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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
Thursday, April 16, 195S WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE K1LOORE Meeds a lew lltttnst on homes and farm, K. Clpitol 81. OHM. Ph. 4-0062. ItW n. capitol. OIMI BUTINO REMAND (or farms Nlll, awaa-w ,vveoae VVIWHkU Lend Co. Am 7. T. Anderson, Farm Agent. Phono 4-ti3t. Bve. 4-3714. ca KOTICIi It your property is for sale, rot or ecehange, LUt It with ue. Wo feare oil kinds ol cub buyers. TATS FINANCE CO., REALTORS Hi ft. High St. VI ABB badly In ntd of 3 f.od 3-bed- room homes, la Leslie Diit, Alio need bom anrwnere witn smeu flown pay ments. What have you? All IfiAAK, REALTOR, PH. 43311 u no anewer, pn. e-uti ea HE NEED LISTING B BADLY on small acreage d4 I00- 1 3 'bedroom somas. l7e. klumpp, realtor IOW Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7643 CI1 WE BB in need o( good home, to Mil, la or near Salem. It you wlih to list Tour property (or aale, eel ORABENHORST BR 06., REALTORS. 134 B. Liberty Ph. 3-2(11 ce EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE l ACRES under cultivation 8 miles south of Salem, for modern 3 bed room house In Salem. Box 6ft Capital Journal. cbsa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RICHFIELD OIL CORP. olfere for lease, modern downtown location at Mc- Muumue. Uinea forces lmmMiato me. Vlnanelel aulstanta to qualified party. For detail and appointment. Phone nr. snuitt oi Mr. uomui. . saiem : J-WI3. Cd91 LOCAL WHOLESALE CORPORATION wishes additional capital for eipan alon purpoaee. Active or non-active atockholderj considered. Box 43, Cap ital Journal. cd94 BARBERSHOP FOR SALE 3546 Port land Rd. Phone 3-9834. odBl ft MILK ROUTES for ..ale. Haul to Mc Mlnnvllte. Illness forcing aate. Rewon abls. Phono 4937 Wood burn. odSS TAVERN AND 7 CABINS Doing line business. See Tom Hill at Tort Hill Tavern rri. or flat. eve. on Hlway 17, 7 mllea west ol Wlllemlna. Ore. Cd93 FOB BALE OB TRADE Variety store, location new, but trowing every day. Price 411,500. Contact Nu War Variety, fie Highway at N., Eugene, Oreion. cdll FIVE AUTOMATIC portable bowling Alleys, 40 feet Ions, all In sound condi tion, price 1700. 1545 Mission Street, phone 45731. Cd91 BUSINESS & INCOME BESTAUEANT FOR SALE can be op erated a drlve-ln; seats about 80 in jldel two new drive-in theaters, one - on eaoh side. Contact Archie h Mc Kensle, Olub Cafe, Woodburn. ce91 EE CORNER 1075 M. CAPITOL o furnished apartments, 5 bathrooms. Phone Estep, 1-9705. 120,000, term,. ce93 FURNITURE FOR SALE CEIEN MOBAIB (rleze davenport, like newi blue leather chair, phone 31118. d91 WANTED FURNITURE 31 AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonite at 7 O'clock at LANE SUDTELL S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on .- Silverton road. Ph. 3-6908. ddBl- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY COW and heller. A. M. Jen. sen, Rt. 3, Box 33, phone 10X10, Day inn e94- GOOD FAMILY milk cow, gentle, good milker, lust fresh, 1180. 895 X. Mc Ollchrltt St. Phone 32J42 alter 6 p.m. 6UILTED DOUBLE rig, saddle, ataln- less steel moumea owns wu collar. New posse corona. See at 335 N. Hieh Bt. "V CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or young mated pairs. Easy terms. Write or phone (or (ree literature. Visitors . welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, 8080 Wnail. Ph. 4-4069. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED 18c. Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down. 8 mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned Iree. eaiem ev 35th. Ph. S-48&B. PETS MATED CANARIES, 113.00 pair. "re Slack, 14SS nicaorr. num ec92 ORANGE CANARIES, Phone 3-4385, 1340 Chemcketa. DALMATIAN, male, good with children Registered. Phone Monmouth M'3 HOLLYWOOD AQCARIUM-1951 McC". one block east ol N. Capitol, . He blocks north ol MadUon. Ph. l-MIl MOORE TROPICAL FISH. Parakeets. er on' MT,,-r 4.3773. c,o.ed .."TiTrrr FUEL . . Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Presto-Loel. Brloueta and Wood. 191 So. Com'!., Phone Tlitvav Flipl Co Sawdust tube service, ell kind, ol wood, rnones-o".. ANDERSON'S hand Picked slab wood, 3 cords. 114. Phone 37751 or 44253 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 18" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood-1575 Edsewater Phone Salem 2-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Planer trimmings. M load. Phone 17721 FOR SALE POULTRY BKUium . ., ,rrn FRYERS . FRYERS 1, would oa like lo extra Profit per t. Would" you Ilk. an avera.8 weight of 1.1 ins. a. . . . I. Would you Ilk. to have S feed 4WoweT.'.ll.tbet.ct..nd,r,lt OIO. M. Ptlit "";v", ,,n ilmtra Road . Eugene. Ore. Ph. -l 1J OOLDEN BROAD end New """"''J chim. hatched every ",d Thuredsr. uur '"'"-,- Ph FOR SALE POULTRY . Wanted colored Uut. Lee' Baich'. -- Twioe weekly, der-old iZi Cl,v w."""lu" ronneniore, 2,7. tanorag, Auatra-Whlte. White Bocks, White Wyandottss. Per. mentor eockorele. Lee Hatchery, phone J-JBBl, PRODUCE NETTED 02M. Burbank wed potatoes, local, eastern Oregon, S3 .71 100 lbs. Al Ped, 6118 Portland Rd. 4-407S. MM HELP WANTED ir lot LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint, tee Talent Task ad In Instruc tion column. g9l WISH EXTERIOR TKDfMIKQ painted reen and white on 3-story house, starting about Mar It or 10. Look It over and make bid at J 144 aieple Avenue. D. a. lioctollea, 17111. Call mornlnts. , eM IN SWEET HOME, correspondent lor Capital Journal, wltn typewriter, some experience. Contact Mike Forbes, Valley Editor, Capital Journal, Sa lem, Ore. i HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED for training aa Uotal manager, sea ad under elawlllcatlon Education. ia93 AMBITIOUS younk man, hltfa achool gradual to train ior marcantna man- agenvent. Will start at bottom. Stock work. Soma Irregular houre. Married veteran preferred. Must bt reliable, aggressive, neat appearing and willing to learn. Apply Oregon Stat Employ ment Service, 710 Ferry St. gasu YOUNG MAN i general duties, hardware plumbing aupply firm, must type, refernece. 336 No. Commercial. ta3 WANTED Young man for baka shop. 445 Court. ta93 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WANTED for training as Motel managers, flee a under classification Education. gb93 GIRL OB WOMAN, general housework, neip cara 3 children, uva in. a-6350, gb91' GIRL OR WOMAN, general housework. help care 2 children, lira in. 2-6350. REGISTERED and graduate nurse: Gen eral Duty and Surgery; forty hour week, 1350.00 basepay, or 415.00 above present tenure ox eervica mpntruy sal ary: on meal per day: vacation, ten ure of service raises, evening; and night duty premiums and other per sonnel benefits. Writ or phone col lect, Administrator, Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner, Oregon. gb94 GIRL OB WOMAN, general housework and child care. Private room and bath. Modern home. Reference required. $40 month. Write Box 03, Capital Journal. &' EXPERIENCED typist . for permanent position in Insurance company. Good opportunity for advancement in the Insurance field. Phone 4-3387. b91 MIDDLE AGED woman. 70o an hour, board and room. Holmea Nursing Home, Brooks, Oregon. gb91' RESIDENT AGENT Protective territory open In Salem for experienced sales lady as resident agent for Parents Magaalne. Car neces sary. Full time pleasant work with rapid advancement if qualified. Apply Senator Hotel, 4-0 p.m. Aak for Mr. KolbO. gb93 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Industrious man with car to aupply 1500 families near Sllverton and Mt. Angel with Rawlelgh Product. II you like outside work and a profit able business of your own, writ me at once ior uuormation ana interview. Will be in Salem for this purpose, Please give complete address and phone number If possible. X4 Walker. PO ook ao ad, rortianq e. ggv1 HOW WOULD you like to get into the higher Income tax brackets? If you like aaiesworx. are