5 aletn 'j Authentic ?W (jutfe to Setter iitfoq THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION LATEST IDEAS FOR YOUR MAEUCGTING PublUhed Thursday Koch Wtk iiai Edited by Morion tewry Fiicher Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 16, 1953 Cap With Beef More Plentiful, Meat Recipes Now in Food News Spanish Pot-Roast a ' . . Good Entree for Dinner; Menu Can Be Simple One r. v rHwA v. ADunaance ox niga quaiuy pcci in me uuuacv mia a wise as well as a welcomed serving today. The tender pot-roast is given an "occasion" look. It's served on a bed of while rice and topped with a zestful tomato-onion sauce. To complete your main course you need only to add buttered green beans, assorted relishes and, perhaps, hot rolls. ' Menu Spanish Pot-Roast on Bed of Rice Buttered Green Beans Assorted Relishes Hot Rolls Butter or Margarine Chilled Fruit Brownies Beverage With plentiful supplies of beef 09 the market you'll want to serve it freauently. Tender pot-roasts are a favorite among many folks. To blend the out standing flavor of beef with to mato sauce and onion, prepare a Spanish pot-roast following the recipe below. Show off the pot-roast by placing it on a bed of fluffy rice and topping with the savory sauce. -I The clue to a tender, moist pot-roast is cooking it slowly. Cooking at a high temperature dries out the meat, making it stringy. A pot-roast is always cooked by the moist heat meth od known as braising. Three steps to follow are (1) Brown the meat thoroughly on both sides. For a deeper brown, dredge the meat with seasoned fiour first. (2) Add from V to Vi cup of liquid and cover the meat closely. It may be neces sary to add more liquid as the meat cooks. (3) Let it simmer until tender. Cooking time for a S to 4-pound beef arm or blade pot-roast will be 3 to 4 hours. Spanish Pot-Roast 3 to 4-pound arm or blade pot-roast 1 large onion, sliced 3 tablespoons lard or drip pings 2 cups tomatoes' 2 teaspoons salt V teaspoon pepper Brown onion in lard or drip- nines. Remove onion and brown the meat on both sides. Add onion, tomatoes and seasonings. Cover closely and simmer un til tender, allowing 3 to 4 hours for cooking. Thicken liquid for gravy. 6 to 8 servings. Crab Tops In Seafood Fresh-caught, fresh-cooked Dungeness crab is available in most markets at reasonable prices (for crab, that is); per haps we should say more reasonable than in recent months. For a gourmet's de light,; serve with fresh aspa- ragus and fresh starawberries, baked rhubarb - or ,: maybe rhubarb pie. ' -..-' Stuffed Dungeness Crab Make 1 cuo cream sauce add V teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne, 1 tablespoon sherry wine, 2 tablespoons finely minsed celery, 12 capers and 2 cuds cooked crabmeat. Place in crab shells or casseroles; dust with fine crumbs; dot with butter. Place in shallow pan; bake in moderate oven, 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until brown. MaKes o servings. Hdm-Banana Roll With Cheese Sauce Everyone likes ham, and though cold boiled ham seems expensive in the deli catessen department, it proves modest in price when you fix it like this. A very good luncheon, supper or dinner main dish which is diliciously fiifforont. Use all-yellow or slightly green tipped bananas Instead of the usual "flecked with brown" ones. Ham-Bananas Rolls 4 thin slices boiled ham Prepared mustard 4 firm bananas 1 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted rtioosp Sauce recipe below Knrond each slice of ham HoMiv with mustard. Peel vonnnnn. Wrao a slice of pre- ham around each banana. Brush tip of bananas ,;ih hntter or margarine. m.,o ham nr.d banana roll in creased shallow baking dish nnnr Cheese Sauce over them. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees, 30 minutes or iii hnnanas are tender, niprced with a fo c,rv. hot with the cheese sauce from the baking dish Four servings. rt,.. Sauce Melt 1 tt tables- spoons butter or margarine in Jmcepan; add li tablespoons and stir until smoom. Stir in V,i cups milk slowly ajj 1 n r.rated American munin or other flavored cheese, salt, pepper and a dash -r unrrpstprshirc. stirring constantly until smooth and thickened. April s Marts Abundance April markets offer plenty of variety as indicated in our headline -which only hints at the possibilities in menu plan ning. Other featured special ties Include tender young