Thursday-, April lfj, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortvm FOOD EZCnOTf Fkst I THE CAPITAL JOURNAE, Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Page 4 Thursday. April IS, 195S wmmmmrnmmmmmmm,w- V-N 7 . ' - ! Good Old Hash Again On With rib roait of beef selling In most localities at the price hamburger was year ago, roast beet hash is again fash ionable in everybody's kitchen. This delicious, tasty dish is quite different from corned beef hash. The difference is simply the luxurious flavor of roast beet. Well browned to a delicate crust and sagaciously mixed with onion, this is a roast beef left-over dish to de light the family. , . Boast Beef Hash American 2 cups chopped cooked roast beef 1 cupi chopped cold cooked potatoes ' V cup finely chopped onion . teaspoon salt Dash rjeDDer ' , 1 cup light cream or top milk 2 tablespoons fat or onp nines Combine beef, potatoes and anion. Add salt, pepper and cream. Heat fat in a skillet, spread hash evenly in pan and cook slowly without stirring un til well-browned on the bot tom. Fold like an omelet and turn onto a hot platter, serve with a spicy tomato sauce or relish. Yield: 4 servings, Baked Boast Beef Hash With Etta . Mix your hash as in recipe above, and spread in a greased pie pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about 15 minutes, then make four dents In the hash with the back of a spoon end break an egg into each ' dent; return hash io the oven and bake until eggs are firm. Serve at once, Economy Cuts In Tasty Ways : There are many delicious meat dishes from the so-called economy cuts. Select a three or four-pound olece of fresh beef brisket. Cov er with hot water. Season with salt and pebper. Cook at a sim merino; temperature three to four hours or until tender. Serves 3 to the pound. . Beef Brisket With Horseradish Sauce 1 tablespoon butter ( 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup milk cup horseradish 1 tablespoon lemon juice ; Salt Pepper 1 tablespoon plmlento Melt butter and add flour. Add milk slowly, stirring con stantly until mixture bolls. Drain horseradish, combine with Jemon Juice, seasonings, and nlmlento. Add to sauce. Serve hot with brisket of beef. Sausage on Sunday Sunday morning is. . waffle and sausage time. Serve the golden brown waffles with plenty of butter or margarine and this warm fruit topping. Combine 1 cups of apricot whole fruit nectar with cup honey and a dash of salt. Sim mer them together about is minutes. It's wonderful on hot cakes or French toast, too. Coronation Item Fashions in food are in keep ing with the coronation this year. One of the most attrac tive salads we've seen is a gol den canned cling peach crown served on cottage cheese. Make S sllta in a peach half, leaving n uncut portion for the base of the crown. Spread the points apart on the cheese and top each point wnn a bit oi maraschino cherry. Pork Chop Casserole ' 6 pork chops 1 cup rice ; Vt green pepper, diced , 2 tablespoons grated onion Vt teaspoons salt - Vi teasDOon pepper " 8 cups cooked or canned to matoes ' WitMi aa nMtded Brown the pork chops in their own fat in frying pan. Remove the chops and add rice and brown lightly. Combine brown, ed rice with green pepper, on ion and seasoning! in a cas serole. Add tomatoes. - Place browned chops on top, cover and cook in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for IVi hours. As rice absorbs the liquid, it may be necessary to lift cas serole cover ana aaa water, o servings. This One Tonic Salad Mid-April sends us looking for something delicate, refresh ing and pretty to celebrate the new season. This saiaa seems io be just what the doctor order ed, combining pineapple Juice, celery and grated carrot. . Spring Tone Salad 1 envelope unflavored gela tine cup cold pineapple juice 1 cup hot pineapple juice cup lemon Juice cup sugar teaspoon salt 1 cup grated carrot cup diced celery Soften gelatine in cold pine apple juice. Dissolve thorough ly in hot pineapple juice; add lemon juice, sugar and salt; stir until dissolved. Chill until the consistency of unbeaten egg white: fold in carrot and celery. Turn into large or individual molds that have been rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm. Six servings. Colorful Sauce For Sunday Ham Sunday dinner is the time for aU the little extras that make a meal something spe- ial. That's why we like to serve this "Raisin Orange Sauce" with a big sugar-glazed ham. Plump seedless raisins are ac cented with white wine and orange. The sauce is at its best served hot. Raisin Orange Sauce cup seedless raisins Vt cup water Vt cup orange juice V cup brown sugar (packed) 2 tablespoons flour ; Vt teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Vt cup dry white wine Vt teaspoon grated orange rind . Rinse raisins and drain. Sim mer in Vt up water for S min utes. Add orange juice. Blend together brown sugar, flour and salt, and stir into hot mixture. Cook and stir until clear and thickened. Blend In butter, wine and rind, and heat thoroughly. Serve with ham or tongue. " : Makes about 1 cup sauce. , For Leg of Lamb t Plentiful leg of lamb Is espe cially wonderful when rubbed before roasting with a mixture of 1 teaspoon salt, Vt teaspoon pepper, Vt teaspoon garlic powder (use more if you really like that lamb and garlic fla vor), Vt teaspoon paprika and V, teaspoon oregano. Roast at 300 degrees for 2V4 to 3 hours for a 6 to 7 pound leg. Baste often with seasoned fat for best flavor. Speaking of fine taste, Fred ...let's tiy Petri Wine! n 4 I 11 k a-fv-i? f FotrKi I. Petri Took Time to Bring You Good Wine PETRI WINE CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, j SATURDAY A.M.-lf.M. SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET STORE fir MAY 2ND AT Lb. Bog 20cC.up.ntai. 10 lb. bag Lb. Bag m 40c Coupon In Each 25 lb. Bag A Pukfcury HOT ROLL MIX Y pkg. I for 1 ia: PILLSBURY SnoShsen Large Pkg. 38c cwnocES 3t89' MAK1 NfW imtSSARMWORKl noudrift SNOftTENlNv 3 93c AIIGEL FOOD SZ W Urge Pkg. WE- 49c i Pillsbury PANCAKE MIX 10 lb. pkg. J w V kikENU mSjACK SYRUP ninniK fOFFtt CAMNEDlMcows BLUE BONNET 99 2'2 Lb. pkg. 33 c CARNATION CANNED MILK TALL CANS 2 r 29' Margarine Yellow Cubes . ' mm l s Inviiei j m m m m m m . g COFFEE j 5 Jb- a)3 crian t ; ,, LibbyV karge to-si. can , 5 4 Jf V EH' Lumberjack I I I : 2 SYRUP MM 24 ox. bottl I J 3S' KM lb. 5H,....79Vjgy ; PORTLAND -4 STORE ROAD 1.40 Value Finest in quality Igo. 46 oi. con sfMHs Swift's 5-lb. Lunch Pail CHEF BOYARDEE, 15J4-OZ. CANS with MEAT BALLS Del Monle iream nyie . no. m cans cans While King : 50' ST$ VALUE sck 2 47 Acans CV Jrs ;' 1 ""r" r dinned Dog Food 6 49c H ' ; Flayfair or Strongheart DK Ross Dog Food . 5. hg 53c Vita Meal or VIU Kibbled 20o off ref. prlca .Cocoa bMirfuiQMijfr,t4.CH 39c 's Beef or Pork' 45c :t Lf e. 15 H or. cans delicious and economical MeatsBallswithGravy" 39c ' ' ChefBoyardee at a now low price. Ruth's Drief Beef 33c Eeonomleal and delicious creamed on toast . 