li-Js rears ox aa-e. have a car, S clean ahlrta and your nair oomoea, oau x-trrra xor. appoint ment. gg93' MAN WANTED 23-15. for Salem ter ritory ana must reside here, to gen electric appliances on permanent oasis, no prior experience necessary, out must oe a dependable worker. Sal ary to start, with car and expenses furnished. Apply morning only. 130 no. commercial. rr92' WANTED POSITIONS MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run easy. Phone 3-8314. hot BOTOVATOB work wanted. Vincent Kremer, ll&o Lansing Ave. Phone 29180. hill- CUSTOM garden plowing and . discing, rnone juv. nsi' BOTO-TILLIKO with rotary hoe. Phone jeuereon ese. or saiem 3-4563. hoi WILL CARE FOB small child In my home. Reliable person. Days only. 4-1885. h91 ROTO-TILLEB WORK done by hour or lob. Phone 31741. 3090 n. Church. ' h4 ROTO-TILLEB WORK 14 hour mini mum. Phone 4-8401. h91 BOTABY TILLING New 34" Howard Rotovator. 15 per hr. Ph. 3-1637. h94 CARPENTEB cabinet work, homo re modeling, free estimates, call s-etii, 4-1623. hl09 FOWEB MOWEBS shar-iened at door. Make It work right. Phono 3-1314. h91 SMALL CHILD care, south, nursery ex perience. Phone 3-0403. b91 BOTOTILLINQ evenings, Saturday i, Sudays, Keller area. Phon. 3-5385. hl07 TILLING with new M.S. Rotary tiller. Phone evenings. 1-B333. nioi MARV'S PLOWINX) and discing, prompt service. 4-5449. CURTAINS washed and stretched, table cloths and fine linens. 3-3448. h93 KEM-TONE PAINTING very reasonsble. What have you? Ph. 30335. Ml CARPENTER WORK Not union, reas onable wages. Phone 34480. h92 DRESSMAKING and alterations, prices reasonable. Phone 17004. h93 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0315. hlU- NEW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Duane Wolcott, Phone 2-1127. hill ROTOVAT1NO work wanted. 2-3044. Phone h93 PLOWING AND discing with rarmal A. Frank W. Hens. Phone 21114. MI- NEW LAWNS prepared. Put In after May first. In the meentlmo plowing, discing, gardens. Acreage welcome. O. R. Smith. Phone 3-2190 evening; 3-7373 daytime. h93 YOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, celling, walls and windows washed msde like new. 4-1114. h93 ROTOTILLER WORK wanted. Call alter 5 o'clock. Phone 36691. h93 LET ME PLACE your portable sewing mschlne in a Rollerette tea table cabinet. See It at Dlckson'l, 13th 99E. It's IT. h96 WILL DO IRONINO In my horns. 1115 Clsgsett. Phone 28371. s h93' PAINTING, Paper-hanilng, free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5333. hl06 Landscape maintenance, p r n n 1 n g, trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-1573. hiol new lawns, compute, free estimates Phone 4-3911. h!05 Licensed and non-licensed practical nuries, or domestic, csll s-807l. ne. ROTO-TILLEB WORK 44 hour mini mum. Phone 4-3401. nv OARDEN, FLOWEB bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, rototilllng. service Center. Phone 43573. LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level. ing, grading. Phone 3-1338. MM' PAINTING. Pre. etttmstee. 21 , year. ex. perlence In Salem. Phone 3-7133J h91 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Phone TILLING WITH. lawns, rnone -ea. -j. RADIO TV SERVICE TT ANTKNNA BondMl u.d llMMtvi apecleUst. lnitaUad, aio plm materiaL Call any lime, Fret estimates, phone 4-1341. ' ritual EDUCATION IT 10 U LIKE TO DKAW, eseteh or paint write (or Talent Test (No (eel. Olve ate and oaenoatlnn. Box ai. nn- Ital Journal. hr,l" LIFETTMB SKCCR1TY PHAOTICAI. MTTRSIS DROBNTLT IflXDED. Train at borne. Asea ll-U. Balarle. up to 1100 per month. Write United School Box , Capital Journal. hhl MEN AND WOMEN Wanted to train as motel manuera. Preparatory training by home study under our guidance, prior to entrance (or residence training In Modern Mo tel. Must be mature, age 11 to w. Placement eervlce maintained (or oaneiii ol graduates. For personal In terview, write stating telephone num ber, to Bog 41. Capital Journal, hhea FOR RENT OONVENIENTLT located parklna 1 n downtown Salem, K50 month. 