( i Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, April 15, 195S Gunfighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN AP Newita.turei) CHAPTER 3t It iu odd how the memory of one kiss could devil a man; bow the remembered pressure of one pair of 11 pi could make a man forget every other woman he had ever known. Rimbaud buckled on hie Run belt and went downstairs. noticing that It was ten minutes to tune ny me loooy ciock. Rimbaud observed Ernie Link lounging against the hotel hitch ibck. 1 got aomethln' to tell you,' link announced. The tense tone ot his voice stirred a faint bell of warning in Rimbaud's brain, yet the door way's shaft of lamplight revealed no sun at Ernie's hlD. "Save it for some other time," lumoaua suggested. Link movie, his sllnK-siro- ported right arm a trifle, shouted angrily, ''Draw, Rimbaud I Draw your guni- Utterly astonished bv that chal lenge, Rimbaud stared at Link in disbelief. "You gone loco?" he de manded. "What's loco about me and you settUn' our grudge?" Ernie scoffed. "You had the luck before, Mebbe 111 have it this time." ' And then, as Ernie's right arm moved again, Rimbaud saw the twin snouts of the derringer, and understood that he was looking in to flouoie-oarraea oeatn. "A cold deck," Rimbaud mut tered. caculn the distance be tween them at less than fifteen feet and knowing it wasn't enough. If he dropped flat the first bullet might mus turn, out aot rae sec ond one. "I'm giving you a chance to grab, Iilnk taunted. "The same chance you gave Red and Booger Bill." Rimbaud laughed at him. "Did you say chance?" he asked. But there was no mirth in his laughter. This, he understood, was we uung ne a Known wouio nap pen to htm some day. It was in evitable. He had expected It, yet now that he was seeing it, and feeling it, he couldn't quite com prehend why Ernie link was so sei an tilling nun. xne ieua oe tween Roman Four and the Span- - lan scrip homesteaders was over. "What you waitln' for?" link called scoffingly. Then his voice rose to high pitched shrillness as he yelled, "Right now, Rimbaud I Grab right now! Rimbaud went down sideways with the derringer's report like the crack of a buggy whip above -his head, that sound echoed by a crash of breaking glass. Rimbaud snatched up his gun, but he didn't fire it. He Just lay there, propped on the palm of his left hand, and peered at Ernie link, who was draped head-down across the hitch rack. It was the most astounding sight Jim Rimbaud had ever seen. The most unexpected and inexplicable. For he hadn't fired shot. Rimbaud got to his feet, wholly confused, and looked at Iimpy Smith, who stood behind the hitch rack with the neck of a broken bottle gripped in his hand. . "Colonel's Monogram," Limpy muttered, peering at the whisky that dripped from Link's dangling head. That was when Sheriff Bobil larde came running up, and 8 lanced at link, and said wear y, "Another corps for Art Green." "No, Just a drunk,'' Rimbaud corrected. "Ernie took a whole quart