4 p9t77C -- Perfection whole Marshall 12 os. pkf ., pkg. Z5c Frozen Strawberries perfection whole Marshall IS oi. Dennison Fancy Catsup 2 27c Larfe 14 ox. bottles Nalley's POTATO CHIPS Reg. 39c 29 WITHlOc COUPON ON BAG CHIPS 4 H CrispJkliciouB J F BANANA 2 u 29 OF FRESH PRODUCE New Potatoes &U LARGE CRISP CELERY Bch m ONIONS SALAD Texas Mild Yellow 3 lbs. Fresh foday Celo Pack Each S' qeebhs earns J m a mm. I RICE y Quick Cooklnf f ' 2Pkp.25c c t?- ' 1 Coupon In J. Pkf. on M.J.B. V ,. Coffee . I SLICED Racon OF FINE MEATS Pound ffl ft U. S. Good and U. S. Choice Steer Beef T-Bone Steaks 7' U.S. Good ondU.S.Cho(co Steer Beef ' 7 Blade Cut ; Roast .S' WE ARE SERVING ARMOUR'S STAR BACON AT OUR Boned and SAT.. A.M. BREAKFAST Rolled CHUCK ROAST Peas, Peas & Carrots, Cut Corn, Corn on Cob, Butter Beans, Broccoli Cuts, Diced Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, Spinach Reg. nOO PKGS. M PEACHES CAULIFLOWER BROCCOLI SPEARS BRUSSELS SPROUTS BABY LIMA BEANS F0RDH00K LIMAS Wax Paper OSAftGE JUICE 2 33c for FRESH CUT BEANS REGULAR CUT BEANS SUCCOTASH FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 4 REG. PKGS. WAFFLES DOWNY-RAKE Pkg. 6 WsfPet 339c ruics ukiiij m HA B1Q. try TISSUE rolls Economy In tissue Made by M-D eg, Napkins BMS HO' g so cello pack jmmZ Diamond fil NC 125-fff. roll fiSII CP Heavy Quality V.. FACIAL 9 ZlO,? ICJ ISSUE CmM. -J 300 sheet pks;' with anti-bacterial action BEEF STEW E(R Boneless . . lb. 0 FRESH FILLET OF Tn TOILET "K TISSUE EiGonomT in iissHO maae oj ai-u Scolfovels 2ro:29' 150 sheet rolls finest quality Red Snapper . 2t Pork Loin ROAST 3-lb. Average K(B1 Semi-Boneless . . Ibl SPARE RIBS Yankee . . ib 3i3 GROUND BEEF Fresh , . . Ev3S)' SHORT RIBS Beef . . . Ib. 2 Pacific OYSTERS Fresh . . Pint 5 W PORK CHOP is Center Cut lb. Cenler Cut . ls89 Fresh Killed Pan-Ready PHEASANT m'WS '1.49 1.59 $1.69 Each 3 These Specials Also Effective Erickson's Hiway Market - Woodburn Beg-More Dog & Cat Food 2 i 29c Dog & Cat Food PLEASE 3 hn tin 27c - 2825 S. Commercial St. 3080 Portland Road 3820 E. State St. Unexpected mealtime visitor leave a houseful of culi nary praise after they've dined on a well-seasoned Pork and Apple Loaf. , This Loaf Easy When Unexoected Company Arrives query: wna; aoea urs. Amer ica do when unexpected com pany arrives for the evening meal, and yesterday's roast looks about big enough for a midnight snack? Answer: Easy; she dips into that wonderful stockpile of ingenuity, the rec- n 11a for har favorite nulckv loaf. Here's a new wife-saver for ust such occasions, wnen we oasic meat is por. Tblm Pnrlr and Annl Taf will do you proud as a "spur of the moment" planner in the best of good taste. fork and Apple Leaf 2 cupa soft bread crumb cup evaporated milk . " 1 egg, beaten 3 cups ground, left-over pork a tart apples, pared and ; cored 1 medium onion - i'V Vt teaspoon salt i - ,w Few grain pepper, ' 1 teaspoon Ac'cent , Combine bread crumbs, evap orated milk, and egg; let stand Vi hour. Put pork, apples, and onion through food chopper, using fin knife, add season ings; mix well. Pack Into loaf pan 9x5x3 inches; Bake in mod erate oven (350 F.) about 4S minute. Makes 6 serving. Mexican Seafood Dishes - . , -. . . I - . . . . , . : Offer Interesting Ideas Of course it shouldn't be sur prising that down In Old Mex ico the natives have developed many seafood recipes using chili seasoning, for Mexico nas several thousand miles of sea coast, i as well as many fine