3-6063. 196' I-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electrle elevator, ' alley en trance, back of Hotel Salem, a good distributor's headquarters. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. FOR RENT ROOMS FOB ONE or two. Phone 343151 790 N, Church. Ik94 CLEAN, WARM sleeping rooms. Close in, 853 N. Hub. IkSl NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 885 No. Church. Ikoa- NICK SLEEPINn rooms, hot and cold water. 401 no. mrn. 'jxvr WANTED TO RENT CLEAN i-bedroom house, by May 1. Ref erences. Write Box 56. Capital Journal. Jaol I E N I B A L MOTORS representative needs modem 2 or 1 bedroom home by May 1st. Will algn lease. Approx, in per month. Call Oscar Sederstrom. office phone 4-2482, evening, 3-5219. jaw OB t-BEDRM. home, oil heat, on one floor. Preler Salem. References. Pay to 185. Must be clean. Phone 2-8871. Ie91' WORKING PEOPLE House for leaie, 1158 N. Com'l. Phone 2-1478. Ja91 FOR RENT APARTMENTS BOOM apartment. Clean, warm, pri vate. Will furnish. Close in. 853 N. High. )P91 WEST SALEM furnlahed apartment, 155. Just redecorated. 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bath, electric neat, elec. trio olothe dryer. All utilities paid 1311 Xdsewater. 15109, evening 39939 JP941 42.5 FCBNISHED 3 room apt., 340 Division. Phone 4-B9K. !P9l FUBN18HED 1 and 3 room apartments, private entrance, utilities Included, Phone 37310. p9l' FBONT FIRST FLOOB furnished 1-room apartment. Bendlx, Private entrance. 359 N. Liberty. Phone 1-7131 appoint ment. - JPB4' FURNISHED 4 BOOMS, bath, near state ouuuing. utiiuiea except electricity. 180. Phone 3-7841. p91' S ROOMS, bath, range, large view win dows, fashionable area. 3-1117. Jpll TWO PARTLY FURNISHED apartments. 848 per month tach. Box 80, Capital Journal. Jp93 LEEAPTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address Beautiful bachelor apartments with pullman kitchens, at moderate rates. 1-bedroom apt, from 977; a -bedroom units when available. Call 4-1641. Win ter at Union St. Jp S ROOM furnished apartment. Private entrance, private bath. Refrigerator, steam heat. 40 month. 440 Marlon. JP91 NICE APT. for 3, ono block east of Memorial Hospital. 605 So, summer. FURNIBHED 8 room apartment, Private entrance and bath. Utilities furnished. 3310 Lansing Ave. Jp93 NICE 8 BOOM furnished court apart ment, clean, close in, 3-0644. jp93 CLEAN 2 BOOM furnished apartment, aouiu, iB3t center. jp93 FURNISHED kitchenette, living room. share bath. Call after 8. 1370 Chemc keta. Jpa- 1 LARGE, l small court apartment, furn- uneu. ciose in. 30714. jpoi NICELY FUBNI8HED apartments; Am bassador Apte. 650 No. Summer. Jp PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adult. 50. 3640 Portland Road. Jpioi NICELT FURNIBHED 3-room ground floor. Electric range, refrigerator. Private bath and entrance. 40. Phone 41S77. 177S N. Front. Jp93 NICELT FURNIBHED 3-room apt., close in. Mi ho. cottage. jp94 NEAT t ROOMS, nicely furnished. ground floor, adults. 2-8778. 1854 N. Capitol. Jp91 FURNISHED side duplex, Hollywood. Clean, basement, adult. 1-8643, 1990 McCoy. Jp96 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE small apart ment. Reasonable rent. Close in. Lady preferred. 448 Ferry. Jp93 TWO, 8 BOOM furnished apartments. rrivaie oaui, sjo. laag . winter Bt. Phone 38876. Jp93 IN TURNER Modern, furnished, 2 bed room apt. Phone Salem 4-3497. Jp93 2 NICE APT 8. furnished, close to uni versity, state capital. 20714. Jp96 SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H. I. Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-0 IBS. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM unfurnished home. Close In, South Commercial. Inquire 869 N, Front. lml 4 BEDROOM furnished house, automat ic oil furnace, cine w c.pnui mw ping center. Sulteble for roomers. 3-4917 after 8 p.m. Adults only. 160. Jm9J 1-BEDBOOM unfurnished collage, hard wood floors. 0. 