Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 16, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Thundiy, April 14,1953'
I V , ' ' -':
.. MkY
Twenty-three of the 25 Oregon Pulp and Paper company
' employee pose at the halfway mark of their advanced
first aid clasi given by the accident prevention division
of the state industrial accident commission. The men will
start the second half of their course Wednesday night
under the direction of Instructor Bill Page (seated, right).
The men are (left to right): Kneeling Walter Wulff and .
Ed Dorpagolla. First row Lester Delangh, A. & Davis,
Dave Hay, Pat Lambertus, Karl Busch, Bob Holweger and
Instructor Bill Page. Second row Art Spelbrink, G. Beach, ,
Claude Sberfy, J. O. Scott, Glen Gorton, D. Holmes, P.
Sinnot, John Chamberlin and Hans Bebe. Back row Bill ,
Holt, Sam Hunsaker, Joe Hansen, Donald Benedict, A. G. .
Wltrel and C. G. Richards.
Middle Grove Extension
Unit Elects New Officers
Middle Grove New officers
elected for Middle Grove ex
tension unit at their April
meeting Thursday are: chair
man, Mrs. John Van Laanen;
vice chairman and treasurer,
Mrs. Emory Goode, and secre
tary, Mrs. Ernest Crum.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Sam H. Eschel
man in Salem, with Miss Paul
ine Schaplowsky, extension
agent, discussing "Becoming a
Good Buyer."
Attending were Mrs. Cleo
Kepplnger, Mrs. Melvin Van
Cleave, Mrs. Harry Phillips,
Mrs. Clair Swink, Mrs. William
Scharf, Mrs. Roy Barger, Mrs.
Fred Scharf, Mrs. Harold
Beach, Mrs. Dale Van Laanen
and the hostess.
The Amitie Woman's' club
met Tuesday night in the home
of Mrs. Wayne Goode.
Present for the evening were
Mrs. John Anglin, Mrs. Charles
Anglin, Mrs. Harold Anglin,
Eugene to Occupy New
$90,000 Airport Bldg.
Eugene Wl The city's new
$90,000 Mahlon Seet Airport
administration building will be
ready for occupancy this week,
City Manager Oren King re
ported Monday.
He said the city expected to
accept the building from the
contractor, the BicKiora con
struction Co., on Wednesday.
The structure will be occu
pied by municipal airport ad
ministrators, the U.S. Weather
Bureau, and local offices of the
Civil Aeronautics Administra
tion. A formal dedication is
planned for this summer.
Army Cuts June Draft
Call to 32,000 Men
Washington m The Army Is
cutting down Its draft require
ments for June 32,000 men
t. f?reacrf theTrS
1 lit- 1.1. tro ft A A
four months.
The lower quota, set Wednes-
any was cuitivipaicu. xiic
fense Department had said the
j - u.i ... j wru Tia '
higher draft calls in the early
part of this year were occasion
ed by the release of large num
bers of men called in during the
, first months of the Korean con
flict. Men are expected to flow
more evenly into the services
hereafter, unless the Interna
tional situation changes.
'1 II
Now Is the time to take preventive measures to
avoid the many discomforts caused by hay fever,
rose fever or countless otner anergics.
Avoid the prospect of countless days and nights of
discomfort by seeing your physician immediately
ana letting mm presenile tur yuui paum-ma,
lergy. After he has made his diagnosis, come to us tjrt,
for expert painstaking compounding of his- pre- nj
scrip uuu
Mrs. Paul Bassett, Mrs. John
Cage, Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave,
Mrs. Lee Dow, Mrs. Mable
Dudley, Mrs. Norman Fletcher,
Mrs. Paul Furzer, Mrs. Emory
Goode, Mrs. Sam Eschleman,
Mrs. Lawrence B. Hammer,
Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Mrs.
Lewis Patterson, Mrs. John
Schafer, Mrs, James Schar
dein, Mrs. William Scharf, Mrs.
Roy Schornfield, Mrs. Gene
Schofield, Mrs. Fred Scharf,
Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs.
Dale Van Laanen,' Mrs. Wilbur
Wilson, Mrs. Charles Wenger,
Mrs. L. L. McElroy, Mrs. Anna
Wirshlng and Mrs. Wayne G.
Goode. " -
Assisting hostesses were Mrs.
Wenger, Mrs. Dudley, .. Mrs.
Escleman-and Mrs. McElroy.
Serving as the entertainment
committee we're Mrs. Cecil
Reynolds, Mrs. Schafer and
Mrs. Wilson.
The meeting was planned as
a surprise shower for. the host'
ess, Mrs. Wayne Goode, and
she received many gifts.
