Thursday, April 16, isoa Ptg I ,,, .....,.. ,, a,.. Tn a iAVllMjjtIVUXAJ,juim, v.rcKn...M. . 1 i ii " i Mi Miiwffwwiwuii in M&xmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam - In the Valley Edited y MIKE FORBES Lyons Lyoni The Linn County Health Department it planning a pre-achool clinic at the Marl Llnn school at Lyon April 81 from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. All children entering the flrit grade are required to have a physical examination. Thii will be the only clinic at this achool. All children In the district entering achool next fall are welcome to attend thla clinic. Parent may take their children to their family doctor It deilred. There will be no charge for thlf examination, but no child will be examined unleu the parent If present. There will be no pro-school that morning ai the clinic will use the pre-ichool room. . -: The Lyoni Garden club held their meeting at the Rebekah hall with Mn. George Huff man and Mm. Chatter Roy ai hostess, Mm. John Neal pre- alded over the builneii meet ing with Mr. Ernest Garsjo lecretary. Each member an awered roll call by naming their favorite herb. . Plana were completed for the Spring flower ahow which will be held at ui. Kebettan nail Friday, April 17, with Mr. Or vllle Downing general chair man. i . ' , , Gueit ipeaker of the after noon waa A. M. Bouquet from Portland, who i with the Miller Product company. He talked on Peit control, fertil ized, and transplanting. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Carl Nuttle man with Mr. Alex Kulken co-hostess. Attending the meeting were Mr. Glen Julian, Ma. John 1 Lengatcber, Mr, John KunUe and Mr. Fred Steinfelt who were gueit of the afternoon, and member, weadame Ray' mond Branch, . Alex Kuiken, George Huffman. Mike Fink, Percy Hiatt, Oscar Naue, Lynn Lambert, ; John Neal, Clyde Breuler, Or vllle Downing, Cleave O'NeU, PhlUlp Pietrok, Don Brotherton, Otto Weld man, Ernest Garsjo, Chester Roy, Mr. Alice Huber and Mrs Cora Jenner. . 1 Professional New York Comedy "JENNY KISSED ME II Cominf to Salem April 20th Salem Senior Hifih School 8:00 P.M. Sponsored by tl-le Club Tickets sole of Steven ft Son Jeweler Also at the Doer Mr. Jack Christenson and Mrs. John Prideaux, Girl Scout leader from Lyon, were among ' those attending the leader overnight camp meet ing held at Longbow camp Cascadia, where they received instruction in way and mean of camping. Mr. George Keeley of Port' land wa a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Hu ber, over the week end. She alio visited her brother, Don aid Huber, and family. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Johnston, Kathryn and Tommy visited hi mother at Medford, who 1 at the home of her lister. They alio visited their aon, Kenton, who. la attending achool at Cove, Ore. Members of the Women's so ciety of Christian Service served a pot luck dinner Satur day at the parsonage, for the men who were working on the new church building. .Plans are to do the same next Satur day If enough men come to work. Mr. and Mr. Earl Allen were guest' at the home of hi cousin. Willard Green, and family at Philomath Sunday. Mrs. Marvin Berry returned home Saturday evening after visiting with relative In San Francisco and Sacramento, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye had as their guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stong from Medford. Grand Island Grand - Island Mr. and Mrs. Claude ' Pilcher enter tained 16 friends at their home with a canasta party Saturday evening. Dale L. Fowler won high score. Mr. and Mr. Claude Pilcher, Jidalne and Jackie were Sun day guest of Mr. and Mr. Roy Davis and Deane at - Valsett, They reported two inches of mow fell over the mountains Saturday night.' . -Julaine Pilcher fell at the Dayton grade school recently and cut her knee quite badly, requiring treatment by a doc tor. She Is recovering satisfac torily at her home. Mrt. Clarence Rockhlll of Grand Island and Mr. E. J. Kltzmlller' of Salem returned home Monday evening after several daya spent with her ton and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. GUes Rockhlll at Prairie City. . Hopewell HopewelL-The Hopewell and Unlonvale home extension unit will hold a joint meeting at the Unlonvale church, Thurs day, April 23, at 10:30 a.m. with a lunch featuring India foods. A film will be shown and Curtl Douglas of Grand Island who spent some time in India In World War II, will apeak of hi experience. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cannon of Eugene were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Geisler. They were former friends of Mr. Geisler at his boyhood home In John Day, Ore. Cal Brackley, northwest rep resentative of the National Milking Shorthorn society, called at the Ed Loop home, and Inspected Mr. Loop's reg istered milking shorthorns. Mr. Loop attended the shorthorn sale In McMlnnvllle on Satur day. Mr. and Mr. R. E. Smith and family of Corvalll (pent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legg of Hopewell. . A mother and daughter ban quet is being planned by the Hopewell missionary society for the first week in May, the date to be announced later. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Widmer, Harold Widmer, Mrs. Ross Rogers and Mrs. S. C. Waller attended the WSCS missionary rally in Taft Tuesday. The prayer meeting of the Hopewell EUS church U at the N. O. Pearie home, and next week will be held at the David Olke home, In charge of S. C. i Waller. I The Falrview Community club held the April meeting at the school nouse Monday eve' nlng, AprU 13, with Mrs. Ver non Stephens arranging the program. Charles McKee ' li president of the club. The Hopewell Community club held the April meeting at the achool nouse April It, with one-act play and a pie social and candy tain following. Roy Hammer, husband of the Hopewell school principal. Mrs. Nellie Hammer, is seriously ill at their home near Lincoln, and Mrs. Stettler of Salem sub stituted for her Thursday and Friday. The Red Cross home nursing course Degins Wednesday eve' nlng, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. J. Terrill. and the second lesson 1 sched uled for Saturday evening, AprU 18, also. The course con sist of seven lessons of two hours each, and this series will be completed by March 28. Bin. May Busick of Unlonvale i the assistant teacher, with Mrs. Terrm, under tne super vision of Mrs. Betty Conway, area supervisor. There will be another course of lessons later. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mcllwain and family, who have been liv ing in the Gilbert Reed house on Jerusalem Hill, moved to Perrydale last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wester- house purchased the A. J. Huntley house recently, and Mr. Huntley is making his home with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Hallsted in Santa Cruz, California.- Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Gilchrist of near Brooks, former resi dent of Hopewell, were visit- mi sale MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS GROUP I 40 Suits 100 Wool SIZES 36-46 Values Regularly to $30 For This Sola GROUP II 90 Suits 100 Wool Sixes 36-46 . Value Regularly to $65 For Thii Sola (39M"55 50 GROUP III 170 Suits 100 Wool NW SMINfi ATTIRNS $ 1KB 4065 110 Discount mm mw Open All Day Saturday (ay Woolen Mill Store 260 SOUTH Urh THE STRUT THI TRAINS RUN ON Up ' 1? or here Wednesday, having lunch with the Ladles Aid at the Hopewell EUB church, and calllnn on Mrs. N. O. Pearse and other friends In the neigh borhood In the afternoon. Mrs. Oscar Lafferty is (till with her twin lister, Mrs. Harry Norton in Wichita, Kan., but plans to be home within two Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norton are still In very poor health, but out of the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Deedon of Portland were Sunday guests of hi brother, Mr. and Mn. Henry Deedon. . ' Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Modde meyer were hosts Sunday to a family gathering in honor of their daughter, Miss jcieanor Moddemeyer'i birthday. Those woh enjoyed the day were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moddemeyer, Jr., and three children of Port land, and Mr. S. Van Staaver en, Mr. A. Van Otten and Mrs. D. Strlkwerda of McMlnnvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ste phen attended the spring flower far at Gresham on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mag ness and family of Newberg were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers. Mr. Magnets I recovering slowly from re cent surgery. Mr. and Mr. Ross Rogers motored to Lebanon on Sunday to visit Dorothy Hawkins, who has rheumatic fever. She la the daughter of the Woodrow Haw kins, formerly of Wheatland. On the way back, they visited their cousins, Mr. and Mr. Joe McKee