Thursday, April 16, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Pact 19 3 11 CLr - s , a' Radio - By CAVE "Pulse of the City," an exciting drama feature portray ing New York City, made its debute Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. The feature on KPTV will replace the program "Feminine Angle." .. ; - Herbert Mayer, president of Empire Coil company, sent a type recording of greeting to his staff at KPTV Wednes day and said he has been laid up with a case of grippe. . Mayer plans to return to Oregon the first part of May , Understand my good Friend, Red Skelton, is going to lose his sponsor at the end of the season. . . . Current spon- sor wants Red to telecast entire show live. Red says ! wait until he recuperates from venture in hospital. . . . Sponsor says no. So Red says "would rather be alive than go live." . . . Truly this seems like foul play until Red could get a chance to recover from his current illness. . ' A Squeaky Voice that Clicked! If George Burns and Gracie Allen had taken the advice of a brash, young radio executive, who auditioned them years ago, they never would have become the stars they are today. It happened when George and Gracie returned from a London tour where they did their first radio work on B.B.C. They liked radio, and upon their return to New York, contacted one of the networks for an audition. A young network publihser, after hearing them do a comedy routine, commented, "You'll never do for radio. Miss Allen's voice is too squeaky. Take my advice and stick to the stage." How wrong can a guy be? YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY Kate Smith 1:00. Kateds and Katydids; Virginia Sales monologist. Matinee Theater 8 :00. "I Can't Escape" Onslow Stevens, Lila Lee. . Burns and Allen 8:30. Blanche buys a mink stole, with out her husband's knowledge and hides it in the Burns' home; George finds it and hides it at their house, Gracie ' reports to the police that the stole has been stolen. Ford Theater 9 :30. Merle Oberon as famous dress de signer whose entire life has been planned to revenge a cruelly broken marriage in "Allison, Ltd." . - Hollywood Wrestling 10:30. Tag-team; Joe Pazandak and Lou Newman vs. Hombre Montana and the Zebra kid. Hans Schnabel and Pat Meehan in semi-main. Nit Owl Theater 11:30. "Desert Victory." Rout of Rommel's Africa Corps by the British 8th Army." On Television KPTV (Channel 27) fOnly proarama ethedtiled in advance. MARR RADIO .' and ' ' ' TELEVISION INC Salem's Most-Complete Television Center 2140S.CWI Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV THURSDAY 1:00 4:11 4:31 4:4 1:00 00 4:10 I to 1:00 1:10 1:45 1:00 1:30 1:00 :I0 10:00 10:31 11:10 11:00 12:30 1:00 3:00 3:10 3:00 . Metlnea Theater , earch for Tomorrow . Lot of Lift , stranaer Than Fiction , Homer Doody . Ranit Rider . Dous Edwards, Mewa .Tim tor Beany Mr Hero .Dinah Shore " Newi Caravan i. Qroucho Marx ,. Eurns and Allen .The unetpected , Ford Theater Martin Kane. Detective i Hollywood Wrestllnt . Nile 01 FRIDAY " . Bii Parol! Welcome Travelera i. Kate Smith .Double or Nothlni Strike It Rich Matinee Theater NATURAL OIL Shampoo You will be happy that you tried ft, or you can return the unused portion and set twke your money back. "One Good Shampoo For The TPholt Family" urn It ii worth your while (o try V I r W S I has w f sy Television BLACKMER 4:1 4:30 6:00 S:S0 1:00 4:10 l:4 .1:00 1:40 1:00. 1:30 0:00 0:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:10 , Search for Tomorrow .Lor of Life .Terry and Pirates .Roy Roaers Cleeo KM . Doui Edwards, rlewa , Time for Beany , caralcade of Sporta Newe Caravan Abbott and coatells Tou Acted for It But story .Dennis Day , Chance of Lifetime . Adolph Menlou i. Club Embassy i Life of Riley .Nit Owl Many Inquiries Reach Chamber The Salem Chamber of Com merce is receiving many in quiries from industrial con cerns in the east and elsewhere that desire locations for branch establishments in the north west, with a preference for the Willamette valley. Negotiations have been ODen- ed with "several of them and assembling of information is being made for others. At present the names of none of the concerns are being reveal ed. To facilitate negotiations the chamber has prepared a pros pectus giving the statistics de sired by practically every con cern that