Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 16, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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    Busy Week poo-
Senators Defeat
focatello 8-5 v
For Seventh Win
' V Tjkiah, Calif., ' Salem's
i Senator! blew five-run
lead, then resumed the j.d
5 vantage and went on to de
f feat Pocatello of the Pioneer
i league 8-5 In an exhibition
came, here Wednesday. :'
4 " The Solons pushed across
t five runs in the second Inn-
iof, o n 1 y to see Pocatello
:i comej back with three runs
' in the third and two more in
' , the sixth to tie the score at
.". 5-5. ' " y -
But Salem got three more
runs in the top of the seventh
' . for its victory margin. ,
Jack Hemphill and Wayne!
Rick divided pitching duties !
for the Senators, with Rick;
who went the last five inn
ings,' getting credit for the
t win.
It' was Salem's seventh
spring training win, against '
only two losses. Both losses
were at the hands of Van- ,
couver. Salem was to play
.Vancouver again Thursday
morning at Healdsburg. . -
Oregon Downs
Vandals, 8-5
Eugene, Ore. VP) Heavy
s hitting plus Idaho errors gave
Oregon' an 8-5 win over the
Vandals Wednesday in a base
ball game, opening the North
ern division, Pacific Coast Con
ference, season. , : -
Three of Idaho's four errors
came in the fifth inning dur
ing which the Ducks scored
five runs, three of them on left
fielder Ron Phillips' home run.
Idaho 300 100 3009 i
Othou 001 ISO 01' 8 13 3
Patrick. Melton (S) nd Osle; Forbes
nd X. Aram.
Oregon Looking'
For Mat Coach
Eugene VP) The Univer
sity of Oregon is looking for a
wrestling coach, Athletic Di
rector Leo Harris said Wednes
day, to handle teams planned
in that sport for next year.
He said , both varsity and
freshman, wrestling was in
prospect and the coach also
would handle freshman football.
Ready for Race
Harry L. Eyerly, Route 3, Box 518,
Salem, gets set to take a practice run
in his Crosley Special. Eyerly will, drive the hand-built
ear in the Cypress Point handicap, one of the events In the
Pebble Beach, Calif., road races this weex-ena. me 773
pound ear it capable of speeda near the 100-mile-an-hour
mark. : 1 '.-. ; ';;''" - .'-'. s
Games With Silverton,
San Diego, O-City Due
By the time this reaches
your front porch, the Salem
Senators-will be on their way
to Salem, after a three-day
training period In Naps val
ley, California.
Manager Hugh Luby and his
Solons were to have wound up
their California schedule with
a game opposite Vancouver at
Healdsburg, Calif., at 11 a.m.
Immediately following the
game, Luby and 18 other
Eyerly of Salem to Drive in
Pebble Beach Road Race
A Salem car will run In the
Pebble Beach sports ear road
races at Pebble Beach, Calif.,
this week-end.
The car, a hand-built job
with a hopped-up Crosley en
gine, .will be driven by Harry
Li Eyerly of route 3, box 678.
Eyerly built the 775-pound car
himself, and has driven it
about Salem streets on several
occasions lately. '
Eyerly will drive in the Cy
press Point handicap, ' a race
for novice drivers in car with
: Major Leagues
' ' (By The Associated Press) -: .
W ! Pet. W L Pet.
Milwaukee 3 0 N. York 1
Brooklyn 3 O 1.000 St. Louts 0
Chlcalo 1 0 1.000 Flttiotn 0
PbUadli 11 .too Clncln.
Wednesday's Besnltst v
Philadelphia a, New York 1.
Brooklyn 4. Plttsbursb 3.
St. Louis at Milwaukee, rain,
Cincinnati at Chicago, rain.
.- w L Pet. W L Pet.
St. Louis 1 O 1.000 Boiton . 0 .000
Cleveland 1 0 1.000 Detroit 0 1 .000
New York 1 1 .toOChlcato 0 t .000
Wsahnitn 0 .000
Wednesday's Beiultf :
New York 4. Philadelphia' 1.
Detroit at St. Louie, postponed. -Waahlnf
ton at Boston, postponed..
Willamette Tennis
Team Loses to OSC
Corvallis U.R) Oregon
State's tennis team opened
its home schedule here yes
terday with a solid 8-1 vic
tory over Willamette.
Willamette's 1 lone win
came when John Ambler
outstayed OSC's Irv Hill,
6-4, 5-7, 8-4.
Minor League Scores
(By The AUL-.-iru.. .. . .
llignespolli 13, Kansas City 13 (10
Bt. Psul 11, Loulnrllls T.
Ot&er ismes postponed. 1
Tulsa I. Dallas 4.
Oklahoma City , Fort Worth t. ,.
Beaumont 4, Houston 3.
6hroreport 7, San Antonio 4,
Denver 14, Colorado Sprints I. . ,
Pueblo 10, Whlehlta 3. .' ',
Other tames postponed. .
less than 1500 cubic centimeter
displacement, Saturday. Novice
drivers are those who have not
driven in more than three road
race events. This will be Eyer
ly's first try at the sport.
