rage 20 FOR SALE HOUSES U YOU PLAN TO BUY Oil (ELL A HOHI. FARM OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS Satisfactory , LARGE FAMILY HOME 1,100 eo. ft. of happy horn, lift In tola three-rear-old new hom. that ha. everrthlni to ba deilred for convenience and apace. Four laraa bedrooma. 3 hatha. WalK-ln cloaela. Tha huia llvln, room haa floor-lo-eelllu view window, aa naa Ihe dlnln, room. Larae breakfait nooa m tha work-aavlnf kitchen. Foldlnf door, to tha rear patio. Tha full darlliht buement la tinlahad Ilka tha upitalr, and contain, a laraa recreation room with a comfortable fireplace. There la alio . m tummer kitchen In the beiement. Automatic oU heat and air .ondltlon ina. Double Ineulaled and wealheretrloped. be tlorloua view over mountain., cltr and valler can never be o"cti-J"'"!1, beds, sprinkler eretem. The owner baa over 136.OO0 In true love r homo, for quick aale 330,000 U Bated and will lake a ameller home l trad, aa down rjarrarat. Juit aire ua rlni and wa will Pick ro up n ahow rou tbU eltraordlnarr barialn. Call toder. Severin Realty Company 835 N. HIGH ST. Mr. Klanf 1-1331 WOO DN. will make Ton owner of thl, J-bdrm. home on Vt acre with t laraa walnut treat, juit cuUlda cltr limiu. Price 16.500. 4 ACRES with older type l-bdrm. homa on pared rd. Varletr of fruit hi nuu. AU fenced. -Z ternu. 11.000 DN. on thla l-rr.-old borne la all that It take 1 bdrme, Inelde ntlUU. attached arai a, fenced yard. Thla la real ralua. Only 13.T60. Trade, , SUBURBAN home on acre, fireplace, LR, Oft, i bdrma. dn. with n flnUhed up, fruit troea. 110,500. HOLLYWOOD l-bdrm. Spanlth atucoo, fireplace, luU buement, oil seat. 10,too. moLBTWOOD modern J-bdrm. with fireplace, LR. DR. K, baaement, attached teraae. Thla homa la aa alean at a pin. 111,600, mnziR DIST Very nice l.bdrnl. home on acre, LR, DR, r. (with eatlni apace), beautiful fireplace with knotty pine panellni. 3,oo. Trade. KEZBR DIST1. J bdrma., hdwd. flri.. tery clean, all fenced, attached araic, new paint, at real ralua at only 110,000. Zeeb's Real Estate ' 1853 N. CAPITOL 1 PH. 3-3031 EV. Ph. 1-0414 9-0139 I -Mil - 1-8862 M' FOR SALE HOUSES OUTH VILLAGE, 3 bedroom, 1287 flg nllla dfnilhlf artf-lK. for cad all ' furnace, fireplace, seperate dining room, utility with dryer, Diet lawn ihrubB, patio. 23745. ' WONDEEFUL VIEW BUILDING SITE, PLUS 17 AC. FILBERTS TO0D, WILL TAKE HOUSE IN TRADE. JOHN J. DANN REALTOR, 410 H. JHUH Kl PH. 43482. BY OWNEtt, t room homi, basement, Ph. 36980. B102 GORGEOUS HOME lor the moit exact- lnr buyer. Beautiful a bedroom home with double varaae, mohogany finish In living A dining room, oeauuiui kitchen te nook, 2 fireplace, outside covered pMlo. Separate woruhop, - laundry room, and party room In tiled floored full basement. Drive by W40 North 21 St. If you like It call for an appointment and see the rest. Owner leaving Salem, must sell. Bowea A Wood. Ph. 43353, eve. 20422. 224 N. HUh. BY OWNBB, 4 bedroom house With basement. One block to new high school. Additional lot available. Phone 3-8069. a3 $?aoo SEE THIS before you buy. The most 2 bedroom home In town for the money. Large living room, even the bedrooms are good else. There la an las.de utility room and neat dinette Id the kitchen. Completely fenced back yard. Could be had for $1,000 down or OI Terms, Call Bowea & Wood. Ph. 433(3, eve. 30422. 244 North High. aOl' BY OWNER l acre, modern a-bedroom, chicken bouse, small barn, spring water, en paved road. $4600. Terms. 2-I203. a92 VIEW HOME 2 bedrooms, play room, double aerate , wall-to-wall carpeting. SpIo and span. Reasonably priced. Phone 2-8013. 228 Forest Hllli Way. - M lo-BOOM HO MKJMrnt ihed, corner lot, garage. $8600. Real buy I Owner leav ing for California. 2848 N.E. Everett. Portland. PI 8543, a93 Suburban extraordinarily attractive 9-bedroom iiouse In Carlhaven Addition only . 4 block from new super market. Beautifully landscaped with back lawn and garden fenced. Has hardwood floors, oil furnace, Inside utility room, attacbed garage. Priced at $8000 with 10 down. EAST ENGLEWOOD New Itt-itorr house with 1 bed rooms down and room for 2 large bed rooms In the unfinished upstairs. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Automatic ell furnace, Inside utility room Is wired for dryer, kitchen Is blrob trim, formica counter tops, large ward robe ctoseta In bedrooms are birch. Built by Prank North. This home will be completed In about 9 weeks and li priced at $13,000. Call and let us how rou, Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Uatonle Building fteal Kitate Insurance Mortgage Loans Phone I -Ml 7 rrenlnn; 2-4709 ass I-BEDROOM Living room, attractive kitchen, dining area, utilities, attach rate, forced air oil furnace. In sulated and weatherstrlpped. Lot 80 a 120, 6 shads trres. !! Harvey Ave., South Village. Excellent buy at $10. 250, By Owner. Phone 22221, or drive out alter p.m. or aunaay. in1 BY OtVN"ER South, near Baker school. Lena fenced corner lot. Paved streets, fruit, nut trees and garden. Older 1 bedroom house. Needs repairs. Corner Plr and East Wilson. Phone 38001. a93 il'nntHAN, NORTH Well constructed 2bdroom home, 1100 jq, ft., fireplace, full basement, attached garage, large lot, extra bldg, AH In excellent condi tion. $12.(150. Terms. 122$ Chemawa Rd. Ph. 26333. al CUTE t-BPRM. home on fishing stream. Electricity, water, school, acre. $1800.00. Easy terms. Rout 1, Box $94 A, SUverton. al 1070 N. 19TH Englewood School District I -bedroom home, fireplace, hard ood doors, separate dining room, nice roomy kitchen. Shake exterior end well-kept yard. 2-car geratv. Oood location near school aii bus. $11,000. f-KB OR CALL RALPH BKNT 3-8620 OR 4-6350 WITH McKillop REAL ESTATE 4S Cfnlfr St.. Halem aM (LV1FI!I) ADVrkTlSINO I"" Hunt tlnM If f't Wera Vr M.til. I time. Per Word, I month M. N. tlffand. Mlnlntm H W.r.t. Rf ntBH in Loral Newa Cl.nn Onlj, Trr W.r e Minimis II Itarle To Nace Ad In Same Dy riwr, rbone t-i4M B(or 10 ajn. FOR SALE HOUSES DIAL 4-5943: EVE. 2-5695 Ur. Moon 1-1631 '" FOR SALE HOUSES ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom home, electric ranie. hardwood floors, automatic heat, Insulated. 2234 Maple Ave. a92 NORTH COTTAGE One of the finest homes In Salem near the creek, walking distance to downtown. This fine brick home built In 1938 Is beau. Inside and out, spac ious Ur. rm. with fireplace, separate din. rm., nice kit. and cozy breakfast nook, 1 B.R. A bath on main floor, S bdrmi., den to bath on 2nd fir., f uU dry basmt. with auto, oil turn. $6000 new home on back of lot rents for $50 mo. If you are looking for the best see this. Terms can be arranged. Total price for both homes $25,000. TRADE Very good older type home with ga rage on Mi90-ft. lot, 11. rm., din. rm.. kit., washroom, pantry, 1 b.r. down,. 3 b.r. up, wall-to-wall carpet in llv. rm., iota of fruit trees, snruoi, fine lawn, fenced back yard, 2 bl. from school, Etutlewood Dlst. Will sell or trade for smal acreage equal value and price. $6700. Terms can be ar ranged. IP TOO HAVE 1500 and can pay $80 a mo., want a good 2-B.R. home In good location, call me Packy MoParland. Burt Picha 179 N. High St. Off.: 2-4047 Packy McParland, Eves.: 3-5332 $750 DOWN OOOD 2-BEDROOM, Lr, Dr, Comb. Nice bath, brk. space In kitchen. At tached garage. Hardwood firs. Lot 70 ft. wide. In city limits, north. Why pay rent when you can get Immed. possession of this neat late-built plas tered home for only $7750 down, $1000 tXDWN 4-BEDROOM SOUTH, Dbl. plbr, dbl. garage, large lot, Hdwd. firs. This It s real sacrifice at $10,950. Sell on contract for $65 per mo. TRADES Large 2-bdrm. b den with bsmt. 113,500, for late-built l-bdrm. home. WANTED ItKUTAL HAVB CLIENT LONO ESTAB LISHED IN SALEM, wants to lease for long term, approx. 2000 so., ft, space, suitable for office, will consider leas ing building to be erected. . SUMMERS REALTOR 1735 STATS ST. PH. 1-4(01 Aiwa;, ail SOUTH 21ST ST. $5,5001 bedrooms, older type, well built home. Concrete foundation. Oood sized kitchen and dining room. Lot Is 0xU&. This Is the type of house you can easily make Into a real nice place. SEE OR CALL PRANK VLASIC 3-8620 OR 4-2670 WITH McKillop REAL ESTATE m Center St., Ralrm 3- By Builder 1770 DAVIDSON ST. New 2-bedroom. Oak floors, In closed utility, oil heat. Attached sa- rsee. FH.A. appratsfd, $R7M. HE1.L THIS WEEK FOB 18400. Phone 2IOT3. tar BRAND fiV.W, over 1100 fret of floor space, with loads of extras that you only find in a home twice the price. Roman tile flreplare, separate dlnlns room and nook, birch kitchen, con venient utility