in Jefferson. Vernon Waller of Stacy, Minn., has been a house guest of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mr. S. C. Waller, and Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wal ler of Salem, Mr. and Mr. Gu Nellson and children of Port land and Oscar Lafferty of Hopewell were dinner guests. Mr. Waller is en rout home, having visited In California, and will leave Wednesday for Stacy. The Hopewell home exten sion unit will hold it AprU meeting at the home of Mrs. Ross Rogers, Wednesday, AprU 22, at 10:30 a.m. Potluck lunch is planned and the lesson "Dry Cleaning at . Home" wiU be given by Mrs. Alma Wells, home extension agent of Yam hill county. All members and friends are urged to be present Election of officers will be neio. . . Rickreall Rickreall The AprU meet ing of the Ladle Aid was held at the home of Mrs. M. B. Find ley last Wednesday with Mr. W. C. Hill a co-hostess. The onenine number was liv en by Mrs. S. B. Holt who read "A Hymn of Trust" written oy Richard Baxter in 1683. It was announced that there waa need of old nvlon hose. linoleum scraps, leather scraps nit lMthAi mines not usable for carrying, these articles to be given to the hospital at nose burg for work of the men. Pinna int In nromu for 1 cooked food sale to be held at Margaret's Flower shop in Dal la Anrll 2S. The finance com nlltM nf (ha AM will now have a upply of card and station ery on band for sale, ana wm lsn talc orders. The program featured a talk by Mrs. ueorge ttnoien oi oa- lem who told of a trip to cuDa, Ho HI and Porto Rico nrlncioal- ly on their trip, to the islands of the West Indies. - Those enjoying the afternoon nrr Mrs. Joe Simmons. Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. S. B. Holt, Mrs. George Van santen, Mrs. Arthur Beaver, Mrs. D. W. Shelton, Mrs. H. L. Straley, Mrs. L. C. Miller, Mrs. Leo Buyserle, Mrs. Frank Hamil ton. Mrs. Holdorf, Mrs. B. C. Bell, Mrs. Howard Fleming, Mrs. Bolton Stlnnette, ine TviVtr nf the afternoon. Mrs. Rhoten and the hostesses. Mrs. Findley and Mrs. Hill. The May meeting win ne ai the home of Mrs. George Esau. The Grana-e meeting Friday was weU attended. Mr. Coons, who now lives in Montana, was a visitor. Mr. Coons state he hopes soon to be back In this part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton of the Mlluiankle Hrancre alto were present. The agricultural com mittee chairman wnn me as- Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Mr. anri m Robert Jones and family visit ed in Portland this past week as guest of their sister, Mrs. Ruth Good. . Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Post and family entertained this past Weekend. Mr. Post', nnrontc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maid ment of Chalis, Wash. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and family entertained with an Easter dinner the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hint ze of Sheridan and son Riley; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burcb and children Vickey and Doug las, also of Sheridan: and Mr and Mrs. Rollis Smith of Grand Ronde. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hintzen of Ncwnnrt called. Fairview Fairvlew Seventv-five Da. trons of the Fairvlew district attended the April meeting of the Community club held at me scnooi nouse Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steph ens entertained, showing slides of their three-months motor trip a year ago. The next meeting, the last one for this season, will be the annual election of officers and the annual picnic Saturday, May 23. -IJaUL'MrH t phoni s-STta Donald O'Connor Vera Ellen In Technicolor "CALL ME MADAM" ' a . Errol Flynn "CRUISE or v THE ZACA" John Derek Mono Freeman THUNDERBIRD8" -': a , Brod. Crawford In Technicolor "LAST OF THE COMANCHEtr pttODi a-m Rex Harrison UUi Palmer "FOUR POSTER a Also! "MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" HEY KIDS! TOMORROW! AT NOON PRIZES! CARTOONS! SERIAL! 2 BIG FEATURES In Technicolor! .iiianu nf Art TJemoiev of the Oregon Grange Wholesale had a guest speaker, ana coiorea slides, depicting the use of a comparatively new fertilizer. The AprU meeting of the Community Club is scheduled for the evening of April 24. Grange members are remind ed of the Pomona' meeting which wUl be held with West Salem Grange AprU 25. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Isaac and family who have been living on the Fir Villa Road have moved into the George Fuller house. Two of the boys sre now enroUed in our school. Mr. and Mr. S. B. Holt (pent Sunday in Portland with their ion, Melvln, and famUy. Mel vln graduated from Willamette university in 1939, later receiv ing hi muter degree from the University of Oregon. He also ha received hi CPA. certifi cate, and 1 now employed as accountant In the office of the White Stage Manufacturing Co. In Portland.- Plepsantdale Dent in playing canasta Arrawanna club ' members present were Mrs. John Hef fley, Mrs. Raymond Palmer, Mrs. Marion Boulden, Mrs. Glen McFarlane, Mrs. Fred Finnlcum. Guests of the club ien Mn John Thien. Union- vale, Lucy McGowan, Dayton, and Mrs. Jack Edward, rieas- antdale. Friday a group of friend and neighbor gathered at the Ed wnrHs hnme for coffee and doughnuts at 10 a.m., and a demonstration ot prouucti. Those present were Mrs. Bus uariieu Mr, Jiillm Groth. Mrs. Frltx Groth, Mrs. Jack Ed ward, Mrs. Harold Morgan, Mrs. Lester Hopkins, and Mrs. Clarence Schmitz. The demon strator for both parties was Mrs. M. amaway oi Aurora. , Mrs Heniv Rreen and Mrs. Arthur Biles were hostesses when the Aloha club met at the community center, Thurs. day afternoon, AprU 9. They served refreshments of straw, berry sundaes, cake and coffee. The next meeting of the group will be AprU 23. i The U. S. Bureau of Indian Affair had 711 nurses and 140 practical nurses on it staff in 1952. , Pleasantdale Mrs. Hubert Wilson in at home on her 20-i acre farm oh the River Road, which was formerly the LeRoy Beauchamp place. She has been at Port Angeles, Wash., with her husband, who Is in the serv ice, expecting to be discharged In November. Mrs. Wilson was formerly Barbara. House of McMlnnvllle. - . ' , Mrs. Scott Edwards' enter tained with two home products parties, Thursday, AprU 9, and Friday, AprU 10. . : On Thursday the Arrawan- nah club met at the Edwards home at 10 a.m. for the demon stration, after which Mrs. Ed wards served a 1 o'clock lunch eon, with baked ham as the entree. The afternoon was nirnii-irTiTrtrT New Shewing Open :tt Loretta Young Jeff Chandler "BECAUSE OF YOU" "MOW 2-782? UIISH 6AlOIM,HIIWATfM GATES OPEN 1:41 SHOW AT 7: ,y , NOW! .,r In Technicolor "THE PATHFINDER" ' Georre Mentfomerjr '.' Fins :'.r' In Technleelw ' "AARON SUCK FROM rUNKIN CRICK" II ALL FACULTY CAST "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" , MEGM (OUfH Of DUttriON, MONHOUTn . ' TONITE APRIL 16. S:15, UTURDAY, AMtt 18. S:30 CAMPBELL HALL AUDITORIUM, MONMOUTH Admission SI tickets at door, no reservations. Come to the Educational Conference Saturday and stay for the play. Only 6re ytiouhd Offers iENDS TODAY! (Thur.) "MEET ME AT THI FAIT "THE JUNGLE" MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. TOMORROW! BARGAIN PRICES! PARAMOUNT pMWNM BIMO eSS DWtOTHT CROsmrcoPcut:ou.i m J IrWilOGS :f!M si sasal I i C0-HIT1 mm to mm aunai ax. uro wwiim aomn MaiiraijoNi.iaajMtMiosa ii ew . h SHE JUJh "5 TECHNICOLOR M riV JS. 60 ONE ROUTE RETURN ANOTHERI Greyhound serves all 48 states and Canada on 5 main routes East and vast connecting network of highways. Relax, see, save... with finer buses, more scenery, more service everywhere at low cost.. .by Greyhound! o o VIA SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, ALBUQUERQUE Features: Oregon Coast, Redwood Empire, Shasta Cascade Wonderland, famous California Missions, Yosemite and Sequoia Natl Parks . . . plus Grand Canyon, Indian Country, historic Albuquerque. VIA SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, EL PASO Enjoy Oregon and California features listed under Route 1 above . . ; plus Colorful Southwest, Tucson, Phoenix, fascinating Border cities, and El Paso, gateway to Mexico. I! VIA RENO -Thrilling features: Shasta-Cascade Wnn1na1can4 TTaar-Vt av Viunv fanitmi T nlra TaV,na ' MVUU6IUUI4 A OflUii AUf Cl VfUlWU) Unas aOUUVi yi. spectacular Sierra, exciting Reno, beautiful Salt Lake City with Mormon Temple, Tabernacle. VIA PORTLAND -Travel thru Spokane, Fargo, Minneapolis, Chicago ... or via Columbia Gorge and Salt Lake City. See amazing Yellowstone on the way. Wide choice of scenic route through Midwest V? VIA SElTTLt.RwwMM Plmmmt Vmmw ver, Victoria, Banff; Lake Louise, Jasperl See these wonders, plus Great Lakes Region, on this beauti' ful route East by Greyhound. ft Coifs So Utth to Sm 5o Mvcftr ' ROT tW a a uaiMio Hm Xmt Tim J. L WELLS, Agent 450 No. Church Phone 2-2421 I l x