-. V- -- -V'i;J ,,, Thursday, April 16, 1958 THE CAPITAL ioUBNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 17 Another Two-Hitter Tossed In Pacific Coast League By SCOTT BAILLIE ' San Francisco fll.B fwo kitten are felting almost as common In the Pacific Coast Lcapie as two-buck bettors at your nearest horse parlor. Eddie Chandler of the Los Angeles Angels was the latest hurler to Join that once-exclu-plve circle last night when he set Hollywood down with a brace of hits and also shoved them out of first place. The Angels took over sole posses sion of the top spot by virtue of their S-l victory over the Twinks. And that makes the fourth two-bit ball game racked up In the PCL In only the third week of the race. Other ; who have spun near master piece are Al Gettel of Oak land, Roger Osenbaugn of Sacramento and Mel Queen of Hollywood. Mel register ed his against the Seraphs ' on Tuesday. In other games, the improv ed Sacramento Solons downed Seattle for the second straight time, 5-4, and San Francisco outlasted Oakland, 11 to 10, In an 11-lnning scramble that left the Acorns all alone in the cellar. San Diego and Portland sat this one out, hav ing played their regularly scheduled contest as part of double header on Tuesday. Tom Saffell touched Chandler for a single lu the first Inning and then the strong righthander set down the next 22 Hollywood bat ters. Gene Handley of the Stars broke the spell with a single In the eighth and cored on a fly by Eddie Malone. Sacramento blasted four runs across the plate in the ninth to plummet the Rainiers down to third place. Trailing 4-1 In that frame, the Solons got started when Eddie Bock man worked Steve Nagy for a pass. The Seals took their third straight from Oakland by coring an unearned run In the top of the eleventh Just as the storekeepers had sent out for more blanks. The game, which ground on Prizes for Biggest Fish At Lebanon Lebanon Three local sport ing goods firms are offering prizes for the opening day of fishing to the angler bringing in the biggest trout. Merchandise prizes of $10 and $5 for the two largest fish will be given by Bill and Caps Sporting storet Santiam Sport ing Goods will present a dozen flies to the person bringing home the biggest fresh water trout; Cascade Fly company Is giving a $5 merchandise order to the angler displaying the trout closest to 14 inches long, and the Lebanon Express pro mises a year's subscription to the angler with the nicest limit catch taken on opening day. Yesterday's Stars (Br Tit Associated PrwuO Fitch.ni- Curt ainraonj, Philadelphia Phlli, held the New York Glanta to fiv felt and itruck out flva In winning, 8-1. Bit tintCarl Purtllo, Brooklyn Dod gers, tlnrled twice and homered In four tlmei up atalnst the nuekleball pitch ing of Johnny Llndell u Brooklyn beat FlttJtburch, 43. PCL STANDINGS MClriC COAST LEAGUE W X. Pet. w I. .i Lu Anti u i .iu su Tin i s .too Holly.4 11 .647 Sac. 1 I .Ml Seattle II .615 S. Dleio 4 11 .160 ForUud . .100 Oakland II Jit Welneedar'a Beaalts: Bin Francisco 11, Oakland 10 (11 Inn.) Loi Anaelea I, Hollywood 1. , Sacramento I, Bealtlt 4. Ms other nuti scheduled. for three hours and 38 min utes, was a see-saw affair which saw the Seals blow a four run lead in the third. Not to be outdone, the Oaks piled up six runs in the sixth to go ahead 10-9 in that frame, then fell apart in the eighth. Sacraminto , ooo loo 0044 I 1 Seoul 000 101 000-4 ecnani. Lorlno (I . Basse (I). John- on is ana winter, Rltchey (I) (Hear, uovnoo iv ana vrteu. Loa Anielea 010 MI 000 I 1 Hoiirwood ooo ooo oio l i i cnandler and jrvans; Mutuary Oaorlo ir ana Braian, asaiono 9. San Vrancluo 031 ooi 140 0111 II S Oakland , 004 OOI OOO 0011 13 S (11 lnnlnia). Boemlar. Bradford III. aiuucrlef , McNulty (I), donah (I) and Hosiers. Tornar (II: Bambereer. Van Curt (ii, Dienmann (I) and Noel oertoiomie 111. Castle Rock Looking for Football Coach Castle Rock, Wash. OJiJ Local high school officials to day were considering applica tions for the Job of