chickens for broiling or frying, turkeys, eggs, potatoes, spring cabbage,, and those are but a good start. - Watch this news paper's - food advertisments. Take a good look at special displays when you go to the store. Beef Buys : Beef - continues abundant wlth; many cuts wearing ex tremely attractive price tags. Pot roasts are made from blade, round bone and bone less chuck (from the shoulder), rump and heel of round. Econ omy steaks are round and blade bone chuck steaks, round and flank steaks which should be braised and that means browned, then slowly cooked, adding a little liquid from time to time. For more rib- sticking goodness, choose stew meat which is really bargain priced. Cheese Plentiful Good old American cheddar, mild or sharp, makes a fine, satisfying, thrifty main dish, Cookery specialists remind us that we must go easy on the heat ' when ' cooking with cheese.- To speed melting and blending, cut cheese in small pieces. For cheese sauce, 1 cup of finely grated cheese to 1 cup hot white sauce is right. Frozen fish fillets continue plentiful in good variety for pan frying and baking. Steak and baking favorites are plen tifuli Shad season Is here; i luxury but worth it. Oranges and grapefruit. The huge orange crop accounts for the abundance of oranges at reasonable prices. Plenty of fresh grapefruit because less is being canned. Fats and Oils. Plenty of margarine, vegetable shorten ing, lard and salad oils. Canned tomato juice. Stock up on this staple while prices are really reasonable. Dates and figs. California dates and domestic dried figs are high on U.S.D.A.'s list of April abundants. Both fine for eating out-of-hand and for dessert making. . , . , Vegetable Buys White cabbage, carrots, cau liflower, celery, asparagus, let- Chocolate Brownie Pie New and Delicious One Tempting, new.' easy, too! That's the exciting new kind of pie offered by Betty Crocker Chocolate Brownie pie. If you like chocolate brownies, you'll love Chocolate Brownie pie. ' -' J". ' !"' And Chocolate Brownie pie Is easy to make.! There is no separate cooking of tilling and pastry, The filling, made with either unsweetened chocolate or cocoa, is poured into the un baked pastry shell arid baked with it. Chocolate Brownie Fie Preheat over to 375 degrees (quick moderate). Make Stir-n-Roll pastry for nine-inch, one-crust pie. (Reci pe below)., .' 2 sq. unsweetened chocolate 2 sq. unsweetened chocolate (2 oz.) - 2 tbs. butter -, . Beat thoroughly with ro tary beater: . 3 large eggs . ' cup sugar the chocolate mixture cup dark corn syrup Mix in cup pecan halves Pour into pastry-lined pan, Bake 40 to 50 minutes in quick moderate oven (375 degrees) just until set. Serve slightly warm or cold garnished with ice cream or whipped cream, Serves 8 to 10. To use cocoa, omit chocolate and sift cup cocoa with sugar. Then add cup melted butter to the egg and sugar mixture. - Stir-n-Roll Pastry Mix together i . 1 cups sifted flour ! tsp. salt Pour into one measuring cup (but don't stir together) . Mi cup salad oil 3 tbsp. cold whole milk Theii pour all at once into flour. Stir until mixed. Press with hands into smooth ball. Flat ten slightly. Place between 2 sheets of waxed paper (12-In. square). Roll out gently until circle reaches edges of paper. (Waxed paper will not slip while rolling pastry if table top under paper is slightly damp.) Peel off top paper. If dough tears,- mend without moistening by pressing edges together ... or by pressing a scrap of pastry lightly over tear. Lift paper and pastry by j top corners; they will cling to gether. Place paper-side-up in 9-in. pie pan. Carefully peel off paper. Gently ease and fit pastry into pan. Build up flut ed edge. "If you use self -rising flour, omit salt in pastry and bake in, slow moderate . oven (325 degrees). ... Spring New Potato Time Enjoy new potatoes frequent ly for their season is compara tively short. We think you will find them especially tasty when prepared like this: Savory New Potattoes - , 144 pounds small new potatoes cup mayonnaise cup milk . T V teaspoon salt Mi teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons pimlento, diced Scrub potatoes and cook in boiling water until tender. Re move skins or not as you wish and cut in quarters or dice. In top of double boiler combine mayonnaise, milk, salt and pepper. Cook over hot water until sauce is thickened. Add