One gift was planned for a
member, Mrs. William Massey,
who has a new baby son. The
little boy has been named Wil
liam Lloyd and he has a sister,
Janet Sue. ' The Middle Grove
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs
John Van Laanen. .
The Spoon and Kettle 4-H
cooking club held their meet
ing at the home of Harry
Scharf. The exhibits for the
spring show were planned.
Attending were Denny
Scharf, Billy Joe Slimak, Tom
Latham, Donald Anglin,
Charles .Wyatt and Harry with
their leader, Mrs. John Cage
All 4-H clubs of Middle
Grove with their families are
to have a covered dish supper
followed by a swim at the
YMCA In Salem Saturday,
April 18. Supper will be at
6:30 p.m.
Roosevelt Lavs Soread
Of Fear to McCarthy
Medf ord VP) James Roose
velt of Los Angeles said here
Tuesday night that an atmo
sphere of fear is spreading over
the country and he hem ben.
Joseph McCarthy "and others
like him" responsible.
Roosevelt spoke at the an
nual memorial dinner for his
father, the late President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, spon
sored by Jackson County Dem-i
Slat Corrwr f Llbrff
i hH
. 1
Market Bought
In Dayton Deal.
Dayton (Special) Mr. and
Mrs. John Lorenzen have. Dur-
chased Fulgham's Market and
property, from Mr. and Mrs,
Claude R. Fulgham and posses
sion was given Monday, April
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen come
to Dayton's business circle fal
lowing varied business experi
ences. .
Many years ago he had an
egg and poultry business in Mc
Minnville. In 1928 they moved to Amitv
and had a like business there,
out mey added feed and seeds
to that.
They later built a locker
plant and operated a grocery
business there for sometime.
They also owned and operated
a theatre there. -
In October 1947 they began
operating the Grand Island
store, which they sold after
three years. For the past two
years they have been living on
meir rarm on the Neck road
The , new business will be
known as Lorenzen's Market.
Mrs. Dolores Asher, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen, will
assist in the Market. Mrs. Llovd
Swing who has been with the
ruignams Market for some
tune, will continue her services.
Mr. and Mrs. Fulgham began
their business venture in Day
ton 20 years ago, in 1933 and
have operated the store for 13
years. -
In the beginning Fred Bunn
was a co-partner and they op
erated only as a meat market.
They added groceries later and
at the end of five years Mr.
Bunn withdrew from the mar
ket and moved away.
The Fulghams continued on
and have enlarged the store
twice. In June 1946 the Fulg
ham's left the market and Lor
en and Kenneth Hunter operat
ed the store until May of 1951.
The past two years Mr. and
Mrs. Fulgham have continued
with the store operations. For
the present, they plan to take
a rest and look after other
business interests, but will stay
in Dayton.
Gen. Dean Reported
Transferred to China
Taipeh, Formosa (lira An
unconfirmed report from the
China Union Press said today
MaJ. Gen. William F. Dean has
been transferred to Peiping,
Peiping, China.
The report said Dean, former
U. S. 24th Division commander,
was previously held at Antung
in Communist Manchuria. He
was taken prisoner in Korea in
July, 1990.
All the
j eoooS'
oawemW tiinigii I p fl J'
g " 5 V x tlwl oawA ase
ifMTma root f I tgsiii'"" aw -1
k Mmmg mm
fitiNQtt 5 er cawwe
$5.00 DOWN .
Your Poor Dentist, He's
Really to Be
San Francisco HV-Your den.
tut is more to be pitied than
censured he's all broken up
because everybody bate him
and he's unconsciously seeking
a release for his tension.
That's what San Francisco
psychiatrists 'told the Califor
nia State Dental Association
Wednesday. 1
Knowing that you dislike
him before he even gets his
forceps on you, the dentist
works up so much tension that
he may, without realizing it,
actually become sadistic, said
Dr. Douglas G. Champbell.
Dr. Loren R. Borland, a
dentist trained as psychiat-
More Responsibility
Placed on Relatives
A tougher relative responsi
bility law, under which par
ents and children are required
to contribute to support of wel
fare cases if they can afford it,
became effective Monday. '
The bill, signed by Gov. Paul
L. Patterson, gives the Public
Welfare commission the right
to get information from the
Tax Commission as to the in
come of relatives of welfare
cases and gives the commission
power to force payment of tup-port.,-
It also increases, the con
tributions required of the rel
atives. The law was passed in
1949, but only about one out of
100 welfare cases (eta support
xrom relatives.
Trained Young Drivers
To Get Ins. Rate Cut
The Allstate Insurance com'
pany reduced auto liability in
surance rates for high school
trained young drivers 5 to 15
percent effective April IS. R.
