Page 18 Thursday, April 16, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER ' AF Nfuturil CHAPTER ONE The boat chugged in from the ocean and made straight for Mu nicipal Pier. It looked ridiculously small to be carrying fish as well as iisnermen, out out went tne usual cloud of gulls to blot it from view. Then, suddenly, Ruth Car usie neara tne roars or Mr. Hut ford in rase. "Thieves!" he bellow ed. "Blasted, , bread - snatching wucvcai Fiercely the fat artist from Maine defended his own. He waved his straw hat, he kicked, he denounced the culls luridlv But food was food, and whimsical Rod Pantussl happened to be sprinkling a lot of it on the deck Denina me artists broad Dacx Then it happened. Rod cried a warning, but it wasn't heard. Oblivious to all but gulls and pelicans, Mr. Jiuriord stepped on a . fish. "Timber I" screamed Ruth from the pier. The man - mountain skidded, fought neipiessly lor his twiance. Came the crash I At which Dolnt he bellowed qultl" and once again the Carllsles had a problem on tneir hands. Ruth scowled. She went back to the bench under the awning and studied nancy s paie, wonting lace. wasn i it lime mao nancy rouno a new favorite? Hadn't penniless Mr. Hufford been the hotel's non paylne; guest long enough? "Your hero." she sighed. "What's the next bright idea?" Down the pier marched Seven teen to the berth of the Dauntless Me. As the fishing-boat came nearer she smiled alluringly at Rod in the bow. "Rod first," she announced grimly. "Or would you ratner see Johnny skulled first?' "It'd better be Johnny. Rod will toss you to the sharks." Sulking, the fat artist remained where he'd fallen. Spotting Nancy on me pier, ne waved a nam-iike hand, "I've quit. Nothing but buf- iconery ana a oiascea ocean and alimy fish I" Announced Caotain Johnny Lord: "You'll lose your pay, Huf- jie." "Blast it, I owe the hotel a hun dred dollars! "Well?" The great man struggled to his feet. Sunburned, wet, grimy, he made a saa signi alter nis iirst day as a commercial iisnerman Looking at him, Ruth felt pity, Then Mr. Hufford took up his po sition in the bow and, watching mm, she onangea ner mino. on viously rough treatment had been what Mr. Hufford needed. Clearly afraid to blunder, the huge artist am an mcreaioiy expert joo oi neiping 10 warp uie boat into we slip. Nancy Carlisle met her sister's amused eyes, and scowled. The wages happened to be grim neces sity. Their father had been pleas ant about it, but quite firm. It was pay up ay tne end oi tne next week, or be evicted. That had been the decision, and there'd been an expression on Mr. Carlisle's face that had clearly said he wouldn't compromise again. Ruth chuckled, enjoying the warm sun, the smells and sound of the sea, the haggling. "You're lucky," she told the fat artist. "You'll never meet finer men or do more important work. And doesn't it make you feel good to know that you're paying off your debt?" "Ill never eat another piece of fish I Don't serve it to me, because I'll send it back to the kitchen." Sadly the artist dropped a bucket