diced warm potatoes and pi mlento and heat thoroughly. Six servings. . Ham Shortcake Take a tip from dessert time for this dish. Bake corn bread In a round layer cake pan. The same as for dessert shortcake, slice the corn bread lengthwise. Place creamed ham or creamed luncheon meat between the lay ers and on top. .; . ? Easy-Quick Pizza , Cut English muffins In half. Mix Mi cup olive oil, Mi tea spoon each of basil and ,ore gano. Spread generously on top of open muffin, to with slice of Mazzarella cheese, a tom ato slice, 8 anchovy strips (op tional). Pour some of the sea soned oil on top. Put under broiler for a few minute until brown. Good for a late evening snack, fine for supper, too. Salt and pepper if anchovy is not used. . : Cake Mix Provides Some Fancy Desserts . Try this fancy dessert with '. a half package of cake mix and a No. 2 Mi can of cling peach . halves. Combine 3 tablespoon each melted butter and warm water with cup brown su gar and spread evenly In bot- . torn of. well-greased 8-inch ring '. mold. Sprinkle with cup coconut. Cover with cake bat- ter made according to direc tions. Bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven. ' Turn out cake ' and fill center with drained peach halves before serving. With' Leftover Ham Combine the last bits o our , baked ham with cooked. large , dry lima for hearty meal-In- one salad. Chill the beans be-, fore tossing them with a mus- tard-mayonnaise. A little dill pickle, sliced green onion and . your favorite seasonings give extra flavor. , t - i ATTEND OUR Chocolate Festival APRIL 17-26 Bargain Prices on Our Chocolate Hems Hand-Packed Quart Chocolate Ice Cream, reg. 65c . Round Half Gallon, reg. 85c . ... . Chocolate Shake re" 20c Chocolate Malt Dusty Rd. Sundae r'00 25c Chocolate Sundae re 20c Chocolate Malt V "Sot00 25c Chocolate Sundae MNwMe Open dally, S am. to 11 p.m. Convenient parking with eight 24-mlnute meter in block. 18-minnte parking In bo space after 6 p.m. and en Sundays.. : 59c 79c 25c 23c THE PIECE 138 S. High ICE CREAMERY Open 7. Days a Week tuce, both old and new pota toes, rutabagas, Hubbard squash, dry onions,- rhubarb, spinach, are good buys. Items in light supply are beans, cu cumbers, corn, eggplant, pep pers. Good marketing! GEMS78 ON 7 Oil Aft Of NAttEY'S POTATO CHIPS j&fTZKlfl Vl Look for the coupon on Nalley's y I zJLufi, C""-! 4 Potato Chip bag good for 10c J"77 ft with your putr-l.tse of 7 oz. bag of MTr J?rmm'j0.-1 A . MADE IRISH DAILY ft ( . : " " Hf-I ' tesS'S NEW "QUIK-DEAT" CAKE SAVES 150-300 STROKES! ONLY SNOWDRIFT GIVES YOU THIS "QUIK-BEAT" CAKE 2 minutes beatlngl W to .M work! IMPORTANT: For best results when hand mixing, be turt to use on of these large ' cooking fork or... mixing spoon with big slots Sift all together over above... Have ingredient at room temperature In large mixing bowl, break up... H cup SNOWDRIFT Important: Use only Snowdrift, it's pre-whipped for you. Add... Mcupmllk l Jli cum sifted cake flour Vh teaspoon double-action baking powder llicuotsuaar I I teaspoon salt Blend ingredients, beat 1V4 minutes, scraping sides of bowl frequenuy. (Count 22s stroke for hand beating. With electric mixer use low speed; scrape sides during beating, the beater eflerwards.) Add...Vi cup milk with 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend, then beat to smooth out batter, about 75 strokes Vh minute, electric beater). Turn into 2 greased 8-inch layer pans, lined wiui paper, bwin fork through batter. Bake in moderate oreo (375F) 25 to 30 minatea. CHOCOUTt ALMOND KINOt Blend 5 tabbwpoon Snowdrift with fa cup tilted cocoa. Add 3 cups tited confectioners' tugar and Mi teaspoon salt alternately with 'A cup milk. When smooth, add J teaspoon almond flavoring. Frost cake. Decorate with blanched almond. Snowdrift shortening is pre-whlpped 2000 times! YOU mat niNTY WITH Mixill Package direc tions for leading cake mixes call for 450 to 600 strokes. Hard work you can short-cut only with pre-whlpped Snowdrift and it "Qulk Beat" Method. Delicious as only homemade cakes can be! And you'll save up to 300 strokes! Twici At quick as most quick-method cakes! Don't beat and beat! We can promise you half the armwork and luscious cakes, but only if you use pre-whlpped Snowdrift and it special "Qulk-Beat" recipe! , , : J9M k (total Ml A Soowlxllt C, Inc. T . NEW LIGHTER SNOWDRIFT ! THE WESSON OIL SHORTEN;;!