makes inquiry, in cluding the labor situation, transportation facilities, popu lation, climatic conditions, etc. The Industrial Development Council of the chamber is tak ing cognizance of all inquiries. Trial Dates Set Portland (U.R) Three men involved in Oregon's Indian land case were scheduled today to face trial during June on three separate indictments pre sented' by U.S. District Judge Claude McColloch. MOTOROLA SALES 4 . ' SERVICE STATIONS, INC. 365 N. Com'l Ph. 3-4163 i FREE 10-FOOT MAST AND ANTENNA ' COMPLETE WITH MAST 90 DAT SERVICE fCHICY ON ALL CROSLEY 21" CONSOLES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Alio On Ytar Guarartlct en All Ports and PicturtTub HOCKER HARDWARE 990 S. Commercial Optn Sundoyi Girls Winners At Sweet Home Sweet Home Girl itudentt in the senior class o( the Sweet Home high school have won all the high honori of the year ac cording to Harold C. Dihow, principal. ' The first 10 high grades were made by girl students, with the top boy students scor ing in 11th and 12 place. Selected as valedictorian with highest grade was Doro thy Ann Dishaw. Salutatori an, with second highest grade, is Joanne Donahe. , The next 10 students in the order of grades made are Ida Faye Cole, Barbara Hoy, Tru dy Hawley, Ruth Martin, Glor ia Calderon, Janet Kartexold, Gayle Holten, Arlene Casebere, Faye Rice, Rosemary Sljota, Edwin Ledford and Ronald Thomas. - Baccalaureate services will be held in the high school ai ditorium May 24. The speaker will be Guy J. Wright, presi dent of Northwest Christian College at Eugene. Commencement exer c i s e s will be held in the school audi torium May 29 when the speak er will be Elmo Stevenson, . president of Southern Oregon I College of Education. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, April 16 -Organized Naval Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve training cen ter. Battery D, 732nd AAA.AW bat talion, at quonset huts on Lee street. Company D, 162nd regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. Friday, April 17 , Seabee reserves, at Naval and Marine Corp Reserve training center. Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19 Naval Air Reserve squadron, AAU 883, at Naval Air 1 acuity. Special Rate Oregon's veterans with a 25 per cent or more disability are being reminded by the slate departraeni of veterans' affairs that they are entitled to a fishing license for the special rate of 50 cents, A hunting license may be purchased for the same price or a combined fishing-hunting license may be gotten for one dollar. New appli cants must submit a disability statement from the federal veter ans' administration and a nota rized statement from a witness testifying to Oregon residence with the application lor the licenses. However, those who had the spe cial license last year need only to submit their old license in apply ing. Men now on active duty are en titled to Oregon fishing and hunt ing licenses at the regular resident fee. Back From School Dallas Recently returned from Infantry school at Fort Bennine, Ga. where thev took a 15-week company grade officers' course were three on leers oi l ame com Danv. 99-nun: 162nd Infantry regi ment, Oregon National Guard, The trio included L.I. can wood, 1,1. Darrell Jackson and Lt. George CantrelL all of Dallas. Caot. . h. ViUwock. commanding officer of the company, nas announced mat the outllt will spend May a ano ) on the rifle range at Camp Adair as part of its training program. Promoted TnVin rr W .Qmlfh nlim man stationed at the Klmpo Air Base, Korea, with the air force, has been promoted to an airman, second class, effective April 1. The air force man, who Is slated to leave for the States In late August of this year, recently returned from a trip through southern Korea, visiting Kimpoo, Pyong, Yong Dong Po, Suwon, Asan, Teaon, Taegu, Sam-nan-Jln and Chin Hae. He reported that the cherry trees were in blossom and the southern part of Korea very pret ty at that time. Chleesa Livestock Chlcaao ( Sleulhter steer and yearllne started about steady Thursday but lata tradlns was definitely weak. Heifer were strons, cows and bull about steady, and vealera were firm. Three lolda of Nebreska ateera held above 133.50 per hundred pounds. Sal able cattle tutaled 3.500. Hose, ealabla 8,500, were fairly active and steady to 15 eente hlaher on but chers, with welshU around 300 pound! and above only steady, sows wer steady. The ho top was 13300. Slauihter Iamb wer active and atronr, with th tap B0 cent hither at I24.S0. Slaushter ewe were steady and fairly active, aelllnt at 37.00 to 110.00. Salabl iheep totaled 3.300. Farllint. MTiMfxlt Portland (UKr Olllft: 1M: rtivf, itendy; food fed xteer 31. 