served either hot or cold. Many people use this fine cold plat ter, and many have discovered the enhanced flavor 'of cream sauces, soups.- scrambled eggs, scalloped potatoes and vege . table casseroles when sliced Vienno sausage is added. A Vienno sausage la a beef and pork cut and sausage spiced according to the Vienna atyle. The most popular can contains 8 to 10 sausages. They are also packed in a fl ounce can, which contains 18 . to zo sausages. There are lot of Interesting ways to serve Vienna sausage. One quick and delicious way is to heat and apoon creamed peas over them. Another Is to use them as filler in the cored out part of baked apples. Still another is In Vienna Cabbage Dinner which you can prepare In only 19 minutes. , Vienna. Cabbage Dinner 2 quarts shredded cabbage (1 large head) . . ; cup water 2 tablespoons butter or margarine - , 1 teaspoon salt n A . vrl . sausage , , mustard sauce Put cabbage, water, butter ana : salt in large skillet or aucepan with tight fitted lid . Cook over medium heat 10 minutes. . Add Vienna . aau sages; cook 6 minutes longer. while cabbage Is cooking pre' pare Mustard Sauce.) , , Mustard Sauce 2 tablespoon butter or margarine ' . 1 tablespoon flour 2 teaspoons dry mustard 2 teaspoons sugar - teaspoon salt , cup vinegar - . 2 tablespoons mayonnaise ,V cup chopped sweet pickle V teaspoon Tabasco MU hntti In jiatieanan over low. heat. Remove from heat; blend in flour, dry mus tard, sugar and salt. Stir in water and vinegar and return to medium heat. Cook, atirr ing constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boll. Remove from heat;' stir in . mayonnaise, pickle and Tab' asco. - Serve hot with Vienna sausage and cabbage. Yield 4 servings. Olives Add Flavor The rich flavor of ripe olives lends a special goodness and heartiness to many dishes. Add the dark ripe olive wedges to Welsh rarebits, scrambled eggs, cream soups or spaghetti sauces. It's best to stir the olives into the hot dishes a few minutes before serving, just al lowing the olivet to heat through. 6PICED FRUIT Drain fruit Juice from SV4 cups canned fruit cocktail In to a saueerjan. Add Vi . tea spoon powdered dry mustard, teasnnon each 01 ground cloves and cinnamon and 1 ta blespoon lemon Juice. Boll juice slowly until reduced to Y the amount; add fruit and heat slowly. Serve hot at a relish. : Do7 up Prunes Here's a new way of cooking prunes which gives them a very exotic flavor. Rime one pound of prunes and soak overnight In a quart of strong tea. Add a piece of orange peel and a stick of cinnamon. Boll gently about 25 minutes, add tt cup gran ulated sugar and cook S min utes longer. Very tasty. Hot Roll Mix Memo Occasionally we suggest the use of one of the popular Hot Roll Mixes, The "yw which Is referred to in recipes using a hot roll mix U In the pack age in the correct proportion for the other ingredients. Proves Useful The day before pay day It re. frigerator inventory time and a nappy day lor you it you can find even a smidgin of last ounaay't ham. Here is a sug gestion for a one-dish meal that la king size to even the heart- test appetltleg; and served with your own toasted garlic loaf, sidesteps even the vaguest bint oi "bullion blues." . ' - Creamed Ham, Celery and Walnuts :. 2 cups sliced celery . 1 cup water ., Milk, as needed cup butter or margarine cup flour , Few grains pepper teaspoon Ac'cent 1 tablespoon cut chives 2 cups diced, leftover ham cup coarsely broken walnut meats Salt to taste ' Cook sliced celery in water Until tender. Drain; measure water; add enough milk to make 3 cups. Melt butter or margarine; blend in flour, pep. per, and Ac'cent. Add milk mixture; cook over low heat until smooth and thickened. Add chives, ham, walnuts, and cooked celery, Salt to taste. Serve with hot Toasted Garlic Loaf. Makes 6 servings. Toasted Garlic Loaf 1 small loaf unsllced bread Vt cup melted butter or mar- arine 1 garlic clove, mashed . teaspoon Ac'cent Trim crusts from bread, keeping rounded shape at top. Cut loaf In half lengthwise, al most through. Cut in sixtht crosswise, almost through. Meanwhile, combine butter or margarine, garlic, and Ac'cent. Let stand over very low heat 10 minutes. Brush outside of loaf and all cut surfaces with this mixture. Bake In hot oven (450 deg. r.) 10 minutes or until golden brown; serve at once. A Bean Treat These pork n' beans are different because the beans are large dry limas. To soaked lima beans add pieces of left over pork roast or bacon, and simmer about an hour until the beans are tender. Pour into a casserole, add a little brown sugar and salt, then cover with a generous topping of tomato sauce and bake in a slow oven about 2 hours. A Hearty Salad This towering salad is prac tically a whole meal. Arrange a flat bed of cottage cheese on a garnished salad plate. On it place a slice of canned pine apple, next a canned cling peach half cut side up, and in it three cooked prunes stuffed with chopped almonds or walnuts. Mscaroni products are a nat ural for casserole cookery. Thav can be used in comblna. tion with many other foods to create endless variety in your menus. EM noodles are combined with tour cream, cottage cheese and grated American cheese to make delicious