Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Wednesday, April 15, 1958
Officers .
Mrs. Dale Brooki was in.
(tailed ai prejidcnt of Marion
auxiliary to poit No. 661. Vet.
erans of Foreign Wars, Mon-
day nigni at the WW hall.
Installing officer was Mrs.
can UDerp, aepartment nrenl.
dent, assisted by Mn. Theresa
eea, mm. jaclc Noland, Mra.
Walter Green, Mrs. Donald
Dimou, Mrs. Tom Spelrs, Mrs.
Barbara Trimbell and Mra.
Verda DuBellls, all members
ot auxiliary to Police post No.
2807 of Portland.
Other officer Installed
were senior vice-president,
Mm. Donald Stupkaj junior
vice-presmeni, mm. Dave Hoi
weger; chaplain, Mrs. Barnev
Barnett; treasurer, Mrs. Covil
Case; conductress, Mrs. Al
Aeschllmann; guard, Mrs. Roy
Carter; patriotic instructor,
Mrs. Charles. Hagemann; secre
tary, Mm. Edna Prince; color
bearers, Mrs. Bill Kelso, Mrs.
Gordon Bressler, Mrs. James
Muckridge, Mrs. Dorothy
Michels; flag bearer, Mrs.
Halph O'Brien; banner bearer,
Mrs. Douglas Parkes; assistant
f, musician, Mrs. uoyd Ken
nedy: assistant apprptnrv
Dave . Furlough; historian,
Mm. Ada Kubista; assistant
conductress, Mrs. Ivell Haley;
three-year trustee, Mrs. C. M.
Mm. Briggs was presented
with her past president's pin
by Mrs. Joe Horneffer, Jr.,
past president of the auxiliary.
Department officers present
for the installation voera Mn
I Loyal Atkinson, past depart
ment president and Mrs. Ar
wln Strayer, past department
president, both of Salem; Mm.
Herb Dana, past department
president of Portland; Mrs. L.
R. Henderson, department
junior vice-president of Port-
land; Mrs. Joe Hopkins, de-
i;i partment assistant conduc
i tress; Mm. Garry Hansen of
1 Dallas, president of district
J No. 19, and Mrs. Carl, Shoe
I maker of Portland, president
i of district No. 12; Mrs. George
; Mason, department American
f Ism chairman.
Attending the event were
many guests, Including Mm.
Louis Maurer, president, Ma
I rine Corp League auxiliary;
s Mm. H. W. Freisen, comman-
1 der of Salem Navy Mothers;
i Mrs. John Humphrey, past
:1 president Spanish American
War Veterans auxiliary; Mrs.
Jake Lappln, president of
Gold Star Mothers, Salem
2 chapter; Mrs. Glenn Prather,
president, American War
Mothers; Mrs. James Garson,
t past president American1 Le-
i gion auxiliary No. 9; ;. Mrs,
George Blchards, past presl-
'dent of the Eagles auxiliary:
, Mrs. Louis Tyler, president.
woodburn auxiliary, . VFW.
' Refreshments were served
1 by the past presidents of Mar
ion auxiliary under the direc
tion of Mm. Ralph Harlan.
Musical selections were pre
sented by Mrs. Ronald Craven
of Salem.
The Gold Star Mothers pre
sented the auxiliary with I
large utility cart for the VFW
hall kitchen. Presentation was
made by Mrs. George Pro of
the Salem chapter.
PR1NGLE Pleasant Point
Social club Js meeting Thurs
day for luncheon at the home
. of Mrs. A. R. Barnes.
Cookie Mer
Regularly fl.OO up
with blue triangk
from bag
wHk Mch
Cufi alaaa.
Is Engaged The betrothal
of Miss Wanda Chapman,
above, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto G. Chapman of
Dallas, to Wilfred A. Ha
worth, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Haworth ot Alba
ny, was announced recently.
Junior Guild
Presents $2000
To Church Fund
Junior guild of St. Paul's
Episcopal church is one of
the latest groups to donate
sums to the new church build
ing fund, the members voting
$2000 to the fund in meeting
The guild met at the sarish
house for salad luncheon, the
master theme featuring the
decorations. Past presidents
were honored. Mrs. John S.