of Colonel's Monogram at one gulp." And then, seeing the disgusted expression on Iimpy Smith's face, Rimbaud loosed whoop of rol licking laungter that hurt his tide. "What's so comical about me Josin' a quart of good bourbon?" Smith demanded. Rimbaud walekd over to him. "You did it again," he said, and patted Iimpy's shoulder with real afectlon. "You saved my bacon for the second time, amigo." Then Rimbaud dug a gold piece from his pocekt. saying, "Go buy another bottle, Iimyp. 111 be over after I eat some supepr and well have us a grand celebration. If Pat Flnocane so much as frowns at you, tell the monkey-faced Mick 111 shoot his ears off." Still chuclkinE Rimbaud turned! and was crossing Main Street's wide pattern of alternate light and shadow when Eve Odegarde rushed up to nun. "Are you all right?" she de manded. "I heard a shot." Her cheeks, faintly revealed by reflected lamplight, were flushed! and marexd by the sooty snaaows of her long lashes. Rimbaud grinned, his eyes frankly apprais ing. "Yu shouldn't be worrying . 1 . .l.i,. mnAAm t,amm " tin eluded. "What will Sam Malben think?" "He knows," Eve saia quieuy. "Knows what?" "Well, how It is with us." And then she held ud her left hand, showing him that the ring was gone, i couian i quit uo WUUC UB W OM wwtiw.w, w.v I olalned. her subdued voice barely above a whisper. "And there seem ed no way to get him out of it. I I lust couldn't auit him when everything was bad for him, Jim." "You couian v n-noaua ecao- ed duiry. Don't vou see how it was. Jim, with a posse chasing him and all? There didn't seem to be a chance of his being acquitted. I wanted to tell you how It was, that first mgnt niter you -i&sea me. nut xi couldnt tnin up uie ngni warns, or tnnt mvself to be near you." Slowlv. in the deliberate way of a man not sure of bis senses, Rimbaud reached over and tilted her face so that he could see into her eyes, for a long moment he UubJ V.Am .Turn I U n ( rr smiling. Just looting. Ana seeing su a man wouia ever want to sec in a woman's eyes. Then he asked. "Is that what you meant, when you said your heart was mining you r Vm nnHtoH meeting hu ffaze I fully, as if willing for him to seel now It was wiui r; w-uuug u to see. "You did two women a favor when you cleared Sam of the rustling charee, she said. "Me and Delia Stromberg. Delia's been ch&slnff Sam for months, Now she's got him." . ... "And .I've got you," Rimbaud said, taxing her in nis arms. Hep lim were there for him. moist and gently smiling; and her eyes, so warmly glowing, held a t runic eafferness tnai jiusriyi miud him. Yet he waited, savor ing her womanly fragrance, and said; "Sweet Stuff," In a more mimfiie tone man ne a ever useu.i Then he kissed her, and felt the full, sweet pressure ot her lips, and knew there'd be no more lonely trails lor mm, ever. linn tnu Carol Curtis Pattern imiGUTEN TOE nouusu 4291 ifl Color Transfers. You won't need to embroider these gorgeous roses just iron off the transfer the pink ot the rose and the green of "jie leaves are ngnt in uie trans fer! There are 4 bis roses meas uring 6 inches and 8 smaller bud- ung roses wnion measure in inches to use on place mats, scarves, luncheon and tea cloths; on hostess, aprons, guest towels, DUlowcasea. Send 300 tor the Dye -Fast Muiu-ooior xtOoEo (Patent no. 439) complete transfer and laun dering instructions. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER ito CAROL CURTIS, Capital journal, xi Mission street, can irrancisco d, tjaiu. iaic irives i a nl. ,."CB I .i Iwredorrf ROOM ft BOARD 7j NAKU YOllb RECONSIDER. THE GREAT OPPORTUNITy TO MUEil TU THAT HI PRfiPFRTV OPFPBCf UFRE5A LETTEB.FBOW TUC nMJFPC AND THEYLL GIVE ' US A 5-YEAR LEASE FOR000 .COULDNT tDU RAIbfc IHt 51W ON THAT BUILDING VDU OWN FALLS? 1 IV ON 1HA1 BUILVINt, 7LU UwN I t 1 LIVE OFF THE RENT FRCWTHE STORES IN THAT BUILD1N5...AND I VWOUIDNT' NAIL ANOTHER A0RTGA6E ON IT, EVEN IF YOU COULD. CET THE SOLE RIGHTS AND TITLE TO OLD FAITHFUL GEYSER AFTER IT STARTED TO SPOUT HOT COFFEE' 8TEVE ROPER . "" ' . J III 5 'llggBT INSPECTOR""! T MAYBE VOU'P BETTER ASK THAT "-AND FOUND TWSlJ J0A 1 d m i0i ROPER SLiy A FEW MORE QUESTIONS lw gfg ' . mZs H F THArS ALL FOR NOW, J l4 "THE MEOICAL EXAMINER OUST -1 iF . VjaTXl I FOLKS" JUST DONT ANY J I'l I MWVtO THt felkL'S OWY-" J I ydfrVL -O'sS M pogo: x , - - -tt-' ' T m V Ft firrriM'TieED of awui'ue4ay" nuoMIL AYlwAOs 11 ftetxtc,mw , . f MB.A9 k POOO MVS . J V l imiva' 4M i;eMBSTiliuM cslAMCiLYecDenLLl I "TUB CALLINS PITA IL. 1 AU.&OTTA PO 6JkY r1-l Atf R.AMIN&0. JFAWlTCHANetpl AWSOTTASOBAOC L PtHQWZAt..."J I VtWN.OI I AWT iiix?z&zts rui uv, lii r tvtm ;mv&snK' ri tmiY-& tM raimMMm, Boil mmr rr n sia uama jar,. n awl Hwa ORPHAN ANNIE ' ' ' ' - ' ' - 1 flU-WMaffiRBieoHVESHtrayLO Fwhynot?-!' gooo, sound 1 f touRse i ena wbnt r I T now we can afford y buy a liecwr prks I SHoarWANp Exar&fH hevwpaper- I TO GO ON WITH TH' BUT NOW- I A TO RUN ft SMALL- ( MAKE A REAL PAPER I CtRCULfiTIONS DOUBLED-1 WHAT tVE MMWS I FWPER-UVE HERB WITH II TOWN NEWSPAPER- ) OUTWTfcTOUHTWH I I WHY NOT KEEP IT CREAMED OF- I IN FtlDUTY- . 1 MILLIONS-. J I J J k. THflTWW? ItHE THNGSOME r.m m. i ii i im i wt i mi i I o srs.'i J i i yfo, mu ii fi J I BBS I ll I I bbhbm II II I kAaaaBBH II LIL ABNER ' ' " ' ' 1 r WE GOTTA IZIY AS PIKff IN N I SO, NOTCHEkUt, MILLIONS OF . l I SO-WELL-c-WHerj- W.-THAS 1 "ES COWWOi ) LOWER SLOBBOVIA, 1 I LOVVEP4 SLOBBOVIANS HAVE II I WORK THE LOWEST SOHIGHljP I IrSSTr-MSTrr-rStTff--; vr.T- 72i.mO?,3jir I I Kpfjj ligisallv DAD MOST ' J I LOWER SLOBBOVIAN IrTGITSME I 11 I vtm it -njaii AKno-roaf I MAE AH TAyES IS TO CONWINCeI OFTHEIR LIFES. IS" --- I IjRICK ON W6Y 0IZZY,TO II MWPff-ISYgtHOM AH'! HOPALONG CASSIDX , ; ' -"--" . - - . . ' ' ll ')l I Jl II W I I WE'RE APPKACHIN6 THE NEW I FT TRAIL HERP.MOVIN' " THATS A66IPY TAKE UP I WVf W vfl I I 1 ---aw iltt BATTLE FERRY. KEEP YiJUR V X UP THROUflH TH' Y0UR.fl76ITION5 AN' ACT 1 WLs IUn I J' EYE6 OPEN ANP VOUR 6UN6 fV CUT. MONK PLE A6ANT.' EVERYTHIN4 