individual Dairy Noodle Casseroles. Try them for supper tonight. Here's another recipe for your collection New Orleans Macaroni and Cheese which is an old favorite brightened up with colorful bits of chopped pimiento and green . pepper. Evaporated milk makes it es pecially rich and creamy. Dairy Noodle Casseroles (Makes 4-6 servings) 1 tablespoon salt 3 quarts boililng water 8 ounces medium egg-noodles (about 4 cups) 1 cup sour cream , 1 cup cottage cheese . teaspoon salt teaspoon caraway seeds ' Freshly ground pepper tt cup grated American cheese : ' Add 1 tablespoono salt . to rapidly boiling water. Gradual ly add noodles so that water continues to boll. Cook uncov ered, stirring occasionally, un til tender. Drain in colander. In a large bowl,, combine sour cream, cottage cheese, salt, caraway seeds, pepper and cooked noodles. Pour into greased individual casseroles. Top with grated cheete. Cover and bake in moderate oven (325 degrees) 25 minutes. New Orleans Macaroni and Cheese (Makes 4-8 servings) ' 1 tablespoon salt 8 quarts boiling water 8 ounces elbow macaroni (2 cups) I Vi cup chopped canned pi miento , Va cup chopped green pepper 1 14 Vi -ounce can evaporated milk Yi teaspoon salt 2 cups grated processed . American cheese tt pound cheese) 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon Worcester shire sauce Add 1 tablespoon salt to rap idly boiling water. Gradually add caraconl so that water con tinues to boil. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until ten der. Drain In colander. Combine cooked macaroni, pimiento and green pepper; mix well. Turn into greased 2 auart casserole. In a saucepan, combine evaporated milk and salt; cook over low heat until mixture reaches boiling point. Add cheese and cook until cheese is meitea ana mixture Is thickened and smooth; stlrr constantly. Stir in mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over maraoni mixture in casse role. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 25-30 minutes. Soup That Fills Here's an easy way io mase hearty souo. To canned to mato soup add cup of cook ed large dry lima beans and 2 slices crisp cooked bacon, crumbled. Serve with a glass of milk and toasted cheese sandwich for a hurry-up lunch. It's Good! Spread a warm freshly bak ed 9-inch square cake with a mixture of 3 tablespoons melt ed butter, 2 tablespoons un diluted evaporated milk, cup brown sugar and Vt cup chop ped or ready sliced almonds. Slip under broiler a minute or two until top is bubbly and very lightly browned. Thursday, April 16, 1953 Lamb Dress-UP Dot orange illcet with but ter, sprinkle lightly with brown sugar and duet with curry powder. Broil and terve around lamb roatt or chops. i iiiiimr hwmw Fresh Rainbow Trout FRESH aC A SPRING CHINOOK SALMON LbOV' Fresh Steam fej s Fresh Fillet of f" CLAMS ,.,, 35 SOLE i.5V CRAiT Lt 35' FbJn'd .,,49' Fresh Fillet of Red JJ Fresh Skinned All, Snapper ,Lb.03 SOLE l.35 Fresh Razor Clams K By the Piece . - er)ij Oven Ready M, Ling Cod .u,J?W HENS . .. Lb. 49 ? Dressed & Drawn M mm u ." ' ' : '-m BSg FRYERS 65 mrs FISH & POULTRY Phone 3-4424 Free Delivery "216 N. Commercial St. 4 HUNT'S PEARS 3 1 m Glamor for Rolls Give brown V serve fan-tan rolls extra glamor this easy way. Break the tiny fans apart slightly and tuck in a bit of honey mixed with buttered diced roasted nuts, and chop ped aisins between each sec tion. Brush the tops with melted butter or margarine and bake in a 400 degree F. oven about 10 to 12 minutes. For Sandwiches A sandwich filling particu larly good on whole wheat bread is one made with cottage cheese and ground raisins. An other delicious combination is ground raisins, peanut butter and a bit of crisp chopped ba con. Both these fillings are packed with an extra amount of good nutrition. Cream cheese moistened to spreading consistency with frozen orange Juice concen trate and mixed with chopped walnuts makes a delicious spread for hot biscuits or other hot breads. $ $ $ SUGAR 10. W $ CRACKERS ','20' GOLDEN WJST COFFEE WEST N Coffee and We Reserve the Right to Limit FREE All Day Sat, April 18 FRANZ C.Ju.M,., BREAD paper m jaoo $ $ $ $ Pineapple CALIROSE FREESTONE PEACHES mm pineappu Emma Isl ra'14-oz. fO Bottles $1.00 BEST $1.00 TOMATOES KINOAN'S LUNCHEON MEAT Dry MWUSNewKIrKfofPuddiV Xxi Dvrtl Hove to LOofcl Oft WHOU 3 iiiifP a.a" i HUNT'S am' 0 IJEI50"8 . II H iitim rant r- -s C pninin ninr sr r - a. -. jz-a ubb rtinrri h .11 11 1 1 I UIUIU rKQ. Mt. IIIJ.U W W W I 1 H T II 1 1 aji'iriieirji 1 mv.. mi 1 a 1 w n sine if II ."gM I SSSa II hJHLIUUN ' ' 'AI .r UIIUT'f UJUAir irrrtUEi I mmmmmmmmmmammmMMMMMmMmmwMwwMmmmmn I JLmfS aU I jutruxtumiMiut k r zii iiinra m u 1 ' - 1 1 xmi iw uiui TAMATA imrrl mtysu. muj u Zl k I I VIIIHIU JUIV.C UsuDE READYTOm j&emzA 7xr 7:$ioo4i TIIMA picnics U-mitL t wn - " liPTjifc "SI cant um- ! W - 5100 M $1-00 M, - $11 00 ,ftF "0AST !! 7H$ Worgonne3 uw ,,ww K? RIB STEAKS AfP $ -n WEJT SALEM m b " KITCHEN QUEEN Flour $P .. 83c 49c 5 . ALL PURE MILK 9 cans $11 00 LIBBY'S MEATS Corned Bf.Sc.sT Chili 31 T CORNED Beef Hash 3VI 00 Carrots ,2 FANCY JUMBO SUN KIST Oranges HOT HOUSE Cucumbers E FARM FRESH Celery D.,W ffl $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $