Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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Wednesday, April 15, 1953
Capita I Women
Miss Benz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benz of
Salem announce the engage
merit of their daughter, Mil
Evelyn Benz, to Hugh Harper,
Jr., ion of Mr. and Mn. Hugh
Harper of Canby.
The wedding if planned for
thii summer.
A Salem high graduate, the
bride-elect completed two
years at Oregon State college,
where the is a member of
Alpha XI Delta sorority. She is
now employed by the research
department of the state tax
commission. ,
Mr. Harper, after graduating
from Canby high school,
served three years in the army.
Since then he has been em
ployed with George Irwin,
Canby building contractor.
News of the engagement was
revealed this last wek-end and
to those attending the Alpha
XI Delta alumnae meeting last
At April 11 Rites
Wed in a simple service at
the West Salem Methodist
church, April 11 were Miss
Lenora Kline of Salem and Pvt.
Kenneth . Davis of fort
Lewis, Wash. The Rev. Harold
W. Black read the vows. Only
members of the families at
The bride wore light blue
dress with white accessories
and carried a white Bible top
ped with gardenias.
Mrs. Kay Richardson, San
Francisco, was honor attend'
ant end Robert D. McGhee, Sa
lem, was best man.
The bride will stay at borne
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis M. Jeffers, until her hus
band is discharged from Fort
Lewis, f ' t
Entertain Alumnae
Chi Omega alumnae met
last evening at the chapter
bouse. Reports were jjiven on
the recent children's style
show. Proceeds from the bene
fit were turned over to the
pediatrics ward at Salem Gen'
eral hospital.
Hostesses for the Tuesday
meeting were Mrs. Paul Mies
wander, Mrs. Pat Beal, Mrs.
George. L. Hill. Others attend
ing were Mrs. Jackson 'Haze
Ictt, Mrs. Carl Jonasson, Mrs.
Robert Moe, Mrs. Dale Pence,
Mrs. C. L. Webber, Jr., Mrs.
Francis T. Wade, Mrs. George
W. Taylor.
Alumnae Meet
Phi Mu alumnae met last
venlng at the home of Mrs.
Wllmer H. Page.
Mrs. Alfred Larson was
welcomed as a new member.
The group discussed plans
for the benefit bridge party
to be given the evening of
April 28 at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg for
members and friends.
HOME FROM a trip to Van
couver, B.C., are Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Stevens and Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Davis. The latter
couple recently moved to
Salem from Portland.
Party Honors
Mrs. C. A. Tom
Mrs. C. A. Tom, who if
here from Bufus during the
legislature session with her
husband. Representative Tom,
is to be honored at . an in
formal party for which Mrs.
George H. - Windedahl is to
entertain at her home this
evening. Bridge will be play
ed and a late dessert served.
Guests, including several
old friends of the honoree
during Oregon State college
days, will be Mrs. Tom, Mrs.
J. Rorlck, Mrs. Ronald Blun
dell, Mrs. William M. Smith,
Mrs. P. J. Blake, Mrs. Robert
U. Sklblnskl, Mrs. Allan
Siewert, Mrs. James A Hen
ery, Mrs. Casper Scbweigert,
Mrs. Harvey Bonne, Mrs.
George - W. Dewey, Jr., Mrs.
Louis Ertz, Mrs. Richard Pic
Kell, Mrs. Robert Boot, who
la here from Medford for the
session, her husband also
being in the bouse.
HOSTS this evening to a
group of legislative friends
will be Representative and
Mrs. Robert L. Xlfstrom, in
viting the group to call at their
Fairmount Hill borne between
S and 7 o'clock.
Soroptimist Club
Cancels Party Tonight
Soroptimist club announces
that its social meeting planned
for this evening has been cancelled.
The regular luncheon will be
next Wednesday noon at the
Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. Donald Relnke, presi
dent of the club, has been in
vited as one of those to pour
at the annual table setting con
test and tea of the Oregon
City club next Tuesday eve
ning, the event to be in the
West Linn hotel. Among others
going from here will be Mrs.
Marie Ling, Mrs. Henry Kay
ter, Miss Lena Blum, Miss
Mary Brady.
80th Birthday
Mrs. Sophia Rhode of Scio
was honored on the occasion
of her 80th birthday anniver
sary at a family dinner
gathering on Sunday at the
home of her grandson, LeRoy
Montgomery in Salem.
Four of Mrs. Rhode's daugb
tert and their husbands were
present as well as other re
latives. The group included
Mn. Rhode, Mr. and Mrs. Or
ton Agar of Warrenton, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Teigen of
Valsetz, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Montgomery of Scio, Miss Effie
Rhode of Portland, the four
women being daughters of the
honoree: e granddaughter,
Mrs. Henry Coyle of Warren
ton,. a grandson and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Montgom
ery of Corvallis; and Mr. and
Mrs. LeRoy Montgomery.
Mrs, Rhode is a native of
Linn county and has lived
there aU her life.
WOMAN'S Society of World
Service, Englewood Evangeli
cal United Brethren church,
will meet at the home of Miss
Leila Lucky, 679 Breys, on
Thursday for dessert at 1:15
o'clock. Devotions will be led
by Mrs. Nora Cole.
Told in
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. HUfiker,
1280 Hi Hiker road, Salem, an
nounce the engagement and ap
proaching marriage of their
daughter, Miss Evelyn HUfiker,
to Moylen D. Peterson, eon of
Mrs. L. Mauchley of Pgden,
June 20 has been set as the
wedding date.
The bride-elect is a member
of the faculty of the Parkrose
schools, Portland. She is a gra
duate of Oregon College of
Education. She also attended
Willamette university and Ore
gon State college, where she is
a member of Alpha Omicron
Pi sorority.
Her fiance is a student at the
University of Oregon School of
Dentistry at Portland. He is
affiliated with Zi Si Phi. He
previously attended University
of Utah and Webber junior col
Founders Day
For Sorority
An interesting talk on her
life in her native land of Hoi'
land given by Miss Cornelia
Boogerd, exchange student in
this country, for the founders
day meeting of Alpha Xi Delta
alumnae Tuesday evening at
Colonial House. Miss Boogerd
is studying in this country, at
Oregon State college, under a
fellowship given through na'
tional Alpha Xi Delta. Other
guests at the dinner were Mrs,
B. F. Schumacher of Corvallis,
province vice president, and
Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse of
This was the 60th anniver-
sary for the sorority. Follow
ing the dinner the group went
to the home of Mrs. M. s.
Knickerbocker for the found'
ers day candlelight service.
Mrs. Schumacher announced
that Mrs. A. C. Newell of the
Salem alumnae is the new state
membership chairman.
Attending the meeting, be
sides the three guests, were
Miss Elise Schroeder, Miss Ver
na Keppinger, Miss Evelyn
Benz, Miss Marion Joseph, Mrs,
A C. Newell, Mrs. William E
Healy, Mrs. B. J. Kerns, Mrs.
Eugene Laird, Mrs. William D.
Galloway, Jr., Mrs. Myron
Pogue, Mrs. R. W. Tavenner,
Mrs. Elmer Meade, Mrs. Lloyd
Darling, Mrs. M. E. Knicker
Executive Board .
Woodburn' Mrs. H. A
Lohse was hostess Monday
night at her country borne for
a meeting of the executive
board of Una temple No. 26,
Pythian Sisters, of Aurora.
Present were Mrs. Erwin Mil
ler, most excellent chief; Mrs.
Lottie Fry, excellent senior;
Mrs. H. A. Lohse, excellent
Junior; Mrs. Fay Gooding,
treasurer; Mrs. William Bush
man, protector; Miss Schnei
der, secretary and Mrs. Fred
Schneider, director of work.
After the business meeting
a social evening was enjoyed
and refreshments served 'by
the hostess.
C uxmdcnfu! new
Some Notations...
. '' BTM.L.F,
Peterson and Mn. Bruee F
It must be because the base
ball season is starting again
anyway, there have been more
calls than usual to ask if we
knew Hank Greenberg was at
the Senator hotel. , . . Over a
long period of time there have
been occasional calls when the
name has been sounded out at
the Senator, paging M. "Hank"
Greenberg, son-in-Jaw of Sen
ator owner, State Representa
tive W. W. Chadwick and a
hotel staff member. . , . Some
times the calls have been in
all seriousness, others as would-,
be jokes for the newspaper.
Three of the "tip-off" calls in
all seriousness have come in
this week. However, the Hank
Greenberg of baseball fame and
now one of the owners of the
Cleveland Indians is not the
man they page at the hotel, and
the local Hank Greenberg is
one of the first to set them
straight because whenever he
answers the page he is the ob
ject of stares from the unknow
ing public. ...
Wives of state senators were
special guests for the. coffee
party for which Mn. Robert
Y. Thornton was hostess at her
attractive Ben Vista drive home
on Candalaria Heights, Tuesday
morning. . . . The senate con
tingent were enjoying the gath
ering especially, realizing it
was one of the last few 1933
session parties to be given dur
ing their stay in Salem with the
legislature so nearly over. . . .
The coffee table was set with
a white embroidered cloth and
a centerpiece of white, yellow
and pink blooms. ...
