Thursday, April 16, 1953 FOOD SECTION Page 2 iring Meal for Stag Party By ZOLA VINCENT We firmly believe that it li a wise wife who oeawlonally encourage the man of the - bouse to give a party for hit favorite cronies. She la dou bly wise if she arrangea the makings of a good hearty buf fet such as pictured above and then hies herself to other places for the evening; re turning only after the coast if clear. The plan ot a buffet for male meal is staple. There are lust two things to remem ber. First, the table should be arranged for an Interesting display of food, conveniently placed for self service. Sec. ond, the foods should be es pecially tempting, varied and the kind that holds its shape while standing. Can't think of a thing better than the plctur ed assortment on a wooden tray for cutting and slicing directly on the tray. Cheese Arrangement Use a red-coated cheese such as ChRTitelle as the cer terplece. Before placing it on the tray, add a decorative touch by cutting it Into pie- shaped wedges and removing a small triangle of wax coat ing from the center of each wedge. Next surround t h cheese with a row of round buttery crackers and square wheat wafers, grouping each kind together. In the corners, place a wedge of marbled blue, Langlois or Roquefort, a wedge of aged Cheddar, sev eral wedges of creamy Cam- embert and thin slices of pl- mlento - flecked processed cheese. Plates, peper napkins, a cheese knife or butter spread ers; that about does it. Only thing the man who brings home the bacon has to do is to pour.tangy beer into tall pll sener or other . appropriate glasses at the psychological moment. If there are coffee drinkers, Instant coffee is obviously ideal. Mine "host need only bring some water to a boll, being sure that the tea ket tle is filled with fresh bub bling water from the cold wa ter faucet. Follow directions on coffee Jar. Cups and sau cers, cream and sugar on a tray nearby. Nothing to do except to listen to compli ments relayel by husband. ESpT?-:... I 1 , V.. -af-T- ,,.-'rlftii-v,tlit.Tl..J Snack Offerings-Help Yourself! Whether it's a Stag Party for the man of the house or refreshments for all comers, here is an ideal snack combination to please every- 'Pick o' the Pantrv SuDDer Menu Provides Many Tasty' Dishes The story of old Mother Hubbard who found her cup board bare need never hap- oen to today's homemaker if she has discovereo the enaiess possibilities and storable qual ities of packaged products. Just a little exploring among the shelves of your market will produce Ingredients for a long list of dishes, too, that com pare favorably with those re quiring longer, more complex preparation. This recipe for Creamed Tuna Fish with Herb Rice is Savory Kale Tasty Vegetable Offering Kale has been used for food more than 4000 years. It has a certain tang liked by many. It is easy to prepare. Careful washing is necessary. Wash like spinach, leaf by leaf where sand may be lurking. Trim oft stems and midribs if they are thick. Wash and trim VA pounds of kae. , Savary Kae Dice 4 slices bacon and fry in deep saucepan for one min ute.' Add 1 medium onion, minced and cook, stirring un til it begins to brown. Add kale and Yi cup hot water. Sprinkle with teaspoon salt, pepper to taste and toss un til wilted. Cover and cook slow ly until tender, about 15 min utes. Serve with lemon wedg es or sliced hard cooked eggs. A Vegetable Molded Salad Hera is recipe where cooked vegetables are well seasoned and served in at tractive salad form. Garden Mix Molded Vegetable! 1 envelope unflavored , geletlne cup cold water cup not water teaspoon aalt (or pinch of salt substitute) teaspoon Tabasco 1 tablespoon sugar . , cup mild vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 cups diced cooked vegetables (fresh, frozen, or canned) , Soften geletlne In cold water. Add hot water, salt, Tabasco and augar; stir until dissolved. Stir in vinegar and lemon Juice. Chill until mix ture is consistency of un beaten egg white. Stir in the onion and mixed vegetables. Pour into large or in dividual molds and chill until firm. Unmold and serve on salad ercens with French dressing.1 Yield: 6 servings. ' 1 Cinnamon Touch Cinnamon Plnwheels from that bit of pie dough (left from making that luscious spring rhubarb pie) are fun for your little Miss Homemaker to make. Let her roll the extra dough out very thin. Dot with butter and sprinkle liberally with a cinnamon-sugar mixture ot 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon to a cup ot graulated sugar. Make into a roll about 1 Inches in diameter and cut off into pin wheels ft inch wide. Bake in moderate oven until brown. Stuffed celery makes good nibbling food, either as a hors d'oeuvre or as a crisp dinner relish. For a simple filling, blend finely chopped walnuts with softened cream cheese. A sprinkling of minced parsley adds a bright touch of color. ample proof of that fact. It is called a Pick o' the Pantry Supper because all ingredients are from the pantry sneii. Creamed Tana Fish with Herb Rice 154 cups packaged precooked rice IVi cups water teaspoon salt H teaspoon thyme, rosemary, basil or savory cup sliced onions 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can cream of mushroom soup cup milk 1 can (7 ounces) solid pack tuna fish 2 tablespoons chopped ripe olives Dash of pepper Combine rice, water, salt. and thyme in saucepan. Mix just until all rice is moistened Bring quickly to a boil over high heat, uncovered, fluffing rice gentle once or twice with a fork. (Do NOT stir). Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 10 minutes. Meanwhile, saute onions in butter until golden brown. Add soup and milk. Heat, stirring occasionally. Then add tuna fish, drained and flaked, olives, and pepper. Mix and heat thor oughly. Makes 4 or 8 servings. Serve over the rice. Arrange herb rice in a serving dish and top with the creamed tuna fish. Serve mixed with the rice. Add herd rice to the creamed tuna fish. Mix lightly and serve at once. Casserole. Add herb rice to the creamed tuna fish. Mix lightly and turn into 1-quart casserole. Sprinkle with but tered crumbs. Broil 2 to 3 min utes, or until lightly browned. Baked Date Pudding Proves Popular Dessert Tvmatli Hutu nroduet of California's bountiful mill in diutrv ire featured on the neni ll nf Anrll nlenti iuU. The only commercial crop of dates in the United states is proa u ceo in vu Honey Is Useful Food; Many Ideas On It Presented Teh, Tchl Honey Week has slipped past us but we'll try to make amends. There's a tine crop of honey. Honey, the oldest of the world's sweet enings la produced In nearly every county of the United States. No west coast mono poly here. It seems that honey bees are absolutely essential In the polination of some 30 agricultural crops. So let's keep the bees busy and give the family a treat by using honey in ways like these: Honey Uses Besides being dandy for hot biscuits, pancakes, waffles and all other hot breads, honey is fine in cakes, cookies, steam ed puddings, quick breads and confections where a moist or soft texture is desirable. Hon ey is good for sweetening bak ed or soft custards. To use honey instead of su gar in a cake or cookie recipe, replace the sugar with honey cup for cup but use half the quantity of other liquid called for in the recipe. When baking, keep oven tempera ture moderate because mix tures made with honey brown more easily and high tempera tures tend to change the flav or of honey. Broiled Halibut 1H lbs. halibut steak 2 tablespoons fat 1 teaspoon kitchen bouquet 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika S tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons lemon juice Wipe fish with damp cloth and arrange on greased heat proof platter. ' Blend together the fat, kitchen bouquet, salt pepper and paprika. Spread half of mixture on fish. Place in pre-heated broiling com partment, about 4 inches from moderate heat, and broil about 8 minutes longer. Com bine melted butter and lemon Juice, adding cup ' sliced stuffed olives if desired, and pour over ' fish Just before serving. Serves 4. Solods deserve, fjurg, s . txrr oo Toorrmi SCHILLING Pure Pepper f orals' Coachella Valley, a giant oasis in the great Ameri can desert More than four thousand acres ot date palms have produced the bumper crop that all Ameica is now enjoying. Easily digested, they are ideal for eating out ot hand, popular in salads and desserts. . This pudding can be baked In any type of baking dish; makes a surprising number of servings; to 8, to be spe cific. Serve warm or cold with chilled custard sauce half and halt or milk. Baked Date Crumb Pudding 2 eggs cup sugar 3 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup rather dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh dates cup chopped nuts Beat eggi in mixing bowl; gradually beat in sugar. Add milk, melted butter and va nilla and mix well. Add bread crumbs mixed with baking powder and salt; then stir in dates and nuts. Pour into well greased 9 inch pie pan or small baking dish and bake in moderate oven 325 degrees, about 40 minutes or until firm. Keep recipe handy for return engagements. Ham Rolls Prove Good Cranberry sauce adds a festive topping for these: Ham Roll (for 8) 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 4 tablespoons onion finely chopped 4 tablespoons celery 2 cups rice cooked salt, pepper 8 slices (Vs-lnch slices) boned boiled ham Cranberry glaze Melt butter in small sauce pan. Ada onion ana ceiery. Cook until soft. Remove from heat. Add rice and seasoning. Spread on each ham slice. Roll up. Fasten with tooth pick. Place in greased shallow pan. Make cranberry glaze. Spoon over ham rolls. Bake 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees F. Cranberry Glaze: Crush contents of a 1-pound can Jellied cranberry sauce and z cup brown augar. Spoon over Ham Rolls before baking. Sirloin Tip Roast One without waste a. htt rut which you may iu t miir meat counter oc casionally is a sirloin tip roast Thlx la a lean, boneless