rm., plastered garase. forced oil heat. Thu eiceptionallr well built home Is almost ready for the finish coat of paint, why not select your colors now and move into a new home. Call 43353 or eve. 20422. Bowes Wood. 334 N. High. aM Sl'RtRUAN, AIM OAT new 3 bedroomx on acre, separate dining room and nook, forced oil heat, flouoii carase, e few frutl tree, ou tr door, ex terior patnt guaranteed for 1ft yearn. Very reewnabiy priced for 13.500. FHA term. Call 43)53, tv. 30423, Bowe A Wood. 234 N. HUh MANHK1N GARDENS, II you Man. iuuln and a lares lot with all the city con veniences, you will find It here In this t bedrooms and natural finish den. Also dining room and nice nook, It. utility rm.; forced oil hrst. Beautiful landscaping. The price has been re dured to $13,900 for Qukk sale oi PHA terms. Must be seen to rritlirr the value. Call 43353 or eve. 20432 Rftwrs Wood. 234 N. HUh. a82' RV OW.NKR, 365 E. Rural, Nnb Hill, prewar built Enslifth type home ot lating architecture. Located near schools, dus m shopping. 3 bedrooms or 1 and Den. Llviniroom with com fortable fireplace. Dlnlns room with builtins. Kitchen with nook, full base ments with recreation room. Lovely landAcaned corner lot. Immediate oc cupancy. Appraised at 114.500 for quirk sale will take $13,000. Morttaie FOR SALE LOTS LAUE VlttV LOT. Reaaonabla or chana. to buUder tor r.nod.ltna work. POone MOW. .,! LARGE HOMS SITES 111 beaulUul Kim wood Helahte. 11000 up. Saar ternu. Se. owner, .hon. 1-1411. ..04 LARGE LOTS, clou In, email down pay ment, 1 Cenur. aatl' KK1ZU DIST. IOOiDJ. near new trade aehool. Ph. I-1UI. Walt SocololHr. Real Estate. aa,l' FOR SALE FARMS Woodburn District 21 Acres of the finest Will mi Its silt loll .excellent 3-bdroom home 'With basement, fine barn and other build ings, good Irrigation well with equip ment, also creek thru property. Has ft good tiitrtr orchard, 4-acre berry patch and pasture. This Is ft Tery good buy at $21,000. Terms. 4UEI OR CALL A. W. McKILLOP 38620 OR 37904 McKillop REAL ESTATE 41 Center St.. Salem bl2 FOR SALE ACREAGE Center St. REALTY 11. acrhs Northwest. A fine build ing site. Shade trees, orchard, view ot mountains. Price $3000. $t ACRES South, fl acres walnuts and cherries. Price $3500. TIN ACREB Southeast. Slightly rolling land. Price $3500. TEN ACRES East. A beautiful ece of land. Willamette loam. On paved road, netx school. Price $o3M. Center Street Realty' 174$ Center St. Phone 4-$31 Eve. Phones: Oles J-78U. Bright i-bbos OOVd I ACRES Approx. 600 grafted 7ran quette English Walnut trees, 20 years old, with dryer, e mues oi aiiem Phone 37S18. bb3 REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS SUverton, Oregon 4 rms. bath. Just outside city $1000. $S0O down H acre Just outside city en high way, nearly new, $ large rms. & bath, cement foundation, wired for range, etc., ft nice spot ..$3030 Very nice 4-rm. ft bath, large lot,' good location, see this $4800 5-rm. At bath, cement foundation, plastered, wired for range, electric water heater,- fireplace, corner lot, glue to school stores $6000 Vt acre, new 6-rm. fe bath, hardwood floors, automatic furnace, cement foundation, wired for range, etc. Fam ily fruit, nice location $7350 Almost full acre on corner, both streets paved. 8 rms. St bath, wired for range, etc.. basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, lots of trees and shrubs. An excellent family sized home $0500 Business opportunity, popular rec reation center, restaurant and bil liard room, all equipment, new large bldg., good lease 19500 10 acres, good family soil, nearly all tillable, 5-rm, house, continuous Xoun datlon, etc., barn, chicken house, ga rage, west of SUverton towards Sa lem. See this $7500 1314 acres, 10 acres cultivated, Vh acres berries, 0 rms. it bath, wired for range, etc.. nice family orchard, several farm bldgs., between Salem A SUverton. A dandy .........