1100 block No. 4th. 1.1411. '""I SMALL ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom cot tage, nniurnisnco. v.u .-aa. jm.. MODERN J.BEDROOM, large living room, unfurnished, garaie. oil fur nace. 175. Ill N. 11. Phone 3-2065. 4 BEDROOM house, clesn. partly furn isnea. riwn. .... 1-BEDBOOM HOME, 3 balhs, ltd month 1.4114. )m93- NICE CLEAN one-bedroom tmfurnlihed house. Attached garage. In new friendly neighborhood. 155. No pete. Mile east of 4 corners. Key at 4571 sun Phone 41911. Im92- t-BEDROOM. full basement, aawdUKt furnace. 180. phone 4-1761 or 3-4664. lm- SMALL HOUSE, furnished, all electric, eullabla for one or two. 1038 Ird. Jmll a auifiM neatly furnished duplex. Prl bath, adults. 111. Phone 4-18S8 evenings. imlj- l-BEDROOM suburban, 4-1761 or 3-4464. 57.(0. Phone lm1 1 BEDROOMS, hardwood lloors, Vene- llen blinds, garaie. doe. In, baby o.k. Chance to earn extra money baby anting at times. HI. 1144 s. 12th. Ph 4-4403. Jmll THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mem, Oreron AUTOMOBILES DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS , This Week-end's Specials 1947 Pontiac Streamliner 8 4-door Sedan. R&H 1946 DeSoto De Luxe 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., fluid drive, R&H 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline 2-dr. Sedan. Heater 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Club Cpe. Heater 1951 Pontiac Chieftain De Luxe 2-door Se dan. R&H 1950 Chevrolet De Luxe Fleetline 2-door. R&H . 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 4-door Sedan. O'dr., R&H 1948 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 4-door Sedan. R&H MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 554 N. LIBERTY CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Ken Wilson says , ' "CHOP THE PRICE TWSNTY DOLLARS EVERY DAY UNTIL SOLD!" 1950 BTJTCK RIVIERA SEDAN LICENSE 84-444 MM OLDS. ROCKET SEDAN LICENSE 111-191 "WATCH THE CHIPS FLY AS PRICES TWENTY DOLLARS OJl.A.C TERMS Otto WILSON Center and Commercial Plymouth Suburban 1950 ONE OWNER 29,00 ACTUAL MIXES DE LUXE HEATER $1495 LEE'S 240 NO. CHURCH The space in the corner is donated for ballyhoo and pictures. I The Price Tells the Story USED CARS & With a 6 Mo. 6000 Mile Guarantee in WriUng 1 1952 Dodge. Heater, only 9000 miles $1495 1952 Ford Mainline Tudor. R&H 1695 1951 Stude. 8 Commander. H., O.D. ... ........ 1495 1950 Olds. 88 Club Cpe. R&H, Hydra Dr. ..... 1595 1950 Pontiac Sdn. R&H, Hydra. Dr. 1395 . 1950 Ford Custom Clb. Cpe. R&H 1095 1950 Chev. De Luxe Tudor. R&H 1095 1949 Ford Custom Sdn. R&H, O.D 975 1949 Ford Custom Sdn. Loaded, O.D. 1045 1947 Chev. Fleetmaster 2-dr. Sdn. R&H ...... 675 1947 Mercury Sdn. Very clean, a buy ...... 695 WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING FOR? 1949 Pontiac Conv. R&H $1295 1949 Chev. Conv. R&H 1045 1950 Chev. Conv. H 1495 1949 Ford Custom Conv. R&H, O.D 1065 TRADES BANK TERMS Many More A-l Unusual Bargains to Choose From Valley Motor A - USED CARS WITH PHONE 33147 CENTER FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN 4 bedrooms, full basement, wired for rsnge, venetlen Blinds, s blocks from stste St. 4-1495. )m9l ONEtBEDROOM COURT rental, tile bath. 145. One-bedroom court rentel, completely (urnlshed, tile both, 850. Phone 4-1761. or 1-4684. lm- CLEAN 1 BEDROOM unfurnished cot tage, electrlo heat, no dogs. 34104. Im9j ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND BOOM for elderly 1 E St. a. tw UN- OFFICE FOR RENT OBOVND FLOOB office or store space for rent. Call at Pitts Market, lo DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ETCNow I rooa suite, comer Bellevue and Win ter. Near Salem Memorial hospltel. Phone 11131. ot BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. la. It Incheg dear. 41; No I. inches clear, 14. Me cap wood or cull,. Come and let them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenc ttoad. Ph. Salem 1U. au- AUTOMOBILES PHONE 4-3492 q91 ON THESE TWO CARS ....START 11MI .....START 11491 WE CHOP THE EVERY DAY!" J. Phone 3-8C3I NEVER DAMAGED . ECELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT l Used Car Mart A PERSONALITY AT HIGH SALEM BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER Complete mill stock common lumber. 100,000 ft, ahlplap sheeting, 3x4 and wider, No. 2 and 4 grades. Price $36 per M delivered and Bp. Ted Muller. Phone Sslem 3-11 Be. maidl' REDUCED M OO PER OAT ONTO. SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H P. Outboard Motor. 1-epeed shut antomatio starter. Starting price April 14th, APRIL 17TH, $271.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front 4 Court St, . Phone 1-tlll WB OtVt S. e B. OREEN STAMPS NOW Mak. that home sparkle with a new roof this spring, before the ruth be line. Call 4-4011 or 1-4131. Cascade ttoeflu oa, matt BUILDING MATERIALS LOOK 'AT THIS! Pickets, clear, 417 cedar ,..1M ea. Weldtex squares lie ft. Dooca . all kinds. ' Flooring Plr is w, Oak U4.W . stored la beaUd loom, Hardboard 1.M sheet, Waltboard 1.40 Whether cash, credit or monthly pay ment we are geared to handle your neede cheerfully and economically. Pre. delivery. Open all day Saturday. Portland Road Lumber Yard 1148 Portland Road 4-4431 Salem, Phon. Oregon ma - KEITH BROWN r SPECIALS and Closeouts 1x4 tI ltd. 4 ootumon FOB - yard 117.80 m. txs .111 Mo. 114 aiding 71.00 11. 1x4 . lm CssBtr. mg ......100.00 M. HU . tt cedar siding 45,00 14. Moo lln. il . tI OetBtr. . oval easg rt. 1000 lln. 114 At 1 latino (stalnedl .tl tt 350 lln. 1" moulded oaalng D&Btr .01 ft. 1600 lln. xl - r1 DesBtr. BN2E .01 ft. 500 lln. 1" downspout ...05 ft. 1500 It. 3x8 - rl D&Btr. TdtO KD .....150.00 Id. 15 pea. 49x98 W relect plr..l5o sq Jt 3 pes. 48x84 " relect ply... lo sq. (t CLOeEOUTS , - Work clothes, carpenter ai painter overalls 35 off Plumglng A) housewares ........36 olf Bee us before you buy power tools. We have on hand electric drills, Stanley as Miller Falls power saws. I ahapers, 1 drill preas, bench grinders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, aaw eb drill press, lawn mowera. . Keith BrownLumber Yd. Front Court Street Phone 1-9111 WE am 8 4S B ORKEN STAMPS ma BUIJLDEB'S SPECIAL New planed lum ber, lib pet M. and p, delivered. t-3011. malie Building? Mew weatneratrlpped windows, com, pletelr assembled, hundred, la atock ready to to, 114 up. 1 ' Mew picture windows 11.00 Mew doors 3't"xS'l" 18.50 1-tab hexagon rooftnt ....14.95 l-tab thlckbutt roofing 4844 Unpalnted oedar ahakes 15.71 Reverse trap toUete, complete ...435.50 New 20"xll" wash baeln ......117.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ... 161.50 New shower oablnete, complete. .441.00 800-tel. steel sepUo tanks 442.50 4" soil pipe ' .70 Mew electric water heater tel.M New steel garage doora .....156.00 Asbestos aiding 49.50 No, 3 cedar shingles .,.16.00 Mo. I cedar shingles 11.75 Naw plasterboard 4x1 , 41.40 Exterior whit, paint (gal.) ....12.95 Mahogany As birch plywood. ..bargain Water proof wall board, 4x1 .41.74 C. G. LONG & SON Phone 45051 1 ml. north of Keller ma For Sale MISCELLANEOUS Bi OWNER Hospital bed, latest modal wltb Simmons "Beautyreet" mattress and utensils, all In good eondiuon, 197. ood ROA-Vlctor radio, 111. O. P. Ward, 2418 Walker St. 1-1074. all EXCELLENT BABNYARD Phone 42470 or 41907. fertiliser. n- I 34-FOOT EXTENSION Udder, 1 1-tt. 1 4-ft, stepladder. I bundle, eompo- eillon shingles. 1331 N. tth. n91 CAB BADIO BARGAIN '51-'53 Chev. 1- plece custom pueh-buton, OMLT 489.00 installed. Fay only 8i.en a weeg. Ha- dloa for nearly all ears. MO money down! (on approved eredlt). Oreen Stamps, tool MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, 368 N. Com'l. n94' MAYTAG AUTOMATIC washer, 2 years Old. 1191. 1454 H. 14th. FhOtUl 1-8306 after 8. nil COMBINATION wood and gaa range, perfect condition ;two see water neat er, apt. else gas rangel small else oook stovet 8 wood Jieatersi 3 dressers, vanity dresser, tablee, chain, lc. box, cupboards, stone Jars, fruit Jars, lady's coat 44, dishes. 