E. Anderson, resident manager
of the company here, said to
The reduction is available
where all under age 25 drivers
in the household of the insured
have successfully completed
high school driver education
courses. The amount of the dis
count depends upon the amount
of instruction the young driver
has received and will be allow
ed upon presentation of a cer
tificate showing the minimum
number of hours of classroom
instruction and "behind the
wheel" practice driving, An'
derson said. .
Sublimity Comedy
Sublimity "The Lady of
the Terrace," a musical come
dy, will be presented by the
students of St. Boniface high
school Friday, April 17 and
Sunday, April 19 at 8 p.m. in
the parish hall. ,
Albany Lauren Davis was
elected president of the Albany
Methodist Men, succeeding Joe
Unfred. Election was held at a
dinner meeting Tuesday at the
church. Other officers will be
Floyd Holbrook, vice-president:
Clair Blackford, secretary-
treasurer. Installation will be
held in May.
Don't Neglect Slipping
Do fali tenth ilrop, illp or wobble
when you talk, eat. Iiuih or tmeue?
Don't be armored and tmbarraaied by
auch handle pi. FASTI ETH, an alka
lis n on -acid) powder to aprlnkla on
your platei, keepi falae teeth more
(Irmly aet. Olvea confident feelini of
eurlty and added comfort. No tummy,
looey, pasty taatt or feellni. Oet PA6
TKETH today at any drug atort, . -
Newest Improvements
. . . here's a wonderful buy on portable electric sewing
machines! Not a rebuilt ... not a used or second-hand
machine but brand new! Guaranteed! Has all the mod
ern improvements such as the darner . . , tews back
ward and forward, automatic bobbin winder . . , im
proved motor and foot treadel. See It now , . . buy It
and save. Only 15.00 down . . . balance in Installments.
rlst, said part of the trouble It
due to the unnatural relation
ship between dentist and pa
tient .The mouth, he said, is
made for eating, talking and
making love, not as an explor
ation grounds for man's lin
The patient, naturally, re
sents being forced to half
swallow a human hand. Nor
is the dentist happy about plac
ing his finger In a position
where they might be bitten off.
It finally reaches the point
where somebody Is likely to
get hurt.
This is wnen tne aenusi
should take a break and My,
'now spit.'' . i
. It might be a good Idea to
add, "and swear a 4ittle too,"
said Borland.
"And it wouldn't hurt for
the dentist to do a little swear
ing himself."
The dentist might even de
clare "this hurts me worse than
It does you," and it probably
would be the truth, the psychi
atrists agreed. ' '
it bottlers anybody to leei
that he's unpopular," said Dr.
Alexander Simon, "ana tne
dentist is disliked all day long,
by one patient after another."
But don't resort to tne Dome
or sleeping pills to relieve your
tension, Campbell advised the
rMit. nf
nnnTiida aebool Dietrloi Wo. NO )
Uw Khool dutilot kon (tectum hone
oiled to t hold it the School Hooao l
ond lor BunnnMo School DUtrlet Mo.
NO. ol Merlon OouotT, Onto. BATTO-
dat, loe utn oar or uru. a.u. uh,
a.tawn the hour, of 1 o'clock ontf
S o'clock p.m., thtra will ko mbmltud
to the leial voure unroot wo lonn
at oontraotlne o bonded IndtbtedBoao
In toe urn of 138,000, 00 for Uw Xlrpoot
of providing fundi with which fc eon
tract on oddlUontl oluoroom Bd lor-
atorlei ond oottlp elourooau, in mo
duli work of ouch pnloot ta sad for
Mid ocbool diitrlct.
The vote to bo br kollot'VBon which
ihll bo the wordl "Bondo TOT
"Bond No"; ond tho tour uoU nlaoo
o enn (X) betwemtho word "Bondt"
ond the word "TcC or kotwoon tho
words "Bondo" end tho word Ho"
whlon IndlefttOB hit eholeo.
Tht oolli for thi roooptlon ol Uu feol-
wtt cut for or oiftlnit tho oontroo-
tlon of Mid Indebtedness will, on Mid
dor ond dote ond ot the ploce oforoeold,
I and remain open until tho-hour of a
bo opened ot the hour ox a o'ciook p.m,
o'clock p.m. of the aunt dor, when tho
eomo eneu DO cloteo.
Br order of the dletrtot ochoot board
of Sunnnlda achool Diitrlct Mo. Sec,
of Marlon countr. Oregon, mado ehb
asrd dar ot March. AJ. 1951.
chairman. Dutnci school Board
Miter a. Tnoaoo
Marr WrancM-Lonolord ,
DUtrlet Clerk.
April 1, I. U. 195!