overboard. "Blast it, I should be painting!" Ruth remembered the waiting Bob, and left. "All well?" Bob got out of the car and tossed a ciga rette away. "Do you think Fatso will live?" "All perfect. Bob. He may hate menial work, but he's sticking things out." Bob had more Important things on his mind. He wanted to ask the question of questions. He scowled. He turned his back on toiling Mr. Hufford and the im mense sea. He studied the rosy oval face, the lovely sight Ruth made In her beige wool dress. He wanted to kiss her then and there on the SDOt. He caught her arm as she nnirht to turn right Instead of continuing straight across Ocean Road to Henderson's ram. "No nonsense, Bob I Drat it, no I nonsense i' "We have to talk," he said stub bornly. "It's stupid to go on this way. we re inrowing youtn away, macs wnat. "That's a nice thing to tell glrll- "It's true." He led her Into the great park with its rolling lawns and masses I of trees. They'd played together I mere as cnuaren. "Nice," Intoned Robert O'Brien. "But the farm is nicer. Heaven's a farm in springtime, that's whatl I think. A farm's the only place to live. There's something perfect aooui living close 10 tne earui. Doesn't that appeal, Ruth? It was wistfully asked. Bob's face was flushed now with the intensity of emotion. His gray eyes contained an almost feverish glit ter. Along his left temple a tiny vein mroDoeo noticeably. "Isn't that the sort of life you want" , When she was in love a voice Inside her would tell her so. She'd know. There d be no doubts. there'd be uo fears, there'd be no reservations. Like a bell the voice f would be, and when It rang it would ring for happiness. Until then ... "The voice says nothing, Bob. m sorry. But there it Is. The voice Just says nothing." "And you teach school? Heaven neip me children you teach! They'll grow up to be fools!" He turned and left then. leav. Ins her alone. She felt sorrv for him. too. felt sorrv for him as she'd felt sorry for Mr. Hufford. But could a elrl marry a man she aian t iove7 utterly, utterly ridic ulous r Rising, she snapped her fingers I in tne iragrant air. (To Be Continued) Carol Curtis Pattern Pretty Smacking for Summer Wear. Perfect school wear when done In soft cottons and fine per calescharming as a party frock ii maae up in pastel or wnite organdy, silk or sneer cottons. Do tne smocking in bright colors if you use dark cottons or plaids; dark colored smocking on pastels. Transfer pattern for smocking Is Included in dress pattern which comes in sizes 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 years. Instructions are sketched in detail and careiuiiy explained. Send 30c for the SMOCKING transfer, tissue dress pattern (Pat tern No. 131) (Size 3, 3. 