$11,000 334 acres, nearly all cultivated, on paved highway, good 6-rm. A bath. Very bood barn and other bldgs. A fine farm $16,000 154 acres, over Vt tillable, yr. stream. Irrigation rights, farm bldgs.. on paved road, see It 116,000 Write or call for our new bulletin. Before you buy or sell CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SUverton, Oregon Englewood 4-bedroom home. Fireplace, dooe to aehool,, ahopplDi and bua. Fairmount Hill 4 bedrooms, full basement, close to scnools. Owner would consider smaller home in trade. $11,600, terms. $500 Down Nice 2-bedroora home with fireplace. Will Trade Cute 3 -bed room home on Vt A. PI re place, attached garage, for home in Oregon City, Milwaukee, or South Portland. Miniature Farm 3 A. East, a-bedroom home, close to School. (8500. Home in Firs 4 A. overlooking river. 3-bedroom home. Auio small rental home. $0900. 3-bedroom home end 3 A. tor 16000. Terms. South Summer St. Home l-bdrm. home with 3 large lots. Psees 3 streets. Will sell both 18300 or will sell home & 1 lot for $7500. Lot separate for $1,000. Good shop it chicken houee on place. Good 62-Acre Farm Most all In cultivation. Modern 3 BR home, not old. Sets back from road In tree settlns. AUo barn, machine sheds, silo and granary. Irrigation ditch runs throuih place. Different kinds of fruit and berries. IS miles from Salem. Price $23,000. Art Madsen Realty 1326 Stste Ph. J-S580. 3-S811 Eve. Ph. 4-8384, 1-6648, 3-7383 cl LIVE HIGH on Pslrmount Hill, enjoy spacious yard with oak trees, modern 4-vr.-old horn. 3 bdrms., fireplace, dining rm., paved el., bus, school, fine neighbor hood, forced sale, price cut, P.M. A. terms. Offered first time today. See this for only 111,800. TREMENDOUS .Stupendous. Colossal. Magnificent, 10-room Brick Beauty in choice hilltop setting. S baths, 4 huse bathrooms, full baxemrnt, 3-car garate. Pine nrichborhood. This home has class and should be owned by someone de slring gracious II vim. Wonderful trrej and shrubs. H-A, terms. $34,000. BELOW FHA PRICE Flrat eome, flrt asrved on this l-br. home ottered today tor l,u than P.H.A. appralaal. Ooryi p.vi ,t liuida utility, laraa brk. nook, oil heat, lovrlr lawn, plentr of earden pace, neat and rerjr clean, Will aell thu week for 18230. TMK ABOVK tlSTINOS ABB NIW ON THK MARKET AND Wt BEUCVK HOOD NEWS POB BUYRHS WHO EX PECT VALUE roR THEIR MONEY. lean ralrfrounda Road rh. -jm, Iv,. i.bom, 4-11M, e-71 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Call Colbath LISTEN OWNER LIAVmo n-ATC aiurr sm. thu -bdrn. home In a hurry. Telia ua to take ISOO down and redue. prlc to M7S0. Home la be.utlfullr nftnlahed In.We. Cell David. Sva. ph. 4-11M FISHING TIME. IN ORBOOlf and opportunity time at this wonderfully equipped PISH INO REAORT. Let me tell you how to earn Independence here. Priced right at $l.$00. Some terms, or will take nice home In Salem as part down. Call Oar Id, Eve, ph. 4-1701. GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE A large COLONIAL TYPE 3-bedroom home en 3tt teres. 30i40 hobby r workshop. Dandy beautiful soil and tery choice picturesque location, close In. Also cute, neat, little red barn for Shetland poises. THIS IS $13,$0O. TERMS. Cell David. Eve. ph. 4-1703. POSSIBLE $650 DOWN OLZn ROUS with S bdrma. Separata dining rm., ell heat, basement. Single garage, Near school and shopping area. PULL PRICE $7950, fjee Mrs. Oglssbee, Eve. ph. 33371. FLASH -FLASH -FLASH TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY 1 33 SO. Nice corner lot, with l-bdrm. home, has some furnishings. Large living rm. v kitchen combination. Oa rase and fruit house. See Mrs. Oslasbee. Eve. ph. 1371. YOU WILL BE SORRY IP YOU DO NOT SEE THIS VALUE POR $7M down. East suburban 2-bdrm. home with large living rm., nice kitchen, dinette, bay win dow, hdwd. firs.. oU heat. Roomy garage. Penced yard. XslsSEDIATS POSSESSION. ONLY $7800. SEE MRS. OCLBSBEK, EVE. PH. 36373. OWNER SELLING AT A LOSS STATELY-BUILT OLDER HOME IN OOOD CONDITION. Psatureg b large Jiving rm. 1 233. nice dining rm., cheerful kitchen, unfinished up stairs, large basmt. with party rm. Sawdust furnace. Corner lot nicely landscaped. 1-cer garage. THIS OOES POR $7250. f 100 down end $ff per mo. Eve. ph. S6933. TAKE TIME OUT TO SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE THREE-BEDROOM ranch -STYLE HOME. Living rm., dining rm., lovely kitchen, nice bath, hdwd. firs., utility rm., oil piped forced air furnace to all rms. Exclusive location. THIS IB WORTH $0380. Takes $1950 down, and $57 per month Includes taxes. Int.. Ins. prlrj. on PHA LOAN. NO FINANCE PEES; JUST ASSUME PRES ENT LOAN ON PROPERTY. Sve. ph. 36933. BROOKY NOOK V2 ACRE 3-ROOM RETREAT Purnl shed cabin, en creek, close In. Mew gas Tsoie, water heater, new -ft. steel cabinet Si sink. New dinette set. PRICE $3300 ONLY $400 down. HERE IS A STEAL, SEE T. T. AN DERSON, EVE. PH. 4-2714. PRICE $5700 $700 DN. BUYS IT Nice a-bdrm. home could easily be made Into t bdrms. Living rm., din. rm., kitchen, bath, utility. Nearly tt acre, located on S. Summer St. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 4-3714. . $13,000 ON GOOD TERMS 100 ACRES. 36 A. In cult., big dairy barn, nice J-bdrm. home, large chicken house, $ miles 6.E.). SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 4-3714. REDUCED PRICE $2000 POR QUICK SALE. 80 ACRES. 34 A. In oats ft vetch, 10x40 barn, 3-car garage, home is 10 yra, old. Has 3 bdrms., fireplace, kitchen St batkv Penced. PRICE IS ONLY 813,000. $4000 down, or take Salem home In exchange, SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 43714. BIG SET-UP 190 A ORES with 138 A. In cult. Nice 3-bdnn. home, Ian, barn, 3 aprln,,. PRICE IS 133,0(10. ft down. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. .3714. GARDEN ROAD 2 ACRES NICE, HEAT, CLEAN, modern 3-bedroom home, garage, mal1 barn, hen houAe. All varieties of fruit trees. Immediate possession. Excellent soil, si.ooo down buys it. Total $11, too. see t. t. anderson, eve. PH. 43714. OOLESBEE - EVE. PH. 35373 DAVID - EVE. 41703 ANDERSON - 43714 OFFICE DIAL REAL ESTATE NELSON Welcome Wagon Sponsor 3 Bdrms. - Dble. Gar. HIGHLAND DIST. Neat, cozy 6-rm. home, all on one fir., convenient to stores, schools & transportation. Don't miss this onel Prlco $7600. Call Mrs. Wootten. Owner Leaving City Near Wash.' school, 3-bdrm. home, newly redecorated, 8 yra. old, lot 60 x 179, fruit, shrubs, garden, autora. washer. $7800 unfurn.; $8400 furnished. Call Mrs. Wootten. HOW'S THIS? 1 blk. to bus; Jr. & Sr. high school I blks, away, 3 minutes by car to center of town, 3 bdrms., lot 65 x 130. Yes. It's definitely In town. Price $8600. Call Al. Watts, 3-7365. Suburban Grocery. TRADE POR HOME Well-located neighborhood store, serving a lie. territory, profitable fam ily operation, living quarters on prem lsis, Inv. $5000 to $6000. Call Mr. Schmidt. 3 BDRMS. ONE BLK. TO LESLIE SCHOOL Tills home Is Just being offered to day. A real opportunity for a family with school children. In sight of public playgrounds it swimming pool, walking distance to 1 schools. Newly redecorated 6rm. home with full base ment, sawdust heat, all for $10,900. 4 BDRMS. ST. VINCENT SCHOOL Here Is an opportunity tor that family to be close to their school & have plenty of bdrms. for the chil dren. This is a good substantial well built home with hwd. firs., fplace., auto, oil forced air heat, full basmt., corner lot, walking distance to bus iness district, bus by door, price $14,500, - NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING! REALTORS 103 N. HUh St. Ph. 3-3M9 . 091- Trade - Trade - Trade $43.5 Neat, clean 3 rnw. dr bath, equity iiooo. Will sell or trade for 3 bdrm. house to $$000. $7530 (Hub in wj building wHh f bdrm. mtln. llvinj qtra. Llv. rm., kitchen it bath, space for grocery store, csfe, etc. One acre across from sen. Will trade for what have youl TWENTY-POUR-ACHE beauty, nice 3-bdrm. house with ftrep)., nice setting among the oaks, good outbuildings. Ir rigation equipment, fruit A nuts, an unusually good setup for someone, be sure A see this one. will take In good Salem home In trade. ElOHT ACRES, nice view setting, all yr. creek, lee. barn, good soli, mrin. l-bdrm. home, basmt., firepl. a fur nace, paved rd. Realty a good dean well-built home, value $io.sno. win trade for aity or smaller acreage. PH. 3-6M0. Ed Lukinbeal Realtor .33 N. HUh 81. VE. tall J-Stll . 4-)H 4-3713 . J. ,074 el3. COFFEE SHOP Near atate bulldlns. Jllnn, lorre, aale. No telephotn Information. Tavern and Restaurant Priced for Quick aal,. Oood lease at reasonable rent. IIS00. Six Choice Lots Juat outilde cltr Umiu - i loo .a. Priced at onl Itat each. Farm - 31 Acres Plus rm. house, barn. ehlrken houxe. 11 A.E. of 4 cornera. haad ol ttock. 3 ml 113,800. SMALL HOTEL rooms and 3-rm. apartment. In log ging community. $5&oo. Terms, J REALTOR a. 41494,24552 y 3541 N. Capitol !. REAL ESTATE Dial 4-4494 TO THIS OFFICE DIAL 44494,2-4552 yf REAL ESTATE $14,500 . One ot the best of the many beautiful homes In Englewood Dlst. Located on corner lot with bus stopping at door. L.R. with fireplace, that Is warm and bright In winter, cool and airy for summer comfort. D.R, that Is spacious. 1 large B.R.e, kitchen has lots of bullt-lns. Tile dralnboard, beautiful nook or 365 cheery breakfasts a year. Basement, auto, heat, garage. Beauti ful 'lawn, shrubs, sprinkling system, etc. $9,950 i One of the cleanest, most attractive homes east. Large L.R. carpeted with beautiful carpet over hardwood floors. Fireplace. Very workable kitchen. Large lot. Close to stores and bus line. This is a good value. $8,200 Late-built, neat, attractive home in Kelzer Dlst, Has 1 large B.Rs, Hard wood floors. Auto, oil heat. Large l car garage. Insulated, Can be bought on easy terms. $8,000 Large 3 -B.R. home northeast. Double plumbing. New oil furnace, piped to each room. This Is a good, clean home. 3-car garage. Lot 841186. $1,000 down will handle. $5,750 Located on N. Church St. 8 -room home with basement. Equipped for either electric or gas cooking. Electric water heater, Oarage, Very good location. $3,750 A dandy home south In McKlnlei school district. Has 3 bdrms., nice bath, attached garase. One ot the beet buys, and can sell with low down pay ment. Call O. V. HUME or STANLEY BROWN With STATE FINANCE CO. 107 8. Hiah at. Phono 3-4131 Evej. 3-5300 or 3-3531 C83' VERY NICE 3-BDRM. Englewood Dlst., like new Inside A out, fireplace, carpeted llr. it din. rm, Lots of closets and large utility rm. Immediate possession. The yard Is like a park. Priced right. LIKE A GARDEN? Very attractive large 3-bdrm. home. Fruit and nut trees. Northeast loca tion right on bus line. Can be bought for 110.500. 2 DUPLEXES Well planned 3-bdrm. unite, always rented, late built. Large lot. car ports and utility. Might take your home or small acreage la trade. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS ' 1311 Ideevater 30109 Eva. 3ns, el JOE PALOOKA IThe audience WENT WILD AS DIGGER, ENTERED THE RING FIRSTHAND THERE'S A AAI&MTV OVATION AS THE CHAMPION STARTS OOvVN THE AISLE- REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT I bdrmi, Urln,. fireplace, nook and lcel arranaed kUehn. Urie. beautiful, fenced ard. will trade for I or ..bedroom houae. Trie. Wtoo. Call llr. Vandenrort, uleiman. NEW HOME Lee. Ilrlnr. dlnln,, Die. kitchen with lota of built-in,. Dtllltl bedroom,, bath. Ua. larue, eorner lot. only HO.SOO. Call Mr. BlmpiOD, . eeteeman. t ENGLEWOOD A home rou will lore to live In. It haa 3 bdrma., full baamt. .11 fared .lr furnace. Lie. llrlnl, dlnlna, breakfait nook, fireplace. Eaeellent TV reception. Ver nice location. Bur on P.H.A. termi. Price ha. been reduced for aulck aale. Only 110.350. Call Mr. Todd. CANDALARIA . lacellent t-bdnn. home fuel 3 rri. old. Ut. Ilrlnf, dlnln,. Convenient kitchen. Automatic oil wall furnace. Ue. lot. Terma. Price 111,100, Call Mr. Vandenrort, aaleaman. t - GRADE A DAIRY 111 acre,. SI ac. paature, 1, ac. winter pea. A abruccl, 13 aa, rye iraaa. 40-,tanehlon barn. New lo-itAchlon milk p.rler, bull calf barn, 3 calf ahede, chicken hie. Modern 7-room hae. it 3-room cabin for hired help. About t mile, from aalem. A ateal at 130,300. Call Mr. Blmpeon, aaleajnan. j NORTHEAST 10. acre,, an eultlvated and all Willamette .oil. Two modern home,, 4 bedroom, each, one with baaement. 3 barn, and all other outbulUUnia. I On pved hlahwar. Price leo.ooo. Call Mr. Rucn, caleiman. ROY TODD, REALTOR 30 itat. aireol otllc, phon. 3-0631 Sve. Phone: Wandervort f-8aoa: Rueh 3-7313 . . Grabenhorst Specials BE tour OWN Boss Varletr ator, win nat approi. 34000. Priced at 3000. OAIi OEIAER . , OLDER 4-BDftM. HOME Convenient to tranaportatlon and ehopplni center, newlr redecorated Inelde, froah and clean. A food bur at 30S00. 1000 dows parment. CALL 4. E. LAW IMMEDIATE P068B3BION-New l-bdrm. home, llv. rm. with fire place, din. rm., kitchen with brkf. nook. Pull darlliht baimt., laa. partr room with fireplace. Thla la a beautiful well-built homa In a varr "- r '"'"' information CALL H. X, LAYMON, BAXjESMAN VlaTW ACREB Wonderful view bulldln, aite. Price 34500. CALL PETER H. GEXSER J0R'7JND. ?IOHWAT BUNESS JHOPERTY-100 ft. frontaaa, HORST JR. A "" lM' P'OWlr. CALL O. H. ORABEN- GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Llbertr t. ,f pb. 1.3471 . Evenin,, A Sundara call ! Peter H. Oelaer 1-MOt J. E. Law 3.511s K. X. Larmon l-t tl TEN PER CENT ' . DOWN PAYMENT ONE PER CENT MONTHLY PAYMENT ON THESE BuO blk Vrlc'o Vieo Vlt iih' Need " L,r" ' ACRE. 3 room, with bath. Bua and atorea 3V, block,. Paved .tract. Itr water. Price f4,3S0. S ACRES. 