Tyler, Jr., now president, pre
sented each of the past leaders
with a corsage and a special
napkin on which was printed
Junior Guild, 1891- 1953.
Music was from the Salem
high school vocal department,
in charge of Howard Miller,
Peter Van Horn singing with
Miss Fat Shields as accompa
nist 1
Mrs. W. H. Damery was
welcomed as a new member.
Mrs." George L. Hill was
a guest.
Mrs. Miller B. Hayden pre
sented new coffee pitchers
and creamer and sugar 'sets
to the 'guild. Also used for
the first time were place mats
purchased by the guild for
the parish house.
Birthdays observed were
those of Mrs. MiUer B. Hay
den, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mm.
J. F. Causey, Mrs. J. N. Cham
bers, Mn.. George H. Swift,
Mrs. Alvln Hartley of Silver
ton, Mrs. Ottis Berry, Mrs.
Donald H. Upjohn. " -
The group outlined plans
for the silver tea and doll
show to be featured at the
parish house next Wednesday,
April 22, between 3 and S
Today's Menu
. Family Supper
Meat Loaf with Tomato Sauce
Browned Potatoes
Cooked Green Cabbage
Buttered Carrots
Rhubarb Marshmallow Whip
Bread and Butter
Rhubarb Marshmallow Whip
Ingredients: 1 pound pink
rhubarb, 2 tablespoons water,
Vi pound (about 16) marsh'
Method: Clean and cut rhu
barb into 1-inch lengths. Put
rhubarb and water in a heavy
saucepan. Cover and cook
over low heat until tender,
about 15 minutes. Stir to
blend. Add marshmallows;
cover and continue cooking
over low heat until marsh'
mallows are almost melted. Re.
move from heat and stir un
til blended. Place saucepan in
pan of cold water to cool for
about 15 minutes. Spoon into
4 sherbet glasses. Chill. Makes
4 servings.
mp0rld 3-on-l
aaaarela ,T Bf 1 J
tare ot too aroeatl 7;' i
fat. oaiyl I ..;.-- -'J
RImh iMml
Roll It In aacondi yon eat torn of eooklM
in 6 fancy durna. And aitra pnbM com
when you on Kltchon Craft Flour. Iff are
flufltd, sifted auparflna throuf h tOk for Ufht
baking. Gonrantoai battar bikini or you
money back. Try itl
OSC E vents
Salem Group
Busy on
Capital Journal Oarrtipendint
Oregon State College, Cor
vallls (Special) This evening
at 8 o'clock in Gill coliseum
marks the time and place for
the OSC music department's
presentation of "Oregon . . .
The Land of Romance." The
program, planned In tribute to
the natural beauties of Oregon,
will feature a cappella choir,
Men's Glee, Women's Chorus,
the orchestra and the concert
band. Included on the program
is the Oregon Suite written by
Joseph Brye, music professor
on campus. One of the parts
of this suite is entitled "The
Ocean Has Beaches with Plen
ty of Sand," In which Pebble
DeSart of Salem will sing with
a trio in its presentation. Oth
er students from Salem par
ticipating are Steve Lee, Carl
Holmquist, Verl Holden, Max
Morris, Don Schreider, Cella
Weaver, Jim Todd, Arvln
Crose, Jerry Gillespie and Bob
On the women's calendar
for this week-end is the Pan
hellenic retreat to the coast.
All sorority presidents and
rush chairmen will be attend
ing. Those from Salem making
the jaunt are Edna Manning,
Alice Lehman, and Ann Forris
tel. Alice Rowland of Indepen
dence, who is Panhellenic
president, will also be attend
ing. Now turning to the men's
side of the agenda we find that
this week-end starts fraternity
"Help Week." This week, for
merly known as "Hell Week,"
wnen all sorts of stunts were
pulled on the new Initiates, has
oeen outlawed by interfrater
nlty council. The new type of
work to be done by Initiates
will consist of cleaning church
property, which will Include
yards, furniture, etc.
News for women and men
alike came this past week-end
when the Associated Women
Students council approved the
bill to extend women's closing
hours until 10:30 p.m. on week
nights. The ruling takes effect
next fall term.