1.0-29. 2ft; utili ty iteeni cinntr-tuttfr eowi 1.50; bulli 1.M-1. ' Hot: 300; tctlvt, 3Sc higher; choice 1. 3 butchen 180-335 lttn. 34-34. &0: 340. ! 360 lhK. 33: eh oict 400-500 lb. ion 30.51- 1 31: muter weithu ai.fto. I Aheep: 100; alow; no tir)y t; choice prim lamb 3131.50; WtdnenlBy; food j tlft u httr twei f .50. Fartlinf Kiit'ltU Marktl I Portland QPj W Ilia me tit taller ra Idlihe told (or 10 centj a dourr bunrhe todar on tha Portland Kaatjidt Farmerj WholBlf Product market. Other olfer Inti wtrt limited and prlcej wirt nornl i nal. j On whole a It row, Yakima valley ii. 1 parafUA broutht I4.M-4.7I a 34-lb. pyramid. SWEET HOME WINNERS 1 wCr A) - ; 1 W - ' : ; Dorothy, Ann Dishaw, left, named valedictorian of the senior class at Sweet Home' high school, and Joanne Donahe, salutatorian. Patch Heads County PTA Dennis Patch of Salem was elected president of the Marion County Parent-Teacher Associ ation Council at a meeting held Wednesday night at the Salva tion Army citadel. Patch succeeds Mrs. L. S. Shuford of Salem who served two successive terms of a year each. The other county ' officers elected Wednesday night were: Vice president, Mrs. Clifford Calkins of Silverton; secretary, Mrs. B. D. Peyton of Keizer; treasurer, Mrs. O. . Olson of Silverton. Patch and about 15 other members of units in Marion county will go to Medford next week to attend the state con vention. Marion county has 21 units, most of which were represent ed at the meeting Wednesday night. Detroit Reservoir Boatman Rescued Detroit Detroit lake was the scene of a boating accident Tuesday evening, the first near casualty to occur on the newly filled reservoir. Fortunate victim was Ercel Ingram, whose motor boat cap sized at a point near Mongold. Friends of the youth who had been with him earlier in the boat reported the accident to Wayne Woodward of Idanha. Woodward, with his son Dick and Harvey Hanson, drove to the lake and launched their boat to assist Ingram who had perched for an hour on his overturned craft. .. Ingram wore a life jacket and was unhurt, though thor oughly chilled. ' ! CbleaM Grain Chlcaao (PyA little eaulne-w In wheat and a allKhtly firmer tone In old crop joybcana provided the only feature of dull seaslon on the board of trade Thursday. Heavy auppllea of caih wheat couratPd buying In that commodity. Old crop aoybeann attracted demand because of limited offering of cash beam by the country. Wheat closed H to 1 cent lower, May $3.18-11. IB', corn wan Vi to S lower, May $l.S7ft-, oala wer unchanged to V hlaher. Mar ?44-tt. aotbeaiu 4 low er to , hlfher, May M.OS-S, and lard was I cents lower to 3 cent a hundred pounda hither. May 110.55. Farttant drain Portland Coarae a rains, no sins. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, baals Nn. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3.43; fioft Whlta (excluding; Bex) 3.43; Whlta Club 3.43. Car receipts: wneat it, oariey a; nour corn 4: natj 1: mill fed J. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Miss Anna Peters Mie. Anns Peters. 87. died Monday evening, April 13, at her home, Rt. 1, Box 404, Dal las. A resident of the com munity for 63 years, Miss Pe ters was born March 18, 1885, in Russia, her parents being David Peters and Helena Frei sen Peters. Leaving Russia in 1879, Miss Peters lived in Man itoba, Canada until 1890 when .h mmt. tn Dallas. On Satur day Miss Peters would have celebrated her 8Btn oirinoay. Services were held at the T4nllmnn Chanel at 2:00 D.IT1. Thursday, April 16, Rev. John Franz officiating, curiai was in the Salt Creek cemetery. Survivors include David B. Peters of Dallas, a brother; and many nephews Bno nieces. Mrs. Helen Pranrl Gervais Mrs. Helen Thel mi Prentl, 29, died in a Salem hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Pran- 1 un. hnrn Mav 16. 