Eyerly is entered in class
H, a division for car with be
tween 500 and 750 cubic cen
timeter displacement (be-1
tween about SO and 45 cubic
inches.) Class F and class H
fights Last Night
(By The Associated Press!
Miami Beach, Fla. Pierre Lanclols,
lSSVs, Prance, outpointed Joe Ulcell,
160. New York, 10.
Pahs Claude Mllasso, 160, Prance,
outpointed Norman Hayes, 162, Boston,
10. Robert Cohen, lit. Alterle, outpoint
ed Hennr "Pappy oault, . Spartanburt,
B.C., 10.
cars will run In the same '
race, but will be scored sepa-'
' rately. '
- The Cypress Point handicap
will be a ten-lap race over, a
zig-zagging 2.1 mile course,
making the race 21 miles in
length. ,., , ,:: .'',
Eyerly's car has a Crosley en
gine which he has used for
two yenrs in a racing boat The
car's frame and body were built
from scratch by Eyerly. v .
The car has an aluminum fly
wheel, 9 to 1 compression, with
a homemade manifold and a
rebuilt Ford 60 carburetor. Ey
erly has hit 95 miles per hour
in trial runs. . . , t k- ; , ;
- Eyerly was en route to Peb
ble Beach Thursday, pulling
his Crosley Special on a trailer.
Solons -were to crawl in their
cars and start the 600-mile trip
to Salem. They will arrive here
in: the wee. hours of Friday
Salem fans will get their
first chance to view the 1953
version of the Senators at S
pjn. Friday, when the team
wlU conduct workout at
Waters nark.
The team will also work out
at Waters park Saturday, and
after that the Senators have a
busy schedule ahead of them.
. Sunday Salem plays the Sil
verton Red Sox at McGinnls
field in Silverton at 2 o'clock.
Jack HemphiU, a former Sil
verton resident, will be on the
mound for Salem
The next night. Monday. Sa
lem faces San Diego of the
Pacific Coast league in an ex
hibition game at Waters park
at 8:15. .
Tuesday the Salem Elks
club will conduet night for
the ball players at the Elks
temple, with all 'Elks and
their sons invited.
Wednesday the Senators go
to Oregon City for an 8 o'clock
game with the Oregon City
Elks at' Kelly Field.
, The next day, .April zs
(Thursday), has the Senator
players at the annual noon
baseball luncheon at tne arm
ory. Then Friday, .April 24, is
the day . and . night , opener
against Calgary at Waters park,
the afternoon game at 2 o'clock
and the evening game at 8:15.
; . Tickets for both openers, as
well as the baseball luncheon,
are now on sale at Wicklund a
sporting goods store.
Senators Pretty Well Set
Except for Fi rst Baseman
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 16, 1953 Page .15
LOB-itis Hurts . Volvos;
Wins, 5-0
Oregon College of Education,
Monmouth Willamette uni
versity pitchers Dave Gray
and Benny Holt teamed up to
shut out Oregon College of
Education, 5-0, here Wednes
Gray worked the first four
innings, giving up five hits,
while Holt tolled the final five
frames, being touched for four
hits. . . ... -
Willamette took out heavy
insurance on its two-run lead
in the seventh inning when the
Bearcats cashed in on four OCE
errors and gathered three
runs. ' 'V
' OCE managed to get hits' In
seven of the nine innings, but
failed to bunch their hits effec
tively. The Wolves left 15 men
stranded on base.
WUlaaMtta v
Oiay.p . .
Naons.ux 1
Reed.a - 1
t Darls.ef 11
SPrantu 4 1
D.sch.8 a 1
1 orsnin,l 4 1
3 Otnnrs.o S
4Rbnsn,3 i t
OUUler.r 4 t
acamp,lh 3 1
SPlmqst.p S 0.
-plthd Jot Cray tn ttn. ,
n Tripled for Nelson la MB.
xii rrord far Sblafcle b Stk.
sv-Ornndad out lor Orsy tn Mb. -a
Oroaoded out fat Cunrmlnsa la Tib.
o caosht for Cusntilnts la Stb, :
WUlametU 1 Ml Stt-S
Hlta M 101 3004
Orwoa MuaUoa .tea 04) aot
Hits) f Bps 111
pitobeei- -,. IP -IB n B Mjoa
orar ...... 4 14 S ' i
Holt IS 4 : t
PalmqnUt .. 33 4 1 T S
LOB winamtiu a, ctub re. ja uayis,
Franta, Daach I, lloblnson, Partiasn,
KlrkenlaU. Bans in 1. 3BH Akeo, lllllar.
RBI Lewis S, Xlsassar 1. XlrkenoaU 1.
DP Iruis to DascB ts camot Ktrkea
dali to Xoapf a. Tlsae 4:30. OmpUea n
Vandarroort, Batst.,.. . v.