4. S. 6 years) YOUR NAME, ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER. PATTERN SIE to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, San r-Tancisco a, i;aw. "Pfllthatfilwier with Mcrton,fnend- WNIN IT RAINS IT POURS' lcAzi or plain ROOM BOABD By Ahren AMD ONLY MY FRIEND il'n'i UUCM THE PROPERTY HAS rfucnACNCOUS OIL POTENTIAL... tua!ly shows a poaof crude INONE PLACE....WEaN GET ; . cacP THE PROPERTY FOR, ' l -HICCDWATnC i-rr v.iCDC CI IPC HP 1 MAKING A MILLION APIECE "feW IT'S A GOOD M f THING, PUFFLE.VOUV - V INCOME TAX ON ' l THE BIG MONEY V YOU TALK AZ-L Ik tef' i ky7Fl0 "NE LEASE IlS - STEVE BOPER ' 1 l I f Ii D f D k Ai C I f tuic, m error iiu-imo enoco ... 1 r1 T TUOilfiHT YOU "M Y 1 DID BUT MAYBE IP VssH K A U I J . I 1 Va VJ f 44 VI J . irrnJ ..clock says your l would vou mind said rr was okav , better h you-where . ---- I'D SUES5 SHE WAS) GUESS IS SOOD. STICKING ABOUND f J TO LEAVE, v YOU'RE 60ING.' J ;' ,. . STRANGLED AROUND ytX500Rr-IT MUST SW INSPECTOR J v ; ' " : ' ' 101S. INSPECTOR jrtUvE BEEN DiSCON- C"7.V -r-jrN 8 rTv3V MZZ$K -6 " - tpil&ISlX lK WM:-9l FREE TV theatre; tin H BMJ-iy,M 1-1 Kil 1 V-' K m I I . wmvr r m wwm urn.? sll. V A i II VJ II i UI t :. . Jl I U Ml .nmenro '"" ""'I 1 rr '. . . . ruuu : . . j. .STTiiTTSvalf FRIDAY P.M. : i; iTMiWKIN'oeBBM'i TrctUSOB AN Vbuihuritfll nuuei . L I I VCX HBAKT I leases J NO iBusajae vfeEI . - ..... . , .. - ,..r i 'uMMisM kioai' jj ; . . ii , it . n. . i m ah-it about cue t ,:r-,r r;w irniN Kt-x kim KiiAh iKiir n SHifTl - teeming shore. AfVi,tSSiL,.J rTu " I ins ok imitatc a h umZT. 5 r..i h.,,., t.. t,.s.. ,id S, Sg igKi u i T VXZyvi temoeqt.ioa to me X H5BBfcJTVB eBP A TW 1 II m -r-NWHi6Tl.efl lt:3a p. luu H,., rrt Jck Owiot or wi sider mi. u., IWt. VSe NliT2 I lift mJlo'biSdi I g4LBHMTIPDTIteg A U Hlrf U:4 H1..I.C. H.... r,l J.rH Owe.. M..I. Sld M.l. L... ilr .i5iiri feartf bs-- na 'i, tT TT-Ca-jJ I ".iYy fl Mff 4 "1 If 7Tof M '4 TXV 1:45 w.. i. n ki,kk.. wi b Hpid.r m.j. u.. Tyvif'JSy' fvO as" -62t m 3 I WtijflHti I VllnivWri IWJI l'K "" ' w" Q"""' shop.,,. ... . M.t. M.i.d, vAjv 17 I I lft!,;f ' ' "v I S tl I LKUG&tM!skJl Mi lllfillllllll T rjjL . ' I H :0 aodfVtr Muil. Inn Qur Town Jim D.ndr si.r. Mti.i &tJ y II Wllrrie& I I 1 1 gLbmm A'KK Bill 1 PlUWlS-JSJ? I J:1S Tr.l.r O.dlr.y Bill RIii HV.odburo Jim D.ndr M.l.d, 14.17 . . . ii it, zts&tjmr md.7v iwaunaaMt inuiiiiamun iKes .. mum i im. mi lo.di,,, f.p aim in,.. Jim inn, im,. M,i.d, ORPHAN ANNIE v . ' i; eiitw w.ri uw i um. jiuhc .,m mm, i.n.,. ainod, I. ' :M LII.BtIII, KlrkblPJ Tlnr Tun. Foil. L.wli Klddl.1 Krnr Ht. M.lod, 1 "tI I r T"-, s an I I f :1S Muil. Boi Ruth Aihton Squltrtl O.c H.mlmw.p Muilc H.rl M.t., I I -!Lo..:TL" "J' TOUKt I I HERE WHEN W9 OWN'-JUST I II f , GOT DREftMS.TDO-0' BEIN ; I I Y?li ... '. .:.. v r.h.,.r KT..i. m " I I mXSiSL- npSLdco I V Wfl8 Wt UP' iu".' II A HOUSEWIFE-AIM TO MAKE 1 I i:S? u iiiii wir5 Iilir chil Builn wild Bill feu.i. m.,. v.i, r.,. I I SAYINQ EVERXTHINa I NEWSPAPER I II V C I DIDNT RUN T- III YWKXKUMemCTCic Mmi- I II l-il l. P.l..ii In.w. iB.b O.rr.d I Hlck.k ilUu.lelH.rl FIiIii IV 2U5 V. iRkll I H V( jrAVs ' I I J I :M t.lii Wllh T.olh . Wolherm.a G.b. He.tcr Mu.le M.rl C.ndl.Hilk" -AT 11 I I II ry' J I II ! I J:IS , J1"'" ' 9 oMIbl HmEdlllun JwJ,W)Jib Mj'jc M.,l IC.ndHIUlk I W'9 II I L -II I rt V ll-xll I :iti"d?c"" M."'t".ii. B.J'Butkii'p 8."'