1923. at Hals, Kan., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Staab of Sa lem. They came to Salem in 1939. She married Carl Prantl Oct. 7, 1950 at Gervais. Surviving beside her hus band and parents are two daughter, Carta and Linda; and the following brothers and sisters: Renins Cathcart, Co quille; Lucille Prockish, Mor ella Pfcifcr, Conne Staab and Marcel Staab, all of Portland; Anita Weber, Victoria, Kan.; Rozella McGuire, Prinevllle; Norma Gregory, Arlln, Mcl vin and Bcrnice Staab, all of Salem. The rosary will be re cited it 8 p. m. Thursday and Friday it the Unger Funeral Horn it ML AngeL stocks: tBr The Auoctatod Prill Admiral Corporation ., Allied Chemical Allla Chalmers American Airlines .... , American Power ft Llgb American Tel Tel . American Tobacco Anaconda Copper ,.... Atchison Railroad .. Bethlehem fit el Boeing Airplane Co....',,,., Borg Warner Burrows Addlm UachU California, Packing Canadian Pacifk ,,,,, Caterpillar Tractor , Celaneat Corporation ,. , Chrysler Corporation Cltlaa Service ; Consolidated EdUon Consolidated Vulle Crown Zellerbaeb ...... .v.. ..... Curtlaa Wright ... Douilui Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak - Emerson Radio General Electric Oeneral Poods ...,..,." General Motor 1 Georgia Par. Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestaks Mining Co. International Harvestei International Paper ..- John Manville Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewe Incorporated , Long Bell 31 10 S3 "4 ia it ise v 31 OS 63 41 "A im. 36 S 3S nv-x 3t It 10 1ST, lfiS t 5 40 13 60S ft4 , C3 . IBS . S3 . 3BH , ,3014 Montgomery Ward Naah Kelvlnator New York Central ..,. Northern Pacific Paclflo American Pish Paciiic C-u tjit Rlectrlo Pacific lei & Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C , Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. . Republic 6tee Reynolds Metala Richfield Oil Aafeway Stores Inc. ,. 33 31 11 3TI lies sv. 30 . 33U , 16 , Wi , 'i . 49"i . 61H . 35V , 1 , SBVe . 34 . 45 . 54 . 11! . 35 ! 37! , 374. . ITMi , 40 .lOI'i . 39 34 1 acott Paper Co Bears, Roebuck ft Co. I Socony. Vacuum Oil Routhern Pacific Standard oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift ft Company Transnmrrica Corp. Twentieth Century Poa... Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United State Plywood........... United 6i a tea Steel ... Warner Pictures Weotern Union Tel WeMlnghoune Air Brak Wpxtlnahnuss Electric Woolworlb 31 3' 17 41 3'i 45 45 Stark Market New York m The Itock market hunt rlaht aroun kteed center Thursday with price cheiu'r seldom mors than s small fraction either war. Moet of the time the market leaned alfxbllr hlaher, but th overall aaln wan small. Tradlne was at a alow pace an esti mated million and a third hres for the entire day. Wednesday total came to 1,550,000 aharee, Personnel inspection of the men of the surface division is set for Thursday evening and after this the inspection group will visit the class rooms and observe the training. Before leaving they will hold a criti que and discuss the findings of the inspection. I Funeral services will be it 1 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Sac l red Heart church, Gervais, Burial will be in the church cemetery directed by the Un ger Funeral Home. Edmund W. Adkihs Albany The funeral will be held here Friday for Ed mund Wayne Adkins, 48, Kla math Falls, formerly of Alba ny, who was fatally injured Sunday at Klamath Falls in traffic accident. Services will be held at the Fortmlller-Fred-ericksen Funeral Home at 2 p. m. Burial will take place in Willamette Memorial park. Mr. Adkins was native of Albany, and lived here until 1936, when he was transferred pany, to Klamath Falls. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Fanny T. Middlclon, Port land; three brothers, Lawrence, Albany; Alfred, Beaver Creek and Dell Adkins, Portland, and by a sister, Alice Adkins, Port land. Sterling Turner Amity Sterling Price Turn er, 90, former rcsiden'. of Sheri dan, father of Leon Turner, McCoy and Gladys Wakefield, Madera, Calif., . died Sunday, April 12 at Madera, Calif. Funeral services will be held F-ldiy it S p.m.. Macy's Chapel, McMinnville. Interment will be in Bethel cemetery. Mr. Turner was born Oct. 4, 1862 In Sheridan ind lived nearly ill his life there. He was I member of the Sheridan Christian church. His wife, Catherine, preced ed him in death. Besides the son and daughter, three grand children survive. M ARK E T QUOTATIONS ro.TLAND raoooci ust Itnlat TMtatle. sublwt w la. .dlat chans: Prmlaaa .uality, maxl ua .31 .f en par cent acidity d. In fortl.nd tt-11 Ib.l tlrell oual Ity -lcl col .uallly, -. Valley rwute and country potnta. S cents lu. B.liss Wholasal f.s.b. bulk cub ta vholals trade AA tl aeort Me; A srad It acor. J4et B, SO acorfc 3ei C, a ecr, S3. Above prlc. atrlctly Banual. CaiM. aslllBs Brie. 