6 'lWiiSSai m,.A6E. MCTT & JEFF ' ' ' . . . , "''S''.,"" . . " . ' Ul' "iCwA -y X1 HE,yER . I'P' FRANKFURTER JJP f REX MORGAN, M. D. ; : ' ' ' II lllftliniKMl llllllfilSll llll " DONALD PUCK ' ' " ' I , ' DRAT I I IS THE SIOSEST ) rHMVM...AH.' ' THAT LEAKM iSa'f?;" A e0T JlZT i ' fl V GET THE f OlSHPANS PULL.l -- ' , -vlMk. V .CmhrSnJ VoFQigry pishes?; T ,Y4r CwtP&!, u n- -id t in r i -! I, v' ii i r i a ara-. war 1 f M1PV ll'ARTn H : . k yjJCtl- FtS&V I'LL MEET YOU AT THE fT i.5 CllFF.tCOULD-0RI-IN6rfM5nMA iR. HPT t CM?NUTES?llxl- EZ' l5f 1 j RADIO P R 0 GRAMS' FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV t our TelevUlon Theatre. See them In action before you buy. . Poeicord-B.ll, Enunon, Raytheon, .W.itlnghoiiM OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Opsn Other Evenlngi by AppoiBtmont YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION iO. c r....i,-. Phono THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO 1:1!buUI oii ,w, 5I -HZ Mute Hipplnn, Hu rrl, JMk Owu Mute """" Iijs ?? ! !? --f- !.:,SLJrw. ggg: -j"1" yA llJs S oS.t "i J..,- r.r . oi.u 7ui....iif. i-kh-. mrju J-"'.,:!!', MteMi''',u.n ilSHlu'ilDV, ' -'.- B.Hu M..I.M.,t Mute t : " r'd Mutw Mcrrto Clreli Srt. Fmln Mute Mrt Shw 0m Nwl VlTf. KnU.jSlt.FT.lU. Mule Ml 8h.w CM. U5i cn ZlMa O. H.oU Skr ! Mute M.rt V-Jnna. S so Kel.i wltk Tim. I WMih.rmw IO. B.l.r Mute M.rt IC..41. Urtt :!! iuk LOTS HUM ESIU . W. H MuteMut i UM So 5"s..h bi cuw as iiW Bd min Btoi Crubr ll.Ual.I H.ru 6 Ira Q M " Tan Blf Sterr S-erlewi Sllw BMte CU. KM i:TS Bl 8t.r W.r Sllnr lute Otac. Kid stew Iki i!jSB.'teh ' lnu".ll...l Dru-l.. CU. MJS:iD.u MjW.tld New. 0 8p.l SmH.nett.trim.riWr. Truk m :S B.r Buer. Dee.BrlJ.. T.U..I ful. !J5 j-Vi Ear Beter. Dw. Btld. T.m.rr.- Mute Trc 1IH TS fiaii Meet Millie New. T.m.r." 0!m H.tdj Tr..k 14JJ Knew. Meet Millie D. 8. Sterr "I'.1"1' I'" "J 2-i0 Cemm.nl J. Bl.llerd Seerch ler Wh.t C.ck. Ttuk UM J':5 l.r TBI Ir. Mil. 8t.r. Mule New. .Tseamru, -st.r rtnrt ruu (dltter Behind etrr SiTS I,.!, SurU nul Intmlew. Dm.. Tim. NewMeel NUkt Sens IS-'lS On'" Desert Inn D.ne. Tim. Newe Mule In J:, rieeee Ofclieitrn Pence Time Crime File. - Wnnt Tiiiewe Orr.n D.n. Tim. Crlm. Fll.. ."I fT, Lwn MeCIIOrinn D.ne. Tim. Mute , J"1 :4S CI17 Cennell Treuan D.n. Tim. Mute 5,!! IjJli CUT Cnnell B.nditMl Dn. Tim. Mule """ HitMllsinTott OnH IPnne. Time Isle- Oil Sltm OH f i Don't Blow Your Top You, In can own i bowtHul Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Lin Ays. Fh. 3S55I FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. BM Marie Time CBS Kewn F.rm Hr. (Newe Bra&kfMt IWinu :1B Mule Tim. QFD Orarra rrm Br. rttkMpw Neek Meledr a 'SO Mn.le Tim. K0HV ElMk Fnrm Br. Newe . Bre.klut - Fnrm Hew. 8:1,', Fnrmi Ttoin tOIN Kluk F.rm H,.r M.rckTlm. Nwk Sm . ,4 Ctrr Idltar New. Nnr. Hamteewav BrenklMt KOCO KlMk V15 JeknnrWUl. New. M. Arrvnaky Brukfut N..k KOCO KlMk f :M Newe Wew. B.b Cured Breekfut Bruklut KOCO KlMk 7:4,1 K. M.nnln. H. B.Bbllt Beb Haitn B.m Hr. Nook KOCO KlMk :tf Old tan New. . Broakfut CU Brawn Jim Dudr KOCO KlMk ! 