In recent elections Eevi Tar
em was chosen as the new sec
retary ot the Women's Physi
cal Education club. Ann For-
ristei, also of Salem, was elect
ed rushing chairman of her
sorority, PI Beta Phi. Slama
Kappa sorority announced that
Celia Weaver of Salem la the
new treasurer for their organ
ization. Pat Morton and Bar
bara Wagness were initiated
this past week-end into Gam
ma Phi Beta sorority.
It won't be long before this
week-end is past and then
preparations will be made for
High School Senior Week-End.
Plans are more elaborate than
ever and activities scheduled
will give high school students
a good idea of the fields of
study as well as social life here
at OSC. We hope to see a lot
of Salem students here when
that time rolls around.
Guests Entertained
At Star Chapter
Woodburn More than 100
members and guests attended
the regular meeting of Ever
green chapter No. 41, Order of
the Eastern Star, at the Mason-
re temple, Monday night, in
cluding a large number of In
vited guests from Chadwick
chapter of Salem and Laurel
chapter of Canby, for "friend'
ship night."
Honored and escorted to the
east were Herman Johnston of
Chadwick chapter, grand sen
tinel of the grarid chapter of
Oregon; Mrs. Celma Heater,
member of the pay of represen
tatives committee of the grand
chapter; Mrs. Paul Grlebenow,
worthy matron and Paul Bram
ble, worthy patron of Chad
wick chapter; Mrs. Helen Beck,
worthy patron of Chadwick
chapter; Mrs. Helen Beck, wor
thy matron and A. L. Beck.
worthy patron of Laurel chap
ter. Each honored guest was
presented with a gift.
Invitations were read to re
ceptions for grand officers
from Hope chapter at La
Grande for April 22; from
Vesta chapter at Florence for
April 23; from Annie Fulton
chapter at Wasco for May 1;
and from Forest chapter at For
est Grove for May 4.
Appointed on the refresh
ments committee for April 27
when degrees will be con
ferred were Mr. and Mrs. Har
low C. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Burt and Mrs. Myrtle
Ph. 4-3333
Husband-Wife Duo Gets
Legion-Auxiliary Offices
Silverton The reports of
both the Delbert Reeves Amer
ican Legion post and auxiliary,
No. 7, at their separate meetings
Monday evening, showed the
first selections of the two nomi
nating committee groups Indi
cating a husband and wife exe
cutive team for the coming
year, as no nominations from
the floor were presented.
The auxiliary nomination
committee, Mm. Ralph Francis,
Mrs. C. J. Towe and Mm. John
Demas, suggested Mrs. Charles
Bascue for president for the
coming Legion year. The post
committee, headed by R a 1 p h
Francis assisted by C. J. Towe
and Arthur Gottenberg, pre
sented the name of Charles
Bascue for commander. Two
additional presentation of
names for official lists will be
made before final election.
Other nominations for the
auxiliary Include: For first vice
president, Mrs. Nettle Noren;
second vice president, Mrs.
Bruce Billings; secretary, Mrs.
Ernest Starr; membership sec
retary, Mrs. Ralph Gordon;
treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Hlglnboth
am; chaplain, Mrs. Dewey Al
len; historian, Mm. Gladwyn
Harare; sergeant at arms, Miss
Margie Moseng; members of
the executive committee, Mm.
Harry Kuch, Mrs. E. A. Kern
and Mrs. Thomas Blundell.
Mrs. George Hubbs, chairman
of the Girls State committee,
reported four candidates to be
sent to the Girls State June
conference at Willamette uni
versity. Making possible the at
tendance of the four girls are
the members of the Silverton
Woman's club, the Lions auxil
iary members, one, each, and
from the American Legion unit
No. 7, auxiliary, two girls.
Mrs. William Smead, Ameri
canism chairman,' told of the
essay contest for students of
St. Paul's parochial, Silverton
senior and junior high schools.
Poppy poster judging will be
Friday of this week, at the
home of the chairman, Mrs.
Charles Mason. Town and ad
jacent rural schools are com
peting for poster entries this
year, Mrs. Mason announced.