't' Portland wholMalera, Orefoa auulea il-4act Oratw t Ik. lost. 4l-llCi Itlpleu. 1 Ua the. alnales. Baas t. Wfe.lae.lere Cendlad ecu eatalnlns n. lou. caae Included f.o.b. rorlland, A trade larsa, IS-llc: A trade medium, 5-Ifcs B trad lare. Il-i3e. rerlla.4 Dairy Hirket Batter Prlc. to retahcra: Orad AA prmt, flct A carton, 13c: A prints. Ilo; arton, 13et B prints, Uc. Kts-T. rttautra, orad AA lart. tic: A Uric, si-OOci AA medium, aoc: A medium,, aae: a small, nominal. Car tons, so aoditionai. ;.. pric to rettuere. Portland. oreson alntles, 41-aOct S-lb. loaeea, 53-imct triplet!. 1 leu than iln tlea. Prtmlura brands alnalea, ISttel loaf, joc. Proeesied American choeta, l-lb. loavea I, retail. ll-l. lb. P.altry lit snieieu (No. l .ueiiir. i.e.b. Planta.) rryara, 1-I lbs., lie: II lbs Slei roaeters. 4 lbs., and over, lie: heavy bens, all welihl, 34-35C1 llfht bns, all velfhta. I3-33CI old loastara, H-lle. Dveu4 CklekM Prjere, 1V.-J lba. 43-4SC1 roaiurs, 3-44ct lleht bene. 31 3lcr heavy bene. 3S-37el out up trrra, all welehte, 43-44c. abblte Averaa. u trowersT Llv whltea, 4-1 lbs., 15-lle: l-l lbs., 11-15 lb., old does, 10-14ci few hither. Presh dressed fryer to retallera, HtC4ci cut UP, fl-l8C C.nlry Killed Meals ' ' Vest Top Quality, 31-43. Ib.l youth beavlea, 35-33c. uu blockere, 30-310: sows, llthl 3I-3IC. Lambs Top trad aprlniere, 40.43c: other trades, aceordlnt to duality. - Molten Beet twee and wether- le- lSc lb. -' Beef Utility cowa, 11300 lb.: canntr cuttera. 33-3IC, ehella down to Sic. . Freeh Dreeeed Meets Wholesaler to retailer! Dollara per ewt.:. Beef (leers, choice 100-100 lbi.. 37.00-40.00: tood, 30.00-30.00: commerclel 33.00-37.00: utility, 31.00-34.M: cows, commerclel. 30.00-33.00: utility.- 11.00- 31.00: cenners-cutters, 3S M-3I.M. Beef Cats (Choice ateera). Rind nuances. 45.00-50 00: rounds, 45.00-11.00: full loins, trimmed. 11.00-11.00: trl- .ntlu. 30.00-33.00: fore-.uartara. 13.00- 3S.OO; chuck. 17.00-41.00: NO. 41.00 53.00. Veal aood-chotca, 143-53.50; commer cial, 131-45. Calve Oood-choic,. 143-52.50: com mercial, 137-41. Larnbe Prime eprlntera. 40-50 lb., I43-4&: lOOd, 140-44. aood choice, 117-30. P.rk Can Lome, Mo. 1. S-13 Ibe., 150 55: shouldere, 18 lbi., 133-30: epnrerlba. 145-40: fregh hams, 10-14 lbs., ar5-59 Smoked Haas Skinned. 151-63.50 Ra. fined lard In drums, 111.50-15; slab bac on. 141-50.50. ' Portland Mteeellaneeae Celery Cel. flat crate, 1-1 dot.. 13.35-4.36. Pew to 14.50. Ore., 03.35 13.50. Onlene 60 lb. sacks West Oreton yel low., medium, 2-ln. mln., No. 1. 3.35. 3.50; 3-Inch, 14.10: No. le, 13.50-9.16: boilers,' 10 lb. sects. 46-41c: Idaho yellowe, larae. 11.50-6,00: No. 1, white. larte. 4.10-5.00. PIMs Ore.-Wesh. Russets No 1, 54.50-5.35, nam brands to 15.50; bakere, 6.00-50 : 35 lbs. alee A. 1.40-65: 10 lb. mean. 58-63c; paper. 30-63c; No. 3. 50 lb... 1.50-66: Idaho Russets, No. 1A, On-t.OO: 6-10 lb. bales, 3.30-60. Hay D. S. No. 3 treen alfalfa, de. Ilvered ear lot f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 635.00 ton; Seattle, 636. Wool Qreese basis, Willamette Vet. ley medium, 60-62c Ib.t Eastern Oreton line and half-blood. 66-63C. nldee Calves, 10-31C lb. aceordlnt t weienta: treen kips, 17-loc: bulla. 4-5o; treen butcher cow hldee, 1-lc. Filberts Wholesale eelllnt price No. 1 lerte Bercelonaa, 34-3AC Ib.l trower prices, orchard run. 14-160 lb. Walnnla Wholesal aelllnt price, first duality larte Franqueltee, 33-33o lb.t trower price, orchard run, 15-lSe lb.. I lew beat t. lie. . SALEM MARKETS Caaapllei Iroia rtparta of Haleai daalara . .lor Ibo Bid aae t or capital joaraai raadtra. (RTiit4 alally.) flail Fcrd Prleaa: Babbit Pallcta 13.91 HO- lb. bail. 6U-5.0 liCO-lb. ban. Etc Math 15.20-5 70. Dairy Fatal - a.ft5-S.ll tla lb. bait 14.0.1-5.16 1 10 - '. Pa a) try Baring Prleaa Colored Irrera. aoc; oia rooatera, itc; colored fowl. 3Sc; leihora low I, JJc; roaileri, SOo. Eatai HujrfBr Price Kan, AA. 4Bc; larae A. 47-45c; medium AA, 49c; medium A, 4, -50c: amall. 