Mrs. Eugene Marsh, wife of
the senate president, poured
during the first hour, Mn. Paul
Patterson, Oregon's first
lady, during the second hour.
. . Assisting in greeting and
serving the guests, Mrs. Robert
Holmes, Gearhart, wife of
Senator Holmes; Mrs. Ervln L. i
Pickett ...
Among out-of-town guests
were Mrs. Thornton s motner,
Mrs. Carl Haberlaeh, over from
Tillamook, the former home of
the Thorntons; and the hostess'
sister, Mn. Chester Knowltoa
of Portland. . . . Mrs. itnowi.
ton, a talented musician, played
numbers during the latter pe
riod of the party. . . .
Also greeted as an out-of-
town visitor, Mrs. William M.
McAllister of Medford. .
The McAllisters have been here
during the early part of the
week. ... Mr. McAllister Is a
former state senator and for
mer state representative. . .
Mrs. McAllister reports their
daughter, Kathryn, will be en
tering Stanford university this
year. . . . Their son, Bill, Jr.,
is completing his first year at
Harvard. ...
Among the senate group
greeted during our call, Mrs.
Truman A. Chase of Eugene,
Mn. Ben Day of Gold Hill,
Mrs. Lowell Steen of Milton-
Freewater, Mrs. Frederick S,
Lamport and Mn. Douglas
Y eater, both of Salem; Mn.
Dean H. Walker of Independ
ence, Mn. Jack Bain, Portland,
Mn. Gene Brown of Grants
Pass, Mn. John P. Hounsell of
Hood River, Mrs. Angus Gibson
of Junction City, Mn. George
A. Ulett of CoquiUe, Mn. Stew.
art Hardle of Condon, Mrs.
Philip S. Hitchcock of Klamath
Falls, Mn. Paul Geddes of
Koseburg, Mrs. Elmo E. Smith
of John Day . . . Among other
guests, Mrs. Howard Morgan of
Monmouth, Mn. John Gold
smith, Mn. R. H. Baldock, Mrs.
Floyd L. Utter, Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague, Mrs. Francis T.
Wade, Mrs. Wallace Canon.
Mrs. Charlea H. Heltsel, Mrs.
Arm In Berger, Mn. Earl C,
Latonrette, Mrs. Harold War
ner, Mn. Hall Lusk, Mn.
James T. Brand, Mrs. William
C. Perry. . . ;'
BPW Club Social
Cards followed the no-host
dinner for Business and Profes
sional Women's club Tuesday
evening, Mrs. Donald Ringle
and Mrs. Thomas Lovett being
in charge of arrangements.
Salem club members going to
Dallas Monday evening to con
duct an emblem service for ini
tiation of Dallas women will be
Mrs. Claude Jorgensen, Mrs.
Mona Yoder, Mrs. George Cau
sey, Mrs. Regina Ewald, Mrs.
Cecil Hobbs, Mrs. Effie King,
Miss Mildred Yetter, Miss Vada
Hill and Mrs. E. Alexander
A SON, their first child, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. James
Lee Foster at Salem General
hospital on Monday, April 13.
The baby has been named War
ren Lee. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Amell of
Waldport, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam H. Foster of Salem and
the great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh
of Salem.
OFF TO Palm Springs, Los
Angeles and 'other southern
points for a two weeks vaca
tion are Mr. and Mrs. Robert
L. Elfstrom, Jr.
Rainbow Event
Plans were made Tuesday
evening by Chadwick assem
bly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, to entertain Chadwick
chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
at tne next meeting. April 28,
The girls will make May
baskets for the shut-ins. Re
ports were given on grand as
sembly meeting and the food
sale. i
Miss Arda Lien, worthy ad'
viser, celebrated her birthday
Tuesday evening and she was
presented with anniversary
cakes which were served dur
ing the social hour.
Alpha Theta alumnae planned
for Thursday evening has been
cancelled, the next event to
be on the regular date in May.
HOSTESS to her bridge club
last evening was Miss Antoin
ette Kuzmanich. Mrs. George
C. Alexander was bidden as an
additional guest.
Is Told
Mrs. Myrtle O'Day If an
nouncing the engagement of
her daughter, Miss Patricia
O'Day, to Wayne Harper, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har
per. No date it set for the wed
ding. The bride-elect if em
ployed In the office of the
secretary of state and Mr.
Harper is with the St Clairs
service station.
MUSIC group of the Ameri
can Association of University
Women is meeting Friday at
the home of Mrs. Edward
Dyck, 2540 Sunrise, dessert to
be at 1:80 o'clock with Mn. J.