15 Old Sewn N.w. Cl.b F.ea-7 Altu Jim Dandr KOCO KlMk :M Mul. Be. Ornnd Slu. Bre.klut Bible Ben Jim Dendr KOCO KlMk ;d Mule Ben Bewmnrr Clnb Sltl. Ha.r Jim D.ndr Nawi n. SO Mul. Bon W. Wnrnn New. Dr. Sw.rd Mr. Smrth Wom.n'a Fr 'IS Mnel. Bz Aonl Jannr T.d.r' Iter Cemmentnrr Hr. Smrth Plu. Fnt'n i-M Mul. Ml Bl Trent Brek Bnnk Fulnr CUt Mr. Smrtk Beedeek 1:45 Undl.hr Pel Sender Brwk Bk B.r. Cnntet Mr. Smrth M.Whltlnr 1 .M Buleee Bm Bend Ufa Den Gerdntr Glea B.rdr Halloa. B.r. It :U r"'' M '" ch' Bnntler Tell. Teit Metlne. Beeerd. 'if Sulk. Blch Dr. Helena Tra. Sterr Anawar Man M.llnM Ban 4J Btrlk. Bleb Quid. Lltht Iran 8terr Mute Matinee Beewd. a.M Dnablc r Mr. Barten Whlaurine Ledlaa Fair Matlne. Bar. ;1S N.thtnf F. Maa.n Girl M.rrle. Ladle. Fair Mallnw Beetria ;N Bob and Bar North Drak. V. Llndlher Qn. for Der MellnM Ban 11:46 Bob Hop. BrlfbterDer Bernn Km Qn. ler D.rlMatlnea Beeerd. FM Met.l BOM It 1.1. a.. la IS t ,m. KEX CM, llet .m, DIAL LISTING KOAC, SSI Ufkr nmntn F.M.. im u' fAAr Frtdnr ran'. Th.at.ri. S:M. X.rt Irom Ear.net S:0t, Newe a W.atheri fi:4J, Oreeon Leslel.tnrei 1:1S, Farm Bonn 8:00, BBC Thealeri :0O, Meile That Endnree: t:, Meditatloni !:, Slra Oil. lt:M B.w.i l.:15. IaMI.Ur foe Wmai 11:15, Center! Belli 1S:N, Mm; :!, Farm Baare, Marian aaantr uente. M Freight Cars Wrecked in Frisco Verona, Mo, W) Forty-six cars of a 90-car Frisco freight train were piled into a "junk yard of wreckage" Tuesday in a derailment a half mile east of this Lawrence county com munity. No injuries were re ported. A Frisco official said it was hoped to have the line from St. Louis to the Southwest cleared late Tuesday. A passenger train was rerouted over Mis souri Pacific lines. ; By Ahren ACROSS l.Coal product 4. Musical instrument 8. Bridge score 12. Small fish 13. Notion 14. Wan 15. Find fault 17. Greedy 18. Part of a building 19. Salt of nitrle acid 51. Group 23. Happen again 24. Yale 25. Accent- plished 28 Recipient of a off. 30. Scheduled 32. In the direc tion ot 33. Claw 34. Title of respect ... 39. Among 36. Mature 38. Refuse 3D. Stutter 42. Note of ths scale 43. Harness strap 44. Minister's title 48. Sign 4. Fresh-water porpoise CO. Ocean 51. Confined 82. Loyal S3. Pigpen DOWN 1, Nervous affliction 2. Fuss I. Adapted to be used as a remedy 4. Rise of ' ground t. Town in Ohio ' 3 Pftf I5 lb I? fejtt 19 lO III 'M, ''M ia iiis - mvi 15 : w " ltir gs W i III TT-, TV dl'-wahw ---rr trfm 3T 'M--w& W" p mm i W xfr 48 !;g4T par Solution ef Ysstsrday'i Puttli 8. Controlled 7. Sudden fear 8. Bird 9. Molten rock 10. Dismounted 11. One asso ciated with the Persians 18. Thickness 20. English dynasty 21. Finest 22. Wide- mouthed Jar 23. Free 25. Cotton cloth 27. Without a title 28. Ireland 29. Whirlpool 31. Plague 32. Common metal 34. Calm 37. Danger 38. June bug 39. Store 40. Domesticated 41. May it be so 42. Close tightly 45. By. way of 48. Tennis devlci 47. Period of time . f l I I e,-