HARLAN 8COTT haa been, br order of
tne circuit court of the State of Ori
son for Marlon Countr. apnolnted ad.
mlnlstrator of the eitaU of JAMES I.
bCOTT, deceaied. Any persona having
ciainu againit jam eitate are requested
to present them, with proper toachera,
to aald administrator at 110 Pioneer
Trust BulMlni, flalem, Orgeon. within
six months from the date of thle notice.
uaiea April i, mi.
Administrator of the Estate t
JAMES t. oWOTT. Detutvi4.
Attorneys at Law -
Pioneer Trust Bldg., Balem, Or). .
Attorneys for Administrator.
Apr. 3, 8, II, 23, JO, 19S3
The enence of the pint forest broeiht to
your nome ty no excuse rtitones an
diiagreeable odors.
over twice the amount offered by other
maiof orinai lor uit earni pre
light Airy Not Nauteatlnr 8
At iRofepvRtftiir trwctrt
wis -J'Uf" I
w(57n pry
jJlMI D-QLli ImJ
so. , r.r Ti
1 WAmftn'e Ail-Wool .1 I Sale of Whita I " I
IShortie Coats ..$10.95 I, I Costume Jewelry Wc I
Reg. 1.5! I Chokers, necklacetnd earrloct In I
'New! Double-breasted style! Satin 1 I this sale of summer white costume If
f i lined. 100 all wool flannel u I (I jeweiery now at aiiiieri. i-
'....,.' -navy, grey, red, Sizes 10 to 18, 1 v r -''- ' " 1 N
rVomen's Terry Cloth? ak ' fl
t ShirK l $1.95 I I Peanut Clusters, lb. 69e' I I
II I Reg. IS.M! 'I r . .. m 7. i.i
II I . .... .,.,v ... 1 f This week end sale of fine candv I ? I
' I ihh'u B"kSS rWSfc aid coUir 1 I is the tasty peanut britUe at 9c li. 1
II I SitJfi ,8S,.f,uiSS Sif,!i I Also the Honey Suckle strawt at ill
II nrofck
II ft TV'
: l 7 T I I Imnnrrofl RnHts I
8-Pc. Crystal ri.'T . S1.89 I
I T.V. Sets I I - )
I Reg. $1.69 - II' I '
I ... ; I I Main floor blouse bar shows wide I t
I Set of four cups and four trays. Ex- I f assortment in this sale at this low 1;
I cellent for your television enter- I I price! Come see the new onet. Main l .
I Ulnlng. Gift Shop. r f floor blouse bar. - - . j. V
I I FL ihhv" Crvstal Water I rs;i. , l
I I RInctec et of 8 for $2.95 I I o.oft 1:1
I I -' m iijoii.jiwwii . T1 - ' I
II I ... ... If . . P.r II SKI .. Ill
III I ' 1 v Be' M00, . I I -.Munsingwear close-outt in won- I : I
I I Famous brand crystal glass with la If. derful value! Rayon and cotton in 111
1 If . , a -1 In BtrraitiVA ffift I gf omiio. HmlnnA tnlr ' Kill ok . Blwsiai I
itgM I I f Box. Initiate only: A, D, E. O, J. N, P. 1 f , g to 16. Downstairs.- t , ,1.11
(oaeVgexwav -
I Glass .:.Jj--$1.95 I I Women's Summer I
I Reg. is .951 I I Skirts $2.90 I
I I Decorative colored glass vases, 1" Gay figured" cottons. In flare or I j
i f bowls, etc., In deep greens, reds If. straight stylet. These are the new- I i
, I now on sale at less than hall. Gift est skirts for summer wear. Sizes , ,
I Shop. f 84 to 80. Downstairs. . J )
1 Cleansing I Boys', Girls' l
I Tissue 23c I Sunsuits, Shirts 98c i
I I for 11.00 I Ref- 13.981 I ')
I -ir, v I Girls sunsulU In bright colon. I to II
I 300 in box. This special Is to be I I, Boys' plaid flannel and gingham- 1 '
f found in the notion department this l f . sport shirts. Buy now and save. I
J weekend. . Dona! lf
I Plastic Chair I I croc,e Thread j I,
I Seat Cushions l 79c I I Wondersheen, sk. 39c ' I
f 4 for $3,001 I Bucilla finest crochet threads In 1
, ... I I 500 yard skeins at this low price! ' 1
f Colorful . . . easy to use. Ruffle 1 I For bedspreads, ' chair sett, etc. f
J trims. Assorted colors. Tie-ons. No- I f Downstairs. . , 1
aaMioi,','''',,'se """''"'""'
STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 . , j
mps I
v'..-. V- . V -,"V
We Give 4f Green Stamps