E. West as co-hostess. Mn.
Franklin Ward is to play piano
numben. Program notes will
be presented by Mn. Bernard
Shanks and Mrs. Raymond
Chief Warren Is
Speaker for Group
Chief of Police Clyde War
ren was speaker at the meet
ing of Bush School Mothers
club, Tuesday, discussing traf
fic safety. Members of the
school safety patrol were spe
cial guests. In charge of the
coffee hour were Mn. Louis
Lorenz and Mrs. Everett Wil
cox. On the hospitality com
mittee were Mrs. Paul Kuper
and Mn. Glenn Schroyer.
Achievement night is an
nounced for April 30 at the
school and at that time the
mothers will have a cake walk
with Mrs. Gerhard Pagen
stecher and Mn. C, A, Schae-
fer in charge.
AMONG hostesses nf the
mid-week was Mrs. Thomas E.
Riles who entertained at a
bridge luncheon this afternoon
at her apartment in the Capital
LEAVING Saturdav fnr two
weeks visit in California are
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Gordon. '
Garden Club Events
Gaiety Hill Carden club
members have been invited to
an informal breakfast at the
home of Mrs. Robert M. Fitt-
maurlce, on Tnursoay.
. ff i the ClUD
memben will go to Portland
for a tour of primrose gardens.
i.i i l,..lunn 0I1PSIS
They win on juiiw"-" -----of
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn at the
University dub that after
noon. ii ii ..m aw mmi mmmm mm
Scouts Conduct
Area Event
Officers and board of di-
nt ho Kontinm Area
Three Riven area. Girl
Scouts council, met together
for a joint training conierence
t th nreenn State College
Memorial Union building at
Corvallis, Tuesday.
The members were divided
into discussion groups for the
morning, gathering together
after lunch for evaluation oi
each study group.
T.nnrhenn was served in the
Memorial building. The guest
speaker was Dr. Glenn a.
Bakkum, head of the sociology
riennrtment. who is interested
in youth work. He spoke on
the application of Girl Scout
ing to better democratic living.
Annroximatelv 50 adult Girl
Scouts attended the training
conference. Those attending
from the Santiam Area Girl
Scout council board were: Mrs.
A. L. Thometz, Sweet Home;
Mrs. R. A Talbott Albany:
Mn. Dan Ashton, Sweet Home;
Mrs. Chester Chase. Salem:
Mrs. R. N. Chase, Salem; Mn.
James Kunowsky, Salem; Mn.
Gordon Layton, Sweet Home;
Mrs. Harlan Moe, Silverton;
181 N. High St
Rb it ia
Whan the ma colorvanlihM
New Vanishing Cream Deodorant
with Non-Stalnlng CHLOROPHYLL
Ivory day rub it in nib odor oad
When the green color vanishes, the odor
is gone. New Arrid with Chlorophyll in
dohzii hutmlly on contact . . . giva you
rubbed-ia protection. Use it daily to pie
vent the appearance of perspiration to
keep underarms dry and odorless.
New Arrid with Chlorophyll is safefor
clothes. Antiseptic. A smooth, pleasant
vanishing cream. Preferred by 2 out of 3
women over their regular deodorant Get
on Arrid with non-staining chlorophyll!
of launS.rlsf
Mn. V. 3. Wlllaon, Comiu,.
Mn. Edwin Fortmiller, Al
bany; Mrs. "Clyde Richards,
Corvallis;. Mn. J. S. Starrett,
Silverton; Mrs. Willsm Wood-
ard, Silverton.
Portland arrived Tuesday
evening to spend a few days
visiting at the nome of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mn. cnanes ii. HeltzeL
Mrs. Gabriel has been attend
ing the Episcopal church' con
vention at Corvallis.
VALLEY BREAD the answer M '
"diet blues." Low in calories (1m
than 50 to the slice) yet high Is.
' muscle building proteins. And divot!
just try it toasted it's s new tut
ftrilL At your favorite food store
V "7 is.
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both lor $275 79
You'll never know bow glamorous
t bath can make you feel ... until you've
tried amsxing new Fmm Balk Eiitntt.
Isnparts snilUofl of bubbles with lavish perfume
value yo d expect to find only in an expen
sive barb ad. A generous Rscon is yours with
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ie Jmlrtit.
IH a ant fm Bilk Eimti $100
at- yea CcAe 26
Colors ...
Red I
Green f
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Reg. $15.95
Bags to
SALEM . . .
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Pretty, pretty hankie to peak gaily from
Spring ensemble . . . bargains In beauty, hand-
printed on sheer cool cotton and hemmed with
dainty embroidered scallops. You'll want a
handful of these BURMEL master designs at tha
specisl price . . . each a perfect little gift,
beginning with yourself.
r ' :'-?r.'.-t.'-? '