40c. Wfat.le.ale Prlea Bit wholeaala orleea centrally a-la blfber than the prleaa above. Larva trade A generally ejuottd at tic: medium, Bflc. a BatlerfaiV-BuTlng price; Premium. tO- 71r: No. 1. I7-4SC: No. 2. 66c. Batter Wholeaala arade A parch meDt. Ilo Ib.i retail, lie. Chicago Onlone Chicago to..) Supplies llilit. demand fair at allahtly higher prleaa. market allahtlr monger. Track aalea (SO lbe ): U. I. 1 qaullty utile is otherwUe atated: Texaa Cryatal Wax a to l-lnch car 1.11; rQana J-lnch and larger approximate car J.00; Yellow Bermuda t to -lnch aome outatandlng quality aprpoxlmau 4' care 1.11. street galea 150 Iba.): Idaho and Ore gon Apanlah l-lneh and larger 3.7 3,3; (ew beat IHi mldweat medium Yellow Globe ftw .TO; Texaa Yellow Bermudaa I-inch and larger few 1.65, 2 to 3-Inch 1.10-1. 1ft: lew 1.10; Orano 3-inch and larger 3.15-3.38; 3 to I-Inch few 1.7S; Cryital Wax to 1-Inch 3.00- DEATHS Prank B, lalleaberger Pranklln B. flollenberger. are f. tui ed away at hla home. Aalem. Route 1. Burviverj by hla wife, Muuette; Bollen- nrrirr, on mm. Memoer oi Orange. Announcement later by Howell- bo wardi oo. Martla Carl Memea U art In Carl Monaon at a loral htuu Pltal April 14. Late reiki nit 173S Bo Capitol It.. Balem. Burrlved by wife, Lilile Uonaon, Balem; eon, Louli Riehter; taleri, Mr. Anna Conrad. Longdate. Calif.; Mrl. Mabel flhiw, Longdale, Calif.; Mri. Florence Bcudder, Loi An eelea, Calif.; Mra. Hulda Benaon, Bt. Paul, Minnesota; brother, And.ew Mon aon, Wheatoa, 111.: two grandchildren. Aervlcei to ba held at VlriH T. Oolden Chapel Friday, April 17 at t p.m., with interment at City View Cemetery, Rev. Harold Hamilton officiating. RltucllMIe aervkM by A Inn worth lodia. No. 301. A P. Je A.M. Mlaa Edaa Maa Weal UUl Edna Maa Weal, late riu4nt of lbi Market Bi., m a local hospital April 13. Burrlred by aunU, Mra. Alice Naah, Salem, Mn, Kva Haya, Seatlle, waAn., aire. Lucy Bernelt. CaiiitAit Calif., Mra. Clara Hotter. Van Nun calif. t uncle. Char lea Ron, iVinora, (-mi,, ano numeroua roiwini, Bervlcea will ba held Friday, April 11 at 1:)0 pm. In Clough-Barrlck Chapel with Inter ment la BtMereat Memorial Park. Dr. Paul H. Poling win officiate. Laalaa Paaleea Loulne PauUen. at the rilii ! nt I. Habbard. Ore., April 1ft. Survived hv htuband, Juliiu N. Paulien. Hubbard; three alilcra. Mri. U F. Erode. Clover- dale, Ore.; Mra. May Irwin, Salemi Miu uaura ciarg, coiinn. Calif. : three broth- era. Thorn i a H. Clark and Albert Clark, Balem; Herbert Clark, Portland. An nounce menu later by Virgil T. Oolden 170. Helen Slab Prantl Helen fliaab Prantl, at a tncal hoipital i u onipmvn. orrn mane ay eiAeia W wa - k. ... w. . i Home, Ml. Aniel, Or., lor aarvlcu and MISCELLANEOUS ME-HIVI ' TROCU D-DUtVB MOVB TODRULP aUVI PICKUPB BTAKEI TAN TEXACO STATION IS COURT ST. PHONI 3-1131 PAQI STSVINiJON asvd At talPPOIUI SALXM BAND OBAVItl. COMPANY Contract Woik Road CUarlnt - Dltehtnf - ' Bewer and Basement ' Kulpment Rental . Dltchlnt by the Pool Phon. D.ya 3-1401 . Iru. 1-4411 or l-llil ' Balem. Oreton mt naauTsr. T .mi. s-mt. aniviCB in most casks ' DR niBWV iniln r.wunaH. Adolpb Bldt., Stau at Commerclel ata. . rn. s-asii m For SaU MISCELLANEOUS PKRSONALLT DKSIONID hand made aunt covere, for twin bade and double beda. Call Cor appointment.. 1-1071. . nil OTPOINT BANOI, Sea. See at Ruse after 3. nil MeCIILLOCH CHAIN SHwi, 0 Idt water, weet naiem. Baiem Lottlnt Sup ply. Pb. 4-1641. B STUL clothesline poets, planters, rall ies poron columns, furniture. 1141 N. Liberty. 111 (M ALLOWID for your .Id water beater n Mil. new ez-vailon automailt aiM- Irle water heater. Yeater Appliance, 311 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n1 FARM Ht)ME GARDEN Rotted manure, core posts, th same tuallty a leal year, (or home and tarden. Platetonee, rd lav. aton and other type for wall r tardena. Rua tle cedar fenelbi and trellis work. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Bos 411, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. p. USED waahlnt machines, II.IS and up. ZCA-iKH srrLUHCi cq., 376 Che meketa. n SALES! DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnae for truckB and tractors. I77S silverton (toad Gravel and Sand Anytblnt tn travel, wholesale and retail, valley sand at ORAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. n CHICKEN FERTILIZER 11.00 Per sack or to w per yard. 3-3330. n!3 ZENITH CONSOLE RADIO. Very tood condition. Phon I-5O30. i nil . METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental -types, residential and Induatrial. No Job toe Ian or too small. Material only or job com pie le. Pre estimates. BORKMAN LBR. HDW1. CO. 4W Btate atratl , Ph. t-im BABT GRAND nlano. 