The poppy sales chairman, Mrs.
Li, y. uenier, announced re
ceiving the poppies from the
Portland facility, and plans
progressing for the May street
A campershlp for Girl Scouts
at Smith Creek with a prefer
ence expressed for a worthy
Silverton girl, was voted. The
discussion on completing the
furnishings in the auxiliary re
tiring room was favorable,
' The unit went on record as
favoring the nomination of Lois
Under "good of the order" a
post-Easter service was held,
featuring a lighted cross and
special sacred music by a choir
which included Mrs. Freda
Burt, Mm. Alice Clark, Mrs,
Nela Detweiler, Mrs. Ruth
Thomson and Mrs. Hazel
Thompson with Mrs. Esther
Keller accompanying.
Each of the honored guests
spoke briefly and there were
announcements of the past ma.
irons' meeting April 15 and
Rainbow initiation April 22,
Refreshments were served by
a committee which Included
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Beers,
Mrs. Harold Schlel, Mrs. Jean
Bulrd and Mrs. Tresa Walling.
Table decorations were spring
flowers, miniature Easter hats
and tiny umbrellas.
Tonight try
100 Pure Grape
Bottled in California
tef.y Only
Guild 80c
hr i
Erlckson for department presi
dent, and Marie Wilcox as de
partment vice president, the
election to be at the state con
vention at Seaside the latter
part of June.
At the reauest of the mem
bers ot the post, the second
meeting s in April, Monday,
AprU 27,' will begin at 7:30
o'clock instead of 8, to give
more time to the joint session
of the post and unit, for the
old-fashioned basket social.
Mrs. Ralph Francis will en
tertain at her South Water
street home for the annual
Gold Star Mothers tea, Friday,
May 1, beginning at 2:15 in the
afternoon, with the auxiliary
president, Mrs. Robert Allen,
general chairman. To plan a
program will be Mrs. William
Smead. Other chairmen are:
Mm. Harry ' Kuch, corsages
Mm. Charles Mason, transpor
tation; Mrs. Dewey Allen, dec
orations; volunteers to furnish
cars, Mrs. Charlie Bascue, Mrs,
A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Caroline
Gordon, Mrs. Magda Frank; to
serve in the kitchen, Mrs. E,
A. Kern, chairman, Mrs. Nettie
Norn, Mrs. L. P. Oehler, Mrs,
Norman VonBorstel, Mrs. Vel
ma Wllch and Mrs. John De
mas. ,
New Members in
Voodburn CDA Court
Woodburn Court Victors
No. 731, Catholic DaughteM oi
America, met in regular ses
sion Monday night at St. Luke's
hall. New members introduced
were Mrs. Frank Bentley, Mrs.
Lena Nehl, Mrs. Laurena Whit
ney, Mm. Violet Schafler, Mn.
Rose Marie 6tlcka, Mrs. Lou
ise Koeneman and Mrs. Gen-
aro Ramon.
A nominating committee was
named in preparation for the
annual election of officers to
be at the next meeting, May 11,
Memben of the committee are
Mm. Max Warring, Mm. Steve
Bauman and Mrs. Henry Whit
ney. .
Members are asked to bring
used clothing to the May meet
ing for the welfare committee
A report was given on the
recent card party and plans
: OFFER " -VK-y.
made to hold the second party
In the series Thursday, April
18, at St. Luke's hall with Mrs.
George Grlmps and Mrs. D-il-mar
Hopkins as co-chairmen.
The committee appointed to
serve refreshments at the next
meeting includes Mrs. Florence
Nibler, chairman; Mrst Margar
et Crosby, Mrs. Harold Elch
steadt, Mrs. Delman Hopkins,
Mm. I. Zellnka, Mrs. Fhllome
na Ficek and Mm. Betty Jones.
Card Party
Woodburn The second
card party in a series by the
Woodburn Catholic Daughters
ot America will be Thursday,
April 16, at 8 p.m., in St.
Luke's hall. Co-chairmen are
Mm. George Grlmps and Mrs.
Delmar Hopkins. . Both 800 1
and pinochle will be in play
and refreshments served. The
public is Invited. s''
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