head foot ball coach. Ted Hippi resigned yesterday to accept a football and basketball coaching assign ment at Centralis high. Hippi will take over at Cen tralis next fall. . The 38-year-old mentor was graduated from Linfield col lege. He has coached at Day ton and Myrtle Creek, Ore. Lincoln Leads Portland Preps Portland UP) Lincoln high school nosed out Roosevelt, 1-0, Wednesday to continue atop the Portland Prep league, un defeated in five games. Grant, a 0-1 winner over Washington, was a game behind. Still in the running for Port land's second spot in the state baseball tournament are Jef ferson and Cleveland, each a I game behind Grant. Perez Pens Letter To Salem Senator President Williams Connie Perez, popular Salem Senator player who has been stuck in Cuba for weeks at tempting to straighten things out with immigration officials, is thought to be on his way here by now. But as of Tues day. Perez was still stranded in Cuba,, and wrote this letter to Salem Senator president Bruce Williams: Dear Friend. I am ready to report but the vis is not in the Ameri can Embassy. I go every day to see it I have the visa. That Was No Mouse-It Was Baby Gopher . Portland )- That was no mouse that excited the women at the opening Coast League baseball game here Tuesday, a small boy explained Wednes day. It was a baby gopher, said Reed Robblns, an eighth grad er, who said he captured the rodent when it ran across a sidewalk as he was on his way to the ball game. Once there, the animal got too active in his pocket, so he I practice every day and I am in good shape. Sincere ly yours, Conrade Peres. put it on the grandstand rail ing, he said. The rodent ran along the railing, upsetting women in the box seats. Their screams did not stop untti Andy Cook, vice presi dent of the Portland Beavers, captured and ejected the ani Pung Wins 1st Pro Golf Meet Palm Springs, Calif. W : A Jovial mother of two daugh ters, Mrs. Jackie Pung of Hon olulu, has won her first pro 750 first prize. . She shot 73-72-143 to win the first annual Palm Springs Women's Open over the 6,543 yard Tamarisk County Club course. Her final round Wed nesday was even par. Mrs. Aussies Almost Sure to Get 1956 Olympics Mexico City (VP) With' Mel bourne apparently certain of getting the 1958 Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee Thursday was reported ready to turn to such matters as professional ism and size of participating squads. Delegates in "don't-quote- Pung turned pro Feb. 14. She was the women's National Am ateur champion last year. Second place and $340 went to Betsy Rawls, Spartanburg, S. C, who broke the course record with 70. She had 77 the first day for 147. mt-but " comments said Wed nesday that Melbourne seemed a cinch to be the host to the next Olympics. Avery Brundage, president of the OIC, indicated as much when he told a reporter that if Melbourne does not get the games, it would be virtually impossible for the current meeting to select another sit. The major object ef the cur rent meeting, first ef Its kind ever held in Latin America, was to select a site. . Dr. Will J. Thompsca OptawXMtriat Offfe eUapemel at Blverda! Examination In Afternoon or i Eve. by Appointment -fa. Appointment Phone. 44057 IP(WMltMO(D A GENERAL MOTORS MASTERPIECE SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys AUTOMOTIVE LBAOUS Stan Baker (l H. Nlcholla 411, P. Patterson HI, C. Qrabenhorst 440, B. Torteion 433, H. Stllfler 496. Salaaa Aula Parti (I)F. Ohern 431, V. II atrand 351, R. Laymen 131, U Spanca 317, D. Stelnke 341. Vallar Motor Ceeapasy () J. farley SM, O. Schroyer 468, A. Holme ill, L. Myera 433, B. Bullock 447. Una Anna Service It) Y. Barbar 497, J. Hopflnier 415, M. Hammond til, K, Nalaon 411, K. Haye 646. Loder Brathera (S) A. Baumlart 411, P. Chakarun 406, B. Solum 446, B. Kel ler 477. a. Surratt 411. Snteck Motor Company (1) A. Walen 407, X. Burton 31, B. Shuck SS3, B. Orlc.ua 414, u. wisaer 463. Standard Stallone (4) C. Oleaen HI. 3. Frleaen 471, E. Henkel 461, I. Lotsn III. D, woodry III. croeroil Texaee te W. Edmlniter 411. J. Abby 444, D. Boon 473, B. Crarcrott 146, J. Craorolt 434. Blaster Service Stallone (11 H. Dutolt 490. H. Wilkin 416. B. Keen 134. R. Hoy 476, O. tlehroeder 413. Salens Aatapaoblla Caaapanr (S D. southerly 481, D. White 101, R. Qunn S67, B. Douvherty 473. D. Bused 418. Hlah team tame Salem Automobile Company, 687. Hlah team aerlee stand ard station. 3o63. man ind. at me Jesa Parley of Valley oMtor Company. 240. Hujh Jnd. aerlea Ed Lot an of Standard Station!, III. KAJOB UAGUS Brennan Troo Service (8 T. Bren nan 020. L. Anderaon 623. T. Frudente 40, J. Nubar 640, L. Oalund 163. Baslek Grocers (1 E. Clark 151. R. Parley 455. B. Ryai ill, J. OeBow 637, W. Wast 410. Thrlrtway Cleanara (I) J. Bona 159, as. MeFarlane jji. j. oiney 464. T. Bla ler 693, P. Evans 170. Northwaat Peal- try 1 M. llyera 114, H. Ryana 111, J. Hinder M, R. Meier III, a. olodt 111, wainm uur Bawl w N. Fyle in. Schulta 654, H. Hyder 638, J. Anderson 651, J. Rlnsqulit 08. Marian Hotel and car ram (i t. vittone W5, w. Jack. son 113, J. Irons 661, H. Pan 600, B. Biraw H7. Harlan Halara () C. Schroader 411, C. Donahue 420, W. Gardner 646, J. Doerfler 631, B. Thompson 663. Geedlea asanas til E. bocan 837, B. White , J. rrleaen 483, E. Wilkalla 101, D. fhtpps 677. Karra () w. Cllne Sr. 604, D. Foulln W4, r. c arr os, j, jtosa 499, p. Hart well 606. Marahalle 4 Camera fit J Owen 105, R. Ounn 673. E. Kay 661, o. vnw ooo, i raaara asa, Hlah lnd. tame Don Poulln of Karr. 246, Hlih lnd, aeries Tom Brennan of Brennan Tree Service, 126, Huh team aamo and aerlea walnut city Bowl, 1109 and 1143. other 100 eerie John Rlnaqulst 608. pinky Hartwell 605, Don ruuua eoj, ana gim uwenj ooo. Mleks sits Shop (8 M. Melnaet 481, H. Melnaat 424, R. Hubler 388, E. DavU 354, T. Wood 434. Waodraffe'a San Shap (1 J. Hall 141. v. yon 414. aa. uraen- ly 171, B. Hail 121, Bye 117. Hlah team aarlea and tame illcka Slin Shop, 307t and 721. Hlih lnd. series Mel Melnaat, Micks, 466, Hlah lnd. Wanier, Blue Lake, ill. University Alleys STATE HOUSE LEAGUE HO. 1 Slate Tax Cemm. (1 Johnson S44, Crouch 465, Drapela 483, Welch 423, Ma haffer 629. Dlvlslsn of Andlte (SI Strleklin 411, Demexa 413, ruber 416, Joaanaan 4o. oouid aao. SUto PrlnUra () Waller 371, Mllner 474, Btono 399, Busby 480, Duncan 111. Htahway cenatroelton t)-ayser oai, Oarrett 412, Wolle 451, Tandy 493, La- Tourneaux 497. Secretary of Stale Na. 1 (ll-flehultae 474, Wood 618, Peterson 378, Blensly 419, Hilar 41. Secretary of Stale No. I (D GUI 439, McQueen 436, Pranko 414, Pranao 483, Bletler 630. Hlshway Materials () Pierce 151. Van Pelt 117, Ebsan 430, Zltaowlta 491, White 400. Veterans () Morlaky 410, Reed 431, Oaarenetroom 470, Slain 436, muerien aw. Patrvlaw (S Oannon 431. Luke 459, Klavohn 104, Rltterbush 333, Nelson 106. rereetrr oiiieo (i swina 470, aanna man 507, Aaaerudo 194, Btocer Sll, Rot- UII 7. Foreitrr ProUetura (4) atorm Ul, Beyera 139, walker 460, Phlpra 487, Mor rison 104. State Police (I)' Hunt 111, Weema 436, Alford 471, HorrlU 413, Ruecker 484. Hlih team lama Division of Audita and Poreatry Protection. III. Hlah team aerlea Poreatry Protection, 3171. Hlah lnd. tamo and series Bill HJllerlch, 331 ana boo. Duck Pins COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W. W. Roschraass. (1) J. Holmaa III, R. Greenwood 303, J. Moorman 418, H. aievena aer, at. roster 318. Persians Bd. Blcbflald (81 B. McQuire 407. D. Jos- aart 333, P. Gilmer 410, E. Taellada 391, stye ua. Bloa Lake Paekera (8 J. Wemer 411 B. Van Slyke 327, A. Anderson 267. A Thlesnen 396, O. Ralndolt 166. Cascade Meata (I) L. Welener 371. J. Garner 418, Bye 303, O. Garner 333, H. Welt- ner 336. . Ramasea (0 R. Zlnk 431, D. Smith 291, M. Patton 399, C. Nelnast 311, Bye 366. Erlektona Market (I) K. Melton 350. L, Kimble 403, M. Story 411, Rlchr.rdson 341, L. RollP 402. 