1315. Frank Holoubek. Rt. 1, Box 81. Brooks. Ber north. n93 PRKR WeaUnihouta aewina machines on an noor BampwaV Bare up to 46, YEATER APPUANCX CO., lit Che meketa. n1 PLASTI-KOTE require no wailnt. For your noora or itnoiaum. teatir ap pliance CO.. 375 Chemeteta. n t'KDAR TELEPHONE and llwtrlo poles, lence piuis, irean posts, ano stake. Phillips Bros., Rt, J, Boa 403. 1 .miles cant oi a uornera. rn. -3oai. n USED WEBER Pountainetta With com pressor, very tood condition. 4 pumpa, syrup Jars, 2 draft arms. Phone i on," n94 REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. yeater APPLIANCE CO., in Che meketa. n DEEPFREEZE homo freeters. YEATER ArruAnCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n hospital RED (or sale or rent. B. L. MHt Furniture Co. Phont 3-fcl8l. b TOP SOIL River, Bill and fill dirt, prompt de- livery, rn-ine I-uet. ORGANIC rtBTILIZER. Pre of weed aeeoa, and odorieaa. sack or bulk or- dera delivered.. Phone 3-1137. all FKRTILIZUR Pulverlied. rotted manure, oenrerea anywhere. 3-0774 or 3-6073, nil Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBV WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-5110. na ELECTRIC J-S110. BANOts. woodrr'a. rh LOGS WANTED Stud Mil). Length r 4" or ir I". Diameter to 11" Sawmill, Lint the 13' and longer. Diameter I" ta 10' Top prlcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Phone 113ft na NURSERY STOCK1 CHOICE GLOXINEAS now blooming. Vliltore welcome at Salem'a African Violet hcadquartera. Fuchala, Petunia, torn a toe bedding plant. Oppen'a Oreenhouae. 4330 Auburn Rd. wblH AZALEA TIME li here again. We have a wide range of colore with prlcea from 350 up. Salea yard 3130 N. 1th. Strayera Aaalea Garden, 65ft Locuet Bt, mbia HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camemaj, con if era, boxwood. Ph. 331R3. 3497 Hollywood Drive. mblOR PERSONAL BUSRANDSt WIVES! Oet Pe., Vim: feel rounaer. Trr OSTREX TONIC TAB LETS todsr. alee onlr lie. In flslem at rarleas: ale. ev erywhere. p91 WANT ADDRESS lor hearlna aid aaener, 1 " atrn.., urans naie, uen, ue livery, Albany. pflj ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. i. sue n. t7ommercll. Ph. 3-B41I or 3-4537. not. BOATS FOR RALE Beacon rubber boat, 10-foot, v.. tow, nini once, rump and Beau.. It No. lllh. Tel. .410. oall PRICED FOR Immediate aelei '43 Chris r.i. cruiser, live' beam, 40" dralt. Powered by 315 HP. Q. M. dlesel enilnc. Cost over 118,000 to convert. Will eell for half or make offer. See Jt Salem Boat House or phone Selem t!t "it inriiiiiirnrniiii t'st j j 5 Interest If von have Idla funds aeeklnt In vestment, then you are the type of Person to whom w can be of aervlce. For over Teara we have been helplnt people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durlnt this period w have promptly paid St Interest permeate totallln, many Thouaands of Dollars. We are currently paylnt It INTEREST n funds from IS0O to 15000. General Finance Corporation He BI r-nw vn ... . . Salem, Oreton Phone i-llll , r" SEE US FOR FARM, CITY Oft ACREAOE uuAno-nWi S)r TERMS WE BUY Real estate morltaiai a) contract State Finance Co. isi so. Rith at. ph. i-tiii Lie. S-133 and M-331 and ROY n SIMMONS INBtlRANCK AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" II Al Dally KftLM I1H Re. OENERAL PIN A NCI CO. LOANS 131 le. Commercial at. Tel. I-llll PRIVATE MONET Special Rata and Terraa On Larter to. n. Lona and Short Tim. Paymente ROT N. SIMMONS (o. Commercial Sk PR. l-lltl FINANCIAL MONEY PROBLEMS? Ut ua take the ifs" out of your ntoaejr problems. Up to 1300 m small loau. Up t 104 on auto loam. STATE FINANCE CO. S-311 M-331 Phone 34131 in S. Blah SI. r4 AUTO LOAK3 wniAurrrs cRtorr co. . , 1S3 South Churck Parktnt .-Plenty Ph. 1-3111 Ua. N. M-I50. S-154 LOANS ' UP TO $1500 , on fliinaturt. IMrnltura, Oar AT PERSONAL It'a "yaa" proBpUf to mplorad man or woman. 