rivers and lakes offering abun dant catches of seafood, and the culture of chill pepper Is an age-old tradition. - - Here are several seafood sug gestions brought from Mexico and checked to help you take full advantage of the economy and nutrition seafood offer and help you serve more en joyable, taste-tempting dishes at the same time, Creole Salmon 1 lb. can salmon, undralned 1 en ' 1 green pepper, diced finely 1 small onion, finely sliced tsp. salt : tsp. pepper : 1 tsp. chill powder 1 cup canned tomatoes 1 cud bread crumbs -' 2 sprigs parsley, diced finely 2 tbsp. butter Mix salmon and egg in sauce pan. Add chopped green pep per and onion, seasonings, to matoes and half tne crumos. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add minced parsley, cook 5 minutes longer. Turn into greased cas serole or individual baking dishes, sprinkle with remain ing bread crumbs and bake in hot oven (400 degrees) until crumbs are brown. Serve while hot. Fish With Chill Sauce 2 tbsp. butter or margarine 1 onion, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tbsp. flour tsp. salt 1 tbsp. chill powder 1 cup tomatoes 1 cup meat stock or water Saute onion, green pepper, garlic in fat. add flour, salt, chili powder; stir until smooth; add tomatoes and other liquid; simmer until thick. Choose fish suitable for baking, either fillets or whole fish. Place in baking dish and top with rings of green peppers I IE II M ' and onions, then cover with th above sauce. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees) about 10 mu utea per pound of fish. Mexican Tuna - 1 small onion, chopped - 2 tbsp. butter. 1 tbsp. flour ' Salt and pepper to taste - " 4 tsp. chill powder 1 cup cooked carrot, diced ' 1 7-oz. can tuna - Cook onions in butter until tender. Add flour, salt, pepper - and chill powder. Stir together -until smooth. Then add milk slowly. Continue stirring until sauce thickens,' then add car rota and tuna, including oil from the can. Add Worcester shire sauce, heat thoroughly; serve on hot biscuits or but tered toast.. Serves 4. Cangreo Gndiablado : (Deviled Crabs) ' , 1 egg, beaten ' 1 cup white sauce 1 cup choppe crab meat ; .. ; 2 tbsp. tomato catsup ' 1 green pepper, chopped ' tsp. salt , 1 tsp. chill powder 2 hard cooked eggs, chopped 8 crab shell Vt cup butter crumbs ' Add egg to white sauce, mix with crab meat and other in gredients. Fill crab sheila roundine: with mixture, sprin kle with crumbs, add a dash of chili powder. Bake until crumbs are brown, about 10 minutes, in hot oven (400 de grees). - An Appetizer This delicious fruit appetizer would be a pretty one to servo at a wedding brunch. Combine well-chilled canned fruit cock tall with sliced fresh straw berries and top with a fresh mint sauce. Serve in leers with a sprig of fresh mint to garnish. Want a good saladT Put slice of spiced cooked beets on bed of salad greens and arrange a mound of cream-style cottage cheese in the center. Servo with French dressing. Miracle Tarnish Remover EASY-AID & Jtut Dip nd Rinse Silvtr SparkUi in Seam fa g- Save hours of time, liquid EASY-AlO does not icraicn or wear . . utans tarnhh from ornate patterns whtro other cleaners cannot reach. Non-toxl1 non.flammabt. Clean hollow war or large flat pieces with iptetal free EASY-AID applicator. Excellent for gold, copper, brass or iewelry. Economical retains Its strength to th lost drop, S1 - 0 98c ri flO-a. oseaenty ljsjr' Foafurocf Wherever Vo So : ! t ' . " ' 1 ' - : - ... i a. . a i