5 Years Old For outdoor flavor, call for IB Pi 88 This is your kind of whiskey, J 'f-A Mister! Mild in proof with nary gSY a trace of scratch or bite . . i New lower Price fif'Jl old GabwStiU Cabin STILL ow mild In proofoeof rich In flavor v3 p3 HI r j nA. mJlowd and bottled toitly by imZEL-Willll BliriUHYi IITABIISHE0 LOUISVILLE. IT 1141 STATS HOUSE NO. S ( lis Great Name Makes Its Price Remarkable! Ckaptor M (I) Luthl Ul. BchaUer 443, quarry 419. Henry 443, Reynolds 6931 Dant. of Attrlealtnre (1) Orltlltha ooi, Moore 423, strahbenn 439, Luu 443, roterson ata, Poreatry (I) Ladd 110. Baotan 473. Phlppa 401, Wood 469, stacer 437: Brldao Enelneora (1) Merchant 436, Beraer 383, Uunson 603, Tandy 341, Predrlckson 411. Tax Cemm. (I) Hartley 453, Bower 411, Hansen 417, Johnson 416, Canfleld 489! Hlenwey Aeeoamttnr (I) Taylor 449, Kotcham 430, Teavar 433, Crano 493, Malson 131. Aidlla (I) strlcklla 414, Base 314, Goldsmith 371, Corrlian 471. Jefferson 6331 Offle Enauiaora (4) Hattaon 431, Burton 413, Saero 477. ficott ISO, Youns 666, SfAO (I) Athby 494, Foreman 414, Klmmell 149, Pranaa 443, Savata 634: Unemployment (01 Salisbury 317. Anron 463, Bettlemter 461, Gannoa 438, Ouo talson 460. Bonae (I) Bell 413, Younf 336, Xlr by 391, Gould 439, HUlerlcb 157; puc (4) Rinaland 471, Enillsh 473, Hollls 4H, Oallathar 443, Ueffert 468. HlKh team tame, Tax sTommlaslon, 957: hlih team aeries, SIAC, 3690: hlah lnd. (ami and aerlea, Jim Vounl, Sll nd SM. Consider the respect In which the nam Pontlac is held then consider that this great car is priced only a few dollars above the lowest and you can come to only one conclusion: that here, indeed, , is the biggest value your automobile dollar can buy. The reason is very simple: Pontlac is the one car deliberately engineered to give you features of the costliest cars at a price right next to the lowest. You see proof of this in its distinctive Dual-Streak styling, In Its longer wheel base and when you realize that under the hood there's more power tha? you'll ever likely need. And as the miles roll by, you get the most positive evidence of all in its amazingly low maintenance cost. Why not take your first step toward Pontlac ownership by investigating Pontiac'a modest cost? You'll quickly ; see that so low a price on so great a car represents a truly remarkable value. Come in at your first opportunity.' utmtm $ Mru Miirr Mm rumi . i .: .-v...-; .- IMS llaMaae WklalNM BxaJatattrei mJsl-atmaja Fajweap Tresia far laistST) Fai lrmajao) aBOMBtifml, Bmpbt, hnrini BatollM bj Vkbov Comsral Mattel rat Lararowt sil4 Eight FcirayrfaU I(h-CenalTra)aila Bajglfie BrtMlo9al EaioBT, Lms Ufa smI Blark Be-euUa ValM HowajtlaNial SiMriasf asaei Parklag Baa . OltWallaMaM KELLY-OWENS PONTIAC CO. 660 North Liberty Sr. Salem, Ore. fsiif.w uju'iimiaiimiui i ii t ijarj.i i ias mi .m umi. in n munmuin ..auiuii ... x ...V ?-t. ) .',;-.." -'w'k; .Wit I ii a- i I . t, ., , . . . in inni ien urocs are samples 01 ou conianunanis found in engines after 1000 miles of average driv ing .. . fuel that thins out the oil, metallic residues, soot and carbon, water and abrasive particles in road dirt. Any one of these can impair engine per formance or injure critical parts. 232 ',; i ii f f Brtsiir In ojaaojaxowsaotrasoaaaxaiai uniiiil nWan.iwiii"" lonnmiu j ijwmhiiswii j i il s aij.Hiiiaii,auaa; jpm I ,'-S(- i t- fr-f1" mmmfm i., wo., V Nil ! t , 1 SSPal t- C ie i i fTTT! . "Sjw 1 i a I I oil ehanqe 'oMa'.,taiaViroloii,i ijiiaiiio.aiiii iSvtw:wmai4ifartiiiiS(aiiiii,aliiioiiaii Saves you money on engine repairs Why take chances on contaminated motor oil! No oil filter stops all the engine-wrecking deposits. Regular oil change is the cheapest insurance against shortened engine life . . . particularly when you refill with Heavy Duty RPM Motor Oil . . . guaranteed satisfaction or your money back! If you've driven 1000 miles since your last oil change see your Car -Saver. Charge it on your Chevron Credit Card with I Chevron-malic the automatic printing credit card that insures fast, accurate Mr vice, - We take better care of your car Va I , ! V ,. "i If 11 Jl ti-'l I S i !-,.b,.'V, sJ,