4-4189, 497 Union Street, ntl ALL-STEEL slngl. garage door, with track, reasonable. Phone 36997. 411 Manbrln Dr. n93 FOB SALE Dor house, 438, delivered. 305 N. 33rd. ntl BECONDITIONED vacuum cleaner, with all attachments. 120. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 270 So. Liberty St. Phone 46171. nor O.E. BLONDE BADIO AM-FM, 4169. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 270 So. Liberty Bt, Phon. 46371, Salem, Ore gon. n92 OODLES Or OCC. CHAIRS ae low as 11.50. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 270 so. Liberty St., Phone 46171. nOl TWIN SIZE BEDS, sprints, mattress es. USE MERCHANDISE MART, 270 So. Liberty St. Phone 46371. n91 BOYS' SPORT CLOTHES, else 12, 14 At io. rn. io.of alter s o ciocx. nvs SINGER Drophead treadle sawing machine, A-l condition and guaranteed, $ full price, filnger flowing Center. 130 No. Commercial. nB8 MAHOGANY BUFFET 30", maHogan? oook cue, 'moT weaning mac nine, au nearly new. Very reasonable. Call after 9 p.m.. 3-3951. n33 Used Singer . Electric Walnut Console Cabinet sewing ma chine. Lookg like new. Special price $97.50. Free sewing lesions. New ma chine guarantee, singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial. nss USED HOOVER CLEANER Bxcellant condition, walnut, lOo pound. Phone AUTOMOBILES Ifi 40 MERCURY Club Coupe. Radio, neuter di verm ire. Low mileage. 12fS. I. Hedges, Rt. 3, Box 10B, Turner, ore. qge 1019 INTERVAT10NAL Pickup. lfc ton uooo or anion, lavfi, jarhawk Trailer Bie, 3oiq Fort una Rd. qei '41 BUICK Special Bedanette, aatraa, top shape. 3-8184. tr&a IDS! MODEL A Ford, Good condition. mono 31787 after a p.m. q93 l THliV. a-pariwnter Coupe. Erenlnss, j3j jf . n9 ureya, bh inn man lam ra.'i. 1 omit. afll IMP BTTJDEBAKER ConTertlble. White wBiLK. oTerarut, re-ajo, neater. Call XSM FORD 3-door ifjedan. Radio, heaUr, qcw eai cOTtrm tna in A-l merian. I ml condition. t3. McCALLfl, 17 ail 1MI ford dump truck, new motor, ws ruopcr, tdss rortiana no. an WArVTr.llIQlil ti. a snM... ST- 194R Plr. Club Coupe to trade, call lieua aiier e:o. oil 1I4T CHEVROLET Coupe. Recently had new motor, new paint. Very elean In Urlor. IM. McC ALL'S, 17 StaU. 08 ! HAVE I CARS Must sell 11 studebater Champ. 1-door de luxe. Low mileage. Phone 4413, Sllverton. O, W. Hall. 491 '44 FORD, 195. C. Arndt, 1020 Electric Avenue, phon. 4-1741, . wi For Sal. MISCELLANEOUS New & Used Appliances . FL.00R SAMPLES TRADE-INS ' SAVB tw.oj. OENERAL BL1CTRIO Altovjiatl ClMhee Dryer. TtsM e leap, control, allra violet light. Was 141.M. - otar 111.11 . Mo Sows ParsMnl . . 4UTB 144. SPIED OCBW AUTOMATTJO CMTsTJSl BflTBaV Beaatllal whiM AnUh, door aample. Was m.n. ... 1 ... omlt 1H.M . No LVwm Pasweeml ' bays m - BTW FLOOB aUMFLB. 18 en. It, aVxeao prineT. Oeceral , Rseotrw aealM tuxlt. t-yr. guarantee. Was I4SJ6. OltLT 4el.t . Ma Down Penaeat -' SAVB It. OTJ. FT. HOTPODTT FRIXZXB. Like SUW, Ued avis. . FuUr guaranteed. Wu 2n.ll. ONLT 14944 Mo Down Payment .. SAVB 1M. DS LCXI V O. B PUNOE. Fuh-suttoa. all ealrod nlta, warming oraa. reliable wait. Floor Sojapla, araa 4MJ4. OMLT 3MJ SAVB 180. o. B. PUBHBUTrOM DOOBLB OVBM BANOB. Mew tlejt ' ' .ample. Calrod unite. Was 14144. Only 34t,9 M. D.wa Panteal DE LOXB 'at MODEL ADMIRAL DODBLB OVTN BANOB. CoaroletetF , . . automaUc. A real km. Save tie. Wu eg M. ONLT MtJS o.b. niornru, 01 RicFRiaamATOiis, txti wastht3 u n duoed 10-10 - 'it models floor samples save op I 410. ATTENTION BUILDERS eg APT. OWNERS Special artees SB an. -.. , , houM ranges, refrlgeraton and diabwashera. Don't pom theee avals wp. , . Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC S0 N. LIBERTY, SALSM PHON1 S0S1S . . . . iT TRUCKS Cats - Tractors - CATS .. '. - D-l Oat., wide gauge, Isaacson blade sad canopy ... ' T-t International, wide gauge, (arm used, like aew ..... TD-I International '41 model, overhauled throughout , D-4 Cat, wide gauge .. BO Cletrac blade 4s drum, motor overhauled ...... KO AUla Chalmers, very good condition throughout 1 D-l cats, good condition, blades ex drums. -, Lata model BTM with blade. WHEEL TRACTORS 11 model Alia Cfaalmei WC Allls Chalmere - Wagoner Bcoopmobll. la good condition, motor overhauled - U PICKUPS AND TRUCKS -80 Willys 4-wheel drive pickup ,.11071 " ' '44 Chev. 4-ton pickup, 4-speed trans. ....... - 444 -r - '41 Stude, Vh-ton pickup 498 '47 Chev. It-ton pickup, 4-speed trans. : '774 , '42 Ford Va-ton pickup with '47 Mere, motor . . 39S . . '41 Dodge tt-ton pickup 3 '54 International L-150 with ateel box bed 1495 . . 'II Ford m-toa tlat bed with cattle recks H '44 International Metro panel, very good condition ............. 1398 UR.o model 31 1494 , 44 Dodg. vt-ton, -gpMd t7lark WaUoa brawnllp. 14,004 lbs. . Baton axle , 1445 '41 Ford lH-ton Cab over, 1-imd 494. 46 Chev. IM-toa (Ut bed 480 41 Dodg 1-ton o. I. 4x4 with flat bed, motor overhauled 4t '44 Federal with low boy aeml trkller, Ideal (or hauling small cats 184 , 44 OMO 4x4 short logger, civilian cab, '83 motor, win haul 34-lt, log 1600 . '47 International K-10, 30,404 lbs. Tlmkea with TJtultr tag, , '. .. ; equipped with bunks (or abort loes 3144 LOGGER'S SPECIAL - ' i Portable Doom loader mounted on K-4 International trait. Track and loader la exeelleat condition flMt Many other item of farm and logging equipment. BIRD EQUIPMENT CO. NOW TWO LOCATIONS ! 871 WALLACE ROAD. : 8385 PORTLAND ROAD 7 .,' ' Phone IHt or 1-4741 Valley Motor Co. rfm TRUCK DEPT. SPECIAL SALE Marion at Liberty . . ., . ,: Phone 8-8147 1949 FORD -TON PICKUP. 4-SPEED TRANS., V-8 ENGINE, NEW PAINT, SPORT LITE $875.00 ADDITIONAL PICKUPS AND TRUCKS ,--. AT BARGAIN PRICES , 1951 Ford V-8 K -ton Pickup. Black. 1850 rord V-8 -ton Pickup. Grey 1850 Ford V-8 tt-ton Pickup. Red 1949 Ford V-8 )4-ton Pickup. Green 1 1949 Ford 8 Vi-ton Pickup. Green 1948 Ford 8 Vi-ton Pickup. Grey 1948 Ford 8 -ton Pickup. Grey 1950 Stude. 1-ton Pickup. Tan 1950 Stude. -ton Pickup. Blue 1950 Chev. Sedan Del. TRUCKS - 1950 Ford 2-ton F-7 L.W.B. 1949 Ford 8-ton Blx Six Dump 1945 Dodge lVi-ton C.C. 1947 Dodge 2-ton C.C. MONTHS Oft 4000 MILS WARRANTT Xrt WHITINO AUTOMOBILES SAVE - UP TO $354 ON THE CLASSIC 1953 ROCKET Oldsmobile FACTORY DELIVERED SEE OR CALL Loder Bros. now for this big money saving plan! 485 CENTER PHONE 422S1 493 ll PLYMOUTH 4 door, 4114. Phone 1124 Abramt An. '44 NASH 4-door. good oondllloa, good tlree. 640 So. Summer. c,44' '44 FORD Convertible. Radio, heater, ov- ttdrlve. Extra clean. Low ralleage. 0.1 4-42UI ITU. 4-1741. 01' Pice 21 For Salt MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS Pickups - Trucks ..41750 ' ... 1750 ., .. 4294 ... 1500 ... 00 ... 3508 .. 350 ,.- 454 i (formerly Marloa avtulp. Co.) AUTOMOBILES Ills MODEL car with good 1447 motor. good urea. 1014 soutn iota, alter g. 1918 FORD Panel, very a ood condition. Ideal for painter or plumber, lie. at Ml S. 14th and mak. offer. Phon. 1-7538. tl 1947 KAISER 4-door Sedan. Radio and heater. Ha been very well cared tor. This is a fine automobtlg for emir 4696. McOALL'S, 1297 State. 411 FOR SALE '40 Plymouth Ooupe cheap, Oood tlree, new battery, radio, heaUr, good ehape. O. 4V Toasted, 414 Silver St., Sllverton. ttl CHBTBLEB BOTAL wltb special equip ment, new 'H engine, urea ana tunes, new paint, completely reeondttloneel, 4604 cash. C. P. Ward. 1444 Walker St. est 1147 CHAMPION STUDEBAKEB 4-doar Seden, equipped with everdrlve, ndte. heater, new eeat covers. Motor has recently aeon recondtuoned. Moer brakes. 4444. McC ALL 8, 1197 4Uata. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO BADIATOB TROUBLE? ValkW Motor Co. experu will tolve your aroa leme and aave rou money. Pre. et st mt, t. gpeedy eervlce. center at Lga. erty. ejt TRUCKS 'II o.M.C 1-ton, 11-foot, Insulaud vaav R.,0 ltd. HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATXP.FIIJ.AB 110, tOO. 1,444 anra. with drum and Boxer. Pallr sTnlMei for logging, aew tracks, good: ahaaw. Cecil Mors, phono Albany t-TeejeT Journal Want Ads Pc Pox', Hatcnery, - f. .aeue.