beef cut which usually is a good huy because ot its fine uavor ana lack ot waste. If von are unsure how to cook a sirloin tip roast, make a note that it's best to braise this cut (cook it like a pot roast). Only highest quality sir inin tin (crime or too choice) may be dry roasted (cooked like a rib roast). Steaks cut from the sirloin Up are good buys as they also are lean and boneless, xtraue them as you would round steak by browning in a little hot fat, then cooking covered with a little added liquid. Asparagus Dish Popular One Asparagus season is all too short to repeat this often enough to satisfy the family, once they've tried it Asparagus a la Polonaise For 6 servings, you'll need Vh pounds fresh asparagus. Wash thoroughly and trim closely in even lengths. Divide Into bunches and stand, tips up, in a deep pan with a cover. Pnili In VinlKntf mntn. Amu- jail but tips. Add 2 teaspoons sau, cover ana cook until bare ly tender, 12 to IS minutes. Drain. Sauce a la Polonaise Melt cup butter or mar garine and stir until light brown. Blend In 2 tablespoons flour; add 2 chicken bouillon cubes, 2 tablespoons lemon Juice and 3 teaspoons sugar, stirring constantly until smooth. Boll 2 minutes. To serve, arrange bunches of as paragus on serving plate. Lay thin strln of nimlontn n.rn each serving. Pour sauce over and sprinkle with tiny croutons that are available in packages and Jars or quickly made by frying tiny bread cubes in salad oil. Franks With Com Good Combination Frankfurters, a sure bet for flavor and economy, are team ed here with whole kernel corn for a tasty 20-minute main dish. E-Z Franks With Corn 1 pound frankfurters y cup bacon drippings, butter or margarine BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half As?4chr Fryers (iP,,iei 'j 39 YEAR OlD LARGER R. I. REDS U Eoeh RIB STEAK 61l Beef Roast 45. 39c , Round Steak MM NONE FINER BONELESS ' V7 If Lb. PORK LOIN ROAST 59c h. LOIN END Chicken Livers 39c .b. SAUSAGE 39c ib. PURE PORK GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WILL TASTE BETTER WITH MORTON'S SALT BANANAS ASPARAGUS GOLDEN RIPE bZyC ORANGES C00FFEE 3 ,o. 55c 89c ib. roRKi Chose ft Sanborn Wln TUNA O ani 99c 2 CoHoge Brand 303 Light Meat TANG Cottage Brand SALAD DRESSING Tomato Juice 39c . 25c44.:: sugar Del Monte SPRECKLE'S im 10 ib.. 99c MASTER COUNTRY FRESH BREAD EGGS Every Day at 4 p.m. RIGHT FROM THE Except Tue. & Sat. HEN HOUSE New Potatoes 10 ,b. 69c CELERY Bunch 15c SALMON 29C can Pocific Rose CHINOOK MARGARINE 2b,45c SWEET SIXTEEN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 15c can Old South, 303 Siit RADISHES Green Onions 2bunchss9c GREEN BEANS SHORTCUT 2 can. 25C Double Luck 303 Tomato Soup IOC con CAMPBELL'S Make This Your COLD BEVERAGE STOP Empties Welcome BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market St. Store Hour 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Erery Day No Limit! Buy All You Want Prices Good Fri., Sat., Sunday cup chopped onion y, cup chopped green pepper 3 cups whole kernel corn (2 12-01. cans) Heat fat In a large skillet and In it lightly brown onions and green pepper. Drain corn and add. Split frankfurters length wise, almost but not quite through; place on top of corn. Cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. 4 servings. Nucoa is the one to buy- mm m vr UYJ wtfe first yellow margarine with ' food ttlue in every single ingredient! Ewayfldns in today's Nucoa is good for you! No Sumzoate preservative, no synthetic flavor! Even JiuoM nnor color 'comes from Nature, from goldeo rich in vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting Xtuutt margarine is made by the makers ot Best FoodtV Jiiutf Msyomsise. Next time you buy, buy NUCOA! FIRST IN QUALITY AU Nutrition I Natural Flavor! fc Thrifty I 2 MIDGET MARKETS 2 351 State St. 1128 Center FEATURING GOOD MEAT - . . Choose any Item from our fine assortment. Take it home, prepare it your own way, then listen to your family voice their approval of your "shopping ability." Dainty Lean Small Lean Fresh Pic Loin Chops Pork Steak Pork Roast 65' ib. 47' ib, .33' ib. Midget Pork Cuts art noted for their freshness and quality. Trimmed to perfection. PORK LOIN ROAST Zm 50' Sugar Cured Lean Jowl Dixie Sliced PICNICS BACON BACON 39',, 25V 35',t. MILK-FED VEAL At this season of the year, veal it at its best! Veal Steaks Loin Cutlets Fricassee 69' ,t 49' 55' a. ib. CAPITOL FISH CENTER In our Center St. Market. We are happy to offer Columbia River, Fresh E -Chinook Salmon. Strictly fresh caught. Whole or half, (about 3-4 Ib. ov.) Ib. tDC A plentiful supply of YOUNG STEER BEEF. Delieiously tender, ond not wosty. ROASTS Swiss Steak 45' ,h IBS' T-BONES 75 lb. MORE BUDGET STRETCHFRC Corned Beef " V 49c Polish Rings 49c Piqs Feet Pure Lard 2 Sliced Side Pure Sausaqe lbs. II. 3c Bologna Rinq B 45c 25c Wieners si n,. LB.45c 53c Minced Ham 45c 45c Ground Beef 45c Our Center St. .Market (Across From Owl Drug) Is Open Until 7 p.m.. - Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS