Wednesday, April 15, 195S Local Paragraph Violet Club Meets Salem enapter or the African Violet oclety will meet Friday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Mn. Irvln Bartela will be hostess to the group at her home, route 1, box 261, Aumsvllle. Co-hoateM la Mra. Wilson Bau man. Knights Visit Several members of Central Lodge No. IB, Knights of Pythias, of Sal em, went to Oregon City Tues day night where they were guests of Cataract Lodge. Those going were: Fred Stein, chancellor commander of Cen tral Lodge; Harry Wilson, Axel Jacobsen, Del Stuzman, Orval Harris, Bill Bowman, Park Sturgess, Harvey Scheldel, Hubert Gatts, and Don Jud son, grand vice chancellor of the Grand Domain of Oregon. Woodburn Improvement Widening of Bottle avenue in Woodburn is expected to be undertaken In the near future. The county court was Informed Wednesday by Killian Smith, who is interested in the im provement, that all of the legal formalities Involved have been taken care of. The county sur veyor will run the lines for the widening and a possible ex tension for a connection with the Pacific highway. Pleads Innocent A plea ofwho deposit their state Income Innocent on a charge of lar ceny by embezzlement was placed in district court Tues day by Harold R. Shell, Jeffer son. Shell is accused by his em ployer of taking $1 of taxi fares while working as a Yel low Cab driver in Salem. He was released on his own recog nizance pending trial, Pleads Guilty Erma Dugan pleaded guilty in district court Tuesday to a charge of petty larceny for stealing' a lawn- mower last week. He was sen fenced to 30 days in jail. ; Barge Has Trouble Wil lard Taylor, Salem Boat House, reports that Russell Towboat and Barge Company, engaged in barge traffic between the Lower Willamette and Albany, ' experienced a difficulty near the mouth of the Santiam Sun day that caused delay in the transportation, of a deck cargo to some Middle Willamette landing. Here the barge ap parently grounded against t rock and stove a hole in the metal hull that required many hours to repair. Building Permits Charles a. wooa, to miua an ouice ana workshop at 1385 Edgewater, , $2000. Paul Acton, to alter a garage at 350 Hansen, $250, Jerry Coblentz, to alter a ga rage at 655 Waldo, $700. James Monroe Cady, to reroof a two. atory dwelling' at 1396 North Fourth, $35. Rollin Pederson, to build- a one-story dwelling and garage at 585 Johnson, .$9200. Rollin Pederson, to build one-story dwelling and garage at 575 Johnson, $9300. Herman Johnston, to alter a two-story dwelling at 390 West Hoyt, $5000. Mrs. H. L. Ness, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1998 Court, $11,800. Marion Man Held on Charge From Turner Granville George Combs, 40, Marlon, pleaded Innocent In Marion county district court Tuesday to a charge of at tempted rape involving a 14-year-old Turner girl. Combs was arrested in Mar ion Monday evening by state police after a complaint was signed by the girl's father. The girl, along with a 18-year-old girl friend, was hitch hiking from Marion to Turner Monday afternoon when .Combs picked up the two and he alleged assault took place. Judge Val D. Sloper set the preliminary examination for Friday and Combs was jailed in lieu of $3,000 bail. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, April IS Organized Naval Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve training cen ter. Battery D, 722nd AAA.AW bat talion, at quonset huts on Lee Street. Company D, 162nd regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. Friday, April 17 Seabee reserves, at Naval and Warine Corp Reserve training Center. At Fort Lewis Port Lewis, Wash. Pvt. Ishmael "Trlplett, son of Guy Trlplett. Route 2, Silverton, Oregon, has recently been assigned here for training with battery B. 720th Field artillery battalion, 44lh ln- rantry division BORN SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OUNTHER To Mr. Hid Mn. Room Ounlher, 405 8. 31th at.. b. April 14. SALP.M GENERAL HOSPITAL LIVELY To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Live It, 294 cindli St, tlrk April II. BRUNDIDGK To Mr. md Mrs. L. Brundldll, Rt. . Bol Jit, boy, orl1 "eENTZ To Mr. ant Mrs. Kenneth Bents, Bclo, boy. April 14. SILVERTON HOSPITAL BURR To Mr. and Mn. Robert Burr, a boy, April 14. ,. . MAKOELI TO Mr. and " Naesou, a tu-L April Civil Service Status Studied City Attorney ChrU J. Kowltz is studying the status of city civil service employe who have entered the military f ervlces and who have re enlisted In those services to determine whether they may retain their civil service standing with the city end be enUtled to aU seniority rights If they return to city employ ment. Pine Street Inquiry City Attorney Chris J. KowiU Is investigating the status of that part of Pine street ac quired by the State Highway Commission, especially to find out whether legally the city may impose liens against abutting property for the con struction of sidewalks along those parts of the street. It may be worked out by having the highway commission con vey the street to the city . Burglars Try An office window was broken near the latch and - the window was opened at Lee's used car lot, 241 North Church street, Tues day night, but nothing appear ed to be missing, owner Lee Greenlee and police said Wed nesday. Income. Tax Mail Persons tax forms in the Salem post of fice or In the receptacle at Church and Court street not later than midnight Wednes day will have their envelops cancelled as of April 15, re ports Postmaster Albert C. Gragg. This means the returns will not be subject to penalty. However, deposits made down town may not be picked up in time to bear the April 15 can cellation. Auto and Train Collide A sideswipe collision between a car and a train cost the car two fenders and a deep gash along the entire left side Tuesday evening. Herman Buren, 526 Tyron avenue, told police he was heading south on Front street about 7 o'clock when the accident occurred as the engine pushed the freight cars toward him. He didn't see the train cars in the dusk, Buren said, Car Runs Away A car roll ed unoccupied from a driveway onto South Commercial street Tuesday afternoon and collided with a passing car but damage was minor to each. The run away car of L. H. Perlman got a broken headlight when It rolled from the driveway at 2515 South Commercial street and the passing car got a bent fender. Its owner left the scene and was unidentified by police. 2 Convoys (Continued from Page 1) As the day of liberation neared for the allied captives, reports flew that discussions for reopening the whole pris oner exchange question might be opened soon at Panmun, Jom, Prisoner exchange is the only Issue blocking an arml stice. While there was nothing of ficial here, two members of the regular armistice delega tion arrived at this allied truce base community. . They are Brig. Gen. Ralph Osborne, and Brig. Gen. Edgar Glenn. The pick-up date for the Mt. View rummage sale will be April 21st. The sale will be May 2. So please have your rummage ready. 90 Lady's suits $5 to $25. Y.W.C.A. Budget Shop, 162 South Commercial. Open Fri days, Saturdays 10 to S. 80 Quick service! Have glasses in one day, made to prescrip tion of your optometrist by Semler Optical Offices, Waters Adolph Bldg., State & Com mercial. Phone 3-3311. 90 Rummage sale, First Mtho dist church Thursday and Fri day, 10 a.m. 91 Goodwill truck now in Sa lem every Tuesday & Friday. Ph. 42248 for pickups. 90' Air-steamship tickets any where. Kugel, 3-7684, 153 N, High St. 80 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 90 Drastic reduction on new spring dresses silks, crepes, and acetates. Lorman's, 1109 Edgewater. Open till 7:00 p.m. 83' Fresh killed Grade A hen turkeys, 49c pound. Orwigs Market 3875 Silverton Road, 4-5742. 82 Good rummag sale by Alns- worth Social club, above Greenbaum's, Thurs., April 16, at 9:30 a.m. 90' SEE Al Kader Kapers, spon sored by Salem Shrine Club, Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m., Scottish Rite Building, 540 South Commercial. Variety program to please the whole family. Public invited! 81 AID FOR FIRE VICTIMS f Food, clothing, bedding and furniture are being col lected at the First Christian church, Cottage and Marion Sts., in Salem for the Leslie L. Chastain family who lost their home at Four Corners by fire Monday night. The fam ily includes five young children. In photo showing a por tion of the articles received from left are Mrs. Marie Utter back, Zina Sharpnack, and Mrs. Jerry Benedict. McKay Speaks ToWU Grads Secretary of Interior Doug las McKay, former governor of Oregon, will deliver the commencement address tb the graduating seniors of Willam ette university, May 31, ac cording to announcement by President G. Herbert Smith. Commencement e x e rcises will be held at McCulloch sta dium at 3 p.m., Sunday, May 31. It is the earliest com mencement for the university In a number of years. Herman Clark, professor emeritus, will deliver the bac calaureate sermon Sunday morning, May 24. ' Secretary McKay's services at the commencenent were made possible because he is to be in Oregon at the time to assist In the dedication of De troit dam. He will act as grand marshal of the Portland Rose festival before returning to the national capital. Visits Kells Stopping in Salem Tuesday to visit C. A. Kells was F. Glenn Wood, western representative for The American City Bureau of Chi cago. . Wood, a former YMCA man, knew Kells when the two men were in YMCA work When he made his Salem visit Tuesday he was en route to Riverside, Calif., to attend the National Community Chest convention. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Clifford Dauthartr vs oeone Aiex ander. superintendent of state peniten tiary: Order remalndlng plaintiff to the custody off superlntsnoent oi state penitentiary pendlnt further totlon oi the court In connection with applica tion lor writ oi hebssn corpui. TT. a. Rock wool Balei company vs Campbell Rock Wool company: Defend ant's answer to piainuirs amenaeo complaint. Jaeauellne Bedard va Charles X. Be- dtrd: Order of default entered aialntt defendant. Bernard Samuel vs Gilbert Herbert Vanderpool: Judtment order that plain tiff recover from defendant 1447.31 ra mi damaies and 170 special damates. Judith Laures Worrell, a minor by Edna M. Morrell, tuardlan ad litem, va Eelva and Darrell F. atratton: Defend ant's answer asklnt dismissal of com plaint. Mildred Jakabotky i Charlss Jaka- bosky: Divorce decree to plaintiff who clven custody of three minor child ren and restores formsr nams of Orubhs. Cella Marine Lent ley vs Xfan L. Lena- ley, Jr.: Divorce decree to plaintiff. Merchants Credit Bureau vs Hersll M. Acuff: Demurrer by defendant on rounda ot Insufficient evidence. Bdna Msy Bsker Hlckmaa vs Prsn Wtlllsm Hickman: Divorce complaint, alleslnc cruel and Inhuman treatment. Married at Yakima, Wash., November 13, IMi. plaintiff asks retlorstion of former name of Baker. Probata Court Nan M. Wasnar astattl Iitstf sp- praised at 1114,151.41. Clell P. Vwlni tuardlsnshlp: Order ap pointing Acnes O. Bains tuardlan, and authonslns placlnt ot mortrata os real property. Richard Lewis and Bthyl Ruth Rob arts tuardlanshlp: Ordsr termlnaltns tuardlanshtp. H. B. Abbott aetata: Order conflrmint sals of real property. Wlllltm Common attatt: Order tu- 1st Mar IS as time for hearing final account. tiling M. fTalvoraen rotate: Order au property. thorlslng ssehanso ot real H. r Abbott estate: Report of salt of real property. Marriage License joiepn o. snii. n, track driver, ion McCoy avenue, Salem and Helen Wels senfels, 10, clerk, Mt. Antel. Rleherd Bdwsrd McFsddtn, II, Isbor. ', toot Portlsnd Rood, snd Nsncv Carol Chambers, 17, auldent, Routt I, Bol 1(7. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Babm, Oregon 0 os City Showing Steady Growth Indicating the . gradual growth of Salem in population are figures from the Water department. From Mar oh, 1952, to March, 1953, the numbet of users in Salem increased from 11,894 to 12,269, a gain of 3.5 per cent, reports Manager John L. Geren. Water usage during the win ter months averages about one-fourth of that used dur ing the peak month of the year, says Geren. During March 15,637,580 cubic feet of water was billed for a total revenue of $28,897.34. This is an average bill for all users of $2.36 a month. The average residential user paid $1.67 a month. Korean War (Continued from Page 1) Decker said the directive first came to the army from Gen. George C. Marshall, sec retary of defense in 1950, and a similar directive had been handed down during the time that Robert A. Lovett was sec retary of defense. Decker said he didn't know how "far back" the responsi bility for the directive went, but that it possibly went as far as President Truman. He said the directive to as sume the war would end on each June 30, in preparing the military budge:, was cancel led when the new secretary of defense, Charles E. Wilson, took office. Earlier, Decker repeated what other witnesses have told the subcommittee, that in the fall of 1951 it was believed there would be a quick end to the war. Beige Nylon AAAA to B With Tan Trim Sise to 10 Also In Medium Heel FINE 466 State Street iP Mi Sweethearts Damage and Pair in Toils A string of incidents that started because , one driver wanted to race end another didn't put the would-be racer In the Salem city Jail Wednes day to (It out a 30-day jail sentence and $260 in fines, with another charge Still hang ing over him when those ere paid for. The whole thing ' started early Tuesday morning when Valfred Mauck, 22, 631 Breyt avenue, decided he wanted to race with Cecil G. Howe, I860 Maple avenue, as they were driving south on North Com mercial street. After Mauck pulled along side several times offering to race and was refused, he al legedly pulled behind Howe's car and proceeded to crash bumpers repeatedly. . Howe pulled alongside a police car at a stop light and told the State Building (Continued from Page 1) that a constitutional amend ment would be drafted for sub mission to the voters to permit the erection of a full fledged mental hospital' in place of the present authorized one. A new ward building at Fair- view home costing $132,000, construction of a building for a kitchen and other facilities at the state hospital. in Salem at a cost of $300,000 and a kitchen at the state blind school in Sa lem costing $25,000 were In cluded In the board of control's Institutional building program In Salem for the next blennl um. Crippled Children Wing Also included in this pro gram is the construction of a wing for crippled children at the Medical school, estimated to cost $280,000 and construction of a security room at the Tu berculosls hospital at The Dalles for $90,000. In the program for the board of higher education first prior ity is given to a journalism building at the University of Oregon at an estimated cost of $600,000. ; New Dental School The largest appropriation ap proved for a single project is $2,200,000 for a new dental school in Portland. A chemical engineering school building at Oregon State college at 760,- 000 was also approved, giving the board of higher education a total building allocation of $3,560,000. Appropriation for buildings to house a state car pool In Sa, lem was also approved by the joint committee, the estimated cost totaling $700,000. This sum would provide for the purchase of the Cherry City garage on 12th street between State and Ferry streets, to be used, as a service building and construction of a new building east of the state heating plant at 13th and Ferry street. Car Pool Planned The new building would be three stories high, with the third floor open for storing of cars. The department of agri culture will probably be moved Into one of the buildings, al though Chairman Belton an nounced that he had appointed a committee of three. Senator Angus Gibson and Representa tives Henry Semon and Dave Baum to work out details of occupancy of state departments in the buildings,, after one has been acquired and the other erected. The average value of cows in the United States was $128 per head Jan. 1, 1853 com pared with $179 per head Jan. 1, 1952. 12.95 AMUR ' , SHOES Next to Paylest Drug Assault Put of Law officer of the situation. Mauck, apparently seeing the police car, sped off with the officer in pursuit and soon outdistanced him at speeds up to 70 miles an hour. ;. During the chase, case of beer bot tles was thrown from the flee ing ear by one of Mauck' two passengers. A few minutes later, Howe said he was again accosted by the trio who cursed him for "squeeling to the cops" end proceeded to bump his car again. Howe headed for the police station where he was given an escort home. After the police ear left him, a group of youths including the trio, jumped from another car at Howe as he attempted to enter his driveway. They broke two windows out of his car with rocks in an attempt to get at him and his compan ion.. They, also banged up Howe's car with theirs. They fled before police arrived at the treat. By this time Howe's 1949 DeSoto had a broken grill, dents in the fender, a bent rear bumper ' and the right front and left rear window broken, police said. About 20 minutes later an other city officer, saw a ear answering the description of MaucK's neading east across North Capitol and gave chase. The car ran one stop sign and a railroad signal and pull ed away from the police car, which was doing 85 miles an hour, the officer said. It later proved to be Mauck's ear. ' Tuesday afternoon Mauck appeared in the city police station to ask if there had been , any charges placed against him. There had. He waa Immediately arrested by captain Glen Bowman on two charges of reckless driving and on a district court war rant charging assault and bat tery. . A companion, Wayne Rich' ard (Dick) Chambers, 18, 1345 Lee street, was also ar rested for assault and battery. The complaints were signed by Howe. Municipal Court Judge Douglas Hay Wednesday fined Mauck $35 on a pending reck less driving case for which he waa arrested . March 23, He then fined him $75 on the first of the two new charges and $180 on the aecond In addition to a 30-day jail sentence. Mauck still must appear in district court on the assault and battery charge following completion of his. present sen tence. '. Chambers pleaded guilty on the assault and battery charge Wednesday morning and the case