Totals 33 4 3T 11 Totals 33 t IT 10
TMea tar taft, Otatasi Apett, IK
ssaa41sel few D. s. , Caat aa4 Oaea
, Sarw. lHrtlaaa, ejew.)
BHak Walara IVaar Watati
Atrl Tlma Helsht ; Tlsa Heaht
,-U ' -V.U a-au 1.1 . . S:3t ... -1.4
" 3:00 P.m. '1.1 S:03 J.
: tt 1:H am': M'"' ! : a.m. -1.1
, : l.-U P.BB..- 44. - M PMU S.I
,11 1:43 a-m. . . 10:11 ajn. T
i' t:M sua.' M P..' M '
This Is one in a series on
prospects of teams in the
Western International , Base
ball League.
Capital Journal Sports Editor
Calistoga, Calif. VP) Want
ed: First baseman. ' Prefer
lefthanded hitter with experi
ence, but will consider any
body. Apply Salem Senators
spring training camp at Calis
toga, Calif.
Manager Hugh Luby hasn't
resorted to such an ad in the
help wanted columns yet, but
he's tried nearly everything
else in an effort to find some
body to hold down first base
for the Senators. Luby has
been playing at first himself
in spring training exhibition
games. ,
Except for a first baseman,
the Solons are pretty well set
for the opening of the 1953
Western International League
fte EXIM W enhance th
great Bourbon Taste of
L n
'- -.HMmnrj'j, 4 r in ,sn
- jhhb-t r I nil
4. VS-J.
si i "
campaign April 24 at home
against Calgary.
The rest of the Infield and
the outfield look, good,' the
catching excellent and : the
pitching staff untried but
promising. Luby considers
his team strong in the hitting
Five capable lnlielders are
carried on the current Salem
roster. " They are Luby, Gene
Tanselli, Lou Scrlvens, Freddy
Haller . and Dick Sabatmi.
Luby and Tanselli .were with
Salem last year. Scrivens Is
a rookie' out of Willamette
university, while Haller and
Sabatini are veteran baseball-
Willamette Opens
NW Conference
Season Tomorrow
Willamette's Bearcats
reach the "counting" portion
of their baseball schedule
this week-end aa they open
Northwest Conference action
against the Pacific Bodgers.
Coach John Lewis' men
travel to Forest Grove Fri
day afternoon for a 3 'o'clock
clash with the Badgers and
the two teams collide at the
Bearcats' McCulloch Field
Saturday at 2:30.
Lewis probably will start
his righthanded ace, Andy
George, against Pacific In the
Friday game and his Satur
day choice will come from
Mickey Coen, Dave Gray or
Benny Holt. Harv Koepf is
slated for receiving duties
with big Les Akeo In reserve.
The Bearcat Infield will in
clude Pete Reed at first,
Dave Perlman, second; El
mer Haugen In the short
patch and Tex Klrkendall at
third. Denny Elasser and
Duane Shield are sure of out
field bertha and the other
gardener will come from
Charley Naone, Chuck Lewis
or Rod Hales.
Matthews to
Meet Beshore
On May 12
Portland VP) Harry Mat
thews of Seattle has recovered
from a throat infection that
forced postponement of an
earlier fight and will meet
Freddie Beshore of Los Angeles
in a 10-round bout here May
12, promoter Tex Sfilkeld an
nounced Wednesday.
The bout originally was
scheduled for March 10 but was
postponed when Matthews
went to a hospital.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When others fall, use our Chinese
remedies. Amaslnt success tor 4004
yesrs In China. No metier with what
ailments rou are afflicted, disorders,
sinusitis, heart, ranis, llier, kidneys,
tee, eonstlpstlon, ulcers, diabetes,
rheumetlim. tell end bladder Sera,
skin, lemsls compisinu.
Olllee Hears te a
Tas. and Sat. oalr
14 N Commercial
Phene 31""
salem. oat
en making their first appear
ance wtlh a WIL club. ,
Don Tyler, Connie Perez
and ' Les Witherspoon will
probably comprise the out
field, with rookie Bill Nelson
as . utility fly-chaser. Perez
led the Salem club in home
rum, with 11, last year, while
Taylor and Witherspoon come
to the Senators from other
leagues. , '
' Veteran Bob Nelson, . Sa
lem's No. 1 catcher last sea
son, is back this year. The
other Senator catcher is Don
Masterson, just released from
the army. Masterson played
in the California State league
a few years ago.
Bill Bevens, former New
York Yankee, who made his
tory in the 1947 world series
when he lost a one-hitter to
Brooklyn, is serving as coach
for the Salem pitching staff,
and will also take a regular
turn on the mound.
Other Salem pitchers are
Jim McGee, Jack Hemphill,
Bob Collins, Wayne Rick,
Larry Borst and Dick Strom-
bach. Rick, Borst and Strom
bach are rookies. Colli Is
the only lefthander in the lot.
Another lefty, Ernie Telles, is
trying to land a berth on the
team, but has not yet been
signed. 1
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Salem, Oregon