Thursday, April 16, 19SS Tfef 14 8 LMJ ir . TUB CAflTAIi JOUKMAli, Btltft, UTtfWi ( - t1 mm LKJ Mil :.:t ' MOODS Ail ODD PIECES OF FINE ... LUGGAGE MUST GO! Choice SQ95 GENUINE LEATHER BINDINGS! . . . every odd idee of luggage must gol Tfa price IS.M will put the skids under these W7.60 to 38M In a hurry I Com pick up an odd piece ... it might match your present aet or It could be your tingle ' piece of luggage for that quick trip. 11-Inch Cnltet 18-Inch OWites " s ' i ;- Cosmetics ' All are fin quality. Leather bindings . '. . eatin linings, heavy polished brastware, to. Shop early for these. JUST ARRIVED FOR THE SALE! NYLON PANELS $ 99 Hares a special purchase of regular standard die fine quality nylon curtain panels youll want : to refurbish your windows with at a price you . cant afford to overlook. Perfects I Sheer and dear! Eggshell, the tint youll like! Just a swish . . . and they're landeredl Size 43x81 inches. Regular $3,001 Downstairs. II ANNUAL SALE OF "THEME FIRST QUALITY NYLONS! Ibeme calls It INTRODUCTION WEEK! But Theme needs no Introduction to Salem women. Miller's have been exclusive agents for Theme for over 25 years in Salem. Now, this week only, you may purchase them at 20 off! $1.35 (oil weights) $1.08, 3 prt. $3.10 , Rg. $1.65 15-60't) now $1.32, 3 prt. $3.80 TELEVISION SERVETTES 2 for $5.00 $2.59 , . . What a handy thing at television time! Sturdy, fold ing light metal' table with decorated trays for your snacks and refreshments. In decor colors. Choose one or two and save! 2 for 15.00 . , . Downstairs appliance dept. ! , 1 BOVS', GIRLS' , I "Trimfoot" Shoes I i Broken lines of "Trim- g ff I ff foot" shoes regular 8jOO JUS I f values for 13.15! Ox- V M I tS I shoea ndtI knd hlgh i 1 C I "WOOL-O-THI-WCSr' l I r J All Wool Car Robes I bavl !M TtnU wool br K rQC I f Wool O th. Wait, Onrfj, J"7j I I Smv-vDo taxtonl Wonder- TJ" I ,;$'&'' Ml BloUs in smut color mW 1 ' lehtioM rtra'n llktt Bar on, - .1 a .- sew for Oad'i Day. .... - I , REG $2.95 I SOFA F m(i pllloira thti will rtmtbt ffttl Rwon ad Mtln with fmurt dt slni In Tropont itltchini. In mtny decor c o I o r . Downstairs. V $149 I 81x108 REG. $3.25 I I SHEETS f m (ftfKondi) but svlmoit flaw- mm, 4 a I f ltwl Wldt him . . . food C JD 1 ff quality of mulara at 3.S5! J jTf 1 ff Bu? thtm now and law. f w sT ff For home or beach cattage, - mm 1 ff ete. ... 1 PILLOWS SPECIAL PURCHASE : Hansen's Fine Gloves $1 59 i in Dozens of Styles . pr. . . . every glove style , . , every wanted new hade if here! It's a wonderful buyl You can't beat itt It's our S3 years In Salem bar fain in Hansen gloves. Save over half! All sires. RED CROSS - ACCENT - RHYTHM! FINE FOOTWEAR-IN THIS SPECIAL CLEARANCE Siit4to10 AAA TO 8 WIDTHS, YOUR CHOICC . . . another 800 pairs of RED C30SS, ACCENT, RHYTHM women's footwear will be of fered Friday and Saturday at less than half price! Regularly . $12,931 Colors and black and white. Pumps, strap, slings, ete. yr STORE hours; 9:50 to 5:30 i l Sale! New Goats of POODLE SHAG! an Reg. 49.95 and 59.95 NOW Want to save $35.00 an your new coat? Then attend this sale and try on these new poodle and shag cloth long ooats with the full or swing-backs, new sleeve and cuffs, new collar treatment, etc. Gorgeous linings of changeable color satin and taf fetas. 2nd floor. 29 2 Pc. Jacket Frocks REG. $19.95 . . , the jacket frock la very popular this season . . , and here it is in rayon crepes, failles , . . in newest and smartest of fashions at only $5.95! Try one on . . lleve it's only $5.95! . . . it's a verv meelal nun-hou r Miller's 33 years in Salem sale. The much-wanted navy and white combination and others shown this week-end. 2nd floor. ' 595 , you won't be- New! Orion Skirts . . . it's Huffman's miracle fabric . . . ORO, a blend of orlon, acetate and rayon, making it fadeproof . . . wash able . . . wrinkle-resistant . . . everything you'd want in a skirt fabric. Fashions are eithre full or straightline. Soft blended shepherd's checks in greys, tans, etc. Come and see these "Judl-Ann" skirts and compare! 2nd floor. All Sizes. "; .;,.;.'..-'.';... l r4 I SALE! BLOUSES 30 to 40 $2.95 , . . rayon crepes, acetates and nylon blouses in both long and short sleeve styles for now and .later wear. Man tailored effects . . . round neck and pointed collars . . . 2nd floor. Sites 30 10 40. MEN'S SHORTS $r 65c Novelty patterned broadcloth men's shorts with three snap fasteners . . . full-cut seat and legs. Sanforized, and fast color. A regular $1.00 value pur chased for Miller's 33 years in Salem sale at 65c. Sizes 30 to 44. Main floor. 500 PERCALE . APRONS . 59c c? REGULAR $6.95 Nylon Slips $085 ... famous brand nationally advertised in . the women's magazines, these nylon slips are wonderful at this price . . . $3.89! A regular $8.95 value! White, pink, navy find black. ' Luxuriously trimmed with lace. v Sizes 32 and 44. . Buy now for self or Mother's Day gifts. 2nd floor lingerie dept. ( Again! 50 Doz. Fine Rayon PANTIE BRIEFS . . waist and bib style fine quality nercala aorons on sale this week-end f in the notion department at only 89c eacni eee me preny patterns ana novel trims. 39 rfevABLE BRAS Y fl Mlt Mill VMk-tnd il Ito ' 0C I I or thrt for W 601 lUf . ll.w . TT M I M upl Nylon, nron nd cot- mm T I ton. MnT itrlM. cboott 0 m I M now and ! tnd floor. 1 3 for $2.50 1 . . . another shipment -of woman's rayon brief pan ties -arrive for this week end's selling. It's a special purchase ... you must see this bargain to appreciate the value. White. Sims (, (, T. Snd floor, lingerie dept. CHARLEEN GARTER BELTS Over 1000 Nationally Known Brands at Miller's ...There Must Be a Reason! Reg. 1.50 3 For 2.50 89 Bayon satin and embroidered eyelet cot ton garter belts in this week's sale at a way low price! Also nylon taffetas. Four and five-inch fronts. Back clos ing. White only. Sizes 24 to SO. 2nd floor corset shop.