." al?n'oft"ft m'k' I l"-"-5 S 1 1 XY .1 I '1 I 3 SfflDln.h 8h.,.M,. J. C. FlrtM Jlm;,Fldlp Ro.. .r a. max y ,- jk. m xrjt-m iese. ei- es - . kl AV r I fjC77 .1 I I f ' I Ssljtotfliltn "U I . V I I :M Mm', Famll: L.Ta.pj.1 SynphM.tte lohp Stc.l. r,.ck 1490 .Ml i . SLrv' I . - III I II sty Iff ll 111 v HABOf bl im YTf v J I V B:15 Wsrld N.w. Om 8.k Byaiph.attl. AdT.nlarcr T,.ck 1190 Blll 'ly I II' III 1 fli 111 I 111' IsrSypjI ll'ltV 1 Z. Frtl.nd Eimh Fuf.rall H.rm.nle. KM J lpT I ' A III U AH I ' IlV V J Ii V 1:45 HII rar.d. E.r.p. Fpn Ur All Din. C.ncerl ' Track UM r 1 I IV V I I ! i II V rZ T I l' V f:00 ""' W.nt.Mr. tm Oi,l,- Gl H.rdr " " H9tT ? 1 1 "r .ijl'! ' I I ' III A WtJrn JH I L I 1:1.1 Mr. Ktf, B.rrlclt FoltM tncl, NH 1 1 hTi LTT)) J I i VI I I V yrr7lnt. Tl I II I I r V i:s rtwi J. 8ir cm., m.ic km ul ..fl.iv .ylX 1 - . V lilt l-rJ I I I 4 II 1 ,J M Tmm Jr. Ml.. Artkcr M..I. ' New. LIli ABNER . :m Reporter 5 Iter Flap Fln.l Edit. Beblnd 8l.r, Nliht ..." ' 11:15 Spprt. Pact lnl.rlw. Dane. Tip, Ncw.rel Mchl Bra SOOtS DAISY MAE BELIEVES V IT'LL BE CONTOOZIlJ7 I she'll kf tu pit-ucct mice ., V ' """" Clip Clak Daaea Tl. New. Mole D AHISrAAIP,VO'LLFV,VHERi4.W TO BEA rM I P BOV - JJ 11' WHAT?-AFrERAFEW : A..n.t T.Ik. P.... Tl,. Ollld.l D.I. ,," A DAY, OUTA MAM SALARY . AtJ'A J.IVE SaLT- WIMWaS'a n rfSrJ?ICHEST HOURS, THE NEW LAW TAKES TTju Nm ciiiiii PaacaThB7 Official Del vi 'B?A,h'ttr TAfLvi.MISYV lOTwy-Mafl irr'lLng CTfS HEJf EtWU.K 1:15 1 MeCall Cl.akr.aai Dane t!m Maii SSSSS rOCErJTSTOLIVEONr MAE'S FINIAMSHUI 1 I RE Agrr-- D ( ASStS JHfS WE r 1:M J'"c'" I"Mirp Da... Tl N.w. Nectar.! If- (TSA POBLUMS T 11 H-H ERJT j5SStK VfrTI r f 1 !4!' c" Da.c. Tin,. M..I. x.,i HOPALONG CASS1DI , . .... ' '- I I I ' , AjU f WELCOME TO TH' Z' LOAP tM I THEN THEKE'6 NO " 0U PON'T 6EE I I V tarafi- . aOli 7 . NEW BATTLE FER!W, V ABMRPWE'LL TOLL HAR6K ? ANY 6I6N RTEP, 1 TVdii SnT J tVENTS.'HOW MUH fiF FIFTY A 6ET YOU ARf765 CO WW ? I ilStnmWtSr SSSK5"nSS HtfcrWM GETT US RREDP f 3, MORGAN. UD. " " ' " fe Kll i SH 11 VST'A MARY WORTH ; ' '4? I 10UCMTHIS5P0T -V o "I I FIMT...I WANT TO A5 11 TZ I '-i- ! -PRIVATE ENOUGH! A YOU A SIMPLE QUESTION- -A I I T " r0. yougA Don't Blow Your Top You, too can own i beautiful . Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Liiu am. Ph. 31551 SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 f:0fl Muile Tin CBS Ntws Farm Honr Newi Saturday Western !:15 Maal Tin KOIN Kloek Farn Hoar Timekeeper Saluta Meladlet :Sfl Dart Weal KOIN KItek Farm Rear March Time Saturday Parm New :45 Serenade KOINKIck Farm Hoar NW Nwa Salnte Newi 1:60 Newa KOIN Klaek lit Edition Hemfnrwar Saturday KOCO Kloek 7:15 Naw Hear Newa Arremky Breakfait Salute KOCO Kloek Tbti News Veto Newi Breakfait Saturday KOCO KItek 7:15 K. MaanlPf Centuwer Boh Baiea Newt r Salute Eiten Serr. i.M Maalc Ba Newt Smlllnr Ed Carter Show Saturday Proudly Rail :u Mailt Bi Grand Cent. MeCannell Matle Salvia Proudly Hall Mutlo Bz Gift and What'i New Bayen of Saturday Concert Mmlc Bo Take Homo Accnt Rett Salute Concert t.M Bawdy Dotd Theater tf Tayland Newt Polk County Newt S:T? Btwdy Dtd: Taday Taae March Tlmn Platter Part) Sclenet t:Sl H,wd' DatdiStan Over ftact Patrol Pattar'i Call Platter Partj Sat.Serenada 9:4ti Hwdy Ptod: Hollywaod Spaea Patrol Bargain Platter Part) Kldt Carrier li'.flfl Adrenture Fun ftr AH Start at Olen Hardy Platter Part) Aun.