1 lane room., bath, amall barn. Partlr wooded, laraa far den area, fruit treea. It takes a handr man to III up on thu on., near .cnool, neighborhood irocerr. Price 14,000, E. J. ZWASCHKA Phone 1-4030 A SUBURBAN BEAUTY Ve-acre with two-atorr home. Two bedrooma up and two down. Laraa llvlna room, larae dlnln, room, and larae kitchen with cheerr break fa,t nook. Drr basement, double plumblni, double aaraie. Lota of i .f: ''w"'i nl ood well, m ba happy to ahow rou thla beautiful home. Contact Dale Rayburn. 4-BR. ENGLEWOOD $12,300 Pull baaement, automatic oil piped furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor,, laraa lot. excellent ehrube and flower.. Fruit treea. 13 reara old. PHA commitment applied for. Call Jim. 3-BR., PULL BASEMENT Lc!.".1 'n ,hl i""n' " harsaln. Oood fireplace In nice llaht living room. Wall-to-wall carpetlna. Kitchen haa eacellent built in and adequat. breakfait apace. 1 bedrooma down with hardwood .ftr"" Blc nd Baaement la verr neat with partr room, utility room, etc. Home la 11 rear, old. Priced at onlr 313,000. vail Jim.' HOOVER SCHOOL DISTRICT ThU clean 3-bedroom home, located in one of the best auburban die uSSll "'".f 'mU """'O ""I In a home, plrepl.ee. roomy iii"' ln"1le' ""hed taraae, and nice yard. Lot Rayburn T" t!ar'"h "" Iove1' hom"' M c" "' ' y2-ACRE SPECIAL-$500 DOWN . Here'a the bur of th, rear. Beautiful H-ecre located on Tverrreen. I bedroom, nice 1 area, and utllltr. Pull price onlr 34000. Better hurrr on thla one. Call Ohet now. NEW 3-BEDROOM $6900 New 1-bedroom (not quite flnlihedl but livable, located in the hert or relier. Bur thl, and move In and llnuh In rour aparo time. Pull price onlr SM00. Hurrr, call Chet. RAWLIN'S REALTY 3000 N. Calptol Evenlnr iiuc.Ls so jim z-bs7b cnet keal ESTATE 3-BEDROOM HOME Appraised at 110,500 under P.H.A. and will tttt at that price. Monthly payment 6(. Ranch type with lint attached aarare. All hardwood floors. Only 1 year old. Good district, Wut 49alem. ST. VINCENT 4-BEDROOM Only SBM .Newly redecorated and wall-to-wall carpet. Some furniture Included. Lane dlnlni roof. PI altered, paved street, but by door, extra large 101. $2500 1330 down, a small home, needs a Utile work. Has hot water and bath fixtures. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE lot Muth Hlih St. Phona No. 1-3303 phone evenlna. and Sunday: 4-1571, S-3BSS, ' 4-1333. 4-5313, 3-3334 COP REAL ESTATE (impion I-033H Todd 1-1731 cM 1741 Orant St. (Hollywood District. Realtor) Office phone. 1-4004 or 4-1701 phone 3-0330 Rale Rayburn 1-3045 .01 I REAL ESTATE Englewood District Modern In ran hnnvalAw with closets, Urge llvlnt room with fire- yiMtc, avpnr.t.1 ainini room, lull basement with automatic heat to all rooms. Extra finished room In base ment. Insulated, weatherstrlpped, de tached naraie, beautiful fenced-in hick yard. 111,900. Property will qual ify for FH.A. or 0.1. requirements. Immediate Possession An Entitah type home of 4 bed rooms, living room, fireplace, separate dining room, kitchen with large nook, basement with forced air oil heat to all rooms, large arete, located In top-notch residential area. 112,000. Buy terms, and possession right now. BUILDING LOT Paved etreet, water, tood dlatrlct. Siooo. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 11(0 N. Capitol ph. J3310 CS31 I BLOCKS FROM Meier ft Prank'a on union enriet. owner will aell lot with a-room houie (rented! for 313.000. Should prove aood Inreatment. Bo, 01. Capital Journal. eOl Thursday, April 16, 1953 REAL ESTATE turn Witt MUIMI 1.MMI3 UlllltllW amttlta 0UMU4H Milium BUX 3315143533.333 333IHt3333555llt5353. I5MUII43 55 llllt"M3 IMHIII 33 3I3IWM MII55 M MMtl N SULLIVAN GREENHOUSE In back yard. 3-bdrm. horn, with 100' frontaa, on Lancaiter. Price Ineludea amall rental houae and th. owner will trada for acreaoe. COUNTRY LIVING at Ite .err but on thla Itt acre,, which will trow tha belt aerden In th. veiler; .lit loam at Sponi'a Ludln,. Th. convenient l-bdrm horn, en th. propertr ha, oil heal and a doubl. aaraae. If rou are looklno for .ere aae you'll want to aea thu. 30,000. INVESTMENT Five-bedroom older home with bue ment. Onlr t block from loan Shop plni Center. At preaent, . ot th. bdrma. are rented to itudent,. Ineom. on b. areatlr incraaaed. Pull prlc. onlr 313,700. DUPLEX FHA- constructed. Thla fine dupler, located on paved it., near ahopplna center, 3 I.e. bdrmi. In each. You f et an extra ' lot and a verr aubstantlal loan mar ba eecured. 