was continued to Friday for sentencing. Just taste BNTUOT llXKDtD WHISKY It ROOf lliinnv Brook ft " BRAND oaife $A65 StK PINT 5TTo 4 QT. V Anderson and Taylor Highest Zither Ron Anderson or Ray Taylor will be the new presi dent of the Salem High School Student Body.' In the school election held today the two were highest of the candidates in the vote, but neither got a majority, and the contest will be decided In re vote Thursday of this week. Jeannlnie Graber was elect ed first vice president and Sharon Johnson was elected second vice president. For secretary a revote will be necessary Thursday between Beverly Lockard - and Anne Meeker. " .: For. song queen, with four to elect, Bev Lamb got the high , vote and .will be song queen, while Sharon Beard was elected as one of her assistants. There will be a revote for two others on Mary K. Brown, Nol Campbell, Gall Asbby and Fat Gordon. For yell king, with three to elect, Mike Benedict wai elect ed with the highest vote, and Mae Baker was elected an as sistant. There will be a re vote on Chuck Puhlman and Ed Robertson. . . r..,: OK Teacher (Continued from Page 1) 1 Senator Robert Holmes of Gearhart, who has been a lead ing advocate for improvement of the educational structure in Oregon, supported the Ander son report and told the commit tee that there should not be an attempt to institute the pro gram on a piecemeal basis. A major premise of the re port, he said, was that by of fering liberal art courses at the teacher colleges better grounded teachers will be available and in addition It would attract students who might not be Interested in be ing teachers during the first year of enrollment but would become interested and take up teachers courses later, adding to the much needed supply of teachers for elementary school Of the state, Effort to return the Ander son report bill back to com mittee failed as did an effort on the part fo Senator Gibson SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kind. Trusses. Abdo mlnal Support, Elastic Ho siery. Expert fitters, private lining rooms. "Ask roar Doctor" Capital Drug Store m Stat St. Corner of Liberty 8AH Green 8Ump it! You'll agree it's. A sip, taste, a jiggerful or-mft it as yon. like it ! That's the taste-test millions have made and Old Sunny Brook's superb Kentucky taste has pleased so many, it has become the world's largest selling Kentucky whiskey.?' 65X CUIX NIUTUl SrltlTS THl OLD SUNNY MOW tOWANY. 10UBVIUI KBItS! rip to table it The Anderson report recom mendations are In senate bill and that measure will go to the upper house while the bill on Portland state college wtu go to the house for consideration. , Soldier Ketermla Feu? soldier from thla community are aboard the transport Simon B. Buckner, arriving in Seattle Tuesday. They art: -Pfc. Jittv mie E. Domachofsky, Bout St Dallas; Captain Leslie J. Swope, Sweet Home; Sgt Nor man K. Zeller, Rout 1, Mo la 11a; and Pvt. Lavem P. Nel son, 1105 Cross street, Salam. LE6ALS SCHOOL rilTSICT BONO BUcnoa? STAT OF ORXOOK , . . I County of Uerlofi J I Sunnysldo school District We. MO iM JISIUHT OIVKlf snos the, school district bond election hires called to be hall at the School House la and for Sunnysldo chool District Ko. 0, at Marlon Oountr, Ores on. SATUR DAY, the llth day at April. A D. IMS, between the hours ot t o'clock p.m. and o'clock p.m., tnoro will be submittal tho legal voters thereof tho auasilost of oontractlnl a bonded todsbtsdnsag Is the sua of for the purpose of prortdlnK funds with which to con struct an additional classroom and lor- atonsi and sculp classrooms, ana mo dem! work of such project In and for said -achool district Tha vote to bo by ballot open wniea shall bo tho words "Bonds res" and 'Bonds No": and tno voter shall a cross X between the word "Eoodj" and the word "Yes" or between tho words "Bonds" and tha word "Ho" whloh indicates hla choice. . Tha pons for tho reception of mo Bal lots cast tor or asalnst tha contrac tion of aeld Indebtedness wllL en sold day and date and at tho place aforoaatd, os openea at the nour ox a o ciock sun. and remain open until tha hour of S o'clock p.m. ot the oamo day, whom tho samo ahall bo closed. By order ot the district school Boar ot Sunnysldo achool District Ho. ac, of Marlon County, Oreion, tsado ahls ajrd day of March, A.D. Its. cnairman. District school soar Letter a. Thomas . Attest: '- ' Mary Francos Laniford District Clark. April l, a, is, iim You can count oa 77, lor you quick CASH LOAN has a loan plan . for everyone wu. urn warns . $25 to $1500' Room 300 . 317 Court $6 -V' mgr. a Phono 4-4396 J. D. WA1KIX, Mgr. stem for