-Ratllt Bk. Carnival Fan far All Tantrraw Carter Show Platter Part) Aunt Battle ltlSfl lTVad City Hoiplta! Start of Hlih School Platter Part) Melody If :4s; Breakfatt City Boialta Tamorraw Cbat. Antell Platter Part? Sat. Sf renal 11 fs Mary La Maile with Newt Mailc near Platter Part) Saturday IJ -15 Taylor Girls PI t land Mutle Hour Platter Part) Serenade l;fl Farm and Meet Mltm USA Farm Preit Platter Part) Saturday i:4fl Home Ravi Meet Mlataa Playland Farm Preii tplatler Part? Serenade KOAC TM Mat.i KOIN II 1.1, a.a. la u p.m. KCZ tt.t, . t p.p.. DIAL LISTING KOAC, SSO Vrldap Fat. II:M, Nmi 11:11. Naaa Faraa Blaari 1:M. Navr Sbavt t-M, R.pMiallr far W.mcnt 8:M, Orrran R.parlcri 4:M, 8p.rU Fare caall 8:00, Children'. Tbe.t.r; 1:90, N.W., Wcalberi 6:ls, stata Lc.l.latar.i 1:1a, Farm Hoar: :, Co.per Ual.o F.raaii KOAC 8" M N": Caanrl Ball; 12:00, Nrw.i t:M, Mail, af Ma.t.rit 4:00, Kicanlon. In Srlenrc. :00, Mo. lei Rlpn Off. 1:11, 11:00 Men in -50s Undergo 'Change of Life' Too Atlantic City, N. J. iff) Many men in their fifties un of life" that often can lead to suicide if untreated, a Navy psychiatrist said today. The condition, said Capt, George N. Raines, is somewhat similar to the emotional tension an anxiety that affect some women during the female menopause which is actually a physical "change of life." across 11. Sultan's 1. Bleat decret 4. Provided p'" with show 10K..'n 8. Behaves 12. Segment of a curve 13. American Indian 14. Foot covering 15. Infuriates 17. City in China 18. Implement 18. Hackneyed truth 31. Fail to strikt 23. Scoffs 28. Citizen of an ancient city 28. Sewed edge 29. Grown boya 10. Ovum: comb form initiative 35. Vigor 36. Frolic 38. Expunged 40. Stop 41. Beat out grain 43. Halt 46. Operatle solo 48. Optional 50. Not good 61. Philippine native 52. Large wagon 53. Look after 54. Hastened 65. Old times OOWN l.That which attracts pOfllLDE Ai PAL E E k Ai NL A V JD sM S HpSE du RcSil EE ilpiDlrlHD 0 NJEIE SJk All ElBm0. W A R i D .ffikllIllMB!M" JiD IJl A M E Ills 0 ( EJISe y. eWe md JpENlIlNigllSlgJ PlE iNlrlfL If All UsTtiyI Solution of Yesterday's Puzila 2. Italian river 1. Adaptation 4. Err 5. Innkeeperi 6. An effectual stroke 7. Neglected 8. Humblo .fajrw. 3 0a 1 . ' '- 1 ' . i-fT- It ITII5r Sfe" . j , S , 55 m as 2 to T" '.' I u4 . 'Z '''', S ,, Sia H- - 4 ': pt 3 srsr u w vr nrm -gg- ajr- 15 (.Serving to bring to mind 10. Also 11. Pigpen 16. Lamb'i pseudonym 20. Ensnare as in net 22. One who shonta from ambush 24. Interpret: archaic 25. Large knife 26. Assumed character ' 27. To the other side 58. Chance 32. Buys back 37. Mail 39. Piece of broken earthen ware 40. 1,i what place 42. Spill over 44. Roughly elliptical 43. Be in process of decision 48. Likely 47. Mottled , appear- , . ance In mahoganj ft. food nth