1-rUlt loan . . . phtva flritu Tou aelact bait parmaat data. - Betwttn payday toana. Phooa, write or coma 1b TOD ATI Personal Finance Co. 195 RIOR BT., BALBkl tata Ucansa No. C-123, IbVIM Loan ovar I1M up to HftOf and up to 10 month to rapay mad br Person aj Plnanea Co. jf Marlon County under the Indiutrlat Xoan Companlaa Act of Oreicn. TtM TRAILERS- r UTILfTT TBAHEB with hitch, tarp. and spar, wheel 6W.- 1US s. loth. - . til t-WHEEL TBAILES atructed. 3058 N -New bed, well eofi Uberty. tit HOUSE TRAILERS Buy ... Bartalns . . . Sell LANA LANI TRAILKR PLAZA Trade . 1640 Lancaster Ave. . Rental i- i . ta83 17 FT. HOl'SI Trailer. Eaacellent con , dltlon. Sleeps four. J. H. Blum. Qutna by Rd. Phone 30001. taSI DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES ' AU rnakea used maahlnu sold, renUd, rpalrcd. Roen, 411 Curl. Ph. 3-1173. ..... BULLDOZING Bulldoslna road, elaatlst teeth, vino. Huskej. 1018 ralrvlew, ph. S-I14S. OlS BUILDING MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wrecklna Co. BtjUdera cheap auppllea. 3-7291 avenlnta. oai" O. W. KLANQ wrecklnt Co. Builders' ehaap auppllea. S-73IS Tplnw. oils CASH REGISTERS Imtant dellrery of pew RCA eaak realstera. All piaies. aold. ranted, re paired. Roen, 481 Court, Ph. 3-87T3. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowlni, dtsclni. aeedlsa. Ford equip ment. Marshall, 4311 Market. Phon. 3-1343. OIOS DRESSMAKING AlUretloPB. hamatltehlna, button, buoklea ooeered, butunholaa. lira. II. M. Allender. 3-1111. olM DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drlya the "Eesy Drlre" way. call or aee Mr. aneUini, Valley Mo tor Co- Salem. Pbona 1-3141 or t-1014. EXCAVATING Ben Otjen St Son. Bxcav.tlnt, trad Ini, land clearlna. Phon. 3-1080. .113' FURNITURE BEFINISHTNO Furniture reflnlahlnt. repatrwd. Kd ear Brock, 484 Norway Bt. Phon. 1-8381. 0 INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrip, aluminum screen. Fre. tBtlmatea, T. Pullman. Ph. 3-318S. 0113 MATTRESSES . Capitol Beddlnt, renovetes, Fuii -uD. new mattressee. Pb. 3-4088 . o OFFICE FURNITtiRE SUPPLIES ' Desk chairs, files, flllnt supplies, saiea, dupllcatotra, auppllea. desk tampa, type writer atanda. Roen, 451 Court. o SRARFENIN'G AND BEPAIB SERVICE Obert's Sharpenlnt and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowere, knleea, ahcara, bi- cycle, and amall motors. Ph. 34818 or 4.M83. 18th and "D" Ms. 0114 SEPTIC TANKS Mlke'a Beptlc Service. Tenke oleaned. D'rooter cleans eewere. drain. Phon. I-II8I. olio Hamel'a aeptle tanks cleaned. Un. aervlce. OuarantMd work. Phon. 1-140. OM" Sewer, aeptlo tanka, dralna elaanad. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phona I-833T. L. W. Caudle, epraylnt and prunlnt. Phone 4-1481. clot TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remlnfton. Royal. Un derwood portablee. All makaa Hied meehlnaa. Repalra St rent Roen. 4M Court. o TELEVISION TV salea. Service, Antenna. 1S7B Lann -Ave. Pbon 4-5811. oil Prompt televlalon and repair aervlc. Phona 4-SBtl. 7S Shrket, day or nltht. oils VENETIAN BUND LAUNDBT Oanfleld'e Laundry. Repairs. Reflnleh Int. 1440 8. 13th. Ph. 4-141)3. Pick-up. Delivery. MIS WINDOW CLEANING Acm. Window Cleanera. Induatrial floor waalnt, houaecleanlnt. Pbona 1-3337. . 347 Court, Personal To Women With Nagging Backache Naaalrjf baAaeh,pof ppanderTT aeadachea and dtaaineaa may be du toakrw. down of kidney function. Doetora aay tood , kidney function le very important to rood hralth. When aome everyday condition, auch an atreaa and at rain, eaiisea thie Important function toalow down, many folkaauirernav airif backache feel mlaerable. Minor triad der irritatlona due to cold or wrong diet map eaneeieltlnKupnlKhtaorfrequentpaaaarea. Don't neglect your kldneya If thee eondi tlona bother you. Try Doan'a PiUe- mild di uretic. It'a amaslni how many tltnoa Doan'a (Ira happy relief from thee dlacomforta- help the 15 mllce of kidney tube and flitero fluah out waete. Aek for new, larae, Konony aia and aave money. Get Doan'a PlUa todarl or. T. T. Lam, N.O. Dr. a, Chan R c DRR. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! Upstairs, Ml North LIbstsw Offle open Satnrday snip M to 1 .m, 8 to 1 pm. consultation blood pressure and urtna tr.te free f chart.. Praettced atwe. 11, Writ for ettrectlv. mtttTrnZ 1. tatlon. "rT-TTi Top wfifsfd tvllsy fof aasaj etytaW mamt wiorntterte, .srli jaV " i'sw rirtuTos hm rajtswl '.:'t-e-v-v-