111,000. Will take a bom. In trade. BEAN GROUND 40 acrea near Marlon. 1-room home built In 1350. 10x30 barn. 13,500. . Eves. Ph. 4-3345 NORTH HOWELL If rou have 314.000 rou can bur 10 acrea of the bell aoil In tha valley. Terma on the balance. Pullr equipped. 35.000, or will keep the equipment and aell for 333,000. Ivei. Ph. 4-3341 Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR 3335 Portland Road Ph. 4-0533 Br. office SI7 N. Hlah Ph. 4-5133 It,, phi. 1-3314, 1-4803, 4-5037, 4-1731 C33 10-DAY SPECIAL Lovely television set to ba left In - thla l-yr.-old 2-bdrm. cut sub, homo ir jold now. 18x30 L.R.. nook. 70x130 fenced lot, awnings, neat aa ft pin and well arranged. 13400 down. A. A. Larsen REALTORS lm So. HUh St, Ph. 13131 Mr,. Wella Ph. 13731 A. B. Beckett -34591 Andr Halvoraen 37103 cOie WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINOfl, particularly high er priced home and all types with low down payment. Absolutely Unique Just likt new and It' really nlct. Hp ac Ions rooms. Fireplace. Insulated. Weatherstrlpped. Aluminum window frame. Owner leaving city. Nice view Price 113,250. Don't Miss This Buy In Englewood Dlst. Only 1 yr. old. Very well built. Automatle oil heat. Near bus and aehool. Living room haa wall to wall carpet. Insulated. Prlc . 1 only $9700. Exceptionally Nice 1 bedroom on 1 floor. Basement. Fireplace. Mod tag oil furnace. Nicely landscaped. Only 3 yra. old. Nice view. Secluded location. AU draw drape Included In the economical prlc of $14,000. Ternu. VALUE HERE Spacious auburban. Near aehool. Bua by door. Several fruit trees. Green house, chicken house. Oood cued well. Nice yard and shrub. Acre lot. May consider small home as part pay merit. Pull price lll.eoo. SHOE REPAIR SHOP Established 20 yrc In a line loca tion. Loni list of equipment. Rent only $50 per mo, 4year lease. Water and heat furnished by owner of bldr. This 1 tood. priced at $27&0. 10,000 Sq. Ft .Bldg. in a very tood area. Excellent loca tion for many types of business such as dance hall, slcatlnt rink, bowltnt al ley, small manufacturer or what have you. For sale at only 135,000. Terma. Very larte lot with lota of parkins space. APARTMENT Almost adjoin lnr Capitol flhopplnt Center .Hardwood floors. All units fur nished. Private bath In each unit. Separate meters. Monthly Income trass $434. Monthly expenses IncL taxes less than $ao. This unit always has been very desirable for rentals. No doubt will be business location In short time. Owner leavint state Is the only reason It Is offered for sale. Price Is onlr 137.800. CALL POR DAN 1SAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3S33, oi MR. KIOOIN9, EVE, PH. 4-5494, or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5020. If no answer, call 4-2248. 5 ACRES With tood modern 4-bedroom home. Located east only at miles from Sa lem. Chicken house, urate. Best of soil. Location 1 fine. The property Is priced right. Only $12,700. Term arrant ed. 50 ACRES 43 under cultivation and Irritation, 3 A. atravberrlei, 13 A. caneberrle,'. Oood eoll. atodtrn 3-bedroom home In verr aood condition. 30 r 40 barn, onion house 30 br 00, machine ahed. Over 3000 ft. Irrlaatlon pipe. Full price onlr 334,000. 2 610 ACRES Verr cloie In east. Verr apacloua roomr 4-bedroora home. Fireplace. 30 br 60 barn. All under irrlaatlon. Best of aoil. 30 br 30 chicken home. Momr In cherrle, and walnut., liar conalder exehant. for cltr propertr, full price CALL FOR MR. LEAVSN6, B7VE PH. MORTOAOI LOANS 30-Year Uaturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor v..u. f-noner.: -BJll or 3-7830 3035 PORTLAND ROAD ve. Phone.: 3-4733, 4-5411. 4-3S33, 4-6010 or 1-35S5 If no aniwer, phon, 4-334S Journal Want Ads Pay By Ham Fisher $9.ooo can remain. Call 4S943, e t56Pe, ask lor Severin. sB4 v.. I-IIM